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2024 NSW State Title – Check-out the Photos and Videos

DAC Results, NSW RC Laser Titles 2024, Sun 18th August 2024 – NSW Radio Yachting Association (rcyachts.net)

With great thanks to DAC Members John Porter and Brendan Hones

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Congratulations Daniel Bergan – 2024 VIC Champion

Report by Mario Gulic

Sunny skies greeted us in beautiful Portland Victoria with a nor’westerly wind and B rigs the sail of choice. Our first time race officer Phil Smith was ready, the course was set and we were away with Brad Hein wining the first and Liam Harper taking out second which was his best result for the regatta. (I think he peaked too early) Luke Donovan 4th and Peter Trenorden 5th also had their best results for the regatta. The second race also went to Brad while the third went to Gary Hein. The home water advantage looked like it was going to play a part in the final results while some of us were thinking what kind of sorcery is going on here. Race 4 is when Daniel Bergan said ok that’s enough of a head start and in the next 8 races had 5 bullets, a second and 2 thirds.

Darren Cathie took out the last race of the day with a nice win over Brad. Results day one. Daniel 17, Brad 20 and Mario 25.

Day two was a northerly turning west with everyone starting on D rigs

Darren won race 12 in tricky winds that also saw David Ingleton have his best result for the regatta. A 30 minute delay for ever changing wind direction had the boat boys Andrew Hayes and Ian George working hard to set a fair course. Adam Chambers won his first comfortably in race 13 while Peter Murfett had his best result with a third. Meanwhile in the background Mario had 2 seconds for the day sending Brad and Daniel into a panic and opting for C rigs. Results after race 13 were Daniel 29, Mario 29, Brad 30 while Vanessa McCallum the only lady in the fleet having her best result with an 8th place. The rig change worked for Daniel with another win in race 14. Race 15 had Brad winning and Merv McDonald got his best result with 3rd place. The penultimate race saw a shake up for overall third position with Adam winning the race. Scores with one race to go were Daniel 28, Brad 33, Adam 41 and Mario relegated to 4th on 43 points.

Merv and Gary were fighting for 7th while Liam and Peter were having it out for 11th. So the stage was set for the final race. Best skipper to not place in any race Grant Gillespie. 11th place taken out by Liam, 7th was taken by Gary and another win for Daniel secured the result for first, Brad 2nd and Adam folded like a cheap suit in the last to give Mario a podium finish.

Thank you to all involved including the boat operator on day one, Sam Bassham. The Scorers Dianne Hein and Rosemary Murfett. The Portland Yacht club and a great job done by Brad Hein and crew. Loved the cakes.

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Until next time fair winds to all.


Congratulations Phil Stevenson – 2024 NSW RC Laser Champion

Report by Brian Chapman

On Sunday 18th August, Dobroyd Aquatic Club hosted the RC Laser NSW Championship for 2024.

The Event was planned and run by our Club Members, Brian Chapman and Graham Brown with mentoring by Noel McPherson.

We are grateful to have had Paul Martin who officiated as Race Officer for the day’s racing, thank you Paul.

Thanks also to Club Member John Porter who photographed and videoed the racing and following presentation.

Thank you to Bruce Hilliard who greatly assisted the final duties for the day with marks and tender retrieval etc.

The Medals were kindly provided by the NSW Radio Yachting Association, thank you Wayne Keavy.

The weather forecast for the day was for a Southerly breeze, overcast and a temperature of 20 o C.

Racing commenced at 1000 with a breeze of 12 gusting to 29 Km/Hr, (7 to 16 Knots) and all Sailors chose “B” sails. As the day progressed, peak gusts rose to 47 Km/Hr, (24 Knots) and the fleet changed down to “C” sails with most moving to “D” sails for the last few races. The last race was completed by 1600.

Graham Brown set a course which was mostly in front of the Deck and under Paul Martin’s requests, was occasionally modified as the wind swung during the day.

Twelve Sailors competed and we ended with 27 races for the day which was a feat in itself. We had 2 breaks for lunch and to catch our breaths.

The initial pace was set by Graham Brown, Peter Burton and Brendan Hones, each scoring a win to start the day. Early contenders were Noel McPherson, Martin Thearle and Richard Thorpe, who scored a place or two. As the day developed, Phil Stevenson roared into contention with a series of firsts and second places. The scoresheet started to show a breakaway group of Phil, Graham, Peter and Noel who remained clear for the rest of the day.

Phil gained his lead and had many challenges with gear issues and close match racing with Graham, Peter and Noel. This continued with the lead changing many times. The final result was in doubt throughout the afternoon and was settled by the last race.

The NSW State Champion for 2024 is Phil Stevenson who scored 58 points. There was a gap to Graham Brown with 63 points, taking second place. Peter Burton, the Champion for 2023 came home in third place with 66 points. Noel McPherson scored 71 points and was the only close contender for a medal.

The remainder of the fleet all scored centuries, but all contributed to a well contested Championship. The number of races ensured we had  a very fair test of one’s sailing abilities on the day and produced the right outcome.

Martin Thearle had a very consistent day with eight places. Martin led the following group of centurions and was well ahead in 5 th place. The points were moderately spread with Rob Lowndes the only other to score a place.

Paul Martin, Race Officer, had cause to address the fleet with his concern of some penalties not being taken. There was a fair bit of “dodgem” on the course with the gusty wind being only part of the problem. The leaders, who are very competent sailors did set a good example which was unfortunately not followed by others. We had several General Recalls with a Black Flag declared for the restarts. No-one infringed the second start, so there were no disqualifications.

In the final washup, it was a very successful and testing day of racing. All boats sailed well and one had to be at their very best to score well in such a hot fleet of Sailors.

Race winners were Phil Stevenson 7, Graham Brown 10, Peter Burton 3, Noel McPherson 5 and Brendan Hones 2.

Phil Stevenson took the honours for the day to win 1st place and the Championship on 58 points.

Graham Brown finished in 2nd place on 63 points.

Peter Burton finished in 3rd place with 66 points.

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RC Laser 2024 Nats – Results Table

Congratulations to all sailors for making it another terrific RC Laser event. And a big thanks and congratulations to the organisers – well done!

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2024 Nationals – Wallaroo Local Newspaper Report

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Sailing Venue: Prospect Lake Eyles Dr, EAST BALLINA
Classes Sailed: IOM
Sailing Days: Saturdays
Sailing Times: 12.30pm to 4.30pm
Secretary: Geoff Horsley


Sailing venue: Several locations on St.Georges Basin.
Sailing Start Time: Tuesday and Saturday 10.30am all year round.
Class sailed: Soling One Meter.
Contact: Secretary Malcolm Griffiths. Mobile 0431 094 520

Sailing Venue: Wamberal Lagoon, WAMBERAL
Classes Sailed: Soling One Meter, other classes welcome
Sailing Days: Friday social sailing 10.00am to 2.00pm

Race Days - Sundays twice per month see website calendar
Sailing Time: See website calendar

Secretary: Jullian Clutterbuck  

Kogarah Bay at former Sea Scouts Premises
Classes Sailed: A Class
Sailing Times: 11am to 4pm every 2nd Sunday
Contact: Secretary John Wenborn 0414 727 060



or 0417 469675




Sailing Venue: Tuncurry Race Course Lake, Chapman's Rd, TUNCURRY
Classes Sailed: 10 Rater, IOM and DF95
Sailing Days:

President: Geoff Maude


Venue: Floyds Bay Beach, Hollywood Drive, LANSVALE
Classes sailed : A Class, 1.5m, 10R. All classes welcome.
Sailing Days: 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays.
Alternating between scratch and handicap racing.
Start Time : 12.30pm
Secretary : Ross Buckingham
 mob : 0412917660  home 02 46208449
President : Kevin Walker
mob : 0418246014  home 02 96036035



Sailing Venue:

Classes sailed:
Sailing Days:

Sailing Time: 11.00am

Ph: 02 4229 4053 


Sailing Venue: Cockle Creek, off Racecourse Road, TERALBA

or for some special events

Edwards Park, First Street, BOORAGUL.

Classes sailed: 10 Rater & One Metre (IOM),

Other classes welcome.

Sailing Days: Every Sunday except for special events

Sailing Time: 12 midday

President: Greg Mence  E:

Secretary: Keith Albury



Sailing Venue: Wangi RSL Jetty - Meet at Wangi Amateur Sailing Club 273 Watkins Rd Wangi Wangi NSW 2267
Classes Sailed: DF65 Resticted Class

Sailing Days: Thursdays during Dailight Saving (AEDT),  Every 2nd Sunday during Winter (see Facebook page for program).
Sailing Start Times: April-October 1000 &  September-March 1700
Contact: Chris Owens
Mobile: 0407 492 229
Contact: Chad Fitzpatrick
Mobile:0423 548 690

Sailing Venue: Throsby Creek, Tully St, Carrington

Classes Sailed: 10 Rater, IOM , DF95
Sailing Days: Sundays and Tuesdays

Contact: Garth Griffiths Ph: 0400 605 585

Contact: Howard Keegan Ph: 0412 143 925


Sailing Venue: Mt Penang Gardens, KARIONG, NSW 2250

Classes Sailed: 10 Rater
Sailing Days: 2nd and 4th Saturdays

Sailing Start Time: 10.30am

Secretary: Richard McCulloch, 16 Glenwood Rd, Narara 2250
Ph: 0408 446 862



Sailing Location – 33 Peel Street, Kirribilli, NSW
Classes Sailed: DF65 Restricted Class.
Sailing Days: See Notice of Race on RSYS Radio Sailing website.

Sailing Start Times:
April to August - Sundays from 2:00pm to 4:00pm
September to March - Wednesdays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
POC: Richard Franklin
Telephone: 0403 249 372
RSYS Sailing Office: Margaret Carney
Email: margaret
Telephone: 02 9017 0152
Website: www.rsys.com.au/sailing/radio-sailing

Sailing Venue: Walka Water Works, Scobies Lane, OAKHAMPTON
Classes Sailed: 10 Rater and EC12
Sailing Days: Every Saturday
Sailing Start Time: 12:00 noon

President: Chris Jones

Mobile: 0419 445 742

Secretary: Bruce Sands



Sailing Venue: Norwest Business Park Lake, Solent Circuit,

Classes Sailed: All classes including scale under handicap system
Sailing Days: General Handicap and IOM Scratch & Handicap racing 

1st & 3rd Saturdays.

DF95 & DF65 Scratch racing 2nd Saturday

Soling Scratch and IOM Handicap Racing 4th Saturday
Social sailing 5th Saturday
Sailing Start Time: Racing 11am to 4pm
Secretary: Nigel Brimble
Ph: 0418 485 386

President: John Armstrong

Ph: 0401 700 996



Portland Way if the wind is from the south, otherwise from the fishing platform at the south side of the lake entrance



Sailing Location – Lake Albert, Wagga Wagga,
Classes Sailed: DF65 Restricted Class.
Sailing Days: Summer – Wednesday & Sunday Afternoons, Winter – Saturday afternoons.
Sailing Start Times:
Day Light Savings – From 4:30 on Wednesdays & Saturday from 1:30
Non Day Light Savings – From 1:30 on Saturdays
President:  Garry Williams
Telephone:  0407 235 545
Temporary Secretary:  Garry Williams
Telephone:  0407 235 545

Sailing Venue: Dunmore Lakes, Swamp Road, DUNMORE
(Jamberoo turn off)
Classes Sailed:
DF 65 / RG65, One Metre (IOM), Marblehead,10 Rater and A Class.

Sailing Days: Every Wednesday and Saturday
Sailing Start Time: 11.00 to approx 5.00pm
Secretary: Andrew Payne

Mobile: 0412 933 430  

Additional Contact : Dennis Yarrow

Mobile : 0425 294 063


Sailing Venue  205 Adams Rd Luddenham NSW
Classes sailed
All classes welcome
Sailing days  Every Sunday - all models (power and sail)
9:00am to 2:00pm
Every Wednesday  DF95 racing
9:30am to 2:00pm
Ian Forrester
0400  016 951


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SA Welcomes you to the 2024 IOM Australian Championship

The 2024 International One Metre Class Australian Championship will be hosted by the South Australian Radio Yachting Association in conjunction with the Adelaide Radio Control Yacht Club at Harts Mill, Port Adelaide, South Australia  19-23 March 2024.

The South Australian IOM State Championship will also be held at Harts Mill on the preceding weekend 16-17 March, details of this event and online entry will be available on the ARYA website.

16 March - SA IOM State Championship Day 1 17 March - SA IOM State Championship Day 2 18 March - Lay Day 19 March - Measurement & Registration 20 March - Australian Championship Racing 21 March - Australian Championship Racing 22 March - Australian Championship Racing 23 March - Australian Championship Racing

For further information, please email [email protected]

Event Details

  • Notice of Race
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  • Notice to Competitors





South Australian Radio Yachting Association Representing sailors in the five radio yachting clubs South Australia. See ARYA Calendar of events here (Link also on RH frame of upcoming events) Images from the 2016 Nats here Marbleheads at the 2016 National Championships at Hart's Mill Port Adelaide IOMs at the 2016 Nationals     page last edited on 08/06/2021

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  • Jun 6, 2023

…and the winner is... AUSTRALIA!!!

June 6th, 2023.

The International One Metre International Class Association has officially announced, The Australian Radio Yachting Association (ARYA) as the hosts of the International One Metre Class World Championships, to be held in Gladstone, Queensland, in October 2024.

australian radio control yacht association

ARYA President Andrew Reid acknowledged the efforts of the ARYA World Championship Working Group in preparing the Australian bid. “The Australian Radio Yachting Association is thrilled to announce that the 2024 International One Metre World Championships have been awarded to Australia. "The ARYA would like to acknowledge the support provided by the Gladstone Ports Corporation and the Gladstone Regional Council. Their backing of the event is pivotal to the success of the submission and to the event itself” , said Mr Reid. It’s a popular misconception that the International One Metre Yacht design (IOM) is a model or toy. The IOM is a stand-alone registered and governed class of yacht, internationally recognised and raced in over 30 countries by thousands of sailors. Matt Burnett, Mayor of the Gladstone Region, is thrilled with the decision.

“As far as I am aware, this will be the first world championship sporting event to be held in the city - ever, and I can’t wait for the competitors and their families from around the globe to descend on the region and sample our local hospitality and enthusiasm” , Mayor Burnett said. IOMICA commended the bid prepared by an ARYA-appointed working group that worked closely with the Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) to prepare the submission using Gladstone Marina as the venue for the event and commended the ARYA for such a professional and genuinely exciting bid. Gladstone Ports Corporation Chief Executive Officer Craig Haymes said GPC are thrilled to hear the news and is looking forward to hosting the event in their pristine Marina Parklands.

“We look forward to working with IOMICA and ARYA as we welcome the world to our Gladstone Marina Parklands. It’s going to be fantastic to have international competitors racing in Gladstone for the first time,” Mr Haymes said.

Radio-controlled racing stands proudly as one of the few truly inclusive sports where men and women compete on equal terms, regardless of age or physical attributes, and as such, only one Open World Championship Event is held every two years. Australian skippers have participated in numerous World Championship events held overseas and now will have the opportunity to host this prestigious event on their home waters.

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Major Sponsor announced for International One Metre World Championships in October 2024

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Gladstone Radio Controlled Yacht Club

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Gladstone Marina (Near VMR) Callemondah, Central Queensland

© Gladstone Radio Controlled Yacht Club - Design by Cooper McKenzie Marketing


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Home of Queensland

Radio control, yacht racing, radio yachting, a sport for everyone, get into it now, a range of classes, a boat in your budget.

We have the right boat for you.

What's on in Queensland...

2024/Coomera Cup/low res 1.jpg

IOM Coomera Cup 2024 Event Report

Jonesy  wins Coomera Cup for the 4th year in a row.

Well done Paul, you have actually won every Coomera Cup since this was the 4th time it has been run.

Maybe we could get a perpetual trophy and leave it at your home.

CC2024 was held over two days , 22nd and 23rd of June.

New committee members announcement

Eagleby classic iom regatta.


2024 QLD IOM South Queensland Regatta Kawana, QLD

Latest results, 2024 queensland iom state championship emerald lakes, qld, 2024 eddie cowell regatta kawana, qld, se qld df65 championships kawana, qld, 2024 qld ten rater state championship emerald lakes, qld, 2024 qld iom coomera cup sportsmans parade, lake kawana, bokarina, qld.

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2024 international one metre class world championship gladstone, qld.



Crash of a Vickers 837 Viscount in Moscow: 31 killed

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To ensure a successful transaction we recommend that you confirm all details including price and specifications, and where possible view the item prior to conducting the transaction. Please be considerate of the sellers time, only ask questions if you are genuinely interested in purchased the item offered for sale. All parties should ensure that all details of the transaction are accurate.

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Members can post a classified advert by logging in to their account and selecting 'My Classifieds' from the member menu.

Advertising on this site is provided as a service to our members. The ARYA will not accept any responsibility, nor be involved in any dispute in relation to the sale & purchase of items on this site. 

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Birkdale ()

This boat was made in NZ. I have done my best to remove the poor quality workmanship by the builder. The boat can now be campaigned at a very high level as it does not leak. I have purchased new foil and rudder from Peppi in Italy ($700). These foils have never been used and not been in the water. ...

Caloundra, Sunshine Coast (QLD)

First registered with the ARYA in April 1998, as a “Delisser Skiff”, built by B. Delisser. The boat has a definite resemblance to a TS2, and was recently refurbished, with new winch and Sails Etc fittings. The hull is fibreglass, with carbon keel and rudder, all in excellent condition. / For sale with the original A rig and groovy mast, ...

Perth (WA)

IOM K2 #2289 for sale. / Hull, keel, rudder, Stinger winch, Futaba 6K transmitter, A and B rigs. / All in very good condition.

Baldivis ()

Sharaz class registered yacht with stand sail bax containing 2x a rigs 1 b rig and 1 c rig. / Comes with transmitter , 2 batterys and some spare bits and pieces

not available ()



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  2. Introduction

    The Australian Radio Yachting Association objectives are to promote and support the sport of radio control sailing in Australia, and in conjunction with our State Association members, plan and deliver strategies that foster the growth of the sport through clubs across Australia. The ARYA is governed by the ARYA Executive Committee & our State ...

  3. Australian Radio Yachting Association

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  4. News

    A very successful 6 days of DF Class racing has come to an end in Western Australia. The Austin Lakes Radio Sailing Club hosted the event with support from Radio Sailing Association of Western Australia. A massive thank-you goes out to the Organisers and Volunteers, without whom the event would not have succeeded. Posted: 14 Mar 2024 01:43.

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    The International One Metre World Championships are upon us. Join us in the Gladstone Marina from 18th October - 28th October as the Australian Radio Yachting Association (ARYA) hosts this international event. 76 of the world's best RC sailors from 21 different countries will call Gladstone home for 10 days (or more.)

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  13. South Australian Radio Yachting Association

    WSCRC. Wallaroo Sailing Club RC division. Web Site. Location Map. Other groups exist in Adelaide and SA but at this stage are not affiliated with the SARYA (South Australian Radio Yachting Association) or the ARYA (Australian Radio Yachting Association). See the general location below - click on an icon to get a brief description of each club.

  14. Australian Radio Yachting Association

    Australian Radio Yachting Association, Perth, Western Australia. 642 likes · 1 talking about this. Australian Radio Controlled Yachting A Class - 10R - RM - IOM - RC Laser - DF65 - DF95 Australian Radio Yachting Association

  15. South Australian Radio Yachting Association

    South Australian Radio Yachting Association. Representing sailors in the five radio yachting clubs South Australia. See ARYA Calendar of events here (Link also on RH frame of upcoming events) Images from the 2016 Nats here. Marbleheads at the 2016 National Championships at Hart's Mill Port Adelaide. IOMs at the 2016 Nationals.

  16. …and the winner is... AUSTRALIA!!!

    June 6th, 2023. The International One Metre International Class Association has officially announced, The Australian Radio Yachting Association (ARYA) as the hosts of the International One Metre Class World Championships, to be held in Gladstone, Queensland, in October 2024. ARYA President Andrew Reid acknowledged the efforts of the ARYA World Championship Working Group in preparing the ...

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    Queensland Radio Yachting Association (Inc.) [email protected]. Acknowledgement. Nick Lindsley has been kind enough to approve the use of his photos on this website. Nick has contributed hundreds of photos that are regularly uploaded to our Facebook page. DISCLAIMER. Important: The function of this site is to provide up-to-date contact ...

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