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Top 10 Downeast Boats - That You Can Buy for Under $1 Million

Many many years ago, as a young, enthusiastic, and energetic sailor, I had a conversation one evening with an old friend of my father's.

We sat on the engine box top of his motor yacht, quenching our thirst, in the setting sun. His hair, I remember was all white, skin like boot leather and a way of speaking which involved long pauses before even the shortest of his sentences were uttered. I was no doubt naive and honestly, probably rather blinded, by my then unbridled excitement for ocean racing.

I was intrigued and puzzled.

Here was a man I knew who had traveled in sailing yachts, extensively across oceans, before and after the last great war, regaling me with tales of his great passion for and his long experience of, voyaging under sail.

He was, however, rather astonishingly, I thought, ... telling me all this from the stern of a motor yacht which he now owned.

Completely incongruous ... I said to myself at the time!

Why, I asked him, do you own this vessel, when your eyes light up when reminiscing about sailing yachts?

He smiled and then .... after the mandatory long pause, replied: "You will young man someday, if you are fortunate, come to understand."

Fifty years later I possibly do!

Over the years, my reflexes have slowed, my desire to work the foredeck on a cold and windy night has abated some, and the word "easier" has increasingly edged into my conversations. I have learned to channel my energies more selectively. A good night's sleep in a level bunk is now far nearer the top of my mind and yes, I must admit, a large stable platform and the ability to really live...... below decks, while underway have all worked their way into my priorities.

The result is that I pay attention these days, more than ever, to a well built, commodious, power yacht. Having sold our larger sailing yacht, I have been investigating what should be next in the family. I have come to some conclusions!

I must also confess right up front that my eye is particularly drawn to those that have the lines of what most of us call a "down east" style. A low profile, lobster boat lines and slightly less yachty, more working boat look appeal to my nature.

Let me share some of these findings with you and even one or two (if you will permit) of my opinions!

There are many well-built power vessels available on the brokerage market these days.

For the purposes of this article, and reflecting some of my own priorities, I have been guided, (in addition to my prejudice toward my preferred style,) by considerations of quality construction and performance, good or at least reasonable resale value, a strong eye to roominess/comfort and a purchase price of less than 7 figures in US dollars.

I have limited my choice to 10 vessels and must, therefore, of necessity, omit some very good alternatives. I list my choices and comment on them in no particular order.

Are you looking for a downeast style yacht?

Contact David Walters Yachts for expert advice on locating the boat right for you.

Top 10 Downeast Boats  - That You Can Buy for Under $1 Million

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The Sabre line has a very solid reputation. Several of these vessels including the 48’ must be a serious candidate when the criteria outlined are all considered. In addition, the brand holds resale value, has well thought out accommodations and several recent design ideas integrated into the traditional look and interior finish. She is large enough to accommodate 2 couples in comfort, each with head and shower. The addition of a captain’s quarters below salon sole allow extra accommodations for crew/family members.

Her expansive foredeck is a great lounging area and her stern cockpit dining table and retractable rear cabin window creates a large outdoor living/entertainment space.

Market offering prices are affected by vessel conditions and options and can vary noticeably depending on the brand and style of the vessel's power. Pros/cons between the Volvo/pod combination, the Cummins/Zeus duo or more traditional straight shaft drives are important considerations here.

  • 48’ models on the brokerage market range from 2012 in the mid $600,000’s to very recent models at or just above $1 Million
  • Sabre 48 models on the brokerage market range from 2012 models in the mid $ 600,000s to very recent models that can reach as high as $ 1,400,000. There are generally a fair amount of options available, so buyers will have a nice selection to choose from.
  • Sabre models in the 40 to 46 size range vary in age and configuration but can be purchased as low as $300,000 for a good quality but older model.
  • Search Sabre Yachts for Sale

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The Hinckley Company has built a remarkable brand over the years. Their power line includes several vessels in the range of 44’to 55’.

Many Hinckley’s offered on the brokerage market are available at prices which are now more economical, relatively speaking, than at new.

The name brand, the associated appeal to some buyers, the quality of construction and the classic appearance overall, over the decades, maintained their attraction to a segment of the market. For this reason, they are rarely advertised at bargain prices although occasionally examples of this brand come on brokerage, usually due to seller circumstances, at prices which make them within reach of the value buyer.

Again condition, options and maintenance history are always factors. Power plant options are an interesting aspect of these vessels as more and more alternatives become available on the brokerage market, including electronic diesel-jet drive combos.

  • 55’ Talaria 2005-6s offered at slightly over and slightly under $1 Million.
  • 44' Talaria models, 2003-8, offered at $500-800,000.
  • Search Hinckley Yachts for Sale


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The Grand Banks name has been among the honor gallery for pleasure motor yachts for many years resulting in part from its original line of wood, classic trawler style vessels. Brand construction was converted to fiberglass as this material took its place among boat builders. Eventually the "Classic" design was transformed into the more modern East Bay line, keeping of course a "Down East "look. The vessels have a reputation for quality build, sea kindliness, fine finish and have an enthusiastic and substantial following.

One extremely interesting aspect of this brand is the large number of 40-55 ft vessels of both the classic and East Bay version that are available literally around the world. One can buy a GB and start an adventure from most major international yacht centers, a demonstration of their popularity as a brand and proof of how widely known and accepted they are. The variety of models in this size range also allows a purchaser almost any interior configuration that suits and, in a vintage/price point acceptable. 

Grand Banks hold their value well and many of the more popular models are, it seems, always available in brokerage. Newer vintages are now appearing on the resale market with pod drives and seakeepers. The classic line trawlers are numerous on the market and ones in very good condition can be acquired at very reasonable prices.

  • 44’ East Bay from $300,000 to about $1M based on model years ranging from 2003-2017
  • The larger models, with sizes in the range of 50 ft, are also available for well under $900,000
  • Search Grand Banks Yachts for Sale


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The Wesmac brand has a reputation as a very well built, seagoing, commercial grade vessel and as a general statement their pricing reflects that. They are considered my many howeveras not as "yachty" as other brands and tend toward a more serviceable finish and appearance.

The design involves more rear deck working space, with a lobster boat set of lines and not surprisingly less interior cabin space and fewer accommodations than other brands. That said many have been built/converted to yachts, providing owners who wish to spend more time offshore, with sturdy reliable service and less fancy maintenance.

Most on the brokerage market are economical single diesel engine models, although a few twin power do exist. All are straight shaft. Vessels in some lengths are available in fly bridge models in addition to the traditional lobster boat and express design.

Pricing covers a broad range with:

  • 1998 36’ traditional lobster boat design at $260,000
  • 2008 flybridge model at $800,000
  • 2018 46’ for just over $1 Million
  • Search Wesmac Yachts for Sale


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Bruckmann is perhaps less well known than others referred to here but among those who do know them these vessels garner great respect. Builders of both power and sail vessels, the power line tends to the down east styling and is frankly reminiscent of the Talaria from a distance. The largest power production model is the 40' classic, a few of which do come on the brokerage market occasionally.

They are smaller than the other yachts mentioned in this article (being designed around a single double berth cabin) but with a large, airy salon and rear cockpit deck. Single diesel, straight shaft drives and a very nice interior finish cap off a strong and pleasing looking vessel.

  • 2012 Bruckmann 40 version, located in freshwater, low hours, in very good condition, priced at $650000
  • Search Bruckmann Yachts for Sale

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The MJM line burst upon the power yacht scene some years ago, conceived by a very experienced builder, with several new ideas about what would interest older sailors, moving to power. The result was a line of yachts that could perhaps be best described as a "modern version of the old "Down East". Low in profile, slightly reminiscent of a working fishing boat, bright, airy, open space, soft lines and just a hint of being ahead of its design day. Big on the "deck to interior salon space" concept, with a more compact approach to state rooms, a no wood exterior and a less woody interior, means the MJM has trimmed back vessel maintenance, with an eye to not interfering with cocktail hour. Modern strong materials are used throughout.

She will get you there quickly with the planning hull and lots of power. Speaking of power, and depending upon size, these boats are available with diesel straight shaft or stern drives with some of the newer ones featuring pods (Cummins or Volvo IPS). All come with a joystick for easy maneuvering and a design intended to accommodate shorthandedness.

All this comes, however, with a price!

These vessels are available in a broad range of sizes starting from 30’ (they call it 29z) and growing to 56’ in length (the 53z). The larger versions' pricing, both new and used, will well exceed 6 figures. In order to stay under $1M on the brokerage market, some combination of experience and size must be considered. In my opinion the 36z model (which is 39’ LOA) is probably the minimum size that would allow a couple to cruise extendedly, in some comfort.

  • 36z 2012-13 versions offered at about $560,000
  • 40z models (LOA 44’) an '09 and an '11, offered between $650,000 - $850,000
  • Search MJM Yachts for Sale


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Little Harbor yachts must be mentioned here, although availability is an issue. They rate extremely high on the price / quality ratio even though new vessel production ended years ago. The Little Harbor is simply a great boat. Most come with the Whisper Jet Drive, but some are available with a diesel straight shaft.

Built for several years by Ted Hood's Company, then constructed overseas, these boats were well designed, well-built and very nicely finished. Although there was the odd one built to 52’ LOA, most of the production line vessels were in the 32’ to 44’ size.

The interior is really designed for one couple cruising, with its single double cabin forward and convertible dinette.

The 42’, 40’and 38’ versions are similar in layout, slightly smaller but of equal quality of course. The Yanmar diesels with shaft or Jet drives, interior yacht finish, a good ride, and a reputation for reliability all produce a beautiful "down east" looking little ship.

Brokerage LH boats, in the range of 15-20 years old, should have their condition and level of maintenance thoroughly verified. Any owner must also know that future care would be very important here. Pricing with these vessels is a very pleasant surprise for this quality.

  • 44’ versions are advertised for under $300,000 and go down from there
  • Prices as low as $125,000 for the smaller models are available
  • Search Little Harbor Yachts for Sale

Image 0977:

This venerable American yacht designer and his products are well known to those of us with some miles under our keel. A standout with sail he eventually was in involved in the production of some very fine power vessels.

These again are a line of yachts that, sadly, are no longer produced, but are part of the well designed, well-built genre of yesteryear still available through resale. All construction was, for its day, first class with traditional interior wood finish and a relatively (by todays standard) simple layout.

These vessels are part of American nautical history and as such, most have been exceptionally well maintained, a reflection of the sophistication of their ownership. All are diesel powered with, of course, straight shaft, as was their time. 

  • 1999 40’ Express is a one cabin optional layout with Yanmar power, 2600 hours and a very fine finish with impressive maintenance, listed at $375,000
  • 2005 49’ Express is also a one stateroom vessel, designed to be very roomy and commodious, both below and in the main salon. The 2 Cummins engines have only 1650 hours on them and the interior is impeccable. She is listed at $540,000
  • 56’ Flybridge is a 2 stateroom layout with a roomy fine interior, also apparently well maintained, she is powered by twin Caterpillar diesels, with only approx. 1900 hours on them.
  • Search Alden Yachts for Sale

Quality from a few years ago, standing the test of times, at very attractive prices!


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Vicem Yachts are built in Turkey by an established company, family owned. They are not as well-known as many other brands in North America but do have traditional "downeast" good looks and a quality build.

Their traditional construction is composite, cross layered epoxy soaked mahogany strips encased with fiberglass mat and resin. They now can build in cored fiberglass, but this is relatively recent and therefore most vessels on the brokerage market are the composite. The joinery is of a high standard and finished in traditional woods. The vessels are all outfitted with world class mechanical, electrical, plumbing, communications and navigation equipment, with buyer choice as to diesel engines, straight shaft or pod drives. They also boast the ability to modify any layout of their production models to accommodate much of what a new buyer may wish to change.

The builder also provides North American warranties and support. One of the great attractions of this line is pricing, both as to new and on resale. The builder can take advantage of local Turkish labor rates to produce, out of the door, vessels at extremely competitive prices, when compared to the other yachts listed in this article.

This has a trickledown effect on prices in the brokerage market. Provided, as with all used vessels, that she has been well maintained, and that in particular, any additions to hull or decks have been done properly to ensure no water intrusion, these boats can be an attractive alternative.

Another advantage is that there are several choices on the brokerage sheets, sometimes at prices which vary greatly, even as between similar sizes. This builder builds production models from about 33’ up to about 70’ with larger vessels currently being custom.

  • 2005 54’ at $575,000
  • 2007 55’Classic at $580,000
  • 2003 51’at $540,000
  • A virtually new 2019 46’ Classic is available and could possibly be purchased for about $995,000
  • Search Vicem Yachts for Sale


Image 0983:

For those of you who appreciate a little Italian flair with your traditional "down east" vessel there is this very stylish option, Rivolta. This line of vessels is designed and built in Sarasota, FL by a family with old country origins. With a deep history in sailing, racing power boats and entrepreneurship, the company principals have developed their range of power yachts with a distinctly European flair.

The hull and superstructure retain the typical lines of their down east sisters but the finish and interior styling trend closer to what we see in many modern vessels from "on the continent." These boats as new are available in a range of sizes, all built with local quality construction, world class equipment and are powered with diesels engines of your choice. Interiors are, in keeping with the overall design approach, less "woody", more bright light/white color and more open feeling than some others of their hull style. These are yachts which are a step out in a slightly different direction, but not so far as to be beyond appeal to a typical "downeast" owner.

Two of their most popular vessels are the 44’ Coupe, a 2 cabin 2 head vessel with room and openness. Some were built with diesel- jet drives, an expansive open rear deck with opening transom and large swim platform. The 40’ Coupe, a 2 cabin 1 head vessel, twin diesel power, comes with all the basic accommodations you would expect from a yacht this size.

  • 2009 44’ Coupe with diesels - jet drives at $339,000
  • 2012 44’, straight shaft diesels, at $360,000
  • Several 2005 41’ Coupes at about $225,000
  • Search Rivolta Yachts for Sale

 Larry Pringle


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10 Day Cruisers Loaded With Downeast Personality

Find your next downeast runabout, perfect for boating in new england. .

This post was updated on January 14, 2021.

Written by, Ed McKnew, PowerBoat Guide Founder

The growing popularity across the country of Downeast-style cruisers has been enjoyable for many boating traditionalists to watch. Much of that popularity can be traced back to 1994 when Hinckley introduced the classic 36 Picnic Boat, a beautiful Downeast day cruiser with unique waterjet propulsion and open-air seating for a small crowd.

The Picnic Boat was a huge success for Hinckley , and it wasn’t long before other, mostly New-England builders followed with a variety of new Downeast runabouts under 30 feet that caught the attention of buyers across the country. The Downeast-style runabouts profiled below consist of eight-under 30-foot cruisers with a large cockpit and seating for six to eight people — often called “ Day Boats ” by boating enthusiasts. Half are from well-known builders with an entire line of Downeast models to choose from. The rest come from smaller builders, mostly in New England where the Downeast boats originated many generations ago. (Mainship, unfortunately, is out of business — the original Mainship, that is — but they once had the distinction of being the only high-volume manufacturer of Downeast boats in the business.)

All of the models featured here have single-diesel power, and all are built on seaworthy hulls with a deep keel offering at least partial protection to the rudder and prop. When it comes to construction, some brands are more high-tech than others. Downeast Runabouts are a niche segment of today’s express-boat market. In general, these are semi-custom boats meaning that customers have wide latitude in setting the boat up to meet their own needs. Locating a well-maintained used Downeast Runabout isn’t as easy as finding a used Sea Ray Sundowner — for those with patience, however, the wait is usually worth the effort.

1.  MJM 29z | Production Years 2007-Current

MJM 29 for sale

An extremely popular New England cruiser — roomy, fuel-efficient, and tons of character. Offered in three configurations; Down East with roll-up side windows, the Express with extended side windows (pictured above), and an outboard version of the Express able to hit 50 knots with 250 Yamahas. Kevlar/E-glass/epoxy construction with Corecell laminate is vacuum-bagged for exceptional strength and rigidity.

The perfect boat for cruising and weekending wraparound lounge seating in the cockpit for eight. Upscale cabin with cherry cabinets, convertible settee, galley, and the enclosed head is striking for its elegance and simplicity. Stidd helm chair, opening front windshield panels, bow thruster, teak-and-holly cabin sole are standard. Lightweight, easily driven hull burns just over 3 gallons per hour at 22–24 knots with single Volvo diesel — very impressive.

2. Hinckley Talaria 29R | Production Years 2003-Current

Hinckley-T29  for sale

Distinctive jet-driven runabout with varnished mahogany topsides is the perfect balance of beauty, craftsmanship, and performance. The cockpit — with its teak helm console, Nardi steering wheel — is reminiscent of an old-time sports car. Seating for ten includes a full-width transom seat, L-shaped lounge (with teak table) forward, aft-facing settee molded into the engine box. The varnished cherry cabin includes a V-berth forward and VacuFlush toilet.

A teak swim platform and bow thruster are standard. The engine box lifts at the touch of a button for access to the engine. A fully cored composite hull is Kevlar-reinforced for strength. The shallow draft is a plus in skinny water. Note transom tumblehome. Cruise at 25 knots (30+ top) with Yanmar 440hp engine with the Hamilton Jet drive and JetStick controls.

3. Back Cove 26 | Production Years 2005-2009


Best-selling pocket cruiser combines traditional Downeast styling with versatile deck layout and single-diesel economy. A large aft cockpit with a storage lazaretto below offers plenty of space for socializing with friends and family. Below, the cherry interior boasts a forward dinette that converts to sleep two comfortably.

Aft of the dinette to starboard is an enclosed head with shower, and on the port side is a small galley with refrigerator, stove, and sink. Wide side decks and cockpit jump seats are a plus, and a bow thruster was standard. The entire helm deck lifts for engine access. The Back Cove 26 was available in an open bass boat style or with a pipe-supported hardtop for protection from the weather. Exceptional fit and finish throughout. Cruise at 22 knots (mid 20s top) with a single 260hp Yanmar diesel.

4. Fortier 26 | Production Years 1977-Current

Fortier-26 for sale

Classic Eldredge-McInnis design combines Downeast and bass boat styling elements in what the builder calls “an honest sea boat for fishing and cruising.” Full keel and skeg offer protection to the shaft and rudder; hull spray rails keep the deck dry. A wide 10-foot beam provides a spacious cockpit and space below for a small cabin with a V-berth, marine head, icebox, and butane stove. Note the distinctive teak windshield.

A hardtop and fish box have been popular options. Cockpit engine box can be used as seating. The Fortier’s hull is fully cored. Two 50-gallon fuel tanks below the cockpit deck provide a cruising range of 200–250 nautical miles. At 6,500 pounds, the Fortier 26 is no lightweight. Among several engines offered over the years, a single 200hp Volvo inboard diesel offers cruising speeds of 16–18 knots.

5. Albin 28 TE | Production Years 1993-2008

Albin 28 for sale

Mega-popular Downeast-style cruiser/ sportfishing boat with hardtop and flared bow was one of the most successful boats in her class. A cockpit engine box was standard until 2003 when a Flush Deck option moved the engine forward, opening up the cockpit in a big way. Wide side decks make getting around easy and safe.

Belowdecks, the 28’s roomy interior features a full-service galley with fridge and microwave, standup head with shower, mid-cabin berth aft, and a convertible U-shaped dinette forward. A teak-and-holly sole was standard, and six opening ports provide good cabin ventilation. Note wide side decks. Bow thruster was standard. Rugged, reasonably priced, fuel-efficient, and easily maintained — the Albin 28 is a terrific all-around boat with a strong following. Nearly 1,000 were built.

6. Hunt 29 Surfhunter | Production Years 2004-Current

Hunt-29 for sale

A beautifully finished 29-footer with classic Downeast lines — the Surfhunter draws a crowd everywhere she goes. Superb deck layout for entertaining features L-shaped settee with varnished wood cocktail table adjacent to the helm seat, aft-facing cockpit seat, removable stern seat. In spite of the engine box, the cockpit is big for a boat this size.

Belowdecks, the varnished teak interior comes complete with a convertible dinette, galley with stove and refrigerator, and enclosed head with sink and shower. Built in limited numbers, the Surfhunter 29 is available in express, convertible, or hardtop (pictured above) configurations. Most have been sold with a single sterndrive engine, gas or diesel, with a jackshaft connecting the lower unit. An outboard version became available in 2015.

7. Legacy 28 Express | Production Years 1998-2008

Legacy 28 for sale

One of the most graceful and popular pocket cruisers of recent years — over 100 were built. With a generous 9’6″ beam, the Legacy’s cockpit and helm deck combined offer seating for 8–10 passengers. Visibility from the elevated helm is excellent (note the high windshield). The side decks are on the narrow side, and a full-width bench seat aft precludes a transom door. Belowdecks, the interior is clean simple but extremely well finished.

A convertible dinette is forward, enclosed head with shower to starboard, and fully equipped galley to port — basic accommodations for a weekend getaway for two. The cabin has six feet of headroom and is finished in cherry joinery with a teak-and-holly sole. A teak swim platform was standard, and a bow thruster and teak transom was a popular option. Cruise at 22–23 knots with a single Yanmar 315hp diesel.

8. Mainship Pilot 30 Sedan | Production Years 1999-2008

Main-30-Pilot-Sedan for sale

The Hardtop version of the original Mainship 30 Pilot is known for distinctive retro styling, large cockpit, and fuel-efficient operation. Don’t look for much glitz in the Pilot—this is a basic boat with modest amenities and good-enough workmanship. The interior was originally set up with a V-berth/dinette forward, full-service galley, good-sized head, and a teak-and-holly cabin sole.

In 2003, the updated Series II Pilot featured an updated cherry interior and a revised cabin layout with a V-berth that folds in half when not in use. The Series II also incorporates a shortened keel, propeller tunnel, and larger five-blade prop. Cruise at 14–15 knots with 170hp Yanmar diesel. Series II models with a 315hp Yanmar cruise at a steady 17–18 knots (low 20s top). Mainship sold a ton of these boats. 

9. Dyer 29 | Production Years 1957- 2 008

Dyer-29 for sale

Classic New England utility boat introduced in the 1950s. Offered in several variations over the years including hardtop, bass boat (above), and cuddy configurations. Durable semi-displacement hull with soft chines and prop-protecting keel offers legendary open-water handling.

Owners of these boats tolerate the tight cabin quarters and intrusive engine box while delighting in the fingertip control of the 29’s easily driven hull. (Newer models have the engine under the bridge deck which, by eliminating the engine box, results in a more open cockpit). Hull construction has remained largely unchanged over the years although the fiberglass covered plywood and solid fiberglass decks and deckhouses of early models have been replaced with modern fiberglass composites and balsa coring materials. A single 200hp diesel will cruise at 14–16 knots.

10. Eastern 27 Islander | Production Years 2013-Current


From her classic Downeast lines to efficient use of deck space, the 27 Islander combines traditional styling with the popularity of outboard power. Ideal for coastal cruising, fishing, and family outings on the bay. Semi-enclosed pilothouse with sliding side windows features a two-person settee to port and open-air galley with sink and refrigerator abaft the helm.

A cushioned bench seat at the transom seats three comfortably (an aft-facing cooler seat is optional.) Cabin accommodations include a settee/V-berth with removable pedestal table forward, storage cabinet, enclosed head with shower and electric head. A mid-berth under the helm deck offers additional sleeping capacity or storage. Hull is cored above the waterline. Cruise at 20-22 knots with Yamaha 250hp bracket-mounted outboards.

If you’re interested in enjoying a day cruiser with Downeast personality, contact a Denison yacht broker today. They’ll help you find your dream boat. 

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The PowerBoat Guide Blog

Tracking Today’s Fast-Paced Yacht Boating Market


March 31, 2016  (Updated February, 2018)

The popularity of traditional Downeast yachts has soared in recent years, that’s a fact. Once the domain of a few New England custom builders, today’s Downeast market is led by products from Hinckley, Sabre/Back Cove, and Grand Banks/Eastbay. For those with an interest in this diverse market, the models profiled below have been selected to represent a cross-section of the current Downeast brokerage market. Some are luxury-class cruising yachts, a few are pure dayboats, and all embody signature styling touches that add to their brand personality.

At a Glance: One of the most acclaimed yachts of her generation, an impressive mix of traditional Downeast styling and impeccable craftsmanship. Built on a modified deep-V hull with a short keel and prop pockets. The SX model has a fully enclosed salon while the HX version has semi-enclosed helm, i.e., no aft salon bulkhead. The Eastbay 49 offers an excellent turn of speed, exceptional blue water performance, and spacious and comfortable accommodations. If the Eastbay’s elegant two stateroom interior comes up a little short in salon space, her spacious semi-enclosed helm deck (where guests will certainly prefer to congregate) provides comfortable seating for a small crowd. Note the power-assist center windshield panel and teak swim platform. Cat 715hp C-12 diesels cruise at 24–26 knots (30+ top).

Price Range: From the mid $300s to low/mid $700s.


Sabre 48 Salon Express

Grand Banks 49 Eastbay SX/HX

At a Glance: Currently the best selling yacht in her class, a classic Downeast yacht of uncommon beauty and sophistication. An enclosed pilothouse with cherry joinery provides a weather-protected environment for cruising or entertaining, and large salon windows provide panoramic views of the water. The fully equipped galley and two double staterooms, each with a walkaround queen bed, are below. Two heads with showers separate the staterooms. The helm deserves special notice for it’s standard Stidd chair, joystick controls, and nearly unobstructed 360-degree sightlines. In the salon, an electrically operated window in the aft bulkhead drops down to open the area to the cockpit. Wide side decks make getting around easy. Cummins 550hp diesels with Zeus pod drives cruise at 26–27 knots (30+ top).

Price Range: From the high $800s to low $1 Million.


At a Glance: An enlarged version of Hinckley's iconic 36 Picnic Boat — old-world yachting elegance with sophisticated boat-building technology. The heart of the Talaria is her spacious semi-enclosed deckhouse with its posh furnishings and handcrafted teak joinery. Forward is the helm area (to starboard) and navigator chair to port. Aft of the port chair is a L-shaped settee with varnished teak table on an electric pedestal that can drop down and form an additional bunk with cushion. To starboard is a second L-shaped settee with a small bolster cushion forward. (The settees can be raised on hydraulic rams for access to the engines.) The Talaria was offered with one or two staterooms. Yanmar 420hp diesels matched to Hamilton waterjets cruise at 25 knots (28–30 knots top).

Price Range: From the mid $400s to about $600K.

Grand Banks 43 Eastbay SX/HX

Hinckley Talaria 44 EX

At a Glance: An enduring classic — easily one of the most popular Downeast yachts in this class.  More than just a beautiful yacht, the stunning appearance of the 43 Eastbay makes her stand out in any harbor. She rides on a Hunt-designed modified deep-V hull which provides fast cruising and exceptional open-water comfort. Her spectacular teak interior joinery is second to none. The Eastbay’s near-perfect distribution of space offers a generous cockpit, spacious helm deck, large salon (in the SX version), and galley below with two staterooms and a roomy head with stall shower. Her versatility make her an ideal choice for day boating, weekending, or extended cruising by a couple or family. Beginning in 2006, the salon/helm area is open to the lower deck—no hatch. Yanmar 440hp diesels cruise at 24–25 knots (high 20s top).

Price Range: From the mid $200s to $400K-plus.


At a Glance: A beautifully styled cruising yacht with a semi-enclosed helm and luxury-class amenities — Sabre always builds a great yacht. Traditional two stateroom interior is an elegant blend of satin-finished cherry cabinetry, posh leather upholstery, and a beautiful teak-and-holly sole. The forward owner’s stateroom was offered with an island queen berth or V-berths, and the starboard guest stateroom contains a double berth. Both cabins share a common head with a circular shower stall. On the downside, the galley is small for a boat this size. A transom door, teak decks, and foldaway transom seat are standard. Yanmar (or Cummins) 500hp inboard diesels cruise 22–23 knots (high 20s top). Newer models with 425hp Cummins diesels with Zeus pod drives cruise at 24–26 knots. (C alled the Sabreline 42 until 2007.)

Price Range: From the mid $300s to the mid $400s.


Sabre 40 Sedan; 42 Salon

Sabre 42 Hardtop Express

At a Glance: One of Sabre’s best selling yachts (called the 40 Sedan in 2009–11) — a solid mix of classic Downeast styling and state-of-the-art construction. Sabre was one of the first Downeast builders to take advantage of efficient pod drive technology—a feature that has much to do with the enduring popularity of this yacht. With her large cockpit, enclosed pilothouse/salon, and spacious two-stateroom layout, the 42 Salon is the consummate cruising and entertaining yacht. The salon includes an L-shaped settee with inlaid table, side-by-side Stidd chairs, dinette, and a step-down galley open to the salon. The opening door at the helm is a nice touch. Forward of the galley is a full head/shower to port and a guest cabin/office to starboard. Cummins 380hp diesels with Zeus pod drives cruise at 24–25 knots.  The Sabre 42 FB Sedan is the same boat with a flybridge.

Price Range: From high $400s to the low $800s.


At a Glance: Successor to Hinckley's super popular 36 Picnic Boat. Both are essentially day boats with large cockpits and relatively small interiors, and both come with Hinckley’s JetStick steering and control system incorporating waterjet propulsion and a bow thruster. Narrow of beam, the fully cored hull of the Talaria 40 is notable for its high-tech composite construction and generous tumblehome at the transom. She sleeps two comfortably and includes an enclosed head with shower and full-service galley. There are port and starboard settees in the pilothouse as well as two forward-facing Stidd seats. Both the cockpit and pilothouse are on a single level. With her shallow draft, the Talaria is a great boat for exploring bays and inlets. Yanmar 480hp diesels matched to Hamilton waterjets cruise at 26–28 knots (low 30s top).

Price Range: From $500K to $800K-plus.

Grand Banks 38 Eastbay EX

Hinckley Talaria 40

At a Glance: The first Eastbay model — this is the boat that launched Grand Banks in an all-new direction. The quality and care with which the Eastbay 38 EX was constructed is clearly evident from her varnished teak toerails to her finely finished interior. Stepping up from the large cockpit, the 38’s expansive helm deck includes a bench seat and teak table to port and a custom Stidd chair at the helm. Forward, the main cabin features a full-service galley to port and convertible U-shaped seating opposite. The head/shower is located to port on the way to the master stateroom which was available with standard V-berths or a center island berth. A transom door and teak swim platform were standard. The 38 HX has a hardtop and semi-enclosed helm deck.) Top speeds of 30+ knots were achievable. Over 130 were built.

Price Range: From the mid $100s to the high $200s.


At a Glance: An innovative Downeast yacht  — over 100 were reportedly sold. The styling is unique. Twin doors built into the reverse transom can open wide enough to haul a dinghy into the cockpit for storage. A life raft, bikes, or kayak can lie atop the hardtop, and extra-wide side decks provide seating space along both sides of the cockpit. Built on high-tech hull with a deep forefoot and skeg-mounted rudder, the deck plan includes a sliding seat arrangement at the dinette that expands seating from four to six people while also converting to a double berth at night. A “sleeping loft” for young children is located above the V-berths, and the galley is positioned aft in the semi-enclosed pilothouse where it’s convenient to the cockpit. A bow thruster is standard. A single 480hp Yanmar diesel will cruise the True North 38 at 20 knots (24–26 knots top)

Price Range: From mid/high $100s to mid $200s.

Sabre 38 Express

Pearson True North 38

At a Glance: A sophisticated blend of classic Downeast styling and meticulous craftsmanship in a cruising yacht of exceptional beauty. The focal point of the 38 Express is her semi-enclosed helm deck with its Stidd helm and companion chairs, sliding glass side windows, and wet bar with refrigerator and ice maker. Stepping below, the satin-finished cherry interior adds to the Sabre’s sense of luxury. The owner’s stateroom forward has a centerline queen berth and sliding privacy door, making it both comfortable and easy to access. The head (with separate stall shower) can be reached from both the salon and stateroom. The salon is configured with an L-shaped settee with a maple-inlaid table that forms a guest berth. Note the screened hatches in the hardtop.Wide side decks make bow access very secure. Yanmar 440hp diesels cruise at 25–26 knots (30+ top).

Price Range: From the low $200s to high $300s.


At a Glance: Another Back Cove success story — more than just beautiful, this single-engine cruiser is fuel efficient, easy to handle, and beautifully finished. The galley-up layout is ideal for two couples. An island queen bed in found in the forward stateroom, and a double berth in the (smallish) guest stateroom. The large head includes a separate stall shower. Opposite the galley are two Stidd chairs for the helmsman and guest, and aft of the helm is an L-shaped settee with adjustable table and a shorter settee opposite to port. The 37’s enclosed salon is surrounded by large windows, and an overhead hatch provides ventilation. Folding  doors completely open up the salon to the cockpit with its built-in seating and centerline transom door. A single 480hp Cummins QSB engine delivers a top speed of 24–26 knots.

Price Range: From the high $200s to high $500s.


Hinckley 36 Picnic Boat

Back Cove 37

At a Glance: A breakthrough design that led to many imitators — Hinckley built over 450 (!) of these elegant waterjet-powered yachts. With a mere 19 inches of draft the Picnic Boat can be safely operated in very shallow water. The long, open cockpit is an excellent entertainment platform (the centerline engine box can be used as a seat or table), and the semi-enclosed helm allows her to be enjoyed even in poor weather conditions. Belowdecks, the varnished mahogany interior contains a V-berth, compact galley, and a big head compartment—upscale, if basic, accommodations for a cruising couple. On the downside, the cabin headroom is a bit less than 6 feet. An extended pilothouse (EP) version became available in 2001. Cruise at 20 knots with a 350hp Yanmar diesel; 22–24 knots with a 440hp Yanmar.

Price Range: From $100K to $400K-plus.

Hinckley 36 Picnic Boat


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12 Top Selling Downeast Yachts with Worldwide Appeal

What Is a Downeast Boat and Is It Right for You?

Downeast boats have a long, rugged history in the boating world. Originally, they were designed to protect Northeastern fishermen from the unpredictable Atlantic waters. But after adapting to the recreational market, these luxury yachts have become a popular option for boating enthusiasts.  So, what is a Downeast boat? And better yet – is it a good cruising option for you? Stay tuned, as today’s blog post will reveal everything you need to know.

History of Downeast Boats

Downeast boats originated in Maine, which is how they got their name. Most travelers had to sail downwind to get to Maine’s coastline, thus inspiring the local phrase of sailing “down east.” Downeast boats were the hallmark of Maine’s lobster industry. As a result, they’re known for their durability, efficiency, and functionality.

What Are Downeast Style Boats?

Downeast boats are the perfect combination of stylish and seaworthy. Thanks to their fishing origins, they are impressively sturdy with high bows, raked stems, and enclosed helms. Additionally, Downeasters’ solid fiberglass hulls and wood interiors will keep occupants dry in choppy waters.   However, durability isn’t all these vessels have going for them. Their narrow entry allows for comfort and stability on the water. And their spacious layout is ideal for long-haul cruising.

Advantages of Downeast Boats

Is a Downeast boat suitable for you? If you aren’t quite sure, here are some advantages to choosing this style over your average sports cruiser:  1. Practicality Because they were designed with fishing in mind, these boats are incredibly easy to navigate. They are spacious, accessible, and super accommodating to boaters quickly maneuvering from the cockpit to the foredeck (in a strong breeze and choppy waters, might we add) to tie off a fender. Of course, there is also ample storage space and service access. 2. Fuel Efficiency Downeast boats maintain an excellent fuel economy. Most sports cruisers must refuel twice before a Downeast boat runs out of power.  3. Safety Because Downeast boats are designed for choppy Atlantic waters, they’re about as safe as you can get. These vessels have terrific visibility and ample handholds and grab rails.  4. Style Downeast-style boats are classics for a reason. They have a timeless design with sleek lines and premier materials that resells in a breeze. Their cockpit is complete with an unobstructed (and incredibly comfortable) socializing, dining, and relaxation area (making them ideal for entertaining and cruising). 

Downeast Boat

Frequently Asked Questions

Still deciding if a Downeast boat is right for you? Below are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about these popular vessels:  What Are the Best Downeast Boat Brands? Saber Yachts is one of the most popular makers of Downeast-style boats, as it has sold 500+ vessels since the start of 2020. However, other popular Downeast boat brands include Back Cove Yachts, Hinckley, Hunt Yachts, and MJM.  Note that the best Downeast boat for you will depend on many factors – your cruising plans, number of guests, desirable speed, budget, etc. How Much Do Downeast Boats Cost? There are plenty of Downeast boats on the market, all sporting various price tags. The average Downeast boat will cost about $279,000. However, you can find them for as little as $20,051 in the used boat market and as much as $2,529,000 when you buy new (with all the bells and whistles included).  How Are Downeast Boats Typically Used?  There are plenty of uses for the modern Downeaster. Going back to its roots, this vessel is ideal for fishing excursions. It has an expansive cockpit that has plenty of room for anglers. And the deck boasts ample fish box capacity and ice.  Additionally, Downeasters are great for anyone looking to do some long-range cruising. The deck space provides comfort and stability while driving, and there is plenty of room to bring all your closest friends on board. 

Finding the Right Boat for You 

Is a Downeast boat the right vessel for you? We hope this blog post was a helpful resource. If you’re new to the boating world, deciding on the right boat for your water adventures can be challenging. However, our Discover Boating team is here to help you through the process.  Our Boat Finder assesses your preferences and helps you discover the perfect boat for you. And if multiple options are catching your eye? We can compare your top options side by side.  Once you’ve decided on a model, our Boat Loan Calculator will reveal what it takes to secure a loan and acquire financing. And if you need help along the way? We have plenty of articles and resources to go around. 

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Ellis Boat Company

About ellis boats.

best downeast yachts

Ellis Boat Company builds Downeast powerboats, ranging from 20 to 40 feet, from start to finish in Southwest Harbor, ME – the same location as Ralph Ellis and Raymond Bunker started with their historically famous yachts in the 1940s. Ellis Boat Company continues to prove that the Downeast semi-displacement hull design is among the best for fuel efficiency & sea-worthy characteristics.

Being part of a family business can be a joy and a source of pride, especially when your job is to manufacture beautiful custom boats. In 1947, Ralph Ellis embarked on the legendary boat-building venture with Raymond Bunker in Southwest Harbor, Maine. The subsequent partnership of “Bunker and Ellis” established a remarkable legacy of building classic lobster yachts. In the 1980s, this legacy was passed on to Ralph’s son, Don Ellis, in the name of Ellis Boat Company. Fast-forward to today. Over 300 custom Ellis Boats are traversing the seas, all built with the pride that is inherent in a family-owned business. Don’s son, Shane Ellis, is now the manager of Ellis Boat Company. We continue to build, service, store, and charter Ellis Boats.

Don and Wanda with sons Shane and Anthony

If you own an Ellis, you can take pride in owning a vessel crafted in the USA by a family business that maintains an extraordinary legacy of fine craftsmanship. Please do visit us if you are ever in the area. We build our boats at 265 Seawall Road, Southwest Harbor, Maine.

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Used Downeast Boats For Sale

photo of 121' Rumerys 2002

121' Rumerys 2002

Portsmouth, United States

photo of 66' Sabre 66 Dirigo 2019

66' Sabre 66 Dirigo 2019

$ 3,100,000

Fort Meyers, United States

photo of 62' Vicem 62 Custom 2006

United Yacht Central

New Arrival

62' Vicem 62 Custom 2006

$ 3,500,000

Newport, United States

photo of 60' Anka 60 Coupe 2024

60' Anka 60 Coupe 2024

$ 3,400,000

Pompano beach, United States

photo of 58' Sabre 58 Salon Express 2021

58' Sabre 58 Salon Express 2021

$ 2,595,000

Glen Cove, United States

photo of 58' Huckins Linwood 58 1966

58' Huckins Linwood 58 1966

Jacksonville, United States

photo of 58' Grand Banks Eastbay 2004

Price Reduction

58' Grand Banks Eastbay 2004

Baltimore, United States

photo of 54' Grand Banks 54 Eastbay SX 2003

54' Grand Banks 54 Eastbay SX 2003

Coconut Grove, United States

photo of 54' Sabre 54 Salon Express 2017

54' Sabre 54 Salon Express 2017

$ 1,450,000

Tampa, United States

photo of 52' Legacy 2004

52' Legacy 2004

Fort Lauderdale, United States

photo of 52' Vicem 50 Classic 2022

52' Vicem 50 Classic 2022

$ 1,350,000

Virginia Beach, United States

photo of 52' Sabre 52 Salon Express 2010

52' Sabre 52 Salon Express 2010

Annapolis, United States


If you've spent any time cruising the coast of New England in the summer, chances are you have come across a downeast boat. The original downeast-style was derived from the old Northeast vishing vessels that would venture into the Atlantic and bring the crew home safely with their catch. The raised V-shaped bow, long sheerlines, and low profiles allow a downeast boat to handle well in head-on or following seas. There are over 1,000 downeast boats sold on the market every year and generally speaking, most of them retain a good resale value. At United Yacht, we sell many downeast-style boats each month and would be happy to speak with you about selling yours or helping you find the right pre-owned vessel for your needs.

Yacht Image


In Rhode Island a few models were built that possessed the Downeast style —DyerCraft as well as the Dyer 29. Many downeast-style brands followed suit and have continued to be a popular segment of the boating industry. Some of the most prolific downeast yacht brands include:

  • Sabre Yachts
  • Back Cove Yachts
  • Grand Banks Yachts
  • Hinckley Yachts
  • Hunt Yachts
  • Legacy Yachts

Below are some frequently asked questions about downeast boats.

What is the Downeast Style boat?

In the same way that recreational trawler yachts were developed from the commercial tuna fleets of southern California by legendary naval architect, Arthur DeFever, the Downeast Style boats were developed from the Maine lobster fishing boats built by Will Frost of Jonesport, Maine in the 1920s. These boats featured a long sheer forward and sweep to aft with the low aft freeboard making it easier to haul in heavy lobster traps or nets over the sides. The pilothouse and cabin were located just forward of amidships giving plenty of deck workspace. A skeg running the centerline of the boat gave added directional stability by keeping roll to a minimum in heavier seas and protecting the running gear.

The low-slung cabin structure also served to minimize windage and gave the vessel a lower center of gravity providing safety, comfort, and economy. After WWII, lobster boat building shifted to Southwest Harbor in Maine, when Raymond Bunker and Ralph Ellis began their boat-building partnership in 1947. Their boats were characterized by the same classic lobster boat sweeping sheerline, a narrow 3 to 1 length-to-beam ratio, semi-displacement hull, generous deadrise amidships that flattened out aft for stability, large cockpit working space, low freeboard, fine entry for parting head seas, and unballasted keel (a design feature taken from 19th century sail-driven commercial fishing boats off coastal Maine). These fine-looking sturdy boats attracted the attention of wealthy summer residents that frequented coastal Maine in the late 1950s and they began ordering pleasure cruising versions for themselves around 1960.

example of downeast boat

The Downeast Style is essentially the same lobster boat as it was customized and upscaled to the desires of yachtsmen wanting pleasure boats with the same pretty lines. The helm station was expanded, and the minimal cabin was made luxurious with brightwork, galleys, heads, and comfortable V-berths. According to Don Ellis, who heads the Ellis Boat Company today, the hull shape remained the same; seaworthy, fuel efficient, and fast—with a low power-to-weight ratio. Heads were added and the interior fit and finish featured high end materials like varnished teak and mahogany. Wood planking gave way to fiberglass in the 1970s which greatly increased production. Many Downeast Style boat builders owe their beginnings to the iconic Bunker and Ellis designs. Modern Maine lobster boats still retain the original classic lines, but with some changes to take advantage of new marine technologies and other innovations. Engine power has increased to satisfy demand for speed and led to the popular annual lobster boat races in Maine!

Who builds Downeast Style boats today?

Recreational Downeast Style boats and yachts are now available in many makes, models, layouts, and features—sedan cruiser, sedan bridge, flybridge models; engines inboard (most common) or outboard (smaller boats); trunk cabin; with full skeg keel or built-down keel; advanced composite construction; bow thruster; IPS drives; air-conditioning; generator; icemaker, and wet bar are just a few of the options and design variations. Yet the classic Maine lobster boat essential features identifiably remain—the long graceful sheerline, large cockpit, fine entry; pilothouse and cabin positioned slightly forward and low. The style has been admired and reproduced by boat builders not only throughout New England (MJM Yachts/Boston Boatworks), but also the Pacific Northwest (San Juan) and Canada (Bruckmann); Australia (Palm Beach Yachts); Malaysia (Grand Banks); Italy (Ferretti’s Mochi Craft); Turkey (Vicem); Alachua, Florida (Marlow Mainship); Chesapeake Bay (Mathews Brothers, Mast & Mallet Boatworks). Some of the most enduring Maine and New England custom boat builders and brands are Wilbur Yachts, Hinckley Picnic Boats, Sabre Yachts, Back Cove Yachts, Calvin Beal/SW Boatworks, CW Hood Yachts /Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding, Ellis Boat Company, Southport Island Marine, Lowell Brothers, MJM Yachts, Morgan Bay Boat Company, Fortier Boats, Atlantic Boat Company (Duffy), Eastern Boats, Wesmac Custom Boats, Padebco Custom Yachts, Newman & Grey Boats (Jarvis Newman), Taylored Boats (Willis Beale), West Bay Boats. There are many coastal boatyards that will build a custom Downeast Style boat—too many to list.

Current well-known makes include Hinckley, Grand Banks/Eastbay, Sabre, Willis Beale, Wilbur Yachts, Back Cove, Huckins Yachts, MJM, San Juan, Legacy, Bunker & Ellis, Duffy, Hunt Yachts, Fortier, Chesapeake, West Bay, Bruckmann, Calvin Beal, Webbers Cove, Morgan Bay, Wesmac, Vicem, Mochi Craft… This is by no means a comprehensive list.

How much does a Downeast Style boat cost?

Based on a range of 34ft-45ft and model years 2000-2009, midrange Listing Price is currently about $384,000. Lowest price in range was $89,000 with the highest listed at $679,000. For comparison by model years, based on a range of 34ft-45ft and model years 2010-2019, midrange Listing Price is currently (Aug. 2021) about $862,000. Lowest price in range was $325,000 with the highest listed at $1,399,000. Brands in these selected ranges include Sabre, Back Cove, Mainship, Island Packet, Duffy, GB Eastbay, Legacy Yachts, Mast & Mallet, Lyman-Morse, MJM, Northern Bay, Hinckley, H&H Marine, Hunt Yachts, San Juan, Huckins, Wesmac, Lowell Bros. and some custom boats. Of course, there are numerous variables impacting price, especially the engines, mechanical & electrical systems, electronics, floorplan, materials, and options. Custom or semi-custom builds are typically much higher as they are customized to the owner’s wishes and therefore unique in the market.

What is a Picnic Boat?

Hinckley Yachts invented the concept about 25 years ago as a new class of luxury open-air express yacht for harbor and coastal cruising. Based in Southwest Harbor, Maine, Hinckley designers transformed the “Downeast” lobster workboat style into an upscale luxury cruiser worthy of yacht club marinas in the northeast and beyond. The large cockpit and open deck layouts are ideal for lounging and entertaining. Hinckley’s iconic Picnic Boat style is recognizable with its distinctive hull sheer that curves inward at the transom and transom flagstaff. Hinckley Picnic Boats (registered trademark) offer elegant simplicity of form that is both functional and beautiful, able to handle Maine’s rugged coast and rough seas. Built to last with epoxy reinforced carbon fiber and Kevlar from bow to stern. Jet propulsion with jet stick drives for unrivaled handling and maneuverability add speed and fuel efficiencies as there are no appendages below the waterline to cause drag. Hinckley currently offers three models of Signature Edition Picnic Boats.

picnic boat example

Are Downeast Boats express or sedan cruisers?

The Downeast Style boats are the most popular type of sedan cruiser characterized by the large open cockpit flowing into the helm deck and pilot house, great for lounging and entertaining. Low cabin roof is forward and raised above the foredeck area. Accommodations of one or more cabins and heads are below. Cabin roof and superstructure (pilot house) keep a low profile, like the Maine lobster boats that inspired the style, along with the long, graceful sweep from bow to the low cockpit coaming. Today some builders are adding flybridges (sedan bridge). Engines are usually inboard, and the semi-displacement hull design is faster than full-displacement trawler motor yachts.

Based on the Maine lobster boats, the hull design is also very stable in different sea conditions. In marketing, definitions and descriptions are often blurred and many Downeast sedan models are called “Express.” Grand Banks Eastbay, Sabre, Back Cove, Wesmac, Legacy Yachts, Hinckley, Hunt Yachts are just a few examples of Downeast sedan cruisers. Sedan cruisers are favored by yachtsmen who are transitioning from sail to power or prefer a minimal number of steps.

Express cruisers are a subset of the Motor Yacht category and do not have a flybridge. They typically feature sleek, contemporary lines with an aft sweeping radar arch and large open cockpits that flow into the helm deck area that may be slightly elevated, and interior main deck living area, allowing maximum outdoor/indoor space for relaxing and entertaining. Accommodations are below. Most are designed and powered for speedy cruising at 25-30 knots and are also called Sport Boats or Sport yachts. The ever-popular Sea Ray Sundancer is a prime example, also Sunseeker Predator, Formula Performance Cruiser, Larson Cabrio, Regal Commodore, Princess Sports Yachts, and too many others to list.

Please enjoy these downeast boat related articles :

  • How Much Is A Downeast Boat?
  • Why A Downeast Boat Might Be Perfect For You
  • Who Makes Downeast Style Boats?
  • What Makes A Boat A Downeast?

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florida gulf coast boating destinations

8 Best Gulf of Mexico Boating Destinations

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Last Updated on September 20, 2024 by Boatsetter Team

The Gulf of Mexico is a big place but when you talk about boating, all eyes settle on the West Coast of Florida that is known for its warm waters, sandy beaches and in some places, waterfront party towns.  Here are some of the best arguments to rent a boat from peer-to-peer sharing services like Boatsetter , and experience the 1300-mile Florida portion of the Gulf of Mexico from the deck of a boat or yacht that’s yours for the day or the weekend.

Destin Florida golf

Destin is on the Emerald Coast in the Florida Panhandle, known for its calm waters and stunning beaches. It’s also the fishing capital often called the “World’s Luckiest Fishing Village” due to its proximity to the continental shelf where you can fish for marlin, tuna and red snapper just a few miles out. If hanging at the sandbar sounds like fun, visit Crab Island famous for its social scene or explore the Intercoastal Waterway with its quiet inlets and plentiful wildlife. Finally, grab an ice cream cone on the Destin Harbor Boardwalk or ride your bike around town.

Explore boat rentals in Destin, FL

Pensacola Beach

Halfway between Destin, Florida and Mobile, Alabama, you’ll find Pensacola also in the Panhandle. History buffs love this part of boating paradise for its National Naval Aviation Museum, the Naval Air Station, Big Lagoon State Park and Fort Pickens. Local cuisine is served up at Quietwater Beach Boardwalk or go swimming and kayaking at Pensacola Beach on the barrier island of Santa Rosa.

Explore boat rentals in Pensacola


Apalachicola Bay

Known as “Oyster Town”, Apalachicola is as seafood center and produces 90% of Florida’s oysters. This unspoiled landscape includes salt marshes, barrier islands and estuaries and offers secluded coves and a low-key atmosphere. It’s known for excellent fishing for tarpon, redfish, and flounder, and it entices boaters to come to visit the Cape St. George Lighthouse as well as historic fishing shacks. Apalachicola is “Old Florida” at its finest.

Explore boat rentals in Apalachicola

Best Spring Break Destinations for Families - Tampa, FL

Tampa Bay is an enormous if shallow body of water packed with boating highlights. This mix of urban and natural attractions has something for everyone. Nice beaches can be found at Egmont Key State Park with its 1858 lighthouse or head to the Tampa downtown waterfront which is always busy with edgy eateries, marinas, boat parades and live entertainment. For a bit of history, make your way to Fort De Soto at the mouth of Tampa Bay or visit the Dali museum in bustling downtown St. Petersburg.

Explore boat rentals around Tampa

Sarasota Boating Guide

Farther down the coast is Sarasota with a vibrant waterfront and an active arts scene. Beachcombing is a must on the many sandbars or dock-n-dine at one of the fun tiki bars. With a boat, you can explore nearby islands including Casey Key, Siesta Key and Lido Key or watch for manatees and dolphins at this warm weather year-round destination.

Explore boat rentals around Sarasota

fort myers fishing pier

Fort Myers pulls it all together from vibrant waterfront River District eateries to easy access to the Gulf, and from barrier islands to lush waterways perfect for kayakers and paddleboarders. Must-see destinations include Matanzas Pass Preserve in Fort Myers Beach and Bowditch State Park for great hiking trails. Whether you’re into wakeboarding, barhopping or beachcombing, you’ll be able to get to everything by boat in this tidy part of the state.

Explore boat rentals in Fort Myers

Captiva & Sanibel Islands

captiva island boat rental

Hollywood-worthy white beaches and turquoise waters are what Captiva and Sanibel are all about. These barrier islands outside of Fort Myers are perfect whether you tie up at a marina, spend the day at a sandbar or go fishing offshore. The snorkeling on the reef is great and the shopping is colorful in the tiny towns. After a hard day of shell collecting, kick your feet up with a cocktail and some live music while watching the sunset and you’ll never want to leave.

Explore Sanibel Island boat rentals

Florida Keys

The Florida Keys Overseas Highway.

No discussion of the Gulf Coast of Florida would be complete without the mention of the 125-mile chain of keys and islands that stretch south of Miami toward Cuba. The snorkeling is renown, the fishing is off the hook, and historic Key West with Ernest Hemmingway’s house and street festivals are not-to-be-missed.

Explore boat rentals around the Florida Keys

Whether you tap into Boatsetter to rent a pontoon boat for the afternoon or charter a sportfisher for the weekend, you’ll soon learn why the best way to experience the Gulf Coast of Florida is from the deck of a boat.

About us

Boatsetter  is the leading online marketplace for boat rentals and on-water experiences. Download the Boatsetter app ( App Store  |  Google Play ) and follow us on  Instagram .


Zuzana Prochazka is an award-winning freelance journalist and photographer with regular contributions to more than a dozen sailing and powerboating magazines and online publications including Southern Boating, SEA, Latitudes & Attitudes and SAIL. She is SAIL magazines Charter Editor and the Executive Director of Boating Writers International. Zuzana serves as judge for SAIL’s Best Boats awards and for Europe’s Best of Boats in Berlin. 

A USCG 100 Ton Master, Zuzana founded and manages a flotilla charter organization called Zescapes that takes guests adventure sailing at destinations worldwide. 

Zuzana has lived in Europe, Africa and the United States and has traveled extensively in South America, the islands of the South Pacific and Mexico. 

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Salt Water Sportsman

Lightweight Spinners for the Salt

  • By Ric Burnley
  • September 17, 2024

Angler holding a seatrout

More anglers are targeting finicky fish with finesse tactics, and small spinning reels with sturdy construction, smooth drag and powerful gears are gaining popularity. Blain Anderson, product manager at Shimano, says crossover freshwater finesse tactics have created a demand for compact spinning reels. “When I’m casting a light lure, a well-balanced spinning reel produces less friction on the line, which increases casting distance and accuracy,” Anderson says.

Inspired by freshwater tackle, these seven saltwater spinning reels are tougher and stronger, ready to take a knife to a gunfight. Reels are listed in alphabetical order:

Daiwa Ballistic MQ LT

Daiwa Ballistic MQ LT

Daiwa packed its best technology into the new Ballistic MQ LT spinning reel. MQ stands for monocoque body, with a screw-in side plate that cuts the reel’s overall size while allowing the engineers to stuff the reel with a larger digitally machined main gear. The LT means light and tough. With a hollow-air bail and shaved air rotor, the 1000-size reel weighs an insane 6 ounces, and the 2500 is just under 7 ounces. My favorite features are the magnetic grease that seals the reel from water and dirt, and the advanced drag grease with a low start-up viscosity to maintain steady pressure as the drag washers heat up.  

Okuma Flagship X-Series

Okuma X Series spinning reel

Strategically combining strong aluminum with lightweight carbon allows Okuma’s X-Series to produce 22 pounds of drag pressure in a 2500-size spinning reel. Carbon-fiber drag, a carbon-injected side plate and a carbon rotor cut ounces off the reel. At the same time, the aluminum body, drive gear and spool shaft produce power where it’s needed most. But 22 pounds of drag pressure is worthless without the X-Series’ 10 internal stainless ball bearings, plus one roller bearing to keep the reel turning smoothly. 

Penn Battle IV 

Penn Battle IV

Penn built its 90-year reputation in salt water, and its latest creation is a revamped Battle IV spinning reel . Available in sizes from 1000 to 10000, the Battle spinning-reel family includes CNC gears to increase cranking power, carbon-fiber drag to reduce heat, and ball bearings in the rotor and line roller to keep the reel running smoothly. The updated Battle IV adds new Hydro Armor seals on the reel handle, and a dust cap and under the spool for an extra layer of corrosion protection. The DX model features stainless bearings and brass gears to further improve corrosion resistance. Best of all, the Battle IV reel is available in 16 models covering speckled trout to yellowfin tuna.

Quantum Benchmark

Quantum Benchmark reel

To build better saltwater tackle, Quantum opened a new headquarters in Stuart, Florida, which is world-renowned for inshore and offshore fishing. “We are in the center of our customer base and close to the best testing grounds,” senior vice president Mike Rice explains. The first result of the move is Quantum’s new Benchmark spinning reel, featuring a sealed aluminum body, carbon-fiber drag and machined gearing. “We have one of the best product development teams, and we spend a lot of time on the water,” Rice says. 

Seviin GSW Series

Seviin GSW Series

Seviin started with a blank slate when it designed the new GSW Series for inshore fishing. Strength was the objective, and the first decision was housing the reel in a die-cast aluminum body for the ultimate balance of weight and rigidity. Inside, a die-cast aluminum rotor, brass pinion and die-cast drive gear continue the power-to-weight-ratio advantage.

Shimano Ultegra FC

Shimano Ultegra FC

Little reels can have big price tags, but Shimano managed to include some of its best tech in a $160 reel . Cranking hard on a spinning reel forces the fishing rod to twist in your hand. The Ultegra’s G-Free body moves the reel’s center of gravity closer to the rod for better balance. Wind knots, when loose line loops into the spool, are the bane of spinning reels. By removing the transition between the line roller and the bail wire, the Ultegra reduces the opportunity for slack line to create a loop.

Toadfish Elite Carbon

Toadfish Elite Carbon Series

Weighing in at only 7 ounces, the 2000 Toadfish Elite Carbon Series spinning reel is keyed in on comfort. The weight savings come from a carbon-fiber rotor and reel handle combined with a svelte aluminum body. To further increase comfort, the reel stem features unique foam pads that reduce friction when casting and retrieving. The Elite Carbon is light and tough, with an IPX5 sealed body, stainless-steel bearings and carbon-fiber drag.  

Read Next: The Making of a Modern Spinning Reel

  • More: Affiliate , Fishing Reels , Gear , October 2024 , Spinning Reels

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    There are other custom downeast builders as well, including brands like Hunt Yachts, MJM, Legacy Yachts, and Reliant Yachts. According to the yacht brokerage industry MLS service, Sabre Yachts led the pre-owned downeast market in the U.S. with over 80 boats sold. Of the Sabre Yachts sold, the 42 and 38 Salon Express were the most popular models.

  2. Top 10 Downeast Boats

    Vessels in some lengths are available in fly bridge models in addition to the traditional lobster boat and express design. Pricing covers a broad range with: 1998 36' traditional lobster boat design at $260,000. 2008 flybridge model at $800,000. 2018 46' for just over $1 Million. Search Wesmac Yachts for Sale.

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    5. Albin 28 TE | Production Years 1993-2008. Mega-popular Downeast-style cruiser/ sportfishing boat with hardtop and flared bow was one of the most successful boats in her class. A cockpit engine box was standard until 2003 when a Flush Deck option moved the engine forward, opening up the cockpit in a big way.

  4. Downeast boats for sale

    The best downeast boats. Some of the most notorious, masterful builders of downeast boats presently include: Sabre, Back Cove, Hinckley, MJM and Mainship. These builders design downeast boats with inboard, outboard, outboard-4s, inboard/outboard and other propulsion systems, available in diesel, gas and other fuel systems. ...

  5. 12 Top Selling Downeast Cruising Yachts with Worldwide Appeal

    At a Glance: One of Sabre's best selling yachts (called the 40 Sedan in 2009-11) — a solid mix of classic Downeast styling and state-of-the-art construction. Sabre was one of the first Downeast builders to take advantage of efficient pod drive technology—a feature that has much to do with the enduring popularity of this yacht.

  6. Downeast Boat Guide 2024

    By YATCO Posted on July 24, 2024 Boat Types, FAQ, Motor Yacht. Welcome to the 2024 Downeast Boat Guide, your ultimate resource for exploring the charm and craftsmanship of Downeast boats. Popular for their classic lines, rugged durability, and exceptional seaworthiness, these boats are iconic vessels. Originating from the New England region ...

  7. What Is a Downeast Boat and Is It Right for You?

    2. Fuel Efficiency. Downeast boats maintain an excellent fuel economy. Most sports cruisers must refuel twice before a Downeast boat runs out of power. 3. Safety. Because Downeast boats are designed for choppy Atlantic waters, they're about as safe as you can get. These vessels have terrific visibility and ample handholds and grab rails. 4.

  8. Why A Downeast Boat Might Be Perfect For You

    What Are The Best Downeast Boat Brands? According to soldboats.com data, the most popular brand of downeast boat is Sabre Yachts which sold more than 500 vessels since the beginning of 2020. Back Cove Yachts, Hinckley, Hunt Yachts, MJM and others all had much fewer boats sold in the United States during the same time frame.

  9. 30 Foot Downeast Style Day and Pocket Cruiser

    The Downeast boat is tightly associated with Maine's proud boat building history, and the Back Cove 30 is a grand example of everything that takes the style beyond a simple boat and makes it a work of art. Built in Maine, her design is reminiscent of the working boats of her heritage and contains many of the same practical and elegant details

  10. Downeast Boats Roundup

    Downeast boats conjure scenes of lobster boils and comfortable cruising. Sit back, relax and enjoy our Downeast Boats Roundup. More than 100 years ago, what's now known as a "Downeast boat" was a working vessel. Built to plow through rough seas, it offered low windage, a stable hull and a cockpit big enough for hauling and accommodating ...

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    Ellis. Ellis has been building classic Downeast boats since 1947. Photo via Ellis. One of the longest-running builders around, Ellis has been building Downeast boats since 1947. Located in Southwest Harbor, ME, their lineup ranges from 20'2" to 40'5" and includes both inboard and outboard models. Several of these boats are available ...

  12. Ellis Downeast Semi-displacement Hull Design

    Today's true Downeast hulls use horsepower to get them up beyond displacement speeds, and yet these boats are still true to the central issue of providing predictable stability. They are simply about as stable a platform as you could ever want-and that means stable at 8 knots, stable at 20 knots. A more subtle aspect of the Downeast hull ...

  13. Ellis Boat Company

    Ellis Boat Company builds Downeast powerboats, ranging from 20 to 40 feet, from start to finish in Southwest Harbor, ME - the same location as Ralph Ellis and Raymond Bunker started with their historically famous yachts in the 1940s. Ellis Boat Company continues to prove that the Downeast semi-displacement hull design is among the best for ...

  14. Downeast boats for sale

    Downeast boats for sale on YachtWorld are offered at a swath of prices from $15,000 on the more modest side, with costs up to $1,950,000 for the most extravagant model yachts. What Downeast model is the best? Some of the most popular Downeast models currently listed include: 38, Cutter, 32, Downeast 54 and 36 Lobster Boat. Specialized yacht ...

  15. Downeast boats for sale

    Boat Trader currently has 499 downeast boats for sale, including 106 new vessels and 393 used boats, listed by both individual owners and professional dealers across the country. What are the best downeast boats? Some of the most popular designers of downeast boats at present include: Sabre, Back Cove, MJM, Mainship and Grand Banks.

  16. Downeast boats for sale in United States

    Find Downeast boats for sale in United States. Offering the best selection of boats to choose from.

  17. Downeast Boats And Yachts For Sale

    Lowest price in range was $89,000 with the highest listed at $679,000. For comparison by model years, based on a range of 34ft-45ft and model years 2010-2019, midrange Listing Price is currently (Aug. 2021) about $862,000. Lowest price in range was $325,000 with the highest listed at $1,399,000.

  18. Downeast Boat Forum

    A network of Downeast Boat Enthusiasts, Commercial Fishermen,& Boat Builders from the Northeast. Registration is Free. ... we give you the best supported engines on the market today. Engines in stock, trained long-time dealers, parts on the shelf. We appreciate your business. Threads 20 Posts 258 Views 103.4K. Threads 20 Posts 258 Views 103.4K ...

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    What are the Best Downeast Boats with Outboards? Downeast style boats have been using outboard propulsion systems for years - including Sabre, Grand Banks, Back Cove, MJM Yachts, Vanquish and Hinckley. Outboard motors may increase boat costs, but they are excellent propulsion systems for fishing boats, lobster boats, and even overnight ...

  20. 8 Best Gulf of Mexico Boating Destinations

    Here are some of the best arguments to rent a boat from peer-to-peer sharing services like Boatsetter, and experience the 1300-mile Florida portion of the Gulf of Mexico from the deck of a boat or yacht that's yours for the day or the weekend. Destin

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    2004 Duffy 42 Downeast Sedan | 42ft. Rock Hall, Maryland. US$439,000 . Own this boat for $3,335/month. Customize. Engine-Total Power-Engine Hours-Class. Downeast. Length. 42ft. ... Borrowers with the highest credit scores and strongest overall financial profiles usually get the best yacht loan rates. The higher your credit score, the lower your ...

  23. Best New Lightweight Spinning Reels

    Penn built its 90-year reputation in salt water, and its latest creation is a revamped Battle IV spinning reel.Available in sizes from 1000 to 10000, the Battle spinning-reel family includes CNC gears to increase cranking power, carbon-fiber drag to reduce heat, and ball bearings in the rotor and line roller to keep the reel running smoothly.

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