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Multihull of the year

Essai tiré du Multicoques Mag #74 (avril/mai 1999)

Noël LOUVET, directeur de la société VIRUS, implanté à PLOUHINEC dans le MORBIHAN, est un homme plein d'idées, qui cherche à innover. Déjà fondateur de la société NEWCAT qui, à la grande époque conquit plus de la moitié du marché du catamaran d'initiation dans les écoles de voiles, il est également à l'origine de la société Skipper International qui contribua largement à l'accès pour un large public de la pratique de la planche à voile grâce à toute la gamme des planches à voile Magnum. 

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Cases of West Nile Virus continues to climb and DEM warns threat from mosquitoes remains

Portrait of Paul Edward Parker

PROVIDENCE − The number of human cases of West Nile Virus in Rhode Island doubled from last week to this week , the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management reported Thursday.

Two new cases this week -- one confirmed and one probable -- were added to last week's count. According to the DEM press release, "Both people are Providence County residents in their 70s."

Additionally, the  Rhode Island State Health Laboratories confirmed a mosquito captured in Westerly tested positive for EEE, Eastern Equine Encephalitis.

The positive EEE mosquito was part of a study that included 89 samples collected from 24 mosquito traps around the state.

DEM reminds Rhode Islanders, "that it is a particularly active mosquito season in Southern New England and that mosquito testing and recent human cases of both EEE virus and WNV indicate a high-risk level statewide."

DEM said that this is a particularly active mosquito season and the risk of EEE and West Nile is high statewide.

"It is important for all Rhode Islanders to take precautions to limit exposure to mosquitoes and prevent mosquito bites, including using an EPA-approved insect repellent and wearing long sleeves and pants when outdoors," DEM said in a news release.

What is West Nile Virus?

West Nile  virus is the leading cause of mosquito-borne disease in the continental United States, according to the CDC, and is most commonly spread to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. Most people with West Nile virus do not feel sick. About 1 in 5 people who are infected develop a fever and other symptoms. About 1 out of 150 people develop a serious, sometimes fatal, illness.

Tips for avoiding mosquito bites

  • Put screens on windows and doors. Fix screens that are loose or have holes.
  • Consider rescheduling outdoor activities that occur during the evening or early morning at sunrise and sundown (when mosquitoes carrying the EEE virus are most active). If you must be outside, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants and use bug spray. Last month, RIDOH, DEM, and the Mosquito Borne Disease Advisory Group (MDAG)  recommended that members of the public, schools, and communities consider “smart-scheduling”  of outdoor activities during peak mosquito activity hours to help minimize the risk of mosquito bites.
  • Use  EPA-approved bug spray  with one of the following active ingredients:  DEET  (20-30% strength), picaridin, IR3535, and oil of lemon eucalyptus or paramenthane. Always read the label and follow all directions and precautions.
  • Do not use bug spray with DEET on infants under two months of age. Check the product label to find the concentration of DEET in a product. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that repellents contain no more than 30% DEET when used on children. Children should be careful not to rub their eyes after bug spray has been applied on their skin. Wash children’s hands with soap and water to remove any bug spray when they return indoors.
  • Put mosquito netting over playpens and baby carriages.

trimaran virus plus

Nautical Trek

VirusPlus : Montage de la version trimaran, ou prao

VirusPlus : Montage de la version trimaran, ou prao

  • 18 juillet 2007
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Le VirusPlus, trimaran ou prao, est entièrement démontable ce qui lui autorise un stockage particulièrement compact sur remorque.

trimaran virus plus

Revers de la médaille, il faut le remonter pièce par pièce avant de pouvoir naviguer. Voici l’ensemble de l’opération détaillée à l’aide des photos de Guy (merci également à Ribor pour son aimable intervention).

trimaran virus plus

Mise à terre

On commence par retirer les flotteurs qui sont fixés à l’envers sur les poutres centrales pour le transport. Il suffit de dévisser les brides métalliques qui serviront ultérieurement à les fixer aux extrémités des poutres.

trimaran virus plus

Démontage des feux arrière de la remorque.

trimaran virus plus

On casse la remorque de route, afin de pouvoir descendre la petite remorque de mise à l’eau.

trimaran virus plus

Il n’y a plus qu’à pousser jusqu’à la plage. La légèreté de l’ensemble (environ 200 kg) et les pneus basse pression permettent de rouler sur le sable ou les galets. On s’affranchit ainsi de la contrainte de devoir trouver une mise à l’eau.

trimaran virus plus

2 grosses roues tournant autours d’un axe sur lequel est posé le bateau peuvent remplacer la remorque de mise à l’eau. Notez au passage que la forme curieuse des flotteurs à fond plat permet de les poser par terre sans qu’ils basculent sur le côté.

trimaran virus plus

Préparation du gréement

On enfile le mât court à travers son emplanture.

trimaran virus plus

Fixation de l’étai à l’avant :

trimaran virus plus

Le foc est endraillé sur l’étai :

trimaran virus plus

On enfile la livarde dans son fourreau en tête de grand voile.

trimaran virus plus

Amarrage de la « drisse » sur la livarde :

trimaran virus plus

Fixation de la livarde en hauteur sur le mât :

trimaran virus plus

On peut hisser la livarde et admirer le travail.

trimaran virus plus

Tiens … Y’aurait pas un truc qui cloche ? Damned ! J’ai oublié les lattes.

trimaran virus plus

Enfilage des longues lattes forcées.

trimaran virus plus

On en profite pour attacher la sangle en velcro qui maintient le point d’écoute de la GV sur la bôme :

trimaran virus plus

Re-hissage de la voile, avec ses lattes cette fois ci.

trimaran virus plus

La coque centrale s’inspire des formes traditionnelles des Doris. Cela explique la présence de ce curieux gréement, sorte de houari très apiqué, plutôt inhabituel sur un multicoque européen. Il présente l’avantage de limiter grandement la hauteur du mât pour le transport. En contrepartie, cela ne facilite pas le hissage et l’affalage de la grand-voile, et les prises de ris sont singulièrement compliquées du fait du déplacement de la livarde.

Terminons le montage par la fixation du point d’amure sur la bôme à l’aide d’un mousqueton, et la mise en place de l’écoute et du halebas :

trimaran virus plus

Montage des flotteurs

On commence par retirer les anneaux brisés retenant les clavettes aux extrémités des poutres centrales.

trimaran virus plus

Mise en place des poutres latérales sur les poutres centrales, via leur manchon légèrement coudé :

trimaran virus plus

Remise en place des clavettes.

trimaran virus plus

Enfilage des trampolines sur les poutres. Gousset à l’avant et boucle en sangle à l’arrière.

trimaran virus plus

Les brides métalliques servant à fixer les flotteurs sont mises en place puis serrées à la main à l’aide d’un gros écrou à œil.

trimaran virus plus

On fixe une extrémité du flotteur puis l’autre. L’opération est facilitée par leur taille et leur poids réduit.

trimaran virus plus

Il ne reste plus qu’à enfiler le tube à l’arrière des trampolines puis à tendre le tout.

trimaran virus plus

Ne pas oublier de fixer le safran puis de glisser la dérive dans son emplacement à l’extérieur tribord de la coque et voilà l’engin prêt à appareiller.

trimaran virus plus

En route pour de nouvelles aventures aquatiques…

trimaran virus plus

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Cet article a 0 commentaires.

trimaran virus plus

montage du Virus Plus C »est vrai qu »á vous voir monter un Virus – à 2 qui plus est – ça á l »air hyper compliqué et long…..alors que dans la réalité le montage/démontage se fait três bien á 1 personne et en moins d »une demie heure avec un peu d »organisation. Par exemple on vous voit sur la photo mettre les lattes sur la voile alors qu »il est très facile de rouler la voile sur la bome sans enlever les lattes. Il est aussi très commode de démater sans défaire l »étai de foc. Monter le mat seul est également hyper facile en utilisant comme haubans provisoires les drisses de foc et de grand voile chacune frappée sur un oeillet de fixation des bras de coques qui sont juste dans l »axe du mat. Etc…etc. Je mettrai des photos dès que je pourrai.

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New Data Supports Animal Market Origins for COVID Pandemic


Key Takeaways

A new genetic analysis adds to the evidence that the pandemic started in Wuhan, China

Samples show the presence at Hunan Seafood Wholesale of animal species known to carry coronavirus

The study is based on more than 800 samples collected by China’s CDC

THURSDAY, Sept. 19, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- The Hunan Seafood Wholesale wet market in Wuhan, China, has long been considered the most likely source of the coronavirus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic.

That theory is now supported by a new study analyzing more than 800 samples collected in and around the market in January 2020 as the pandemic began.

Those samples show that animal species known to carry the COVID coronavirus were present in the market, according to results published Sept. 18 in the journal Cell .

“This paper adds another layer to the accumulating evidence that all points to the same scenario: that infected animals were introduced into the market in mid- to late November 2019, which sparked the pandemic,” said study co-author Kristian Andersen , director of infectious disease genomics with Scripps Research.

The common raccoon dog, a series susceptible to SARS-CoV, is closely linked to market wildlife stalls that contained SARS-CoV-2, researchers found.

Genetic material from other species like masked palm civets, the Hoary bamboo rat and the Malayan porcupine were also associated with COVID, results show.

“These are the same sorts of animals that we know facilitated the original SARS coronavirus jumping into humans in 2002,” said study co-author Michael Worobey , head of ecology and evolutionary biology with the University of Arizona.

He said the scenario in late 2019 in Wuhan was a set-up for trouble.

“This is the most risky thing we can do -- take wild animals that are teeming with viruses and then play with fire by bringing them into contact with humans living in the heart of big cities, whose population densities make it easy for these viruses to take hold,” Worobey said in a journal news release.

China’s version of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention went into the wet market just hours after it was shut down. Investigators swabbed floors, walls and stall surfaces around the market, gathering hundreds of samples.

The Chinese CDC team returned days later to focus on surfaces in stalls selling wildlife, such as cages and carts used to move animals. They also collected samples from drains and sewers.

“Many of the key animal species had been cleared out before the Chinese CDC teams arrived, so we can’t have direct proof that the animals were infected,” noted study co-author Florence Debarre with the French National Center for Scientific Research.

“We are seeing the DNA and RNA ghosts of these animals in the environmental samples, and some are in stalls where SARS-CoV-2 was found, too,” Debarre added. “This is what you would expect under a scenario in which there were infected animals in the market.”

For the new study, an international research team performed genetic sequencing of the samples, to track the presence of SARS-CoV-2 and to create a list of the wildlife species at the market from which COVID likely jumped into humans.

Evolutionary analysis of the earliest COVID pandemic strains implies that there were very few, if any, humans infected prior to the market outbreak. This is consistent with other events where animal viruses made the leap into humans, researchers said.

“In this paper, we show that the sequences linked to the market are consistent with a market emergence,” Debarre said. “The main diversity of SARS-CoV-2 was in the market from the very beginning.”

Figuring out the origins of the pandemic continues to be important, researchers argue, given the ongoing threat from animal-borne pathogens like avian flu.

“There has been a lot of disinformation and misinformation about where SARS-CoV-2 originated,” Worobey said. “The reason it’s so important to find out is that this affects national security and public health, not just in the United States but around the world. And the truth is, since the pandemic started more than four years ago, although there has been an increased focus on lab safety, not much has been done to decrease the chance of a zoonotic scenario like this happening again.”

More information

The National Intelligence Council has more on the origins of the pandemic .

SOURCE: Cell Press, news release, Sept. 19, 2024

What This Means For You

New research buttresses the theory that infected wild animals at a wet market in Wuhan, China, sparked the the pandemic.

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With more than 400 units afloat already the MAGNUM 21 trimarans have clearly demonstrated that they are the day boats of choice for safety and ease of use. In the matter of fast day boats, they set the standard today. As for the new 21.S, clubs appreciate their increased power, notably with a full load in light airs. Cruising amateurs and coastal camping enthusiasts like their large trampolines, which enable the convenient erection of two separate tents for a stopover... Carrying more canvas with a "high Tech" cut and with up-market equipment that is more complete than ever, the totally new MAGNUM 21 "S" meets the expectations of the sports sailor. Developed in collaboration with the UCPA the MAGNUM 21.S has at its disposal a larger "PENTEX" sail set, hence the wider structure.

The NEW Magnum 21S

Here is what one recent customer has said about the 21S. "I have been mighty impressed by my Magnum 21S, which is now on its mooring in Cornwall for the summer having been wintered under cover in Swansea. She goes like a rocket and takes off in the slightest puff but I can still sail her single handed."


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    DAY BOAT OF CHOICE. With more than 400 units afloat already the MAGNUM 21 trimarans have clearly demonstrated that they are the day boats of choice for safety and ease of use. In the matter of fast day boats, they set the standard today. As for the new 21.S, clubs appreciate their increased power, notably with a full load in light airs.

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