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Andrei Dragos

The 2021 sailing season presents itself with a novelty dedicated to maxi sailing. Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series (MYAS) is the name of the new circuit that arises from the close collaboration between two cities such as Trieste and Venice with the aim of further expanding the racing field to other locations in the near future. A synergy, the one proposed by the Adriaco Yacht Club, whose invitation was addressed to two fundamental realities of sailing, not only local as the Nautical Society Pieta Julia of Sistiana (association founded in Pola in 1886) and the Compagnia della Vela of Venice. A collaboration that has led to the uniting, in a single circuit, of four of the most important and historic inshore and offshore regattas in the Adriatic area for the maxi fleet. A format that wants to enhance even more the commitment of both the owners and maxi teams and the organizers of the individual regattas whose participation numbers are constantly increasing. A new circuit that takes place temporally in the period between the end of September and the end of October, placing itself as a further offer of competitions for the maxi season which, historically, takes place in the Tyrrhenian and Mediterranean from May to September. The first appointment is represented by the oldest offshore regatta in the Adriatic, the Trieste – San Giovanni in Pelago – Trieste (scheduled for the night between Friday 24 and Saturday 25 September) organized by the Yacht Club Adriaco. The regatta, which touches the waters of three nations, is presented in a special edition to celebrate its sixtieth anniversary. The second stage of the Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series will be scheduled on the first Sunday of October with the very classic Bernetti Trophy of the Pietas Julia Nautical Company, an event now in its fiftieth edition (since it was named in memory of the President of the Club Guido Bernetti) but which saw the first edition of this same regatta took place four years earlier. The second edition of the Trieste Venezia – Two Cities One Sea Regatta (organized by the Yacht Club Adriaco with the logistical collaboration of the Yacht Club Venezia) will not only serve as an ideal connection point between the two seaside cities and will mark the passing of the baton at the decisive stage , the one scheduled for Sunday 17 October with the Veleziana (edition number 14), the regatta organized by the Compagnia delle Vela. All the regattas of the MYAS circuit will be held with a compensation formula with identical coefficients between each single regatta. Alberto Leghissa – helmsman of Anywave Safilens – “We are happy to see how our Gulf continues to be always very active in promoting sailing and consequently the commitment of teams that have always believed and continue to invest in maxi regattas. . The new MYAS circuit enters our competitive calendar by right and we can’t wait to compare ourselves with all our rivals in a month of great events through a compensation formula that allows everyone to demonstrate, at best and without compromise, their own value.” Furio Benussi – helmsman of Arca SGR – “My team can only support the will and vision of those who wanted to give life to this synergy between three great Yacht Clubs in the interest of all the protagonists of the regattas and not least of the public . A maxi challenge is something very demanding in every respect; knowing that the work of the maxi teams, which lasts 365 days between construction site, budget management, planning and logistics can now be further enhanced in terms of organization, communication and promotion by locations and Yacht Clubs, can only gratify us and offer further stimulus to do even more. It is a bar that continues to rise for everyone and which as such can only do good for our whole world ”. Piero Fornasaro De Manzini – President of the Adriaco Yacht Club – “Sailing continues to live and grow with different impulses that arise primarily from the sailing teams that dedicate themselves throughout the year to preparing their own challenges. A scenario in which the Yacht Clubs do not have to remain spectators but have the burden of supporting and supporting the sailing system as far as they are concerned; in this case the world of maxi racing yachts which represent one of the many expressions of our sport. The Yacht Club Adriaco believes in this mission in parallel with what it does by investing in the new generations, starting with the sailing school and youth teams. A commitment that is common to that of many other associations. Gianfranco Zotta – President of the Pietas Julia Nautical Society – “Three clubs that think and experience sailing in the same way could only join forces in a common project that is aimed primarily at those who believe and invest directly in taking part as a protagonist in our regattas . This will also be a precious opportunity for comparison and further growth for all parties on the field, whether they are racers or organizers. We therefore undertake this new path with great interest together with those who are the most professional and performing teams not only in our Gulf. “ Pier Vettor Grimani – President of the Compagnia della Vela – “Two big cities like Trieste and Venice are now even closer in the sign of great sailing. Our Club immediately accepted the invitation to become part of this format with the Veleziana, our regatta that continues to grow with each edition. An invitation that gratifies us because it offers even greater relevance and participation in our regatta and leads us to collaborate with realities that deeply love our sport. Yacht Club friends who, even in a particular moment like this, never stop working and think about how to always guarantee new energy to sailing “.

Andrei Dragos


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maxi yacht adriatic series

Un nuovo circuito di regate tutto MAXI: Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series

maxi yacht adriatic series

Una sinergia, quella proposta dallo Yacht Club Adriaco, il cui invito ha avuto quali destinatari atre due fondamentali realtà della vela non solo locale come la Società Nautica Pieta Julia di Sistiana (sodalizio fondato a Pola nel 1886) e la Compagnia della Vela di Venezia. Una collaborazione che ha portato ad unire, in un unico circuito, quattro delle più importanti e storiche regate inshore e offshore dell’area adriatica per la flotta maxi. Un format che vuole valorizzare ancor di più l’impegno tanto degli armatori e team maxi che degli stessi organizzatori delle singole regate i cui numeri di partecipazione risultano in costante ascesa.

Un nuovo circuito che va a collocarsi temporalmente nel periodo tra fine settembre e fine ottobre ponendosi come ulteriore offerta di competizioni per la stagione maxi che, storicamente, si svolge in Tirreno e in Mediterraneo da maggio a settembre.

Il primo appuntamento è rappresentato dalla più antica regata offshore dell’Adriatico, la Trieste – San Giovanni in Pelago – Trieste (in programma nella notte tra venerdì 24 e sabato 25 settembre) organizzata dallo Yacht Club Adriaco. La regata, che tocca le acque di tre Nazioni, si presenta in un’edizione speciale per celebrare il proprio sessantesimo anniversario.

La seconda edizione della Trieste Venezia – Two Cities One Sea Regatta (organizzata dallo Yacht Club Adriaco con la collaborazione logistica dello Yacht Club Venezia) farà da punto di collegamento non solo ideale tra le due città di mare e segnerà il passaggio di testimone alla tappa decisiva, quella in programma domenica 17 ottobre con la Veleziana (edizione numero 14), la regata organizzata dalla Compagnia delle Vela.

Tutte le regate del circuito MYAS si disputeranno con formula a compenso con coefficenti identici tra ogni singola regata.

Alberto Leghissa – timoniere di Anywave Safilens – “Siamo felici di vedere come il nostro Golfo continui ad essere sempre molto attivo nel promuovere al meglio la vela e di conseguenza l’impegno di team che, da sempre, credono e continuano ad investire nelle regate maxi. Il nuovo circuito MYAS entra di diritto nel nostro calendario agonistico e non vediamo l’ora di confrontarci con tutti i nostri avversari in un mese di grandi eventi attraverso una formula a compenso che permette a tutti di dimostrare, al meglio e senza compromessi, il proprio valore.”

Furio Benussi – timoniere di Arca SGR – “Il mio team non può che sostenere la volontà e la visione di chi ha voluto dare vita a questa sinergia tra tre grandi Yacht Club nell’interesse di tutti i protagonisti delle regate e non da ultimo del pubblico. Una sfida maxi è qualcosa di molto impegnativo sotto ogni profilo; sapere che il lavoro dei team maxi, che dura 365 giorni tra cantiere, gestione dei budget, programmazione e logistica da oggi può essere ulteriormente valorizzato in termini di organizzazione, comunicazione e promozione da parte di location e Yacht Club non può che gratificarci e offrire ulteriore stimolo a fare ancora di più.  Si tratta di un’asticella che continua ad alzarsi per tutti e che come tale non può che fare bene a tutto il nostro mondo”.

Piero Fornasaro De Manzini – Presidente Yacht Club Adriaco – “ La vela continua a vivere e crescere con diversi impulsi che nascono in primis dai sailing team che si dedicano nel corso di tutto l’anno a preparare le proprie sfide. Uno scenario in cui gli Yacht Club non devono restare spettatori bensì hanno l’onere di affiancare e supportare, per quanto di propria competenza, il sistema vela; in questo caso il mondo dei maxi yacht da regata che rappresentano una delle tante espressioni del nostro sport. Lo Yacht Club Adriaco crede a questa missione parallelamente a quanto fa investendo verso le nuove generazioni a partire dalla scuola vela e dalle squadre giovanili. Un impegno che è comune a quello di tanti altri sodalizi. Ringrazio gli amici della Società Nautica Pietas Julia e della Compagnia della Vela che hanno accolto immediatamente la nostra idea unendo i propri principali eventi al circuito MYAS”.

Gianfranco Zotta – Presidente Società Nautica Pietas Julia – “Tre Club che pensano e  vivono la vela allo stesso modo non potevano che unire le proprie forze in un progetto comune che si rivolge anzitutto a chi crede e investe direttamente nel prendere parte da protagonista alle nostre regate. Questa sarà anche una preziosa occasione di confronto e di ulteriore crescita per tutte le parti in campo, siano essi regatanti o organizzatori. Intraprendiamo dunque con grande interesse questo nuovo percorso insieme a quelli che sono i team più professionali e performanti non solo del nostro Golfo.”

Pier Vettor Grimani – Presidente Compagnia della Vela – “Due grandi città come Trieste e Venezia sono da oggi ancora più vicine nel segno della grande vela. Il nostro Club ha accolto immediatamente l’invito a entrare a far parte di questo format con la Veleziana, la nostra regata che continua a crescere ad ogni edizione. Un invito che ci gratifica perché offre ancor maggior rilevanza e partecipazione alla nostra regata e ci porta a collaborare con realtà che amano profondamente il nostro sport. Yacht Club amici che, anche in un momento particolare come questo, non smettono di lavorare e pensare a come garantire sempre nuova energia alla vela”.



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Leopard 3 is the first Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Champion

(photo: IMA / Studio Borlenghi)

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(photo: IMA / J. Boyd)

Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup - including Rolex IMA Maxi 1 Worlds - will take place in Porto Cervo from September 8 to 14

(photo: Rolex / C. Borlenghi)

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maxi yacht adriatic series

39 years ago the International Maxi Association was started as a small gathering of maxi yacht owners wishing to bring more co-ordination to their sailing. Since then it has grown both in the size of its membership and its remit, to become an organization with much wider influence and endorsed by World Sailing to organize World Championships and to manage maxi racing globally. The IMA’s overall aim is to encourage greater participation in maxi racing around the world. To this end, the Association has become increasingly involved in all the regattas with significant maxi participation. Another of the IMA’s major responsibilities is to encourage the highest standards of race management, safety and measurement for both inshore and offshore maxi yacht events. For maxi regattas the IMA assists with the standardization of entry and the writing of notice of races and sailing instructions. The Association can also assist with race management and support and endorse events that are held to its high standards. For 2021 as well as all our usual events and our Mediterranean Maxi Inshore and Offshore Championships, we are adding a new regatta run by the Yacht Club Italiano as a season opener in Portofino at the end of April. We are also supporting the famous Transpacific Yacht Race from Los Angeles to Hawaii and the Aegean 600. Our flagship event, the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup, we trust will be able to proceed this September in Porto Cervo in near normal conditions. Here and at Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez we will be joined by the J Class, a class formally affiliated with the IMA, as we await news of their next World Championship. The IMA’s membership remains healthy – a trend we hope will continue. We need maxi owners to support us so that we can support them! We remain extremely grateful for the generous long term and loyal support from our main sponsor Rolex and are pleased to welcome Credit Suisse as a further sponsor. We also thank the marine clothing company Code 0 for kitting out the IMA team in smart new gear. As usual I thank my hard-working and dedicated staff. Throughout the pandemic we have met weekly on Zoom but are greatly looking forward to seeing each other in person, as well as all maxi owner and sailors in the forthcoming season. We wish you an excellent season ahead.

February 2021 Andrew McIrvine IMA Secretary General

International Maxi Association Legal Headquarters: c/o BfB Société Fiduciaire Bourquin frères et Béran SA - 26, Rue de la Corraterie - 1204 Genève - Switzerland



Sailingfast 2018 600x500

34th Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup at Yacht Club Costa Smeralda - Overall

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Porto Cervo, 14 September 2024  – The Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup is one of the most impressive events in the international yachting calendar and synonymous with excellence. Both the regatta and its organizer, the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda (YCCS), have been partnered by Rolex since the mid-1980s. Indeed, the YCCS and Rolex are celebrating the 40th anniversary of their close cooperation this year. A partnership of such longevity is rare in sport and lies at the heart of the event’s continuing evolution and ability to maintain the highest of standards. The 2024 edition, organized in collaboration with the International Maxi Association, tested the patience of the crews and the determination of the race committee. Both were rewarded with a spectacular conclusion.

Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup: Continuing to Deliver

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Three of the event’s five racing days were lost to extreme winds, as strong north westerlies funnelled through the strait between Sardinia and Corsica. So it was with huge relief that the final day dawned clear and blue with more favourable westerly breeze. All competing teams richly deserve to be applauded for maintaining focus during such a challenging week, with those emerging victorious deserving the greatest plaudits. Joost Schuijff’s Leopard 3 from The Netherlands secured the first ever Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship, while Proteus entered by George and Christina Sakellaris topped Maxi 2, winning on countback. Aldo Parisotto’s Oscar 3 held on in Maxi 3, with Riccardo di Michele’s H2O lifting from third to first in Maxi 4. In terms of age, little separates the 35 metre (115 foot) Moat and the 43.6m (143ft) Svea launched in 2016 and 2017 respectively, but there is a world of difference in design and styling between the Swan Maxi and the J Class. In the end, it was Svea, redolent of a bygone era that secured Super Maxi by virtue of winning the last race of the series. Gaetana’s victory in Maxi Multihull was more emphatic.

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For Joost Schuijff winning a world title at the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup in Leopard 3, originally launched in 2007, is a remarkable achievement. After stepping ashore, he was quick to point to the amount of preparation it had taken ahead of the event to bring the crew together and iron out any problems with the yacht’s set up :

“ It is like a dream come true to win the Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship. Once here we worked hard to not make any mistakes. We had no issues with our sails or the other equipment on the boat, which is so important. In the end, we were capable of fighting for every second, keeping on the wind and at speed. ”

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Up against some much newer competition in the Maxi 1 division and racing for the world championship, the pressure was on. Two fourth places, in the windward/leeward racing earlier in the week, left the Leopard in touching distance, but needing a stellar result to overhaul a pair of smaller Maxis: Wendy Schmidt’s Deep Blue and Django HF, which had revelled in the lively short course conditions. With two former Rolex World Sailors of the Year, Ed Baird (2007) and Mike Sanderson (2006), in the afterguard of the Dutch Maxi, there was no shortage of tactical nous. The 42.5 nautical mile course set by the YCCS Race Committee, was a balance of beating, reaching and pure downwind sailing, deftly examining each boat’s prowess on different points of sail, and each crew’s ability to extract optimal performance on all parts of the course.

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Deep Blue’s attempt to defend their position at the top of the standings blew up on the first beat, as gear failure left the American yacht unable to turn downwind after the first mark. By the time the problem was resolved the rest of the Maxi 1 fleet was well on its way to the island of Soffi, the most southernmost point on the course. Leopard 3 spent much of the race fighting off the attentions of Galateia and V, a pair of Wallycentos. On the long beat up through the spectacular archipelago, to round the island of Maddalena, Leopard hung on. So too did Scallywag. The 30.5m/100ft ocean racer from Hong Kong kept tabs on those ahead, eventually moving into second on the water as the leaders reached the rocky outpost of Monaci. The chasing pack must have done wonders for the Leopard’s speed as the crew strove to stay in front.

maxi yacht adriatic series

Scallywag did manage to get the lead at the very end, finishing 24 seconds ahead. The result on the water, though, was not the most significant. Corrected time would determine the new world champion. Leopard’s concerted effort to stay in front paid off. Beating the 26m (80ft) My Song into second by just over a minute on time correction was enough to secure the race win and, more importantly, the world title by three points from Django HF.

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Marking a partnership of 40 years has been a special moment for both the YCCS and Rolex. Driven by the pursuit of perfection, and a passion to support the evolution and development of the sport, the longstanding relationship benefits from considerable mutual respect. YCCS Commodore Andrea Recordati had this to say :

“ This 34th edition of the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup was undoubtedly complex, but all credit must go to the entire YCCS organization for giving it their all. Congratulations to the winners in their respective classes and thank you on behalf of the YCCS to all the participants who helped make the event, as well as our partner Rolex, with whom we are celebrating 40 years of collaboration. ”

maxi yacht adriatic series

Watching proceedings from the water, was Quanhai Li, President of World Sailing, the federation responsible for all parts of the yachting fraternity :

“ The Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup and the Maxi class are part of the World Sailing family. It has been great to see highly skilled sailors racing these impressive boats in such an exceptional environment with excellent organisation provided by the YCCS and IMA. ”

The Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup takes place in one of the world’s most impressive sailing environments. The emerald waters, rocky outcrops and islets of north-east Sardinia’s Maddalena Archipelago offer an exceptional arena for yacht racing, with varied conditions and testing courses. The fleet of 44 yachts, measuring from 18.29m (60ft) to more than 43.6m (143ft) in length, crewed by the world’s leading professional sailors, were a sublime combination of power, speed and elegance. Despite the difficult circumstances presented by the weather, the event showed why its reputation is so deserved and, that in the hands of an organization determined to deliver the best for the participants, its future is assured.

maxi yacht adriatic series

About Rolex An unrivalled reputation for quality and expertise  Rolex is an integrated and independent Swiss watch manufacture. Headquartered in Geneva, the brand is recognized the world over for its expertise and the quality of its products – symbols of excellence, elegance and prestige. The movements of its Oyster Perpetual and Perpetual watches are certified by COSC, then tested in-house for their precision, performance and reliability. The Superlative Chronometer certification, symbolized by the green seal, confirms that each watch has successfully undergone tests conducted by Rolex in its own laboratories according to its own criteria. These are periodically validated by an independent external organization.

The word ‘Perpetual’ is inscribed on every Rolex Oyster watch. But more than just a word on a dial, it is a philosophy that embodies the company’s vision and values. Hans Wilsdorf, the founder of the company, instilled a notion of perpetual excellence that would drive the company forward. This led Rolex to pioneer the development of the wristwatch and numerous major watchmaking innovations, such as the Oyster, the first waterproof wristwatch, launched in 1926, and the Perpetual rotor self-winding mechanism, invented in 1931. In the course of its history, Rolex has registered over 600 patents. At its four sites in Switzerland, the brand designs, develops and produces the majority of its watch components, from the casting of the gold alloys to the machining, crafting, assembly and finishing of the movement, case, dial and bracelet. Furthermore, the brand is actively involved in supporting the arts and culture, sport and exploration, as well as those who are devising solutions to preserve the planet.

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martedì 14 settembre 2021

Maxi yacht adriatic series: parte il circuito voluto dai club centenari.

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The (Really) Big Boats Have Arrived

Those enormous, pricey Maxi yachts have joined the Caribbean racing season and will be at Les Voiles de St. Barth.

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By John Clarke

It has taken a few years, delayed by the pandemic, but formal Maxi yacht racing is coming to the Caribbean, considerably increasing the competitive opportunities sailors have to race their sleek monohull behemoths that can reach 100 feet long.

Les Voiles de St. Barth Richard Mille, which begins on Sunday, will join the inaugural I.M.A. Caribbean Maxi Challenge, a four-stop event created to increase the participation of Maxis in those regattas and draw more Maxis to the Caribbean sailing circuit.

“Maxi sailors are really excited because this increases the standards and quality, and the number of regattas they can sail,” said Benoît de Froidmont, president of the International Maxi Association . “Now we will have proper starts and courses.”

And more opportunities to sail their boats, which are expensive to maintain and cost as much as $10 million — owners want to get as much out of their boats as possible. “The biggest sin is to let these boats just sit,” said Ken Keefe, a former America’s Cup sailor who manages and sails on Vesper, a Maxi 72.

After a two-year pause for many regattas around the world because of the pandemic, sailors are excited about the new series, Keefe said. But many are also practicing a degree of restraint because of Covid and the war in Ukraine.

“Everyone is still a little shellshocked coming out of Covid,” he said. “We are all counting our blessings, but are more reserved this year — we won’t be dancing on tables. But the overall feeling is: Let’s get back to sailing, let’s get the band back together.”

Modeled after the races in the Mediterranean Maxi circuits, the Caribbean challenge invites Maxis over 60 feet long to compete February through May at the Caribbean 600 in Antigua, the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta, Les Voiles de St. Barth, and at Antigua Sailing Week.

To qualify for the series, sailors must compete in a minimum of two of the events, though this may eventually be increased to three once the circuit is better established, said James Boyd, an I.M.A. spokesman. Teams that compete in more than two events get to discard their worst result.

Technically, the addition of the Caribbean Maxi Challenge adds to I.M.A.-sanctioned Maxi events, but not all Maxi sailors were planning on sailing all four of the Caribbean events. Many will sail in just two or three and win on cumulative performance points, de Froidmont said.

Keefe, who manages logistics for Vesper, which includes transporting the boat around the world, said it would be possible to do all four of the Caribbean regattas and still take part in the Mediterranean sailing seasons.

“It can work out to move these boats around and boat in nice places and do it in a safe manner,” Keefe said. “The trick is to get the boat out of the Caribbean as soon as the series ends to avoid the hurricane season.”

The first stop of the series was the Caribbean 600 in Antigua. Comanche, a 100-foot Verdier design, won the regatta, followed by the VO65 Sailing Poland and the VO70 I Love Poland.

Conditions were challenging. One sailor told the I.M.A website that the race was one of the hardest in the world.

“It is like a heavyweight boxing match — the lefts and the rights just keep coming at you and you wait for that knockout punch,” said Richard Clarke, a tactician for Warrior Won. “No lead is safe until the very end.”

The Russian-owned Comanche, a recent trans-Atlantic ocean race winner and a dominating presence in regattas, withdrew from the Caribbean Maxi Challenge after World Sailing, the sports’ governing body, banned Russian participation because of the war in Ukraine. Skorpios, a ClubSwan 125 Maxi yacht, also withdrew under similar circumstances.

“There’s an awareness of what’s going on in Ukraine,” Keefe said. “The Russians have touched our sport in a strange way.”

The second stop, the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta, held in early March, was four days of racing. Sailing Poland took first, Janssen de Jong-DutchSail second and I Love Poland third.

The third stop is the Les Voiles de St. Barth, and the fourth and final is Antigua Sailing Week, which starts April 30.

The winners of Maxi racing receive only a trophy and bragging rights. “It remains an ancient sport,” de Froidmont said. “There is no prize money, just very passionate people who enjoy the challenge.”

The number of Maxis competing has increased over the past several years, he said, and should continue to rise.

Boyd, the I.M.A. spokesman, said it might take a few years to build a deep fleet for the Caribbean Maxi Challenge.

“This is the first year,’’ he said, “so we imagine it will take a few years for this to gain traction fully. Nonetheless, we are pleased with the Maxi turnout.

“The Maxi participation in Les Voiles de St. Barth is also looking strong with I.M.A. members participating from both sides of the Atlantic,” Boyd added. Twelve Maxis are scheduled to race.

Currently leading the series is the VO70 I Love Poland ahead of the Farr 100 Leopard 3.

“But neither is competing in St. Barth, so it could be that we will see some new teams move into the lead after St Barth and Antigua,” Boyd said.

“We have some incredible competition this year,” said Keefe, who has won the Voiles de St. Barth four times. “I can’t wait.”

maxi yacht adriatic series


maxi yacht adriatic series

Trieste, 21 ottobre 2021 – Con la disputa lo scorso fine settimana delle ultime due prove di circuito (la seconda edizione della Trieste – Venezia Trofeo Challenge Salone Nautico Venezia e la Veleziana) si è conclusa la prima edizione delle Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series, il circuito voluto dai tre Club ultracentenari Yacht Club Adriaco, Società Nautica Pietas Julia e Compagnia della Vela. Dopo la disputa di quattro eventi con oltre 130 miglia di duelli in ogni condizione di vento, tra boe e prove offshore, il  verdetto vede Portopiccolo – Prosecco DOC di Claudio Demartis conquistare il titolo nella classifica IRC con due successi (Trieste – Venezia e Veleziana) e un secondo posto (Trofeo Bernetti) nel proprio  score. La ranking tra gli  Open premia invece il maxi 100 Arca SGR di Furio Benussi autore della doppia line honours alla Trieste San Giovanni in Pelago – Trieste e alla Veleziana risultati che, unitamente al secondo posto alla Trieste – Venezia, hanno di fatto “blindato” la sua classifica. Claudio Demartis team leader di Portopiccolo  – Prosecco DOC  –   “Siamo felici di aver conquistato il titolo IRC di un circuito  che siamo certi crescerà diventando un vero punto di riferimento per il mondo maxi in Adriatico. La nostra barca si è dimostrata davvero molto competitiva e veloce sia in IRC che in reale e, sulla base di questo risultato, puntiamo a preparare al meglio la nostra stagione 2022 che ci vedrà ovviamente presenti sulla linea di partenza della seconda edizione delle Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series.”  Furio Benussi timoniere di Arca SGR  –  “ Le line honours in regate come la Trieste –San Giovanni in Pelago – Trieste e la Veleziana sono due sigilli che hanno impreziosito la nostra lunga stagione. Il mio Team ha creduto e incoraggiato da subito l’idea dei tre Club di dare un filo logico a quattro eventi di grande valore fino ad ora considerati e vissuti come eventi singoli e scollegati gli uni altri altri. Il circuito Maxi Yacht Adratic Series dimosta che la vela in Alto Adiatico può raccontare tante belle storie di competizione e di vela grazie all’impegno congiunto di Club, team e location che credono in un progetto comune”. Piero Fornasaro de Manzini, Presidente Yacht Club Adriaco  –  “Complimenti ai vincitori e soprattutto grazie ai Club, ai Team e a tutti coloro che, a vario titolo, hanno voluto dare vita e spessore a questa idea divenuta concreta quest’anno. Le Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series sono un progetto appena iniziato che guarda avanti al fine di generare sempre più attenzione e coinvolgimento sulla vela in Alto Adriatico. Il nostro Club insieme agli amici della Società Nautica Pieta Julia e della Compagnia della Vela da domani sarà già al lavoro per impostare il futuro e lo sviluppo di questo format che, mi fa piacere ricordare, ha visto avvicinarsi al mondo delle regate maxi anche molti giovani provenienti dal mondo delle derive; ragazzi che hanno potuto vivere una nuova esperienza di crescita come velisti, confrontandosi a bordo di barche importanti fianco a fianco con professionisti e campioni affermati”  

maxi yacht adriatic series


3 ottobre, 50 ° TROFEO BERNETTI: winner IRC ANEMOS



maxi yacht adriatic series

Organizzatore: Yacht Club Adriaco a.s.d. | mail: [email protected] | Privacy policy | Cookie policy | ©2021 Tutti i diritti riservati


  1. Trieste

    maxi yacht adriatic series

  2. Trieste

    maxi yacht adriatic series

  3. Trieste

    maxi yacht adriatic series


    maxi yacht adriatic series

  5. La Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series ritorna a settembre

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  6. Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series, the regatta circuit for Maxi sailing

    maxi yacht adriatic series


  1. ADRIATIC SERIES Duathlon Sprint Silver Rank di Tolentino

  2. Middle Sea Race Maxi Yacht Start 21 October 2023

  3. Rolex Maxi Yacht cup 2024

  4. Transatlantic Maxi Yacht Cup -- Indio

  5. Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup 2024

  6. Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup 2024


  1. Homepage

    Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series è il primo circuito di regate dedicato ad imbarcazioni da regata Maxi (da 15.90 metri lunghezza fuori tutto) collocato in area adriatica. Un fomat creato dallo Yacht Club Adriaco in collaborazione e sinergia con la Società Nautica Pietas Julia e la Compagnia della Vela Venezia. Tre Yacht Clubs i cui guidoni ...

  2. Regattas

    The Regattas BANDO DI REGATA Trieste - S. Giovanni in Pelago September 24, 2021 The first appointment is the oldest offshore regatta in the Adriatic, the Trieste - San Giovanni in Pelago - Trieste (night between Friday 24 and Saturday 25 September) organized by Yacht Club Adriaco. The regatta, which crosses three borders, will also celebrate […]

  3. Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series: Maxi Sailing Regatta Circuit in The High

    Trieste, February 19, 2021 - The 2021 sailing season opens with a new series dedicated to maxi sailing. Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series (MYAS) comes from a close collaboration between the cities of Trieste and Venice with the aim of further expanding the regatta field to other locations in the near future. Yacht Club Adriaco, seeing an opportunity for […]

  4. Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series, the regatta circuit for Maxi sailing

    Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series (MYAS) is the name of the new circuit that arises from the close collaboration between two cities such as Trieste and Venice with the aim of further expanding the racing field to other locations in the near future. A synergy, the one proposed by the Adriaco Yacht Club, whose invitation was addressed to two fundamental ...

  5. Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series

    Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series è il primo circuito di regate dedicato ad imbarcazioni da regata Maxi (da 15.99 metri lunghezza fuori tutto) collocato in area adriatica.

  6. Regate

    La seconda e terza tappa della Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series sono in programma il primo fine settimana di ottobre con il nuovo warm-up Bernetti e con il classicissimo Trofeo della Società Nautica Pietas Julia, evento quest'ultimo giunto alla sua cinquantunesima edizione (da quando fu intitolata alla memoria del Presidente del Club Guido Bernetti) ma che vide la prima edizione di questa stessa ...

  7. Un nuovo circuito di regate tutto MAXI: Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series

    Si chiama Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series (MYAS) il nuovo circuito che nasce dalla stretta collaborazione tra due città come Trieste e Venezia con l'obiettivo di ampliare ulteriormente il campo di regata anche ad altre location nel prossimo futuro. Una sinergia, quella proposta dallo Yacht Club Adriaco, il cui invito ha avuto quali destinatari ...

  8. International Maxi Association

    39 years ago the International Maxi Association was started as a small gathering of maxi yacht owners wishing to bring more co-ordination to their sailing. Since then it has grown both in the size of its membership and its remit, to become an organization with much wider influence and endorsed by World Sailing to organize World Championships ...

  9. Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup

    September's event will feature the very first World Championship for 'Maxi 1' Taking place out of Porto Cervo over 8-14 September as part of the main event, the Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship will be open to maxi yachts with an IRC TCC of 1.700-2.200 and up to 30.51m (100ft) in length.

  10. The Allure of the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup

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  11. 34th Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup at Yacht Club Costa Smeralda

    The final day of the 34th Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup and the first Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship was an excellent one. ... Deep Blue and Bullitt also ended the series with 14 points, but lost out on countback. It was a similar situation in the Maxi 2 and Supermaxi classes. In the Maxi 2 group Proteus finished on equal points (8) with the runner ...

  12. news

    ANEMOS DI MARCO BONO AL COMANDO DELLE MAXI YACHT ADRIATIC SERIES October 8, 2021 Trieste, 8 ottobre 2021 - Il nuovo circuito di regate Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series - creato dai club centenari Yacht Club Adriaco, Società Nautica Pietas Julia e Compagnia della Vela. Read More » next Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 previous.

  13. News Story

    Porto Cervo, 14 September 2024 - The Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup is one of the most impressive events in the international yachting calendar and synonymous with excellence. Both the regatta and its organizer, the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda (YCCS), have been partnered by Rolex since the mid-1980s.

  14. Navigamus Blog a Vela: Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series: Parte Il Circuito

    maxi yacht adriatic series: parte il circuito voluto dai club centenari

  15. The (Really) Big Boats Have Arrived

    April 15, 2022. It has taken a few years, delayed by the pandemic, but formal Maxi yacht racing is coming to the Caribbean, considerably increasing the competitive opportunities sailors have to ...

  16. news

    PORTOPICCOLO - PROSECCO DOC E ARCA SGR I VINCITORI DELLE MAXI YACHT ADRIATIC SERIES 2021 October 21, 2021 Trieste, 21 ottobre 2021 - Con la disputa lo scorso fine settimana delle ultime due prove di circuito (la seconda edizione della Trieste - Venezia Trofeo Challenge Salone Nautico Venezia ... Trieste, 8 ottobre 2021 - Il nuovo ...

  17. Rankings

    Menu. Homepage; News; Media; Rankings

  18. Yacht charter in Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik, the "Pearl of the Adriatic

    Dubrovnik, the "Pearl of the Adriatic," is a captivating city steeped in history, adorned with dramatic cliffs, and fringed by crystal-clear waters. But the true magic of Dubrovnik extends far beyond…

  19. Anemos Di Marco Bono Al Comando Delle Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series

    Trieste, 8 ottobre 2021 - Il nuovo circuito di regate Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series - creato dai club centenari Yacht Club Adriaco, Società Nautica Pietas Julia e Compagnia della Vela - entra nel vivo dopo la disputa delle prime due tappe: la 60sima Trieste - San Giovanni in Pelago - Trieste (organizzata dallo Yacht Club […]

  20. Veleziana 2021

    Menu. Homepage; News; Media; Veleziana 2021


    Trieste, 27 agosto 2021 - Le Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series, il primo circuito di regate per la flotta maxi dell'Adriatico, continua ad attrarre grandi nomi già nella sua stagione di esordio; cresce la lista dei protagonisti che si sfideranno nei quattro appuntamenti che designeranno il primo campione delle Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series. Arriva da Trieste […]

  22. Anche Pendragon Di Carlo Alberini Al Via Delle Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series

    Il circuito delle Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series si snoda attraverso quattro appuntamenti offhsore e inshore (60° Trieste- San Giovanni in Pelago - Trieste, 50° Trofeo Bernetti, Trieste-Venezia Two Cities One Sea Regatta e Veleziana) e decreterà un unico vincitore secondo la formula a compenso IRC.

  23. Portopiccolo

    Le Maxi Yacht Adriatic Series sono un progetto appena iniziato che guarda avanti al fine di generare sempre più attenzione e coinvolgimento sulla vela in Alto Adriatico. Il nostro Club insieme agli amici della Società Nautica Pieta Julia e della Compagnia della Vela da domani sarà già al lavoro per impostare il futuro e lo sviluppo di ...