Yacht Design

Yacht Design

November 2024

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The Master in Yacht Design offers the ideal educational path to become a Yacht Designer

The Master in Yacht Design offers the ideal educational path to become a Yacht Designer, by giving the necessary skills to deal with every stage of the design process – from the initial research and development of the concept to the actual construction of the interiors and exteriors and the validation of production processes in the boatyard. 

In recent years, the nautical sector has expanded constantly, confirming its role as one of the drivers of Made in Italy design. Furthermore, and the new classic approach, based on naval architecture, is taking on an automotive oriented edge, which introduces new working standards and technical and style solutions borrowed from car design.

The vocation of the Piemonte area, which boasts a number of style centres and renowned companies in the land and sea transport sectors, as well as one of the world’s largest shipyards, combined with the short distance from the coast of Liguria, makes Turin the natural setting for a training course founded on the growing process of osmosis that links the yacht world and the automotive industry.   

Information to decide

Methodology and structure.

The course is planned in levels, which begin with providing students with essential knowledge of the nautical sector, in terms of both cultural aspects and basic techniques. From there, students gradually acquire the skills connected with yacht design. 

Starting from a study of the history and current scenarios of the nautical sector, students will go on to study the market and obtain more detail knowledge of the different types of boats. They acquire significant knowledge of materials, technologies and production methods, including through hands-on experience in a shipyard. They are provided with technical drawing and design tools, as well.

A further strength of this Master course is the fact that is delivered on two campuses, Turin and Venice. This offers participants a dual scenario, in which both cities represent an important aspect of the themes the course is focused on: the tradition of the automotive industry on the one hand, and the maritime vocation on the other. 

The training course ends with a Thesis Project, developed on a brief given by a boatyard or a design studio.

Who is it for?

The admission of the Master is open to graduates in Architecture, Engineering and in the field of Design (Transportation, Interior, Product), as well as professionals in the sector seeking to apply their skills in this specific area.

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Federica Bertolini

Style Manager - Azimut Yachts Thesis Supervisor

Course Coordinator

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Lorenzo Ciuffatelli

Transportation Designer - Pinifarina

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Andrea Sculati

Founder and Director - Sculati & Partners

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Luca Sordelli

Marketing and Communication Manager - Harken Italy, Journalist - Wired, Barche, Nautech

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Nicola Scopelliti

Freelance Yacht Designer & Co-founder - Scopelliti Rasia Architetti

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Lorenzo Penato

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Camilla Pierucci

Naval and Nautical designer

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Stefano D'Adamo

Style Coordinator - Azimut Yachts

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Roberto Tarozzo

Engineering Office Manager / Project Manager - Azimut-Benetti

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Sergio Cutolo

Founder and Owner - Hydro Tec

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Alessandra De Luca

Training & Development Manager - Azimut-Benetti

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Umberto Maria Fossati

Founder and Director - Fossati design Bureau

Website LinkedIn

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88 Dragon - Sport Fly

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Yacht Design

The Specializing Master in Yacht Design to become experts in the design of boats for the pleasure boating sector.

The Master in Yacht Design of the Politecnico of Milan provides students with the tools needed to manage the design and construction process of both a sailing boat and a motorboat, from the design brief to defining the general plans , to the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic calculations to the interior fittings, of the roof and on-board equipment, to shipyard production and checking the final phases.

On the one hand it collects and consolidates opportunities and resources developed by the University, with particular reference to skills in the fields of industrial design, fluid dynamics, mechanics, materials science, on the other hand it uses resources, experience and expertise acquired at a number of other Italian universities including: University “Federico II” of Naples, University of Catania and University of Chieti.

  • Rectoral Decree Download pdf

The Head of the Specializing Master is prof. Andrea Ratti, the Deputy manager is prof. Arianna Bionda. The Commission is made up by professors of Politecnico di Milano: Andrea Ratti, Arianna Bionda, Silvia Piardi and Matteo Ingaramo; by prof. Massimo Musio Sale of the Genova University, by prof. Andrea Vallicelli of the Chieti University and by prof. Carlo Bertorello of the Federico II University of Napoli.

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XVIII edition

Testimonials, interview with elisabetta pianta, interview with marco foti.

On the occasion of the  20th birthday  of the Specializing Master in Yacht Design, we interviewed 20 alumni of the first MYD editions who have distinguished themselves in the world yachting scene. Here is our interview with  Marco Foti , student of the III edition of the Specializing Master and today  Project & Sales Manager of the Yacht division of the Sanlorenzo shipyard with headquarters in Ameglia (SP) and Viareggio .

Discover his path!

1. Can you tell us “who you are”, what do you do today and what role within the company / reality where you work?

My name is Marco Foti, I’m Project & Sales Manager of the Yacht division of Sanlorenzo shipyard, based in Ameglia (SP) and Viareggio. I deal both with sales to direct customers and through dealers, with particular reference to the Middle East, Greece, Russia, Balkans and UK areas. My role as “technical sales” Project Manager also includes the management of customizations and technical configurations of our yachts (Sanlorenzo builds only full “custom” yachts) organizing meetings with customers, delivery and cost control of the order.

2. What was the role of training, and in particular of the Specializing Master in Yacht Design at the Politecnico di Milano, to get to where you are today?

I took part in the MYD of the Polytechnic of Milan in 2004, immediately after my five-year degree in Mechanical Engineering, at Politecnico di Milano, that I graduated in December 2003. Being born and raised in Sicily, 50m from the sea in front of the wonderful Aeolian Islands, since I was a child boats have always been my passion, thanks also to my father, and I grew up with the desire to turn it into my dream job. The MYD has been for me the perfect link between the university environment and the world of work in this field, very challenging but equally rewarding and satisfying. All the notions I learned at MYD have been extremely useful since the very first day of my internship at the Sessa Marine shipyard in Bergamo, which I begun in the second half of 2004. From then on it has always been a crescendo of experiences, learning and, with great commitment and dedication, great personal gratification.

3. An important moment or a memory from your experience at the Specializing Master?

Concerning “important moments”, all the experiences in the classroom and in the shipyard with the various “top players” of the nautical world such as Vallicelli, Felci, Musio Sale, Bertorello, Ivana Porfiri, Wally Yacht remain indelible in my memory. The funniest anecdote: in that year the MYD class was composed of practically all “sailors”, while the only “motorists” were, in addition to myself, Francesca Darmian, Chiara Grugni and Eleonora Berneri. It was therefore extremely easy and immediate to form our working “team” nicknamed, to be precise, “the Engineers”, with whom we then carried out the MYD thesis project of a very sporty 60 knot boat…obviously with three engines!

4. The first word that comes to mind when thinking about the Specializing Master .


5. What advice would you give to a young person who dreams of becoming a yacht designer / undertaking this training course?

I may be against the tide, but the first piece of advice I would give is “extracurricular”: try to get involved in the sea! Anyhow, even with a small dinghy of two and a half meters, or a gozzetto rowing or a small sailboat: the “life on board” is absolutely the best “theory” that you can have and that will always carry you when it is time to design any detail of a boat, whether technical or aesthetic. In addition to this, the great strength of MYD is that, unlike the classic university faculties (e.g. naval engineering) where the activity is decidedly unbalanced on the theory side, here we deal much more with the “practical” part, thanks to the direct B2B interaction with great professionals of the nautical sector that, in Italy, has no equal in the world.

Interview with Alan De Candiziis

Interview with valentina speciale, interview with marijana radovic.

On the occasion of the  20th birthday of the Specializing Master in Yacht Design , we interviewed 20 alumni of the first MYD editions who have distinguished themselves in the world yachting scene. Here is our interview with Marijana Radovic student of the III edition of the Specializing Master and today Co-founder / m2atelier.

1. Can you tell us “who you are”, what do you do today and with what role within the company / reality where you work?

It takes a life to answer that question. I can tell you for sure that Marijana Radovic is a designer, architect, mum, wife, daughter, sister and a friend to many of my dear friends. My first professional choices started in Serbia and my career enfolded in Milan after precious experience in many other locations Rome, Geneva, Athens, London. From my Master onwards I have been always involved in Yachts Design and more. Thanks to diverse environments and significant experiences in the field, I mastered project management, which allowed me to oversee the projects at 360 degrees. In 2006 I founded a design studio STANDBY, initially based in Belgrade and Athens; then soon after, in 2009, I moved back to Milan, which I identified as a perfect location to continue my yacht design journey and research in the field, along with the residential and other architectural projects. Together with architect Marco Bonelli, I founded the international architecture studio m2atelier based in Milan, which has the essence in a multidisciplinary approach and continuous research of space potential, proportions, and materials, with an eye for details that distinguish our design.

2. What was the role of training, and in particular of the Master in Yacht Design of the Politecnico di Milano, to be where you are today?

It was fundamental. The architectural background was a good base; however, I entered the Yachting world during this master. I learned a lot since the course was quite intense, and at the same time, it opened the doors to important studios, and from there, the rest was on me.

3. An important moment or an anecdote from your experience at the Master.

I loved everything about the Master. I was also lucky to meet people who remained my friends. I remember very well that I was the first foreign student in the class, and that was when the Master was entirely in Italian. During the day, I studied and attended the classes, and my nights were dedicated to my 3 dictionaries that helped me follow the courses. I had to be 8 hours constantly focused on hearing and understanding the professors lecturing in Italian otherwise I risked of missing the whole lecture. After 3 days of studies, the professor asked me if I understood everything, and I answered, “yes” (which was maybe my mistake:). From then, no one ever asked me the same thing again assuming that I understood everything, so I had to move forward with intense learning of Italian language, along with Italian nautical language and the courses. That hard work paid off, and I am very satisfied today with what I had then accomplished in just one year.

4 . The first word that comes to your mind when thinking about the Master.

Experience. Working on projects that were real challenges. My colleagues. And the way I lived my life during the studies. All felt and became my new family. We spent time together working a lot and also travelling a lot which was organized by Politecnico.

5. What suggestion would you give to a young person who dreams of becoming a yacht designer / undertaking this training course? Master studies are the best way to gain knowledge and dive into the nautical world in a short intense period. I warmly recommend the Politecnico Master in Yacht Design to all people dreaming of becoming a yacht designer.

Yihharn Liu

Sara Pitoni

During my internship, I had the honor to work, with my tutor, on Riva projects for the feasibility of some interior spaces and for crew accommodation plan according to with Register rules. My principal tasks during this stage are the revision of general plans and modify interior layouts. I studied the synergy between the structures, systems and interior furniture, which certainly contributed to greatly enrich my cultural baggage, having the possibility to participate in meetings between the technical office and suppliers too. Having an Architecture background got during my five years at the Master degree, it wasn’t so easy to start in this field, but thanks to this Master I had the opportunity to come in touch with this company and get the basic know-how to undertake this journey. Special thanks to my tutor and some nice colleagues that taught me a lot about furniture components, structures, systems and all the design process necessary to reach the goal.

Federico Gerbino

From the very first day, I was thrown into the production area with the task of monitoring the feasibility of the interior and exterior arrangement on board aiming to achieve the goals the CRN had established with the customers. With my tutor, the industrial engineering specialist, I am actually working all day on board of every boat the shipyard is building. I can’t spoil you anything, but each of them is a real masterpiece! MYD has provided me with the right technical and soft skills that have allowed me to understand the problems related to the project that we have on board, I also learned how to operate within this new context, how to share information within a team and I also developed the ability to deal with issues under the pressure of deadlines set. Working in a shipyard like CRN has shown me and it has given me the right tools to build a full custom yacht. Here, I have the opportunity to improve my technical knowledge, my problem-solving skills and, by working on board, I had the possibility to cooperate with every supplier and to better understand how the interior space should be designed, considering both aesthetics and feasibility. During this fundamental period, I’m learning to solve smaller issues finding quickly an effective solution if something goes wrong during the construction.

Chrysa Vlachou

I am part of the design team and am involved in several projects currently developed by the studio. Familiarization with programs like Maxsurf, Rhino, Autocad and focus on specific steps of the yacht design process are some of the skills I developed during the master which are helping me being effective in my daily work. Being a member of a small design studio gives me the opportunity to follow up with various steps and have a better overview of the whole design process, from concept design stage till finalizing the technical drawings for the shipyard.

Nikol Naz Lebbink

During my internship experience, I have been working on the new Maori yacht 54ft Hardtop version inter or layout. While working on this project I was able to use the theoretical knowledge MYD gave me and to combining it with the Marketing needs of the work life. Besides this, customization has also a really big role in this studio. So, new layout arrangements, additional details or material changes are done according to the customers need and taste. The opportunity to analyze the theoretical information and to apply them in the real work, the representation of different ideas and design and the visits in the shipyard to supervise the production process, helped me a lot during the internship to follow and understand how a shipyard workflow is organized.

Training objectives

The Programme provides the tools to manage the design and construction of a sailing and motor boat , from the project brief to define the general plans, to the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic calculations, to the interior design, the deck and the on-board equipment, additional devices, to the production in the shipyard and check of the operation steps.

Participation in the Master Course offers the achievement of the following educational objectives:

  • development of design skills: ability to work in terms of problem setting and problem solving within the yachting market;
  • development of specialized technical skills;
  • acquisition of the principles and procedures of construction methods and techniques;
  • development of skills related to the production organization and shipyard management;
  • development of the ability to work in groups and enter authoritatively in the professional world;
  • ability to manage team conflicts and foster creativity processes.

Didactic Modules

The educational programme will be as follows:

  • Yacht Design: principles, methods, tools and rules;
  • Hystory and culture of Yacht Design;
  • Drawing and modeling;
  • Naval architecture;
  • Shipbuilding techniques;
  • On-board equipment and propulsion systems;
  • Interio Yacht Design;
  • Production processes and business plan;
  • Soft Skill for design;
  • Design workshops;
  • Internship.

Title Released

At the end of the course, upon passing the final exam, the first level Specializing Master’s degree of the Politecnico di Milano will be awarded in ” Yacht Design”, with the related achievement of 60 CFU/ECTS.

Employment Opportunities

The need of training in nautical sector is based on fast and exponential growth shown by this sector in last years.

This growth finds an additional attractive factor given by the new provisions that facilitate the development of this market (from simplification of procedures for construction of harbours, to tax reduction for pleasure boats above 10 metres, etc.).

For this reason, the sector currently shows a strong professional vocation, both on the side of skills necessary to design pleasure boats, as well as its components and accessories, and on the side of management of the different stages of production process.

In particular, this sector is going through a period of strong growth and development in quantitative and economic terms, which have not yet reached their highest level. This delay is also given by the current lack of figures able to manage and guide this change.

For this reason, candidates who attend the master’s programme find job opportunities at nautical design studios or at shipyards and companies from the nautical sector . The possible areas of professional involvement are: technical office; engineering; project management; production control; quality check; equipment design; styiling; customization; after sales.


The Specializing Master is for candidates with a Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) or Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica (equivalent to Master of Science) of New Educational System in Architecture, Industrial Design, Engineering or Economics.

For foreign applicants, equivalent academic qualifications will be considered in the related study systems.

The selection is made by the Commission. Selection interviews:

  • Tuesday, June 11 from 10:00 a.m. to noon and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, July 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Monday, July 29 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

To take part to the selection process , the application form must be completed online within the following deadlines:

  • EU/non-EU who graduated in Italy / EU citizens with qualification gained abroad within December 3, 2024 ,
  • Non-EU citizens who graduated abroad within November 3, 2024 .

The Specializing Master costs €14.500 , to be paid as below: • € 500.00 – registration fee to Politecnico di Milano, • € 14,000.00 – participation fee.

FAMILY SUPPORT: -50% A chance to gift your siblings the encouragement they need to invest in their future.

POLI.NETWORK: -50% A promotion designed to strengthen the bond and identity among members of the Politecnico di Milano community.

Current edition

Awards 2019.

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Interior design concept Winner

Steamring for Dada Doga Naz Cebeci MYD14

Concept over 70m Winner

Esquel by Timur Bozca for Oceanco Timur Bozca MYD12

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Winner Young Designer of the Year 2019

by Boat International Yihharn Liu – MYD15

Awards 2018

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Bronze A’ Design Award Winner for Yacht and Marine Vessels Design Category in 2018

Sapphire 43m Fast Planing Hybrid Motor Yacht di Matthias Krenz

Winner Young Designer of the Year 2018

by Boat International Nicolò Piredda – MYD16

3° place Young Designer of the Year 2018

by Boat International Francesco Conte – MYD 16

Special Mention Millennium Yacht Design Award

Orfeo Yacht Design team [Francesco M. Conte, Gildo incitti, Adeline Lagaria, Luca Scarsella]- MYD 16

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European Product Design Award 2018

Bronze in Transportation/Nautical/Boats award Sena Jinen Osman– MYD15

Awards 2017

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Young Designer of the Year Award 2017

Comète di Thibaud Le Merdy

Product Design Award 2017

Plantinun Prize in Transportation/Nautical/Boats award Alejandro Crespo Daroca – MYD15

Awards 2016

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ADI Design Index 2016

Scarliga Merlüss, curated by the students of MYD XII

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1° Classified Millennium Yacht Design Award

Guido Valtorta, MYD XII

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1° Classified Diporthesis

ALES by H.J. Choi, A. Ors, M. Schaefer and D. Agapitou, MYD XV

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Awards 2015

2° classified yacht design talent award by heesen.

Banu Hunler, MYD XIV

Awards 2014

yacht design studium

Winner of the Young Designer of the Year Award by Oceanco

Timur Bozca, MYD XII

yacht design studium

XXIII Compasso d’Oro ADI – Targa Giovani

El Niño skiff by Matteo Costa

ADI Design Index

Awards 2013

Project selected for adi design index 2013.

Scarliga Merlüss of the MYD XXII edition

Awards 2012

yacht design studium

2° classified Lotus prize

Zero Gravity by Aldo Bruno and Angela Petitto

Partial Exemptions of 25% – Specializing Master in Yacht Design

6 October 2024

There are 3 partial exemptions of 25% available to be applied to the participation fee for the Specializing Master in Yacht Design at the Politecnico di Milano, 2025/2026.

How to apply The request for partial exemption must be formalised by email to the following address: [email protected] .

The application and assignment of partial exemptions takes place during the process of admission to the Specializing Master, and never after its starting date.

The partial exemptions can only be used by those who make an application for selection and participation in the Specializing Master in Yacht Design at the Politecnico di Milano 2025/2026.

Award criteria The partial exemptions are assigned according to criteria based on merit and on the basis of the requirements of Art. 5 of the Rectoral Decree of approval of the Specializing Master. In evaluating candidates and assigning partial exemptions, the Specializing Master Board will consider:

– CVs and Professional Experience (15% weighting); – Interpersonal skills (20% weighting); – Relevance of personal interests to the themes of the Specializing Master (25% weighting); – Expectations and motivational aspects (40% weighting).

The minimum score to apply for partial exemptions is 380 on a scale of 100 to 500 points.

List of the documentation to be presented to the application for admission to the selection process LINK

  • Curriculum vitae;
  • Motivational letter;
  • Photocopy of the academic qualification obtained in addition to a certificate showing the grades reported in the individual exams or Diploma Supplement.

The partial exemptions cannot be combined with other exemptions, scholarships or attendance concessions provided by both POLI.design and other bodies, companies, institutions, associations etc.

The partial exemptions will be assigned to the first 3 candidates in the ranking according to the requirements indicated above.

The deadline for requesting partial exemptions is 06/10/2024 at 23:59 (Italian time). Only those who are eligible for partial exemptions will receive a written communication from POLI.design within 18/10/2024.

Within two days candidates who have received communication must send a free form statement of acceptance of the partial exemption to the address [email protected] and proceed with the formalisation of registration, or risk loss of the same and replacement by the candidate or candidates immediately following in the ranking. The registration is formalised with the payment of the first instalment to POLI.design and with the signing of the private agreement within 25/10/2024

The opportunity is valid until 06/10/2024.

POLI.design reserves the right not to assign all the partial exemptions available in the event that, at the discretion of the Specializing Master’s administration, no candidates appear who meet the indicated requirements. All partial exemptions may be subject to change without notice.

For any questions, please contact the Training Office: Tel. +39 0223995911 | [email protected]

Milan, 12/06/2024



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yacht design studium

Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-12
Access Admission test
Available places EU Students 20
EU Students 16
Non-EU Students 4
Locations LA SPEZIA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for ed
Student exchange
Contacts Read more
Orari delle lezioni

News and events

yacht design studium


yacht design studium

Discounts in 'Friends of UniGe' shops

yacht design studium

Contribution to rental costs for off-site a.y. 2023/24

Notice of admission, attachments.

  • Document Bando di ammissione alla laurea magistrale in Design navale e nautico a.a. 2024-2025

Check out the Previous Years Archive on the Admission Announcements page.

The Course in Brief


The course offers multidisciplinary training. The communication skills combined with the ability to build and control innovative scenarios allow the yacht-designer to work also in the world of interior design and cruise ships. The employment rate is very high both nationally and internationally.

Learning by doing

Design experience application labs and workshops are the basis of the 'learning by doing' principle. During these activities, in addition to getting involved, you will be able to collaborate and share your ideas with the lecturers and with professionals or companies in the sector, model, 3D print and prototype your projects.

You will also be able to participate in university regattas, educational cruises, carry out a training period in shipyards or professional studios and start the exchange programme for a double degree with ISD Rubika-Valenciennes.

Professional outlets

Freelance, employment with public and private organisations, design studios and companies operating in the area of Naval and Nautical Design, but also Communication Design (visual and multimedia). Employed in various roles at Nautical and Naval Shipyards, companies in the nautical and naval subcontracting sector and related induced activities.

What you will learn

Design workshops.

Yacht and superyacht design, trends for the future but also restoration, refitting, construction techniques, sustainability and production processes

intensive design

You will work with the largest boatyards in the area, putting yourself out there and trying to meet their demands with a short full immersion project

tools and cultural disciplines for design

History of ship science and construction from antiquity to the present day and history of contemporary art and graphics in relation to the nautical sector

tools and technical disciplines for design

Executive design, sustainability and LCA of pleasure boats

interior design superyachts and cruise ships

Did you know that...

unique on the national and European scene
90% of graduates find employment within a year of graduating
You can work closely with the world of nautical professions already during design workshops and intensive design
You can obtain a double degree thanks to an agreement with the Rubika-Valenciennes ISD Institute
You can 3D print models of your designs
Many students have distinguished themselves in national and international design awards and competitions
With the '1000 and 1 sail' project you can team-build a boat to participate in university regattas

The design of a boat, whatever its size, involves diverse and articulated knowledge. A boat is both a means of transport and a living environment, living on the water and yet referring to the coast. The range of objects of study and design presents a great variety: from the luxury yacht to the interiors of ships destined for tourism, but also schools or hospitals; from the performance boat to the design of the accessory, the component or of new modes of transport on water.

The study of the context, the construction of scenarios, the ability to represent and communicate are part of the graduate's preparation, without forgetting the cultural roots and historical knowledge that characterise the sector.  The student learns to understand contexts of use, to outline trends, to imagine modes of use, to create new services and products.

The graduate acquires the necessary skills to conceive, design and realise interior and exterior design of yachts and pleasure boats, manage the evolution of the project considering the production processes and the numerous dynamics involved in its realisation, develop an ability to effectively communicate project and product contents.


Maria Carola Morozzo al Salone Nautico di Genova

Welcome to the Master's Degree Course in Naval and Nautical Design. In recent years we have introduced professional figures into the sector who have been the protagonists of a cultural enrichment and bearers of innovation in an industrial sector in which Italy is a world leader. If you want to turn your passion for yachts into a profession, this course will provide you with the methodological and technical tools to do so. It won't be a walk in the park, but it will certainly be a rich experience and an opportunity for growth in a privileged training context.

Maria Carola Morozzo

Where we are.

La Spezia University Campus Viale Nicolò Fieschi 16/18 19123 La Spezia +39 0187 751265 https://campus-laspezia.unige.it/

Success Stories

Polytechnic Single Student Desk   Stradone S. Agostino 37, Genoa [email protected]

La Spezia University Campus Viale Nicolò Fieschi 16/18 19123 La Spezia [email protected]

Orientation [email protected]


European Institute of Yacht Design

Welcome to the web portal of the european institute of yacht design, the european institute of yacht design is the professional organisation in europe promoting the discipline and strategic value of yacht design..

This unique platform brings together business, education and culture; in order to share knowledge and experience and encourage interdisciplinary collaborations.

The European Institute of Yacht Design provides support and information in all aspects of the discipline, and promotes yacht design as a key success factor for the maritime industry and its related fields. It constantly champions design excellence, innovation and the exploration of new fields through research and exchange of knowledge and experience in the different topics of interest.

The European Institute of Yacht Design identifies and accelerates young talents and aims to attract professionals from related fields in order to shape and establish the profession of yacht design, as well as to communicate and represent its interests; bridging the gap between academia and business.

It strives to raise the standards by promoting quality, responsibility and sustainability; making the European yacht design a worldwide benchmark for excellence, attracting key players and favouring internationalization.

Topics of interest

Yacht Design is about design thinking, creative problem solving and an effective use of materials and technology. Yacht design is driven by a practical concern for technical processes, manufacture requirements and maritime regulations. It identifies the needs of the market and translates them into smart, human-centred and sustainable products. Moreover, yacht design is a powerful tool to create and transmit brand values in the maritime industry.

It is therefore important to raise the awareness of the yacht design profession in the maritime industry and to promote its strategic value to the different parties involved, such as shipyards, brokers, owners, crew, engineering studios, interior outfitting companies and suppliers.

The European Institute of Yacht Design seeks to understand and constantly shape the profession of yacht design and its design processes by identifying pioneer and leading edge projects, evaluating possibilities for successful collaborations and analysing how yacht design can be managed strategically for an optimum impact.

The yacht design discipline is directly linked to other design fields such as transportation, automotive, interior and product design, as well as architecture and interior architecture.

Striving to shape and define the profession of yacht design also in the creative context, the European Institute of Yacht Design identifies and explores converging points of mutual inspiration between the different design fields, in order to help increasing creative collaborations with cutting-edge outcomes.

Yacht design plays a key role in developing visions and strategies for the yachting business.

The European Institute of Yacht Design identifies challenges and opportunities, where yacht design can best encourage growth in the maritime industry, and serves as a bridge between academia and business. It aims to analyse and understand the market’s needs in yacht design and their influence on branding strategies, planning and communication.

This helps to promote and intensify the exchange of ideas between teaching, research and practical application, and to communicate the added value of yacht design, both in Europe and beyond its borders.

A profession has always the future prospects that it gives to its young talents. The future of European yacht design belongs to young designers. The European Institute of Yacht Design identifies up-and-coming talents and helps them find and develop their key skills and strengths, in order to accelerate their careers.

The European Institute of Yacht Design provides support and advice to women working in yacht design and the maritime business. It aims to identify active women with special career achievement in order to inspire, inform and motivate young women, and to invigorate the maritime industry with female talent.

The European Institute of Yacht Design aims to promote Europe as a pole of excellence in yacht design. It encourages exchange and collaborations between the European countries and strengthens their interconnections within the maritime industry, in order to develop and share knowledge about European yacht design around the world.

The European Institute of Yacht Design champions Europe as an innovative union and fosters its innovation development as a professional contributor in the field of yacht design.

Strategic Partners

[email protected].

Download our Vcard

European Institute of Yacht Design Am  Kapuzinerhölzl 37 • 80992 Munich • Germany



Westlawn's mission.

The Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology operates around one central goal:

Enabling our students and alumni to achieve their dreams of becoming successful yacht designers.

Westlawn Opens Doors

Over the years, Westlawn has produced more practicing small-craft designers than any other institution in the world.

Westlawn graduates have established careers throughout the marine industry, with leading builders and design firms. Many have launched their own independent design firms.

The Westlawn Diploma in Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, and Yacht Design demonstrates the graduate’s mastery of concept and design skills. Equally important to prospective clients and employers, it offers proof of superior self-discipline and dedication, for a powerful competitive advantage in the global marine industry.

Many Westlawn graduates report that their portfolios of design projects from the Westlawn course have been a primary factor in securing employment with leading boatbuilders and design firms. Employers add that Westlawn students’ learning is practical, relevant and up-to-date, allowing them to begin contributing immediately as productive team members.

Many Westlawn students have completed their studies after being hired as designers in many industries.

Who Should Consider Westlawn

Recent high school graduates choose Westlawn as the next step in their education, leading directly to a yacht and boat design career.

College and university students earning degrees in naval architecture and marine engineering find that Westlawn provides skills in boat design not covered in university courses, as well as training in conceptualization and aesthetics.

Many Westlawn students have already established careers in other disciplines, and seek to change their professional direction. Others, already working as designers in the marine industry, select Westlawn as a path to professional development and career enhancement.

So if you have an interest in boats and a desire to flex your creative muscle in marine design, the Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology is for you.

A Westlawn Education Is Effective, Convenient, And Affordable

To help you achieve your professional dreams, we’ve made it easier than ever to complete your Westlawn education.

Your monthly student fee covers your student membership in the two professional organizations that will be very important to your career as a yacht designer: RINA, the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, and SNAME, the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. These two organizations provide you with periodicals and access to an enormous library of valuable reference materials.

Because tuition and enrollment fees include all text materials, software tools, assignment review and evaluation, testing, grading and consultation with faculty, the cost of a Westlawn education represents a superior value.

Practical, Project Based Learning

Our courses are online, and have always been based on “Project Based Learning” which is widely recognized as the most effective way to learn: As a Westlawn student you will learn knowledge and skills, and immediately apply your skills on practical yacht designs.

Project Based Learning enables you to internalize and retain the knowledge and skills, as you use the tools and processes used in professional yacht design firms.

Select Westlawn students also have the opportunity to collaborate on Superyacht designs at Art Center College of Design, in Pasadena California.

By the time you graduate, your portfolio of professional quality design work will include nine designs of yachts engineered in aluminum, fiberglass, and wood, both sail and power.

This realistic and practical education means you will have the confident ability to design yachts for clients upon graduation.

The Yacht Design and Naval Architecture Course

A comprehensive four-module professional education, the Westlawn Yacht Design & Naval Architecture course enables you to master the principles of yacht design using industry standard tools, including Rhino3d and AutoCAD.

During this course, you will prepare plans, computations, specifications and all the details for nine different boat designs. You will design both powerboats and sailboats. You will follow the practices of successful yacht design firms.

Your nine different designs will be critiqued by the Westlawn faculty of professional yacht designers, and will provide you with a portfolio of your own designs to help you start your career.

Module 1: Principles of Yacht Design

Introduction to design process; Fundamentals of statics and dynamics and their influence on design.

Module 2: Aesthetics and Layouts

Elements of exterior and interior design of powerboats, monohull sailboats and multihulls, using Rhino and Autodesk tools such as AutoCAD.

Module 3: Construction Methods

A detailed study of manufacturing technologies, materials and processes for wood, fiberglass and aluminum production.

Module 4: Systems and Equipment

Design considerations and issues relating to engine installations, propulsion, electrical, navigation, plumbing, fuel and environmental systems.

When you satisfactorily complete all four modules, you will graduate and be awarded the Diploma in Yacht Design, Naval Architecture, and Marine Engineering.

Admission Requirements

The Yacht Design & Naval Architecture course is a comprehensive and rigorous course. You should be prepared and mature enough for a college education. There are no specific prerequisites, other than self motivation and discipline.

You need a Mac or PC with internet access and email to enroll and to do the coursework.

Work at your own pace

You may start the Westlawn course at any time.

The entire Yacht Design & Naval Architecture course requires about 3,200 hours of study and assignment preparation, or about 1 to 3 hours a day to complete the course in 4 years.

Westlawn is a work-at-your-own-pace school. Some complete in as little as two years, others may take a decade. It is common for our students to obtain gainful employment as designers of yachts, cars, airplanes, products, and interiors early in their education at Westlawn.

Tuition and Fees

$4600 per module for tuition, and $100 enrollment fee per month. Therefore, the total 4 module course will cost about $23,200 if completed in 4 years.

Everything is Included

Your tuition and enrollment fees includes all books and full versions of all software from Autodesk, including AutoCAD, Alias, Maya, Inventor. Deep discounts on Rhino and Orca3d are also available to our students.

Making waves for 90 years

Since 1930, Westlawn has set the standard for yacht design education. Over the years, our alumni continue to lead the marine industry in setting the tone for style throughout the industry, including sailing and power yachts and commercial vessels.

For example, alumnus Jack Hargrave gave us the now pervasive style of sport fishing boats with long fordecks and wide and low cockpits.

Alumni Andrej Justin, Tom Fexas, Bruce King, Gerry Douglas, Roger Martin, Dudley Dix, John Swarbrick, Doug Zurn, Rod Johnstone, and many others have designed large numbers of beautiful and influencial custom and production yachts including many America’s Cup racers.

Eos, the 320’ three masted schooner built by Lurssen, was designed by Westlawn graduate and Senior Partner of Langan Design, Antonio Ferrer.

Recent graduates include Adam Voorhees, Superyacht design award winner, and Adriana Monk, a Chief Designer for Wally Yachts of Monaco.

What Alumni Have to Say about Westlawn

It was a wonderful day for me personally to be able to present a second diploma to a Westlawn graduate since taking over the Hargrave company. I want to thank Westlawn for making all this possible not only for Greg Boyko, but for the entire Hargrave family. We take great pride in our company’s long history with Westlawn, and the list of honored recipients to receive a Westlawn diploma who not only played an important role in our company, but in the yachting industry overall is impressive indeed. Keep up the great work!
. . . I am currently a NAMS surveyor in Annapolis and have had my own successful business for over 16 years. I have been employed by two yacht yards and the US Navy. I spent three years on the drawing board primarily working for the Navy but doing some independent smaller design projects. In the last 20 years I have traveled to 40 countries surveying all manner of vessels from ocean going tugs and floating dry docks to yachts and high speed patrol boats. Many thanks for helping me establish a rewarding and wonderful career.
I am a Westlawn grad who has worked in the industry for over 17 years and am now presently holding the position of Sr. Development Engineer at Pursuit Boats (a division of S2 Yachts, Inc.). I have had several colleagues of mine inquire about the Westlawn program and I am always eager to provide a wonderful appraisal of my studies at Westlawn. It was exciting when ABYC decided to adopt the course and I was also pleased to hear that Norman Nudelman was once again part of the faculty. Keep up the good work and good luck with your future endeavors.
For those of us whose school notebooks were embroidered with boat sketches, the practice of yacht design is just being paid for doing what we like best. Training, such as the Westlawn course, is essential to make this possible. It did this for me.
If you are the kind of person that seeks rewards beyond the monetary boundaries, there is nothing so gratifying as seeing your design take shape and finally sail away. The Westlawn School of Yacht Design course can extract those talents from our creative genes.
I recommend Westlawn to anyone desiring to become a yacht designer or commercial boat designer.
. . . the quality of its graduates, including Bruce King, Bill Shaw, and Ted Brewer remains a constant.

Westlawn is a 501(c)3 non-profit public charity. Therefore, all revenues and funds are used only for the education of Westlawn students. Over the past 90 years, Westlawn has educated thousands of practicing yacht designers. Westlawn provides students with all books and software tools required to complete the course.

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yacht design studium

Admission criteria and procedure

1. read the admission criteria.

You can apply for admission if you have either:

  • a Bachelor degree (of at least 180 CFU/ECTS )
  • at least 180 CFU/ECTS

You can access this course only if you have obtained a degree or an equivalent qualification (bachelor's degree, a direct school for special purposes - 3 years), if you meet the curricular requirements and if you successfully pass the requisites assessment.

CV requirements

In order to attend this course the student needs the following requirements, without any exclusion:

  • Laurea, Laurea Specialistica, Laurea Magistrale (DM 509/1999 or DM 270/2004), obtained from an Italian University, or of 5-year Laurea (Laurea quinquennale, before DM 509/1999), obtained from an Italian University, or equivalent degrees
  • at least 40 CFU, or equivalent knowledge, obtained in any university courses (Laurea, Laurea Specialistica, Laurea Magistrale, University 1st- and 2nd-level Master courses) in the scientific sectors (settori scientifico-disciplinari) indicated for "basic" educational activities prescribed by Class L-9 (Industrial Engineering) Degrees
  • at least 45 CFU, or equivalent knowledge, obtained in any university courses (Laurea, Laurea Specialistica, Laurea Magistrale, University 1st- and 2nd-level Master courses) in the scientific sectors (settori scientifico-disciplinari) indicated for "characterizing" educational activities prescribed by Class L-9 (Industrial Engineering) Degrees, in the disciplinary frameworks of Naval Architecture, Static of the Ship, Ship Structures, Ship Propulsion Plants

The following first-level degrees ("Laurea") issued by the University of Genoa satisfy the above requirements:

  • Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  • Pleasure Craft Engineering

you are an UniGe graduate with a recent degree and you meet the admission criteria

If you graduated in UniGe with a recent degree (ex DM 509) and your degree meets the admission criteria, you must directly access the UniGe Online Services .

you are an UniGe graduate but your degree doesn't meet the admission criteria or you are a graduate from another University

If you are a UniGe graduate but your degree does not automatically meet the admission criteria or you are a graduate of another university, you have to:

  • Access the UniGe Online Service
  • Upload your study career (only for students coming from other Universities), including the prospectus of examinations with the indication, for each subject, of the scientific disciplinary areas and the relevant CFU. At this time, you will have to choose the date for your Admission test. N.B. The documentation must be uploaded within 10 days from the date you intend to join.

You will be informed of the outcome of the verification of the admission criteria before the date scheduled for the admission test.

If you don't succeed in the admission criteria verification, you will not be able to take part in the admission test. In this case, you will be suggested a bridge career (carriera ponte) to fill the curricular deficiencies identified.

If instead, you do not pass the admission test, you will be able to take the test for a different Master's Degree or submit to the next test.

N.B. If your Bachelor's degree grade is at least 9/10 of the maximum or has obtained a final grade corresponding to the "A" or "B" classification of the ECTS system, you will not have to take the Admission Test.

you are a candidate

You can attend the admission test even if you are not graduated yet, as long as you have already succeeded all the exams and your career meets the admission requirements.

In this case, after pre-enrollment, you have to access Unige's Online Services and choose the admission test date on which you would like to join in.

N.B. As you are not graduated yet, remember that you will not be able to take advantage of the possible exemption for the degree grade.

The enrollment procedure depends on your nationality, country of residence and academic curriculum.

Which kind of student are you?

European or non-eu citizen with an italian bsc.

If you want to enroll in a degree course of the University of Genoa, you have to complete your pre-enrolment online by filling in all the data related to your diploma.

Please note that non-EU students who have their residence abroad will have to pre-enrol at the Italian Embassy or Consulate in their Country even though they hold an Italian high school diploma.


Italian Degree

Students who obtain an Italian degree can ask for the accreditation status of their academic qualification at CIMEA (Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence).

Useful information

For further information about entry visas, stay permits and the enrolment for foreign students in a degree course of higher education for the a.y. 2021-2022, vist MIUR .

International Students Office ( SASS ) Piazza della Nunziata 6 16124 Genova +39 010 209 51525 [email protected]

Italian, European or non-EU citizen with Italian residence and a foreign BSc

If you want to enroll at the University of Genoa you have to register at SASS office , where you also have to submit your diploma –translated into Italian and legalised – accompanied by its Declaration of Value , and then complete the pre-enrolment on line.

Document you have to submit

If you want to enrol at the University of Genoa, you have to submit the following documents:

  • your diploma , in the original or in a certified copy, duly legalised by the Embassy or the Consulate;
  • the Italian translation of your diploma issued by the Embassy or the Consulate OR translated by an official translator and then certified by the Embassy or the Consulate or approved by the Italian Court
  • the Declaration of Value issued by the Embassy or the Consulate, OR any document issued by an ENIC-NARIC centre (visit the Italian ENIC-NARIC centre: www.cimea.it ), OR the documents issued by the Embassy or the Consulate located in Italy and representing the foreign country where you have obtained your diploma
  • any certificate attesting your successful completion of the admission test – if any – required by the university of your country.

If you have obtained a diploma after less than 12 years of school, you also have to submit one of the following documents:

  • the academic certificate attesting the successful completion of the exams scheduled for the 1st year or for the first two years of your degree study programme
  • an official Italian or foreign post-secondary diploma obtained in a higher education institution – universities excluded – in subjects related to the degree course you have applied for, having a duration of one or two years
  • any certificate issued by an Italian University attesting the successful completion of foundation courses

These documents should attest the attendance to courses during at least one or two years, according to whether your country has a 10-year or an 11-year education system.

If you want to enrol in a master’s degree course, besides your bachelor’s degree, you also have to submit the following documents:

  • the original certificate attesting all the teaching units you have attended and all the exams you have passed approved by the Embassy or the Consulate
  • the course contents and the study programmes of the teaching units included in your degree course duly certified by the University
  • an Italian official translation of the certificate as well as of the single units’ study programmes, unless they are issued in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese

You must hand over all your documents related to your diploma to SASS (the International Students Office) to complete your enrolment.

If you are a non-EU student, you must hand over at SASS your residence permit as well.

Please note: if you hold a student residence permit and you decide to withdraw from studies you will not be able to enrol again in the same course or in any other course.

If you need help to find accommodation, to obtain the residence permit as well as the Italian fiscal code, or if you need information about healthcare, bus passes or university canteens, or about how to open a new bank account, please contact SASS .

For further information:

  • visit the Study in Italy website
  • read "Welcome to Genoa!"

International Students Office ( SASS )

Piazza della Nunziata 6 16124 Genova +39 010 209 51525 [email protected]

non-EU citizen with residence abroad and foreign BSc

To apply, please visit the Apply UniGe website and follow the instructions at this page .

  • submit your pre-enrollment on the Universitaly website, 2023, choosing the University of Genoa and the course you want to apply for
  • refer to the Italian Embassy or Consulate for Italian translation and legalization of your diploma and for the issue of Declaration of Value
  • ff the University of Genoa accepts your application, contact the Italian Embassy or Consulate that you indicated in the pre-enrollment for the issue of study visa

For further information please check the MUR website.

2. Register and pre-register

To enroll in this course of study, you must go through the online process that includes registration and pre-registration (for more information you can watch the TUTORIAL ).

UniGe Portal Registration

If you have never been enrolled at the University of Genoa,  access the UniGe Portal  and get your UniGePASS credentials (for more information you can watch the  TUTORIAL ).


Make  apply for pre-registration  using the UniGePASS credentials you received with your registration.

To learn about the deadlines and how you can enroll in UniGe check out the pages  Dates  and  Enrollment

3. Support the verification of personal preparedness

Go to the page dedicated to  Personal Readiness Check .

4. Confirm registration

  • confirmation  that you want to the course of study of your choice from those indicated in the pre-registration you have already entered,
  • pay the  first installment of fees  according to the  modalities  and the deadlines indicated.


  • Partnerships

Aerial drone photo of luxury yacht with helipad anchored in turquoise bay

Empower your career 

where the tools of creativity set sail

Milan Yacht Design offers yacht designing course

We brought the sea in the heart of milan.

A new thriving Design Center Institute, where the style and vibe of the City dives into the lines of Superyachts, tremendous combination of technology and form. You'll work with experienced multiple awarded industry professionals with fifty years of experience, and have access to state-of-the-art equipment and technology. Join our yacht design courses and learn the skills needed to design and create some of the most luxurious and innovative yachts on the market. Our program covers everything from basic design principles to advanced

computer-aided design techniques.

Milan Yacht Design Institute, Naval architecture, Master in Yacht Design, Marine Engineering

Our Webinar it’s almost here!

The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!

Mins Minutes

Secs Seconds

This short four-hours Workshop is an introductory program. It is designed for beginners and covers the basics of yacht design, through

real-world examples, having access to multiple awarded Industry leaders. Our lecturers experience ranges in every single aspect of a project. The conventional representation, the creation and calculation, the study of materials and construction systems of hulls and superstructures, and for interior furnishings. The plant engineering and the choice of propulsion systems too. Always with an eye to proportions, innovation and elegant lines without exceeding in awe design... 

All that with that extra something that has made the “Made in Italy” yachts famous throughout the world. A history that comes from a distant past and is inherent in the DNA of Italian designers.

Copyright © 2023 Milan Yacht Design Institute S.r.l. - All Rights Reserved.

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VYD studio


VYD is a yacht design studio driver by the pursuit of perfection and attention to detail

VYD Studio believes every creation begins with a blank slate, where the client inspires, the designer expresses, and the shipyard forms. With nature as the paramount muse, we emphasize harmony between the client and their environment, tuning into their desires for a bespoke yacht design. Our approach sees perfection as an unattainable goal, fueling a perpetual journey of adaptation and imagination, reflecting the ever-evolving essence of nature itself.

Embark on a new voyage

Interior Design

Delving into the intricate details of life, striking a harmonious balance between minimalism and opulence, creating spaces that embrace openness and freedom, all to craft environments that are not just spaces but vibrant reflections of living. Explore our meticulous interior design work.

Exterior design

A Wellspring of Inspiration, Embracing Nature’s Harmony With Elegantly Sculpted and Robust Lines, Providing an Inviting Space for the Great Outdoors. Explore our meticulous exterior design work.

For Adventurers, By Visionaries

for explorers, by explorers

Every inspiration starts on blank paper; designer’s ability to materialise a form of life. A challenge where the client inspires, designer expresses, and shipyard forms. Navigate the design together with our team.


Exterior & Interior Design

Exterior Design

Virtus XP 52 499 GT

Where Innovation Meets Recognition

Our design studio has been honored with numerous prestigious awards, a testament to our commitment to pushing the boundaries of creativity and craftsmanship. Explore our award-winning projects and join us on a journey of design excellence.

yacht design studium

concept over 40m

Virtus 44 is awarded for Concept Over 40 Meters Award in The International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2019

Outstanding Exterior Yacht

Virtus 44 is shortlisted for Outstanding Exterior Yacht Awards in Boat International 2020

Outstanding Interior Yacht

Virtus 44 is shortlisted for Outstanding Interior Yacht Awards in Boat International 2020

The World Superyacht Award

Virtus 44 is nominated for Outstanding Exterior Yacht Awards in Boat International 2020

Let's discuss your dream yacht

Get in touch with us today to begin the journey towards bringing your dream yacht to life. We're here to listen, create, and make your vision a reality.

yacht design studium

[email protected]

+39 040 42039755

Piazza Silvio Benco, 4 Trieste,(34122) , Italy

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Interested in buying? Moran is proud to have the most impressive fleet of all the world’s brokerage companies. With over three decades of experience in yacht sales and purchase, along with countless time spent at sea, our knowledgeable luxury yacht brokers will guide you through the process of purchasing or selling a yacht. Learn more about our featured luxury yachts for sale here.

Luxury yacht Lurssen Marguertie for charter

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Rossinavi UTOPIA IV

Integrity and the relentless pursuit of the deal defines Moran Yacht & Ship - I am grateful that you were on this journey with me. This magical machine KISMET is the second yacht I’ve had built with Moran Yacht & Ship. KISMET has brought joy, hope, and the gift of discovery to many lives - including my own. You have made this world a better place! Owner, KISMET
By way of background, my business interests include controlling stakes in 3 publicly traded companies which operate vessels in the 500 to 5000dwt range. On average, one new vessel a year would be added to the fleet. As a result, I have access to in-house marine architects, engineers and construction supervisors. Consequently, when I decided to build my first large motor yacht, I did not feel I needed the services of a company like Moran Yacht & Ship. In any event, I was persuaded to let them negotiate on my behalf while I simultaneously held discussions with other building options. Moran Yacht & Ship understands yachts, their incredibly complex systems, and what constitutes a practical solution to various owners’ ideas. In short, I would not consider building another yacht without engaging Moran Yacht & Ship to provide the services they are so good in delivering. Former Owner, NORTHERN STAR

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The Gala Opening Ceremony of the 5th Moscow Boat Show held on March 20

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Written by Zuzana Bednarova

The Gala Opening Ceremony of the 5th International exhibition Moscow Boat Show was held on March 20 in the lobby of the first pavilion Crocus Expo IEC. The trade fair has demonstrated once again to be the largest project in Russia exhibiting the best products in the yachting segment.

5th Moscow Boat Show

5th Moscow Boat Show

The Moscow Boat Show is the own Crocus Expo IEC project and is supported by Aston Martin Moscow, Burevestnik Group logistics department and the Yachting specialized magazine.

The exposition space increased up to 30 000 sq m and was accommodated in all 4 exhibition halls of the fairgrounds! 280 Russian (Arkhangelsk, Vyborg, Kazan, Kaluga, Republic of Karelia, Moscow and Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod, Novorossiysk, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk region, Sochi, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen and Yaroslavl region) and foreign ( Denmark , Germany , Holland , Greece , Spain , Italy , Cyprus , China , Latvia , Poland , USA , Turkey , Ukraine, Finland , France , Montenegro and Croatia ) companies participated in the show.

Moscow Boat Show 2012

Moscow Boat Show 2012

Arcady Zlotnikov, First Deputy Director Crocus Expo IEC, was traditionally the first to take the floor at the official opening ceremony. He greeted warmly exhibitors, guests and visitors of Moscow Boat Show. Nikolay Krjuchek, Deputy Chief of the State Inspection on Small size Vessels (GIMS) of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of Russia, Georguiy Shaiduko,Acting President of the Russian Yachting Federation (VFPS), Olympic champion in Atlanta, and Ekaterina Grishechkina, Director of exhibition Moscow Boat Show also spoke at the ceremony.

The high-ranking guests noted dynamic development of the branch which well reasons the intensive growth of the exposition and appearance of rather unique articles.

The official opening ceremony of the Moscow Boat Show

The official opening ceremony of the Moscow Boat Show

The visitors for the first time had an opportunity to purchase 19-meter boats, private submarines, Jetlev-Flyers from MS Watersports and also rare yachts and boats.

The questions-and-answers session was organized for the journalists after the ceremony. Mass media representatives could communicate directly with organizers of the exhibition and top officials of the Russian yachting.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "The Gala Opening Ceremony of the 5th Moscow Boat Show held on March 20".

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    Abstract. In this article relevance of design and the background of yacht-clubs emergence and development are viewed. The historical description of the fi rst world and russian yacht-clubs in ...

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    UTOPIA IV. Length206′8″ / 63m. BuilderRossinavi. Charter from$505,000 p/w. VIEW MORE YACHTS FOR CHARTER. Integrity and the relentless pursuit of the deal defines Moran Yacht & Ship - I am grateful that you were on this journey with me. This magical machine KISMET is the second yacht I've had built with Moran Yacht & Ship.

  22. The Gala Opening Ceremony of the 5th Moscow Boat Show held on March 20

    The Moscow Boat Show is the own Crocus Expo IEC project and is supported by Aston Martin Moscow, Burevestnik Group logistics department and the Yachting specialized magazine.. The exposition space increased up to 30 000 sq m and was accommodated in all 4 exhibition halls of the fairgrounds! 280 Russian (Arkhangelsk, Vyborg, Kazan, Kaluga, Republic of Karelia, Moscow and Moscow region, Nizhny ...

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