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A Full Guide to The Jib Sail And How To Use It

Most cruising boats today have a sail plan consisting of at least three sails: A mainsail, a headsail, and a light-wind sail.

The Jib sail (along with its sister, the Genoa) is one of the most widely used headsails on modern sailboats in combination with a larger mainsail. It is very versatile and easy to use in different configurations throughout most weather conditions. 

In this article, I want to explain the Jib in detail and talk a bit about how it works and how we rig and trim it to get the most performance out of the boat. I’ll also show you each part of the sail and its materials before explaining how it differs from other headsails like the Genoa .

Finally, I’ll finish with some tips on maintaining the sail properly to make sure it last as long as possible.

Well, shall we get started?

What is a Jib sail, and what do we use it for?

The Jib is a triangular sail that does not overlap the mainsail. It is typically between 100% and 115% of the foretriangle size and is commonly seen on modern vessels with fractional rigs.

The foretriangle is the triangular area formed by the mast, deck, and forestay. Learn more terms here .

Like other headsails, the Jib is usually rigged on a furling system attached to the forestay , making it easy to operate. The Jib can also be rigged with a self-tacking system, making upwind sailing easy for you, whether you want to cruise solo or with your friends.

How the Jib works on a sailboat

The Jib provides a sail area forward of the mast, allowing the boat to be steered and balanced effectively.

The curved shape of the sail creates a pressure differential. The outer, more convex side (leeward side) has a lower pressure than the inner, concave side (windward side). This pressure differential generates lift, which translates into forward propulsion, much like how an airplane wing produces lift. 

How to rig a Jib

You can rig the Jib on either a furling system or directly to the forestay. Most modern sailing boats are equipped with a furling system, which is a long sleeve that runs from the top of the mast down to the bow and attaches to a drum on the bottom and a swivel on the top. 

Take a closer look at this step-by-step process on how to rig the Jib to sail onto a furling system:

  • Feed the Jib’s luff into the track on the furler’s sleeve with the top of the sail first and connect the head ring on the sail to the chackle on the swivel.
  • Attach the Jib halyard to the swivel and hoist the sail up. 
  • When the sail is hoisted almost all the way to the top, you attach the sail’s tack to a shackle on the top of the drum. 
  • Put the halyard on a winch and winch it tight.
  • Now you have to manually roll up the sail around the forestay and tie on the two sheets to the clew of the sail.
  • Lead the two sheets on each side of the vessel’s side decks through the sheet cars, turn blocks, and back to the winches.
  • Now that the sail is furled away, we need to tie the furling line onto the drum. You have to figure out how the furling line attaches, as it differs from system to system.
  • Once the furler line is attached to the drum, ensure that it can wrap itself up freely.
  • Pull the sail back out using one of your sheets and monitor that the furling line wraps on nicely.
  • Leed the furling line through the blocks and funnels, through the jammer , and leave it next to the winch.
  • Furl the sail away again using the furling line and ensure that the sheets run freely as you monitor your sail getting wrapped nicely around the forestay.
  • Secure the furler line jammer and tidy up your two sheets. Make sure to secure the sheets around the winches.

So, you see now why most boats use furling systems? It is easy! Many larger sailboats even have electrical furlers, removing the need for the furling line.

How to use, reef, and trim a Jib

To use the Jib, you wrap the furler line around the winch, open the jammer, and pull on either of the sheets, depending on which tack you are sailing on. You should hold on to the furler line to prevent the sail from unfurling itself uncontrollably, especially in strong winds. Trying to catch it if it starts running can injure your hands, so be careful! I’m speaking from experience here; burned hands are “No bueno.”

You can now unfurl the entire sail or a part of it. Once the full sail, or the amount you desire, is out, adjust your car position and tighten the sheet.

How to reef a jib

You do the opposite as the above to reef the sail or furl it back in. 

Ease off the working sheet, but keep it on the winch. At the same time, pull in on the furler line either manually or on the winch. Remember to move the cars forward and re-tighten the sheet if you are reefing away only a part of the Jib. 

How to trim a jib

Adjusting the sheet cars and sheet tension is important to obtain an optimal sail shape in the Jib. Finding this balance is what we call  sail trim . I’m not going too deep into sail trim here, as it is a topic for itself, which will require a separate article,.

But here is a rule of thumb:

You want the leech and foot of the sail to form an even “U” shape on any point of sail . When sailing upwind, you usually move the car aft. When bearing off the wind, you move the car forward.

The goal is to apply even tension on both the foot and the leech. When you reef the sail, you’ll also want to move the car forward to adjust for the reduced sail area. Sailing downwind doesn’t require the same fine-tuning as upwind sailing.

Four tips for sailing upwind:

  • Winch up the jib sheet until the leech stops fluttering and the foot has a nice, even “U” shape. 
  • You must move the sheet car forward if the foot is tight and the leech flutters.
  • Move the sheet cars aft if the leech is tight and the foot flutters .
  • If the wind increases and the boat starts to heel excessively, you can either ease off the sheet or adjust your course more head to wind. 

You should play around and experiment with sail trim, as every boat behaves differently. Trimming sails is an art that takes time to master. Staysails, Jibs, and Genoas are trimmed the same way, but the car positions will be different due to their size and shape differences. Once you learn how to trim a Jib, you’ll be able to trim any headail and even a storm jib or a spinnaker.

Sailing with more than one Jib

Sailing with multiple jib sails can be beneficial on longer downwind passages. Most furling systems have two tracks, allowing you to have two Jibs on the same furler, making this setup easy to reef. You can do the same with Yankees and Genoas, depending on what you have available in your boat.

Some sailboats have two or more forestays, allowing them to have two individually furled Jibs. This is usually called a cutter rig. Most Cutter rigs, however, use a Staysail on the inner forestay and a Yankee sail on the outer, but this versatile rig allows you to experiment with many setups.

Exploring the different parts of the Jib

Head: The head is the top corner of the Jib. It typically has a ring in the top corner that attaches to the Jib halyard or the top swivel for furling systems.

Leech: The leech is the aft part of the rib, located between the clew and head. 

Luff : A Jib’s luff is the front part between the tack and head. Jibs can be equipped with  luff foam  to help maintain their shape when partially reefed on a furler.

Clew : The clew is the aft lower corner of the jib where the sheets are attached.

Tack : The tack is the lower, forward corner of the Jib. The tack is connected to a furler drum on the forestay on most sailboats. Vessels using traditional hank-on headsails connect the tack to a fixed point on the bow.

Foot : The foot of the Jib is the bottom portion of the sail between the clew and the tack.

Telltales: Telltales are small ropes, bands, or flags attached to the front of the Jib’s leech to help us understand how the wind affects the sail and allow us to fine-tune the trim for optimal performance.

Commonly used materials for the Jib

The most common material used for Jib’s today is Dacron woven polyester, followed by CDX laminate due to the relatively affordable price. Continuing up the range, we find woven hybrids like Hydranet, Vectran, Radian, and other brands.

Then, we have advanced laminates with Aramids, carbon, kevlar, and more exotic materials. At the top of the spectrum, we find the latest technology in DFi membrane sails like Elvstrøms EPEX or North Sails 3Di, which comes at a premium price tag.

These days, however, modern technology has given us warp-oriented woven cloth, which is becoming a popular option due to its increased ability to keep shape over time without stretching as much as traditionally cross-cut dacron sails. ProRadial, made by Contender and Dimension Polyant, is a good example. North Sails has an excellent article that goes in-depth on sail materials.

The difference between a Jib and a Genoa

The difference between a Jib and a Genoa is that the Jib is a headsail that does not overlap the mainsail, while the larger Genoa is designed to overlap the mainsail. While the smaller Jib is excellent at pointing upwind and easier to handle, the larger Genoa excels on any points of sail with the wind behind the beam.

Genoas are usually larger than 115% of the  foretriangle , with sizes ranging from 120% to 150%. They are often used on yachts with masthead rigs and smaller mainsails but are also common on fractional rigs.

How to Maintain and Care for Your Jib Sail

Good maintenance and care of your Jib will ensure optimal performance and minimize wear and tear. Check out these tips on how to maintain and protect your Jib:

  • Rinse the Jib with fresh water regularly and leave it up to dry before packing it away. Proper drying will prevent moisture and mildew.
  • Give the sail a service once a year. Check for any damaged seams and repair them if necessary. If there are any chafing marks, reinforce the sail with patches on chafe points and add shafe guards to the equipment it rubs against.
  • Protect the sail from UV rays by keeping it packed away when not in use. A furling Jib can be protected by adding a UV strip to the foot and leech.

I also wrote an article on how to make sails last longer .

Final Words

We have talked a lot about the Jib’s features and how it works in this article. I recommend you to head out and set sail to get some experience and play around with your sails. If you don’t have a boat, chat around in your nearest marina; someone will for sure bring you along for a sail. I know I would.

Remember to experiment with sail trim and practice tacking and maneuvering the vessel with the sail on both the port and starboard sides.

If you still have questions, check out the frequently asked questions section below or drop a comment in the comment field. I’ll be more than happy to answer any of your questions!

PS: Explore more sails in my easy guide to different types of sails here .

FAQ – The Jib Sail Explained

When to use a jib sail.

The Jib is an excellent sail for most conditions, especially when cruising at any angle towards the wind. The Jib has a benefit over the Genoa in strong winds as it is easier to handle, and its smaller size makes it more effective than a reefed Genoa when sailing to windward. 

Can you sail with just the Jib?

It is possible to sail with just the Jib alone, and it works exceptionally well downwind on deep angles where the mainsail usually would have blocked off the wind. 

Can you sail upwind with just the jib?

It is possible to sail upwind with just the Jib, but most sailboat owners prefer to balance their boats by flying their mainsail combined with theiJib when sailing to windward.

What is the difference between a Genoa and a Jib?

The Genoa is different from a Jib sail as it is larger and overlaps the mainsail, whereas the Jib is smaller and does not overlap the mainsail.

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Skipper, Electrician and ROV Pilot

Robin is the founder and owner of Sailing Ellidah and has been living on his sailboat since 2019. He is currently on a journey to sail around the world and is passionate about writing his story and helpful content to inspire others who share his interest in sailing.

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What is a Sailboat Jib?

What is a Sailboat Jib? | Life of Sailing

A sailboat jib is a triangular headsail located forward of the mast. The jib typically has less sail area than the mainsail.

Typical single-masted sailboats usually have a jib, which is located between the bow and the mast. The jib takes advantage of the forward part of the boat. The jib is not the only kind of headsail, but it is the most common.

Table of contents

Do Sailboats Need a Jib?

Many sailors often wonder if it's even worth hoisting the jib, especially on a windy day. The truth is that you typically don't need the jib to sail, though you're losing up to 50% of your sail area if you don't.

Under typical conditions, most sailors hoist the mainsail and the jib and reef them as necessary. On windy days, you may get on fine with just the mainsail. Whether or not to hoist the jib is entirely up to your judgment.

Trimming the Jib

The trim of the jib is usually controlled using two jib sheets , one on either side of the mast. This makes sense, as it would be hazardous and time-consuming to unwind a single sheet each time you turn, walk along the deck, and wrap it around the other side of the mast.

If you're sailing with the wind to your port side, you'll manipulate the jib using the starboard jib sheet. The opposite also applies when the wind is to your starboard side. Make sure to secure the correct sheet on the winch and free up the opposite sheet.

Can a Sailboat have Multiple Jib Sails?

Yes, sailboats sometimes have multiple jib sails. That said, not all headsails are jibs. Schooners often use two or three headsails. These include the jib, a smaller jib topsail, and sometimes a fore staysail.

The most common kind of American cruising sailboat is the single-mast sloop, which typically employs a single jib. That's why the vast majority of sailboats you see will only have one headsail.

What are Jib Sails Made Of?

Early jib sails were made of organic canvas-like cotton or a mix of organic fibers. Traditional jib sail material usually contains a mix of cotton, hemp, and other fibrous plant material.

Today, synthetic fabrics have largely replaced traditional canvas materials in sailmaking. Synthetic sails are lighter and stronger than their organic counterparts, and they resist water and weather better as well.

Polyester Jib Sails

Modern jib sails are made of a woven blend of polyester and other synthetic material. A material called Dacron is one of the most common sail fabrics due to its low cost, excellent UV resistance, and its tendency not to stretch. Dacron jib sails can be expected to last many years with minimal attention and few failures.

Nylon is another common sail material. Like polyester, nylon is an inexpensive and robust synthetic material that's great for sailmaking. Nylon is extremely lightweight, making it ideal for spinnakers. However, nylon stretches too easily for some applications, and it's prone to damage by some chemicals.

Kevlar Jib Sails

Kevlar is a relatively common sail material. It's considered a 'premium' fabric due to its cost and spectacular qualities. Kevlar has an excellent strength-to-weight ratio and resists stretching better than Nylon or Polyester. Due to its high cost, Kevlar sails are usually only found on racing sailboats and luxury yachts.

Parts of the Jib

The jib on a sailboat has many parts and mounting points, and it's important to understand where they are, what they do, and what they're called. The parts of the jib are similar to the mainsail, and you'll likely recognize them easily.

The foot is the horizontal section that runs across the base of the sail. It's usually a strip of reinforced sail material which keeps it from fraying. Think of the foot as the bottom of the jib.

The clew is the bottom corner of the jib, and it's located on the aft section of the foot. It usually contains a grommet. Since the jib is a triangular sail, the clew is the corner of its base 90-degree angle.

The leech is the long straight section of the jib that runs parallel with the mast. The leech runs from the clew at the foot of the sail to the very top.

Note that the orientation of the leech on the jib follows the direction of the mainsail and not the shape. In both cases, the leech is located on the aft part of the canvas.

The head of the jib is located at the very top and usually forms the smallest angle of this triangular sail. The head also contains a grommet similar to the clew.

Like the mainsail, the luff is located on the forward part of the jib. The luff is the longest section of the sail, stretching from the tip of the sail to the very bottom and forward end.

The tack is located directly forward of the clew on the opposite (forward) end of the foot. The tack, like the clew and the head, has provisions for rigging.

Traditionally, headsails like the jib are entirely unsupported by spars. However, many sailboat owners opt to install a jib boom to extend their bowsprits or improve off- wind sailing . A jib boom operates much like a traditional mainsail boom.

The jib boom mounts to the forward part of the bowsprit and pivots from its pedestal. A jib boom is useful when projecting the sail, but a spinnaker can typically be used to achieve the same result.

Some sailors caution against the use of jib booms, as they offer few benefits for windward sailing. Additionally, they take up space on the bow and pose the same hazards as a mainsail boom.

Jib vs. Genoa: What's the Difference?

The jib is often confused with the genoa: another common kind of headsail. The jib and the genoa look similar and perform the same function, but the genoa is larger.

A working jib typically makes up less than half of the total sail area, though it's sometimes around the 50% mark. The genoa, on the other hand, is usually equal to or larger than the mainsail.

The Genoa-type headsail is wider than the jib at the base. As a result, it doesn't fit between the tip of the bowsprit and the mast. Genoa sails stretch around the mast and extend far past it. This gives the genoa a distinct oversized look.

Reefing the Jib

Reefing is how you reduce the area of the sail. Reefing is necessary for windy conditions or when reducing speed. Jib reefing is a bit more complicated than mainsail reefing, as the jib doesn't always have a boom.

One way to reef the jib is to wind it around a roller furling starting with the luff. You can also reef the jib vertically using its reefing points and a few pieces of rope.

Roller Furlings

Roller furlings are an increasingly popular way to reef and stow headsails. Roller furling systems work for jibs and genoas and streamline the process significantly.

How a Roller Furling Works

A roller furling begins with a drum mounted at the base of the headstay and a swivel at the top, allowing the whole stay to rotate. The jib feeds through a groove in the headstay, which allows you to wind it up around the stay whenever necessary.

Roller furlings allow you to easily reduce sail area from the cockpit. Simply loosen the sheets and wind the furling using a line, and watch the jib shrink right in front of you. Roller furlings eliminate most haphazard trips across the deck to the bow and eliminate the need to hoist and lower the jib.

Electric Roller Furlings

Today there are numerous electrically-controlled roller furlings available. These devices are almost as easy to install as manual roller furlings, and they offer an additional level of convenience.

Electric roller furlings reduce deck clutter and decrease the labor required to sail your boat. However, electric furling systems are costlier than the majority of manual roller furling.

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Daniel Wade

I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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What’s a Sailboat Jib? (A Comprehensive Guide)

jib on a sailboat

Are you an experienced sailor looking to learn more about your sailboat? Or are you a beginner looking for a comprehensive guide to help you get started? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll discuss the basics of sailboat jibs and how they help you sail smoothly and efficiently.

We’ll cover what a jib is, the purpose of a jib, the different types of jibs available, how to rig and trim a jib, the benefits of using a jib, and some tips for setting and trimming a jib.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced sailor, let’s get started learning more about sailboat jibs!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

A sailboat jib is a triangular sail that is set at the front of a sailboat.

It is usually attached to the forestay, a cable that runs from the bow of the boat to the mast.

The jib helps to balance the mainsail and increases the sailboat’s ability to sail close to the wind.

The jib is often the smallest sail on a sailboat and is often used for light air sailing.

What is a Sailboat Jib?

A sailboat jib is an essential part of any sailing vessel’s rig.

A jib is a triangular sail that is set at the front of the boat, usually between the mast and the bow.

It is the second most important sail on a sailboat and is typically used to help the boat turn and maneuver more efficiently.

The jib is an important part of a sailboat’s rig and is often used in combination with the mainsail to maximize the boat’s performance.

The jib is usually the first sail to be set up.

It is attached to the forestay, a line that runs from the bow of the boat to the mast.

The jib is adjusted to the desired angle and is held in place by a series of blocks that allow it to be adjusted to different angles.

The jib is also connected to the mast by a halyard, which is a rope that is used to raise and lower the sail.

The jib is an important part of sailing because it allows the boat to turn more efficiently.

The jib provides extra lift and power to the boat, which can be used to turn the boat more quickly and to increase the speed of the boat.

The jib also helps to balance the boat, allowing it to sail more smoothly and easily.

The jib also helps to improve the boat’s performance in light winds.

A boat with a jib will be able to sail in much lighter winds than a boat without one.

This is because the jib acts as a sort of “wing” that is able to catch the wind, allowing the boat to move forward even in light winds.

In conclusion, a sailboat jib is an essential part of any sailing vessel’s rig.

It is an important sail that helps to increase the boat’s performance, turning ability, and speed.

The jib also helps to balance the boat and allows it to sail in lighter winds.

A sailboat is not complete without a jib, and understanding how to properly rig and manage a jib is essential for any sailor.

What is the Purpose of a Jib?

jib on a sailboat

The purpose of a jib is to provide an additional source of power and lift as a sailboat moves through the water.

Unlike the mainsail, which is a large, open-ended sail attached to the mast, the jib is a triangular sail that is set at the front of the boat, usually between the mast and the bow.

This helps to make the boat more maneuverable and provides additional power in lighter winds or upwind sailing.

The jib also provides additional lift, which reduces the amount of drag created by the mainsail.

This can help a sailboat achieve higher speeds or sail closer to the wind.

Additionally, the jib can be used to balance the boat in different conditions, such as when sailing upwind or when beating into a strong wind.

In essence, the jib is an important part of a sailboat’s rig and is often used in combination with the mainsail to maximize the boat’s performance.

Types of Sailboat Jibs

When it comes to sailboat jibs, there are several different types that you can choose from depending on your needs. The most common types of sailboat jibs are: Genoa jibs, cutter jibs, overlapping jibs, and non-overlapping jibs.

Genoa jibs are the largest type of sailboat jib and are often used on larger sailboats.

They are typically used in combination with a mainsail to help maximize the boat’s performance.

Genoa jibs provide the most power and are usually used in light to moderate wind conditions.

Cutter jibs are a type of jib that is designed for smaller sailboats.

They are typically used in combination with a mainsail to help the boat maneuver more efficiently.

Cutter jibs are usually used in moderate to strong winds and offer less power than Genoa jibs.

Overlapping jibs, as the name suggests, overlap with the mainsail when deployed.

These sails are usually used in light-moderate winds and provide more power than cutter jibs.

Non-overlapping jibs, also known as headsails, are the most common type of jib used on sailboats.

These sails are usually used in moderate to strong winds and provide the most power when compared to the other types of jibs.

Finally, there are also asymmetrical spinnakers, which are specialized sails that are designed to help the boat reach higher speeds.

These sails are typically used in combination with a mainsail and jib to help the boat reach maximum speed.

Asymmetrical spinnakers are usually used in moderate to strong winds and provide the most power when compared to the other types of jibs.

No matter what type of sailboat jib you choose, you’re sure to enjoy the increased performance that it provides.

With the right combination of mainsail and jib, you’ll be able to maximize your boat’s performance and have a great day on the water.

How to Rig a Jib

jib on a sailboat

Rigging a jib is an important step in ensuring a successful sailing experience.

It requires some knowledge of sailing terminology and techniques, but once the basics are understood, it can be done quickly and efficiently.

The first step in rigging a jib is to select the appropriate size for your sailboat.

The size of the jib should be based on the size of your boat and the type of sailing you plan to do.

For example, a larger jib will be more effective when sailing in strong winds, while a smaller jib is better suited for lighter winds.

Once you have determined the size of the jib, you can begin the rigging process.

First, attach the jib halyard, which is the line used to hoist the sail, to the head of the jib.

Next, attach the jib sheets, which are the lines used to control the trim of the jib, to the clew of the jib.

Finally, attach the jib tack, which is the line used to attach the jib to the bow of the boat, to the bow.

Once the jib is rigged, you can begin to adjust the trim of the sail.

To do this, you will need to adjust the tension on the jib sheets.

If the tension is too loose, the jib will not be able to fill with wind properly and you will lose power.

On the other hand, if the tension is too tight, the sail will be over trimmed and you will sacrifice performance.

Finally, you can adjust the angle of the jib in relation to the wind to maximize the power of the sail.

This is known as jibing, and it involves adjusting the angle of the sail in relation to the wind so that the wind is hitting the sail at the optimal angle.

This will maximize the power of the sail and help you turn more efficiently.

Rigging a jib is an important part of sailing, and when done correctly, it can make a huge difference in your sailing performance.

With a little knowledge and practice, you can quickly and easily rig your jib to maximize the power of your sailboat.

How to Trim a Jib

When it comes to sailing, the jib is an important part of the boats rig.

It is a triangular sail set at the front of the boat, usually between the mast and the bow.

The jib helps the boat turn and maneuver more efficiently, and is often used in combination with the mainsail to maximize the boats performance.

But before you can use the jib to its full potential, you need to know how to trim it properly.

Trimming a jib is a delicate process, as the sail needs to be adjusted in order to capture the right amount of wind.

To do this, you will need to adjust the angle of the sail relative to the boat, as well as the tension of the sail itself.

The angle of the sail should be adjusted so that it is parallel to the wind direction.

As the wind direction changes, so should the angle of the sail.

In order to adjust the tension of the sail, you will need to use the jib sheet.

This is a line that connects the jib to the boat and is used to adjust the sails tension.

By releasing or tightening the jib sheet, you can adjust the amount of tension on the sail, allowing it to capture the right amount of wind.

When it comes to trimming the jib, it is important to remember that the sail needs to be adjusted in order to maximize the boats performance.

Adjusting the angle of the sail and the tension of the sail will help you capture the right amount of wind and will ensure that you are getting the most out of your boat.

With a little practice and patience, you can become an expert at trimming a jib.

Benefits of Using a Jib

jib on a sailboat

A sailboat jib can be an incredibly useful addition to your boats rigging.

It helps the boat turn more efficiently, allowing the boat to be maneuvered with greater precision.

The jib also adds stability in windy conditions, helping to reduce the risk of capsizing.

Additionally, a jib will provide additional power while sailing, allowing you to make quicker progress, particularly in light winds.

Finally, having a jib can help to reduce the stress on your mainsail, extending its life and reducing the need for frequent repairs.

In addition to providing more power, a jib can also be used to adjust the course of the boat.

For example, when sailing close-hauled (on a close reach with the wind coming from directly ahead), the jib can be used to increase the boats speed and turn it more quickly.

This is especially useful when tacking or jibing.

Using a jib also helps to reduce drag on the boat, allowing it to move faster and more efficiently.

This is especially important for racers, who need to maximize their boats performance in order to gain an edge over their competitors.

Finally, using a jib can help to reduce the overall weight of the boat, making it easier to maneuver and store.

This is especially useful for smaller boats, which may not have enough room to store a large mainsail.

Tips for Setting and Trimming a Jib

When it comes to sailing, a well-executed jib can make or break the success of the voyage. Setting and trimming the jib is essential for the boat to reach its full potential on the water. Here are some tips for setting and trimming a jib:

1. Before setting the jib, make sure the boat is properly balanced by adjusting the traveler and outhaul. This will help to ensure the jib is set correctly.

2. When setting the jib, make sure to keep the jib sheet tensioned and the jib luff taut. This will help to ensure the jib is properly aligned with the wind and the boat will move forward efficiently.

3. When trimming the jib, make sure to adjust the sheet tension to keep the jib luff taut. This will help to maintain the jibs alignment with the wind and maximize the boats performance.

4. When sailing in light winds, it can be beneficial to use a smaller jib to reduce drag. This will help to keep the boat moving forward in light conditions.

5. Lastly, it is important to remember to furl the jib in strong winds. This will help to reduce the sail area and keep the boat under control in heavy winds.

These tips should help sailors to get the most out of their jib when sailing.

With the right setup and trim, a jib can be an essential part of a successful sailing voyage.

Final Thoughts

A sailboat jib is an important part of a sailboat’s rig and can help to maximize the boat’s performance.

It is a triangular sail that is typically set between the mast and the bow.

It is important to understand the purpose of a jib, the different types of jibs available, and how to rig and trim a jib.

With knowledge of these basics, sailors will be able to make the most out of their sailboats jib and enjoy a more efficient sailing experience.

So, start sailing with more confidence and get to know your jib today!

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Understanding the Jib Sail 

Sailing is an art form that requires understanding the science of aerodynamics and mastering the techniques for trimming and tuning sails. A jib sail is fundamental to any sailboat’s rigging, allowing for more power and better control on the open water.

To help sailors venture out into the deep blue sea, this article explores jib sails, including different types, components, and uses. We’ve also included some tips to get the best performance out of your jib sail. Let’s dive into the world of jib sails and see what they offer!

Key Takeaways

  • A jib sail is a triangular-shaped sail located at the front of the mast, providing optimal performance depending on wind conditions.
  • Jib sails generate lift when wind hits the curved surface and creates a pressure difference on either side.
  • Types of jib sails include working jib, blade jib, storm jib, and drifter.
  • The mainsail provides forward motion while the jib sail generates lift for sailing upwind.
  • While sailing in winds less than 15 knots, jib sails should be employed; in heavier winds, reef or reduce its size and adjust the shape to prevent overpowering the boat.
  • Sail tuning is key for successful sailing - adjusting halyard tension, sheet tension, lead position, traveler position and mast rake impacts performance and safety.
  • The jib sail is essential to racing due to its power control and tactical advantage in gaining speed and maneuverability.

What is a jib sail?

A jib sail is a triangular sail located at the front of the mast, attached to the forestay. It’s a headsail, meaning it sits forward of the mainsail – often used in unison with the latter for optimal performance. 

These sails come in various sizes, shapes, and materials, designed to provide optimal performance depending on sailing conditions.

How does the jib sail work?

Jib sails work by harnessing the aerodynamic energy of the wind to propel a sailboat forward. As the wind hits the sail, it creates lift which pushes the boat in the right direction.

The shape of the jib sail is essential for its success; it can be adjusted according to varying levels of wind intensity, allowing for flatter sails in high winds and fuller sails in light breezes.

In addition, jibs can help stabilize a boat when navigating rough waters or facing stronger winds by reefing or reducing their size and pushing the center of effort downwards. They can also be used independently from mainsails when heading downwind or sailing in low winds.

What is the difference between a jib sail and other types of sails?

The jib sail is distinct from other sails in several ways. Primarily, it is located forward of the mast, while the main sail sits behind the mast and is attached to the forestay.

Regarding size and shape, jib sails are typically smaller than others and have a triangular layout. This design aims to generate lift while allowing for sailing upwind. In comparison, mainsails tend to be larger with a rectangular shape that generates power and speed in all wind conditions.

Then there are genoa sails , similar to jibs but larger and fuller in shape. These reduce drag when sailing in light winds due to their surface area. Lastly, spinnaker sails – used when sailing downwind – differ significantly from the two former types of sail as they feature a parachute-like shape and size that captures more wind than the jib or genoa sail, generating maximum power and speed under such conditions.

Other types of jib sails that are commonly used include the working jib, which is a small sail used in moderate wind conditions; the blade jib, which is a smaller sail designed to be stable in strong winds; the storm jib, which is a heavy-duty sail intended to provide stability in extreme weather; and lastly, the drifter, which is a lightweight sail with the large surface area used to capture maximum lift when sailing in light winds.

Using the jib sail on a sailboat

Knowing when to use the jib sail is critical for successful sailing. Typically, it should be employed when sailing upwind in winds of less than 15 knots.

Its usage in heavier wind depends on the boat design and the sailor’s experience. At 20 knots or higher, the mainsail may need to be reefed or reduced, and the jib sail adjusted to a flatter shape with less drag to prevent overpowering the boat.

In extreme weather, such as during a storm, the jib sail may need to be replaced with a storm jib or removed altogether.

When hoisting the jib sail, it must be adequately secured to the forestay, and the halyard tensioned accordingly. The sheet must also be appropriately adjusted to control its angle relative to the wind and maximize performance. 

The mainsail provides forward motion while the jib sail generates lift that helps move against wind direction; together, they propel forward movement. 

By tweaking factors like sheet tension, lead position, halyard tension, and traveler position, depending on wind speed and boat speed, optimal performance and safety can be achieved with the correct utilization of the jib sail.

Jib sail aerodynamics

The jib sail uses the same aerodynamic principles as an airplane’s wing. When the wind hits the curved surface of the sail, a pressure differential is created between the curved side and flat side, generating lift that propels the sailboat forward.

The location of the jib sail on the boat is important for its aerodynamic performance – attached to the forestay in front of the mast, it captures wind’s energy ahead of the mainsail. The position of the jib sail also adds stability to the boat in strong winds or choppy seas .

Jib sail tuning tips

Jib sail tuning is a crucial part of sailing, as it can maximize speed, balance, and safety. Here are some tips on tuning the jib sail:

  • Start with the basics – ensure the sailboat is appropriately balanced and the sails are trimmed correctly. The mainsail, traveler, and sheet tension will all affect the jib sail performance.
  • Adjust sheet tension – this affects the jib sail’s shape and power; in lighter winds, use a looser sheet to keep a fuller shape, and in heavier winds, tighten for reduced surface area.
  • Adjust jib lead position – this controls the angle of the foot of the sail, closer to the centerline for lighter wind conditions and outboard for heavier winds.
  • Adjust halyard tension – controlling shape and tension of the sail, loosen in light wind conditions, and tighten in stronger winds to reduce surface area and prevent overpowering the boat.
  • Monitor sail shape regularly – ensure proper trimming by monitoring shape while sailing.
  • Adjust jib cars – blocks or sliders controlling position along the track affect shape and power; adjust based on wind speed for optimal performance.

Jib sail shape and performance

Understanding sail shape and performance is critical to maximizing a sailboat’s speed, balance, and safety. Shape of the sail is determined by tension, angle of attack, and curvature – here are some factors to consider when assessing sail performance:

  • Sail Trim – properly trimming the mainsail and jib sail will ensure proper shape and lift for optimal performance.
  • Wind Conditions – adjust sails based on wind speed and direction for generating lift and forward momentum while sailing.
  • Angle of Attack – the angle between the sail’s surface and wind direction must be adjusted to generate lift and prevent stalling.
  • Curvature – adjusting the curvature of the sails based on wind conditions can help achieve the ideal shape.
  • Tension – adjusting tension based on wind conditions aids in maintaining the ideal shape for generating lift.
  • Sail Material – different materials have different stretch/weight characteristics, affecting sails’ shape/performance.

How to adjust the jib sail shape

Control mechanisms exist to adjust the shape and performance of a jib sail, including:

  • Halyard tension – should be loosened in light wind conditions to keep a fuller sail shape and tightened in heavy wind conditions, reducing the sail’s surface area.
  • Sheet tension – should be adjusted to be looser in light winds and tightened in heavy winds, reducing the sail’s surface area.
  • Jib lead position – located at the block or ring that controls the angle of the jib sail’s foot, it should be positioned closer to the centerline in light winds and farther outboard in heavy winds, flattening the sail shape and reducing its surface area.
  • Jib cars – these blocks or sliders control the jib sail’s position along its track; their position should be adjusted based on wind conditions
  • Backstay tension – tightening can flatten the jib sail and reduce its surface area, whereas loosening it can create a fuller sail shape.
  • Mast rake – raking aft will increase sail surface area and create a fuller shape, whereas raking forward will reduce sail surface area and flatten its shape.

Importance of the jib sail in yacht racing

The jib sail is a crucial component of sailboat racing, playing a significant role in the sailboat’s performance and speed. Here are some reasons why the jib sail is vital in racing sailboats:

  • Speed – its shape and position can increase the sailboat’s speed, providing a tactical advantage over other boats in a race.
  • Maneuverability – adjusting the jib sail during tacks and gybes can help the sailboat turn more efficiently and maintain speed through turns.
  • Power control – controlling its shape and position can impact the power provided, preventing overpowering the sailboat and maintaining safe sailing conditions.
  • Tactical advantage – proper adjustment based on wind conditions and other boats’ positions can help gain a tactical advantage and maintain the lead in races.
  • Overall performance – a well-performing jib sail increases the sailor’s speed, maneuverability, and tactical advantage, leading to a successful competitive experience.

The jib sail is a critical element of sailing, and understanding how to use it is vital. Using the proper techniques and tuning the jib sail correctly can significantly impact a sailboat’s performance, whether cruising or racing. 

By following the tips and guidelines outlined here, one can better understand the jib sail and enhance their sailing experience. Safety should always be prioritized, so never hesitate to ask for advice from experienced sailors when in doubt.

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The Ultimate Guide to Sail Types and Rigs (with Pictures)

What's that sail for? Generally, I don't know. So I've come up with a system. I'll explain you everything there is to know about sails and rigs in this article.

What are the different types of sails? Most sailboats have one mainsail and one headsail. Typically, the mainsail is a fore-and-aft bermuda rig (triangular shaped). A jib or genoa is used for the headsail. Most sailors use additional sails for different conditions: the spinnaker (a common downwind sail), gennaker, code zero (for upwind use), and stormsail.

Each sail has its own use. Want to go downwind fast? Use a spinnaker. But you can't just raise any sail and go for it. It's important to understand when (and how) to use each sail. Your rigging also impacts what sails you can use.

Cruising yacht with mainsail, headsail, and gennaker

On this page:

Different sail types, the sail plan of a bermuda sloop, mainsail designs, headsail options, specialty sails, complete overview of sail uses, mast configurations and rig types.

This article is part 1 of my series on sails and rig types. Part 2 is all about the different types of rigging. If you want to learn to identify every boat you see quickly, make sure to read it. It really explains the different sail plans and types of rigging clearly.

jib on a sailboat

Guide to Understanding Sail Rig Types (with Pictures)

First I'll give you a quick and dirty overview of sails in this list below. Then, I'll walk you through the details of each sail type, and the sail plan, which is the godfather of sail type selection so to speak.

Click here if you just want to scroll through a bunch of pictures .

Here's a list of different models of sails: (Don't worry if you don't yet understand some of the words, I'll explain all of them in a bit)

  • Jib - triangular staysail
  • Genoa - large jib that overlaps the mainsail
  • Spinnaker - large balloon-shaped downwind sail for light airs
  • Gennaker - crossover between a Genoa and Spinnaker
  • Code Zero or Screecher - upwind spinnaker
  • Drifter or reacher - a large, powerful, hanked on genoa, but made from lightweight fabric
  • Windseeker - tall, narrow, high-clewed, and lightweight jib
  • Trysail - smaller front-and-aft mainsail for heavy weather
  • Storm jib - small jib for heavy weather
I have a big table below that explains the sail types and uses in detail .

I know, I know ... this list is kind of messy, so to understand each sail, let's place them in a system.

The first important distinction between sail types is the placement . The mainsail is placed aft of the mast, which simply means behind. The headsail is in front of the mast.

Generally, we have three sorts of sails on our boat:

  • Mainsail: The large sail behind the mast which is attached to the mast and boom
  • Headsail: The small sail in front of the mast, attached to the mast and forestay (ie. jib or genoa)
  • Specialty sails: Any special utility sails, like spinnakers - large, balloon-shaped sails for downwind use

The second important distinction we need to make is the functionality . Specialty sails (just a name I came up with) each have different functionalities and are used for very specific conditions. So they're not always up, but most sailors carry one or more of these sails.

They are mostly attached in front of the headsail, or used as a headsail replacement.

The specialty sails can be divided into three different categories:

  • downwind sails - like a spinnaker
  • light air or reacher sails - like a code zero
  • storm sails

Cruising yacht with mainsail, headsail, and gennaker

The parts of any sail

Whether large or small, each sail consists roughly of the same elements. For clarity's sake I've took an image of a sail from the world wide webs and added the different part names to it:

Diagram explaining sail parts: head, luff, tack, foot, clew, and leech

  • Head: Top of the sail
  • Tack: Lower front corner of the sail
  • Foot: Bottom of the sail
  • Luff: Forward edge of the sail
  • Leech: Back edge of the sail
  • Clew: Bottom back corner of the sail

So now we speak the same language, let's dive into the real nitty gritty.

Basic sail shapes

Roughly speaking, there are actually just two sail shapes, so that's easy enough. You get to choose from:

  • square rigged sails
  • fore-and-aft rigged sails

I would definitely recommend fore-and-aft rigged sails. Square shaped sails are pretty outdated. The fore-and-aft rig offers unbeatable maneuverability, so that's what most sailing yachts use nowadays.

Green tall ship with green square rigged sails against urban background

Square sails were used on Viking longships and are good at sailing downwind. They run from side to side. However, they're pretty useless upwind.

A fore-and-aft sail runs from the front of the mast to the stern. Fore-and-aft literally means 'in front and behind'. Boats with fore-and-aft rigged sails are better at sailing upwind and maneuvering in general. This type of sail was first used on Arabic boats.

As a beginner sailor I confuse the type of sail with rigging all the time. But I should cut myself some slack, because the rigging and sails on a boat are very closely related. They are all part of the sail plan .

A sail plan is made up of:

  • Mast configuration - refers to the number of masts and where they are placed
  • Sail type - refers to the sail shape and functionality
  • Rig type - refers to the way these sails are set up on your boat

There are dozens of sails and hundreds of possible configurations (or sail plans).

For example, depending on your mast configuration, you can have extra headsails (which then are called staysails).

The shape of the sails depends on the rigging, so they overlap a bit. To keep it simple I'll first go over the different sail types based on the most common rig. I'll go over the other rig types later in the article.

Bermuda Sloop: the most common rig

Most modern small and mid-sized sailboats have a Bermuda sloop configuration . The sloop is one-masted and has two sails, which are front-and-aft rigged. This type of rig is also called a Marconi Rig. The Bermuda rig uses a triangular sail, with just one side of the sail attached to the mast.

The mainsail is in use most of the time. It can be reefed down, making it smaller depending on the wind conditions. It can be reefed down completely, which is more common in heavy weather. (If you didn't know already: reefing is skipper terms for rolling or folding down a sail.)

In very strong winds (above 30 knots), most sailors only use the headsail or switch to a trysail.

jib on a sailboat

The headsail powers your bow, the mainsail powers your stern (rear). By having two sails, you can steer by using only your sails (in theory - it requires experience). In any case, two sails gives you better handling than one, but is still easy to operate.

Let's get to the actual sails. The mainsail is attached behind the mast and to the boom, running to the stern. There are multiple designs, but they actually don't differ that much. So the following list is a bit boring. Feel free to skip it or quickly glance over it.

  • Square Top racing mainsail - has a high performance profile thanks to the square top, optional reef points
  • Racing mainsail - made for speed, optional reef points
  • Cruising mainsail - low-maintenance, easy to use, made to last. Generally have one or multiple reef points.
  • Full-Batten Cruising mainsail - cruising mainsail with better shape control. Eliminates flogging. Full-length battens means the sail is reinforced over the entire length. Generally have one or multiple reef points.
  • High Roach mainsail - crossover between square top racing and cruising mainsail, used mostly on cats and multihulls. Generally have one or multiple reef points.
  • Mast Furling mainsail - sails specially made to roll up inside the mast - very convenient but less control; of sail shape. Have no reef points
  • Boom Furling mainsail - sails specially made to roll up inside the boom. Have no reef points.

The headsail is the front sail in a front-and-aft rig. The sail is fixed on a stay (rope, wire or rod) which runs forward to the deck or bowsprit. It's almost always triangular (Dutch fishermen are known to use rectangular headsail). A triangular headsail is also called a jib .

Headsails can be attached in two ways:

  • using roller furlings - the sail rolls around the headstay
  • hank on - fixed attachment

Types of jibs:

Typically a sloop carries a regular jib as its headsail. It can also use a genoa.

  • A jib is a triangular staysail set in front of the mast. It's the same size as the fore-triangle.
  • A genoa is a large jib that overlaps the mainsail.

What's the purpose of a jib sail? A jib is used to improve handling and to increase sail area on a sailboat. This helps to increase speed. The jib gives control over the bow (front) of the ship, making it easier to maneuver the ship. The mainsail gives control over the stern of the ship. The jib is the headsail (frontsail) on a front-and-aft rig.

The size of the jib is generally indicated by a number - J1, 2, 3, and so on. The number tells us the attachment point. The order of attachment points may differ per sailmaker, so sometimes J1 is the largest jib (on the longest stay) and sometimes it's the smallest (on the shortest stay). Typically the J1 jib is the largest - and the J3 jib the smallest.

Most jibs are roller furling jibs: this means they are attached to a stay and can be reefed down single-handedly. If you have a roller furling you can reef down the jib to all three positions and don't need to carry different sizes.

Sailing yacht using a small jib

Originally called the 'overlapping jib', the leech of the genoa extends aft of the mast. This increases speed in light and moderate winds. A genoa is larger than the total size of the fore-triangle. How large exactly is indicated by a percentage.

  • A number 1 genoa is typically 155% (it used to be 180%)
  • A number 2 genoa is typically 125-140%

Genoas are typically made from 1.5US/oz polyester spinnaker cloth, or very light laminate.

A small sloop using an overlapping genoa

This is where it gets pretty interesting. You can use all kinds of sails to increase speed, handling, and performance for different weather conditions.

Some rules of thumb:

  • Large sails are typically good for downwind use, small sails are good for upwind use.
  • Large sails are good for weak winds (light air), small sails are good for strong winds (storms).

Downwind sails

Thanks to the front-and-aft rig sailboats are easier to maneuver, but they catch less wind as well. Downwind sails are used to offset this by using a large sail surface, pulling a sailboat downwind. They can be hanked on when needed and are typically balloon shaped.

Here are the most common downwind sails:

  • Big gennaker
  • Small gennaker

A free-flying sail that fills up with air, giving it a balloon shape. Spinnakers are generally colorful, which is why they look like kites. This downwind sail has the largest sail area, and it's capable of moving a boat with very light wind. They are amazing to use on trade wind routes, where they can help you make quick progress.

Spinnakers require special rigging. You need a special pole and track on your mast. You attach the sail at three points: in the mast head using a halyard, on a pole, and on a sheet.

The spinnaker is symmetrical, meaning the luff is as long as its leech. It's designed for broad reaching.

Large sailing yacht sailing coastal water using a true spinnaker

Gennaker or cruising spinnaker

The Gennaker is a cross between the genoa and the spinnaker. It has less downwind performance than the spinnaker. It is a bit smaller, making it slower, but also easier to handle - while it remains very capable. The cruising spinnaker is designed for broad reaching.

The gennaker is a smaller, asymmetric spinnaker that's doesn't require a pole or track on the mast. Like the spinnaker, and unlike the genoa, the gennaker is set flying. Asymmetric means its luff is longer than its leech.

You can get big and small gennakers (roughly 75% and 50% the size of a true spinnaker).

Also called ...

  • the cruising spinnaker
  • cruising chute
  • pole-less spinnaker
  • SpinDrifter

... it's all the same sail.

Small sloops using colorful gennakers in grey water

Light air sails

There's a bit of overlap between the downwind sails and light air sails. Downwind sails can be used as light air sails, but not all light air sails can be used downwind.

Here are the most common light air sails:

  • Spinnaker and gennaker

Drifter reacher

Code zero reacher.

A drifter (also called a reacher) is a lightweight, larger genoa for use in light winds. It's roughly 150-170% the size of a genoa. It's made from very lightweight laminated spinnaker fabric (1.5US/oz).

Thanks to the extra sail area the sail offers better downwind performance than a genoa. It's generally made from lightweight nylon. Thanks to it's genoa characteristics the sail is easier to use than a cruising spinnaker.

The code zero reacher is officially a type of spinnaker, but it looks a lot like a large genoa. And that's exactly what it is: a hybrid cross between the genoa and the asymmetrical spinnaker (gennaker). The code zero however is designed for close reaching, making it much flatter than the spinnaker. It's about twice the size of a non-overlapping jib.

Volvo Ocean race ships using code zero and jib J1

A windseeker is a small, free-flying staysail for super light air. It's tall and thin. It's freestanding, so it's not attached to the headstay. The tack attaches to a deck pad-eye. Use your spinnakers' halyard to raise it and tension the luff.

It's made from nylon or polyester spinnaker cloth (0.75 to 1.5US/oz).

It's designed to guide light air onto the lee side of the main sail, ensuring a more even, smooth flow of air.

Stormsails are stronger than regular sails, and are designed to handle winds of over 45 knots. You carry them to spare the mainsail. Sails

A storm jib is a small triangular staysail for use in heavy weather. If you participate in offshore racing you need a mandatory orange storm jib. It's part of ISAF's requirements.

A trysail is a storm replacement for the mainsail. It's small, triangular, and it uses a permanently attached pennant. This allows it to be set above the gooseneck. It's recommended to have a separate track on your mast for it - you don't want to fiddle around when you actually really need it to be raised ... now.

US naval acadamy sloop in marina with bright orange storm trysail and stormjob

Sail Type Shape Wind speed Size Wind angle
Bermuda mainsail triangular, high sail < 30 kts
Jib headsail small triangular foresail < 45 kts 100% of foretriangle
Genoa headsail jib that overlaps mainsail < 30 kts 125-155% of foretriangle
Spinnaker downwind free-flying, balloon shape 1-15 kts 200% or more of mainsail 90°–180°
Gennaker downwind free-flying, balloon shape 1-20 kts 85% of spinnaker 75°-165°
Code Zero or screecher light air & upwind tight luffed, upwind spinnaker 1-16 kts 70-75% of spinnaker
Storm Trysail mainsail small triangular mainsail replacement > 45 kts 17.5% of mainsail
Drifter reacher light air large, light-weight genoa 1-15 kts 150-170% of genoa 30°-90°
Windseeker light air free-flying staysail 0-6 kts 85-100% of foretriangle
Storm jib strong wind headsail low triangular staysail > 45 kts < 65% height foretriangle

Why Use Different Sails At All?

You could just get the largest furling genoa and use it on all positions. So why would you actually use different types of sails?

The main answer to that is efficiency . Some situations require other characteristics.

Having a deeply reefed genoa isn't as efficient as having a small J3. The reef creates too much draft in the sail, which increases heeling. A reefed down mainsail in strong winds also increases heeling. So having dedicated (storm) sails is probably a good thing, especially if you're planning more demanding passages or crossings.

But it's not just strong winds, but also light winds that can cause problems. Heavy sails will just flap around like laundry in very light air. So you need more lightweight fabrics to get you moving.

What Are Sails Made Of?

The most used materials for sails nowadays are:

  • Dacron - woven polyester
  • woven nylon
  • laminated fabrics - increasingly popular

Sails used to be made of linen. As you can imagine, this is terrible material on open seas. Sails were rotting due to UV and saltwater. In the 19th century linen was replaced by cotton.

It was only in the 20th century that sails were made from synthetic fibers, which were much stronger and durable. Up until the 1980s most sails were made from Dacron. Nowadays, laminates using yellow aramids, Black Technora, carbon fiber and Spectra yarns are more and more used.

Laminates are as strong as Dacron, but a lot lighter - which matters with sails weighing up to 100 kg (220 pounds).

By the way: we think that Viking sails were made from wool and leather, which is quite impressive if you ask me.

In this section of the article I give you a quick and dirty summary of different sail plans or rig types which will help you to identify boats quickly. But if you want to really understand it clearly, I really recommend you read part 2 of this series, which is all about different rig types.

You can't simply count the number of masts to identify rig type But you can identify any rig type if you know what to look for. We've created an entire system for recognizing rig types. Let us walk you through it. Read all about sail rig types

As I've said earlier, there are two major rig types: square rigged and fore-and-aft. We can divide the fore-and-aft rigs into three groups:

  • Bermuda rig (we have talked about this one the whole time) - has a three-sided mainsail
  • Gaff rig - has a four-sided mainsail, the head of the mainsail is guided by a gaff
  • Lateen rig - has a three-sided mainsail on a long yard

Diagram of lateen-rigged mast with head yard, gaff-rigged mast with head beam, and bermuda-rigged mast with triangular sail

There are roughly four types of boats:

  • one masted boats - sloop, cutter
  • two masted boats - ketch, schooner, brig
  • three masted - barque
  • fully rigged or ship rigged - tall ship

Everything with four masts is called a (tall) ship. I think it's outside the scope of this article, but I have written a comprehensive guide to rigging. I'll leave the three and four-masted rigs for now. If you want to know more, I encourage you to read part 2 of this series.

One-masted rigs

Boats with one mast can have either one sail, two sails, or three or more sails.

The 3 most common one-masted rigs are:

  • Cat - one mast, one sail
  • Sloop - one mast, two sails
  • Cutter - one mast, three or more sails

1. Gaff Cat

White cat boat with gaff rig on lake and three people in it

2. Gaff Sloop

jib on a sailboat

Two-masted rigs

Two-masted boats can have an extra mast in front or behind the main mast. Behind (aft of) the main mast is called a mizzen mast . In front of the main mast is called a foremast .

The 5 most common two-masted rigs are:

  • Lugger - two masts (mizzen), with lugsail (cross between gaff rig and lateen rig) on both masts
  • Yawl - two masts (mizzen), fore-and-aft rigged on both masts. Main mast much taller than mizzen. Mizzen without mainsail.
  • Ketch - two masts (mizzen), fore-and-aft rigged on both masts. Main mast with only slightly smaller mizzen. Mizzen has mainsail.
  • Schooner - two masts (foremast), generally gaff rig on both masts. Main mast with only slightly smaller foremast. Sometimes build with three masts, up to seven in the age of sail.
  • Brig - two masts (foremast), partially square-rigged. Main mast carries small lateen rigged sail.

Lugger sails behind berth with rocks and small sloops in the foreground

4. Schooner

White schooner with white sails and light wooden masts

5. Brigantine

Replica of brigatine on lake with lots of rigging and brown, green, red, and gold paint

This article is part 1 of a series about sails and rig types If you want to read on and learn to identify any sail plans and rig type, we've found a series of questions that will help you do that quickly. Read all about recognizing rig types

Related Questions

What is the difference between a gennaker & spinnaker? Typically, a gennaker is smaller than a spinnaker. Unlike a spinnaker, a gennaker isn't symmetric. It's asymmetric like a genoa. It is however rigged like a spinnaker; it's not attached to the forestay (like a jib or a genoa). It's a downwind sail, and a cross between the genoa and the spinnaker (hence the name).

What is a Yankee sail? A Yankee sail is a jib with a high-cut clew of about 3' above the boom. A higher-clewed jib is good for reaching and is better in high waves, preventing the waves crash into the jibs foot. Yankee jibs are mostly used on traditional sailboats.

How much does a sail weigh? Sails weigh anywhere between 4.5-155 lbs (2-70 kg). The reason is that weight goes up exponentially with size. Small boats carry smaller sails (100 sq. ft.) made from thinner cloth (3.5 oz). Large racing yachts can carry sails of up to 400 sq. ft., made from heavy fabric (14 oz), totaling at 155 lbs (70 kg).

What's the difference between a headsail and a staysail? The headsail is the most forward of the staysails. A boat can only have one headsail, but it can have multiple staysails. Every staysail is attached to a forward running stay. However, not every staysail is located at the bow. A stay can run from the mizzen mast to the main mast as well.

What is a mizzenmast? A mizzenmast is the mast aft of the main mast (behind; at the stern) in a two or three-masted sailing rig. The mizzenmast is shorter than the main mast. It may carry a mainsail, for example with a ketch or lugger. It sometimes doesn't carry a mainsail, for example with a yawl, allowing it to be much shorter.

Special thanks to the following people for letting me use their quality photos: Bill Abbott - True Spinnaker with pole - CC BY-SA 2.0 lotsemann - Volvo Ocean Race Alvimedica and the Code Zero versus SCA and the J1 - CC BY-SA 2.0 Lisa Bat - US Naval Academy Trysail and Storm Jib dry fit - CC BY-SA 2.0 Mike Powell - White gaff cat - CC BY-SA 2.0 Anne Burgess - Lugger The Reaper at Scottish Traditional Boat Festival

Hi, I stumbled upon your page and couldn’t help but notice some mistakes in your description of spinnakers and gennakers. First of all, in the main photo on top of this page the small yacht is sailing a spinnaker, not a gennaker. If you look closely you can see the spinnaker pole standing on the mast, visible between the main and headsail. Further down, the discription of the picture with the two German dinghies is incorrect. They are sailing spinnakers, on a spinnaker pole. In the farthest boat, you can see a small piece of the pole. If needed I can give you the details on the difference between gennakers and spinnakers correctly?

Hi Shawn, I am living in Utrecht I have an old gulf 32 and I am sailing in merkmeer I find your articles very helpful Thanks

Thank you for helping me under stand all the sails there names and what there functions were and how to use them. I am planning to build a trimaran 30’ what would be the best sails to have I plan to be coastal sailing with it. Thank you

Hey Comrade!

Well done with your master piece blogging. Just a small feedback. “The jib gives control over the bow of the ship, making it easier to maneuver the ship. The mainsail gives control over the stern of the ship.” Can you please first tell the different part of a sail boat earlier and then talk about bow and stern later in the paragraph. A reader has no clue on the newly introduced terms. It helps to keep laser focused and not forget main concepts.

Shawn, I am currently reading How to sail around the World” by Hal Roth. Yes, I want to sail around the world. His book is truly grounded in real world experience but like a lot of very knowledgable people discussing their area of expertise, Hal uses a lot of terms that I probably should have known but didn’t, until now. I am now off to read your second article. Thank You for this very enlightening article on Sail types and their uses.

Shawn Buckles

HI CVB, that’s a cool plan. Thanks, I really love to hear that. I’m happy that it was helpful to you and I hope you are of to a great start for your new adventure!

Hi GOWTHAM, thanks for the tip, I sometimes forget I haven’t specified the new term. I’ve added it to the article.

Nice article and video; however, you’re mixing up the spinnaker and the gennaker.

A started out with a question. What distinguishes a brig from a schooner? Which in turn led to follow-up questions: I know there are Bermuda rigs and Latin rig, are there more? Which in turn led to further questions, and further, and further… This site answers them all. Wonderful work. Thank you.

Great post and video! One thing was I was surprised how little you mentioned the Ketch here and not at all in the video or chart, and your sample image is a large ship with many sails. Some may think Ketch’s are uncommon, old fashioned or only for large boats. Actually Ketch’s are quite common for cruisers and live-aboards, especially since they often result in a center cockpit layout which makes for a very nice aft stateroom inside. These are almost exclusively the boats we are looking at, so I was surprised you glossed over them.

Love the article and am finding it quite informative.

While I know it may seem obvious to 99% of your readers, I wish you had defined the terms “upwind” and “downwind.” I’m in the 1% that isn’t sure which one means “with the wind” (or in the direction the wind is blowing) and which one means “against the wind” (or opposite to the way the wind is blowing.)

paul adriaan kleimeer

like in all fields of syntax and terminology the terms are colouual meaning local and then spead as the technology spread so an history lesson gives a floral bouque its colour and in the case of notical terms span culture and history adds an detail that bring reverence to the study simply more memorable.

Hi, I have a small yacht sail which was left in my lock-up over 30 years ago I basically know nothing about sails and wondered if you could spread any light as to the make and use of said sail. Someone said it was probably originally from a Wayfayer wooden yacht but wasn’t sure. Any info would be must appreciated and indeed if would be of any use to your followers? I can provide pics but don’t see how to include them at present

kind regards

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  1. The Jib Sail Explained: A Complete Guide - Sailing Ellidah

    The Jib sail (along with its sister, the Genoa) is one of the most widely used headsails on modern sailboats in combination with a larger mainsail. It is very versatile and easy to use in different configurations throughout most weather conditions.

  2. What is a Sailboat Jib? - Life of Sailing

    A sailboat jib is a triangular headsail located forward of the mast. The jib typically has less sail area than the mainsail. Typical single-masted sailboats usually have a jib, which is located between the bow and the mast.

  3. What’s a Sailboat Jib? (A Comprehensive Guide) | Boat Pursuits

    A sailboat jib is a triangular sail that is set at the front of a sailboat. It is usually attached to the forestay, a cable that runs from the bow of the boat to the mast. The jib helps to balance the mainsail and increases the sailboat’s ability to sail close to the wind.

  4. Understanding the Jib Sail - Sailing and Boating Guides ...

    A jib sail is fundamental to any sailboats rigging, allowing for more power and better control on the open water. To help sailors venture out into the deep blue sea, this article explores jib sails, including different types, components, and uses.

  5. The Ultimate Guide to Sail Types and Rigs (with Pictures)

    A jib is used to improve handling and to increase sail area on a sailboat. This helps to increase speed. The jib gives control over the bow (front) of the ship, making it easier to maneuver the ship.

  6. Jib - Wikipedia

    A jib is a triangular sail that sets ahead of the foremast of a sailing vessel. Its forward corner (tack) is fixed to the bowsprit, to the bows, or to the deck between the bowsprit and the foremost mast. Jibs and spinnakers are the two main types of headsails on a modern boat.