riverboat 15.9 23

Sendung vom 15.09.2023

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Gast Gastronomin

Gast Wettermoderator

Gast Dachdeckermeister und Präsident Zentralverband Deutsches Handwerk

Gast Schauspieler

Gast Galerist und Experte bei „Bares für Rares“

Gast Sängerin

Produktionsauftrag MDR

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Episode dated 15 September 2023

  • Episode aired Sep 15, 2023

Riverboat - Die MDR-Talkshow aus Leipzig (1992)

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Aleksandar Jovanovic

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Riverboat: Die Gäste heute Abend im MDR (15.09.2023)

Riverboat - Die Gäste heute Abend im MDR Fernsehen

Die “Riverboat”-Gäste: Detlev Kümmel, Sarah Wiener, Sven Plöger, AnNa R., Aleksandar Jovanovic, Hermann Beyer und Jörg Dittrich.

“Riverboat”-Gäste heute

Detlev Kümmel, Galerist und Experte bei “Bares für Rares” “Ich habe noch nie in meinem Leben gearbeitet”, meint der Kunstexperte Detlev Kümmel. Seit 7 Jahren ist er Teil der Erfolgssendung “Bares für Rares” und macht seinen Job aus Leidenschaft und nicht, weil er muss. Seinem Urteil vertraut man, und ist nicht selten überrascht er, wenn sich vermeintlicher Krempel als teure Kunst entpuppt. 10 Jahre wird die Sendung nun alt und Kümmel hat einiges aus dem Nähkästchen zu erzählen.

Sarah Wiener, Spitzenköchin und Gastronomin Aus einer politischen Köchin wurde eine kochende Politikerin. Spitzenköchin Sarah Wiener setzte sich schon immer für eine gesunde Ernährung und das Tierwohl ein. Vor über 4 Jahren zog sie für die österreichischen Grünen in das Europäische Parlament. Warum Veganer die Tierindustrie noch reicher machen – und wie man auch zu zweit schnell und gut kochen kann, das verrät sie uns auf dem Riverboat.

Sven Plöger, Meteorologe und Bestseller-Autor Dass der Klimawandel uns dramatisch trifft, ist bei den extremen Wetterkatastrophen in diesem Jahr weltweit wieder sehr deutlich geworden. Und Sven Plöger hat seinen vor drei Jahre erschienenen Bestseller neu betiteln müssen: “Zieht euch warm an, es wird noch heißer!” Noch heißer als gedacht und befürchtet. Der Meteorologe und Wettermoderator erklärt anschaulich und ganz unaufgeregt, welche Physik hinter den Veränderungen auf unserem Globus stehen.

AnNa R., Sängerin, Ex-Rosenstolz Jeder kann und sollte eine K önigin oder ein König sein. Da das auf einem Plattencover viel zum umständlich zu erklären ist, nennt AnNa R. ihr erstes Solo Album selbstbewusst “König:In”. AnNa R., über viele Jahre Stimme und Frontfrau von Rosenstolz, widmet sich in der seit 2012 andauernden Schaffenspause des Kultduos verschiedenen Projekten, ihrer eigenen Band “Gleis 8” oder brilliert als Gastsängerin von Silly. Jetzt präsentiert sie sich allein mit tiefgängigen Pop Chansons. Dabei bleibt sie ganz sie selbst, eine Frau, die etwas zu sagen hat und das mit sehr hörenswerter Musik und Stimme. Ab 21. September ist die 53-jährige Berlinerin endlich wieder auf Tour und verspricht, auch den einen oder anderen Rosenstolz Hit im Gepäck zu haben.

Aleksandar Jovanovic, Schauspieler Wer kann das schon von sich behaupten als Action Figur in tausenden Kinderzimmern gelandet zu sein. Dabei war ihm zunächst gar nicht bewusst, wie viele Fans die britische Serie hat, als er für eine Nebenrolle in “Who” zusagte. Aleksandar Jovanovic ist einer der international erfolgreichsten deutschen Schauspieler, stand u.a. mit Sir Anthony Hopkins oder Dame Helen Mirren vor der Kamera. Aber auch in der Heimat ist der 52-Jährige mit serbischen Wurzeln vielbeschäftigt. Aktuell läuft die bereits vierte Staffel der Erfolgsserie “Die Heiland – Wir sind Anwalt” mit ihm als Anwalt Rudi Illic im Ersten.

Hermann Beyer, Schauspieler Vor 60 Jahren begann seine Karriere mit dem Schauspielstudium in Berlin. Jetzt feierte der Mime, der in zahlreichen Kultfilmen mitwirkte, seinen 80. Geburtstag. Die DEFA-Stiftung verleiht ihm dafür am 29. 09. den Preis für sein künstlerisches Lebenswerk. Hermann Beyers Bruder, Regie-Legende Frank Beyer, besetzte ihn zum Beispiel in “Jakob der Lügner” (1974), der einzigen DDR-Produktion, die eine Oscar-Nominierung erhielt. Bis heute steht Hermann Beyer vor der Kamera, zuletzt für Matti Geschonnecks “Unterleuten – Das zerrissene Dorf” und die Netflix-Serie “Dark”.

Jörg Dittrich, Dachdeckermeister und Präsident Zentralverband Deutsches Handwerk Die einen sagen dem Handwerk goldene Zeiten voraus, die anderen sehen es in der Krise. Fachkräftemangel, Nachwuchssorgen, Kostenexplosionen, Wartezeiten und der Energiewandel – das sind Sorgen, die das Handwerk derzeit umtreibt. Jörg Dittrich, Dresdner Dachdeckermeister und Präsident des Zentralverbands des Deutschen Handwerks kämpft unermüdlich für die Wertschätzung der beruflichen Bildung. Im RIVERBOAT erzählt er, wie Handwerk, Familie, Tradition und Innovation zusammenhängen.

Infos zur Talkshow

Die Talkshow wurde ab Januar 1992 zunächst wöchentlich als MDR-Club von der Dresden und ab April 1992 von der Florentina ausgestrahlt, zwei auf der Elbe in Dresden gelegenen Schiffen.

Im Januar 1994 wurde die Sendung in Riverboat umbenannt und bis 2016 vierzehntägig gesendet. Seit dem Jahre 2000 befindet sich das Studio in Leipzig. Von 2003 bis 2008 wurde die Sendung dort in der Riverboat-Bühne produziert. Seit September 2008 wird sie aus dem Studio 3 der Media City Leipzig gesendet.

Am 15. Oktober 2021 ist der Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg in die Produktion des Riverboats eingestiegen. Die Sendung kam seitdem im wöchentlichen Wechsel aus Leipzig und Berlin mit zwei verschiedenen Moderationsteams. Mit der letzten Sendung am 18. November 2022 aus Berlin endete diese Kooperation. Seitdem wird die Sendung wieder ausschließlich vom MDR in Leipzig produziert.


Seit 2019 ist nach zehn Jahren Pause Jörg Kachelmann wieder Teil der Sendung, der mit Kim Fisher das Moderatorenduo bildet.

Moderator/in Jahre
Kim Fisher 1998–2005, seit 2014
Jörg Kachelmann 1997, 1999–2004, 2007–2009, seit 2019
Jan Hofer 1992–2012
Hans-Erich Bilges 1992–1993
Antje Garden 1992–1993
Ulli Klein 1992–1993
Barbara Molsen 1992
Janine Strahl-Oesterreich 1992
Christel Cohn-Vossen 1993
Michel Friedman 1993–1994
Hilde Heim 1993–1994
Andrea Horn 1993–1994
Birgit Lehmann 1993
Christiane Gerboth 1994–1996
Peter Stefan Herbst 1994–1996
Carmen Krickau 1994
Petra Schwarz 1994
Madeleine Wehle 1996–1998
Klaus-Peter Grap 1998–1999
Carsten Weidling 2004–2005
Else Buschheuer 2005–2006
Roberto Cappelluti 2005–2006
Andrea Kiewel 2007
Günter Struve 2009–2010
Mareile Höppner 2009–2012
Ruth Moschner 2010–2013
René Kindermann 2013–2016
Susan Link 2017–2018
Jörg Pilawa 2017–2018
Stephanie Stumph 2017–2018
Sebastian Fitzek 2021–2022

Links zu “Riverboat”

Homepage der Sendung “Riverboat”: https://www.mdr.de/riverboat/

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  • 15.09.: Neue komplette Folge: Riverboat vom 13. September (ZDFmediathek)
  • 14.09.: Neue komplette Folge: Riverboat vom 13. September (ARD Mediathek)
  • 11.09.: Neues Online-Video: Friedrich Schorlemmers letzter Auftritt im "Riverboat" 2019 (ARD Mediathek)
  • 11.09.: Neues Online-Video: Friedrich Schorlemmers letzter Auftritt im "Riverboat" 2019 (ZDFmediathek)
  • 01.09.: Neue komplette Folge: Riverboat vom 30. August (ZDFmediathek)
  • 31.08.: Neue komplette Folge: Riverboat vom 30. August (ARD Mediathek)
  • 30.08.: Neue komplette Folge: Riverboat vom 23. August (ZDFmediathek)
  • 24.08.: Neue komplette Folge: Riverboat vom 23. August (ARD Mediathek)
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  • 24.07.: Neue komplette Folge: Klassiker (ARD Mediathek)
  • 12.07.: Neue komplette Folge: Klassiker (ARD Mediathek)
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Columbia & Snake Rivers Cruise – American Harmony

Discover the legendary waterway tracing the route of Lewis and Clark, passing through an ever-shifting landscape. Be amazed as you travel through the high desert, past vineyards and orchards, through the Cascade Mountain Range past snow capped mountains and towering waterfalls as carved stone cliffs line the river. Travel on through lush forests teeming with wildlife and on to the edge of the continent where the river meets the Pacific Ocean. The Columbia River Gorge is an American experience like no other.

The American Harmony is a modern new riverboat cruising the Columbia and Snake Rivers between Washington and Oregon offering iconic NW cruises.

Ports of call: Portland, Oregon | Kalama | Astoria | Stevenson | Pendleton | Clarkston | The Dalles

Cruise Details

or call 800.578.1479

*Per person/double occupancy. Special single rates apply where listed. Excludes port fees. Itineraries may operate in reverse.

Your Itinerary

1 Portland, OR (Pre-Cruise Hotel) Arrive in Portland and settle into your hotel, located right at the ship’s dock for a seamless boarding process. Situated between the waters of the Columbia and Willamette Rivers, the area's history is forever entwined with the fortunes of these great rivers.

2 Portland, OR Welcome to the City of Roses! Portland's history and culture has forever been entwined with the two rivers that flow around and thru it: the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. If you're planning to arrive early into Portland, talk to our agents about putting together a city tour, crossing many of Portland's beautiful bridges, and even stopping at the International Test Garden featuring over 6800 rose bushes!

3 Astoria, OR Astoria is the oldest American settlement west of the Rockies, close to where Lewis & Clark wintered at Fort Clatsop during their Corps of Discovery expedition. Just stepping off the boat you'll have access to the city trolley - a quaint ride along the waterfront that will explain all the highlights of Astoria - and the Columbia River Maritime Museum, examining the history of crossing the bar and the actual ships and artifacts of ships that found the crossing too dangerous. Other options from here: Fort Clatsop Tour & Astoria Experience, or Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center at Cape Disappointment.

4 Kalama/Mount St. Helens, WA There is nothing more magnificient or eye-catching than the beautiful Mount St. Helens. She is a local treasure, despite her grumblings and 1980 eruption. Everyone should take this complimentary excursion to Johnston Ridge Observatory. Make sure to watch the film, where you can hear Johnston call out: "Vancouver! Vancouver! This is it!" His last transmission before perishing in the eruption.

5 The Dalles, OR The Dalles, the last stop on the historic Oregon Trail, nestles along the Columbia River with a beautiful view of both Mount Hood and Mount Adams, each towering more than 11,000 feet above your cruise ship. To the pioneers of the 1800s, this rugged terrain was treacherous, but to today's visitors, it is fascinating. Venture ashore on your own to explore the historic downtown, steps from the ship, featuring fascinating museums, intimate cafes, local pubs, and a collection of historic murals which embellish the streetscape. Or enjoy guided excursions to learn about the area’s rich history, view a unique art collection in a magnificent building perched on a bluff above the river, or spend an afternoon with expert sommeliers enjoying the bounty of the fertile Columbia Valley.

6 Cruising the Columbia River Gorge Enjoy a nice day on the river cruising through the Columbia River Gorge national scenic area.

7 Pendleton, OR/Richland, WA The Hanford Reach Museum in Richland is an amazing option for your fun today. Or book the Pendleton Signature Tour: underground city tour, BBQ lunch at Hamley's Restaurant, and visits to the Tamastslikt Cultural Institute and Pendleton Woolen Mills.

8 Clarkston, WA At the border lies Clarkston, WA and Lewiston, ID - I wonder how they got their names? There's so much history and culture to explore here, including the complimentary excursion to the Nez Perce National Historic Park. But the Hells Canyon Jet Boat Signature Tour is always a hit. Be sure to sign up for this one in advance - it fills up!

9 Disembark in Clarkston, WA Talk to our agents about travel arrangements, or lengthening your stay with a hotel in Spokane, WA.

Map & Gallery


Cabin Categories

Cabin Single Price Double Price
Owner's Suite (Private Balcony)$9,735 pp
Veranda Suite (Private Balcony)$9,120 pp
AAM (Private Balcony)$7,780 pp
AAC (Private Balcony)$7,275 pp
AAL (Private Balcony)$7,010 pp
AAR (Private Balcony)$6,510 pp
Single (Private Balcony)$7,935

*Prices may vary due to seasonality

Onboard Experience

The American Cruise Line fleet of ships are the newest and most environmentally friendly small ships in the US. The cruise line prides itself on their hospitable staff, and that you’ll be graciously received no matter which ship you cruise on. The large staterooms with interior entrances ensure you have a relaxed, private area to watch the river from, or visit any of the many onboard lounges. Daily entertainment will be brought onboard, including musicians, historians and naturalists.

Regionally-Inspired Menus

American Cruise Lines uses fresh, local ingredients to show off the culinary glory of the region you’re cruising in. On the Mississippi River, that could mean Andouille Gumbo, a po’boy with red beans and rice, and bourbon pecan pie. In New England, you could find Littleneck clam ceviche on the menu followed by a spiced apple pudding with maple whipped cream. In the Pacific Northwest, you’ll find fresh fish on the menu, including shrimp bisque or Dungeness Crab cake, and a marionberry cheesecake that’ll make your mouth water! Your ship will provide you with a list of all the locally-sourced ingredients when you unpack.

Eagle Society

Once you’ve cruised aboard any American Cruise Line ship, you are an Eagle Society member. It’s free to be a member, but your loyalty to American Cruise Lines is greatly rewarded. You’ll receive Eagle Society luggage tags, and member-only gifts when you board each cruise. After 3 cruises, you’ll receive complimentary premium shore excursions. After 10 cruises, you’ll get a complimentary 11th cruise. There are special Eagle Society cruise dates every year. Plus all Eagle Society member benefits can be used when booking with USA River Cruises, plus you’ll still be eligible for our loyal customer benefits as well.

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Riverboat vom 10. November | Video der Sendung vom 10.11.2023 22:00 Uhr (10.11.2023) mit Untertitel

Riverboat vom 10. november.

Kim Fisher und Klaus Brinkbäumer begrüßen wieder spannende Gäste: Diesmal in der Runde: Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Thierse, Paul Panzer, Fabian Kahl, Ulrich Tukur, Panagiota Petridou, Ursula Staack und Désirée Nick.

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riverboat 15.9 23

Phone 800 331-1467

It’s Twilight Time

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2-Day Cruise

Our signature cruise.

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1-Day Cruise

North into the valleys.

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Sightseeing Cruise

1 1/2 hour • leclaire.

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2024 Cruise Schedule

The riverboat twilight.

Since 1985, the Riverboat Twilight has delivered one of the most exceptional cruise experiences in the Midwest. And it’s not just a cruise; it’s a conduit to reconnection, relaxation, and renewal.

Marvel at the majestic Mississippi river while relaxing in style aboard a stunningly replicated Victorian Riverboat. Allow yourself to be pampered by the Twilight’s attentive, informative, and welcoming crew. Delicious meals are prepared on board in the lower galley, while a full bar complete with top shelf liquors provides custom drinks to enhance your experience.

The Riverboat Twilight is family-owned and operated business, with a focus providing entertaining and quality cruises. The 140-passenger vessel has ample indoor, and outdoor seating on all three decks, and wrap-around windows give way to amazing views.

Our 2024 season offers 1-day, 2-day, and sightseeing cruises departing from LeClaire & Dubuque, Iowa.

Where the river runs deep, so do the discoveries.

riverboat 15.9 23

Absolutely perfect in all ways!

My Friend and I went on the Riverboat Twilight and it was the most perfect/awesome adventure! From reserving our trip to our final walk to our car after the two day cruise, all was perfect! Staff are amazing, from the Captain to the servers, to the musical entertainers. The food is suburb and generous! Everything is very well organized, from our luggage/hotel in Dubuque/seating for meals, free shuttles in Dubuque, etc! The scenery and info along the way from the captain was wonderful! This was an absolutely perfect two day cruise, and we are going again in Mid October as we loved it so much!!.

The service by all involved was first class all the way!

We were very impressed by the personal service we received by the staff and everyone involved. The trip was very nice from a sightseeing perspective, interesting from a historical perspective and very relaxing overall. Plus the food was plentiful and excellent. We highly recommend this cruise to everyone!

Wonderful relaxing two days....

Extremely enjoyable trip. The cruise itself was delightful as you slowly moved up and down the river enjoying the wildlife and listening to the Captain explain the view and history. Unless you are a very big eater you have to be selective as they feed you FIVE times a day. Not only is the food plentiful but it is also very good. The Grand Resort in Dubuque was a nice stay as we had a view of the river. There was adequate time to explore some of the sights In Dubuque. I think we will do this trip again in the future…….

3 F's; Food, Food, and Fun

Excellent team from the captain to the crew provide a relaxing time..The chefs do an excellent job and there is more great food than you can imagine. This is the most organized and professional staff that we have ever experienced. No detail is overlooked.

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Riverboat Twilight 360° Tours

Pilot house.

Deck 3 Stern

Downtown LeClaire Near Dock

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If you are not vaccinated, we strongly encourage you to do so, however, at this time the Riverboat Twilight does not ask for proof of vaccination. Mask wearing is the choice of the individual. The Twilight offers ample indoor and outdoor seating on all three decks and plenty of fresh air.

We will continue to maintain our increased sanitization efforts of the TWILIGHT and our boarding facilities, and we continue to provide hand sanitizer aboard the boat and employ a strong air purifier that uses UVC lighting that has been proven to destroy viruses and other bacteria.

For the safety of our passengers and crew and to maintain proper cleanliness, we have implemented the following guidelines for parents of children under the age of 14. While onboard the vessel and when making use of our food and beverages services, children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. With your cooperation and understanding, we will be able to continue to offer a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

As an owner, of the Holiday Inn Express & Suites Le Claire, IA and the President of Great Lakes Management Group which manages the hotel’s day to day operations, I wanted to say thank you. The business relationship with the Riverboat Twilight and her passengers is valued and much appreciated. We all know businesses from every industry has been operating in a different environment the last 8 weeks and will encounter new changes in the future.

We continue to monitor the franchise, local, state and federal safety guidelines to insure our guest and staff safety. For example, we anticipate a few changes in the near future which will include the following: a plastic shield / barrier at the front desk check,  revised breakfast offerings without a buffet setting, hand sanitizer located in the lobby and all floors at the elevator landings, continued use of hospital grade products to clean and sanitize the guest rooms, individual sanitizer wipes as an in-room amenity, removal of all products in the rooms that are reusable for example, pens, pads, laundry bags, and throw pillows, these items will be available upon request. We hope to see you soon. Stay safe and healthy!

  Respectfully, Neil Densmore | President glmg | hotels



riverboat 15.9 23

AnNa R. u.a. Fr. (15.09.2023) in der Sendung “Riverboat” zu Gast!

“Die MDR-Talkshow aus Leipzig” // MDR Fernsehen, 22:00 Uhr – 00:00 Uhr! Mit folgenden Gästen …:

  • Detlev Kümmel – Galerist und Experte bei “Bares für Rares”
  • Sarah Wiener – Spitzenköchin und Gastronomin
  • Sven Plöger – ARD-Wettermoderator
  • AnNa R. – Sängerin, Ex-Rosenstolz
  • Aleksandar Jovanovich – Schauspieler
  • Hermann Beyer – Schauspieler und Charakterdarsteller
  • Jörg Dittrich – Dachdeckermeister, Präsident Zentralverband Deutsches Handwerk

riverboat 15.9 23

  • ← ABBA, BONEY M., NENA u.a. Fr./Sa., 15./16.09.2023, rbb Fernsehen: “Die lange Musikladen Nacht”!
  • DIE ÄRZTE, TRIO u.a. Fr., 15.09.2023, rbb Fernsehen: “Die 100 schönsten Hits der 80er”! →

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riverboat 15.9 23

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riverboat 15.9 23

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  • Electric Boats

River Jet Boat 23" Brushless Self-Righting Deep-V RTR

River Jet Boat 23" Brushless Self-Righting Deep-V RTR

Selected store, all features.

There's nothing like riding in a full-scale jet boat, from jumping waves to darting across the lake. Jet boats can change direction in a heartbeat, providing thrill ride after thrill ride. The 23-inch RTR Deep-V River Jet Boat lets you cruise anywhere-including through rapids and moving water. The jet boat doesn't have an exposed propeller, turn fins or rudder. And with its powerful propulsion system, this boat can run in minimal amounts of water-even just a few inches. Thanks to its self-righting feature, the boat flips back over in a matter of seconds by activating the throttle. So whether you're new to RC boating or an experienced captain, you're sure to have a blast jumping rapids and running upstream.

  • Efficiently designed jet pump
  • Self-Righting Hull
  • High Impact Blow Molded ABS Hull
  • Locking High Impact canopy
  • Durable composite impeller
  • Solid drive shaft with liner
  • Dynamite ® 90 AMP ESC 2-4S Compatible
  • Powerful out-runner motor
  • Auminum/water cooled motor mount
  • Stainless steel hardware
  • 2.4GHz radio system
  • Styrofoam flotation
  • Foam canopy seal

Trim adjustment servo option

Extreme power

The efficiently designed jet pump provides maximum propulsion and expert handling.

Self-righting hull

Thanks to the boat's self-righting feature, it flips back over in a matter of seconds by activating the throttle. Now you can drive in moving water without the fear of losing your boat.

Run-anywhere flexibility

The high-impact, blow-molded hull lets you bounce off rocks without worrying about cracking the hull.

Interference-free connection

The included Spektrum ™ STX2 ™ 2.4GHz FHSS transmitter provides a clear, precise connection while the boat is on the water.

Locking high-impact canopy

Made of the same material as the hull, the canopy is attached by four thumb screws. High dense foam between the hull and canopy keeps water out of the hull and ensures your electronics stay dry.

Note: This option is not available with the included radio system. Trim adjustment requires a 3-channel radio and receiver and a 1/18-scale or 1/16 scale size servo with stainless steel 3mm mounting screws (we do not carry the stainless steel 3mm mounting screws separately).

Product Specs

Video overview.

Manuals & Support

Instruction manual, get info from communities, product details.

  • (1) River Jet Boat
  • (1) Radio System
  • (1) User Manual

Needed to Complete

  • (1) 3S LiPo Battery with EC3™ or IC3™ connector
  • (1) Compatible Battery Charger
  • (4) AA Batteries for Transmitter

Club Points Information

Horizon Hobby RC Club:

The points displayed are points you will earn based on your membership level and the cost value of the product. Be sure you are Signed In to your account to see the most accurate points you will earn on your purchase. Points are awarded and available for use once your order has shipped complete.

Points per $1 Spent




2000 points = $5 Discount

Points displayed here do not include Bonus Points for select product. If the product is marked with the Bonus Points badge you will also earn the extra "Bonus Points" points listed in the banner in addition to the calculated points displayed

Example RC Club Bonus Points image

Grease Gun with Marine Grease, 5 oz

Marine Grease 5 oz

Marine Grease 5 oz

  • Boats for Sale
  • River Boats

New and Used River Boats for Sale

River boats cover a broad spectrum of vessels, from small fishing skiffs to large houseboats. When searching for used river boats for sale, consider the best size and style for the river conditions. Narrow search results by brand, location, or price point to find the best-suited used river boat. ... learn more about River Boats

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434 New and Used River Boats

Alpha Craft 44

Norfolk Yacht Agency (United Kingdom)

Alpha 44 Centre CockpitPowered by a Nanni 62hp diesel engine through hydraulic drive. Fitted out by the 'Native Yacht Company' to a comprehensive private specification...

Shetland Boats Wanted

Windsor (United Kingdom)

Boats urgently required for purchase. Cash or bank transfer as you prefer. Quick decision. Anywhere UK. Anything considered. Free collection. Polite/prompt service. P...

Haines 36 Sedan

Bray (United Kingdom)

An opportunity to take immediate delivery of a beautiful 'as new' Haines 36 Sedan, which offers a substantial saving on a new build without the long factory lead time...

Bounty Elysian 27

Norfolk (United Kingdom)

A nice size craft for a starter boat and very easy to handle. Fitted with BMC 1.8 diesel engineon a shaft drive. 4 berth accomodation with 1 toilet. A popular craft w...

Broom Boats Navigator Class

BROOM NAVIGATOR Powered by a Nanni N4.50 (50hp) diesel engine fitted in 2016. Navigator 1, the original Broom Navigator was extensively renovated in 2016 and is in tru...

Johnson & Jago River Cruiser Canal

United Kingdom

River Crusier Canel Boat Used Mainly on Windermere This is a one owner boat that has been lovely looked after and is only being sold due to bereavement. This is ...

Cranchi Endurance 30

Information and characteristics Year 2012 Brand Cranchi Model Endurance 30 Class River Cruiser Length 9.3m Gas Diesel Hull material Fiberglass Propulsio...

Martham Boat Builders Centre Cockpit (Judith Cl...

Martham Judith Class centre cockpit Broads Cruiser - built in 1952 by Martham boat builders - Nanni diesel engine on shaft - 4 berth accommodation, toilet, shower, di...

Delphia 10 sedan

Reading (United Kingdom)

The Delphia 10 “Sedan” designed by Vri Pack, available with 110 hp diesel. Mindful Cruising with Deacceleration in mind for easy inland waterways navigation. This ex ...

Balt Yacht 818 Titanium

Maidenhead (United Kingdom)

2024 Specification Balt Yacht 818 Titanium Information & Features Yamaha F50HET Outboard 4 Stroke Additional Equipment Factory Fitte...

Duffy Snug Harbor 18

100% Electric. Up to 14 hours running time at river speeds. Stock boat, ready to go. Only availability left for 2024. Special offer price £75,500 (new price £83,936)....

Smiths Falls (Canada)

The Horizon 3 is available through Le Boat ownership program. Itis a bigger boat, allowing larger parties to holiday together. It sleeps up to 7 guests with one...

Horizon 3 PLUS

The Horizon 3 is available through Le Boat Ownership program. It'sa bigger boat, allowing larger parties to holiday together. It sleeps up to 7 guests with one master...

One owner from new and very well maintained and cared for. The Duffy Snug Harbor 18 has seating for nine adults, and boasts many standard luxuries such as ...

The Horizon boat has been designed exclusively for Le Boat with couples in mind! This one is available through the LeBoatunbeatable Ownership Program. About the Ho...

Horizon 2 PLUS

The Horizon 2, is available through Le Boat Ownership Porgram. Ithas two en-suite cabins, albeit a smaller master cabin than the Horizon 1 model and a wet room in the...

Horizon 1 PLUS

About the Horizon 1 PLUS: The Horizon is available through Le Boat Ownership program. This boat has been designed exclusively for Le Boat with couples in mind! Small ...

100% Electric. Up to 14 hours running time at river speeds. Stock boat, ready to go. Only availability left for 2024. Special offer price £73,750(new price £81,...

Shetland 27

The Shetland 27 is a boat designed & built in Britain. It prides itself on its spacious interior with theadditional benefit of a permanent double berth unde...

Delphia 11 Sedan

Southampton (United Kingdom)

The Ex Display Delphia 11 would best be described as “distinctive style meets advanced simplicity”. She impresses with special care given to onboard well-being thanks...

Viking 275 Highline

We offer a new Viking 275 available for immediate delivery and displayed at southampton Boat show 13th to 22nd September 2024. The 275 is packaged with a 25 or ...

Viking 260 Wide Beam Highline Spec

To celebrate 50 years of continual business in 2024 under the same ownership Viking Mouldings announce the Viking 260including Vikings HI Line packages al...

Balt Yacht 37 Grand

The all-new BALT YACHT 37 GRAND - The flagship of the Balt Yacht fleet offers generous accommodation and living space both inside and out, specifically designed for e...

Duffy Cuddy Cabin 22

100% Electric. Up to 14 hours running time at river speeds. Stock boat, ready to go. Only availability left for 2024. Special offer price £85,250 (new price £94,675)....

100% Electric. Up to 14 hours running time at river speeds. Stock boat, ready to go. Only availability left for 2024. Special offer price £85,600 (new price £95,035)....

Tridente 21

Description This one owner Tridente 21 day boat was supplied by ourselves and benefits from the remainder of the Yamaha motor warranty until 2027. The deep cockpit i...

Balt Yacht SunCamper 35

As a testament to its popularity, this is the 100th Balt Yacht SunCamper 35 produced and fitted with a Yamaha 100hp. This stylish modern 6-berth cruiser is a refre...

The Horizon 4 is available through the Le Boat Ownership program. With 4 ensuite cabins, the Horizon 4 is a spacious boat for large groups. Its roomy saloon and kitch...

* Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price.


River boats cover a broad spectrum of vessels, from small fishing skiffs to large houseboats . When searching for used river boats for sale, consider the best size and style for the river conditions. Narrow search results by brand, location, or price point to find the best-suited used river boat.

Main Characteristics of River Boats

River boats come in all shapes and sizes, from the smallest skiffs to large river barges. While the size and flow of the river will impact what kind of boats are most suited to traversing them, what many river boats have in common is their flat or shallow V-hulls. This allows them to navigate shallow river waters with ease. But that doesn't mean that ocean-going boats can't also navigate rivers, and you'll often see sailboats and sport boats on rivers, too.

Whether the boat is being used as a fishing boat, for long-term living aboard, or as a day cruiser will determine what characteristics make it ideal for the role. A houseboat for example, will have ample living space and home comforts, while fishing boats need to be small, lightweight and capable of navigating shallow or marshy areas.

Types of River Boats

River houseboats offer a home on the water and are very specific styles of vessel. They focus on living space and comfort over cruising (they can be either cruising or non-cruising/static styles) and offer couples or families the chance to live self-sufficiently by using features such as solar panels and LPG. They'll usually incorporate several cabins, a full-sized galley, saloon, head, and plenty of deck space. They come in all shapes, sizes, and price points so the market is hugely varied.

The trusty Jon boat offers excellent river daytripping thanks to its flat bottom and tough hull made from aluminum or fiberglass. Suitable for even shallow rivers and waterways, Jon boats can be well-equipped for fishing expeditions. And thanks to their compact and lightweight properties, they can be launched and trailered easily from river slips.

Unlike the Jon boat, a bass boat has a modified V-hull that allows it to cut through rougher waters on larger rivers and river mouths/bays. Bass boats are purpose-built for bass fishing (and often duck hunting), and designed to navigate the shallows and reed-laden shores of rivers and inland waters.

Skiffs , too, land in the category of river boats thanks to their small size, flat bottoms, and ability to navigate tight spots and shallow areas. These are best suited to smaller rivers and waterways, and are typically able to carry a couple of passengers for a day of fishing or sightseeing.

Canal Boats/Barges

In Europe, traditional canal boats , narrowboats , and barges ply the rivers. These long, slim boats are designed with hulls that run efficiently at displacement speeds and don't create a large wake that erodes riverbanks. They have cabins, heads, saloons, and galleys, and the outdoor space is usually on the roof.

Best River Boat Brands

With such a broad spectrum of boats on rivers, there is unsurprisingly a broad selection of brands too. When it comes to Jon boats, brands such as Lund , Crestliner , and Tracker are highly regarded in the industry, as are Lowe , Pelican, and Excel . Many of these brands also build quality bass boats, using their fishing expertise in this different sector. Other brands to consider when looking to buy a bass boat include Ranger , Nitro , and Skeeter .

On the opposite end of the size scale, houseboat builders are constructing large liveaboard vessels designed with all the home comforts for long-term river life. Brands such as Gibson Boats , American Houseboat, and Trifecta Houseboats build modern, luxurious houseboats with plenty of amenities. On the other side of the Atlantic, brands such as Collingwood , Aintree Boats, and Braidbar are just some of the canalboat brands creating traditional narrowboats designed for the narrow canals of Europe and the UK.

Why Choose a River Boat?

While any boat can theoretically be a river boat if the river is deep enough for the boat's draft, boats designed specifically for rivers allow for more activities. Small, flat-bottomed fishing boats can navigate even the shallowest waters and readch some of the best fishing grounds, while large houseboats designed for living on rather than cruising, means many more home comforts and self-sustainability.

Why are River Boats Popular?

Inland waterways offer some of the most beautiful cruising grounds there are, as well as good access to fishing and hunting. Whether a boat is designed as a liveaboard, or is a small aluminum or fiberglass fishing boat, they make popular choices for those looking to navigate on the tranquil rivers and canals in comfort and safety.

This article was written by Samantha Wilson in February 2024.


River boats by make, river boats by country, river boats by state.

  • River boats in California (4)
  • River boats in Florida (4)


Station YKTV2 - 8637689 - Yorktown USCG Training Center, VA

Owned and maintained by NOAA's National Ocean Service Water Level Observation Network 37.227 N 76.479 W (37°13'36" N 76°28'43" W) Site elevation: 3.7 m above mean sea level Air temp height: 3.9 m above site elevation Anemometer height: 9.6 m above site elevation Barometer elevation: 5.6 m above mean sea level Sea temp depth: 3.1 m below MLLW

Latest NWS Marine Forecast

Search And Rescue (SAR) Data

Image indicating link to RSS feed of recent meteorological observations near station YKTV2

Refresh page every 10 minutes:

Conditions at YKTV2 as of
(9:00 pm EDT on 09/19/2024)
0100 GMT on 09/20/2024:

Wind Direction (WDIR): W ( 270 deg true )
Wind Speed (WSPD): 2.9 kts
Wind Gust (GST): 2.9 kts
Atmospheric Pressure (PRES):29.86 in
Pressure Tendency (PTDY):+0.00 in ( Steady )
Air Temperature (ATMP): 71.8 °F
Water Temperature (WTMP): 75.2 °F
Wind Speed at 10 meters (WSPD10M): 3.9 kts
Wind Speed at 20 meters (WSPD20M): 3.9 kts
Previous observations















2024-09-19 08:54 pmWSW 1.9 1.9----29.86- 71.6 75.2----
2024-09-19 08:48 pmWSW 1.9 2.9----29.86- 71.8 75.2----
2024-09-19 08:42 pmWSW 1.9 1.9----29.86- 72.0 75.2----
2024-09-19 08:36 pmWSW 1.9 1.9----29.86- 72.0 75.2----
2024-09-19 08:30 pmWSW 1.9 1.9----29.86- 72.1 75.2----
2024-09-19 08:24 pmWSW 1.9 1.9----29.86- 72.7 75.2----
2024-09-19 08:18 pmWSW 1.9 1.9----29.86- 73.2 75.2----
2024-09-19 08:12 pmWSW 1.0 1.9----29.86- 73.4 75.2----
2024-09-19 08:06 pmWSW 1.9 1.9----29.86- 73.6 75.4----
2024-09-19 08:00 pm N 1.9 2.9----29.86+0.00 75.0 75.4----
2024-09-19 07:54 pm N 1.9 2.9----29.85- 75.0 75.6----
2024-09-19 07:48 pm N 2.9 2.9----29.85- 75.2 75.6----
2024-09-19 07:42 pmNNE 1.9 2.9----29.85- 75.4 75.6----
2024-09-19 07:36 pmNNE 1.9 2.9----29.85- 75.6 75.6----
2024-09-19 07:30 pmNNE 1.9 4.1----29.85- 75.7 75.7----
2024-09-19 07:24 pm NE 2.9 4.1----29.85- 75.9 75.7----
2024-09-19 07:18 pm NE 4.1 5.1----29.86- 75.9 75.9----
2024-09-19 07:12 pm NE 4.1 5.1----29.86- 76.3 75.9----
2024-09-19 07:06 pm NE 5.1 6.0----29.86- 76.3 75.9----
2024-09-19 07:00 pm NE 5.1 6.0----29.86+0.00 76.3 75.9----
2024-09-19 06:54 pm NE 5.1 5.1----29.86- 76.5 75.9----
2024-09-19 06:48 pm NE 4.1 7.0----29.86- 76.5 75.7----
2024-09-19 06:42 pm NE 6.0 7.0----29.86- 76.6 75.4----
2024-09-19 06:36 pm NE 5.1 6.0----29.86- 76.8 75.4----
2024-09-19 06:30 pm NE 6.0 7.0----29.86- 77.0 75.4----
2024-09-19 06:24 pm NE 6.0 7.0----29.86- 77.2 75.4----
2024-09-19 06:18 pm NE 7.0 8.0----29.86- 77.2 75.4----
2024-09-19 06:12 pm NE 7.0 7.0----29.86- 77.2 75.6----
2024-09-19 06:06 pm NE 6.0 8.0----29.86- 77.2 75.6----
2024-09-19 06:00 pm NE 6.0 7.0----29.86+0.00 77.2 75.6----
2024-09-19 05:54 pmNNE 6.0 7.0----29.86- 77.5 75.6----
2024-09-19 05:48 pm NE 6.0 7.0----29.86- 77.7 75.6----
2024-09-19 05:42 pm NE 6.0 8.0----29.86- 77.9 75.4----
2024-09-19 05:36 pm NE 6.0 7.0----29.86- 77.9 75.4----
2024-09-19 05:30 pm NE 6.0 8.0----29.86- 77.9 75.4----
2024-09-19 05:24 pm NE 6.0 8.0----29.86- 77.9 75.4----
2024-09-19 05:18 pmNNE 4.1 5.1----29.86- 77.9 75.4----
2024-09-19 05:12 pm N 4.1 5.1----29.86- 77.9 75.4----
2024-09-19 05:06 pm N 1.9 2.9----29.85- 78.3 75.4----
2024-09-19 05:00 pm- 0.0 1.9----29.85-0.03 79.2 75.4----
2024-09-19 04:54 pm NE 1.9 2.9----29.86- 78.4 75.4----
2024-09-19 04:48 pmNNE 2.9 6.0----29.86- 77.9 75.2----
2024-09-19 04:42 pmENE 1.9 6.0----29.86- 78.1 75.2----
2024-09-19 04:36 pm E 5.1 6.0----29.86- 77.4 75.2----
2024-09-19 04:30 pmESE 4.1 5.1----29.86- 77.4 75.2----
2024-09-19 04:24 pmESE 4.1 6.0----29.86- 77.4 75.2----
2024-09-19 04:18 pm E 4.1 6.0----29.86- 77.4 75.2----
2024-09-19 04:12 pm E 5.1 6.0----29.86- 77.4 75.2----
2024-09-19 04:06 pm E 6.0 7.0----29.86- 77.0 75.4----
2024-09-19 04:00 pm E 6.0 7.0----29.86-0.04 77.0 75.2----
2024-09-19 03:54 pm E 5.1 7.0----29.86- 77.4 75.2----
2024-09-19 03:48 pm E 5.1 7.0----29.86- 76.8 75.4----
2024-09-19 03:42 pm E 4.1 6.0----29.86- 77.4 75.0----
2024-09-19 03:36 pm NE 2.9 5.1----29.86- 77.9 75.0----
2024-09-19 03:30 pm N 2.9 7.0----29.86- 77.5 75.0----
2024-09-19 03:24 pm NW 5.1 6.0----29.86- 77.0 75.0----
2024-09-19 03:18 pm NW 4.1 5.1----29.86- 76.8 75.0----
2024-09-19 03:12 pmWNW 4.1 5.1----29.87- 76.8 74.8----
2024-09-19 03:06 pmWNW 5.1 5.1----29.87- 77.0 74.8----
2024-09-19 03:00 pmWNW 4.1 6.0----29.87-0.04 77.0 74.8----
2024-09-19 02:54 pmWNW 5.1 7.0----29.87- 77.2 74.7----
2024-09-19 02:48 pmWNW 6.0 7.0----29.87- 76.5 74.7----
2024-09-19 02:42 pmWNW 6.0 8.0----29.87- 76.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 02:36 pm NW 5.1 7.0----29.87- 76.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 02:30 pmWNW 5.1 7.0----29.87- 76.3 74.7----
2024-09-19 02:24 pmWNW 7.0 7.0----29.88- 76.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 02:18 pmWNW 6.0 8.0----29.88- 76.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 02:12 pmWNW 7.0 8.9----29.88- 75.7 74.7----
2024-09-19 02:06 pm NW 7.0 8.9----29.88- 75.6 74.7----
2024-09-19 02:00 pmWNW 7.0 8.0----29.88-0.04 75.7 74.7----
2024-09-19 01:54 pmWNW 6.0 8.0----29.88- 75.7 74.7----
2024-09-19 01:48 pmWNW 7.0 8.0----29.89- 75.7 74.7----
2024-09-19 01:42 pmWNW 7.0 8.0----29.89- 75.9 74.7----
2024-09-19 01:36 pm NW 6.0 8.0----29.89- 75.6 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:30 pm N 6.0 8.9----29.90- 76.1 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:24 pmNNE 8.9 8.9----29.90- 75.9 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:18 pmNNE 7.0 8.9----29.90- 75.7 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:12 pm N 8.0 8.9----29.90- 75.7 74.3----
2024-09-19 01:06 pm N 8.0 8.9----29.90- 75.6 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:00 pmNNE 4.1 8.0----29.90-0.03 75.7 74.5----
2024-09-19 12:54 pmNNE 6.0 7.0----29.90- 75.4 74.5----
2024-09-19 12:48 pm N 6.0 9.9----29.90- 75.2 74.8----
2024-09-19 12:42 pm N 8.9 11.1----29.90- 75.0 74.7----
2024-09-19 12:36 pm N 5.1 8.9----29.91- 75.0 74.7----
2024-09-19 12:30 pm N 8.0 8.9----29.91- 75.0 74.7----
2024-09-19 12:24 pm N 8.9 9.9----29.91- 75.0 74.7----
2024-09-19 12:18 pmNNW 6.0 8.0----29.91- 75.0 74.7----
2024-09-19 12:12 pm N 6.0 8.9----29.91- 75.2 74.7----
2024-09-19 12:06 pmNNE 8.0 9.9----29.91- 75.0 74.5----
2024-09-19 12:00 pm N 5.1 6.0----29.91-0.01 75.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 11:54 am N 4.1 6.0----29.91- 74.8 74.5----
2024-09-19 11:48 am N 6.0 11.1----29.91- 74.5 74.5----
2024-09-19 11:42 am N 8.9 11.1----29.91- 74.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 11:36 am N 8.9 9.9----29.92- 73.8 74.7----
2024-09-19 11:30 amNNE 8.9 12.0----29.92- 74.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 11:24 am N 8.9 12.0----29.92- 73.9 74.7----
2024-09-19 11:18 amNNE 8.9 12.0----29.92- 73.8 74.5----
2024-09-19 11:12 am N 11.1 12.0----29.92- 73.9 74.5----
2024-09-19 11:06 am N 7.0 8.9----29.92- 73.8 74.5----
2024-09-19 11:00 am N 7.0 9.9----29.92+0.01 73.6 74.5----
2024-09-19 10:54 amNNE 9.9 12.0----29.92- 73.4 74.5----
2024-09-19 10:48 am N 8.0 11.1----29.92- 73.4 74.5----
2024-09-19 10:42 am N 8.9 9.9----29.92- 73.0 74.5----
2024-09-19 10:36 amNNE 8.9 9.9----29.92- 72.9 74.5----
2024-09-19 10:30 am N 8.0 8.9----29.92- 72.5 74.5----
2024-09-19 10:24 am N 7.0 9.9----29.92- 72.7 74.5----
2024-09-19 10:18 am N 8.0 9.9----29.92- 72.1 74.5----
2024-09-19 10:12 am N 8.0 9.9----29.92- 72.1 74.5----
2024-09-19 10:06 am N 8.0 11.1----29.93- 71.8 74.5----
2024-09-19 10:00 am N 8.0 9.9----29.93+0.02 71.6 74.5----
2024-09-19 09:54 am N 7.0 9.9----29.93- 71.4 74.5----
2024-09-19 09:48 am N 8.0 8.9----29.93- 71.4 74.5----
2024-09-19 09:42 am N 8.9 11.1----29.93- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 09:36 amNNW 6.0 9.9----29.93- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 09:30 amNNW 7.0 9.9----29.93- 71.4 74.5----
2024-09-19 09:24 amNNW 8.0 8.9----29.93- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 09:18 amNNW 7.0 9.9----29.92- 71.1 74.5----
2024-09-19 09:12 amNNW 7.0 8.0----29.92- 71.1 74.5----
2024-09-19 09:06 amNNW 7.0 8.9----29.92- 70.9 74.5----
2024-09-19 09:00 amNNW 8.0 8.9----29.92+0.02 70.9 74.5----
2024-09-19 08:54 amNNW 7.0 8.9----29.92- 70.9 74.5----
2024-09-19 08:48 amNNW 8.0 9.9----29.92- 70.9 74.5----
2024-09-19 08:42 am N 7.0 9.9----29.92- 70.7 74.5----
2024-09-19 08:36 am N 8.0 9.9----29.92- 70.7 74.5----
2024-09-19 08:30 am N 8.0 9.9----29.91- 70.7 74.5----
2024-09-19 08:24 amNNW 8.0 9.9----29.91- 70.5 74.7----
2024-09-19 08:18 amNNW 8.0 9.9----29.91- 70.5 74.7----
2024-09-19 08:12 amNNW 8.9 11.1----29.91- 70.5 74.7----
2024-09-19 08:06 amNNW 8.9 11.1----29.91- 70.5 74.7----
2024-09-19 08:00 am N 8.9 9.9----29.91+0.01 70.5 74.5----
2024-09-19 07:54 am N 8.9 9.9----29.91- 70.5 74.5----
2024-09-19 07:48 am N 8.9 9.9----29.91- 70.7 74.5----
2024-09-19 07:42 am N 8.9 9.9----29.91- 70.9 74.5----
2024-09-19 07:36 am N 8.9 8.9----29.91- 70.7 74.5----
2024-09-19 07:30 am N 7.0 8.0----29.91- 70.5 74.5----
2024-09-19 07:24 am N 5.1 6.0----29.91- 70.3 74.3----
2024-09-19 07:18 amNNW 5.1 7.0----29.91- 70.5 74.5----
2024-09-19 07:12 amNNW 5.1 6.0----29.91- 70.5 74.5----
2024-09-19 07:06 amNNW 5.1 8.0----29.91- 70.3 74.5----
2024-09-19 07:00 amNNW 6.0 7.0----29.91+0.01 70.5 74.5----
2024-09-19 06:54 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90- 70.3 74.7----
2024-09-19 06:48 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90- 70.3 74.7----
2024-09-19 06:42 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90- 70.5 74.8----
2024-09-19 06:36 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90- 70.5 74.8----
2024-09-19 06:30 am N 6.0 8.0----29.90- 70.3 74.8----
2024-09-19 06:24 am N 7.0 8.0----29.90- 70.5 74.8----
2024-09-19 06:18 am N 7.0 8.0----29.90- 70.7 74.8----
2024-09-19 06:12 am N 6.0 8.0----29.90- 70.7 74.8----
2024-09-19 06:06 am N 6.0 8.0----29.90- 70.7 74.8----
2024-09-19 06:00 am N 7.0 8.0----29.90+0.00 70.9 74.8----
2024-09-19 05:54 am N 5.1 7.0----29.90- 70.9 74.8----
2024-09-19 05:48 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90- 70.9 74.8----
2024-09-19 05:42 am N 5.1 7.0----29.90- 70.9 74.8----
2024-09-19 05:36 am N 5.1 6.0----29.90- 70.7 74.8----
2024-09-19 05:30 am N 5.1 6.0----29.90- 70.7 74.8----
2024-09-19 05:24 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90- 70.7 74.8----
2024-09-19 05:18 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90- 70.7 74.8----
2024-09-19 05:12 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90- 70.7 74.7----
2024-09-19 05:06 amNNW 5.1 7.0----29.90- 70.9 74.7----
2024-09-19 05:00 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90+0.00 70.9 74.7----
2024-09-19 04:54 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90- 71.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 04:48 am N 5.1 6.0----29.90- 70.9 74.7----
2024-09-19 04:42 am N 4.1 6.0----29.90- 70.9 74.7----
2024-09-19 04:36 am N 2.9 5.1----29.90- 71.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 04:30 am N 4.1 5.1----29.90- 71.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 04:24 am N 4.1 5.1----29.90- 71.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 04:18 am N 2.9 5.1----29.90- 71.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 04:12 am N 5.1 6.0----29.90- 71.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 04:06 am N 5.1 6.0----29.90- 70.9 74.7----
2024-09-19 04:00 am N 4.1 8.9----29.90-0.01 71.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 03:54 am N 6.0 8.0----29.90- 71.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 03:48 am N 6.0 8.0----29.89- 71.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 03:42 am N 6.0 8.0----29.90- 71.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 03:36 am N 6.0 6.0----29.90- 71.1 74.7----
2024-09-19 03:30 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 03:24 am N 6.0 8.0----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 03:18 amNNE 6.0 8.0----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 03:12 am N 5.1 6.0----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 03:06 am N 5.1 8.9----29.90- 71.4 74.5----
2024-09-19 03:00 am N 6.0 8.0----29.90-0.01 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 02:54 am N 7.0 8.0----29.90- 71.2 74.7----
2024-09-19 02:48 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90- 71.2 74.7----
2024-09-19 02:42 am N 6.0 8.0----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 02:36 am N 6.0 8.9----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 02:30 am N 7.0 8.9----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 02:24 am N 8.0 9.9----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 02:18 am N 7.0 8.9----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 02:12 am N 7.0 8.0----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 02:06 am N 6.0 7.0----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 02:00 amNNE 6.0 8.0----29.90-0.01 71.4 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:54 amNNE 6.0 7.0----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:48 amNNE 6.0 8.9----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:42 amNNE 8.0 9.9----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:36 am NE 8.9 12.0----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:30 amNNE 9.9 14.0----29.90- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:24 amNNE 12.0 15.0----29.91- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:18 amNNE 12.0 13.0----29.91- 71.2 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:12 amNNE 11.1 13.0----29.91- 71.4 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:06 amNNE 11.1 13.0----29.91- 71.4 74.5----
2024-09-19 01:00 amNNE 8.9 12.0----29.91-0.01 71.6 74.5----
2024-09-19 12:54 amNNE 8.9 11.1----29.91- 71.8 74.5----
2024-09-19 12:48 amNNE 8.9 11.1----29.91- 71.6 74.5----
2024-09-19 12:42 amNNE 8.9 12.0----29.91- 71.6 74.5----
2024-09-19 12:36 amNNE 11.1 13.0----29.91- 71.6 74.3----
2024-09-19 12:30 amNNE 8.0 9.9----29.91- 71.8 74.5----
2024-09-19 12:24 amNNE 8.9 11.1----29.91- 71.8 74.5----
2024-09-19 12:18 amNNE 8.9 12.0----29.91- 71.6 74.5----
2024-09-19 12:12 amNNE 8.9 9.9----29.91- 72.0 74.5----
2024-09-19 12:06 am NE 8.9 9.9----29.91- 72.0 74.5----
2024-09-19 12:00 amNNE 8.0 8.9----29.91+0.00 72.0 74.5----
2024-09-18 11:54 pmNNE 7.0 8.9----29.91- 72.1 74.5----
2024-09-18 11:48 pmNNE 7.0 8.9----29.91- 72.0 74.5----
2024-09-18 11:42 pmNNE 7.0 8.9----29.92- 72.0 74.5----
2024-09-18 11:36 pmNNE 7.0 8.0----29.92- 72.1 74.5----
2024-09-18 11:30 pmNNE 6.0 8.0----29.92- 72.1 74.5----
2024-09-18 11:24 pmNNE 7.0 9.9----29.92- 72.1 74.5----
2024-09-18 11:18 pmNNE 8.0 8.0----29.92- 72.1 74.5----
2024-09-18 11:12 pmNNE 8.9 9.9----29.92- 72.1 74.5----
2024-09-18 11:06 pmNNE 8.0 12.0----29.92- 72.1 74.5----
2024-09-18 11:00 pmNNE 8.9 12.0----29.92+0.03 72.1 74.5----
2024-09-18 10:54 pmNNE 8.0 12.0----29.92- 72.3 74.5----
2024-09-18 10:48 pmNNE 8.0 9.9----29.92- 72.1 74.5----
2024-09-18 10:42 pmNNE 7.0 9.9----29.92- 72.3 74.5----
2024-09-18 10:36 pmNNE 7.0 8.9----29.92- 72.7 74.5----
2024-09-18 10:30 pmNNE 6.0 8.0----29.92- 72.5 74.5----
2024-09-18 10:24 pm NE 8.0 8.9----29.92- 72.5 74.5----
2024-09-18 10:18 pmNNE 6.0 7.0----29.92- 72.5 74.5----
2024-09-18 10:12 pmNNE 6.0 7.0----29.92- 72.7 74.5----
2024-09-18 10:06 pm NE 5.1 7.0----29.92- 72.7 74.5----
2024-09-18 10:00 pm NE 6.0 9.9----29.92+0.01 72.9 74.5----
2024-09-18 09:54 pmNNE 8.0 11.1----29.92- 72.9 74.5----
2024-09-18 09:48 pmNNE 7.0 12.0----29.92- 73.2 74.5----
2024-09-18 09:42 pm NE 9.9 12.0----29.92- 73.6 74.7----
2024-09-18 09:36 pm NE 9.9 11.1----29.92- 73.6 74.7----
2024-09-18 09:30 pmNNE 8.9 11.1----29.92- 73.9 74.7----
2024-09-18 09:24 pm NE 8.0 9.9----29.91- 74.3 74.7----
2024-09-18 09:18 pm NE 8.9 11.1----29.92- 74.1 74.7----
2024-09-18 09:12 pmENE 11.1 12.0----29.92- 74.3 74.7----
2024-09-18 09:06 pmENE 11.1 12.0----29.92- 74.3 74.7----
2024-09-18 09:00 pmENE 12.0 13.0----29.91+0.00 74.3 74.7----
2024-09-18 08:54 pmENE 11.1 14.0----29.91- 74.3 74.7----

Description of Measurements

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Real Time Data in tabular form for the last forty-five days.

Historical Data & Climatic Summaries for quality controlled data for prior months and years.

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  • The Woodlands

riverboat 15.9 23

The Regency style home on River Oaks Boulevard is a stone's throw from the River Oaks Country Club.

Throughout the 14,000 square foot home the design and detailing are truly palatial.

Las Cala marble flooring welcomes guests on arrival.

What would a palatial home be without a grand staircase such as this?

The marble is exquisite throughout the home.

Even the hallways are rich with detail.

The formal living room

The formal dining room

Described as the family room, all is formality.

The Tiffany-style glass domed ceiling is focal point of the more casual den.

The bar is another ornate fixture.

A climate-controlled wine cellar for your collection.

Even the kitchen is elaborately paneled in rich mahogany.

The informal dining or breakfast room opens to the kitchen.

The indoor decorative pool reminds of the pool rooms in some of Paris' leading hotels.

The indoor pool room is ideal for large-scale entertaining.

A master bedroom fit for royalty

The master bath is indeed masterful, featuring a heart-shaped Jacuzzi tub.

The beautiful paneling and marble is continued in the master bath.

The master closet is an organizer's dream.

A masterful shower and tub with intricate tile work.

One of five bedrooms.

A guest room bath.

A guest bedroom

The opulence takes a break in this playful room for children.

1708 River Oaks Boulevard is beautiful night and day.

riverboat 15.9 23

River Oaks Palace Mansion Brings Visions of Old School Grandeur and a $15.9 Million Price Tag: Magnificent Parisian Estate Makes Quite the Impression

riverboat 15.9 23

B reathtaking! How else could one describe the magnificence that lies behind the soaring limestone facade of this dwelling at 1708 River Oaks Boulevard ? Could this really be Houston, one might ask when stepping into the lofty foyer of the Regency style home that luxuriously spreads across more than an acre which lies within a block of the vaunted River Oaks Country Club.

When Peruvian beauty Cristina Kallop and her husband, Bill Kallop, owner of Pisco Porton  and retired oil mogul, acquired the house in 2007, they transformed what was then an expansive bachelor pad into a place of immense grandeur. Cristina tells PaperCity she redid the house in the image of her grandmother’s home in Lima, which was affectionately referred to as the Versailles of South America.

“I wanted to resurrect her style, which is mine too and live life to the fullest . And use every inch of it.”

Luxuries include such features as Las Cala marble flooring and inlaid hardwood floors, rich mahogany paneling throughout including multi-layered hand-carved moldings as well as a wealth of crystal chandeliers and wall sconces. The house “shows the importance of making your own happiness and the importance of being grateful for what you have.”

Cristina says that through the years they have entertained in every room of the 14,000 square foot home, which not only boasts an uber formal living room but also a formal “family room” and a luxurious, beautifully paneled den that features a Tiffany style glass domed ceiling. And then there is the indoor swimming pool in a grandly appointed space at the center of the house.

Truly, something from the movies. Or perhaps reminiscent of the spas in Paris’ finest hotels.

Luxurious Bath & Candles

Bering's Gift's September 2024

In all, the mansion boasts five to six bedrooms, depending on the buyer’s needs; six full and two half baths; a five-car garage; two wood-burning fireplaces and a master suite of impressive grandeur. The bathrooms here alone are magnificent with mahogany paneling, rich marbles and hand-laid tile work.

For those requiring techie assurance, the house features Creston automated control of Lutron-based lighting systems, a multi-zone audio system including three Sirius Satellite tuners, all automated window shades, exterior gates, irrigation system, mosquito system, security system and multiple zones of HVAC.

The Houston palace is priced at $15.9 million.

Walter Bering with Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty is the listing agent.

riverboat 15.9 23

New Friends New Life Luncheon – Featuring Camila and Matthew McConaughey

  • 12:00 - 1:30 pm

Celebrity Chef Dinner & Fundraiser: Chef Maurice Ahern

  • 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Platinum Wine Vault Luxury Tasting

  • 6:00 - 9:00 pm

Twist and Shout: The Music of the Beatles – A Symphonic Experience

  • 7:30 - 9:30 pm

La Jungla Fest

  • 9:00 - 2:00 am

CIS Dallas 13th Annual Golf Tournament

  • 10:30 - 6:30 pm

KidneyTexas, Inc. The Runway Report Silver Anniversary Luncheon and Fashion Show – Celebrating 25 Years of Giving With Style.

  • 10:30 - 1:00 pm

Hundred Acre Wine Dinner in The Blue Room at Emilia’s

  • 7:00 - 10:00 pm

Chi Omega Christmas Market 2024

  • 9:00 - 9:00 pm

Collaborative for Children 2024 Building Blocks Luncheon

  • 11:30 - 12:00 pm
  • 9:00 - 8:00 pm

ROCO In Concert: Remarkable

  • 7:30 - 10:00 pm
  • 9:00 - 5:00 pm


  • 2:00 - 5:00 pm
  • 5:00 - 7:00 pm

Dallas Symphony Orchestra Gala Features Pianist Lang Lang

  • 6:00 - 12:00 am

FestEve! 2024 “Art Is Magical”

Canyon Creek

Experience cutting-edge red light therapy and infrared recovery.

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  1. AnNa R. u.a. Fr. (15.09.2023) in der Sendung “Riverboat” zu Gast!

    riverboat 15.9 23

  2. Riverboat

    riverboat 15.9 23

  3. “RIVERBOAT” Fr., 01.09.2023, MDR Fernsehen: “Riverboat

    riverboat 15.9 23

  4. リバーボート「シティ オブ ニューオーリンズ」ジャズ ハーバー クルーズ 2023

    riverboat 15.9 23

  5. Комплект ПВХ лодки Риб riverboats ( рундук) + Tohatsu 9.9(18) установка дистанции

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  6. New riverboat sets sail in Chattanooga

    riverboat 15.9 23


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  1. Riverboat (1992) 758: Sendung vom 15.09.2023

    Im RIVERBOAT erzählt er, wie Handwerk, Familie, Tradition und Innovation zusammenhängen. (Text: MDR) Deutsche TV-Premiere Fr 15.09.2023 MDR. Folge zurück zurück; Folge weiter weiter; Cast & Crew. Kim Fisher. Moderation. Klaus Brinkbäumer. Moderation. Sarah Wiener. Gast Gastronomin. Sven Plöger. Gast

  2. Riverboat

    Die Prominenten-Talkshow 'Riverboat' bietet eine muntere, spannende Ost-West-Mischung aus Biographien, Geschichten und Neuigkeiten.

  3. "Riverboat

    Episode dated 15 September 2023: With Hermann Beyer, Jörg Dittrich, Aleksandar Jovanovic, Detlev Kümmel.


    Das RIVERBOAT erzählt Geschichten interessanter und spannender Menschen. Kim Fisher moderiert im Wechsel mit Joachim Llambi, Matze Knop, Klaus Brinkbäumer oder Wolfgang Lippert die Talkshow im MDR.

  5. Riverboat: Die Gäste heute Abend im MDR (15.09.2023)

    Die "Riverboat"-Gäste: Detlev Kümmel, Sarah Wiener, Sven Plöger, AnNa R., Aleksandar Jovanovic, Hermann Beyer und Jörg Dittrich.

  6. Sendung vom 15.09.2023

    kostenlose E-Mail-Benachrichtigung bei TV-Termin oder DVD-VÖ; 10.10.: Neue komplette Folge: Riverboat vom 6. Oktober (ARD Mediathek) 10.10.: Neue komplette Folge: Riverboat vom 6.

  7. Columbia & Snake Rivers Cruise

    The Columbia River Gorge is an American experience like no other. The American Harmony is a modern new riverboat cruising the Columbia and Snake Rivers between Washington and Oregon offering iconic NW cruises. ... 2025 | May 16, 2025 | May 23, 2025 | May 30, 2025 | June 13, ...

  8. USA Small Ship River Cruises

    Get access to our Free Cruise Guide and more information on our 50+ itineraries and all departure dates for 2024-2025. Our annual cruise guide provides an in-depth look at the amazing U.S. ports and destinations we visit, our modern fleet of riverboats, excursions and adventures on shore, our onboard amenities and personalized services, and more.

  9. Riverboat vom 10. November

    November - hier anschauen. Riverboat vom 10. November. Kim Fisher und Klaus Brinkbäumer begrüßen wieder spannende Gäste: Diesmal in der Runde: Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Thierse, Paul Panzer, Fabian Kahl, Ulrich Tukur, Panagiota Petridou, Ursula Staack und Désirée Nick. Weil Sie »Riverboat vom 10. November« gesehen haben.

  10. Riverboat Twilight 360° Tours

    The Riverboat Twilight is family-owned and operated business, with a focus providing entertaining and quality cruises. The 140-passenger vessel has ample indoor, and outdoor seating on all three decks, and wrap-around windows give way to amazing views. Our 2024 season offers 1-day, 2-day, and sightseeing cruises departing from LeClaire ...

  11. Creole Queen

    Get ready for an epic adventure on our Defenders of the River: Superhero Riverboat Cruise, where the fun is as endless as the Mississippi! Meet your favorite superhero characters, groove to the beats of our live DJ, and savor a delectable Creole-style buffet that brings the flavors of New Orleans...


    Willkommen im offiziellen YouTube-Kanal des Riverboats! Hier findet Ihr kurze und längere Clips aus aus unseren Leipziger und Berliner Talks. Wir erzählen e...

  13. AnNa R. u.a. Fr. (15.09.2023) in der Sendung "Riverboat" zu Gast!

    Deutsch Rock TV-Tipps. AnNa R. u.a. Fr. (15.09.2023) in der Sendung "Riverboat" zu Gast! 14. September 2023 . 0 Kommentare. "Die MDR-Talkshow aus Leipzig" // MDR Fernsehen, 22:00 Uhr - 00:00 Uhr! Mit folgenden Gästen …: Detlev Kümmel - Galerist und Experte bei "Bares für Rares". Sarah Wiener - Spitzenköchin und Gastronomin.

  14. Mississippi River Paddle Boat Cruises

    From comfortable accommodations to gourmet dining, our Mississippi River Paddlewheeler cruises ensure that every aspect of your voyage is a celebration of the river's legacy. Modern Amenities These meticulously crafted vessels pay homage to the iconic steamboats of yesteryear, seamlessly blending historical charm with modern functionality.

  15. Home Decorators Collection Bloomfield River Oak 12 mm ...

    Additionally, the attached 2 mm underlayment reduces sound transmission and adds a comfortable underfoot. Can be installed on any grade - including basements. Don't forget your coordinating trim and molding. Bloomfield River Oak is an unbeatable value and worry-free with its Lifetime residential warranty. Care is a breeze, just sweep and mop as ...

  16. Drivers and Support for Processors and Graphics

    Windows® 10/11 Drivers. Auto-Detect and Install Driver Updates for AMD Radeon™ Series Graphics and Ryzen™ Chipsets. For use with systems running Windows® 11 / Windows® 10 64-bit version 1809 and later. Download and run directly onto the system you want to update. Learn more.

  17. Mud-Skipper.com

    The NEW Mud-Skipper® 18-23 HP Surface Drive. Belt Driven, Clutch and Reverse Options, Suitable for Boats with 15-16" Transom, Fits Engines With One Inch PTO. Watch Video View Products. Mud-Skipper 7hp Long Tail Kit. Start at $295. Mud-Skipper Surface Drives. Starting At $1299. Mud-Skipper Twister.

  18. Omaha's River City Rodeo set for this weekend at CHI Health Center

    Dirt is brought in for the River City Rodeo inside the CHI Health Center in Omaha on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023. ... Nebraska's Dante Dowdell (23) jumps over Colorado's Shilo Sanders (21) with the ...

  19. NDBC

    Owned and maintained by NOAA's National Ocean Service Water Level Observation Network 38.574 N 76.069 W (38°34'26" N 76°4'7" W) Site elevation: 2.3 m above mean sea level Air temp height: 3.5 m above site elevation Anemometer height: 6.4 m above site elevation Barometer elevation: 3.7 m above mean sea level Sea temp depth: 7.3 m below MLLW Latest NWS Marine Forecast

  20. River Jet Boat 23" Brushless Self-Righting Deep-V RTR

    The 23-inch RTR Deep-V River Jet Boat lets you cruise anywhere-including through rapids and moving water. The jet boat doesn't have an exposed propeller, turn fins or rudder. And with its powerful propulsion system, this boat can run in minimal amounts of water-even just a few inches. Thanks to its self-righting feature, the boat flips back ...

  21. River Boats for sale

    Johnson & Jago River Cruiser Canal. United Kingdom. 27.82 ft. 1962. Used. River Crusier Canel Boat Used Mainly on Windermere This is a one owner boat that has been lovely looked after and is only being sold due to bereavement. This is ... $72,635 *. Contact Seller.

  22. NDBC

    Station YKTV2 - 8637689 - Yorktown USCG Training Center, VA. Owned and maintained by NOAA's National Ocean Service. Water Level Observation Network. 37.227 N 76.479 W (37°13'36" N 76°28'43" W) Site elevation: 3.7 m above mean sea level. Air temp height: 3.9 m above site elevation. Anemometer height: 9.6 m above site elevation.

  23. River Oaks Palace Mansion Brings Visions of Old School Grandeur and a

    River Oaks Palace Mansion Brings Visions of Old School Grandeur and a $15.9 Million Price Tag: Magnificent Parisian Estate Makes Quite the Impression BY Shelby Hodge // 03.25.18 Save Article