A History Of The Riverdale Yacht Club?

The Riverdale Yacht Club, founded in 1931 along the shoreline of the Hudson River in the exclusive neighborhood of Riverdale, New York City’s borough of The Bronx, is a small private association located on the Hudson River in the Riverdale section of The Bronx. The club has a history dating back to 1931 and has been active since its inception.

The first decade of the club coincided with the Great Depression, and during World War II, over sixty of its members served in the military. The club’s first decade was marked by a decline in membership, but it has since grown significantly. In 2008, Ruben P. Mendez published A History of the Riverdale Yacht Club, a paperback illustrated book that provides a detailed account of the club’s history and its growth.

The book is available in various formats, including Kindle edition, and can be downloaded once and read on any device, PC, phones, or tablets. The book is also available as an eBook on Amazon, with daily low prices and free delivery.

In summary, the Riverdale Yacht Club is a small private association located in the exclusive neighborhood of Riverdale, New York City. Its history and contributions to the community have been documented in various books, including A History of the Riverdale Yacht Club by Ruben P. Mendez.

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A History Of The Riverdale Yacht Club?

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A History Of The Riverdale Yacht Club?

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Debbie Green

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A winter nighttime paddle on the hudson.

By Johna Till Johnson Photos by Johna Till Johnson and Brian Fulton-Howard ( see note )

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George Washington Bridge from the north

December 3, 2017

It was to be Brian’s first winter paddle. That is, even though it wasn’t quite winter yet, the air and water temperatures told us it was time to don drysuits—something Brian had never done before.

The conditions were perfect: the forecast was for a misty overcast day, with air temperatures in the 50s and water temperatures in the 40s, with virtually no wind.

And thanks to the “supermoon”—a larger-than-usual moon due to the moon’s close orbit to Earth—we’d have king tides, bringing currents of between 2 and 3 knots in the Hudson. That meant an easy paddle in both directions, if we kept with the current. (Currents that strong and stronger are common in the East River, but more typically in the Hudson they range from 1 to 2 knots).

There was just one catch.

To travel with the current in both directions, we had two choices for our launch from Yonkers: A predawn launch heading north to the Tappan Zee bridge, or a midafternoon launch heading south to the George Washington.

Realistically, I couldn’t picture getting up early enough for a pre-dawn launch.

But if we took the latter option, we’d be spending most of the trip in darkness.

Was that really wise?

One of my good friends and coaches, Taino, likes to illustrate kayaking risks with a slot machine metaphor: Each risk may be acceptable individually… but if enough of them line up—disaster.

So what were these risks? Well, it was Brian’s first time paddling in a drysuit. And it was winter paddling (paddling in cold water is always riskier than in warm). And paddling in the dark.

But countering that were the near-perfect conditions (particularly the lack of wind). There was fact that we were two paddlers (two are always better off than one). Also, Brian is a strong paddler, with a level head and good judgment. And we both felt healthy, with no injuries or ailments.

The deciding factor was esthetic: The morning was predicted to be cloudy, with little chance of a beautiful sunrise. But if we opted for the evening paddle, there was at least the chance the clouds would part and we’d get to see the supermoon as it rose.

The evening paddle it was!

Brian arrived at my apartment around 2, and we prepared to pack. Hot, sweet tea: Check. Plenty of chocolate (Brian’s contribution): check. All the usual cold-weather gear: hats, gloves, “space blankets”: check.

Except for one thing…

As Brian pulled on his drysuit (discovering in the process that it fit perfectly), I asked, “So you brought your neoprene booties, right?”

Ahhh… nope!

Brian hadn’t realized drysuits need shoes (or some kind of foot covering) to avoid getting punctured. (Drysuits basically consist of GoreTex, zippers, and gaskets—you need to wear insulating clothing underneath, and put on some kind of foot covering.)

But Brian is nothing if not resourceful. “Got any duct tape?” he asked. I did, along with the cardboard and Sharpie he requested. And in a few minutes, he’d made himself a pair of cardboard-and-duct-tape “sandals”—not super fancy, but enough to protect the soles of his drysuit from damage.

That problem solved, we proceeded to Yonkers, where we managed to launch around 3:30 PM. Manhattan was visible in a haze of pink as the last hour of daylight slowly faded into dusk.

riverdale yacht club

Manhattan in a haze of pink

We paddled south with the current (which was roughly 2 kt at that point). We stopped to have a look at the Riverdale Yacht Club, a beautiful structure on the eastern shore of the Hudson. Brian explained it had formerly been the Riverdale train station on the Metro-North line. (Apparently, there’s even a book about the Riverdale Yacht Club!)

riverdale yacht club

Riverdale Yacht Club

We paddled on, and arrived at the Spuyten Duyvil swing bridge   guarding the Harlem River just around sunset. We’d previously discussed taking a gander down the Harlem, so in we went. The current was with us, and growing stronger as we went forward.

We had our radios on, as a standard precautionary measure. Suddenly there was a crackle as a tugboat—the Kenny G—announced it wanted to bring a barge through the bridge.

We paddled closer to the southern shore of the Harlem, and I radioed back a message to the captain: “Securité, securité, two kayaks in the Harlem river, we know you’re there and we’re staying close to shore until you pass.”

The captain acknowledged, and we continued down the Harlem with an accelerating current.

Sure enough, the tug and barge soon passed, steaming by at 12-15 kt, or maybe even more.

We paddled on for a few more minutes, but decided that the accelerating current was just a bit too risky. So we crossed over to the north side and paddled back to the bridge, helped along by a healthy back-eddy.

We stopped at the mouth of Harlem, inside the bridge in a protected, mostly still patch of water, to have chocolate and rest. By then it was full dark, but with the lights of Manhattan all around, we could see fairly well. We turned on our deck lights and I donned a headlamp (Brian would do so later on).

When we exited the Harlem, I glanced back over my shoulder, and gasped. “Look, Brian!” I shouted. The clouds had cleared, and the supermoon was rising over the Bronx.

riverdale yacht club

Supermoon rising over the Bronx

I took as many photos as I could, and then we continued south to the George Washington. Rather arbitrarily, we’d chosen the little red lighthouse as our turnaround point.

We arrived at the lighthouse right around 6:30, which was by our calculations right at slack. After several tries, I succeeded in getting a shot of the lighthouse flashing, though I couldn’t convince Brian to get in the picture.

riverdale yacht club

Little Red Lighthouse (and little red kayak)

We paddled back in full darkness, glad of the extra visibility provided by our headlamps. True to prediction, the current increased slowly: 0.8 kt, 1.0 kt, 1.2 kt, 1.8 kt.

A conga line of tug-and-barges heading south on our left took us a bit by surprise, as we’d initially thought they were anchored (though there no danger as we were well out of their way). And the moon, by now high in the sky, was visible for most of the way.

We arrived back in Yonkers just past 8 PM, meaning we’d spent about 4.5 hours on the water. We’d paddled 18 statute miles (15.5 nautical miles) at an average pace of 4 mph, or 3.5 kt. –including the time we’d spent enjoying chocolate. The power of the king tides!

All in all… a very successful first winter paddle for Brian. Here’s to many more!

( Note: Regular readers of this blog may be forgiven for wondering who this mysterious “Brian” is. He was formerly one of Vlad’s grad students, and is now a post-doctoral researcher in his own right. He and I have paddled several times this year, though this is the first time I’ve been able to do a writeup. He, his wife Tyna, and I have become quite good friends .)

See slideshow below for more photos. Click on the arrows to move back or forward!

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Posted in Architecture , Culture , History , Kayaking , Nature , New York City

Tagged Bronx , duct tape , George Washington Bridge , Hudson River , Manhattan , Riverdale Yacht Club , shoes , Spuyten Duyvil , Winter , Yonkers

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riverdale yacht club


Riverdale yacht club.

The Riverdale Yacht Club in the Bronx runs a junior sailing school program with Optimists, Lasers and 420s on the Hudson River in June and July of 2015.  Riverdale Sailing is seeking to continue its success in teaching new and experienced sailors by adding to its talented staff. Instructors will coach about 20 youth sailors, 8-17 years old, on the fundamentals of sailing. We are looking for two additional assistant instructors who will report to our head coach and will help to maintain a safe, competitive, and especially fun environment for young sailors. Candidates must be able to motivate sailors of all ages, customize lesson plans as directed by the head coach to suit individual needs, and effectively coach kids on and off the water during scheduled daily activities (drills, practice, games, free time/ rainy days). Applicants must receive Level 1 US Sailing Certification, US Safe Powerboat Handling Certification, CPR and First Aid Certification before sailing classes begin.  We offer competitive salaries, free lunches and can provide free accommodation for the right candidates. The sailing school runs 9 am to 3 pm Tuesdays to Saturdays with Sundays and Mondays off. This is a great summer job opportunity for sailors who want to coach kids from a local New York City community. We are only 20 minutes away from Grand Central Terminal by MTA to the Riverdale train station, which is next to our club. Dates of Employment: June 14 – July 12 Contact:  Andreas Kottmann, 917 815 1520   [email protected]    or  Dan Friedman, 718 986 2681   [email protected]

  • Category : Job Available
  • Location : Bronx NY
  • Organization : Riverdale Yacht Club
  • Modified date : 05/06/2015

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A History of the Riverdale Yacht Club

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Ruben P. Mendez

A History of the Riverdale Yacht Club Paperback – Illustrated, November 5, 2008

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  • Print length 166 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date November 5, 2008
  • Dimensions 6 x 0.42 x 9 inches
  • ISBN-10 1436339383
  • ISBN-13 978-1436339384
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Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Xlibris & The Bronx County Historical Society; Illustrated edition (November 5, 2008)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 166 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1436339383
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1436339384
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 9 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.42 x 9 inches
  • #102,391 in World History (Books)

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Ruben p. mendez.

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riverdale yacht club

Riverdale Yacht Club

Photo of Riverdale Yacht Club - Bronx, NY, US.

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800 W 254th St

Bronx, NY 10471

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Hours & Contact

Dining Rooms Hours ~ Tuesday - Saturday: Lunch 12-3 /  Dinner 5-9 Sundays: Lunch 11-3 / Dinner 5-8 ~ Reservations are requested and recommended for indoor & deck seating.

ferretti yachts altura 690

ferretti yachts altura 690


  1. Riverdale Yacht Club

    riverdale yacht club

  2. Sailing Program

    riverdale yacht club

  3. Riverdale Yacht Club

    riverdale yacht club

  4. Riverdale Yacht Club

    riverdale yacht club

  5. Riverdale Yacht Club

    riverdale yacht club

  6. Riverdale Yacht Club

    riverdale yacht club


  1. Riverdale Yacht Club

    Riverdale Yacht Club - Hudson River, NYC Menus; Racquets; Sailing Program; RYC Shop; Submit. Search My Account Cart expand/collapse. Pause slideshow Play slideshow. Slide 1; Slide 2; Slide 3; Dining Reservations. CLICK HERE. 2024 Summer Season Pool Hours ...

  2. History

    INTRODUCTION. The Riverdale Yacht Club was incorporated on 2 March 1931,to establish, maintain and operate a yacht club…indoor and outdoor tennis or squash-tennis courts, boathouses and boat landing, and suitable clubhouses, bath houses, swimming pools, and other accommodations and facilities for the use and convenience of the members.

  3. Sailing Program

    The Waterfront Committee is pleased to announce the 2024 Youth Sailing Program. Program Dates The 2024 Youth Sailing program at the Riverdale Yacht Club will run from June 18 to July 27 (Tuesday to Saturday, 9 AM to 3 PM). Novices and experienced sailors ages 8 to 18 are welcome to join the program. The program is

  4. Riverdale Yacht Club

    Facebook. Jessica Odrich is at Riverdale Yacht Club. ntrpdSosoe70ah7gm3,u s m1m9 2 ccfi8 a 0A ft8c 32g 0 2 9tc t 3m u8a0 2 676 u · New York, NY ·. Our Little Fete.

  5. What is the historical significance of Riverdale Yacht Club?

    The Riverdale Yacht Club, founded in 1931 along the shoreline of the Hudson River in the exclusive neighborhood of Riverdale, New York City's borough of The Bronx, is a small private association located on the Hudson River in the Riverdale section of The Bronx. The club has a history dating back to 1931 and has been active since its inception.

  6. Riverdale Yacht Club Inc

    Riverdale Yacht Club Inc located at 800 W 254th St, Bronx, NY 10471 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more.

  7. Riverdale Yacht Club

    We paddled south with the current (which was roughly 2 kt at that point). We stopped to have a look at the Riverdale Yacht Club, a beautiful structure on the eastern shore of the Hudson. Brian explained it had formerly been the Riverdale train station on the Metro-North line. (Apparently, there's even a book about the Riverdale Yacht Club!)

  8. Riverdale Yacht Club

    The Riverdale Yacht Club in the Bronx runs a junior sailing school program with Optimists, Lasers and 420s on the Hudson River in June and July of 2015. Riverdale Sailing is seeking to continue its success in teaching new and experienced sailors by adding to its talented staff. Instructors will coach about 20 youth sailors, 8-17 years old, on ...

  9. Riverdale Yacht Club, 800 W 254th St, Bronx, NY 10471, US

    Riverdale Yacht Club, located on the scenic Hudson River in Bronx, NY, offers a range of menus featuring delectable dining options for brunch and lunch, as well as a well-stocked RYC Shop for all your sailing needs.

  10. A History of the Riverdale Yacht Club

    The Riverdale Yacht Club is a small private association on the shoreline of the Hudson River in the Riverdale section of New York Citys borough of The Bronx. While author Ruben Mendez furnishes a chronicle of the institution, he also discloses valuable historical information about Riverdale, the Hudson River, the building of what is today the Metro-North railroads Hudson Division, and the ...

  11. Riverdale Yacht Club

    Riverdale Yacht Club is a club located in Brooklyn, NY that fosters events on behalf of members. Programs include member services, which provide recreational programs to members and their families. Total revenues. $630,084. 2022. Total expenses. $706,522. 2022. Total assets. $1,490,166. 2022.

  12. A History of the Riverdale Yacht Club Paperback

    The Riverdale Yacht Club is a small private association on the shoreline of the Hudson River in the Riverdale section of New York City's borough of The Bronx. While author Ruben Mendez furnishes a chronicle of the institution, he also discloses valuable historical information about Riverdale, the Hudson River, the building of what is today the ...

  13. Riverdale Yacht Club

    1 Tip and review. Log in to leave a tip here. christian bovine January 12, 2012. If you see Don S. just feed him a Scotch Egg and back away slowly. No sudden movements and you will be fine. Upvote 3. See 232 photos and 1 tip from 170 visitors to Riverdale Yacht Club. "If you see Don S. just feed him a Scotch Egg and back away slowly.

  14. Member Directory

    The Riverdale Yacht Club maintains this directory solely to facilitate communication between members. It may not be used for personal gain, or shared or made available for any commercial or solicitation purpose. J. Dinsmore Adams, Jr. & Nancy Hopkins 5281 Independence Avenue Bronx, New York 10471 617-894-7540 (D)

  15. Club Rules

    The Club is open from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily except Mondays. The Club is closed for the month of January, including squash and platform tennis. Calls to the Club Manager/Executive Chef should be limited to the days the Club is open so that he can enjoy a day off. Club phone (Javier) 718-543-0792. Business Office (Josephine) 718-332-2456

  16. Riverdale Yacht Club Bronx NY, 10471

    Riverdale Yacht Club. 800 West 254th Street; Bronx, NY 10471 (718) 543-0792 Visit Website Get Directions Similar Businesses. Essen Physical Therapy - Little Italy . Bronx, NY (718) 583-7736 View. Energy Flow Yoga Studio . Fort Lee, NJ (551) 202-6411 View. SQZ Baseball ...


    RIVERDALE YACHT CLUB in Bronx, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in Bronx and beyond.

  18. Riverdale Yacht Club (U.S.)

    The Riverdale YC is located in the borough of the Bronx in New York City. The burgee can also be seen on the Riverdale Yacht Club "Tennis Booking" page. Joe McMillan, 28 January 2015 A History of the Riverdale Yacht Club by Ruben P. Mendez is partly readable in Google Books. From this I found that the Riverdale Yacht Club was established on 2 ...

  19. Sverdlovsk Oblast

    Sverdlovsk Oblast. Sverdlovsk Oblast (Russian: Свердловская область, IPA: [svʲɪrdˈlofskəjə ˈobləsʲtʲ]) is a federal subject (an oblast) of Russia located in the Ural Federal District. Its administrative center is the city of Yekaterinburg, formerly known as Sverdlovsk. Its population is 4,268,998 (according to the ...

  20. Riverdale Yacht Club Inc

    Riverdale Yacht Club Inc. Brooklyn, NY; EIN: 13-1562499; Receive an email when new data is available for this organization. Organization summary. Organization summary might be incomplete or out of date

  21. Hours & Contact

    Dining Rooms Hours ~ Tuesday - Saturday: Lunch 12-3 / Dinner 5-9 Sundays: Lunch 11-3 / Dinner 5-8 ~ Reservations are requested and recommended for indoor & deck seating.

  22. ferretti yachts altura 690

    ASIA PACIFIC; Ferretti Altura 690: a return to the values of a winning philosophy. Saturday, January 15, 2005. DISCOVER MORE. Thursday, April 14, 2005. Ferretti Yachts awarded at