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What is a Trimaran Boat? Its Terminology, History,

Updated: July 31, 2024     9 Minutes Read

Trimaran Boat

Do you want to know about Trimaran? If yes, you are in the hundred percent right place. A trimaran, also known as a double-outrigger, is a type of multi-hulled boat that features a main hull and two smaller outrigger hulls or floats that are attached to the main hull with lateral beams. Most modern trimarans are used as sailing yachts for racing or recreation, and others are warships used by the navy and ferries. 

The hull design of the Trimaran comes from the double-outrigger hulls of the Austronesian culture of maritime southeast Asia, especially from Eastern Indonesia and the Philippines, where it was used in fishing boats . And the design of double-outriggers originated from single-outrigger boats and old catamarans. 


The term “Trimaran” originated from the combination of tri and maran. The tri means three, and maran is basically derived from catamaran boat s. It’s believed that Trimaran was created by Victor Tchetchet, who is basically a Ukraine-based modern multi-hull designer. A trimaran is featured with a main hull and two smaller outrigger floats on either side, attached by crossbeams. In Polynesian terms, the main hull is generally considered “vaka, ” while each float is referred to as “ama,”  and the connectors that connect them together are usually known as “aka.”  However, trimarans are not considered traditional Polynesian boats; Polynesians generally use single-outrigger canoes and catamarans.

Ownership Costs for Trimarans

Ownership Costs for Trimarans

The ownership cost of Trimarans widely differs according to their model, brand, size, and quality of construction. On average, their ownership price starts at $100,000 and goes up to a million dollars. If you want to determine how much you can afford, use our boat loan calculator .

The first Trimaran, or double-outrigger boat, was designed by the Austronesians and is still most loved by the fishermen of maritime southeast Asia . This double outrigger was improved from the oldest single outrigger boats to resolve the problem of boats tipping over when turning into wind. However, double outriggers did not get populated among austersians in Polynesia and Micronesia, where people use catamarans and single outriggers.

The warships with double outriggers, such as Karakoa, Kora Kora, Lanong, and Borobudur, were broadly used in maritime southeast Asia for many years. These vessels were also called proas by Europeans during the colonial era. And proas is basically a broad term that includes native ships and single-outriggers. 

20th Century 

Recreational sailing with trimarans and catamarans gained popularity in the 1960s and 1970s. Victor Tchetchet, who was basically a Ukrainian immigrant to the US, manufactured two Trimarans by using marine plywood. These trimarans were around 24 feet, or 7.3 meters, longer in length. Then, in the 1950s and 1960s, Arthur Piver designed new plywood kit trimarans, which were heavy and not suitable for seas compared to modern models, but still a few achieved the success of crossing oceans. Several of their additional models, including Chris White, Derek Kelsall, Ed Horstman, Richared Newik, John Marples, Norman Cross, Jim Brown, and Jay Kantola, were built using contemporary construction methods, which basically improved the performance and safety of Trimaran cruisers.

After that, many homebuilders and new boating companies started making trimaran boats. Most of their models were 19–36 feet, or 5.8–11 meters, longer in length and were widely used as “day-sailers’ ‘. They were also trailerable by boat trailers, and their examples include original Ferrier and Corsair folding trimarans like the F-27 Sport Cruiser and the original John Westell and Swing-wing folding trimaran.

Modern Trimarans were constructed in the west and were significantly distinguished from their counterparts. They use a Bermuda rig sail plan instead of unique sails like crab claw or Tanja. These trimarans are also larger and have bigger floats, which provides them with more buoyancy than outrigger canoes . However, these floats may create drag when they get too wet, and their level of immersion shows when to reef. In respect of performance, an objective comparison by Doran in 1972 proved that the traditional double-outrigger vinta of the Philippines and the single-outrigger WA of the Caroline Islands are still amazing at sailing against wind and speed compared to modern trimarans.

Competition And Records

Competition And Records

There are many competitions, and world records exist for Trimaran vessels. Thomas Coville is also one of them, having set the world record for solo sailing all over the world for around 49 days and 3 hours. This world record was made by Sodebo Ultim Trimaran and completed on December 25, 2016.

Before Thomas’ world record, in February 2005, a record was held by a British sailor, Ellen MacArthur , in which she spent around 71 days circling the world. After that, on January 20, 2008, a Frenchman broke the Ellen MacAuthers record by spending just 57 days, 13 hours, 34 minutes, and 6 seconds in Trimaran by exploring the planet.

Additionally, between December 2016 and January 2017, Francis Joyon and his five crew members set a new record for the fastest maritime circumnavigation by fishing the journey in just 40 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes, and 30 seconds. Their standard speed was around 26.85 knots, or 30.71 MPH, and they covered almost 48,915 kilometers, or 26,412 nautical miles. 

In 2020, the same Trimaran completed the race from Hong Kong to London in an impressive 32 days. This time is about one-third of the first record, which was made in 2005. 

 Trimaran Ships

High-speed ferries.

High-speed ferries are managed by specific rules. These rules are applied to those ferries that are used for international journeys lasting less than four hours and cargo ferries that are used for almost eight hours from a safe harbor. Private berths or sleeping areas are not available in these vessels, but every passenger must be given a seat.

The demand for high-speed ferries increased after the 1970s. In the 2000s, there were only two Australian companies, “ Incat and Austal,” building large and high-speed ferries. Incat was busy making catamarans, which basically move forward by cutting water waves, and Austal was an expert in making high-speed trimarans.

In 2010, Austal manufactured a 120-meter ferry called Hull 270, which was sold to Condor Ferries in 2015. After that, Condor Ferries changed its name to HSC Condor Liberation for visits to the Channel Islands. The interest in Trimaran ferries increased in 2017 when Fred. Olsen Express bought two 118 Trimarans from their island routes that were called Bajamar Express and Bañaderous Express . In 2018, a Japanese company also purchased an 83-meter ferry. 

Naval ships

The first and modern use of Trimaran hull design in navy ships was with the RV Triton . RV Triton is basically a research vessel for the Royal Navy and was manufactured with a Trimaran hull to test the hull’s visibility. This vessel has been used by the Australian customs and border protection service since 2007. 

The Indonesian navy’s first stealth Trimaran, the 63M carbon fiber composite Trimaran fast missile boat, was discovered in 2012. This was manufactured by North Sea boats with modern stealth technology and a wave-piercing Trimaran hull, but its design was made by New Zealand naval architects, LOMOCEAN Marine . Unfortunately, this vessel was destroyed by an engine room fire shortly after its launch. 

After that, the 43-meter ocean Eagle Trimaran was built by the Nigel irens and is based on the ocean adventure concept, which provides coastal protection for Mozambique.

Folding Trimarans

Some of the boat manufacturers build fold-able trimarans, which means these trimarans have floats that can be flooded near the main hull. Their foldable feature basically makes them easily trailerable by boat trailers and allows them to easily fit in a typical monohull space in a marina. There are various mechanisms used to store a folding trimaran or amas outrigger, which include demountable fixed tubes that are assembled before launching, telescoping tubes, and a hinge and latch system that allows the amas or foldable trimaran to fold over the main hull to reduce width for trailering. In addition, some Trimarans have a vertical folding system, which basically lifts the floats upward and over the main hull. On the other hand, a few Trimarans feature horizontal articulation, which moves the floats forward or backward at the same level as the hull, or horizontal folding, which folds the floats towards the main hull. These modern techniques for folding trimarans basically make them easier to trailer and transport; that’s why many people use them as sailing trimarans.

Folding Trimaran Safety Features 

There are many features of folding trimarans that assure safer journeys than other boat types . Trimarans have special compartments for protection from sinking, easy-to-reach controls, a system of prevention from collisions, covered and safe cockpits, and fast-draining holes. However, a capsized Trimaran may be harder to flip back, and some may also get damaged. But the new Trimarans are specially designed to easily turn back when capsized. To stay safe, it’s better to reduce sail power in strong winds and use special features like netting and water-shedding decks to protect a capsized Trimaran. 

Benefits of Trimaran Boats

Benefits of Trimaran Boats

The Trimaran configuration is suitable for both navy ships and commercial ferries. An Australian boat manufacturer company, “ Austal ” conducted the study to increase the advantages of Trimaran ships, catamarans, and monohulls and find out the ideal positioning of outer hulls to minimize wave resistance and power consumption when operating at high speeds with heavy payloads of almost 1,000 tons. This change made Trimarans more efficient, reduced motion sickness, and improved roll and lateral force stability, especially in rough seas. These features of Trimarans made it the best choice for warships and passenger ferries. Some of the other advantages of trimarans are: 

  • Trimarans with high-quality construction can move smoothly and quickly in seas, even with heavy loads.
  • They are basically made to be stable and versatile, and they roll well in rough seas.
  • They help to prevent motion sickness.
  • They can be manufactured in larger models.
  • Trimarans can carry low-density cargo or passengers and can go at around 40 knots of speed. 

Disadvantages of Trimarans

  • Trimarans are mostly tough and pricey to build.
  • They are usually challenging to dock because of their design and size. 
  • They may also not be suitable for carrying heavy cargo and passengers. 
  • Their interior space is mostly less than that of Catamarans. 

I'm Raunek Kantharia, a professional marine engineer. I'm also a marine writer who joined the Marine Insight website in 2010 as an expert marine writer. I managed the Marine Insight website. After that, I wrote many articles for magazines and websites. But now, I write for I share my insights and knowledge from my own experience.

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Differenza tra trimarano o catamarano?

Catamarano, che ha due scafi, con simmetria longitudinale; Trimarano, che ha uno scafo principale al centro e due scafi stabilizzatori, di dimensioni più piccole, disposti simmetricamente ai lati dello scafo centrale e uniti tra loro da una struttura rigida a forma di tubi.

Qual è il catamarano?

Perché si chiama catamarano.

L'etimologia della parola catamarano (da “Kattu maram”, che tradotto letteralmente significa “legni legati assieme“) vede, come luogo d'origine del termine, l'Oceano Indiano e attribuisce la nascita del catamarano alle imbarcazioni che usavano le popolazioni del Paravas, una comunità di pescatori aristocratica ubicata ...

Quanti nodi va un catamarano?

Infatti se su di una barca a vela di 12 metri, durante una traversata, si prevede una media di 100-150 miglia al giorno, su un catamarano di uguali dimensioni la media sale a 200 – 250 miglia al giorno grazie agli 8-10 nodi di velocità di crociera.

Perché scegliere un catamarano?

Il catamarano: stabilità e comfort Questo significa maggiore spazio, maggiore comfort e maggiore stabilità. L'interno di un catamarano è indubbiamente più ampio e concede più agilità di movimento, le cabine sono più spaziose e più simili a vere e proprie camere, la dinette è accogliente e dotata di ampie finestre.

Catamarano o monoscafo? Le differenze | Le guide Adria Ship

Trovate 38 domande correlate

Quanto costa un catamarano.

I catamarani possono ospitare dalle 8 alle 10 persone e i prezzi settimanali vanno dai 3.500€ fino ai 22.000€.

Quando una barca è considerata yacht?

Il termine navi da diporto ricomprende le unità da diporto oltre i 24 metri che spesso nella pratica sono chiamati “yacht” o “grandi yacht”. Il termine imbarcazioni da diporto ricomprende le unità tra i 10 e i 24 metri, sia a motore che a vela. ... La navigazione da diporto è regolata dal Codice della Nautica da Diporto.

Quanto pesca un catamarano?

Mentre per una barca vela da 13 metri in traversata si prevede una media di 100-120 miglia al giorno, su un catamarano di uguali dimensioni la media sale a 180-200 miglia al giorno grazie agli 8 nodi di velocità di crociera.

Quanti nodi per andare a vela?

Un vento da dieci nodi (forza tre) è l'ideale per navigare. La barca riesce quasi ad arrivare alla sua velocità massima, e in compenso il vento non è abbastanza forte da sollevare un mare fastidioso. Venti nodi è una brezza tesa. Una condizione più impegnativa che impone le prime riduzioni di vela.

Che velocità può raggiungere un catamarano?

«I catamarani di classe GC32 raggiungono quasi 40 nodi di velocità: oggi il record è di 39,2 nodi, pari a 72,6 km/h.

Come è fatto un catamarano?

Il catamarano è un natante provvisto di due scafi. Esso è formato da due galleggianti tubolari, aguzzi a prua, ermeticamente chiusi, uniti insieme parallelamente a una certa distanza tra loro da un'armatura fuori d'acqua un po' rialzata, sulla quale viene costruita la piattaforma che tiene l'albero e regge le persone.

Quanto costa un catamarano di 20 metri?

Catamarani nuove in vendita di 20 metri prezzo 100.001€

Quanti motori ha un catamarano?

Partiamo dalla considerazione più banale: il catamarano è un mezzo a vela dotato di due scafi, due timoni, doppia motorizzazione, non ha chiglia con bulbo ma è dotato di derive più o meno profonde o regolabili in base alla tipologia progettuale.

Chi ha inventato il catamarano?

La storia del catamarano prosegue con il primo catamarano sportivo e moderno, ideato e costruito nel 1876 da Nathael Herreshoff, storico yacht designer e architetto navale (i suoi yacht hanno vinto ben sei edizioni dell'America's Cup).

Quanto pesa un catamarano?

Il Classe A è un catamarano a restrizione non monotipo di piccole dimensioni che deve rispondere a poche semplici regole: lunghezza massima 18 piedi, superficie combinata albero+vela massima 13,95 m 2 , peso minimo 75 kg, viene costruito principalmente in composti del carbonio.

Quali sono i migliori catamarani?

  • LAGOON, SEVENTY 7. Nicolas Claris. ...
  • SILENT YACHTS, SILENT 55. Courtesy pf Silent Yachts. ...
  • PRIVILEGE, EUPHORIE 5. HanseYachts AG. ...

Quanti nodi raggiunge una barca a vela?

Poiché una barca a vela procede con una velocità media di 4 - 8 nodi a seconda della propria lunghezza (questo è un fatto fisico del quale sarà bene discutere in un prossimo incontro mensile) e invece un motoscafo viaggia dai 18 ai 25 nodi (se non di più) risulta impensabile per un “velista” arrivare a destinazione ...

Quanto costa un catamarano di 10 metri?

Catamarani usate di 10 metri di 15 anni prezzo 30.000€

Quanto costa un catamarano di 12 metri?

Catamarani usate di 12 metri di 15 anni prezzo 100.000€ ordinate per anno - Top Boats.

Come naviga il catamarano?

Il catamarano a vela batte in velocità qualsiasi multiscafo Questi, provvisti delle derive laterali, affrontano la navigazione di “bolina“ a livelli prossimi all'angolo di controvento.

Cosa si intende per imbarcazioni da diporto?

Si parla di unità da diporto quando si indica un'imbarcazione destinata alla navigazione per scopi sportivi o ricreativi. Per nave da diporto si intende un'unità di lunghezza superiore ai ventiquattro metri. ...

Che cosa sono le barche da diporto?

La nautica da diporto è la nautica eseguita a scopo sportivo o ricreativo o, più in genere, senza fini commerciali (salvo fattispecie specifiche previste dalle normative nazionali), effettuata a bordo di navi, imbarcazioni e natanti (questi ultimi, generalmente solo in acque interne).

Che differenza c'è tra yacht e Panfilo?

In epoca medievale la parola panfilo (o panfano) designava un veliero da guerra; in epoca moderna e contemporanea il termine panfilo o yacht indica una imbarcazione da diporto a vela o a motore meglio definito come motor-yacht a vela se di dimensioni entro un certo tonnellaggio e lunghezza, e conducibile con la normale ...

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What is a trimaran boat?

Boating enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new and exciting vessels that can take them on adventures across the water. In recent times, the trimaran boat has become increasingly popular due to its unique design and performance capabilities. Trimarans are a type of multihull boat that have three hulls instead of the traditional two on monohull boats.

What sets a trimaran boat apart from other types of boats is its stability, speed, and spaciousness. The three hulls provide a wider base, which provides greater stability and balance, allowing them to sail in rougher seas with ease. This means that trimaran boats can reach higher speeds and maintain them for longer periods of time. The design of the trimaran also makes them agile and highly responsive, which is perfect for racing and high-performance boating.

Trimaran boats are also known for their spaciousness, making them perfect for longer trips or boating with larger groups of people. The wide, stable base provides ample space for any equipment or amenities that passengers may need, such as a kitchen, a bathroom, or sleeping quarters.

Another benefit of the trimaran design is its versatility. It can be used as a sailboat, motorboat, or a combination of the two. This flexibility allows boaters to match their needs to the boat and have an incredibly enjoyable and comfortable experience.

Despite the many advantages of owning a trimaran boat, it’s worth noting that they do require a bit more maintenance than other boats, primarily due to the multiple hulls. However, with proper care and maintenance, owning a trimaran boat can provide years of enjoyment and a unique sailing experience.

In summary, trimaran boats are highly versatile, highly stable and highly responsive, making them an ideal vessel for many boating enthusiasts. Their unique design provides a spacious, comfortable, and highly efficient boating experience, making them the perfect choice for those who want to sail the seas in style. If you’re looking for a boat that can take you on long-distance voyages or race across the waves, a trimaran boat might be the perfect choice for you.

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trimarano definizione

Catamaran vs. Trimaran: The Differences Explained

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Most boat lovers know the differences between a catamaran and a monohull. But when it comes to differentiating between a catamaran and a trimaran, things can get tricky because it’s not always clear how much difference the extra hull of a trimaran makes in performance, safety, comfort, and handling. If you’re trying to choose between the two, this is a post you’ll want to read before making a decision.

Besides the number of hulls catamarans(two) and trimarans(three) differ in speed, safety, accommodation, helming, and anchoring. Generally, catamarans are more manageable in a marina and provide better accommodation and comfort. Trimarans, on the other hand, are faster and more fun to helm.

In this post, we’ll cover these differences in greater detail to make it easier for you to choose between a catamaran and a trimaran. First, let’s quickly review each multihull type.

Table of Contents

The Lowdown on Catamarans

Informally dubbed a “cat,” a catamaran is a type of multi-hulled sailing craft with two equal-sized parallel hulls. Cats are typically geometry-stabilized, leveraging their wide beams for stability. That’s unlike monohull boats, which use ballasted keels for stability. Catamarans also have a smaller displacement, lower hull volume, and a much shallower draught ( draft ) than similarly sized monohulls.

The earliest forms of catamarans can be traced way back to the 17th century. They were primarily used for fishing by the Pavaras community in Tamil Nadu, who preferred them over other fishing vessels due to the extra balance and stability provided by the twin hulls. Later on, the British adopted the concept of twin-hulled boats and popularized it worldwide.

Modern catamarans are much more sophisticated than their ancestors. They’ve evolved in terms of the usage versatility, construction, and design, giving rise to two primary configurations:

  • Small-Waterplane-Area Twin Hull (SWATH)
  • Wave-piercing catamarans

The hulls in a catamaran with a SWATH configuration are typically submerged. That means they’re less affected by ocean waves , which is great for stability when sailing in rough waters. In the recent past, SWATH configurations have been used on research vessels and rescue ships. 

Their wave-piercing counterparts, on the other hand, have low-buoyancy bows fitted on the twin hulls. The bows allow the hulls to puncture ocean waves instead of riding over them, making catamarans with such a design faster on rough waters than SWATH cats. In the recent past, wave-piercing cat designs have been used on passenger ferries, military vessels, and yachts.

trimarano definizione

The Lowdown on Trimarans

Also known as a double-outrigger, a trimaran is a type of multihull boat with one main hull flanked by two smaller “floats” (technically known as outrigger hulls) connected to the larger hull by lateral beams. Such a design makes trimarans incredibly stable, meaning they’re hard to capsize even in the roughest of waters. 

The earliest forms of trimarans can be traced to the Austronesian people and are still the most common hull design you’ll find on traditional fishing boats in Maritime Southeast Asia. The majority of today’s double outriggers are yachts meant for racing and recreation, but some warships and ferries have this design.

trimarano definizione

The Differences Between Catamarans and Trimarans 

The most apparent physical distinction between a catamaran and a trimaran is that it has three hulls instead of two. 

But other than that, are there other differences between the two vessel types you need to know? Do those differences make one type better than the other?

To find out, let’s compare the two types of multihulls based on the following merits:

Comfort and Accommodation

A Cat’s geometry is ideal for comfort and accommodation. The two load-bearing hulls provide additional habitable space, and you can always create a sizable nacelle between them. Connected to this central living space is a large cockpit, and there are cabins on either end of the hulls. This arrangement is perfect when you’re looking to relax a bit as the party rages on in the saloon because it gives you a bit of privacy. 

And with flybridges virtually standard on modern catamarans, you have extra space for entertainment and lounging. The deck area is safe for kids, and the fact that catamarans don’t heel much means that you can do things like cooking at ease. Also worth mentioning is that cats can carry a decent load, meaning you can stock up on food and gear when going away for an extended period.

While trimarans do provide a decent degree of livability, they fall short of catamarans in two regards. First, they heel more than cats, making it difficult to do things like cooking on board. Second, they support much less load than catamarans. To put things into perspective, some 45 feet (14 meters). Cats can carry nearly three tons of payloads, whereas similarly sized trimarans can barely support half that load.

Overall, catamarans provide better, more comfortable accommodation than trimarans.

trimarano definizione

One of the main concerns when choosing any water vessel is how easy it’ll capsize in the event of a storm. If you’re looking to spend more than just a couple of hours on the water, you want to sail on something that won’t capsize/sink easily because sea conditions can sometimes fluctuate within a short period.

When it comes to safety, three hulls are better than two. Having one main hull and two overhangs on each side makes a trimaran more stable because of two reasons. First, the side overhangs widen the beam of the vessel, which minimizes the chances of the boat flipping over when hit by a large breaking wave from the side. Second, trimarans are typically designed with the weight centered on the main hull, further enhancing stability. 

Multihull stability is a complex topic and should be understood in detail if you want to stay safe at sea!

  • Why do catamarans capsize?

On the rare occasion that a trimaran flips over, it’ll stay afloat. That means if the worst happens, a capsized trimaran will turn into a potential life-saving raft that’s easier to spot from a helicopter. That’s because almost all trimarans designed in the last decade or so come with closed-cell foam distributed throughout the various parts of the boat to provide reserve buoyancy. 

Thanks to this kind of construction, you could cut most trimarans into pieces, and each would still stay afloat.

While catamarans are typically more stable than monohulls, they’re no match for a trimaran in this regard. Hypothetically speaking, it would be easier to tip over a catamaran than a trimaran if both boat types were subjected to equal magnitude storms. That, however, doesn’t mean that catamarans aren’t safe. They’re still harder to flip over than monohulls and will stay afloat when that happens because they come with the same closed-cell foam found in a trimaran.

While on the subject of safety, it’s worth mentioning that trimarans require less vigilance as far as reefing is concerned . Since catamarans heel less, most of the extra wind force translates to more “push” on the rig, increasing speed. But because the pressure exerted on the sail nearly quadruples when the wind speed doubles, you need to be extremely careful when timing your reef to keep a cat sailing flat. 

The same goes for reefing a trimaran, except that the slight heel gives you more room for error in terms of the timing.

trimarano definizione

Most people who’ve ever steered both a trimaran and catamaran will agree that the former is more fun to sail. Most light trimarans, especially tiller-steered ones, have a terrific response to the helm. They have a slight heel that somewhat feels like a monohull, but the angle is a bit limited.

A catamaran is stable, but it doesn’t heel. While heeling may be frowned upon by people who prioritize comfort and accommodation in a boat, it’s one of the most exciting parts of sailing. With three hulls to ensure stability, trimarans combine the heel of a monohull with a catamaran’s stability to deliver the best sailing elements of monohulls and multihulls in a single package.  

Considering that trimarans are more stable, you may be better off with one if you’re looking to have some fun as you perfect your helming skills.

Speed is another area where trimarans outperform their twin-hulled counterparts. Typically lighter than catamarans, trimarans need less sail distance to hit double-digit speed averages. A trimaran can maintain a formidable course up-wind when fitted with centerboards/daggerboards (as is often the case for modern models).

While a catamaran is still faster than a monohull of identical size, it falls short of the trimaran in terms of sheer speed. Understand that this doesn’t make catamarans slow boats; it’s just that tris are typically designed with more emphasis on performance.

Why are Trimarans Faster Than Catamarans?

Trimarans are easier to anchor than catamarans because they allow you to keep the ground tackle in and deploy it from the main hull. 

However, catamarans are more maneuverable and manageable in a marina. They also handle docking lines more conveniently.

Catamarans vs. Trimaran: The Verdict

In summary, here’s what the differences between a cat and tri mean for anyone trying to choose between the two: A catamaran is a better choice if you’re looking to accommodate many people on board for something like a party because it’s more spacious and comfortable than a trimaran. On the other hand, a trimaran is an ideal choice for speed junkies and individuals looking to push their sailing skills to the next level on every stable platform.

Hopefully, that has cleared the air and made it easier for you to pick a more suitable option for your sailing needs.

  • ResearchGate: A comparison of the motions of trimarans, catamarans and monohulls | Request PDF
  • Why are trimarans faster than catamarans?

Owner of A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

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tri- + cata maran

1949, in the meaning defined above

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Translation of "trimarano" into English

trimaran, trimaran are the top translations of "trimarano" into English. Sample translated sentence: Il trimarano di Crowhurst, " Teignmouth Electron, " e ' stato ritrovato alla deriva e deserto ↔ Crowhurst' s trimaran, " Teignmouth Electron, " was found drifting and deserted

Italian-English dictionary

type of boat

Il trimarano di Crowhurst, " Teignmouth Electron, " e ' stato ritrovato alla deriva e deserto

Crowhurst' s trimaran , " Teignmouth Electron, " was found drifting and deserted

(watercraft) trimaran

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Automatic translations of " trimarano " into English

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triple-hulled boat

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What does trimaran mean?

Definitions for trimaran ˈtraɪ məˌræn tri·maran, this dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word trimaran ., princeton's wordnet rate this definition: 0.0 / 0 votes.

  • trimaran noun

a fast sailboat with 3 parallel hulls

Wiktionary Rate this definition: 0.0 / 0 votes

A type of boat with three parallel hulls.

Wikipedia Rate this definition: 0.0 / 0 votes

A trimaran (or double-outrigger) is a multihull boat that comprises a main hull and two smaller outrigger hulls (or "floats") which are attached to the main hull with lateral beams. Most modern trimarans are sailing yachts designed for recreation or racing; others are ferries or warships. They originated from the traditional double-outrigger hulls of the Austronesian cultures of Maritime Southeast Asia; particularly in the Philippines and Eastern Indonesia, where it remains the dominant hull design of traditional fishing boats. Double-outriggers are derived from the older catamaran and single-outrigger boat designs.

ChatGPT Rate this definition: 0.0 / 0 votes

A trimaran is a type of multihulled boat that features one main hull and two smaller outrigger hulls, or 'floats', attached to it. This design provides the vessel with additional stability and speed, making it popular for both racing and recreational sailing, as well as commercial use. The name 'trimaran' is derived from the word ‘tri’ meaning three, and ‘maran’ derived from the Tamil word 'maram' meaning 'tree', or 'wood'.

Wikidata Rate this definition: 0.0 / 0 votes

A trimaran is a multihulled boat consisting of a main hull and two smaller outrigger hulls, attached to the main hull with lateral struts. The design and names for the trimaran components are derived from the original proa constructed by native Pacific Islanders.

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  1. Trimarano

    Trimarano. Il trimarano è un' imbarcazione costituita da tre scafi. Insieme ai catamarani e ai "proa" appartiene alla classe dei "multiscafi". I tre scafi possono essere collegati tra loro tramite appositi "bracci" di collegamento ovvero mediante una configurazione della coperta interamente pontata. Usualmente lo scafo centrale è di maggiori ...

  2. Trimarani, vantaggi e svantaggi

    Trimarani, vantaggi e svantaggi. I multiscafi sono una tipologia di imbarcazioni idrodinamicamente molto efficiente. Ma, mentre i catamarani negli ultimi anni stanno avendo una rapida diffusione, di trimarani se ne vedono ancora pochi, anzi pochissimi. Eppure, se due è meglio di uno, perché tre non può essere meglio di due?

  3. What is a Trimaran Boat? Its Terminology, History

    Terminology. The term "Trimaran" originated from the combination of tri and maran. The tri means three, and maran is basically derived from catamaran boat s. It's believed that Trimaran was created by Victor Tchetchet, who is basically a Ukraine-based modern multi-hull designer. A trimaran is featured with a main hull and two smaller ...

  4. Differenza tra trimarano o catamarano?

    Valutazione: 4.5/5 (44 voti) Catamarano, che ha due scafi, con simmetria longitudinale; Trimarano, che ha uno scafo principale al centro e due scafi stabilizzatori, di dimensioni più piccole, disposti simmetricamente ai lati dello scafo centrale e uniti tra loro da una struttura rigida a forma di tubi.

  5. Trimarano

    trimarano Tipo di imbarcazione da diporto, simile al catamarano, dal quale si differenzia per avere tre scafi (v. fig.), anziché due: uno principale, portante, e due laterali e paralleli di minori dimensioni con funzione stabilizzatrice.

  6. Trimarano

    Trimarano - Significato ed etimologia - Vocabolario - Treccani. trimarano. s. m. [comp. di tri- e ( cata) marano ]. - Tipo di veloce imbarcazione da regata, e anche d'altura e da diporto, simile al catamarano, dal quale peraltro si differenzia per avere tre scafi anziché due (uno principale, scafo portante, e due laterali e paralleli di ...

  7. What is a trimaran boat?

    What sets a trimaran boat apart from other types of boats is its stability, speed, and spaciousness. The three hulls provide a wider base, which provides greater stability and balance, allowing them to sail in rougher seas with ease. This means that trimaran boats can reach higher speeds and maintain them for longer periods of time.

  8. Catamaran vs. Trimaran: The Differences Explained

    Catamarans vs. Trimaran: The Verdict. In summary, here's what the differences between a cat and tri mean for anyone trying to choose between the two: A catamaran is a better choice if you're looking to accommodate many people on board for something like a party because it's more spacious and comfortable than a trimaran.

  9. Trimaran Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of TRIMARAN is a fast pleasure sailboat with three hulls side by side.


    trimaran - definizione, significato, pronuncia audio, sinonimi e più ancora. Che cosa è trimaran? 1. a small, fast sailing boat that has a central hull (= floating part) that is joined to two other…: Vedi di più ancora nel dizionario Inglese - Cambridge Dictionary

  11. trimarano

    trimarano - Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum.

  12. English translation of 'trimarano'

    English Translation of "TRIMARANO" | The official Collins Italian-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of Italian words and phrases.


    trimaran meaning: 1. a small, fast sailing boat that has a central hull (= floating part) that is joined to two other…. Learn more.

  14. trimarano in English

    trimaran, trimaran are the top translations of "trimarano" into English. Sample translated sentence: Il trimarano di Crowhurst, " Teignmouth Electron, " e ' stato ritrovato alla deriva e deserto ↔ Crowhurst' s trimaran, " Teignmouth Electron, " was found drifting and deserted .

  15. Trimaran Definition & Meaning

    Trimaran definition: A fast sailboat with three parallel hulls.

  16. What does trimaran mean?

    Definition of trimaran in the dictionary. Meaning of trimaran. What does trimaran mean? Information and translations of trimaran in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Login . The STANDS4 Network. ABBREVIATIONS; ANAGRAMS; BIOGRAPHIES; CALCULATORS; CONVERSIONS; DEFINITIONS; GRAMMAR; LITERATURE; LYRICS;

  17. English translation of 'trimarano'

    Italian-English translation of "TRIMARANO" | The official Collins Italian-English Dictionary with over 100,000 English translations.

  18. TRIMARAN definition and meaning

    A vessel, usually of shallow draught, with two hulls flanking the main hull.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  19. trimaran noun

    Definition of trimaran noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  20. Trimaran Definition & Meaning

    trimaran (noun) trimaran / ˈ traɪməˌræn/ noun. plural trimarans. Britannica Dictionary definition of TRIMARAN. [count] : a boat that has three hulls. About Us & Legal Info. Partner Program.

  21. Trimaran

    a fast sailboat with 3 parallel hulls. DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word 'trimaran'.Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors. Send us feedback

  22. trimaran

    trimaran. [links] UK:* /ˈtraɪməˌræn/ US: (trī′ mə ran′) ⓘ Una o più discussioni del forum combaciano perfettamente col termine che hai cercato. definizione | Sinonimi inglesi | in spagnolo | in francese | Coniugatore [IT] | Conjugator [EN] | nel contesto | immagini. WordReference. Collins. WR Reverse (1) WordReference English ...