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Gemini 105Mc

This is the third version of an already thoughtful design that tony smith has been tweaking for years. it's a spacious, stable platform for a fast-cruising couple..

catamaran gemini 105 mc

Tony Smith’s most recent design is the third iteration of a 34-foot catamaran that his company, Performance Cruising, Inc., of Annapolis, first introduced to the American market in the 1990s. The result of Smith’s continued tinkering, the 105Mc, is, he says faster than the original. Since this is our first review of the Gemini cat in any version, we can’t compare. But we can report that this boat is fast for a cruising catamaran. It’s also evidence that when a builder is willing to incorporate new and sometimes expensive ideas in design development, the results can be worth the investment.

Company History Tony Smith is a British expatriate who, with wife Susan, formed Performance Cruising in 1980. Following graduation from the University of East Anglia with a degree in engineering, he studied the mechanics of boat performance while participating in singlehanded races, including the first 2,100-mile Round Britain race, in which he finished fourth.

He began his boatbuilding career by constructing a 24-foot Piver trimaran in a shed in England. Then, in 1969, he developed a method of integrating foam coring with fiberglass, and produced the Telstar, a 26-foot, folding trimaran. During a 10-year run, 300 of the boats were sold worldwide. Along the way, he also was involved in the construction of 30- to 70-foot custom yachts.

Eventually emigrating to the US, he introduced the Telstar to the US market. Following the loss of the molds in a fire in 1981, he re-emerged on the scene with the design for a new catamaran, appropriately called the Phoenix, the first Gemini.

Gemini 105Mc

In 1993, the company launched the Gemini 3400, the first catamaran with a lifting underhung rudder system. It was eventually modified and reintroduced as the 105M, and the 105Mc is the most recent upgrade.

With 800 boats on the water, the company claims to be the best-selling catamaran manufacturer in the US. In 2002 the company’s 20 employees built and sold 54 boats, valued at $8 million, in a 16,000-square-foot factory. An additional 25,000 square feet of production space are currently under construction.

Six dealers are located in Florida, Maryland, California and Washington. Though the company also sells directly to customers, there’s no price advantage, and a connection to a local dealer would be an advantage if warranty issues arise.

A prototype for a new Telstar trimaran is undergoing sea trials, and can be seen on the Performance Cruising website.

Appearance/Design Smith’s perspective on sailing and yacht design fits the definition of a multihull advocate. From his standpoint, sailing is about speed, comfort, and stability.

From an aesthetic standpoint, comparisons of a 35-foot catamaran to a cruising monohull are usually akin to comparing a coupe to a delivery van. Though both may be designed to accomplish the same purposes, the execution varies greatly. Many cruising multihulls present a slab-sided appearance, and boxlike profiles with cabins extending high above deck level.

The 105Mc does not. When viewed from the quarter, the Mc has a relatively sporty appearance, even with the addition of a cockpit canopy that raises the boat’s profile. Viewed on the centerline, there’s no question she’s a cat, though the unsightly strakes of the 3400 version have been eliminated.

Smith says Gemini catamarans are designed for “serious ocean cruising,” adding that “a 23-day passage with son Neil across the North Atlantic opened my eyes to her capabilities.”

During the passage, he says, the pair encountered 45-knot winds and 35-foot waves, but never felt they were in harm’s way, and were comfortably ensconced in the cockpit wearing layers of fleece.

As most readers know, voyaging in multihulls offshore demands some different sailing techniques and priorities than sailing ballasted monohulls. The high initial stability of a multihull works both ways: the boat will mightily resist capsizing, but if it does go over and invert, it will be virtually impossible to right again without the assistance of a large ship with a cargo crane. Assuming the essential integrity of the hulls, the platform will be stable, and the crew will live in an inverted world pending rescue. However, very few owners of cruising multihulls have the occasion to take their boats into conditions that seriously challenge their initial stability, and (North Atlantic deliveries by designers notwithstanding) this Mc will usually be sailed in coastal or near-coastal waters.

The Mc has the same basic dimensions as the 3400. Note that the weights published in the company’s sales literature and on its website are at odds with each other. Dimensions in this article are accurate, Smith says: “The 105M and the Mc are the same weight—9,600 pounds. We realized after our trans-Atlantic trip that the weights we had given for the 105M were too low. We finally bought a pair of scales!

“The mast on the Mc is a foot taller than the 105M, and has a 1′ crane.” The mainsail now carries a large roach and full battens, increasing mainsail area from 260 to 340 square feet, a hefty jump. The 150% genoa carries 350 square feet.

A new option is a flat-cut overlapping genoa known in the multihull world as a “screecher.” This 490-square-foot sail produces spinnaker performance without adding a pole and guys.

The furling drum for the screecher tack can move athwartships on a curved track that is mounted at the prows of both hulls and across the bowsprit/anchor platform, forward of where the anchor is dropped through. This movable tack allows more flexibility with sheeting angles, especially when attempting to work to weather.

The cut of the sail allows it to be sailed to within 50 degrees of the apparent wind, and the tack arrangement doesn’t get in the way of the ground tackle.

Smith describes the hull shapes, introduced in 1995 on the 105M model, as “revolutionary in the multihull industry.” They have a 9:1 length to width ratio.

“They closely resemble a racing monohull,” Smith says. “They are shallow and fat, with a teardrop shape to produce more speed and increase load-carrying capacity. Compared to the 3400, narrower shapes allow hulls to be moved outward to produce stability without increasing beam.”

The foredeck has 39″ of clearance at the bow. (Note that the builders refer to the deck area forward of the cabin as the “bridge deck,” but we’ll use “foredeck” as we don’t want to confuse it with the bit of decking often found between the cockpit and the companionway.)

Asymmetric centerboards were designed to reduce turbulent drag and increase lift. Constructed of a combination of fiberglass mat and Kevlar surrounding closed cell foam, they pivot upward to allow shallow-water anchoring. Located in cavities on the hulls, they are raised from inside the main saloon, a convenient arrangement that does not interfere with galley or navigational chores. Smith says the combination of hull and centerboard redesigns produced a boat requiring “25% less energy to push it the same speed.”

The cockpit sole has been lowered slightly to increase headroom to 6′ 7″. However, the modification does not impair the helmsman’s view forward through a large Lexan window that spans the deck. The wheel was moved outboard, allowing the helmsman to steer from the rail. Mainsail controls are now located on a thicker transom that provides more comfortable seating for crew, and the stern has been modified to allow access from swim ladders.

Smith’s personality is that of a consummate tinkerer. However, unlike industry giants, he enjoys the luxury of being able to continually focus his attention on one product with an eye toward evolutionary improvements.

Deck One early impression while sailing this boat is that the cockpit doesn’t resemble a spaghetti factory, though the boat is as well-equipped with name-brand equipment as a similar-sized monohull.

Halyards are led to winches on the mast rather than sheetstoppers on the cabintop because, Smith says, “you’re operating on a stable platform, even in a blow,” so moving forward is not as treacherous.

The mast carries straight double spreaders and is stepped on deck atop the main bulkhead. The headstay is opposed by a split backstay with tensioner. Halyards are internal. Shrouds are dead-ended on chainplates at the main bulkhead. The chainplates are bolted through steel strapping bonded into the foredeck area.

The mast is rigged with permanent checkstays angled 20 degrees aft. These are supported through the deck by a stainless steel rod married to a steel plate mounted horizontally in the hull. The powerful sailplan is well supported.

As is true on most catamarans, movement forward is relatively effortless. The combination of 14″ wide steps, a handhold on the canopy, a stainless steel handrail recessed in the cabintop, and 10″ wide decks, allowed us to move forward safely in blustery conditions we encountered on a test sail.

Gemini 105Mc

The large sundeck and plastic seats attached to the forward rail provide passengers comfortable lounging spaces forward of the mast when underway. Unlike a lightweight monohull, the cat’s performance is relatively unaffected by weight on the foredeck. Storage compartments are located in each hull.

The helmsman steers seated on a 27″ wide x 16″ deep seat that affords unrestricted views forward. We sailed with three passengers under the canopy without interfering with the skipper. Though the saloon may be enclosed in stinky weather, clear windows on the top half of the cockpit bulkhead slide open to allow the driver to commiserate with passengers.

The mainsheet is attached to the end of the boom and a section of track mounted on the stern rail that affords excellent sail control. However, the task becomes difficult when the cockpit is enclosed by a clear vinyl cover.

Lockers for storage of propane tanks and an optional generator are also located in the cockpit.

Belowdecks Step over an 11″ doorframe into the saloon and there’s no comparing the open spaces of the Mc’s 14-foot beam to the view along the saloon of a typical 34-foot monohull. That impression is augmented by a portlight array that provides 360-degree visibility, and four Bowmar hatches that allow light and air to flow in from overhead.

Fiberglass surfaces are light and shiny, and veneers nicely finished. The fit of most cabinetry is above average.

The centerpiece of the saloon is a C -shaped dining area surrounded by cushions that, with the table removed, serves as a conversation pit. When lowered, the table converts to a double berth.

The space to port, amidships along the hull, is dedicated to the navigator. The master stateroom is forward amidships and to starboard, with the bunk set at a slight angle. The head is forward to port. There’s an elongated galley on the starboard side, matched by a navigator’s station along the port side, and twin staterooms aft.

The boat has enough bunks for 6-8 adults, but Smith rightly calls it “a couple’s boat.” This is a refreshing contrast to builders who overstate the livability of their products.

In addition to its spaciousness, the minimum headroom, even in the head, is more than 6′, so most passengers will be able to stand upright.

Though the interior is not dramatically different than typical production boats, several touches contribute to a favorable impression. The dining table is solid teak. Leaves increase the surface of the table to feed 6-8 adults, and it rotates 90 degrees to fit the crowd.

Part of the navigator’s 89″ long work surface is elevated and shaped so a chart kit fits securely.

Aft staterooms have a 28″ x 28″ area in which to change clothes without banging the hull. Both have double berths and opening ports. Propane sensors and fume detectors are standard equipment in the staterooms, as are audible alarms.

The size of the galley on the Mc was increased by locating countertops on the inboard and outboard sides of the passageway, and the addition of drawers and cabinets. Similarly, room for a built-in microwave was added. The space is filled with a Voyager 2000 two-burner stove with oven and broiler, and two-section stainless steel sink. A solar vent is located overhead. The four-cubic-foot refrigerator is a Dometic American.

Skipper’s quarters are filled with light by a port spanning the hulls that presents views through black Lexan. The queen-sized berth sits on an island with nothing below it but water. Storage is forward in the hull, and in bins to starboard. The aft bulkhead of the compartment is enclosed by smoked glass that slides out of the way to provide a view corridor for the helmsman.

The head compartment on the Mc is big, bright, and well-ventilated. A good touch is a siphon arrangement that allows fresh water to be pumped through the toilet after every use, helping to eliminate odors.

Throughout the catamaran, spaces are well-organized and proportioned, so crews will rest, eat, and sleep in comfort. The skipper’s quarters are large enough to help compensate for the monthly mortgage payment and slip fees.

Construction The Gemini plant is a model of efficiency, with no wasted space, as we learned during an afternoon tour. Boats typically require 5-7 days to proceed past six stations to a forklift waiting to launch them into a creek behind the facility.

Hulls, decks, and interior liners that provide reinforcement of the structure and a base for furniture are solid fiberglass. Liners are glassed and tabbed into the hull prior to installation of the deck.

The lamination schedule calls for vinylester resins bonding a barrier coat of 1.5-oz mat followed by two layers of 18 x 15 Cofab mat. The only coring is 1/2″ end-grain balsa across the foredeck and cabintop, and in cockpit areas in which there are no deck fittings.

The hull-deck joint is a shoebox design bonded with something Smith calls “black poly putty,” produced by Cook’s. Most builders prefer 3M5200 but Smith has used the putty for 20 years because “it has an 8- hour setup time that allows workers to be more precise in the placement of the two sections. It makes a phenomenal bond that is not brittle because it is chemically cured, a better alternative than air-cured products.”

Once installed, the deck is secured with stainless steel fasteners on 5″ centers and the joint is covered by a gunwale guard.

Following his trans-Atlantic trip, Smith decided that the boat needed to undergo a weight loss program. When constructed, most boats are heavier than designed, and the Mc was no exception. Smith estimates the boat was 1,000 pounds too heavy.

“It was not a matter of speed, but of comfort,” he said. “I felt that by reducing the boat’s weight I could increase its buoyancy and produce a more comfortable ride.”

To that end, he replaced drawers in the forward stateroom with bins, substituted 1/2″ plywood for 3/4″ in some areas, and lightened the lamination in some nonload-bearing areas.

The boat’s Achilles heel could be the solving of wiring or plumbing problems, should they occur. Wiring looms are attached to the liner prior to the installation of the liner to the hull, and are virtually inaccessible. Of the arrangement, Smith says “our looms are foolproof. Remember, we’ve been doing this for 20 years and the process is evolutionary, not revolutionary.” Spare hoses are installed during construction to ease retrofitting appliances, and 12-volt wires are run through PVC to avoid heat and chafe. Wires exit the mast into the forward stateroom, and can be accessed in a panel between the deck and liner. Still, we wouldn’t want to perform subcutaneous surgery on this boat.

Performance We sailed the 105Mc on the day after the Annapolis Boat Show ended, when multihull manufacturers congregate to offer rides to interested sailors. A northeaster arrived that morning, bringing winds that built to 25-35 knots and produced a 3-4 foot chop. We were the only multi hull on the water.

Gemini 105Mc

With the wind abeam when we slipped dock lines, once we were underway she motored well despite her windage. On the bay, the boat sailed with little heel, and fast, under a reefed mainsail and a flat, 90% jib. Nearby, the three-person crew aboard a 30-foot monohull struggled to keep their boat on her feet.

Sailing closed-hauled, speed fluctuated between 6.5 and 7 knots. The short chop produced a bumpy ride and water over the bow, but we stayed on course with very little leeway. When we cracked off, speed fluctuated between 7 and 12 knots in wind speeds ranging from 17 to 25 knots. She was easy to steer, and responsive when we made sudden maneuvers to avoid crab pots.

The canopy protects crew from the elements, but may provide a false sense of security, as we learned when we moved forward from its protection and stepped into a chilly breeze and seaspray. Handrails are well located, and the nonskid was effective on the wet deck.

The boat is propelled under power by a single Westerbeke diesel, using an outdrive leg than can be lifted clear of the water. The current standard engine is 27-hp, up from the 20-hp engine previously installed.

Conclusions This third generation of Gemini cat is an improvement over her predecessors. She sails as well to windward as can be expected of a cruising catamaran (better than many) and shows good speed and stability off the wind. She’s easy to operate, and well-built. Spaces belowdecks are comfortable and larger than those on similar-sized monohulls, though the lack of a second head will be an inconvenience for skippers overnighting with large crews. With the 27-hp engine, a 150% genoa and furler, and electronics, the tab for the 105Mc is $129,500. Add a screecher for another $5,400.

Contact – Performance Cruising, Inc., 410/626-2720, www.geminicatamarans.com


Where is the production site, and can a tour of the facility be arranged?

The boat is no longer in production. Tony retired and sold the company. I think during the 2005 market crash everything fell apart. The outdrive and engine aren’t made anymore. The new owners redesigned the boat and ruined the original idea. They tried to design a boat for the single handed rental market in the Caribbean with a deeper draft and fixed keels. It didn’t sell well.

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SERENITY | 2005 Gemini 105Mc

Indiantown, fl, us.

catamaran gemini 105 mc

SERENITY | Gemini 105Mc 34ft

The Gemini 105 MC is a fast, shallow draft catamaran cruiser capable of taking her people to paradise, where ever that may be. With her ability to sail very close to the wind and motor at 7 plus knots, all while sailing in comfort.


  • Length: 34ft
  • Beam: 14' 0"
  • Draft: 5' 0"
  • Displacement: 4.8 lbs
  • Status: Catamaran for Sale

View More Specs


  • Max Draft: 5' 0"
  • Displacement: 4.8 lb tonnes
  • Bridge Clearance Measure: 0' 0"
  • Cabin Head room measure: 0' 0"
  • Beam Measure: 14' 0"
  • Engine Brand: Westerbeke
  • Year Built: 2005
  • Engine Model: 30 B
  • Engine Type: InBoard
  • Engine/Fuel Type: Diesel
  • Engine Power: 27 hp


  • Number of cabins: 2
  • Number of heads: 1

Layout & Accommodations

Two: Queen side berth with regular mattress in bow and berth on port side( double mattress).

Settee table makes down into double bed

Head is on forward port hull. Includes overhead cabinet, shower sump pump, electric marine head, plexiglas folding partition for converting head into shower.

Former berth has water reverse osmosis system, with filters on sides, storage, tools.

Cockpit shower Air conditioner Head with sink, shower and toilet

Sink, microwave, 2 burner LPG stove, LPG oven, front-loading refrigerator ( propane)

Works on 110/ 12 volts , but has been primarily run on propane. 3 propane bottles.

Pots, pans, dishes, silverware, glasses, toaster

Manual foot pump for fresh water

Solid teak folding table and converts to bed

Pressurized hot and cold fresh water

Stainless steel twin sinks with adjustable faucet

Slider and bin storage

Laminate counters

Exterior glass lock door.

Microwave Refrigerator Pots, pans, dishes, silverware, etc. Linens

Deck & Equipment

Two-speed Winches, main fully battened sail with lazy jacks, roller furling sail and screecher. Windless. Seldom spars

Exterior woven fabric hammock at stern

Solar panel

Davets for potential dingy

Double spreader rig

Solar panel Fire extinguisher Grill

Electronics & Navigation

Raymarine VHF radio

EPIRB ( needs to be registered to new owner)

Battery charger

12v lighting

Fresh water flush system standard


Electrical, Power & Plumbing

110 air conditioner at port

Hot water heater

3 batteries( needing replacement)

Two bilge pumps

Honda generator 3 propane tanks Solar panel

Engine & Mechanical

Westebeke diesel

90 amp Alternator

Brand New Sillette sonic outdrive( retractable to be completely out of the after under sail)

Delta anchor and Danforth anchor

27hp inboard Westebeke original engine with new outdrive

Sails & Rigging

Mainsail with cover Roller furling sail Skreecher sail Danforth and delta anchors Genoa track on deck Lewmar winches; 2 handles

Additional Information

**Batteries need replacing** **Ignition switch needs replacing**

Lots of storage.

vacuum Fire extinguisher 5’ draft with boards in 6 gal. Hot water tank Gas cans Tools **3rd Berth is converted to Reverse osmosis water maker system but can be reversed back.** Lifeline gate 18 gal. holding tank High water bilge alarm

The Multihull Company is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel though the vessel may be listed with another brokerage company.

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The Multihull Company is pleased to announce their appointment as a dealer for Voyage Yachts and their new model – the Voyage 590!  The Voyage 590 is being celebrated as the ultimate, luxury sailing catamaran with all the comforts of home surrounded by panoramic views of paradise. She maximizes luxury accommodation and comfort, with the performance and blue-water capability characteristic...

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Multihull of the year

Gemini 105 Mc

10.5m long, beautiful accommodation, all this from a builder with recognised experience: here is the Gemini 105 Mc, a cat which is as comfortable taking you on a weekend trip, as on a sabbatical break...

Serious and strong construction; this is what has made the Gemini’s reputation.

Practical info

  • Builder : Gemini Catamarans
  • Finance your Gemini 105 Mc
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  • Available in issue # 112

Boat Test price 5.00 € Inc. tax

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The Gemini 105 Mc is a sailing cottage. Like a land cottage, it is cozy, comfortable, and sound. For multihull sailors, this 10.5 m (35 ft) catamaran gives great value in a modestly sized catamaran with a modest price to match. It is very clearly a boat design aimed at the owner, one who may want a boat for weekend and vacation cruising, or for a sailing couple on that extended cruise, the dream of a life time. For either, the Gemini is a successful design with three decades of experience in its pedigree.

Test Gemini 105 MC

The Gemini is an out-of-the-ordinary boat: in thirty years, more than 1,000 examples have been built.

The Deck Layout

The Gemini 105 Mc has a hard deck fore and aft. The bows extend about a foot beyond the fore hard deck. A foresail traveler and other sail controls occupy the space ahead of the forestay. A fiberglass deck extension forms a bowsprit that holds the anchor and is an attachment point for the forestay that holds a furling genoa. The foredeck is stepped. The step up creates space over the master berth that spans the bridge deck, and the salon. The cockpit contributes significantly to the living area on the boat. Few other catamarans of any size do so much ...

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MW #197 - Oct / Nov 2024

catamaran gemini 105 mc

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Brand: Gemini 105

catamaran gemini 105 mc

Jump to Gemini 105 Catamarans For Sale

The Gemini 105 was designed to be affordable, compact, relatively easy vessels for sailors new to catamarans. Production began with the 105M (meaning 10.5 meters), with a design change in 2004 to the 105MC, notable differences being the extended cockpit cover to allow for a full enclosure and a slightly taller mast (while still remaining ICW-friendly). In fact, the “c” in the 105Mc stands for “convertible,” likening the cockpit to that of a sports car. The Gemini Owners Group has a complete list of the numerous small differences between the M and MC as well as there are owner interviews below on this website that explain differences.

Builder:Performance Cruising Inc.
Designer:Tony Smith
Construction:Vinylester resins to bond a barrier coat of 1.5-ounce mat then two layers of 18 x 15 Cofab mat. The foredeck and cabin top are cored with 1/2″ end-grain balsa, as are cockpit areas in which there are no deck fittings.
Build Start:1995
Build End:2012
Number Built:over 1200; marketed as 105M (10.5 meter) until 2004 when cockpit cover extended to become the MC (the C stands for convertible)
Loa:33' 6" ( 10.21 m)
Lwl:31' 9" ( 9.75 m)
Beam:14' 0" ( 4.27 m)
Headroom:6 ft 1 in
Draft:Max Draft: 5' 6" ( 1.52 m) / Min Draft: 1' 6" ( .46 m)
Displacement:8600 lbs
Mast Height:48' 0" ( 14.63 m)
Bridgedeck Clearance:18 in
Speed:Cruising Speed: 6.5 Knts Max Speed: 7.5 Knts
Mfg Accommodations:The 3-cabin layout provides both comfort and privacy and the wet head is huge for a small boat. The C-shaped settee converts into a large bed for passages or extra guests. The large, propane-powered refrigerator provides ample space for food and beverages without draining batteries. With 6’ of headroom inside and up to 6’7” of headroom in the cockpit, guests can enjoy the panoramic windows without stooping.

Gemini 105M (Florida)

Gemini 105M

Aireze is a Florida-based 1999 Gemini 105M catamaran for sale by owner.  The Gemini 105 was designed to be affordable, compact, relatively easy vessels for sailors new to catamarans.  It is one of the most popular catamaran designs ever built with over 1,200 hulls constructed.

Aireze is easy to handle and well equipped with a new Raymarine Autopilot, Lewmar electric windlass, new electric head, lazy jacks, 2-100 watt solar panels, new Garmin 9″ touch screen, davits , all new rigging and lines installed 2016, new water heater, new alternator, water pump, impeller, elbow, sea strainer, heat exchanger just serviced,  new belts and filters. …

Gemini 105M (California)

Gemini 105M

First introduced on the original Gemini 105M, the hull shape of the 105M is still revolutionary in the multihull industry. The hulls of the Gemini 105M are shallow and shaped much like a “teardrop” which requires little force to move the 105M through the water yet it also provides a high load carrying capacity.  

The Gemini 105 was designed to be affordable, compact, relatively easy vessels for sailors new to catamarans.

Educational Articles

“s/v barefoot gal” – gemini 105 m review with carolyn of the boat galley.

catamaran gemini 105 mc

The other day we were lucky enough to interview Carolyn of S/V Barefoot Gal who runs the excellent website The Boat Galley which has a tremendous amount of educational content about living on a boat. Our focus was a review of her 105 M in a continuation of our series on Gemini catamaran models. Please see previous interviews on the Gemini 3200 , the Gemini 105 MC , and the Gemini 3000 .

catamaran gemini 105 mc

From the salon of Barefoot Gal she talked to us about her experiences with the Gemini 105 M, how much she loves the design for coastal cruising, and how it differs from the Gemini 105 MC.…

  • Tags Catamaran Interviews , Catamaran Reviews

Gemini 105 MC Review and Owner Interview – S/V Kid Cat

catamaran gemini 105 mc

As we continue in our series about Gemini catamarans, Melissa interviews Eric from the Gemini Owners Group who owns a Gemini 105 MC called S/V Kid Cat and sails out of Montreal and is planning to go out the St Lawrence in the summer and to the Bahamas maybe next winter. He weighs in with a different perspective on the never ending debate whether Gemini 105’s are blue water boats. He outlines differences between the 105 M and 105 MC. He mentions some common problems of the 105 MC. And he recommends the model to everyone.…

Gemini 105 Review

No catamaran discussion would be complete without a nod to the 34’ Gemini 105M and 105 MC line of catamarans, created by designer Tony Smith. From modest beginnings in 1996, the Gemini 105 has become one of the most popular domestic-built catamarans in the United States, with over 1200 hulls splashed.

Gemini Catamaran History

Originally built in Maryland, the Gemini 105 model began with the 105M (meaning 10.5 meters) in 1995 and then a design change in 2004 to the 105MC, some notable differences being the extended cockpit cover to allow for a full enclosure and a slightly taller mast (while still remaining ICW-friendly).…

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34' Gemini 105Mc Catamaran

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Yacht Price

1980 34' gemini 105mc catamaran | 34 ft., us$ 124,500, new listing, description.

An American Legacy boat, for over 27 years the Gemini 105Mc still remains one of the most proven and popular catamarans ever built. Her sailing performance is legendary, the accommodations are spacious, light, and airy and the deck layout and rig offers a stable, safe, and well-reasoned platform for whatever comes your way.

The ingenuity of lifting centerboards and kick-up rudders will have you sailing through less than 2' of water. All this and more at 33' 6" length and a 14' beam that can moor in a standard slip or truck across the country.

"Cool Change" is a great entry level catamaran for a family or a spacious on-the-water condo for a couple. She is ready to play, check out her full specs and make plans to get here before someone else does - this excellent Gemini simply can't last long. This is a trifecta of Price, Condition, and Location!

Located right here in the heart of paradise and home to some of the world’s most renowned cruising grounds, La Paz, Mexico, the gateway to the Sea of Cortez. Dozens of beautiful anchorages, many with white sand beaches and all with crystal clear warm waters teaming with exotic sea life.

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  • La Paz, BCS, Mexico

The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.

Financial and titling transactions are conducted in the US or Canada by licensed agents. An offshore purchase means great savings and the process is more hassle-free than you may think! Call for details.

Full Specifications

  • Length Overall: 33.42ft
  • Max Draft: 5.42ft
  • Length at Waterline: 37.25ft
  • Fresh Water Tank: 60 gal
  • Fuel Tank: 36 gal
  • Engine Make: Westerbeke
  • Engine Model: 3
  • Engine Hours: 1500
  • Engine Type: Inboard
  • Fuel Type: Diesel
  • New top overhaul 2022
  • Ray Marine Helm Autopilot
  • Ray Marine Lighthouse Pro 9 Chart Plotter
  • Icom IC 4240 VHf with cockpit remote
  • Watchmate AIS and
  • Ray Marine Radar
  • Yamar Windless. 50ft Chain 200 fr Rode
  • 3 propane tanks
  • Satellite Dome Windguard Pathgard xi
  • Two smart TVs Main Cabin and Salon
  • Jabsco model 37045 Electric toilet
  • Dual bilge pumps
  • Domestic electric /gas refrigerator unit
  • Two solar panels
  • New never used Achilles 8 ft dingy
  • Yamaha 6 hp 4 stroke dingy outboard.
  • Vent fans in all cabins
  • All lights converted to LED
  • New upholstery in Salon (solarium fabric)
  • Bottom painted 08/22
  • New steerinh cable and new quadrant
  • All rigging and sails recently inspected and found to be in good order

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Listing Broker

Tom Murray

La Paz Yachts

  • 011526121231948
  • La Paz, BCS, MX 23000

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Edwards Yacht Sales

Edwards Yacht Sales

  • 866.365.0706

2011 Gemini 105 MC

  • Cape Coral, FL, US

Yacht price

2011 Gemini 105 MC

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Major Price reduction - Very Motive Seller! 

" Shallow Minded"

2011 Gemini 105MC

34' Catamaran

If you are looking for a pocket catamaran that will perform in open water and delivers the ability to "gunk hole' than you are looking for "Shallow Minded". The sails, rigging, hull and interior are in fine condition. Ground tackle and tender will make very trip an adventure.


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2011 Gemini 105 MC

"Shallow Minded"

2011 Gemini 105Mc

If you are looking for a pocket catamaran that will perform in open water and delivers the ability to "gunk hole' than you are looking for "Shallow Minded".

The Gemini 105Mc is a great design that allows just that. With its minimum draft of 1'6" to a maximum of 5'6" - when the centerboards are down.  This boat has a 14' beam that supplies a steady, stable sailing experience and an abundance of living space below.

The hardcover cockpit with its starboard bulkhead helm, large storage lockers and molded benches and steps provides an accessible, safe and comfortable area to sail this vessel. The aft steps, on each hull, allows easy access to the davit hung tender and makes easily boarding the vessel possible

The Inboard/outboard center drive Westerbeke 27hps diesel engine pushes "Shallow Minded" with ease.

A full main with lazy jacks and a 150% genoa provides the power behind the sailing power of this vessel. The electrical windless with chained ground tackle delivers the holding strength need when anchoring.

Entering the cabin, which is on the same level, presents a large settee that center table can be removed to make a relaxing lounging pit or drop the table down to make a double size berth. The chart table is to the right with the side loading refrigerator/freezer unit and the boat's electrical panel is the left which is located above a padded seat.

Stepping down into the port hull, heading aft is a double berth cabin, heading forward is the enclosed marine head with as stainless-steel sink. Proceeding across the salon to the starboard and down the step is the galley, 2 burner propane stove/oven and a covered double sink. Heading toward the bow is the captain's quarter with the queen-size berth, at the other end of this hull is another double berth cabin.

The cabin is keeps cool with a Cabin top air conditioner.

The 2001 Gemini 105 Mc Catamaran is a sought after model.The rigging, sails, engine and hull are all in fine condition. This one is worth the time to see. Professionally detailed and ready to go.It with it's 9.5" tender is design for adventure.

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2007 Meridian 391 Sedan

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Search our catalog, go direct, enter a boat reference, gemini 105 mc catamaran, fast and spacious cruising, £ 84,950.00.

  • Boat REF#  ·  336065
  • Length  ·  10.21m
  • Year  ·  2007
  • Construction  ·  GRP
  • Underwater profile  ·  Multihull
  • Sleeping berths  ·  8
  • Engine  ·  1 x diesel 27hp, Westerbeke 30B (2007)
  • Lying  ·  Essex

Boatshed Essex

Boatshed Essex

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Extra Details

Designer Tony Smith
Builder Performance Cruising Inc.
Lying Essex
Fuel capacity 80.0 ltr (17.6 USG) Total - 2 Tanks
Water capacity 135.0 ltr (29.7 USG) Total - 2 Tanks
Holding tank capacity 80.0 ltr (17.6 USG) Total - 1 Tanks
Last survey 19/12/2022
Engine 1 x diesel 27hp
Engine make and model Westerbeke 30B (2007)
Engine Hours engine1= 1511
Engine Cooled Indirect
Steering wheel
Drive out
Prop(s) 3 bladed
Fuel consumption (approx) Not Recorded
Cruising speed (approx) 6 knots
Max speed (approx) 7 knots
Engine spares

Capable of 10-12 knots under sail Last engine and leg service (2024) Steering cables replaced (2023) Sterling inverter and battery charger

Length 10.21m
LWL 9.72m
Beam 4.27m
Draft Min 0.46m
Draft Max 1.68m
Displacement 3,930kg (8,665.7lbs)
Headroom 1.90m
Storage On marina

Sloop rigged Selden Aluminium spars (2007) with Stainless Steel standing rigging (2020)

Reefing mainsail Zoom Sails - Slab (2020) Stack Pack, Fully Battened, Lazy Jacks, 2 Reefs
Headsail Zoom Sails - Other (2020)
Other sails Screecher (2007)
Genoa (2007)

Furlex furling system Adjustable cruising chute tack fitted

Electrical Systems

12 volt battery, 240 shore power voltage, 5 batteries charged by: engine, solar panels, shore power


Construction GRP
Underwater profile Multihull
Finish Gelcoat finish

Lifting centreboards and rudder plates Plastic fuel and water tanks, cleaned (2023) Holding tank cleaned and capped off (2023) New freshwater handpump (2023) New taps (2023) Calorifier and immersion Coppercoated (2023) 1 x coat epoxy and 4 coats of copper Lifting centreboards and rudder blades


Total # of berths 8
No. of double berths 4
Cabin(s) 3
Sink 1
Shower 1
Heads 1 heads (Porta Potti)

Helm seat (vgc) Sea toilet fittings in place, along with the holding tank Voyager cooker 2500 Cabin heating serviced (2022) New Portapotti (2023) New carpets (2024) Blinds

2 burner propane Stove

Cabin heating
Manual water system
Pressurised water system
Hot water system
Sail cover
Swim Ladder
Instrument Covers
Cockpit Enclosure
Bow Thruster

2 halyard winches 2 sheet winches Electric windlass 2 anchors (Delta) Anchor chain and warp Kedge anchor with chain and warp Cockpit enclosure (Serviceable) Sugar scoops Bow thruster gear leg replaced (2023) Davit pulleys serviced (2023) New hatch surrounds (spares) Hatch covers Sugar scoops

Nav Equipment

Navigation lights
AIS Receiver
Depth sounder
Radar Reflector

Raymarine 54E VHF GPS/Sonar Lowarance Hook7 (not currently used) Raymarine ST6000 autopilot Rayarine ST60+ wind Raymarine ST60+ tridata Nasa Navtex Meteoman

Safety Equipment

Fume detector
Carbon Monoxide detector
Life buoys
MOB System

3 bilge pumps (1 manual / 2 electric)

New fire extinguishers (2023) Fire blanket

Broker's Comments

Boatshed Essex are pleased to be presenting this fast, spacious and capable catamaran. The Gemini 105MC is the upgraded Gemini Catamaran, narrow enough to cruise European Canals to the Mediterranean and robust enough for crossing seas.

The Gemini is packed with space and performance, with three double cabins, a separate shower and heads room, large galley with acres of worktop space and a saloon that comfortably seats six. It is no surprise these are popular long term cruising platforms and even liveaboard boats.

The sail performance for a multihull is comparatively good, with a large mainsail, improving upwind performance and a Genoa that makes downwind sailing straightforward. Manoeuvrability in close quarters is helped considerably with a powerful Westerbeke engine and steerable drive.

This version has benefited from a number of recent investment packages including the application of Coppercoat, engine servicing, recent rigging and sails, as detailed in the listing.

If you would like any more details or to organise a personal viewing, then please do contact our office and we would be pleased to help.

These boat details are subject to contract. Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

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Jayne Markham

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gemini catamarans for sale

catamaran gemini for sale

catamaran gemini for sale

Find 15 Gemini boats for sale near you, including boat prices, photos, and more. Locate Gemini boat dealers and find your boat at Boat Trader!

Gemini Freestyle 399 Power (Chesapeake Bay) Asking: $225,000 (USD) Hull 004 is a Edgewater, Maryland based 2019 Gemini Freestyle 399 Power Catamaran For Sale By Broker. Photos & Details Contact Catamaran Broker. $47,733 (USD) Price Drop! (2024-09-03) Embrace the thrill of power catamarans with the Gemini Freestyle 399.

Contact. 416-639-1037. Gemini 3400. Gibraltar, Michigan. 1994. $38,800. My 1994 Gemini Catamaran is a great boat to own because she's stable, spacious fast, has a minimal draft of just 18 inches and with her 14 foot beam she fits in a standard slip. With her swing rudders and daggerboard down, her draft goes to 60 inches for a nice sail with ...

Gemini 105M (Florida) Aireze is a Florida-based 1999 Gemini 105M catamaran for sale by owner. The Gemini 105 was designed to be affordable, compact, relatively easy vessels for sailors new to catamarans. It is one of the most popular catamaran designs ever built with over 1,200 hulls constructed.

Boat Description. Embrace the thrill of power catamarans with the Gemini Freestyle 399. This innovative design delivers impressive cruising speeds of 14-15 knots, reaching up to 18 knots for exhilarating getaways. This Gemini is perfect for cruising or day charters. Comfortable one bed, one bath layout with a spacious bow perfect for sight-seeing.

Gemini Catamarans, top builder of Gemini 3100, 3000, 3200, 3400, 105M, and the new hybrid Gemini catamaran. Find all boats for sale here.

The Gemini 105 MC is a fast, shallow draft catamaran cruiser capable of taking her people to paradise, where ever that may be. With her ability to sail very close to the wind and motor at 7 plus knots, all while sailing in comfort.

Aireze is a Florida-based 1999 Gemini 105M catamaran for sale by owner. The Gemini 105 was designed to be affordable, compact, relatively easy vessels for sailors new to catamarans.

2011 33.5' Gemini Performance Cruising Gemini 105MC catamaran sailboat for sale in Marineland marina Florida

View a large selection of Gemini boats for sale at Edwards Yacht Sales, the source of brokerage boats and yachts on the web.

Gemini preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Gemini used sailboats for sale by owner.

Rent a Power catamaran in Perm Krai for a fantastic price ⛵ Choose among thousands of charter yachts available online and save money Summer 2021 - over 651 exclusive deals online Best prices - save on average 784 € on each booking

Search for real estate in Perm Krai, Russia and find real estate listings in Perm Krai, Russia. Land for Sale in Perm Krai, Russia | Century 21®. Get details of properties and view photos. Connect to real estate Agents in Perm Krai, Russia on Century 21®

Find Residential properties for Sale in Perm Krai, Russia Large selection of residential properties in latest listings Actual prices Photos Description and Location on the map.

Dmitrii Vaiman Two large groups of Roma are settled in the territory of Perm Krai, the Ruska Roma and Kalderari. Roma live both in cities and countryside. Roma living in the countryside keeps elements of traditional culture. In Perm Krai we can find different families of the Ruska [Russian] Roma: Gorbovichi, Nemzengery, Bashnengery, Polyaki, Sapuny, Gubany. In contrast to the Kalderari the ...


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  3. 2000 Gemini 105 MC Catamaran Sailboat

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  4. Catamarans Gemini 105mc for sale

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  5. 2004 Gemini 105 MC Catamaran for sale

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  6. Sold Catamaran 2002 PERFORMANCE CRUISING Gemini 105Mc (34ft)

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  2. How to start Westerbeke on Gemini 105 MC

  3. Hobie Catamaran Fishing part 2

  4. Gemini 105M Launching

  5. Gemini 105 MC vs Telstat 28 in Bahamas

  6. HOA Organized Catamaran RENTAL On My own Lake, Claims It's Public Property! I'm NO HOA Member ! r/EP


  1. GEMINI 105MC

    Catamaran Twin Cbrd. Rigging Type: Masthead Sloop: LOA: 33.50 ft / 10.21 m: LWL: 31.75 ft / 9.68 m: ... GEMINI 105MC is a development of the 105M with a number of interior updates. Most visibly, however, the cockpit of the 105Mc can be temporarily enclosed with either canvas or solid panels.

  2. Gemini 105 Review

    No catamaran discussion would be complete without a nod to the 34' Gemini 105M and 105 MC line of catamarans, created by designer Tony Smith. From modest beginnings in 1996, the Gemini 105 has become one of the most popular domestic-built catamarans in the United States, with over 1200 hulls splashed. Gemini Catamaran History

  3. Gemini 105mc boats for sale

    Find Gemini 105mc boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Gemini boats to choose from. ... 105 MC. Model-gemini-desktop. 105 M. Model-gemini-desktop. 105M Catamaran. Model-gemini-desktop. 3200. Model-gemini-desktop. 35 Legacy. Model-gemini-desktop. WR550. Model-gemini-desktop. WR650. Model ...

  4. Gemini 105Mc

    It was eventually modified and reintroduced as the 105M, and the 105Mc is the most recent upgrade. With 800 boats on the water, the company claims to be the best-selling catamaran manufacturer in the US. In 2002 the company's 20 employees built and sold 54 boats, valued at $8 million, in a 16,000-square-foot factory.

  5. Gemini 105 MC Review and Owner Interview

    Gemini 105 MC "Kid Cat". As we continue in our series about Gemini catamarans, Melissa interviews Eric from the Gemini Owners Group who owns a Gemini 105 MC called S/V Kid Cat and sails out of Montreal and is planning to go out the St Lawrence in the summer and to the Bahamas maybe next winter. He weighs in with a different perspective on the ...

  6. Gemini 105Mc, Used Catamarans for Sale

    The Gemini 105 MC is a fast, shallow draft catamaran cruiser capable of taking her people to paradise, where ever that may be. ... the Voyage 590! The Voyage 590 is being celebrated as the ultimate, luxury sailing catamaran with all the comforts of home surrounded by panoramic views of paradise. She maximizes luxury accommodation and comfort ...

  7. Gemini Catamaran 105mc boats for sale in United States

    Find Gemini Catamaran 105mc boats for sale in United States. Offering the best selection of Gemini boats to choose from. ... 105 M. Model-gemini-desktop. 105 MC. Model-gemini-desktop. 105M Catamaran. Model-gemini-desktop. 3200. Model-gemini-desktop. 35 Legacy. Engine Details. Number of Engines. All 1 2 3 4+

  8. Boat Review by Multihulls World of: Catamaran Gemini 105 Mc

    Boat Test price 5.00€ Inc. tax. Purchase. The Gemini 105 Mc is a sailing cottage. Like a land cottage, it is cozy, comfortable, and sound. For multihull sailors, this 10.5 m (35 ft) catamaran gives great value in a modestly sized catamaran with a modest price to match. It is very clearly a boat design aimed at the owner, one who may want a ...

  9. Gemini 105mc boats for sale

    The starting price is $88,000, the most expensive is $144,000, and the average price of $92,500. Related boats include the following models: 105 MC, 3200 and 105 M. Boat Trader works with thousands of boat dealers and brokers to bring you one of the largest collections of Gemini 105mc boats on the market.

  10. Gemini 105 Catamarans For Sale

    The Gemini 105 was designed to be affordable, compact, relatively easy vessels for sailors new to catamarans. Production began with the 105M (meaning 10.5 meters), with a des ... No catamaran discussion would be complete without a nod to the 34' Gemini 105M and 105 MC line of catamarans, created by designer Tony Smith. From modest beginnings ...

  11. Gemini 105mc boats for sale

    Washburn, Wisconsin. 2004. $73,900. Price just reduced by $12,100! The Gemini 105MC is the third design evolution of this very popular cruising catamaran. Spacious, quick, and stable the 105MC also has the added benefit of being readily transportable over the road if necessary. Sun Dog is well-equipped and ready for your cruising adventures.

  12. Gemini 105 Mc boats for sale

    Find Gemini 105 Mc boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Gemini boats to choose from. ... 105M Catamaran. Model-gemini-desktop. 105Mc Catamaran. Model-gemini-desktop. 3200. Model-gemini-desktop. 35 Legacy. Model-gemini-desktop. WR550. Model-gemini-desktop. WR650.

  13. 34' Gemini 105Mc Catamaran

    An American Legacy boat, for over 27 years the Gemini 105Mc still remains one of the most proven and popular catamarans ever built. Her sailing performance is legendary, the accommodations are spacious, light, and airy and the deck layout and rig offers a stable, safe, and well-reasoned platform for whatever comes your way. The ingenuity of lifting centerboards and kick-up rudders will have ...

  14. 2011 Gemini 105 MC 34 Boats for Sale

    The 2001 Gemini 105 Mc Catamaran is a sought after model.The rigging, sails, engine and hull are all in fine condition. This one is worth the time to see. Professionally detailed and ready to go.It with it's 9.5" tender is design for adventure. The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the ...

  15. 2008 Gemini 105Mc Catamaran for sale

    Description. The only gray gel coated Gemini 105Mc in the world! No crazing! Fully outfitting for extended cruising! 250 watts of solar and Rutland 913 wind generator. Phasor 3.5kW gen set (777 hours) Spectra water maker. 15kg Roca anchor with Power Winch electric windlass with 200' of chain. TracVision satellite TV.

  16. Gemini 105 MC Catamaran For Sale, 10.21m, 2007

    The Gemini 105MC is the upgraded Gemini Catamaran, narrow enough to cruise European Canals to the Mediterranean and robust enough for crossing seas. The Gemini is packed with space and performance, with three double cabins, a separate shower and heads room, large galley with acres of worktop space and a saloon that comfortably seats six.

  17. PDF North American Portsmouth Yardstick Table of Pre-Calculated Classes

    PRECALCULATED D-PN HANDICAPS CENTERBOARD CLASSES Cape Dory 14 Centerboard CD-14 (125.40) [124.2] Caprice

  18. gemini catamarans for sale

    Did You Know That We Offer Contract to Closing Services? Click Here to Find Out More. Need Marine Financing? Apply Here With Our Partner, First Approval Source. Catamaran Intervie

  19. catamaran gemini for sale

    Gemini Catamarans for Sale with The Catamaran Company. The catamaran company has new and used inventory at our various locations throughout the usa and caribbean.. The Gemini Cata

  20. Gemini boats for sale

    What Gemini model is the best? Some of the most iconic Gemini models currently listed include: 105Mc, Legacy 35, 105 MC, 105 M and 105M Catamaran. Gemini models are available through yacht brokers, dealers, and brokerages on YachtWorld. The listings encompass a range of years, starting from 1993 models up to 2023.


    World Cup Moscow, Footwork, Acrobatic Rock 'n' Roll, Main Class, 2019-05-19, Place 7