7 migliori film sui velisti

7 migliori film sui velisti

In inverno, quando finisce la stagione nautica, non tutti hanno l'opportunità di recarsi nelle calde regioni tropicali per viaggiare su uno yacht. Pertanto, per far fronte alla voglia di mare e allietare il tuo tempo libero, il team 2yachts consiglia di guardare film sul mare avventure e yacht.

Nel corso della storia dell'umanità, i viaggi per mare e le navi sono diventati la base per libri e film affascinanti. Dopotutto, tutti possono facilmente ricordare molte opere famose su questo argomento, ad esempio l'Odissea di Omero o I figli del capitano Grant di Jules Verne. Nonostante non ci siano così tanti film sulla vela e sulla nautica da diporto nel cinema straniero, ci sono film che possono facilmente sostituire le emozioni dello stare in mare e permetterti di evadere dalla vita di tutti i giorni. Sono film sull'eterno confronto tra l'uomo e l'elemento mare. Speriamo che guardare ciascuno dei film presentati in questo articolo non solo ti faccia piacere, ma ti permetta anche di imparare molte cose nuove e informative sulla nautica da diporto.

La speranza non svanirà (2013)

film su uno yacht

Hope Will Not Fade, un film d'avventura diretto da JC Chandor, racconta la storia avvincente della lotta disperata di un capitano di uno yacht in alto mare , che, per volontà del destino, si è ritrovato sull'orlo della morte. Il ruolo principale è interpretato dall'attore Robert Redford, che ha svolto un ottimo lavoro. È l'unico personaggio del film e, secondo i critici cinematografici, questo è il miglior ruolo di tutta la sua carriera.

Secondo la trama, il personaggio principale del film, un uomo-yacht alto, intraprende un viaggio da solo su uno yacht di lusso lungo le calde e calme acque dell'Oceano Indiano. Tuttavia, l'apparente calma è improvvisamente sostituita da eventi orribili che si susseguono , a seguito dei quali il velista deve sopravvivere in mare, sfidando versi feroci e non perdendo la calma nella lotta contro gli animali marini e i suoi stessi fallimenti.

Lo scafo di uno yacht a vela sfonda accidentalmente un container di metallo che passa. Il diportista deve fare ogni sforzo per riparare e mantenere lo yacht in assenza di radio e comunicazioni. L'unica speranza rimane: avvicinarsi alle rotte di navigazione, essere notati da una delle navi di passaggio . Tuttavia, il sole cocente, gli onnipresenti squali e l'avvicinarsi della fame fanno sì che il velista guardi la morte negli occhi. Pertanto, questo film può essere considerato una sorta di guida per sopravvivere in acqua e garantire la sicurezza su uno yacht.

"In balia degli elementi" (2018)

film su uno yacht

Il film del famoso regista islandese Balthazar Kormakur è uscito relativamente di recente, ma è già riuscito a raccogliere molte opinioni positive da parte degli spettatori . Questo film combina avventure in mare, immagini impressionanti di natura pittoresca e una bellissima storia della nascita di un grande amore.

Il film si basa su eventi reali e racconta l'incontro nel 1983 al largo di Tahiti di due personaggi principali - il marinaio britannico Richard e l'americano Tami sull'isola, che in seguito conobbero i proprietari dello yacht di lusso "Hazaña" - Peter e Christine Crompton. Secondo la trama, la coppia Crompton deve volare urgentemente a Londra e vedono una via d'uscita dalla situazione nell'offrire a Richard la consegna dello yacht da Tahiti a San Diego, negli Stati Uniti, per una sostanziale ricompensa in denaro.

Richard accetta e insieme a Tami si ritrovano su uno yacht di lusso nelle sconfinate acque dell'Oceano Pacifico. Improvvisamente la nave viene travolta da un potente uragano e i giovani viaggiatori devono sopravvivere nelle condizioni estreme degli elementi infuriati, in potere dei quali non sono solo il loro futuro, ma anche le loro vite. "Nel potere degli elementi" è un dipinto sulla resilienza umana e il potere dell'amore.

"Vento" (1992)

film su uno yacht

Un film drammatico del famoso regista Carroll Ballard racconta la partecipazione del velista americano Will alla regata più prestigiosa del mondo - "America's Cup", in cui, nonostante tutti i suoi sforzi, perde contro l'atleta australiano.

Tuttavia, grazie all'aiuto della sua ex fidanzata Kate, riesce a mettere insieme una nuova squadra e a vendicarsi restituendo il Trofeo negli Stati Uniti. Il regista ha ricreato con successo la straordinaria atmosfera delle regate in mare . È interessante notare che il produttore esecutivo del film è il leggendario regista americano Francis Ford Coppola.

Luce del mattino (2008)

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Dopo un intenso allenamento al largo della costa occidentale dell'America, danno il via a una regata che li porterà oltre 2.200 miglia da Los Angeles a Honolulu. Il film "Morning Light" è una storia sulla forza d'animo, il rapporto degli atleti in una squadra e il superamento di se stessi.

Tabarly (2008)

film su uno yacht

Il documentario Tabarly del regista francese Pierre Marcel descrive la vita del famoso velista francese Eric Tabarly . Glorioso francese e navigatore, Eric Tabarly fin dall'infanzia amava appassionatamente il mare e sapeva per certo che la sua vita in futuro sarebbe stata dedicata alla nautica da diporto.

Tabarli ottenne il suo primo successo significativo vincendo la Transatlantic Race nel 1964. Successivamente, il mitico velista ha vinto numerose vittorie in prestigiose regate ed è giustamente considerato il padre della nautica da diporto francese. Molti record furono stabiliti dal famoso velista francese, e tutta la sua vita fu dedicata al mare, mentre in mare trovò la morte.

Solitario (2013)

film su uno yacht

Il film del regista francese Christophe Offenstein è stato girato in Francia, Belgio e Spagna. In questo film, così come nel film americano Hope Will Not Fade, tutti gli eventi sono intrecciati attorno a un personaggio principale : un velista maturo di nome Jan Kermadek. Tuttavia, ci sono anche altri attori presenti e tra loro avvengono dialoghi.

Interpretato da François Cluse, nel ruolo di un velista solitario che sogna di partecipare al Vendée Globe, una regata di yacht in solitario intorno al mondo. Improvvisamente, non un giovane velista ha la possibilità di prendere parte a un evento così importante per lui - dovrà sostituire il suo amico in regata . All'inizio della regata, Jan diventa rapidamente il leader, ma il quinto giorno è costretto a fermarsi al largo delle coste brasiliane per riparare la chiglia. E in questo momento un incontro improvviso con un giovane clandestino scivolato su uno yacht (per raggiungere le coste della Francia) cambia l'intero corso della regata.

La corsa del secolo (2018)

film su uno yacht

Race of the Century racconta la vera storia del velista Donald Crowhurst, sopravvissuto al crollo della sua azienda di famiglia e che ha deciso di prendere parte alla regata mondiale per salvarsi dalla bancarotta. Partecipare a un viaggio intorno al mondo per il protagonista del film è il sogno della sua vita, inoltre, se vince la gara, riceve un premio dal quotidiano Sunday Times.

Nella storia, un marinaio dilettante del Regno Unito costruisce uno yacht con le proprie mani e intraprende un lungo e viaggio difficile da solo , in cui è supportato solo dalla moglie di Claire e dai tre figli che rimasto a terra. Senza molta esperienza e una formazione adeguata, la prestigiosa regata intorno al mondo diventa un'avventura, e in seguito la trama del film prende una piega insolita.

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12 migliori film sulle navi di tutti i tempi

film su uno yacht

Navi, yacht, incrociatori, c’è qualcosa nel mare aperto che chiama molte persone – le avventure di un tempo, la possibilità di domare una forza indomabile, o forse solo l’opportunità di navigare verso acque tranquille e calme e godersi qualche momento di silenzio.  Qualunque cosa sia, il mare ha chiamato molte persone, e hanno risposto.  Il cinema ha efficacemente catturato le varie circostanze che possono sorgere su una nave: i piaceri, la possibilità di intrappolamento, i pericoli del mare, la promessa di libertà.  Ecco l’elenco dei migliori film di sempre che si svolgono su una nave.  E sì, include il film sulla nave pirata di Tom Hanks – se è quello che stavi pensando.  Puoi anche guardare alcuni di questi migliori film su Netflix, Hulu o Amazon Prime.

12. La vita acquatica con Steve Zissou (2004)

Uno dei migliori film di Wes Anderson, questo film è caratterizzato da una bella narrazione, recitazione e temi toccanti e una cinematografia mozzafiato.  Steve Zissou, il protagonista interpretato da Bill Murray, è un oceanografo che decide di documentare i movimenti e la distruzione di uno ‘squalo giaguaro’ che è stato responsabile della morte del suo compagno Esteban.  Accompagnato da un equipaggio eterogeneo che include la sua ex moglie, Steve Zissou naviga in avventure e cerca di superarle.  Forma un legame speciale con Ned, un ragazzo che crede che Zissou sia suo padre.  Quando Ned muore in questa missione, Steve intraprende il resto della missione da solo, ma decide di lasciare vivere lo squalo dopo essersi trovato faccia a faccia con esso.  Un film profondamente commovente che rivela le sue sottili sfumature alla visione ripetuta, Bill Murray lascia il suo segno indelebile come “lo Zissou”.  La nave Belafonte funge da casa e rifugio che testimonia lo sviluppo del personaggio di Zissou e funge da ambientazione principale di questo film realizzato in modo eccellente.

11. La tempesta perfetta (2000)

Wolfgang Petersen fa un’altra voce in questa lista con un altro adattamento cinematografico di un evento non fittizio di un disastro naturale in mare.  Il film è interpretato da George Clooney nel ruolo del capitano di Andrea Gail.  È un orgoglioso capitano di spada e il suo fedele equipaggio e lui si imbarcano in una spedizione di pesca di fine stagione.  Tuttavia, quando decidono di affrontare una tempesta sulla via del ritorno, le cose vanno terribilmente male, e in una tragica svolta degli eventi, l’equipaggio non torna mai indietro.  Questo film è un’avvincente storia di coraggio e cameratismo anche di fronte alla morte, questo film rimane anche una testimonianza dell’amore per la vela.

10. Ammutinamento sul Bounty (1935)

Interpretato da artisti del calibro di Charles Laughton e Clark Gable, questo film è una rivisitazione dell’ammutinamento reale su HMS Bounty.  Molte persone amano navigare, ma non a molti piace navigare sotto un capitano crudele.  Bligh, un capitano ingiusto e duro, rende la vita insopportabile sulla HMS Bounty e il film descrive metodicamente le crescenti atrocità che culminano nella morte del dottor Bacco e alla fine portano all’ammutinamento.  L’equipaggio alla fine si salva dalla morsa del duro capitano e trova la propria felicità in questa storia di relazioni tese e il bisogno di unità in mare.

9. La nave dei folli (1965)

Questo film, diretto da Stanley Kramer, ha sollevato qualche sopracciglio agli Academy Awards ed è stato nominato in otto categorie.  La trama segue le relazioni tese in mare e come le relazioni umane si formano in uno spazio chiuso per un lungo periodo di tempo.  A testimonianza delle condizioni umane con la nave che funge semplicemente da ambientazione, questo film rimane ancora uno dei film navali più belli ad aver abbellito Hollywood e vede vivien Leigh nel suo ultimo ruolo cinematografico che segna un importante momento cinematografico nella storia del cinema.

8. Poseidone (2006)

Questo film catastrofico è interpretato da Kurt Russell.  Qual è la cosa peggiore che può accadere mentre ti stai godendo una crociera su una nave di lusso – sì, hai indovinato, un’onda gigante canaglia che affonda la tua nave.  Mentre la trama è sottile, gli effetti visivi sono bellissimi e ha ottenuto il film nominato per la stessa categoria nel 79 ° Academy Awards.  Un film ben girato sulla fuga di un gruppo da un transatlantico di lusso che affonda, questo film serve a ricordarci i pericoli in mare.

7. Nel cuore del mare (2015)

Diretto da Ron Howard, questo film si concentra sugli incidenti della vita reale che hanno ispirato la letteratura classica di Melville “Moby Dick”.  Il film è in formato flashback mentre Melville intervista Thomas Nickerson, l’ultimo sopravvissuto della nave baleniera Essex.  L’intervista fa emergere la storia di Pollard e Chase, quest’ultimo interpretato da Chris Hemsworth.  Il racconto continua descrivendo il loro incontro con un capodoglio albino che causa loro problemi e spinge alcuni membri dell’equipaggio bloccati al cannibalismo.  Tuttavia, questa storia avvincente è quella di venire a patti con la natura selvaggia del mare e il suo rifiuto di essere addomesticati, e il legame condiviso di compassione e comprensione tra uomo e bestia.  Il film si concentra anche su questioni di autoconservazione umana e lo rende una delle migliori storie di navi nel cinema.

6. Pirati dei Caraibi: Alla fine del mondo (2007)

Se qualcuno ama i film sulle navi e su come chiamano le anime libere, amerà Jack Sparrow e il suo amore per la sua nave, la Perla Nera.  L’intero franchise parla di pirati, quindi ci sono numerose navi in tutti i film, ma ho scelto questo film per uno scopo particolare.  Il film straordinariamente lungo culmina in una delle battaglie navali più soddisfacenti tra i pirati dallo spirito libero e la marina inglese che cerca di reprimerli.  La lotta tra Black Pearl e l’olandese di Davy Jones rimane impressa nella memoria come una battaglia navale della vecchia scuola con cannoni in fiamme.  Issa i colori in alto e guarda questa storia di uomini liberi che si sono rifiutati di conformarsi alle regole.

5. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

Interpretato da Russel Crowe nei panni di Jack Aubrey in questo epico dramma di guerra ha fatto le onde giuste agli Oscar e ha vinto due premi, ma ha perso altri motivi contro Il Signore degli Anelli.  Tuttavia, la trama è strettamente piena di inseguimenti navali con la HMS Surprise della marina britannica sulle tracce della nave corsara francese, l’Acheron.  Tuttavia, l’Acheron ha il sopravvento in molteplici schermaglie, ma Aubrey rimane caldo all’inseguimento, e il film termina con l’inseguimento ancora in corso mentre il capitano di Acheron inganna Aubrey facendogli credere nella sua vittoria nell’unica occasione in cui la HMS Surprise è effettivamente all’altezza del suo nome e sorprende Acheron.  Un film finemente realizzato, questo film è un must per ogni amante delle navi e dei film di guerra.

4. Capitan Phillips (2013)

Tom Hanks interpreta il capitano titolare della barca Mv Maersk Alabama, una nave mercantile.  La storia si basa su incidenti veri e racconta i dettagli strazianti di Phillips rapita dai pirati.  Il film mostra il lato oscuro della situazione e come la pirateria sia davvero pericolosa per coloro che vengono derubati.  Una storia di disperazione e riservatezza di fronte al pericolo, il ruolo di Hanks rimane impressionante e mantiene i film a standard estremamente elevati.

3. La barca che ha scosso (2009)

Spesso indicato anche come Pirate Radio, questo film tratta della libertà che i mari aperti rappresentano in una luce unica.  Ambientato in un periodo in cui nel 1996 i canali radio pirata trasmettevano musica rock e pop che la radio della BBC non faceva, questa trama si concentra su una di queste navi e sulla vita spensierata dei membri dell’equipaggio.  Il racconto che mostra la natura della musica e come la musica ci insegna a ribellarci ed essere liberi, questa nave diventa un decano del libero pensiero e qualcosa che non si conformerà alla censura.  Un racconto toccante che porterà lacrime agli occhi degli spettatori nel ritratto delle relazioni e dell’amore per la musica, questo film rimane uno dei migliori film navali mai realizzati.

2. Titanic (1997)

È stata una chiamata difficile tra il miglior lavoro di Cameron fino ad oggi e il capolavoro di Eisenstein, e Titanic arriva al secondo posto quando si tratta di film sulle navi.  Forse il nome della nave più riconosciuto, la trama ruota attorno all’effettivo affondamento del Titanic nel tragico schianto contro l’iceberg.  Il film propone una formula di successo hollywoodiana di un ragazzo che incontra una ragazza di diversi ceti sociali, e un amore illecito sboccia contro ogni previsione, ma incontra una tragica fine.  Tuttavia, il film ha guadagnato lo status di culto grazie alle interpretazioni di Leonardo DiCaprio e Kate Winslet.  Titanic rimane il film più popolare al mondo sulle navi e forse lo sarà per il considerevole futuro.

1. La corazzata Potemkin (1925)

Diretto da Sergei Eisenstein, questo film sovietico dell’era del muto è uno dei migliori esempi di cinema ed è una pietra miliare nell’arte stessa del cinema in termini di cinematografia e regia.  La trama ruota attorno all’ammutinamento a bordo della nave Potemkin intorno al giugno 1905.  Parte della flotta della Marina Imperiale, i marinai a bordo si ribellano in segno di sostegno alla rivoluzione in corso in Russia.  Uno straordinario racconto visivo diviso in varie parti per mostrare l’ammutinamento sfaccettato, questo cinema rimane una delle narrazioni più commoventi di solidarietà ed è facilmente il miglior film sulle navi.

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film su uno yacht

I 50 film più strabilianti mai realizzati

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12 film che devi guardare se ami “Me Before You”

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  • Barche a vela
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I migliori film sulla navigazione

I migliori film sulla navigazione

I miti giorni di navigazione estiva si sono mutati in frizzanti giornate autunnali e l'inverno europeo è ormai alle porte. E mentre il ricordo delle vacanze in barca a vela nel Mediterraneo si attenua e comincia a far freddo, ecco una breve lista di splendidi film ambientati in mare, da guardare nelle serate a casa.

Ore 10: calma piatta (1989) Thriller

Una coppia australiana sta facendo una vacanza in barca su uno splendido ketch da 18 metri per riprendersi dopo un terribile incidente. Incontrano un uomo che sembra essere l'unico sopravvissuto di un naufragio. Interpretato da Nicole Kidman, Sam Neill e Billy Zane, questo thriller vi farà accelerare il battito cardiaco! Il film è formidabile; è stato girato quasi interamente in mare presso le isole Whitsunday, in Australia, e parla di potere, resurrezione e turbamento.

Le avventure acquatiche di Steve Zissou (2004) Commedia-Avventura

Diretto da Wes Anderson, il film ripercorre le avventure di Steve Zissou, personaggio ispirato alla vita di Jacques-Yves Cousteau, noto oceanografo francese. L'uomo parte per una spedizione oceanica per rintracciare lo “squalo-giaguaro” che ha divorato il suo amico Esteban. Un film intelligente e movimentato ricco di scene divertenti e avventure in mare. Con Bill Murray, Willem Dafoe e Cate Blanchet.

Between Home (2012) Documentario avventura

Between Home è un film poetico e toccante sulla prima avventura in mare del marinaio dilettante Nick Jaffe, che tenta un viaggio in solitaria attraversando l'oceano dall'Europa all'Australia. Il film racconta la trasformazione dell'uomo, partito con un equipaggiamento essenziale e pochissimo denaro, nel corso dei tre anni trascorsi in mare e sottolinea il rito di passaggio da marinaio dilettante ad esperto. Per seguire i suoi sogni, Jaffe deve combattere contro il mare, il maltempo, l'isolamento completo e se stesso. Diretto da Jack Rath, questo film ha vinto numerosi premi in Europa.

Kon-Tiki  (2012) Drammatico storico

Nessuna lista di film sulla navigazione sarebbe completa senza Kon-Tiki. Questo film avvincente è basato sulla storia vera dell'esploratore e scrittore norvegese Thor Heyerdahl e della sua spedizione esplorativa del 1947, condotta con una zattera Kon-Tiki; il film è stato girato a Malta e ripercorre la storia di Thor Heyerdahl, che si avventurò in una traversata dell'Oceano Pacifico per provare la possibilità che degli abitanti del Sud America si siano stabiliti in Polinesia in età precolombiana. Heyerdahl costruisce una zattera in legno di balsa utilizzando le stesse tecniche usate 1500 anni fa dai popoli indigeni della zona. Con un intrepido equipaggio composto da cinque persone, Heyerdahl salpa dalle coste del Perù facendo rotta per le isole della Polinesia. Gli eventi drammatici che seguono includono tempeste, squali, e altri pericoli del mare aperto. Il film ha ricevuto una nomination per l'Oscar e una per il Golden Globe. Diretto da Joachim Rønning e Espen Sandberg, con Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen.

Morning Light (2008) Documentario/Biografia

Il film racconta la vera storia di un equipaggio che si allena e compete nella 44esima Transpacific Yacht Race a bordo di uno yacht a vela classe TP52 chiamato Morning Light. Segue le vicende di un equipaggio composto da quindici intrepidi uomini e donne inesperti nella navigazione cui è stata data la possibilità unica di navigare in una delle competizioni di barca a vela più elitarie del mondo. L'avventura è esilarante ed emotivamente coinvolgente, con un drammatico finale in cui l'equipaggio compete in un percorso di 2300 miglia contro i migliori marinai professionisti del mondo. Diretto da Mark Monroe.

Finché dura siamo a galla ( 1992 ) Commedia

Se avete voglia di divertirvi con un film un po' sciocco, Finché dura siamo a galla è sicuramente il film adatto a voi. Una famiglia di Chicago eredita uno yacht e decide di salpare da St. Pomme de Terre e andare a Miami. Privi di esperienza, vengono assistiti dal Capitano Ron, un veterano della Marina con un occhio solo e un atteggiamento svogliato. Si mettono in marcia verso i Caraibi, dove combinano alcune malefatte e qualche follia. Le loro vite non saranno più le stesse! Diretto da Thom Eberhardt, con Kurt Russell nel ruolo del Capitano Ron, questo film vi farà sghignazzare per tutto il tempo.

Maidentrip (2014) Documentario

Ritorniamo alle avventure solitarie in mare aperto. Questa volta seguiamo la storia in prima persona della quattordicenne Laura Dekker. Una volta vinta una battaglia legale durata 10 mesi per poter partire, Laura salpa per un viaggio di due anni in mare, intenzionata a diventare la persona più giovane che abbia mai fatto il giro del mondo in barca a vela in solitaria. Prova del potenziale della gioventù e del coraggio di questa giovane, il film, diretto da Jillian Schlesinger, costituisce un documentario stimolante e commovente.

All is Lost – Tutto è perduto (2013) Drammatico di sopravvivenza

Dopo essere entrato in collisione con un container che galleggiava in mare, un intraprendente marinaio si ritrova a dover affrontare la morte. Oltre ad esservi soltanto un attore nel film, non vi sono neppure dialoghi, eccetto pochi versi recitati a voce. Questo film è diventato una pietra miliare grazie a splendide scene che mostrano la volontà umana di sopravvivere e ne fanno un incredibile film ambientato in mare. Diretto e scritto da J.C. Chandor, con Robert Redford nel ruolo del marinaio solitario.

L'Albatross oltre la tempesta (1996) Drammatico di formazione

L'Albatross oltre la tempesta è stato diretto da Ridley Scott ed interpretato da Jeff Bridges. Una storia vera ambientata negli anni Sessanta che racconta di un gruppo di adolescenti americani che si imbarcano in un viaggio decisivo con il loro Capitano, che chiamano 'Skipper'. Lui gli insegna il lavoro di squadra e la disciplina viaggiando con loro per otto mesi a bordo dell'Albatross. Quando una tempesta improvvisa minaccia la loro imbarcazione, i ragazzi cercano di applicare gli insegnamenti di Skipper per sopravvivere al traumatico evento. Un film avvincente e commovente che vale la pena di vedere.

The Dove (1974) Avventura-Romantico

Il film più vecchio della lista, si tratta di un classico. Forse il primo film su un viaggio in barca attorno al mondo, racconta la vera vita di Robin Lee Graham, un ragazzo di sedici anni che si imbarca nell'estate del 1965, determinato a diventare la persona più giovane che abbia mai circumnavigato il globo. Durante una delle sue soste, il ragazzo incontra l'adorabile Patti Ratteree, di cui si innamora; la ragazza decide di seguirlo nel suo lungo viaggio. Mentre continua a veleggiare, Graham vive varie avventure e matura diventando un giovane adulto. Tuttavia, Graham scopre che il viaggio sia un'esperienza di solitudine, soprattutto quando si trova in alto mare e i venti si fermano. Prossimo a rinunciare, suo padre e Patti (adesso sua moglie) lo convincono a non farlo. Diretto da Charles Jarrott, con Joseph Bottoms e Deborah Raffin.

Questa lista non è sicuramente completa; si tratta solo di alcuni splendidi film ambientati in mare da cui potreste trarre ispirazione per la vostra prossima avventura in barca, si spera senza drammi!

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  • Ottenere un preventivo Yacht charter Croazia If you are looking for yacht charter in Croatia, this is the easiest way. Just fill out the form and we will check for all available boats for rent and send them to you. You will also get a dedicated manager to help you out.
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film su uno yacht

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  • Tipi di barche disponibili per il noleggio in Croazia Boat types available for charter in Croatia.
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  • Guida al noleggio di catamarani in Croazia
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  • Come noleggiare una barca in Croazia How to rent a boat in Croatia
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film su uno yacht

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Home » Notizie » I 12 più grandi film di vela di tutti i tempi

I 12 più grandi film di vela di tutti i tempi

Tutto ciò che riguarda la navigazione, in particolare i film, ci eccita. Di conseguenza, abbiamo messo insieme una lista dei 12 migliori film di vela di tutti i tempi.

Abbiamo tutto sotto controllo, che si tratti di un feroce combattimento tra navi da guerra o di una storia epica di uomini contro il mare.

Continuate a leggere per avere idee per la prossima serata film o quando non riuscite a decollare.

State cercando qualcosa di più di una semplice ispirazione? SkipperCity è il posto dove andare per la tua prossima vacanza in barca a vela . Ma per il momento, continuate a leggere!

12. Capitano Ron

Captain Ron segue le gesta del personaggio titolare di Kurt Russell, che viene assunto da un padre della classe medio-alta, Martin Harvey, per guidare il loro yacht attraverso i Caraibi. Il viaggio non è così facile come la famiglia spera, perché il capitano Ron sa proprio come mettere la famiglia nei guai.

11. Tempesta bianca

Questo film è basato su una storia vera di un gruppo di ragazzi delle scuole superiori a cui viene insegnata la responsabilità e una forte etica del lavoro a bordo di una nave da uno skipper volitivo. La nave finalmente salpa, ma quando si imbattono in una tempesta bianca, le cose prendono una piega violenta. I ragazzi devono quindi mettere a frutto tutto ciò che hanno imparato dallo skipper per sopravvivere alla prova.

10. La vita acquatica

A Zizoo, questo classico di Wes Anderson è uno dei nostri preferiti! Sapevate che Steve Zissou è stato l’ispiratore del nostro nome? È un personaggio basato sull’oceanografo, conservatore, artista, fisico e autore francese Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Il film segue Steve Zissou (Bill Murray), che si imbarca in una ricerca oceanica per fotografare la morte dello “squalo giaguaro” che ha divorato il suo compagno, Esteban. È musicale, divertente e animato, con una grande colonna sonora. In poche parole, cos’altro desiderate?

9.  Deep Water

Deep Water è un documentario molto acclamato che racconta la storia della regata intorno al mondo del 1968, che finì in un disastro. Donald Crowhurst, un marinaio inesperto, tenta una circumnavigazione del globo senza scalo di nove mesi mentre combatte contro acque minacciose e un disastro psicologico. Per concludere, i risultati sono terribili.

Non abbiate paura del mare; date un’occhiata alle nostre fantastiche opzioni di noleggio di barche a vela !

8. La regina africana

The African Queen è un film d’avventura del 1951 su una piccola crociera. Per la sua interpretazione nel film, Humphrey Bogart vinse un Academy Award come miglior attore. Ci conducono attraverso la giungla africana, navigando attraverso le guerre della prima guerra mondiale, con la sua co-star Katherine Hepburn. Bogart interpreta un capitano di battello fluviale rozzo e inebriato in questo film, che è idealmente bilanciato dalla Hepburn, la missionaria snob ed equilibrata.

Con la nostra lista di controllo per i principianti , sarete pronti per il vostro primo viaggio in mare!

7. Tra casa

Nick Jaffe, un marinaio dilettante, è il soggetto di Between Home, un documentario d’avventura commovente e poetico. Durante il film tenta un viaggio oceanico in solitaria dall’Europa all’Australia. Documenta il suo viaggio di tre anni da marinaio dilettante a marinaio esperto. Lo vediamo combattere il mare, il vento e la solitudine estrema mentre insegue i suoi sogni in scene prese sia a bordo che sulla terraferma.

Segua i suoi desideri e veda le migliori destinazioni di navigazione del mondo!

6. Calma piatta

Nicole Kidman, Sam Neill, Billy Zane e uno splendido ketch di 60 piedi sono i protagonisti di Dead Calm . Il film è un thriller di suspense che vi farà battere il cuore. È stato girato quasi esclusivamente in mare nelle isole Whitsunday in Australia. Un meraviglioso film thriller è generato dalla combinazione di un tempo di navigazione insicuro, la solitudine e la possibilità di un cattivo in mare.

Navigare in Croazia può essere eccitante; controlla tutte le nostre opzioni di noleggio barche!

5. Scialuppa di salvataggio

Il film Lifeboat di Alfred Hitchcock è un capolavoro. Durante la seconda guerra mondiale, un sottomarino e un U-Boot tedesco si scontrano e si uccidono a vicenda in mezzo all’Atlantico. In una scialuppa di salvataggio, un gruppo di cinque persone cerca riparo. I problemi accadono, però, quando salvano un sopravvissuto che è un membro della resistenza. Questo è un film che vi terrà col fiato sospeso.

Se Hitchcock non ti convince, dai un’occhiata alla nostra guida alla navigazione in alto mare!

4. Kon-Tiki

Kon-Tiki è un dramma storico basato sulla storia di Thor Heyerdahl e della sua spedizione di scoperta del Kon-Tiki del 1947, che è stato girato sull’isola di Malta. È la prima volta che un film norvegese vince sia un Oscar che una nomination ai Golden Globe. Rimane il film di maggior incasso della Norvegia fino ad oggi. Thor Heyerdahl si imbarca in un ambizioso viaggio per attraversare l’Oceano Pacifico nel film. Durante il suo viaggio, spera di dimostrare che i sudamericani precolombiani hanno potuto stabilirsi in Polinesia. Gli incidenti che seguono sono avvincenti!

Catamarani Hanno fatto molta strada, e abbiamo alcune delle migliori offerte di noleggio di catamarani in Croazia disponibili!

3. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, diretto da Peter Wier, racconta una storia drammatica ambientata durante le guerre napoleoniche. Nel tentativo di rubare una nave da guerra francese, Russell Crowe interpreta un capitano arrogante che porta la sua nave e il suo equipaggio al limite. Le scene di combattimento ricche d’azione ci tengono con il fiato sospeso. Durante tutto il film, sentiamo parlare degli uomini sulla nave e della loro lotta per sopravvivere.

Non c’è motivo di combattere in mare! Per le tue prossime vacanze, utilizza una barca a motore con equipaggio .

Will Parker, un marinaio che sconfigge tristemente la sfida della Coppa America, è il protagonista di Wind. La gara è considerata la più importante competizione velica del mondo. Sceglie di formare un proprio equipaggio per riprendere il premio dopo la sconfitta. È basato sugli eventi reali della Coppa America del 1983, ed è una miscela di avventura e romanticismo. Il cast include veri pescatori, il che aggiunge realismo alle scene di navigazione. Se volete vedere degli intensi combattimenti in barca a vela, questo è il film che fa per voi.

Controlla le nostre barche in Croazia , che è uno dei luoghi più sicuri per rilassarsi e godere di spiagge romantiche.

1. Tutto è perduto

Infine, Robert Redford interpreta un marinaio solitario che incontra tragiche condizioni in mare in All is Lost . Poi ha una lunga ed estenuante lotta per la sua sopravvivenza. Il tema dell’uomo e della barca contro il mare è un caposaldo dei film di vela, e Redford e il regista J.C. Chandor ci riescono. La trama è un racconto diretto ma terrificante di un uomo sull’acqua.

Il capitano di tutti sarà ispirato dalla nostra classifica dei 12 migliori film di vela di tutti i tempi.

Abbiamo dimenticato uno dei tuoi preferiti? Per favore, fateci sapere. Ci piacerebbe vedere cosa vedrai dopo.

Ti senti davvero audace? Con SkipperCity, puoi prenotare subito una vacanza in barca. Apparirai nel miglior film di vela di tutti i tempi come protagonista.

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25 sailing movies for when you’re knot shore what to watch

We share some of our favourite best sailing movies, from Hollywood blockbusters and indie films to illuminating documentaries

I still hang on to the rather fanciful notion of sailing in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race . Until I pluck up the courage (and the funds), I’ve been busying myself with more realistic nautical escapades.

From  tall ship sailing off the west coast of Scotland  to  sailing the Whitsunday Islands  in Australia , more and more of our travels have taken place on the water.

However, until I make the leap from weekend warrior to blue water sailor, I’ll have to make do with films, books and daydreams.

With that in mind, I’ve put together a list of the best sailing movies I’ve seen. What follows is a broad mix of modern and classic, indie and feature, drama and documentary film. Whatever their style, these flicks are thoroughly wet and wonderful.

And, I’m sorry about the pun, but you know, ship happens.

best sailing movies

Listed in no particular order, these nautical movies include terrifying ordeals of tragedy, inconceivable stories of survival, turbulent tales of adventure and wild journeys of discovery – perfect for a night in on a dry and comfy sofa.

1. Kon-Tiki (1950) Let’s start with one of the best sailing movies ever made. In 1947, Heyerdahl and five others sailed from Peru on a balsa wood raft. This is the classic Academy Award winning documentary of their astonishing journey across 4,300 miles of the Pacific Ocean.

Kon Tiki is one of the best sailing movies

Watch on Amazon Rotten Tomatoes IMDB

2. Red Dot on the Ocean (2014) Once labelled a ‘youth-at-risk’, 30-year old Matt Rutherford risked it all in an attempt to become the first person to sail solo non-stop around North and South America. Red Dot on the Ocean is the story of Matt’s death-defying voyage and the childhood odyssey that shaped him.

Red Dot movie poster – one of the best sailing movies

3. The Dove (1974) Produced by Gregory Peck, this coming-of-age adventure is based on the true story of Robin Lee Graham . At 16, he set sail in a 23ft sloop determined to be the youngest person to sail around the world.

The Dove – one of the best sailing movies

4. Wind (1992) In over 140 years of competition, the US has lost the America’s Cup just once. This is a fictional story of the American challengers intent on winning back sailing’s top prize. A tale of money, power, love and ambition follows… oh, and some sailing.

Wind  movie poster

5. Morning Light (2008) A riveting true-life adventure aboard the high-tech sloop Morning Light. Fifteen rookie sailors have one goal in mind: to be part of her crew, racing in one of the most revered sailing competitions in the world, the Transpac Yacht Race .

Morning light movie poster

6. Between Home – Odyssey of an Unusual Sea Bandit (2012) An independent filmmaker’s account of his solo voyage from the UK to Australia, negotiating the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans en route. A trip that eventually takes over two years to complete.

Between Home movie poster

Watch on Amazon IMDB

7. Styx (2019) When a lone yachtswoman comes across a sinking ship of refugees, she is torn away from her idyllic trip and tasked with a momentous decision. Should she act when authorities tell her to sail away?

Styx movie poster – one of the best sailing movies

8. Captain Ron (1992) After inheriting a yacht, a Chicago businessman enlists long-haired, one-eyed low-life Captain Ron to pilot the yacht from the Caribbean to Miami. During the voyage, the sailor frequently loses his way while becoming a hit with the businessman’s family. Goofy comedy starring Kurt Russell and Martin Short widely recognised as one of the funniest sailing movies ever made.

Cpt Ron movie poster

9. Maidentrip (2013) This riveting documentary chronicles the life and adventures of 14-year-old Laura Dekker who set out on a two-year voyage in pursuit of her dream to be the youngest person ever to sail solo around the world.

Maidentrip movie – one of the best sailing movies

10. Kon-Tiki (2012) A well-crafted retelling of the epic original and one of the best sailing movies ever made. This dramatised version is a throwback to old-school adventure filmmaking that’s exciting and entertaining in spite of its by-the-book plotting.

Kon Tiki 2012 movie – one of the best sailing movies

“But you can’t navigate a raft,” he added. “It goes sideways and backwards and round as the wind takes it.” – Thor Heyerdahl, Kon-Tiki

11. Abandoned (2015) Four men set sail on the trimaran yacht Rose Noelle . It capsizes in a storm, trapping the crew in a space the size of a double bed. After 119 days adrift, the yacht washes ashore. The crew’s story is extraordinary, but doubt is cast on their claims and they face hostility from the media and authorities.

Abandoned is one of the best sailing movies

12. Adrift (2019) There are far better films on this list, but Adrift is just about worth a watch. Based on true events, a young couple embark on an adventure of a lifetime that brings them face to face with one of the worst hurricanes in recorded history.

Adrift best sailing movies

13. The Perfect Storm (2000) A skipper insists that his crew go out on a final fishing trip before winter sets in. Unknown to them, a brutal storm is on its way. While the special effects are excellent for the time, the film falls a little  short on characterisation.

The Perfect Storm movie – one of the best sailing movies

14. Sea Gypsies: The Far Side of the World (2016) The vessel is Infinity, a 120ft hand-built sailboat, crewed by a band of miscreants. The journey, an 8,000-mile Pacific crossing from New Zealand to Patagonia with a stop in Antarctica .

Sea gypsies movie poster

15. Turning Tide / En Solitaire (2013) Franck Drevil is a star skipper, having won the latest Vendée Globe , the most prestigious round-the-world single-handed yacht race. However, with this year’s race approaching, a sudden accident forces Franck to withdraw.

Turning Time movie poster

16. Knife in the Water (1962) When a young hitchhiker joins a couple on a weekend yacht trip, psychological warfare breaks out as the two men compete for the woman’s attention. A storm forces the small crew below deck and tension builds to a violent climax.

best sailing movies knife in the water poster

17. Dead Calm (1989) This tense thriller tells the story of an Australian couple (Nicole Kidman and Sam Neill) whose yacht cruise is violently interrupted by the mysterious lone survivor (Billy Zane) of a ship whose crew has perished.

Dead Calm movie poster – one of the best sailing movies

18. The Riddle of the Sands (1979) A classic British swashbuckling yarn based on the early English spy novel of the same name. In 1901, two British yachtsmen visit Germany’s Frisian Islands and accidentally discover a German plot to invade England.

best sailing movies movie poster

19. Maiden (2019) The story of Tracy Edwards, a 24-year-old cook on charter boats, who became the skipper of the first-ever all-female crew to enter the Whitbread Round the World Race in 1989.

Maiden movie poster

20. White Squall (1996) Based on a true incident from 1960, White Squall is the story of the tragic sinking of the Albatross , a prep school educational two-masted schooner, during a Caribbean storm. Starring Jeff Bridges.

White Squall movie poster

21. The Mercy (2017) Starring Colin Firth and Rachel Weisz, this is certainly no heroic tale. Instead, it’s the dramatisation of the bizarre story of amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst and his attempt to pull off one of the greatest hoaxes of our time: pretending to be the first to sail singlehandedly around the world!

The Mercy movie poster

22. Deep Water (2006) Following on from the above, Deep Water is a British documentary about the remarkable story of the first Golden Globe round the world yacht race , focusing on the psychological toll it took on its competitors – particularly one Donald Crowhurst.

deep water movie poster

23. Captains Courageous (1937) A spoiled brat who falls overboard from a steamship gets picked up by a fishing boat, where he’s made to earn his keep by joining the crew in their work. Based on the 1897 novel by Rudyard Kipling.

Captains Courageous movie poster

24. Open Water 2: Adrift (2006) A silly premise, but entertaining nonetheless. Six friends jump off a yacht without lowering the ladder first. With no way to climb aboard, it’s only a matter of time before bickering turns to terror.

Adrift is one of the best sailing movies

25. Master and Commander – The Far Side of the World (2003) During the Napoleonic Wars, a brash British captain (Russell Crowe) pushes his ship and crew to their limits in pursuit of a formidable French war vessel.

best sailing movies

“Do you not know that in the service one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?” – Capt. Jack Aubrey, Master and Commander

Readers’ suggestions

Here’s what our readers have added to the list of the best sailing movies.

  • Masquerade (1988)
  • Violets are Blue (1986)
  • Kill Cruise (1992)
  • Message in a Bottle (1999)
  • High wind in Jamaica (1965)
  • Caddyshack (1980)
  • O Mundo em Duas Voltas (The World in Two Round Trips) (2007)
  • One Crazy Summer (1986)
  • Coyote: The Mike Plant Story (2018)
  • The Weekend Sailor (2017)
  • Harpoon (2019)
  • Waterworld (1995)
  • Around Cape Horn (1929)
  • Mutiny on the Bounty (1935)
  • Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)
  • The Bounty (1984)
  • All Is Lost (2013)

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Lead image:  IM_photo/Shutterstock

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20 Best Sailing Movies of all Time

20 Best Sailing Movies of all Time | Life of Sailing

If you have been looking forward to curling up on the couch, grabbing a bowl of popcorn, and watching some captivating movies, this can be a good time. A good sailing movie can be perfect given that you'll hear a few lines that you're already familiar with when on the dock or setting sail.

This can be a perfect time to binge-watch some of the best sailing movies.

So in no particular order, we'll highlight 20 of the best sailing movies of all time. From the brutal and dramatic tales of man vs. sea to inspirational explorations and expeditions, we've covered it all. Keep reading and you'll be inspired while waiting to get off dry land when it's safe to do so.

Table of contents

All is Lost (2013)

For lone sailors, All is Lost is probably the best movie to give you a glimpse of what might go wrong for you if you decide to sail the big blue ocean alone. With a near-mute performance as an old man who loves sailing alone, Robert Redford puts in an almost quasi-silent performance by portraying the ordeal of what a lone sailor can undergo when the sea turns on you.

Directed by JC Chandor, there's only one person on the screen throughout the film. He's all alone in the vast sea with his damaged boat. He has to become tough, resourceful, and calm even when things turn against him. Single-character movies are a rarity even today but this is a great survival film that perfectly depicts what could happen even to the hardest lone sailors out there.

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

Directed by the talented Peter Weir, this critically-acclaimed movie was nominated for 10 Oscars and won for best cinematography and sound editing. Depicting the return of the high-seas adventure, this movie is skillfully and meticulously adapted from the historical novel by Patrick O'Brian set during the Napoleonic Wars and starring Russell Crowe.

Crowe plays an arrogant captain who pushes his ship crew to the limits while trying to capture a French warship. This movie offers action-packed battle scenes that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This movie gives you an insight of what sailors undergo in their struggles to make it through the high-seas alive.

Captain Ron (1992)

With little sailing experience but with an inherited yacht moored on an offshore island Martin Short hires charismatic Captain Ron to take them back to Florida. The voyage isn't as easy as they expected as they have to face pirates, breakdowns, and other obstacles. They all get more than what they bargained for.

Portrayed by Kurt Russell, Captain Ron depicts the misadventures of a nominal sailing character that is hired by an upper-middle-class father to guide a yacht through the Caribbean. From the marine accidents, pirates, guerilla carnivals to malfunctioning equipment, and Russell's croaked absurdities, this movie is just full of double humor and worthy performance. 

Wind (1992)

As one of the biggest races in competitive sailing, America's Cup is often associated with rich people competing in weird-looking boats. But this movie changes this as it takes viewers through the eyes of tanned and rugged Will Parker as played by Matthew Modine. He's hired by a self-made millionaire (Cliff Robertson) to lead his crew in the competition.

Together with his girlfriend Kate who is an equally skilled sailor, Parker intends to win America's Cup but Kate is thrown off the crew leaving Parker angry. When the crew loses America's Cup to the Australians, Parker decides to form his own syndicate to win back the cup. 

White Squall (1996)

This movie follows a young man's adventure movie that follows a group of high school students who boards the brigantine ship called Albatross for their senior year at sea. They sail to the tip of South America and back. They get to accept responsibility, learn how to be sailors, and grow up.

The skipper of the ship, Christopher Sheldon together with the 13 teenage boys set sail for an eight-month voyage. The boys soon discover Sheldon's psyche gradations, rattling tension, and freak storms that sink the ship. As a sailor, you'll be disturbed by the fact that four students and two crew members drown, leaving skipper Sheldon facing a fierce tribunal, tortured conscience, and grieving parents and students.

Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)

As one of the greatest epic movies of the 1960s, English Captain Bligh is on a sea voyage to transport breadfruit from England to Jamaica. He is so abusive that he gets on the nerves of his crew members, especially 1st Lieutenant, Fletcher Christian.

Tension eases when they reach Jamaica and the crew indulges in the island's lifestyle but the captain claps some members of his crew in irons as they try to desert. Further abuses lead Fletcher to inspire a mutiny against the Captain. Fletcher and his men set the Captain and his loyal members afloat in a rowboat. This movie offers a realistic depiction of a larger-than-life character that most sailors are known for. 

Dead Calm (1989)

Starring Billy Zane, Nicole Kidman, Sam Neil, and a gorgeous 60 ft. ketch, Dead Calm revolves around a mass-murderer who kidnaps and seduces a young beautiful woman after leaving a husband to die on a vessel whose crew he has just murdered.

This movie was filmed in the Whitsundays Islands of Australia, which is one of the best sailing destinations in the world. Bringing forth an epic combination of deadly sailing conditions , complete isolation from the rest of the world, and a skillful villain aboard the vessel, this movie is thrilling and will leave you looking behind your back whenever you're out there on the sea.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)

This adventure-comedy follows the high journeys of Steve Zissou, a character adaptation of French oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. It follows his ocean expedition when tracking the ‘jaguar shark' that apparently ate his partner, Esteban.

Esteban had been working with Zissou on a documentary about mysterious circumstances by a shark. This is a sharp film with lots of fun and adventure on the sea.

Kon-Tiki (2012)

Legendary Norwegian explorer and ethnographer Thor Heyerdahl believes that the South Sea Islands were originally colonized by South Americans. Thor, who fears water and doesn't know how to swim, partakes on a voyage in 1947 to prove his belief. Together with five crew members, set sail from Peru on a balsa-wood ancient raft.

Even though their only modern equipment is a radio, they have to navigate through the ocean while relying on stars and ocean currents and they achieve the impossible after exhausting three months at the sea. This is a very spirited adventure that depicts what's possible when we believe in our dreams. 

Maidentrip (2013)

A 14-year-old sailor by the name Laura Dekker sets sail on a two-year voyage in pursuit of her dream to become the world's youngest sailor. Laura sets out from Holland and sails throughout the world. Apart from the occasional foul language that Laura uses now and then on the documentary, this is an excellent film that shows what one can achieve when he/she lives her dream and works hard towards achieving it.

The documentary, however, doesn't suggest that Laura is alarmingly young to sail across the unforgiving Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Instead, she's depicted as an independent outsider who is looking for paradise in a never-ending sea. 

Adrift (2018)

In most cases, sailors seem to never anticipate that they may sail directly into a catastrophic hurricane and this is exactly what Richard Sharp and Tami Oldham do when they sail directly in one of the worst hurricanes ever recorded in history.

Tami awakes in the aftermath of the hurricane to find their boat in ruins and Richard is badly injured. And because they do not have any hope that they would ever get help or get rescued, Tami is left with two options: sit there and perish or find strength and determination to save herself as well as the only man she's ever loved.

Turning Tide (En Solitaire) (2013)

In this daring tale, this movie portrays how a fearless sailor known as Yann Kermadec finds a lot of obstacles in his biggest race as a two-hander named Turning Tide falls flat. In a nail-biting tension, the story begins when Kermadec replaces the main skipper in the Vendee Globe on short notice.

After some smooth sailing, things go eerily wrong for the sailor as his ship is damaged and he's forced to anchor off the Canary Islands to repair it. When he gets back on his journey, he soon discovers that a Mauritanian teenage boy has sneaked inside the boat and he has no option but to sail with him at least until they cross the Atlantic Ocean.

The Old Man and the Sea (1958)

An old Cuban angler known as Spencer Tracy is so unlucky that he hasn't caught any fish in 84 days. And despite the commitment of a young boy to bring him food, the angler fears that he's forever lucky but catches a small fish on his 85th day, so he decides to keep fishing.

When one of his many fishing lines hooks a large marlin, he decides not to go back to the shore until he reels it in. For almost two days and nights, he has no choice but to sit there and do everything he can to redeem himself from what seems like a perpetual failure.

Morning Light (2008)

By entering the TRANSPAC, which is one of the world's best open-ocean competitions, 15 young men and women prepare for a sailing adventure of their lives. With world-class teachers, these sailors begin intense training in Hawaii but only reach a climax in an elimination process that comes in the form of who-stays-and-who-goes process.

This documentary follows these sailors for six months as they embark on a 2,300-mile sailing ordeal, which starts in Los Angeles and ends in Honolulu.

The Perfect Storm (2000)

Created by Wolfgang Petersen, The Perfect Storm is a blockbuster that's big on visuals and depicts an action-packed escapade on the water as Captain Billy Tyne and his crew set on a fishing expedition aboard a ship known as Andrea Gail.

They're soon caught up in a catastrophic destructive storm when they decide to risk the storm and have to deal with a very powerful hurricane. At the height of their fishing expedition, their ice machine breaks down and the only way to ensure that their catch doesn't go stale is by hurrying back to the shore to sell their catch. This is exactly why they decide to risk their lives and it doesn't turn out as they expected.

Captain Phillips (2013)

When Captain Richard Phillips takes command of an unarmed container ship known as MV Maersk Alabama from the port of Salalah in Oman, they anticipate that they'll be attacked by Somali Pirates on their way to Mombasa, Kenya.

They attack the ship and Captain Phillips has to use his wits and diplomacy to negotiate with the pirates and save his crew. 

Maiden (2018)

As the saying goes; what a man can do a woman can do even better. This is exactly what's depicted by this sailing movie that follows the life of Tracy Edwards as she leads the first all-female crew when competing in the Whitbread Round the World Race.

Covering 33,000 miles and lasting for nine months, this is a truly grueling race that depicts the corrosive sexism that still exists in the sailing world as well as the ocean terrors that sailors have to deal with during voyages or competitions. 

Chasing Bubbles (2016)

This is a captivating documentary that follows the journey of Alex Rust who is a free spirit who gives the normal life to sail around the world. Alex is brought up as a farm boy but becomes a stock trader in Indiana. At the age of 25, he decides to abandon his life in Chicago, buys a modest sailboat known as Bubbles and embarks on a very unique free-spirited voyage. It takes him three years to sail around the world and to quench his insatiable curiosity while meeting great people and fulfilling his lifelong dream of becoming a free soul.

This is a breathtaking travelogue that depicts the sailing life of a truly absorbing character.

180° South (2010)

Directed by Chris Malloy, this is a sailing documentary that covers the journey of Jeff Johnson as he travels from Ventura, California to Patagonia in Chile. He does this to retrace the same trip covered by Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins in 1968.

While the two initial explorers made the journey on the land, Johnson travels by sea using a small boat.

Deep Water (2006)

This movie follows the true-life story of Donald Crowhurst, an inexperienced British sailor who enters the Golden Globe, which is the first nonstop boat race in the world. Donald puts up his home as collateral to gain financial backing to compete in the race but soon finds himself on the wrong end of things as he enters the race under-prepared.

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20 Best Sailing Movies of all Time

Daniel Wade

I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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20 Best Sailing Movies of all Time

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Best sailing movies

Greatest Sailing Movies – Check Out our Top List

For every true sailor passionate about sailing and all things connected with the ocean or sea, having a list of best sailing movies is definitely on the „to do“ list. Furthermore, tragic and inconceivable stories of survival, unbelievable adventure, and wild journeys or just real everyday documentary stories make nautical movies not only interesting to watch but very educational for every person in love with the sea. That is the main reason why we decided to update our list of top ten sailing movies. If you have missed any of these films, make sure to change that!

List of the Top 10 Sailing Movies:

Other Honorable Mentions

10. maidentrip (2013).

Maidentrip is a beautiful documentary about Laura Dekker’s year and a half voyage to be the youngest person ever to sail around the world. Dekker, born in Holland, set sail from Gibraltar in 2010 and made the journey in a year and a half, finishing a few months after her 16th birthday. Her route took her to St. Martins, Panama, the Galapagos Islands, Australia, the Cape of Good Hope, and back. This inspiring documentary will leave you amazed first because of the premise – that a girl, 14, would even try such an amazing task. In 2009, only 13 years old, she sailed across the English Channel from Holland and back by herself. When it became known that she intended to sail around the world, Dutch authorities attempted to remove her from her father’s custody to keep her from making the trip. After a court victory, she was cleared and free.

Movie Cover

Maidentrip - sailing documentary cover

Cast & Crew

Laura Dekker

Jillian Schlesinger

9. Kon-tiki (1950)

“Kon-Tiki” was the name of a wooden raft used by six Scandinavian scientists, led by Thor Heyerdahl , to make a 101-day journey from South America to the Polynesian Islands. The purpose of the expedition was to prove Heyerdahl’s theory that the Polynesian Islands were populated from the east rather than from the west as had been the theory for hundreds of years. Heyerdahl made a study of the winds and tides in the Pacific and, by simulating conditions as closely as possible to those he theorized the Peruvians encountered, he set out on the voyage.

Kon-Tiki - movie cover

Thor Heyerdahl, Herman Watzinger, Erik Hesselberg, Knut Haugland, Torstein Raaby, Bengt Danielsson

Thor Heyerdahl

8. Knife in the Water (1962)

The first Polish film to be nominated for a Foreign Language Oscar, Roman Polanski’s “Knife in the Water” is considered one of the most impressive director’s debuts . The story is simple. A wealthy couple on their way to spend a weekend on the yacht picks up a young and attractive hitchhiker. The middle-aged husband, a successful and cynical sportswriter invites the young man on board, perhaps to show off his nice yacht, his seamanship, and eventually, his superiority. On the other hand, his young and sexy wife does not say much but as their yacht journey proceeds and tension between the two men rises, she seems to enjoy the presence of a passenger and the obvious competition between them for her attention.

Knife in the Water - movie cover

Leon Niemczky, Jolanta Umecka, Zygmunt Malanowicz

Roman Polanski

7. The Riddle of the Sands (1979)

In the early years of the 20th Century, two British yachtsmen (Michael York and Simon MacCorkindale) stumble upon a German plot to invade the east coast of England in a flotilla of specially designed barges. They set out to thwart this terrible scheme but must outwit not only the cream of the German Navy but the feared Kaiser Wilhelm himself.

The Riddle of the Sands - movie cover

Michael York, Jenny Agutter, Alan Badel, Simon MacCorkindale

Tony Maylam

6. Wind (1992)

Will Parker, played by Matthew Modine, loses America’s Cup, the world’s biggest sailing prize, to the Australians and decides to form his own syndicate to win it back. The loss of America’s Cup by the USA to Australia in 1983 broke the longest ever running winning streak in world sports history. Everyone who is in love with the sea and sailing will surely hold this movie as a classic.

Wind - Saling Movie Classic

Matthew Modine, Jennifer Grey, Cliff Robertson, Jack Thompson, Rebecca Miller

Carroll Ballard

5. Dead Calm (1989)

Dead Calm, directed by Phillip Noyce , is one of those thriller movies you just can’t stop watching. It follows the story of John and Rae Ingram, a married Australian couple whose sailing adventure was interrupted by a stranger who has abandoned a sinking ship. As it turns out, this seemingly harmless survivor is actually a psychopath and they are stuck with him on the open sea. Despite a lot of sailing scenes in difficult and dangerous conditions, this movie offers thrill and excitement as well.

Dead Calm thriller - movie cover

Nicole Kidman, Sam Neil, Billy Zane, Rod Mullinar, Joshua Tilden

Phillip Noyce

4. White Squall (1996)

White Squall is a true story about the sailing voyage of the small group of American teenagers whose sailboat Albatross sank in 1960. This touching film about sailing and boys’ teamwork, discipline, and courage was directed by Ridley Scott, a famous British director nominated for 4 Academy Awards . Hence, this 8 months long sailing voyage definitely deserves to be on our list of best sailing movies.

White Squall - movie cover

Jeff Bridges, Caroline Goodall, John Savage, Scott Wolf, Jeremy Sisto

Ridley Scott

3. All is lost (2013)

Our list of ten sailing movies can’t be completed without this outstanding film starring Robert Redford alone, a man lost at the sea. It is very interesting to note that Redford is the only cast member and the film has just a few spoken words. For this role, he was nominated for Golden Globe and won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor.

All Is Lost - sailing movie cover

Robert Redford

J. C. Chandor

2. Deep Water (2006)

This interesting British documentary tells a story of the first around the world yacht race focusing on one competitor in particular – Donald Crowhurst. Deep Water is not just about solo non-stop sailing, it shows how this hard challenge can affect the life of any person. Furthermore, this film presents how nine months of solitude definitely alter the state of the mind, so this movie is a must-see for anyone interested in sailing. Therefore, Deep Water had to be on our list of top ten sailing movies.

Deep Water - documentary cover

Tilda Swinton, Donald Crowhurst, Jean Badin, Simon Russell Beale, Ted Hynds

Louise Osmond, Jerry Rothwell

1. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

On top of our list of best sailing movies is Master and Commander , a beautiful film that tells the story of a British captain who is in pursuit of a French Warship around South America. The whole plot is set during the Napoleonic wars. This beautiful action film won two Oscars. Moreover, movie critics agree that this role of Captain Jack Aubrey was one of the best performances ever played by Russell Crowe .

Master and Commander The Far Side of the World 2003 - movie cover

Russell Crowe, Paul Bettany, Billy Boyd, Chris Larkin, Max Pirkis

The Perfect Storm (2000)

This sailing movie is based on a true story. In October 1991, a confluence of weather conditions combined to form a killer storm in the North Atlantic. Caught in the storm was the sword-fishing boat, Andrea Gail. Magnificent foreshadowing and anticipation fill this true-life drama with minute details of the fishing boats, their gear, and the life-threatening weather.

The Perfect Storm - movie cover

George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, John C. Reilly, Diane Lane

Wolfgang Petersen

Captain Ron (1992)

A family in Chicago inherits the yacht formerly owned by Clark Gable. Then ty decide to sail it from the Caribbean island of Saint Pomme de Terre to Miami. They sail with the assistance of the vivid character Captain Ron and, even though their whole life changes, it all works itself out in the end. Thus Captain Ron is a sailing movie the whole family can enjoy.

Captain Ron - movie cover

Kurt Russell, Martin Short, Mary May Place, Benjamin Salisbury

Thom Eberhardt

The Dove (1974)

This sailing movie is a true story of a 16-year-old who sailed alone around the world. He was sailing in his 23-foot sloop named “ The Dove “. During his journey, he meets and falls in love with a young woman who is also traveling around the world. To sum up, the story follows Robin around the world to many beautiful locations, as he grows from a boy to a man, finds himself, and finds the love of his life.

The Dove - sailing movie cover

Joseph Bottoms, Deborah Raffin, John McLiam, Robin Lee

Charles Jarrott

Morning Light (2008)

Fifteen young sailors, six months of intense training, one chance at the brass ring. This documentary tells the story of a group of intrepid and determined young men and women, on the cusp of adulthood, as they embark on life’s first great adventure. Racing a high-performance 52-foot sloop in the TRANSPAC, the most revered of open-ocean sailing competitions, the crew of “ Morning Light ” matches wits and skills in a dramatic 2300 mile showdown against top professionals.

Morning Light - sailing documentary cover

Chris Branning, Graham Brant – Zawadzki, Chris Clark, Roy Edward Disney

Mark Monroe

The Life Aquatic (2004)

With a plan to exact revenge on a mythical shark that killed his partner, Oceanographer Steve Zissou rallies a crew that includes his estranged wife, a journalist, and a man who may or may not be his son.

The Life Aquatic - movie cover

Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Cate Blanchett, Anjelica Huston

Wes Anderson

1 thought on “Greatest Sailing Movies – Check Out our Top List”

' src=

a fascinating documentary on the first nonstop singlehanded sailing race around the world, the sunday times golden globe race held in 1968-69, before gps and most satellite communications. the race was open to all comers regardless of experience. what started as a grand adventure ended tragically for most of the 9 contestants. if u don’t know this heartbreaking story already i don’t want to spoil it so enough said.

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Best sailing films on Netflix, Prime and more

Yachting World

  • June 29, 2023

Fancy sitting back and enjoying some dramatic sailing footage from the comfort of your sofa? We pick the best sailing films on Netflix, Prime and more

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Recent years have seen a proliferation of sailing films arriving on streaming platforms, with Netflix taking the lead on producing original content but there are many other sailing films on offer on the streaming services that can fulfil your sailing addiction from the couch.

So if you are looking for a documentary about the America’s Cup , thrilling dramas based on true life events then look no further (And just because I was banned from mentioning it in full, here by my fellow staff, you can find Waterworld for rent on Amazon , or on Netflix in some territories… just sayin’)

Best sailing films on Netflix

Untold: The Race of the Century

Another big Netflix production to be released last year, this documentary on the 1983 America’s Cup is bursting with iconic footage and up-close interviews with major players. The story of the 1983 America’s Cup is legendary to those with even a passing interest in sailing, seeing John Bertrand’s Australia II crew beating Dennis Connor’s American Liberty crew to wrest the America’s Cup from the New York Yacht Clubs grasp for the first time in 132 years – the longest winning streak in sporting history. 

Even though we all know what happens, it’s still edge of the seat stuff and you can’t help but be reminded (or introduced to) the dizzying drama, which so captured the world and the Australian nation that it led the then Prime Minister of Australia, Bob Hawke to claim: “Any boss who sacks someone for not turning up to work today is a bum,” following the famous victory.  

This unflinching documentary film tells the story of Tracy Edwards ’ all-female Whitbread Round the World Race campaign, through raw interviews telling of the personality clashes and huge pressures the team were placed under.

It’s an emotional watch, with fantastic footage from the maxi fleets racing mid-ocean: highly recommended.

True Spirit

The latest sailing film from the streaming giant, True Spirit , takes a look at the story of Jessica Watson one of the the most famous sailors from the late Noughties and early 2010’s phenomenon of multiple teenagers bidding to become the youngest sailor to sail around the world.  Jessica Watson, who set off from Sydney in 2009 aged 16, completed her loop of Antarctica – and a dip north across the Equator in the Pacific Ocean – to return an all-Australian hero after 210 days at sea.

The film is a dramatic retelling of Watson’s story and attempts to tread the fine line between staying true to her story and picking drama out of the narrative. Watson’s story is undoubtedly intriguing and any film taking on the challenge of conveying he long, slow, and arduous experience of the solo adventurer is always going to struggle to weigh realism with drama. But for the most par this stays true enough to the story to make for a satisfying viewing experience.

Adrift  is based on the book  Red Sky in Mourning  – Tami Oldham Ashcraft’s true account of sailing into a Pacific hurricane, dismasting, and then sailing solo under jury rig for 41 days alone to Hawaii.

The true story is astounding but the film plays pretty fast and lose with the facts. For pure entertainment it is still well worth hunting out and the terror of the extreme conditions does come across on the screen. You get to marvel as Tami manages to solve the catalogue of near voyage-ending disasters – no matter how implausible some of it might seem.

Pure escapism, and a reminder that when the chips are down there is usually a way out.

Best sailing films on Prime

This critically acclaimed documentary, by the makers of Touching the Void , tells the tale of the 1968 Golden Globe Race and how Donald Crowhurst falsified his position before mysteriously disappearing. There are impressive amounts of original footage to enjoy over 50 years later.

The 2017 cinematic telling of the 1968 Golden Globe Race , in which Colin Firth delivers a stand-out performance as the complex maverick entrant Donald Crowhurst. There’s a strong emphasis on the family narrative to draw in non-sailing viewers, but the yachting scenes were carefully researched and convincing.

It stands above many other sailing films as a pure viewing experience – helped along by Firth’s considerable talents. For those of us who already know the tragic story of Crowhurst there nothing here to fill in any of the gaps, as you’d expect from a broad-appeal drama, but you cannot help but be moved to relive the story once again.

Morning light

This was a real revelation when it came out and remains a solid documentary.

Fifteen young sailors embark on six months of training with the ultimate aim to sail a TP52 across the Pacific Ocean taking part in the TRANSPAC.

The premise is that this young, inexperienced crew (made up of 18-23 year olds) sailing  Morning Light  race the 2,300 miles against some of sailing’s top professionals.

The whole thing was funded by Roy Disney and remains a stunning testament to the rigours of racing and sailing offshore, and how much can be achieved by young sailors give a chance.

Best sailing films elsewhere

Chasing tokyo.

Chasing Tokyo is available to stream from the RYA and is an emotional watch. Filmed over a full year, it follows the British Sailing Team athletes as they readied themselves for the strangest Olympic Games in history – and the parents and partners who were left behind when the sailors headed out to Tokyo.

The film crews had unprecedented access to the sailors as they navigated lockdowns, covid testing, and disrupted preparations, and the medal hopefuls candidly shared their dreams and fears. It’s an insightful view of the strange balance of tension and monotony, life-changing highs and soul-crushing lows, of life as an Olympic athlete.

The documentary gives an intriguing glimpse inside the ‘medal factory’, the machinery of the British Sailing Team which has made it consistently the most successful Olympic sailing team in the world. The legacy of London 2012, and the importance of the team’s home base in Portland – with all its quirks and characters – stands out.

Must watch viewing for anyone with an interest in the physical and mental toll the Olympics can take on professional athletes.

This one takes a bit of detective work to find, but the full documentary is hosted online and well worth a watch. In contrast to True Spirit , it’s made up of real videos shot by teen Laura Dekker as she sailed around the world in 2010.

Without cinematic production and following Dekker’s stopping route it’s a much less dramatic view of sailing around the world, though no less gripping for it, and a fascinating insight into a remarkable teen. Those who came away from True Spirit frustrated by some of the dramatic license taken may well want to watch this.

It’s impossible to watch  the Untold: The Race of the Century story – or indeed any America’s Cup film – without referring back to Wind , the 1992 movie telling of how America lost, and won back the Cup.

Like any Hollywood interpretation there are a few cringeworthy moments, and I wouldn’t recommend watching it with a sailmaker, but it’s a warm-hearted film with some great 12-Metre race scenes, and the memorable catchphrase “Hoist the Whomper!”.

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The Best Boat Movies of All Time

Looking for the best boat movies of all time for movie night? We round up the best movies about sailing, including adaptions of our favourite boat books , to watch in your home cinema or the outdoor cinema on board your superyacht.

Titanic (1997)

It’s evident from this film's setting that director James Cameron has long been a fan of boats. Based on the true story of the sunken RMS Titanic , Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet portray young lovers travelling aboard the ill-fated ship.

Adrift (2018)

Shailene Woodley and Sam Claflin star as a couple who sail from Tahiti to Hawaii aboard a sailing yacht named Hazaña . Based on a true story, the film shows how the characters deal with life at sea after a hurricane passes through their path.

Wind (1992)

Inspired by the events leading up to the 1987 Americas Cup, this yachting film features several of the 12-metre class yachts that participated in the actual races held off the coast of Western Australia. Need to brush up on your America's Cup knowledge first? Head over to our dedicated America’s Cup page .

Life of Pi (2012)

Adapted from the book by Yann Martel, the film follows the adventures of Pi Patel who must survive at sea after a shipwreck. Floating in the Pacific Ocean with a raft full of animals, Pi encounters some of the natural wonders only experienced by sailors such as bioluminescent plankton and flying fish.

Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)

Marlon Brando plays the infamous Lieutenant Fletcher Christian in this classic film inspired by true events. The film follows the crew of HMS Bounty as they travel to French Polynesia and then mutiny against their Captain, William Bligh.

Captain Phillips (2013)

Tom Hanks stars as the eponymous hero in this thriller based on a real-life hijacking of the MV Maersk Alabama by Somali Pirates.

Maiden (2019)

This insightful documentary tells the story of the all-female crew of the 18 metre racing yacht Maiden , as they compete in the 1989–1990 Whitbread Round the World Race.

Pirates of the Caribbean Series (2003-2017)

Captain Jack Sparrow's swashbuckling tales should lift the mood and keep family members of all ages entertained during a period of social-distancing. From the Black Pearl to the Flying Dutchman , each movie brings to life some of the spookiest ghost ships stories in maritime culture.

Jaws (1975)

This well-known Spielberg classic tells the story of a man-eating shark that is hunted down by the team on board the  Orca . Although the coastal town terrorised by the shark is fictional, filming largely took place in Martha’s Vineyard. The scenic summer colony is one of the best movie locations to visit by superyacht .

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

This Oscar-winning film offers a faithful a representation of life on board a 19th century Royal Navy frigate. Starring Russell Crowe, the film portrays a voyage around Cape Horn and the Galapagos Islands during the Napoleonic Wars.

In the Heart of the Sea (2015)

An all-star cast including Chris Hemsworth, Cillian Murphy, Tom Holland and Ben Whishaw play the crew of a whaling ship called the Essex . The plot is inspired by the true sinking of the ship in 1820 and the story is suggested to be the basis for Herman Melville's book Moby-Dick .

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Image courtesy of Paramount Pictures & Twentieth Century Fox.

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Sailing Movies

13 Of the Best Sailing Movies, You Can Watch Again and Again

I’m a recreational sailor. I’ve been sailing on Saginaw Bay since I was a little kid. We started off sailing Snarks and Sunfish. Our family loved sailing movies, and we watched them all. In the early 1970s, my dad took advantage of a marketing campaign by Kool cigarettes where we could purchase a Snark with the white and green KOOL logo on the sail. We still have this old boat and manage to bring her out to play with from time to time. One of the things that irk me is the lack of movie entertainment that revolves around my favorite pastime. I’ve managed to collect a few examples of movies with sailboats here.

Sometimes you can find these sailing movies streaming on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu.

White Squall (1999)

film su uno yacht

The true story of a bunch of boys, a ship, and the sea.

The movie White Squall is based on the 1961 sinking of a brigantine named the Albatross—a two-masted sailing vessel with a fully square-rigged foremast—White Squall is an exciting tale of adventure, friendship, and tragedy. This sailing movie stars Jeff Bridges as Captain Christopher “Skipper” Sheldon, who takes his charges on an epic voyage around the world on the Albatross.

Along the way, the boys learn how to sail and how to work together as a team. They also develop life-long friendships and forge incredibly tight bonds that they can only get from being in such close quarters with each other.

But then tragedy strikes: A white squall appears out of nowhere, sending massive waves crashing down upon their beloved ship. With their lives on the line and all hope of survival seeming lost, Skipper urges his boys to keep fighting for their lives—and trust each other above all else, no matter what happens next.

Wind (1992)

film su uno yacht

Wind is a 1992 film directed by Carroll Ballard that follows Will Parker, played by Matthew Modine as he loses America’s Cup, the world’s biggest sailing prize, to the Australians and decides to form his own syndicate to win it back. Will hires Kate Bass, played by Jennifer Grey, to help him with his PR campaign.

The film co-stars Cliff Robertson as Morgan Weld, a businessman who offers to sponsor the team and pays for their yacht. Rounding out the cast is Jack Thompson as Michael “Brue” Brindley, a sailor who found success in racing and now manages an Australian team; Stellan Skarsgård as Bjorn Ericson, a Swedish sailor who sails for an American syndicate; and John McGlinn as Frank Hennessy, an Australian businessman who is investing in the Australian team.

All is Lost (2013)

film su uno yacht

All is Lost is one of the most harrowing survival stories ever committed to film, All is Lost is a minimalist exploration of a man’s struggle for survival in the face of adversity. In this case, “adversity” means “the Indian Ocean.”

The story begins with Robert Redford waking up halfway through a solo voyage across the Pacific. He finds that he has struck a floating shipping container, and his boat is filling with water.

Redford’s character is never given a name, but we do get to know him through his actions. He doesn’t panic when he discovers the leak; instead, he sets about repairing it as best he can. He rigs a jury-rigged sail to help him stay afloat while he waits out a storm. When the radio fails, there’s no bemoaning his fate; instead, he puts on his best poker face and keeps going. Each time he faces down yet another crisis and finds a solution, we learn more about him—and the stakes just keep getting higher.

Dead Calm (1989)

film su uno yacht

A young couple on a yacht trip in the South Pacific encounters a damaged ship and its only living inhabitant. He is looking for a ride home, so he can return to his wife and kids. The captain is suspicious and refuses to take him on board. As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that the stranger was responsible for slaughtering the other crew members and that his wife may not be waiting for him at all.

The director depicts this story in an original way, shot completely on a boat, as it sails through the Pacific Ocean. Although the story is fictitious, it still gives us some real sailing skills and challenges of open water navigation.

This movie Dead Calm stars Nicole Kidman, Sam Neill, and Billy Zane.

Morning Light (2008)

film su uno yacht

Morning Light is a documentary that follows the youngest crew ever to compete in the Transpac sailing race. All crew members were between 18 and 23. The film follows the development of the Morning Light sailing team, their six months of sea training, and finally, the weeklong race across the Pacific between Los Angeles to Honolulu.

The film follows the young sailors as they develop their teamwork and learn to navigate under pressure and in high winds. The film also gives viewers a glimpse of the athletes’ personal lives: one woman struggles to find childcare so she can attend training while several others struggle with homesickness or the physical and emotional toll of leaving their families behind for months at a time.

The young sailors operate under incredible pressure: they are working hard to impress their sponsors (who have provided them with $2 million worth of equipment), they have only six months to learn how to sail, and they are constantly being compared to more experienced crews. They also must contend with a strict coach who pushes them harder than they’ve ever been pushed before.

Adrift (2018)

film su uno yacht

When you’re out on the open sea, you never know what fate may bring.

For Tami and Richard, it was a once-in-a-lifetime adventure—and one they’ll never forget.

Adrift is the true story of their journey to love and their battle with Hurricane Raymond in 1983, considered one of the most destructive storms ever recorded. Tami wakes up in the aftermath of the storm to find Richard seriously injured and their sailboat in shreds and sinking. Now, Tami must summon all her will and strength to save herself… and Richard, with no possibility of rescue.

Starring Shailene Woodley and Sam Claflin, Adrift is an incredible tale for anyone who’s ever felt like they were fighting against the world.

Kon-Tiki (2012)

film su uno yacht

It’s not often that you can come away from a movie with a new appreciation for the world around you—but that’s precisely what happened when I watched Kon-Tiki!

The movie is based on an actual expedition led by Thor Heyerdahl, a famous Norwegian explorer, and ethnographer, in 1947. Thor theorized that South Americans had settled parts of the South Sea Islands, and he wanted to prove his point. So, after months of preparation, he and five other guys set sail from Peru on a balsa-wood raft. They planned to use natural elements (like stars and ocean currents) to navigate their way through the sea.

It sounds impossible, right? But they did it! And they didn’t even have modern equipment like GPS or maps—just a radio. It’s one of the most incredible things I’ve ever seen. You should watch this movie; it leaves you feeling inspired about what you can accomplish if you believe in your aspirations.

Maidentrip (2013)

Amazon Prime Logo

The documentary, Maidentrip , chronicles the two-year journey of Laura Dekker as she attempts to become the youngest person to sail around the world. The video, directed by Jillian Schlesinger, is a testament to the human spirit and what can be accomplished when one pursues one’s ambition and works hard to attain it.

Dekker is depicted as a free-spirited outsider who finds her utopia in a never-ending sea. She is shown spending time with friends, getting tattoos, and enjoying life on her boat. While she does occasionally use bad language in the video, it never interferes with her message that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to if you are willing to work hard and overcome obstacles that may arise along the way.

The Endurance (2000)

film su uno yacht

The Endurance tells the story of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s 1914-1916 journey to Antarctica, which is considered one of history’s greatest survival stories. Following the terrible death of legendary English polar explorer Robert Falcon Scott on his journey to the South Pole, Shackleton embarked on his third voyage.

Shackleton assembled a 27-man crew aboard his ship, Endurance, and set out in search of a new route across Antarctica from the Weddell Sea to the Ross Sea. The expedition was thwarted by ice near the Weddell Sea, and Endurance was trapped for nearly a year before being crushed by the ice and sinking. The men escaped with their lives onto the floes, where they remained for another five months before reaching Elephant Island. Five men stayed behind at the site of their camp as Shackleton sailed in a small boat with five others in search of help. He sailed 800 miles through dangerous seas to reach South Georgia Island, where he arranged for a rescue ship to save his stranded crew members. All 27 men survived this ordeal, which is considered an epic feat in polar exploration history.

Sea Gypsies: Far Side of the World (2017)

film su uno yacht

Picture this: a gang of roving miscreants, with no licenses or insurance and an almost non-existent budget, is bound towards the most perilous seas on the planet.

This is almost the polar opposite of what you may have learned in your sailing classes. But for the crew of “Sea Gypsies: The Far Side of the World,” their story is one of adventure, courage, and determination.

In this heart-pounding documentary, a group of friends takes on the challenge of a lifetime: sailing from New York to Japan without any formal training, using only an old wooden boat that they built themselves.

“We knew it was crazy,” says Timmy Sniffles, one of the participants. “But we threw ourselves at it anyway.”

With three cameras on board to capture every moment and a host of experts who explain the dangers, they faced along the way, “Sea Gypsies” is a real-life thriller that will keep you glued to your seat.

The Old Man and The Sea Return to Cuba (2018)

Prime Logo

Finbar Gittleman is a 75-year-old master sailor. He has a mythical position among sailors in Key West and the Caribbean after living a rough and perilous life at sea. As he returns to Havana, Cuba for the first time since Castro’s revolution, this is his narrative.

The Old Man and The Sea Return to Cuba : Finbar Gittleman takes you on an adventure of sailing, perseverance, and self-discovery.

In this video, Finbar recounts his life at sea and how he came to be in Florida. He also shares some of the hardships he faced along the way as he struggled to make a living in the harsh environment of Key West.

He then describes the day when he decided to sail back home – through the dangerous reefs of Cuba – with nothing but his old boat, a compass, and some provisions.

The Mercy (2018)

film su uno yacht

Featured on the Today Show and in the New York Times, this extraordinary narrative of amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst’s effort to solo around the world in the first race of its type, the 1968 Sunday Times Golden Globe Race, is told in “The Mercy.”

Crowhurst was an amateur sailor who dreamed of winning the race. Struggling with his business and family life, he decided to enter the race. He convinced a local businessman to support him and set about building a boat for the race.

The race was ill-fated from the start: one competitor died at sea and another disappeared without a trace. Crowhurst became increasingly unstable as he sailed around the world; radio transmissions from him became more erratic as he sailed on.

He finally returned to England, where he was declared the winner of the race due to his competitors’ fates. However, it was discovered that he had never made it past the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and had falsified his log entries. He returned home in disgrace and committed suicide shortly after his return.

The Weekend Sailor (2016)

film su uno yacht

It’s not often that a story like this comes along. “ The Weekend Sailor ” is a documentary about Ramon Carln, a Mexican man who, in 1974, wins the first crewed around-the-world sailing race on his boat Sayula II. The race is now known as The Volvo Ocean Race, and it takes place every three years.

The reason this story is so captivating? Carln wasn’t your typical sailor. He had very little experience with sailing, and he won the race with a crew of family and friends.

The film follows Carln’s journey: from his humble beginnings as a young boy when he began to dream of being a sailor, to his later years when he competed in the race and then won it (overcoming many obstacles along the way). It’s an inspiring story of determination and drive that you’ll want to watch with your whole family!

Related to Sailing Movies and Other Stuff

Upper Thumb Boating and Sailing – Here is another wonderfully produced video from LIVE Huron. This one focuses on Huron County boating and sailing opportunities with some great shots of Caseville harbor and breakwall

Interview with Author Jacki Howard – I reached out to Jacki Howard to see what she has done since the book was published 10 years ago. She is still involved with the book, but life has moved on. Like so many in the Thumb region, we are distant cousins. While we have never personally met, we found common ground with our interest in the “Dying Sparlings” Here is our exchange.

Boat Names – Transom Charm – The boat name you select may not seem like an important thing, but most of us feel that selecting the right name for our boat is important.

A Kool Little Cigarette Sailboat – In 1971 KOOL Cigarettes ran a unique marketing campaign. Magazines around the country ran an ad that if you sent in $88 and one box end from a carton of Kool cigarettes that this fully functional sailboat would be shipped to your door.

Michigan Monday – Saginaw Poet Theodore Roethke – Regarded as one of the most accomplished and influential poets of his generation, Roethke won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1954 for his book The Waking.

The Amazing Michigan Photography of Steven Donahue – Steven was born and grew up on his family farm near Port Hope. He moved away and started studying the arts, including photography, in Chicago. He was in the military during the Vietnam War and became an MP. Part of his job was to photograph deaths and burials. A job I’m sure was not pleasant.

Michigan's Thumb ThumbWind

Michael Hardy

Michael Hardy is the owner of Thumbwind Publications LLC. Michael was born in Michigan and grew up near Caseville. In 2009 he started this fun-loving site covering Michigan's Upper Thumb. Since then, he has authored a vast range of content and established a loyal base of 60,000 visitors per month.

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3 thoughts on “ 13 of the best sailing movies, you can watch again and again ”.

Substitute “Captain Ron” for “All is lost” and I am all aboard.

Charlie St Cloud was a recent movie with some sailing focus.

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17 Best Sailing Movies & Documentaries

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sailboat on open water

Not much beats a good movie binge – so I’ve compiled a list of some of the best sailing movies and documentaries to inspire and humble even the saltiest sailors.

The best movies about sailing tug at the lines in our hearts and leave us yearning for life on the water. They also remind us of the power of the ocean.

I’ve personally watched the 17 movies on this list to give you a movie overview from a sailor’s perspective and my thoughts on why you should watch them!

I’ve also included links to the great sailing movies below if they are available on a streaming service such as Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, Tubi, and more. Let’s get started!

Sailing Adventure Movies

These films about sailing tell stories of true adventure on the high seas. Packed with action and the occasional twists and turns, you will definitely be in for hours of entertainment.

1. All is Lost (2013)

With only one cast member and just 51 spoken words, this Robert Redford sailing movie represents what managing a crisis alone on the open ocean looks like.

A survival sailing film, the plot of All is Lost follows a solo sailor as he manages the fallout after a collision with a shipping container damages his sailboat.

All is Lost video thumbnail

You’ll see everything unfold step-by-step as this resourceful sailor handles the growing damage to his boat. Whether or not he makes the correct choices or if the situations are accurate is somewhat criticized by the sailing community. 

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:  Even if you find the sailor’s circumstances less than accurate, the portrayal of a silent character as he faces his mortality is a very unique approach for a sailing film. The emotional performance by Redford is surprisingly relatable, and the plot will leave you unsure of the character’s fate until the very end.


2. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

A sailing film based on a series of 19th-century navel novels, it’s one of the most underrated and historically accurate films of its era.

Master and Commander is set during the Napoleonic Wars and follows the Royal Navy Captain Jack Aubrey and his crew aboard the HMS Suprise.

Master and Commander video thumbnail

The film’s incredible casting includes Russell Crowe as the ship’s confident and respected captain and Paul Bettany as Dr. Stephen Maturin, the onboard surgeon and captain’s confidant.

Rather than retreat to England, the captain opts for an ocean chase around South America as the Surprise seeks to repair damages while also outmaneuvering the superior French vessel to complete its mission.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: From start to finish, you feel like one of the crew. All scenes follow the vessel, giving an especially real depiction of the aftermath of battles, factors in the decision-making, and the incredible loyalty and patriotism of the crew as they sail thousands of miles from home, fighting for their country.

The plot begins as the Surprise is given the order to capture a French privateer. The initial battle leaves the Surprise at a disadvantage when it’s revealed that the French ship is both bigger and faster than the Royal Navy vessel.


3. Pirates of the Caribbean (2003 – 2017)

This popular movie series based on the ride at Walt Disney World has had an incredible run starting with the first movie in 2003,  The Curse of the Black Pearl .

The film stars Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. True to Depp’s style, the actor defined the character from day one, and the uniqueness has made the series what it is.

Pirates of the Caribbean video thumbnail

From pirate curses to Davy Jones’ locker – this is a wild ride you want to be on. Get ready to binge! 

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:  Even though Pirates of the Caribbean has become a pop culture series, we love the thrill of this sailing adventure and still get chills when Jack Sparrow delivers the line, “Now… bring me that horizon”.


Sailing Comedy Movies

These adventure comedy sailing films are great movie night choices for a fun time and a few good laughs.

4. Captain Ron (1992)

Thirty years after its debut, Captain Ron is still a popular cult classic. This film has to be one of the top sailing movies on this list. The hilariously wild plot makes it enjoyable whether or not you are a skilled sailor.

This sailing comedy starring Kurt Russell is about a carefree captain for hire and a Chicago suburban father (Martin Short) seeking a real adventure for his family.

Captain Ron video thumbnail

When the father inherits a sailing yacht in the Caribbean, he decides his family should sail it back to Florida to sell it. They hire the incompetent Captain Ron to help them sail the boat to Miami.

A slew of crazy mishaps follows, including the consequences of the captain’s questionable past and pursuit by pirates through the Caribbean.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: Although this is one of Kurt Russell’s only comedic roles, after watching the film, you can’t imagine anyone else as the easygoing Captain Ron. This movie not only makes you laugh but also includes plenty of sailing nostalgia that will have you planning your next Caribbean Charter.

5. the life aquatic with steve zissou (2004).

This Wes Andersen film features an oceanographer who is a washed-up documentary filmmaker, Steve Zissou (played by Bill Murray), and his search for revenge on a rare shark that killed his friend and crewmate. 

The Life Aquatic video thumbnail

Zissou sets out on his voyage with a quirky crew, including a pregnant oceanic reporter (Cate Blanchett), his estranged wife (Anjelica Huston), and a man who he recently discovered might be his son (Owen Wilson).

As the story unfolds, a series of unfortunate events lead to unexpected developments with the characters and ultimately bring them together for a spectacular ending that will delight ocean lovers.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:   The Life Aquatic is a Wes Andersen film for marine lovers. If you’re a sailor who likes Wes Andersen’s style, you’ll be left completely satisfied at the end of this wet and wild story.

True story sailing movies.

These sailing movies based on true stories take you on a journey with the sailboat crews that experienced extraordinary situations on the ocean.

6. Adrift (2018)

As far as sailing survival films go, this film is one of our favorites.

Adrift is the true story of Tami Ashcraft and Richard Sharp. Two adventurous people who find love on their travels and then face a deadly hurricane on a sailing yacht delivery across the Pacific.

Adrift video thumbnail

The movie opens with Tami, played by Shailene Woodley, waking up in the hull of a very damaged sailboat. As she frantically searches for Richard, she goes on deck to realize that his tether has broken.

Cut to five years earlier, where we meet Tami getting off a charter vessel. As the movie progresses, we bounce back and forth between the story of the couple’s meeting and Tami trying desperately to stay alive.

You can find the highly recommended book on this story (and many other books on which these movies were based) on our list of books for sailors .

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: Although the book of this tale (authored by Tami) is arguably better – our sailing soul still relates to the romanticized parts of this sailing survival movie, as well as the pain and loss that come with the tragedy at sea.

7. white squall (1996).

White Squall is a sailing movie based on the true story of a group of college-age boys in the 1960s who spent a semester on a tall ship in the Ocean Academy sailing halfway around the world. 

This movie starring Jeff Bridges, is about an old salt captain whose job is to build the character of this group of boys. Some were sent to him for discipline, some an escape, and various other reasons.

White Squall video thumbnail

We follow the young men as they come together as a crew and ultimately face a terrible unpredicted storm on the sea.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: Sailors will love the nostalgia that comes with a tall ship as the primary setting for the film. More than that, this story is about a group of misfits coming together to achieve a goal that bonds them for life.

8. the perfect storm (2000).

This movie is based on a non-fiction book that recounts the “Perfect Storm” or “No-Name Storm” that hit North America in the fall of 1991.

The Perfect Storm is somewhat loosely based on the book but follows the events of the swordfishing vessel Andrea Gail and her crew.

George Clooney plays Billy Tyne, the vessel’s captain with something to prove. The film also stars Mark Wahlberg as Tyne’s right-hand man.

The Perfect Storm video thumbnail

After coming back to port with a disappointing catch, the crew heads back out late in the season only to be caught in one of the most devastating storms in history.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: Sailors will find Captain Tyne’s passion and love for the sea completely relatable. You’ll also get a rarely portrayed image of what it’s like for the people who work on the ocean for weeks or months at a time – often risking their lives for their work.


9. Captain Phillips (2013)

Captain Phillips is the true story of a 2009 hijacking of a U.S. container ship off the coast of Africa by Somalian pirates.

The movie follows the decisions of Captain Phillips and his crew leading up to the hijacking and the intense series of events that unfold after the ship is under the pirates’ control.

Captain Philips video thumbnail

It’s reported that although Hollywood’s version of the story casts Phillips as a hero, in reality, it was a more straightforward hostage situation. Even so, we love watching Tom Hanks in the role of Captain Phillips.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:  This is an action thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat as the captain, crew, and U.S. navy work to resolve an intense situation. 


10. True Spirit (2023)

This Netflix original movie is based on the true story of an Australian teen, Jessica Watson, who in 2009 set out to be the youngest person to sail unassisted and nonstop around the globe.

Jessica Watson on the bow of her sailboat in the calm ocean

True Spirit follows the sixteen-year-old girl’s journey and her family and coach as they monitor her circumnavigation back home in Sydney.

We see the struggles unfold for everyone involved during the 23,000 nautical mile sail, as well as the challenges Jess and her family face with the doubting views of the local media.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: Despite some of the cringe-worthy visual effects in this film, the story holds up and does a great job of communicating the emotional aspect of this young sailor’s journey. You really feel the moments of solitude and intensity during the storms, and you’ll be rooting for Jess the whole way.


11. In the Heart of the Sea (2015)

In the Heart of the Sea is an adventure film directed by Ron Howard based on the story of the sinking of the whaleship Essex in 1820, which inspired the novel “Moby-Dick” by Herman Melville.

massive whale tail coming up out of the ocean with sailors nearby in the water

The film follows the crew of the Essex, led by Captain George Pollard Jr. and first mate Owen Chase (Chris Hemsworth), as they set out from Nantucket, Massachusetts on a perilous voyage hunting whales for their oil.

After venturing to remote whaling grounds off South America, they encounter a massive and vengeful white sperm whale. The crew is stranded at sea for 90 days, facing hunger, dehydration, and extreme weather conditions.

The film is framed as a flashback, with Melville interviewing Thomas Nickerson, the last surviving member of the Essex crew, about the events that took place. 

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:   In the Heart of the Sea is a gripping tale of maritime survival, exploring the complexities of human nature under extreme circumstances. The film also highlights the brutality of the whaling industry and its devastating impact on the sailors and the whales.

12. kon-tiki (2012).

Kon-Tiki is the true story of Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl’s daring 1947 expedition across the Pacific Ocean on a balsawood raft.

Kon-Tiki movie trailer thumbnail of wood raft on the ocean.

This film takes audiences on a thrilling journey as Heyerdahl and his small crew set out on a balsawood raft from Peru to prove his theory that ancient South American civilizations could have reached Polynesia by sea and settled the area.

The film beautifully captures the awe-inspiring vastness of the ocean and the camaraderie of the crew as they battle against treacherous storms, sharks, and their own doubts about the expedition.

Kon-Tiki  delves into the complexities of Heyerdahl’s determination, faith, and the audacity of his scientific pursuit, making it a thought-provoking cinematic experience.

This movie is based on the 1950 Oscar-winning documentary Kon-Tiki, directed by Thor Heyerdahl himself.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: With its gripping narrative and meticulous attention to historical accuracy,  Kon-Tiki  immerses you in the harrowing challenges Heyerdahl and his crew faced during their 101-day journey of 4,300 miles across the Pacific. I personally really enjoyed this film.

13. the mercy (2018).

The Mercy is a drama film that brings to life the remarkable true story of British amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst’s ill-fated attempt to compete in the 1968 Sunday Times Golden Globe Race.

Directed by James Marsh, the film delves into the complexities of ambition, moral dilemma, and the fear of failure. 

The Mercy video trailer thumbnail of Colin Firth on top of a sailboat mast in a rain coat.

Crowhurst’s desperate voyage, driven by the desire for fame and fortune, takes a dark and tragic turn as he faces isolation and the harsh realities of the open sea.

Colin Firth delivers a compelling performance, capturing the gradual unraveling of Crowhurst’s sanity and the inner turmoil of a man caught between his family’s well-being and his own obsession for adventure.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:   The Mercy  explores the emotional and ethical challenges accompanying extended solitary voyages as dreams clash with the brutal forces of nature. It’s a compelling narrative if you’ve never heard the story. However, it’s similar to witnessing a captivating but tragic event unfold.


Best Sailing Documentaries

These are a few of our favorite sailing documentaries about some of the most memorable sailboat races and adventures.

14. Maiden (2018)

This sailing documentary is the story of 26-year-old Tracy Edwards and an all-female crew that entered the Whitbread Round the World yacht race in 1989.

A former charter boat cook, Tracy defied the odds when she fixed up a second-hand boat and put together a team to enter a race no female boat skipper had ever entered before.

Maiden documentary video thumbnail

Not only is this an extraordinary story of overcoming inequality, but it’s a reminder of how courageous, determined, and resourceful the women’s sailing community can be.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:   Maiden is an inspirational story of a group of incredible women who overcame tremendous odds and doubts to complete a nine-month, 33,000-mile sailing race.


15. Maidentrip (2013)

Maidentrip is a documentary that follows Laura Dekker, a 14-year-old Dutch girl, as she becomes the youngest person to sail alone around the world. 

Laura Dekker on her sailboat in the documentary Maidentrip.

The film depicts how Laura faced not only opposition from nature, but resistance from the Dutch government and child welfare organizations who tried to prevent her solo trip.

The film recounts her two-year journey as she navigates through rough seas and equipment failures and experiences the beauty and isolation of being at sea. 

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH: During this true coming-of-age story, you’ll be inspired by Laura’s strength and determination to pursue her dreams. We also love how the film reminds us of the spirit of adventure that drives people to explore it.

16. chasing bubbles (2016).

This sailing movie documentary is about a young man named Alex Rust, who quit his office job in Chicago, bought a small sailboat, and jumped headfirst into adventure.

The documentary recounts Alex’s experience as he teaches himself to sail, meets new people, and sets out on what would be a four-year sailing trip over thousands of miles.

Chasing Bubbles video thumbnail

Alex’s wild adventures take him to some of the most remote places on the planet. Chasing Bubbles shows the unexpected impacts he has on the many people that sail with him and the communities he visits along the way.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:  Alex’s appetite for adventure will nudge that little piece inside you that tells you to forget everything and sail away into the great unknown. 


17. Deep Water (2006)

This documentary, narrated by Tilda Swinton, recounts the 1968 Golden Globe Race from the perspective of amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst.

Crowhurst enters this non-stop solo sail race with an unseaworthy boat and much financial pressure. What follows is a series of events that lead to a hopeless situation.

Deep Water video thumbnail

The Deep Water documentary includes images, interviews, and other media pieces from the era, including audio from Crowhurst himself.

In addition to this documentary, a movie was released in 2018 titled  The Mercy  starring Colin Firth as Donald Crowhurst.

WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH:  This story is not just about the events or happenings of one man’s experience but a dive into the psychological impacts of a nine-month solo sail in some of the deadliest waters on the planet.

Wrapping up the best sailing films.

We hope you found some good sailing movies to fill your passion and desire for cruising on the open sea! If you didn’t find what you were looking for, we’ve listed a few more of our favorite sailor movies below. Fair winds and happy watching!

More of the Best Movies About Sailing

  • Dead Calm (1989)
  • Moana (2016)
  • Waterworld (1995)
  • Styx (2018)
  • Moby Dick (1956)
  • The Old Man and the Sea (1958)

More Sailing Movies Inspired by True Stories

  • Wind (1992)
  • Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)

More Documentaries About Sailing

  • Morning Light (2008)
  • Sea Gypsies: The Far Side of the World (2017)
  • Losing Sight of Shore (2017)
  • 180° South (2010)
  • Kon-Tiki documentary (1950)

YouTuber Documentaries About Sailing

  • Untie the Lines (2018), a documentary from White Spot Pirates, watch on Vimeo
  • 80 North: Sailing on Top of the World (2020), documentary from SV Delos, 80northseries.com
  • After watching this list of movies, head over to our Sailing YouTube Channels list for more binge-worthy sailing videos.
  • You may also like our post, Ultimate Sailing Songs for Inspiration and Life on the Water .
  • Or check out our sailing-inspired post 50 of the Best Sailing Quotes to Live By .

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7 Best Sailing Movies Based on True Stories

Morgan, the founder of The Home That Roams, has been living nomadically for over five years. She began her journey traveling across the U.S. in a motorhome and cruising on a liveaboard sailing catamaran. Currently, she lives full-time in a travel trailer, sharing resources on RV living and boat life to help others downsize their lives and thrive in an alternative lifestyle.

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Top 10 Boat Movies: Best Sailing Films to Watch

Gearing up for your summer holiday? Or maybe you're looking for inspiration for your next sailing trip? Get in the mood with one of our favorite sailing flicks—from adventure to comedy to romance, these boat movies will have you hankering for a few weeks at sea. 

Here are our top ten picks for movies about sailing:

1. 180° South (2010)

2. wind (1992), 3. captain ron (1992), 4. morning light (2008), 5. the dove (1974), 6. moby dick (1956), 7. wild caribbean (2007), 8. maidentrip (2013), 9. the new swiss family robinson (1998), 10. the love boat (1977-1987).

Have adventure on the mind? Kick off a movie marathon with this documentary on the epic 1968 journey of Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins. 

Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and his best friend Tompkins took off on a whirlwind sailing journey to, yes, Patagonia in 1968. Along the way, they do some serious surfing but also discover the beauty of experiencing pure, raw nature. In this documentary, one of Chouinard's fans, Jeff Johnson, retraces the duo's steps to discover the thrill of sailing in nature for himself. 

For those looking for some sporty action, the 1992 flick is one of the most exciting of yacht movies. 

After losing the America's Cup (i.e., the biggest sailing race in the world), Matthew Modine makes it his ambition to win back the coveted title. Also following Modine's romance with Kate Bass, an aeronautical engineering graduate student, this boat movie is equal parts sporty and romantic—a one-two punch for a good movie night. 

Watch the trailer!

1992 was the year of the movies about boating! 

Also this year, Kurt Russell and Martin Short starred in Captain Ron , a comedy adventure about a man from Chicago who inherits an old yacht. The flick follows Short’s character, Martin Harvey, as he takes his wife and children to the Caribbean for a sailing adventure—which quickly turns into more than Harvey bargained for with Captain Ron (Russell) at the helm. 

Can’t get enough racing action? Neither can we. 

For a different twist on a movie about ships, try Morning Light . This documentary follows fifteen young sailors as they embark on six months of intensive training. Their goal? Race a high-performance 52-foot sloop in the Transpacific Yacht Race. From Hawaii to the high seas to the daring competition against the world's top professionals, this is one of the boat movies you don't want to miss. 

When it comes to movies about boating, real life is truly often more exciting than fiction. 

This 1974 film recounts the true story of 16-year-old Robin Lee Graham who embarks on a solo trip around the world in The Dove , his 23-foot sloop. Along the way, he meets a young woman who is on her own journey around the globe. With a dramatic biography that needs no embellishment, this film follows the adventures of Graham in life and love as he sails around the world from adolescence to adulthood.

You can't talk about boat movies without mentioning perhaps the most classic of them all: Moby Dick . 

In this legendary tale, the eminent Gregory Peck stars as Captain Ahab, an old fishing captain obsessed with hunting down and killing the white whale who robbed him of his leg years ago. If you want to take a break from the comedies and romantic yacht movies, Moby Dick is one of the renowned classics that will surely make you feel the thrill of the sea. 

Daydreaming about a holiday to the Caribbean? 

Us, too. That's why we have yachts available for charter across the islands—from Antigua to St. Lucia to Martinique. Before setting sail, get a taste of the Wild Caribbean with this four-part documentary series on the Caribbean islands and sea. Talk about some major travel inspiration! 

Check it out!  

For those who can't get enough of sailing documentaries, this is one of the movies about sailing you must add to your list. 

Maidentrip follows Laura Dekker as she sets out to become the youngest person ever to sail around the world alone—at the age of 14. The documentary takes us back before the start of her two-year voyage, from her early childhood sailing in New Zealand to life preparing for her epic feat. 

If you're planning a sailing holiday for the family, there's no better way to get the kids excited for the upcoming travel than with this boat movie. 

This cult classic follows Angelino Jack Robinson as he sails with his family from Hong Kong to Sydnery. From pirates to hidden treasure and more, this is one of the best sailing movies for families. While a private yacht charter won't get you tangled up with wild pirate chases and searches for buried treasure, this family film will certainly bring out the adventurer in you before your own sailing trip. 

Nautical movies not enough for you? If you're looking for a great binge watching session to satisfy your craving for sailing, try The Love Boat . 

This classic TV show follows the comedies, romances, and adventures of the passengers and crew of the cruise ship, Pacific Princess. Starring Fred Grandy, Bernie Kopell, Ted Lange, Lauren Tewes, and Gavin MacLeod, this retro sitcom was based off of Jeraldine Saunder's novel, which was inspired by her years working as a cruise ship hostess. 

Have these boat movies left you with a serious craving for the sea? 

If you want to live your life like you're the hero in your own movie, charter a yacht this year . Our yacht charter experts can make your favorite movie a real-life memory.

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This classic yacht built in 1965, is sailing again. offering all kind of events, weddings and celebrations, it accommodates up to 65 people on board., the boat is located in the port of palma de mallorca..

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Il varo di “Leona”, superyacht da 80 metri del cantiere turco Bilgin: il video

Il varo di un superyacht è sempre un momento emozionante. in questo video il primo incontro con l’acqua del superyacht “leona”, un 80 metri costruito da bilgin yachts in turchia.

Argomenti: Daily Nautica , superyacht


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  1. 7 migliori film sui velisti

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    5. Morning Light (2008) A riveting true-life adventure aboard the high-tech sloop Morning Light. Fifteen rookie sailors have one goal in mind: to be part of her crew, racing in one of the most revered sailing competitions in the world, the Transpac Yacht Race. Watch on Amazon. Rotten Tomatoes.

  6. 20 Best Sailing Movies of all Time

    Dead Calm (1989) Starring Billy Zane, Nicole Kidman, Sam Neil, and a gorgeous 60 ft. ketch, Dead Calm revolves around a mass-murderer who kidnaps and seduces a young beautiful woman after leaving a husband to die on a vessel whose crew he has just murdered.

  7. Best Boating Movies: 39 Top Sailing & Yachting Films To Watch

    18 - Fastnet. An incredible YouTube documentary about a father and son who sailed the Atlantic in 1979 Fastnet race during a force 10 gale, the last of the Admiral's Cup events in that year. A huge search and rescue operation was deployed to find 150 yachts that went missing in a 20,000 area square of the Irish Sea.

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    The first Polish film to be nominated for a Foreign Language Oscar, Roman Polanski's "Knife in the Water" is considered one of the most impressive director's debuts. The story is simple. A wealthy couple on their way to spend a weekend on the yacht picks up a young and attractive hitchhiker.

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    Based on a true story, the film shows how the characters deal with life at sea after a hurricane passes through their path. Wind (1992) Inspired by the events leading up to the 1987 Americas Cup, this yachting film features several of the 12-metre class yachts that participated in the actual races held off the coast of Western Australia.

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    White Squall (1999) The true story of a bunch of boys, a ship, and the sea. The movie White Squall is based on the 1961 sinking of a brigantine named the Albatross—a two-masted sailing vessel with a fully square-rigged foremast—White Squall is an exciting tale of adventure, friendship, and tragedy. This sailing movie stars Jeff Bridges as ...

  13. Sailing & Seamanship Movies

    2013 1h 41m TV-14. 6.4 (2.6K) Rate. It tells the story of Yann Kermadec whose dreams suddenly come true when he has to replace the DCNS star skipper at the last minute before the start of the Vendée Globe (a round-the-world non-stop single-handed yacht race). After several days of racing, Yann, who is in the lead, has to stop to repair a ...

  14. The Boat (2018)

    Joe Azzopardi takes a small boat off of Malta and discovers a bump, dense fog, and an abandon sailing ship, the Aelous Valetta. Joe boards the vessel and soon discovers he is alone on the ship and his ride has left. On a historic note, in 1886 the Aelous was sunk when it collided with the Valetta.

  15. 17 Best Sailing Movies & Documentaries

    True Story Sailing Movies. These sailing movies based on true stories take you on a journey with the sailboat crews that experienced extraordinary situations on the ocean. 6. Adrift (2018) As far as sailing survival films go, this film is one of our favorites. Adrift is the true story of Tami Ashcraft and Richard Sharp.

  16. 20 Best Sailing Movies of all time

    Dead Calm (1989) The plot of Dead Calm revolves around the story of a mass murderer who took over a big sailboat. The story is super emotional and dramatic, as the aggressor kidnaps a young woman and leaves her husband on a boat with an all-dead crew. The thrilling drama is an epitome of a great sailing movie.

  17. The Boat (2022)

    The Boat is a film directed by Alessio Liguori with Marco Bocci, Diane Fleri, Filippo Nigro, Marina Rocco .... Year: 2022. Original title: The Boat. Synopsis: The trip aboard a luxury yacht of three couples that will turn from an exciting experience to a terrible nightmare.You can watch The Boat through on the platforms:

  18. Top 10 Boat Movies: Best Sailing Films to Watch

    From pirates to hidden treasure and more, this is one of the best sailing movies for families. While a private yacht charter won't get you tangled up with wild pirate chases and searches for buried treasure, this family film will certainly bring out the adventurer in you before your own sailing trip. Watch the trailer! 10. The Love Boat (1977-1987)

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    Tendre voyou (1966) 1 h 34 min. Sortie : 21 septembre 1966 (France). Comédie. Torpenn a mis 5/10. Liste de 15 films par Torpenn. Avec Indiscrétions, Certains l'aiment chaud !, La Comtesse aux pieds nus, Quatre hommes et une prière, etc.

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    In no time, I was on a zoom call with John Caudwell —the British cell phone entrepreneur who owns the 239-foot-long superyacht Titania that Nexflix producers used to film Lady Diana famously ...

  21. Falcao Uno

    This classic yacht built in 1965, is sailing again. Offering all kind of events, weddings and celebrations, it accommodates up to 65 people on board. ... FALCAO UNO +34 657 32 61 54 Reservations | +34 618 65 18 25 Administration. [email protected] | [email protected]

  22. giochiamo a nascondino su uno yacht

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  23. Il varo di "Leona", superyacht da 80 metri costruito da Bilgin: il video

    Il varo di un superyacht è sempre un momento emozionante. In questo video il primo incontro con l'acqua del superyacht "Leona", un 80 metri costruito dal cantiere turco Bilgin Yachts. Le immagini si riferiscono al varo della seconda unità di Bilgin 263, che ha toccato l'acqua per la prima volta nello stabilimento di Istanbul, in Turchia."Abbiamo avuto un momento di orgoglio ...