Below Deck Med 9’s finale: it’s the end of an error!

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Below Deck Mediterranean season nine is over, which means the Good Ship Incompetence has completed its last charter, and actually did so without killing any guests or smashing into a dock. Progress!

Jono won’t be cooking any more meals he learns about on YouTube; Bri won’t be losing laundry; Joe won’t be trying to furrow his eyebrows at every single female-identifying person on the planet.

The finale felt bizarrely sped-up, with choppy editing blasting us through the final two days. I thought it was going to be 90 minutes, but that last half-hour on my DVR was Bravo forcing me to record Andy Cohen pretending to care about Below Deck .

We started where we left off, with Aesha finally telling Ellie that I AM SECOND STEW does not mean boss everyone around at all times and then act like a victim .

A person reacts in surprise while talking to another person

Ellie shared what I think may explain everything: She’s baffled that Aesha won’t let her take a leadership role, and without examples of leadership, how is Aesha going to write Ellie’s letter of recommendation to become a chief stew?

What are the chances that someone in production told her that, if she just sucks it up and works a season as a second stew, she’ll get a letter and be on her way to leading her own Below Deck franchise?

Ellie becoming chief stew seems about as likely as Iain becoming an air traffic controller ( Planes? I don’t see any planes. ) or Bri becoming a nanny ( I don’t know where your baby is; the color bead fell off and now I cannot find any babies anywhere .)

Like so many things this weird season, Ellie’s admonishment went pretty much nowhere. She had a few brief meltdowns, such as being annoyed that “Aesha didn’t pick me to participate in Captain Sandy’s engagement, which would have been such an honor for me.” Working after the season is over instead of getting dressed up to go out would have been an honor?

On the way to Captain Sandy’s Totally Surprise Engagement On a Dock with Violinists, she ranted more. “Dude, If they’ve done decor without me I am going to flip out,” Ellie said “I’ve been busting my ass this entire season, and then she’s like, All right great, Carrie’s here, fuck off to the pantry, go do dishes .” So it’s still about Carrie somehow.

“I feel like all this work I’ve done this entire freaking season is for nothing,” Ellie said. Good thing you didn’t do too much!

Meanwhile, Iain shared that he once worked as a bartender at a gay club, and for a bartender, he’s a pretty good bosun. People can change jobs but it seems like he might be more suited for that gig—though then again, after seeing the way he dances, the gays might throw him out.

Speaking of the gays: The final charter’s gaggle of gays in their underwear-less togas cornered Jono, who was also in a toga having joined the party. “This is the most involved I’ve been all season,” Jono said, and it must be really lonely down in the galley making cookies and sprinkling Kool-Aid powder on steak for people who just don’t appreciate such efforts.

One guest placed his open hand so that if it closed, he’d be choking Jono, and said, “You did a really good job,” and this is when I thought he was going to choke Jono because he’d actually eaten Jono’s food.

But no, the guest said, “I feel like we need to throw you down on top of a table and just, like, thank you.” Jono, to his great credit, said, “There’s a table downstairs.”

Jono seems like a good person in a job that he wasn’t ready for, which may also describe Iain and Bri. Not Joe, screw him.

Gael, one of this season’s trio of competent crew members alongside Aesha and maybe Nathan, was getting nervous about their upcoming trip. “I’m about to have to shit in front of him,” she said, which is clearly evidence she’s been getting relationship advice from Aesha and her love of poop.

Carrie, meanwhile, may be more efficient than Ellie and Bri combined and multiplied by three hundred, but ended the season on a low, low note: pursuing Joe. Ellie took this as a personal insult, but apparently didn’t have the energy to throw Carrie overboard or tie Joe up in the rope locker.

One of the charter guests asked her who on the crew she liked, which doesn’t give her a wide range: Iain and Joe, since Nathan is coupled up, at least until the next recoupling ceremony tonight on Love Island . Is that it? Is it just that Joe is the only option? Because otherwise I don’t understand this being the source of attraction:

A shirtless person with a lemon in his mouth

As one guest left for bed, he told Carrie, “You better get that dick tonight.” In the season’s most hilarious plot twist, that dick wasn’t able to show up when called, because Joe got shitfaced at the club.

Joe was ready, telling us “I’m smitten with Carrie” and “this could be probably the last time,” and flirting with her constantly.

Leaving the club, Joe carried Carrie on his back and said, “I want to fuck you so bad.” But by the time they got back to the boat he couldn’t even walk or get out of the van, and Nathan had to help him.

Carrie went into their bunk, where Joe told her, “I just want to die alone.” He apparently got into a cold shower, and maybe someone tried something with the zipper noise we heard, but then she left.

“It’s such a shame that you got shit-faced,” Carrie told Joe, who said, “I’m so sorry that I’m shit-faced.” Carrie told us: “Joe sure knows how to woo a lady.”

Earlier that day, Bri woke up and set the table with all the missing laundry. A producer told her, “Even if you got fired today, you’ve made it.” I would have loved for Captain Sandy to go on a final day firing rampage, but she was in love and focused on her proposal.

But oh no! “The weather’s coming,” Sandy said. So she got the boat back to the dock quickly.

“This last docking is one last chance to get a little more big deck energy,” Iain said, and then repeated it probably because none of the crew members laughed and one of them keeled over from second-hand embarrassment. “Big deck energy, yeah!”

A person looking to the side with their mouth open

Leah was on the dock, and Aesha pointed her out to the guests, and oh was I just craving Iain saying, Where? I don’t see any lesbians.

Sandy ran onto the dock to kiss Leah, and that was all very sweet until Sandy remembered she’s a captain and admonished herself. “I have to complete my job before I can actually ask her to marry me,” she told us.

But the crew had to extend their jobs. Everyone hugged on the dock and celebrated their $195,500 USD, $16,250 per person season-long tips, but then still had to go to the engagement—and several of them had to work it.

“I want you all there,” Sandy said, and if I’d been there I’d be like, Ugh can I just go home now please?

Others just had to lament that they’d been left out. “So over this shit,” Ellie said in the laundry.

That was, I believe, the last time we saw the laundry, and I am so disappointed there wasn’t a better resolution to the storyline. Was someone sabotaging Bri? Was she just that bad? Is she just better with colors than with words and didn’t tell anyone that until 95 percent of the season was over?

Sandy wanted her engagement to happen at sunset. She did her hair and makeup and put on her shiniest vest, and she and Leah went to hop on a tender driven by Joe.

“Jesus christ this wind,” Joe said, probably trying to make Sandy happy by referring to her favorite meteorological element. The captain, though, was busy backseat driving the tender, because of course her crew can’t even do the simplest task: “I would come back around,” she said, and then when a line got wrapped up in the propellers, she said, “you hear it? Take it out of gear.”

“It’s inoperable,” Sandy declared, and Joe said, It’s because I had too much to drink! Oh wait, that was later that night.

After the commercial break, when wedding-ish music came to an abrupt halt when the propeller appeared on screen, Sandy said, “Joe, it’s not your fault. There’s lines everywhere.”

So Joe had to cut the lines, and I would like a three-part Netflix documentary investigating this timeline. After the commercial, it was 30 minutes from sunset as Joe was cutting the rope. Then it was 13 minutes from sunset as he finished. It took him 17 minutes to cut two lines? Maybe I don’t understand or maybe it’s just, you know, this crew, but what?

As the sun set, Sandy and Leah arrived at the dock with six minutes to spare.

Leah said, “Oh wow. And violins?” The violinists were playing a wedding song, LOL. Sandy said, “That wasn’t in the plan. It’s par for the course at this point.” Yep, nothing goes right on Below Deck .

Two people holding hands approaching a small table; wind is blowing their hair up

As the crew peeked over a hedge, we cut to Bri explaining, “All you have to say is I do. Wait: How do you propose again?” Bri, you can try to learn that next season; we don’t have time for that now.

Sandy told Leah that when they hugged on Nov. 17, 2018, “I felt for the first time my heart beat as one, and it was with yours.” I really think she should get that checked out.

Anyway, Sandy proposed and Leah said yes and yay for them but we’ve seen this all before so let’s move on. And this episode did. We were suddenly in the vans with the crew on their way to their final night of drinking, which just skipped right over the sober dinner part.

Joe told Carrie “Ellie was chatting shit about you,” which I guess was flirting, and also Joe didn’t know that soon all the Below Deck universe would be chatting shit about him.

At the club, Bri was upset: “Seeing Joe flirting with Carrie, that’s bringing back some bad memories. It’s not a problem that they’re flirting; it’s just a problem they’re doing it in front of me,” she said. Joe tried to apologize to her, and Bri said, “Shut up” and told him off.

Time for some drama? A fight? A handful of color beads thrown into his face or in front of him as he carried Carrie around on his back? Alas, no.

Other than Joe’s inability to get his finger to blast when it was fingerblasting time, there was also no drama back on the boat. So everyone woke up, and Joe was so hungover he fell asleep in the crew mess and his head hit the table.

The boat exits seemed to be in 3x speed. Jono told us, “I have more to learn, probably.” Yep, like how much you have to learn. “I am ready to bring the twerk into the work,” he said, and I think maybe cheffing is not for him.

Sandy told Bri she’s the “most-improved” and Bri said, “I was probably the shittiest.” Just as I thought she had some self-awareness, she told the interview camera, “I’m a working girl now.” Psst, Bri: that’s not what that means!

Sandy told Iain, “you are a hard worker.” At this point in the episode, my husband started adding, And I would never hire you again after each of Sandy’s good-byes, and I really wish that’d been part of the episode.

Nathan called Joe a “lifelong friend,” and Joe interrupted his interview, and then in his own interview told us, “I’m turning 27 … is it my time to mature? I’m going to say no, baby.” He mumbled all this so he may have actually said something about how full of manure he is.

Nathan said Gael “is a keeper for sure,” and I give that about two weeks.

Okay, I just did a search, and they lasted six whole weeks! Gael said on the after show that they traveled for six weeks and she “started to see a different side to him” such as “a little bit of anger and a little bit of, like, stubbornness, [and] immaturity.” Despite that, they tried long-distance dating until Nathan got back with his ex and broke things off and then said he didn’t, and tried to get back with Gael, who didn’t believe him. I guess he was more like Joe than I thought.

A person with their hands by their face, crying

Back on the boat, Sandy told Gael she’ll “you’ll make a great captain,” which I think is actually true.


Actually, she said, “you’re a very hard worker,and you should be very proud of yourself, really.” Of course that compliment wasn’t enough for Ellie, who said, “I got one adjective: hard-worker. This kind of feels like when your vibrator dies halfway, and you’re just laying there like, what, what.”

Ellie may not be great with hierarchy or stewing, but she knows her way around a metaphor, and I think that is a perfect description of Below Deck Med season 9. It just kind of died halfway never really went anywhere. Alas.

For the most part, the crew seemed like nice people who were just woefully unprepared for the jobs they’d been given and/or for human interaction. Are we just at the point where Below Deck can’t convince actual yachties to ruin their careers in just six short weeks? Time will tell!

But wait: Below Deck Med ’s season was not over yet! There was a coda, eight months later, on a boat in Ft. Lauderdale, for Sandy and Leah’s wedding. Notably, none of the crew were there except Aesha.

And guess who else was there? Norma! From “yacht crew replacement.” I knew she was a real person but also just thought she was the producers cosplaying as a real person.

Two people embracing, with one's mouth open in excitement

Also in attendance: Dave White, the chef form Below Deck Mediterranean season 7 who didn’t know the difference between crepes and pancakes and also threatened to reveal his relationship with Natasha to the whole crew, who I guess was the only person Sandy could find to cater their wedding?

Former chief stew and Traitors star Kate Chastain attended, too, and gave a toast in which she said, “Thank you so much for including me. I’m happy to celebrate what is truly a celebration of love and you have loved everyone you meet.”

And with that sentence that had words but no meaning, Below Deck Med season 9 ended.

About the writer

Andy Dehnart

Andy Dehnart is a writer and TV critic who created reality blurred in 2000. His writing and reporting here has won an Excellence in Journalism award from NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists and an L.A. Press Club National A&E Journalism Award.

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Happy discussing!

Thank god it’s over. Andy I’ve loved your recaps, keep them coming.

They really need to step up the casting and also cut back on the # of episodes.

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Below Deck Med charter guests share Season 9 experience, reveal favorite crew members

Iain Maclean and Johnathan Shillingford on Below Deck Med

Below Deck Med Season 9 had plenty of charter guests that brought the good, the bad, and the ugly to the show.

The season came to a close this week and some of those guests are speaking out about their experience on the Mustique yacht.

No topic was off limits either, especially Chef Johnathan “Jono” Shillingford’s food, which we all know was hit or miss all season.

Below Deck Med charter guest Mahisha gave him props despite the controversy we saw play out on-screen.

Chief Stew Aesha Scott and Captain Sandy Yawn were also brought up with guest Gigi Fernández gushing over her captain friend.

Below Deck Med charter guests reveal favorite Season 9 crew members

The Daily Dish spoke with several charter guests who named Aesha as their favorite crew member.

“Aesha by far. She made the biggest impact,” expressed Pamela from the third charter.

Evan from the same charter echoed Aesha while also dropping a fun fact.

“I think that Aesha is a fantastic rapper,” he stated.

Charter one guests Joel and Jacob, though, had a different answer for their favorite yachtie. Their charter was filled with provision mishaps but they declared Nathan Gallagher and Joe Bradley made their trip.

“They went above and beyond for us,” the guys shared referring to the deckhands going to buy Rose for them from another superyacht amid the provision crisis.

Coleen named Captain Sandy as her favorite crew member as she gushed over being on a yacht with a female captain.

“I will never forget it. It is a birthday trip of all birthday trips,” Colleen spilled.

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What did Below Deck Med charter guests say about Chef Johnathan ‘Jono’ Shillingford?

Jono got some praise and criticism from the guests all season long. The final Season 9 guests Brad and Stacey, said they had “great dinners” during their charter.

Meanwhile, Joel and Jacob also gave a shout-out to the chef declaring, “The food was the best part about the trip.”

Gigi stands her ground when it comes to Jono and not being impressed with his good. The professional tennis player complained frequently to Captain Sandy, nearly costing Jono his job.

“He said he was self-taught. That just threw up a red flag for me. You can’t expect to be a chef at this level and not get some kind of training,” Gigi insisted.

Remember the anniversary cookie debacle involving Janie and Steve, who asked for soufflés for their special occasion dessert? Well, they, too, were not happy with Jono’s food at all.

“I hate to say it Jono, I love you, but honey, I could’ve been in your galley cooking your food, sorry,” Janie told The Daily Dish.

Those are just a few of the things the Below Deck Med Season 9 charter guests are saying about their experience on the show. To read all of their comments, click here.

Below Deck Med is currently on hiatus on Bravo. Seasons 1-9 are streaming on Peacock.


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Meet ‘Home,’ the Sleek 164-Foot Superyacht That Starred in ‘Below Deck’

The 164-footer was not only the backdrop for the reality series but also has hybrid propulsion and a "50 shades of white" interior., julia zaltzman, julia zaltzman's most recent stories.

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Superyacht Home by Heesen

The 164-foot motor yacht Home was Heesen’s first hybrid yacht when it delivered in 2017. It was also the first yacht to combine hybrid propulsion with a Fast Displacement Hull Shape (FDHF), which is proven to outperform conventional hull forms at all speeds. Built in lightweight aluminum, Home delivers 48 percent more fuel efficiency than other yachts of the same size.

Another perk of the hybrid propulsion package is reduced noise and vibration. Sensory expert Barry Smith, founder of the Centre for the Study of the Senses, discovered that the enjoyment of fine dining and wine while cruising in electric mode is significantly enhanced.

“Our research has shown that the brain’s processing of taste is affected by noise, which reduces the tongue’s ability to detect salt, sweet and sour,” says Smith. “The beauty of Home is the ability to run at a sound of around 46 decibels—the sound level of softly falling rain—enabling those on board to enjoy food and drink with no diminution of taste.”

Home began as a speculation build by the shipyard, before the American owner stepped in to the project. The initial interior was not to his liking, so he engaged Italian designer Cristiano Gatto to rework the design. He mandated simplicity, rather than minimalism. He also requested decor inspired by his residences, reflecting their contemporary Ibiza style. One perfect example: The slinky metal chaise lounge in the main salon by Italian designer Franco Poli.

Here are 10 facts about one of the world’s first hybrid yachts.

Star of the Med

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

Home ’s fortune took a sharp turn in 2022 when it became the star of the seventh season of Below Deck Mediterranean . Filmed in Malta, the reality series followed its crew over an eight-week charter season, with Captain Sandy Yawn at the helm. Unlike most yachts on Below Deck, Home retained its real name on screen. It was the first diesel-electric motor yacht to appear on the show, and in typical style, the producers added a dancing pole to the sundeck to spice up the onboard antics.

50 Shades of White

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

Home takes the trend for neutral interiors to a whole new level. Alongside a color palette of black and gray with pops of deep red, the yacht features 50 shades of white, from off-white to ivory. The original owner mandated an interior that gave him a “home away from home”—hence the yacht’s name. Low-slung sofas and bespoke loose furniture create a relaxed and welcoming beach club ambience. The vessel’s teak flooring and full-height glass windows blur the distinction between inside and out.

Party Lounge

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

One of Heesen’s signature areas is an upper-deck sky lounge. Home ’s casual bean bags, daybeds, and stark-white bar with LED strip lighting provide a natural extension to the alfresco dining terrace. When the doors to the aft deck are shut and the furniture removed, a mirror ball and a smoke machine are added turning the area into a dedicated party room for nighttime use.

A Dreamier Shade of Pale

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

Full-height windows in the full-beam, main deck owner’s suite bounce natural light off the paler-than-pale color scheme. The off-white bed, rug, walls, and ceiling are offset with a sky-blue bed throw. There is a dressing room, an en suite with shower and a private office. There’s also a full-beam VIP cabin on the lower deck, as well as two double cabins and two twin cabins to accommodate 12 guests, including families.

Moody Sundeck

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

Home ’s sundeck is the hub of the boat. There are sun lounges forward with privacy glass safety screens to shelter guests from sea spray and wind. Beneath the hardtop bimini is a large sit-up bar and lounge area, which also doubles as an outdoor dining area. The bar lights up in soft pastel shades at night to bring the party atmosphere. Aft is a Jacuzzi, while a projector and a screen set-up transform the deck into an outdoor cinema.

On the Nose

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

The yacht is easily spotted on the horizon, thanks to its distinctive plumb bow. The vertical front increases Home ’s waterline length, helping it to slice through waves and lift in rougher water. It guarantees a smoother and faster ride for guests, as well as creating more room on the interior for crew accommodations. For a more immersive journey, a telescopic seat on the foredeck rises from the bow for 360-degree views.

Sea Terrace

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

A central staircase on the main deck aft leads down to an oversized swim platform that doubles as a sea-level sun lounge. With plenty of room for daybeds and sunrise yoga sessions, it’s the perfect waterside hang out.

The Athletic Club

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

The lower-deck gym is a full-beam, air-conditioned space for guests to sweat it out. It’s kitted out with a range of equipment, including a workout bench, Techno Gym dumbbells, an exercise bike, and a rowing machine. When guests are done with their workout, they’re just a few steps from the sea for the ultimate plunge to cool off.

The Electric Package

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

The twin 805 hp MTU engines (smaller than those typically fitted on a yacht of this size) can be operated in four different cruising modes: hybrid (with noise levels in the owner’s stateroom measuring as low as 46 decibels), economic, cruising (consuming as little as 12 gallons per hour at 9 knots), and boost, which pushes the boat to a top speed of 16.8 knots.

Fast, Efficient Hull

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

At the time of launch, Home was the first yacht to combine the super efficiency of an FDHF hull, designed by Van Oosenan Naval Architects, with hybrid propulsion. The combination was celebrated with a RINA green award presented by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco.

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The New Below Deck Mediterranean Yacht Is One Of The Most Expensive Yet

It sleeps 13 guests in six cabins and contains a beach club, sun deck, gym, and jacuzzi.

The Lady Michelle Below Deck Mediterranean yacht via a screenshot

Below Deck Mediterranean is heading back to familiar waters. After sailing off the coast of Croatia in Season 2, the show is returning to the country for Season 6. Croatia was also recently featured in the second season of Below Deck Sailing Yacht , which is why viewers might recognize the yacht now being used in Mediterranean Season 6, the Lady Michelle.

At the end of Below Deck Sailing Yacht’ s most recent season, the crew had to make a last-minute change to their charter when their original guests tested positive for COVID-19. Since the Lady Michelle was already in the area, its crew became the Sailing Yacht ’s new charter guests. There was a lot of panic from the Sailing Yacht crew about what it was going to be like to work for fellow yachties, though the Lady Michelle crew at the time isn’t the same one on Below Deck Med Season 6.

Nevertheless, the new crew will be taking its guests out on one of the show’s most expensive yachts ever. According to the Burgess Yachts chartering site, chartering the Lady Michelle costs $275,000 per week during the summer and up to $310,000 per week during the peak winter season.

By comparison, the ships used in the first two Mediterranean seasons (including the Sirocco that sailed Croatia last time) cost around $167,000 and $213,000 per week, respectively, while last season’s impressive Wellington ship reportedly cost around $243,000 per week .

There’s a reason the Lady Michelle is so pricey, though. According to The International Yacht Company, the massive ship can sleep 13 guests in six cabins and contains a beach club, sun deck, gym, and jacuzzi. It also comes with variety of water toys like wave runners, waterskis, and a waterslide, per Burgess. If someone wanted to buy the whole ship and sail it all year round, IYC has it listed for $19.5 million. And you might need to buy the ship to get it back to Croatia, because that’s not its usual charter route.

On Below Deck , the ship sailed up to scenic Šibenik in Croatia , but the Lady Michelle typically isn’t a Mediterranean vessel. According to Burgess Yachts, it sails the Caribbean and Bahamas in the summer and just the Bahamas in the winter. So don’t get too attached to the Croatian setting if you’re planning to charter Lady Michelle with all of your spare hundreds of thousands of dollars.

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

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Nathan Gallagher Surprised Gael Cameron With a Trip to Majorca — with Many "Crazy" Twists

The  Below Deck Mediterranean  Season 9 yachties have taken their romance to Majorca — but have run into some speed bumps.

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

After the  Below Deck Mediterranean   Season 9 finale, it was revealed that deckhands Gael Cameron and Nathan Gallagher tried to continue their relationship off  Mustique. A fter six weeks of traveling together, their relationship came to an end  and they vowed to stay friends . But now they are back on, in a relationship together , and traveling across Europe side by side.

How to Watch

Watch Below Deck Mediterranean  on Peacock  and the Bravo app . 

Gael took to her Snapchat account this week, where she revealed that she and Nathan were traveling together with plans to head to Paris. But, they didn't make the flight. "But, Nathan had more bright ideas," Gael said in the video posted to her account about pressing on with the travel plans regardless. "We're taking a flight somewhere ."

Nathan revealed that he wouldn't tell Gael where they were going once they made it to the airport, but he booked a room for them. "That's actually quite rare for us," Gael joked. "We're getting better at this!"

Split of Nathan Gallagher and Gael Cameron at the airport together.

Gael Cameron posts a Snapchat video of herself and Nathan Gallagher at an airport together.

Gael Cameron Details Her Travel Issues with Nathan Gallagher

Once they arrived at the airport, Nathan wouldn't let Gael accompany him to the check-in desk or hold her passport, with hopes of keeping the destination a surprise. But, once they got to the location, Majorca, at 2 a.m., their accommodation fell through, and they couldn't book a rental car because neither of them had their driver's licenses. "We can't even book for tonight because you can't book for yesterday," Gael explained.

"We've created our own f-cking comedy show...This is crazy!" Nathan said. 

Don’t miss out on the latest Bravo news:

Nathan & Gael Tell All on What Happened After Season 9: "I Regret Plenty..." (EXCLUSIVE)

Start Watching the Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9 Finale Now

Where the Below Deck Mediterranean Yachties Stand After Season 9 (EXCLUSIVE)

Still, they were able to "work it out" and found a hotel at 2:51 a.m., but they were still running into issues. "We can't find our room," Gael explained in the video. "Our room never exists!"

Are Gael Cameron and Nathan Gallagher in a relationship?

After confirming that they were not  dating the  Below Deck Mediterranean After Show , Nathan and Gael are officially in a relationship as of Wednesday, September 25. The couple took to their Instagram accounts where they posted a photo of them kissing each other. "R3KINDL3D," they wrote in the caption of the post. 

"Finders keepers," Gael wrote in the caption of her own Instagram post , announcing their relationship status.

Even after splitting the first time, they never ruled out anything happening in the future. During the Below Deck Med  After Show , Nathan said that him and Gael "talk every other day." "I wouldn't rule it out," he said. "I wouldn't say it's a closed book. She'll probably say different, though."

Nathan Gallagher and Gael Cameron out together.

Nathan Gallagher posts an image of himself and Gael Cameron to his instagram on July 20, 2024.

Gael & Nathan Share New Look at Their Post-Season 9 Relationship: "Unbelievable"

Gael, on the other hand, reiterated that she had wished they had stayed friends from the beginning. Especially since when they tried traveling together as a couple after the charter season ended, she saw a different side to Nathan. "I just started to see a different side to him..." Gael said. "A little bit of anger, and a little bit, of, like, stubbornness."

While Gael noted that Nathan is someone who "is awesome to be around" she realized that "some people you just shouldn't date," she said, during the After Show.

It seems like the second time around is the charm for Nathan and Gael! Congratulations to the newly rekindled couple!

  • Gael Cameron
  • Nathan Gallagher

Below Deck Mediterranean

  • Below Deck Mediterranean After Show
  • Relationships

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When Is the Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9 Finale? Get All the Details Here

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9 has been a trip to remember. Run by the intrepid Captain Sandy Yawn , the motor yacht Mustique took charter guests and viewers around the sparkling Greek islands. Ancient ruins. New relationships. Mouthwatering meals. It's all been a part of an exhilarating season, right down to adding a member of the crew for the last handful of charters.

Stew Carrie O'Neill joined Chief Stew Aesha Scott , Elena Dubaich , and Bri Muller in the interior. On deck, Bosun Iain Maclean kept things running ship-shape with more than a little help from lead deckhand Joe Bradley . Nathan Gallagher and Gael Cameron rounded out the crew. Chef Johnathan Shillingford , better known as "Jono," worked and twerked in the galley, proving that you don't need a formal culinary education to craft a dinner for even the most discerning guests.

Considering how much has happened already, and one big moment yet to air, you may be wondering: When is the Below Deck Med Season 9 finale? Keep reading to find out.

What everyone's talking about on Bravo

Below Deck's Chef Ben Robinson Is No Longer Engaged: "Best Decision for Both of Us"  Kate Chastain Cheekily Reacts to Chef Ben Robinson's Breakup: "Maybe..."  Aesha Scott Reacts to Below Deck Med Castmate "Talking Sh-t" About Her: "Very Juvenile" 

When is the  Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9 finale?

All yacht seasons must come to an end, so  Below Deck Med Season 9 concludes tonight, Monday, September 23, with the finale at 9/8c on Bravo.

Where can I catch up on Below Deck Mediterranean ?

You can stream Below Deck Med and the Below Deck Mediterranean After Show on Peacock . New episodes of Below Deck Med are added to the collection the day after they air on Bravo.

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The good news is, you can still expect plenty of excitement from the last episode of the season. Early on in Season 9, Captain Sandy revealed to Aesha that she was planning to propose to her longtime girlfriend . As viewers saw in the Below Deck Med finale preview,  this will be the episode that Leah Shafer finally arrives in Greece! But after a season of surprises at sea, will the weather hold up? Will everything go as planned? Will Leah say yes? (Spoiler alert: We already know she does. In May 2024, the two announced they were married!)

For the romantic moment and more from this charter season's naughty yachties, tune in tonight.

Stream Below Deck Med  on Peacock .

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Below deck mediterranean villain ellie dubaich reveals her biggest regret from season 9.


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Below Deck Mediterranean season 9’s villain Ellie Dubaich spoke about her experience aboard the Mustique and revealed her biggest regret about her time aboard the superyacht. Ellie, who hoped to join Below Deck Mediterranean season 9 to train to become a Chief Stew, had a hard time throughout the season. While she did her best, Ellie’s work wasn’t always to the highest quality and her mind wasn’t in the right place. Stuck in a love triangle with her fellow Stew Bri Muller and Lead Deckhand Joe Bradley, Ellie got to a breaking point far faster than anticipated, making things tough .

Ellie has some major regrets about the way she handled herself during the charter season.

According to Bravo , Ellie has some major regrets about the way she handled herself during the season, especially about Bri. Ellie explained that getting to see herself through someone else’s eyes made her think about the way her actions were coming across, sharing she’s regretful about the way she interacted with Bri aboard the Mustique . “I should have been professional, I should have put my emotions aside, and I should have lifted her up and made her feel stronger and find strength in herself. So I regret that,” Ellie explained, sharing that the love triangle with Bri clouded her judgment.

I should have been professional, I should have put my emotions aside, and I should have lifted her up and made her feel stronger and find strength in herself. So I regret that.

What Ellie’s Public Apology To Bri Means

The pair have had issues post-season.

Although Bri and Ellie have made amends a few times on screen throughout Below Deck Med season 9, it appears that watching the show back gave Ellie some new perspective on what happened between the women this charter season . While Ellie was accused of sabotaging Bri at one point because of the way Joe was treating both women, there was camaraderie between them because of the way that Joe was playing the field. Ellie’s behavior toward Bri was difficult to watch, as the Second Stew’s judgment was clouded by the way she felt about the Lead Deckhand at the time.

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Bri and Ellie have both taken jabs at each other during the Below Deck Mediterranean after show and while they still seem to have one another blocked on social media , it’s clear Ellie feels bad about the way she came off on camera. Making her apology in public could make it less credible to Bri in the long run, but the fact that she chose to apologize at all is a great start toward mending their relationship. Ellie’s behavior on Below Deck Mediterranean season 9 wasn’t always the most predictable, but it was clear she had respect for their work.

Our Take On Ellie’s Regrets About Below Deck Med Season 9

She seems genuinely remorseful.

Although Ellie apologized in the context of an interview with Bravo about her actions , where she may want to curry favor with the viewers, it’s a testament to the fact that she spoke about being apologetic at all is a step in the right direction. Ellie’s behavior throughout the season made it clear she was upset about Bri going after Joe , even when she said it was about Bri’s performance aboard Mustique. Knowing now that she’s seen the scope of the season and understands that Joe’s the issue on Below Deck Mediterranean season 9, her apology to Ellie seems legitimate.

Source: Bravo

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Below Deck Mediterranean

Below Deck Mediterranean is a Bravo reality television series that follows a crew that works aboard a gigantic superyacht during the busy season. The show highlights the challenges of the crew as they serve their high-end clientele. Each season tackles new locations, such as Greece, Croatia, Italy, and France, with some repeating.

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Below Deck Mediterranean


yacht charter mediterranean below deck

How To Book The 'Below Deck Mediterranean' Yacht, Because Everyone Needs A Luxury Vacation

If you aren't yet familiar with Below Deck Mediterranean or its predecessor, Below Deck , then you probably have close to no idea how glamorous yacht life is. But if you have been a fan of the Bravo series, and caught the Below Deck Mediterranean series premiere, then you're probably wondering, can you book a trip on Below Deck Mediterranean ? If you've got a couple hundred thousand dollars sitting around, then yes, you can absolutely book a trip on the Ionian Princess of Below Deck Mediterranean .

Much like the series before it, Below Deck Mediterranean will feature the sort of drama fans have come to love and expect from not only Bravo but Below Deck itself. Some of the only differences this time around are the location, which will find us enjoying the insane sights of Greece and since it's in European waters, we can also expect to have the sort of cast and crew made up of all sorts of cultures, ethnicities, and accents. A melting pot at the sea, if you will.

The trailer for the first season of the new series features all sorts of dramatics already, from the crew getting in fights (surprising) to passenger/steward relations (also super surprising. Only, you know, not). Naturally, though, the experience on Below Deck Mediterranean looks like a nonstop party and who doesn't want to be a part of that? So, how do you charter the yacht from Below Deck and what does it even entail? Should you find yourself wanting to be in thick of all of that drama, then here we go.

How Much Does It Cost?

As to be expected, in order to charter the Ionian Princess for a week at a time, it costs a pretty penny . If you are looking to have it for a week in the winter, it's going to run you around $140,087, and should you prefer to take a trip for a week in the summer, costs start at $163,501. For one week.

How Can You Book The Yacht?

Believe it or not, in order to rent a yacht, there is a lot more to it than calling the owner and giving them your credit card info. A vacation rental in Myrtle Beach this is not. Instead, you're looking at speaking to a yacht broker in order to have a middle man of sorts to speak to the owner and crew of the yacht you're looking to charter. Think of them as a travel agent , but kind of on a higher level.

How To Ensure A Spot On The Actual Show

What's that? You want to take a 3-4 day trip on a luxury yacht around the Mediterranean Sea and also appear on a hit Bravo reality show? Yeah, I know. But you don't need to be a millionaire to get to take a trip on the Ionian Princess in this instance. Bravo actually casts for guests specifically , so it has nothing to do with paying to charter the yacht yourself. For a chance to be on Below Deck Mediterranean and get a spot on the Ionian Princess, all you need to do is send your name, phone number, location, picture, and some reasons why you want to go on the yacht to [email protected]. So yeah, you have to somehow come up with why you want to take an awesome luxury yacht trip.

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  • Mediterranean , motoryacht , Spain

Below Deck Mediterranean

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

Below Deck is now firmly positioned as the ultimate sea-faring reality TV series of our times. Millions of us have tuned in to follow the antics and adventures of our favorite crews, as they’ve navigated the dramas of demanding guests, personal rifts, brushes with maritime law and the odd storm or two…

below deck crew

The charter industry certainly stepped into the limelight as the series hit. Many of you were inspired to recreate some of your favorite moments, taking your first charters in the Caribbean in their wake. Now Below Deck Mediterranean is on our screens, you may be starting to form visions of your own adventure in the Med. The good news is it’s totally possible to create your own Below Deck Mediterranean experience, without necessarily breaking the bank. Read on  for our guide to how to go Below Deck on a budget. 

wellesley charter yacht

The Wellesley (named the wellington in the show) is the largest vessel to feature on the series so far – an incredible 184 foot mega yacht! She was built by Oceanco in 1993, and received an extensive refit in 2016 – featuring masses of luxurious marble, leather, velvet and mahogany panelling. The master suite sits proudly on the upper deck with elevated views. The 2016 refit saw the creation of a second VIP suite. 

Whilst all of these luxuries are wonderful to experience on a charter experience, not everyone needs a formal dining room or cigar room aboard their boat. If you’re looking for the full Above Deck experience, we have many incredible super yachts we can offer to you. However, if you’re working with a tighter budget, we can easily work within your means to create the perfect charter for you. 

yacht b3

In the Mediterranean we offer all-inclusive packages aboard stunning gulets for as low as €1500 per person, per week. This experience gives you a week aboard a traditional wooden motor-sailing boat, with a full crew (though we can’t promise Captain Sandy will be at the helm). 

If a gulet doesn’t take your fancy, a catamaran or motor yacht will surely appeal. Whatever the case, our experts are on hand to find the best boat option for you and your group. 

paula iii yacht

The Destination

On our screens, we see the Below Deck crew taking the lucky guests around the breathtaking island of Mallorca, Spain. We have an incredible selection of boats available in the Balearic Islands, so if you have your heart set on this area we’re poised to create your dream experience with you. 

motor yacht steady rider

If you’re open to other Mediterranean destinations, you may also consider Turkey, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, French Riviera… the list goes on. All of these destinations offer unique cultures, landscapes, sightseeing and diverse sailing experiences. If you’re not sure where might be the best location for you and your group, we’d be happy to discuss the different options in more detail. 

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

Ok, so as we mentioned, we can’t promise that Captain sandy will be available to welcome you aboard your charter, or that Chef Kiko will be preparing all of your meals for you during your stay. However, we can guarantee a very warm welcome from an experienced, professional crew. Depending on the package you opt for, your crew will include a captain, chef and a couple of deckhands/sailors. They will take care of everything for you during your vacation – all you need to do is worry about relaxing. We can also assure you that there will be a lot less drama on your charter than you see on screen!

Ahead of your vacation, you will speak with your crew to discuss the details of your itinerary. As local experts, they will be delighted to make suggestions for the best spots you won’t want to miss out on. You will also discuss your dietary preference with your chef, so that they can prepare a delicious menu featuring fresh, local produce. All of your meals will be prepared for you during your stay, and the fridge will be kept topped up with your favorite drinks. 


All-inclusive packages, by their very nature, are incredibly cost-effective, not to mention stress-free. There are no hidden charges once you’re aboard the boat. You have full access to the bar, water toys, and all other amenities.

If you’re keen to cut costs further, you may consider a half-board charter. This means that all of your breakfasts are included, as well as some lunches and dinners, but otherwise you can head ashore to bars or restaurants to sample the local cuisine. Again, your crew will be able to make recommendations and reservations for you, and will be happy to zip you ashore in the tender (unless you’d rather swim!).

Another great option for smaller groups, couples or individuals wishing to have a taste of the Mediterranean is a cabin charter. Cabin charters give you the opportunity to experience life aboard a luxury vessel, with your own cabin and ensuite, and the opportunity to meet some interesting fellow passengers. You’ll still have the full all-inclusive experience, with access to all facilities aboard the boat, but the itinerary will be decided by the crew. 

Let’s Go Below Deck!

This is just a brief introduction to the world of Mediterranean sailing – as seen on your new favorite TV show. The real take-away here is that these packages are totally custom, and we’re here to help you create it. Contact your charter consultant today to start planning your own Below Deck Mediterranean experience!

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BELOW DECK SERIES: Yacht Sirocco from Seasons 2 & 4

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Written by Rachael Steele

The second season of Below Deck Mediterranean showcased the sophisticated 47m/154.2ft superyacht SIROCCO , appearing under her own name as she cruised the beautiful and highly popular Croatian charter grounds .

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

Beautiful superyacht Sirocco from the Below Deck series

She was built by internationally renowned Dutch shipyard Heesen in 2006 and, as with all the other luxury yachts on Below Deck, was refitted before filming in 2017. Her excellent pedigree, stylish interiors and range of amenities has made her attractive for New Year celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries and corporate event charters as she cruises through the Eastern and Western Mediterranean .

The Interiors

The natural tones and materials found in Indonesian design had a significant part to play in the interiors for luxury yacht SIROCCO from Omega Architects . Geometric shapes with gentle curves and large proportions form an elegant contemporary look that is desirable both for special occasions as well as family gatherings and getaways among friends.

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

Celebrations large and small will begin in the main salon that joins with the formal dining area, creating a massive environment that works well for large dockside gatherings as well as intimate family meals. The bar aft has a wide selection for light afternoon refreshments all the way to strong spirits for guests who like to party hard into the early hours.

Since the Master suite is on the upper deck where the sky lounge is typically placed, this second salon – which doubles as a cinema – is instead a media room forward on the main deck. This puts all the indoor entertainment areas on the same level to convenience both guests and crew.

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

Engineering is always a priority with Heesen, and luxury yacht SIROCCO has an excellent top speed of 26 knots and a cruising speed of 20 knots using her MTU 3,700 HP engines.

The Exteriors

Heesen and Omega Architects worked together to style the exterior, opting for classic curves and a strong muscular appearance in black and white.

The main deck aft is an easily accessed social hub off the main salon where the sofas, armchairs and coffee tables are arranged to create a cosy and casual ambiance for morning coffee right through to nightcaps at twilight. It’s also the best place to be when guests want access to the water and the toys, and sunbathing on the swim platform below.

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

Exterior profile

The upper deck aft can be a private outdoor terrace for the occupants of the Master suite, or accessed by all for memorable outdoor meals at the large alfresco dining setting. Whether dining or not, the sofa seating curving along the edge welcomes guests to take the weight off their feet and enjoy the moment in the warm Mediterranean breeze. The foredeck meanwhile has a row of sunpads to soak up the sunshine and the views, and seating behind makes a great alternative to formal lunches and refreshments without ever needing to leave the area.

The sundeck is a superb retreat to watch the vibrant Dalmatian Coast sunsets: Guests can relax and chat over cocktails on the sundeck forward, or head aft to soak in the eight-person Jacuzzi before drying off on the sunpads on a clear starry night.

The Accommodation

There are 6 wonderfully large en-suite cabins on board to sleep up to 12 guests: 1 Master suite, 1 VIP stateroom, 2 double cabins and 2 twin cabins.

The upper deck Master suite enjoys 180° views and a shaded aft terrace for quiet evenings under starry night skies or morning coffee in the shade while marvelling at the white cliffs along the Istrian peninsula. The air-conditioned bedroom has TV entertainment for those mornings when guests can’t sleep but also don’t want to get out of their king-sized bed, and the cavernous en-suite bathroom comes with a marble bathtub for the occupants to soak away their cares.

yacht charter mediterranean below deck


The VIP stateroom on the main deck is well-proportioned to offer a queen-sized bed and loveseat in addition to TV entertainment and another large en-suite bathroom.

The rest of the guest accommodation on the lower deck is each unique, while ensuring that guest comfort and room entertainment is not neglected.

The Water Toys

M/Y SIROCCO has a great collection of water toys to keep guests active and entertained from one side of the Mediterranean to the other. Among the collection is:

  • 2 x jet skis
  • a wakeboard
  • snorkelling equipment

Guests who want to keep moving in the evenings or while cruising have a well-equipped gym on the sundeck that can be opened up to the fresh sea air.

Want a luxurious holiday with all the details taken care of? See the spectacular Croatian charter grounds for yourselves in opulence and tranquillity with superyacht SIROCCO this season.


Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "BELOW DECK SERIES: Yacht Sirocco from Seasons 2 & 4".

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Below Deck Yachts

Yacht with Below Deck logo

If you’ve never seen the show, it follows the crew of a luxury yacht during peak “charter season.” The original Below Deck, for example, showed off the glitz and glamour of the Caribbean, especially around St. Thomas, the British Virgin Islands, and the Bahamas. The Mediterranean spin-off, on the other hand, highlights European hotspots, including Italy, Spain and Croatia.

The show is undeniably a ton of fun. From the drama in the crew quarters, to the incredible beaches, the show provides an entertaining look behind the curtain.

Yet, the chartered superyachts are the real stars of the show. Each season, Below Deck features a truly stunning super yacht. All of them measure over 150 feet and are decked out in opulent features, staterooms and amenities. And here’s something you might not know: The majority of the Below Deck yachts are available for charter!

Below Deck Charter Yachts

Through five seasons, Below Deck has featured some of the most magnificent super yachts in the world. Some of the yachts have changed ownership since the show, been renamed, or have undergone a refitting. Yet, most look like they did from the show.

But beyond the name and maybe a few changes to the interior, there aren’t many differences. All of the water toys, Jacuzzis and stunning outdoor dining areas are what you’ll find on the yachts available for charter! So which charter yachts are available?

SeasonYachtReal NameLengthCharter Rate
1HonorLumiere163.8’From $175,000/week
2OhanaRhino154’From $140,000/week
3ErosMustang Sally161’Not Available
4ValorBG153.9’Not Available
5ValorBG153.9’Not Available
Mediterranean 1Ionian PrincessIonian Princess150’From €145,000/week
Mediterranean 2SiroccoSirocco154.2′From €180,000/week
Mediterranean 3Talisman MaitonTalisman Maiton177.1′From €231,000/week

Here’s a more detailed look at the yachts featured on the original Below Deck:

Honor – Season 1

Lumiere yacht

Honor (which is now LUMIERE) kicked off the first season, and she put on a dazzling display. The yacht, originally built by Benetti in 1999, is one of the largest yachts ever featured on the show, and it was actually booked for a five-week charter for filming.

HONOR benefited from the new-found fame of the show. She sold after it aired for nearly $15 million, and the new owners completely refit her interiors and renamed the boat. Today, LUMIERE is a masterpiece of nautical engineering.

She features luxurious accommodations for up to 12 guests and an abundance of deck space, including a sprawling sun deck. The yacht also features a wide array of water toys (the slide was a struggle for the crew all season!).

Ohana – Season 2

Yacht Rhino

Season 2 took the crew on a tour of the British Virgin Islands and featured some familiar faces. Captain Lee, Chef Ben, and Bosun Eddie were back, much to the pleasure of fans. Yet, the yacht was completely different.

OHANA (real name is RHINO) was featured on the second season, a stunning 154-footer, with beautiful decks, a horseshoe outdoor bar, and a stunning outdoor sun deck. After the show aired in 2014, Ohana underwent an extensive retrofit.

She now features an updated interior with a decidedly modern, airy vibe, as well as new hardware, including a state-of-the-art stabilization system.

Eros – Season 3

Yacht Mustang Sally

EROS took centerstage in Season 3, and the 161-foot yacht, originally built for the founder of Tim Hortons, was one of the most luxurious featured on the show. The beautiful tri-deck, featured a stately saloon, a sky lounge Jacuzzi, and sleek exterior styling.

EROS – which was sold prior to the third season – has since been renamed and was also remodeled. She’s now known as Mustang Sally, and unfortunately, this is one of the few Below Deck charter yachts that’s not available for charter.

Valor – Seasons 4 & 5

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

The stately VALOR was a fan favorite in Season 4 and 5. Built in 1990 by Dutch-based Feadship, the 154-foot VALOR featured a sprawling aft deck, perfect for sunset dinners and afternoon lounges. Plus, the ship – when featured on the show – had a range of water toys, including dual jet skis and a sleek, boutique hotel-inspired interior.

Like Mustang Sally, VALOR – which is now known as simply BG – isn’t available for charter. Yet, fans will always remember all the drama that took place on board.

Below Deck Mediterranean Yachts

Below Deck Mediterranean premiered in 2016, and through three seasons, the show has featured some of the Med’s best yachts. All of the yachts from the Mediterranean spin-off are available for charter, exactly how you see them on the show.

Ionian Princess – Season 1

Yacht Ionian Princess

Season 1 of Below Deck Mediterranean launched with a bang, featuring one of the strongest premieres for the franchise. Although there was plenty of drama throughout the season as the crew traveled around Greece, the beauty of IONIAN PRINCESS couldn’t be missed. The ship, which was originally built in the U.S. in 2005, featured a sleek, streamlined tri-deck design and gorgeous interiors.

The sun deck – where guests partied all season long – is one of the yacht’s star attractions, featuring a Jacuzzi with world-class views. Her interior, though, is one of the most stunning, featuring a chic design. The yacht also includes six cabins with accommodations for up to 12 guests.

Sirocco – Season 2

Sirocco yacht

Season 2 took the crew to Croatia, aboard SIROCCO. The Dutch-built yacht originally launched in 2006, and thanks to its unique two-tone, third-deck exterior, she was remembered for her striking exterior. All of the yacht’s features made great TV. From her incredible sun deck, to the African chic interior, and all of the many water toys, SIROCCO’s impressive design and amenities stood out.

Today, she’s available for charter throughout the Mediterranean. A few unique features include a sun deck gym, an alfresco party deck, a theatre, and a wide array of water toys.

Talisman Maiton – Season 3


Named for an island in Thailand, TAILSMAN MAITON is a stunning tri-deck that cruises the pristine waters of Italy and all of the Mediterranean. The largest to ever be featured on the show, TAILSMAN is truly incredible.

The yacht accommodates 12 guests, in 6 beautifully appointed rooms. There’s a master suite, as well as 1 VIP stateroom, and four smaller cabins. The yacht was built in 2006, but most recently refit in 2016 with a timeless Art Deco aesthetic. The yacht also features a sundeck spa pool with a beautiful bar, a full-service gym, and an observation deck with panoramic views.

How Long Are the Below Deck Charters?

Here’s a little-known secret about Below Deck: The “charter season” on the show is just a few weeks. In fact, the yachts are actually booked for about six weeks, and their regular crews are sent home. In other words, the charters on Below Deck are actually a charter within a charter!

Each of the Below Deck charters last just a few days, and each episode features new charter guests.

Below Deck Yacht Rental Costs

Hiring a yacht from Below Deck isn’t cheap. The majority cost in the neighborhood of $150,000 per week. Yet, that charter rate doesn’t include expenses, including fuel, dockage fees, and taxes.

Yet, for that price, you’ll get a truly world-class experience. The crews of each of these yachts provide first-class service and all of the boats are fully loaded with amenities. There’s nothing quite like it in the world. And by hiring one of these superyachts, you’ll also have bragging rights for chartering a yacht featured on a TV show!

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Gary King’s Behavior Has Already Stained ‘Below Deck Sailing Yacht’ Season 5


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All it takes is one rotten apple to taint the reputation of a beloved series . That’s the exact effect of Gary King ’s behavior on Below Deck Sailing Yacht . Bravo recently announced that Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 will reunite Captain Glenn Shephard , Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher , and King as they spend their charter season in Ibiza. The new installment, which comes after almost a year since the wrap of Season 4, has sparked controversy owing to the inclusion of King, who has been accused of sexual misconduct . A production member accused King of forcing himself on her while he was in an inebriated state during the filming of Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 in Sardinia, Italy.

While King has vehemently denied the allegations, considering his playboy ways since his debut on Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2, viewers are leaning toward believing he is guilty. Given his reputation on deck, he often gets tangled in boatmances and love triangles , making viewers and those involved increasingly uncomfortable. His time on Parsifal III has nearly always led him into hookups with his fellow crew mates. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 filming has been wrapped for over a year and was allegedly delayed due to the strong allegations against King . Given the gravity of the situation and the safety of women on board, the question arises: Why is Gary King being allowed to run wild as a part of the upcoming season?

Gary King’s Behavior Was Problematic From the Get-Go

Gary King joined the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 cast in March 2021 as First Mate on Parsifal III and was later promoted to First Officer by Captain Shephard. King had 12 years of experience as a first mate and a captain on smaller boats, making him exceptionally good at his job. However, his sexual and romantic endeavors often led him into messy conundrums. From the get-go, King has been embroiled in boatmances and hooked up with fellow crew members, earning him the title of the resident f-boy on deck . Right from his debut season, King wasted no time hooking up with his deckhand, Sydney Zaruba , by the end of the second episode. However, eventually, King realized he was more interested in Third Stew Alli Dore , which resulted in his first love triangle on the show . Things got extra messy, and Dore broke things off with him shortly after the season wrapped. Interestingly, it must also be noted that Gary King had a long-distance girlfriend while pursuing both women on deck .

Season 3 saw King quickly move onto a new love triangle with Junior Stews Ashley Marti and Scarlett Bentley , before which he was also briefly pursuing Gabriela Barragan , who left early. Although it was evident that Marti was way more into King than he was, he continued his incessant, cringeworthy advances toward Bentley. In Season 4, things took a wild turn, with the prominent tensions between Daisy Kelliher and Gary King taking center stage . King was at a disadvantage that season as he arrived a few days later when Kelliher already had a thing going on with Chief Engineer Colin MacRae . King disregarded what the duo had going on and pursued Kelliher most uncomfortably, landing him in a third love triangle. When Daisy refused to give in to his advances, he immediately engaged in a situationship with Mads Herrera . He later accused Herrera of playing with his feelings despite her stating they were always casual.

'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Crew Members Have Accused King of Sexual Assault

On August 24, 2023, Rolling Stone released an exposé where a production member of the show accused Gary King of sexual assault. Samantha Suarez , who first joined the makeup department on Below Deck Season 10, revealed in the article that King forced himself on her while filming Season 4 in Sardinia, Italy , in the summer of 2022. During that period, crew members stayed in the same hotel, and before filming charters on the yacht and on the few “dark days,” so did Below Deck cast members . Suarez, who did hair and makeup for the cast, was also responsible for carrying out everyday tasks like ensuring that the cast members were safely placed in their hotel rooms, bringing them food and water, and so on. She noted that King was being difficult from the get-go and not adhering to COVID protocols when they first arrived in Sardinia.

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"I think that this is the best decision for both of us."

While recounting the incident, Suarez revealed how she was given the responsibility of accompanying King back to his hotel room while he was visibly intoxicated after he filmed his interviews for the show. After much difficulty, she got King safely into his hotel room when he repeatedly asked her not to leave. Right when she was about to leave, King came up behind her, grabbing and pressing his body against Suarez , refusing to let her go. She managed to get him off after kicking and elbowing him, and by a stroke of luck, she received a call from a talent manager at that very moment. It should also be noted that King was just wearing his underwear at the time . Suarez immediately informed producers, and King was instructed to sleep on the boat for the remainder of the “dark days.”

Gary King’s Reputation Didn’t Help Matters Despite His Denial

Gary King’s behavior toward women has been problematic for years, which makes his denial of Suarez’s claims hard to believe. Be it the nature of his complicated relationship with Daisy Kelliher or his unhinged flirting with Stews Lucy Edmunds and Herrera, which made them visibly uncomfortable. King even made a snide and painfully uncomfortable comment on his sexual endeavors with Herrera related to her period, which was addressed on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen . The Rolling Stone article also revealed that several anonymous crew members came forward to recount incidents where King was being predatory and disrespectful, terming him “ next-level scary with women.” They also revealed other instances, such as when King had grabbed a female cast member’s butt despite her asking him to stop and where he grabbed a production crew member’s genitals.

According to US Weekly , King broke his silence on the incident in the comments section of one of his Instagram posts on the same day as the Rolling Stone story . In since-deleted replies to comments where viewers questioned the allegations, King stated that Suarez’s claims were far from the truth and accused her of making him an unlucky target while she sought a platform. He further expressed how she lied and threw shade at the anonymous accusers. King also doubled down on his denial by accusing Suarez and her boyfriend of targeting him as a revenge ploy for not being invited back on Below Deck over problems they had caused. In the same comment, King also addressed how the allegations have affected his career and his family , describing it as the most challenging period.

The Allegations Against King Should've Been Handled Better

Post the incident, both Bravo and 51 Minds Entertainment released statements to Rolling Stone which reiterated how they are committed to providing a safe working environment for the cast and crew with an update on the incident, “the concerns Ms. Suarez raised in July 2022 were investigated at that time and action was taken based on the findings.” King was also removed from his panel at BravoCon 2023, but he continued filming. However, the revelations made in the exposé insinuated how production often lets such issues slide, and crew members who were vocal about witnessing the harassment were not asked to return for the following season . It cannot be ignored that, despite Gary King’s denial, his behavior across seasons — even before the incident — was quite problematic.

Bravo’s sweeping of the matter under the rug didn’t do anyone any favors as, ideally, they should’ve resorted to an immediate termination like in the case of Below Deck Down Under where Captain Jason Chambers booted Luke Jones and Laura Bileskalne for sexual misconduct . Captain Shephard should’ve overlooked his longstanding camaraderie with King and resorted to taking strict action against him, keeping in mind the women on deck. While it can be understandable to some extent that King had to be a part of Season 5, as it was filmed in advance, it would be disappointing to see him return if the show gets renewed for another season. It would further stain the already tarnished reputation of the reality TV show and cause them to lose respect in the eyes of their fans. While it remains to be seen whether scenes featuring Gary King have been kept minimal or edited out, there’s no doubt that his actions have left a permanent smudge on Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 premieres on October 7 at 9 p.m. ET on Bravo in the U.S. The episode will be available to stream the next day on Peacock.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Not available

In a reality TV series, a crew aboard a luxury sailing yacht navigates the challenges of providing five-star service to affluent guests while managing personal dynamics and the unpredictable nature of the sea. Each episode reveals a blend of high-seas adventure and behind-the-scenes drama among the crew members.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

Below Deck: Sirocco Yacht Charter Itinerary

Below Deck Itinerary: Suggested Mediterranean Sirocco Yacht charter itineraries

Take in the majestic cultural hotspots and wondrous rugged timeless coasts of the Mediterranean as you charter your yacht around Corsica , French Riviera or Sardinia . Just as the charter guests did on board Below Deck Mediterranean season 2 !

From rustic provincial towns and sleepy fishing villages to lively cosmopolitan cities of culture, there are too many exciting destinations worthy of a mention. That’s the enduring appeal of this part of the world. You are simply spoilt for choice.

Bonafacio to St Florent

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

If immersing yourself in nature is your thing, how about two blissful days of island hopping in Corsica’s Maddalena archipelago, walking pine-tree-clad hills and swimming in turquoise waters off  idyllic coral-pink sandy beaches. Get the ultimate snorkelling experience, getting up close to a dazzling variety of marine life in the UNESCO-protected Girolata Bay.

Read more on the Bonafacio to St Florent itinerary

Monaco to Antibes

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

For city-lovers and culture vultures, the French Riviera is a perennial favourite. Rub shoulders with the jet set and experience life at its most glamourous. Hit the famous sights of St Tropez in the much-idolised on-screen sights of Port Grimmaud and Pampelonne Beach. After a stop in the pulsing magnetic city of Cannes, experience the freedom of the open seas exploring the enchanting tranquil Lerins islands with a spot of water sports. Then culminate your voyage with visits to the historical heart of the chic French Riviera city of Antibes, strolling golden sunbathed palm-tree-fringed boulevards.

Read more on the Monaco to Antibes itinerary  

yacht charter mediterranean below deck

With its rugged beauty, dozens of sheltered harbours, and warm climate, Sardinia is an island of many treasures and wonderful contrasts. Wander the cobbled streets of the ancient walled city of Alghero, where time has stood still for centuries. Revel in the glamour of Olbia’s smart boutiques, bars and restaurants serving the freshest catches from the sea. Pay a visit to the quiet coastal fishing village of Chia, where flamingos have made their home. Feel the call of the wild, exploring the isolated serene pink rocky coastline of Costa Smeralda’s Spiaggia del Principe and its very inviting golden sandy beaches.

Read more about exploring Sardinia

With Princess Yacht Charter you can piece together your own bespoke ‘below deck’ yacht itinerary. To book your perfect Sirocco yacht charter voyage , give our team a call on +44 (0)207 499 5050, or email [email protected] .

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VIDEO: Below Deck Mediterranean Season 4 yacht & destination revealed

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By Editorial Team   18 April 2019

It has been revealed that Below Deck Mediterranean Season 4 has been filmed around the glittering cruising grounds of the South of France , with the 47m/154ft superyacht SIROCCO playing host to the season 4 crew and guests.

Hitting our screens on June 3, Below Deck Mediterranean is making its triumphant return for season 4, and this time we can expect Captain Sandy Yawn and her crew to be exploring the billionaire’s playground of the French Riviera .

The home port for season 4 has been identified as Vieux Port Golfe Juane, which sits in between the glitzy yachting marina of Antibes and Cannes. This prime situation means there will be a number of excellent locations on the itinerary for season 4; take a look at a South of France yacht charter itinerary for more information.

Graphic of woman on yacht-promo image for Below Deck Mediterranean

Which yacht will be starring in Season 4 of Below Deck Mediterranean?

Superyacht SIROCCO will be starring in season 4 of Below Deck Mediterranean. She is a returning favourite of the show, having starred in season 2, when the crew headed to Croatia. The Heesen-built motor yacht has a variety of alluring features, including an 8-person jacuzzi, exotic interiors and a multimedia entertainment room.

If you'd like to view a complete run-down of Below Deck yachts, their real names and how much it costs to rent them , you can head over to our article. We even have the scoop on the brand new series 'Below Deck Sailing Vessel '.

Luxury yacht SIROCCO aerial shot

Which crew members are starring in Below Deck Mediterranean season 4?

As well as a returning superyacht, season 4 of Below Deck Mediterranean will also see plenty of familiar faces in the crew. An original fixture since season one, Chief Stewardess Hannah Ferrier will be back again to head up the interior crew, under the guidance of Captain Sandy Yawn at the helm. Below her, Colin Macy-O’Toole and freshly-promoted bosun Joao Franco will be striving to ensure smooth sailing.

Two new deckhands will be joining them; Travis Michalzik and Jack Stirrup are making their television debuts on the show, and Bravo TV has hinted that both of them could be at the centre of drama during season 4.

Below Deck season 4 cast members

Adding to the interior crew, Hannah will be joined by experienced second stew Aesha Scott and third stew Anastasia Surmava. The three seemed to enjoy a budding friendship, over the course of filming, with Scott posting a picture of them laughing under the sun in Antibes.

Marking a first for the Below Deck franchise, Mila Kolomeitseva will be the first female chef in Below Deck’s history. The experienced chef boasts Cordon Bleau training from Paris, so she should be right at home in the French Riviera setting; but she has her work cut out for her after suffering from a bout of food poisoning before the first charter.

View this post on Instagram Filming this show was easily the most fun thing I’ve ever done!! SO excited for that first episode to air and laugh as everyone rips the shit out of me. I’d say these two probably managed everything a bit more gracefully than I did 😂 A post shared by Aesha Jean (@aesha_jean) on Apr 16, 2019 at 7:18pm PDT

Could Chef Ben be back?

Social media was sent into a frenzy when a picture was posted showing Chef Ben Robinson hanging out with the crew of Below Deck Mediterranean season 4 in a restaurant in Nice. While the Below Deck yachties have been known to meet up during filming, fans were quick to point out that Chef Mila did not appear to be present at the table. This would not be the first time Ben has swooped in mid-way through a charter season to help out- after Chef Leon was sent packing in Below Deck season 3, it was Ben who stepped in to save the day.

If you're counting down the days until the original Below Deck is back, check out our article, which tells you the destination and the yacht which will feature in Below Deck season 7 .

Bravo TV below deck mediterranean season 4 cast members eating dinner

Where was Below Deck Mediterranean Season 4 filmed?

Below Deck Mediterranean season 4 was filmed around the South of France’s Cote d’Azur. As mentioned above, the home port has been identified as Vieux Port Golfe Juane, which is located in close proximity to the buzzing bars and nightclubs of Antibes. The yachties will have plenty of opportunities to let loose at the end of every charter.

Bay and promenade in the South of France

On the shores of Antibes, the crew can expect to find picturesque squares filled with lively cafes, boutique shops and authentic ice-cream parlours. Off the coast, the waters of Antibes are crystal-clear, creating the perfect opportunity to drop anchor and enjoy some watersports.

The historic city of Cannes, home to the iconic Cannes Film Festival, will be one of the destinations on the yacht’s itinerary. As well as some great beaches, the romantic city is also home to cobbled streets, ornate Belle Epoque architecture and fantastic waterfront restaurants.

Cannes town aerial view

One of the most iconic destinations in the South of France, St Tropez is a superyacht playground. The once-humble fishing village is now a happening hotspot, with a vibrant shopping scene, relaxing beach clubs and wild entertainment line-up in the evenings.

The land of luxury and a certified superyacht hub, Monaco is awash with glitz and glamour. When the F1 Monaco Grand Prix comes to town, the pint-sized principality is transformed into a hive of celebrities and F1 legends.  The region is equally alluring at other times of the year, with plenty of designer fashion houses, world-class restaurants and the casino of Monte-Carlo to keep guests happy.

Fountain outside palace in Monaco

Ile Saint Marguerite

Set adrift from the mainland, Ile Saint Marguerite is a lovely little island covered in pine forests, with plenty of charming beaches located here and on the neighbouring Ile St Honorat. Guests exploring this island chain, known as Les Lerins, can expect to see the legendary cell of the 'Man with the Iron Mask' or dine at an ancient monastery, where the monks make their own honey, wine and lavender oil.

Nice and the surrounding coastlines offer up some of the most blissful beaches in the region, all of which are backed by palm trees swaying in the mind. The beautiful city is brimming with examples of classic French architecture, with warm stone houses, elaborate fountains and plenty of bars and nightclubs.

Bright blue water in coastal city in South of France

Calanque de Saint Barthelemy

This beautiful, secluded beach can almost exclusively only be accessed by boat and superyachts who know about this secret hideaway can drop anchor off the coast and let their charter guests take a tender in. It’s an excellent site for a beach picnic, thanks to the wide expanse of beach lapped by crystalline water.

If you'd like to know about yacht charters in France , please reach out to your preferred yacht charter broker .

More Yacht Information

Sirocco yacht charter

47m Heesen 2006 / 2013


EXCLUSIVE: Below Deck Season 7 yacht and destination revealed

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Behind the scenes: Captain Sandy Yawn on the reality of filming Below Deck Mediterranean

Sandy Yawn, the coolheaded captain who has shot to fame on Below Deck has returned to the helm for season six, Below Deck Mediterranean. Speaking to BOAT International she opens up about her experiences of filming the hit US reality show shown on US network Bravo.

The opportunity for Sandy, 55, to first join the Below Deck series “landed on her lap” after an acquaintance recommended her to the showrunner five years ago.

Captain Sandy revealed that she was discouraged from joining the show but decided to pursue the opportunity anyway.

“Everyone was saying don’t do it, you’ll ruin your career and I was like ‘This just landed in my lap, I can’t say no to it!' I went to the interview and said if it happens, it happens, if it doesn’t, it doesn’t. I thought well I’m already a successful captain, I can always get another job.”

Luckily, captain Sandy breezed through the interviews and was asked to join the second season of Below Deck Mediterranean, replacing outgoing captain Mark Howard.

Despite initial warnings not to join, captain Sandy said she was never concerned about her own portrayal on the show.

“You can’t make someone look bad if they’re doing their job right, no matter how you edit it,” she said. “I’m a competent captain. I’m a woman so I’ve had to work five times harder than anyone else to get there. I'm there to do the job and the TV bit comes second," she said.

She admits that her first season on the show, which saw her take charge of the 47 metre Heesen superyacht Sirocco during a busy charter season in Croatia, was a “huge learning curve” in comparison to working on professional charters.

“When you’re from the charter world, you’re used to having the best charter crew on the planet,” she said. “And then you step on board Below Deck and the chief stew has no experience.”

Working with “green” crew is a key challenge in filming  Below Deck , she said. “When someone doesn’t have passion for the job or is just there to be on TV and hope their career is going to take off, that is hard for me. I don’t have time for it, and you can always tell – the camera never lies.”

One area that poses no challenges for captain Sandy is the logistics of filming the show. “I love the production side of it,” she said. “It’s all about logistics, which is what you do as a captain.”

The intense filming schedule squeezes 16 charters into a filming period of eight weeks. This means that two groups of guests will charter the yacht in a single week, giving the crew less than 24 hours to prepare the boat for the next charter.

“Charter means working 24/7,” captain Sandy explained. “We end charter and do the tipping thing, which we’ve always done, and then we start turning the boat around. The next day, the crew are all doing interviews and then we pick up charter again.”

The sixth season of Below Deck Mediterranean features 55 metre Benetti superyacht Lady Michelle as the main charter yacht.

Alongside chartering the superyacht, the Below Deck production also charters a second boat during filming to be used by the film crew for lunch breaks, as well as a large tender to ferry around cast and production crew.

Meanwhile, more than 60 hotel rooms are booked out to support the production while an average day’s filming will see around 30 people on board the yacht.

Captain Sandy is keen to emphasise the positivity of the show, which she says is “doing a great thing for our industry.” “It shows that there are so many jobs in the industry and that there’s an industry out there thriving.”

Click here to read BOAT International's feature on superyacht Lady Michelle , the star of Below Deck Mediterranean season six.

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