Sailboat specifications

  • Last update: 17th March 2020

Figaro 2's main features

Figaro 2's main dimensions, figaro 2's rig and sails, figaro 2's performances, figaro 2's auxiliary engine, figaro 2's accommodations and layout.

Bénéteau Figaro 2  Picture extracted from the commercial documentation © Bénéteau

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Yachting World

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Figaro Series: The hardest sailing race on the planet where money means nothing

Matthew Sheahan

  • Matthew Sheahan
  • July 28, 2020

The legendary Michel Desjoyeaux says the Figaro Series is the hardest race in the world. Matthew Shehan finds out why


The Figaro Series fleet makes an impressive sight at the start. Photo: Yvan Zedda

“This is the hardest race – not to win, just to do. Winning is something else,” says Michel Desjoyeaux. “For me, the Figaro is harder than the Vendée Globe .” It is a bold statement about an annual single-handed coastal series that involves four offshore legs of around 500 miles apiece, each designed to take around three to four days to complete. But when Desjoyeaux speaks, the solo sailing scene listens.

La Solitaire Urgo Le Figaro, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last year, attracted a big fleet of 47 entries, including a spectacular gathering of the most decorated and accomplished solo sailors, but is still a world apart from the 28,000-mile, non-stop, 100-day round-the-world marathon.

In France, the 54-year-old Desjoyeaux is a national hero. He is the only person to have won the Vendée Globe more than once, taking victories in 2001 and 2008. He is not alone in thinking that this is harder, though. There are plenty of other French A-list offshore sailors who point to winning the Figaro as their proudest moment.


Offshore legends (l to r) Loïck Peyron, Alain Gautier and Michel Desjoyeaux were reunited in the 2019 Figaro Series. Photo: Alexis Courcoux

“People always expect me to say that the Vendée Globe is my best victory,” said Alain Gautier, who won the solo around the world race in 1992. “For me, it’s not. Winning the first leg of the 1983 Figaro into Kinsale when I was 21 was my proudest moment as I crossed the line ahead of one of my sailing heroes, Philippe Poupon.”

A scroll down the list of winners in both events reveals a close connection between the two races. Five of the eight Vendée winners have been Figaro champions. All but one have been Figaro competitors. Both Desjoyeaux and Gautier have won the Figaro outright; Desjoyeaux three times from 13 events, Gautier once from 17. The numbers speak volumes. The bottom line is clear: winning the Figaro is always hard, no matter how many times you have tried.

“It took me nine editions of the race before I won it,” said three-time Figaro winner Jérémie Beyou, whose long-term project lies with the 2020 Vendée Globe aboard his radical new IMOCA 60 Charal . So why was he, and so many like him, back in a boat a fraction of the size he is used to, in a race that could deliver potentially embarrassing results?

Article continues below…


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“This is a very special event,” he explains. “It is an irresistible challenge because the Figaro boats are identical and so you know how you are really doing compared to your competitors.

“It’s a very personal race and it’s very intense. There are times when you doubt yourself and want to give up. Times when you think: I’m better than this, I’m not happy with being so far behind, I don’t need this, I want to turn on the engine and head home. But every day is like this in the Vendée Globe. So the Figaro is good training for that. You have to learn to cope with the highs and lows.”

Others, like Gildas Morvan, have shown even more commitment to the Brittany-based race. With 22 races under his belt and six leg wins, he is one of the longest serving Figaro sailors, yet he has never won overall. “It’s hard to explain why it is such a big pull, but it is like a love affair,” he said.


Close quarters, tactical racing places big demands on the solo skippers. Photo: Alexis Courcoux

Event director Mathieu Sarrot has a different theory. “It’s a drug – a good drug, but one for masochists,” he says with a smile. While his work is ashore, he has followed 25 races, and is also clearly hooked.

Up against the world’s best

Going into the 2019 Figaro Series, top French star Yann Eliès had won the event three times from 19 attempts. “If you miss out racing for a season it takes years to get back to the front,” he says. “It takes a long time to get to the stage to be ready but just a few minutes to lose all your confidence. But for some it’s a brutal experience.

“In 1998 the first leg took six days. On the second leg, one boat sank near the coast and the skipper had to swim ashore and climb the cliffs with an injured arm, so this race can be very hard.”


Tanguy Le Turquais went hard aground in the Alderney Race aboard Queguiner . Photo: Alexis Courcoux

The 50th anniversary marked a step change for the event with a brand new boat, the Beneteau Figaro 3. At 10.85m long, the new VPLP -designed, production built monohull is roughly the same size as her predecessor, the Figaro 2, but she is significantly more powerful downwind.

Asymmetric spinnakers flown off a fixed bowsprit mark a move away from the conventional poles and symmetrical kites of the previous model that lasted 15 years. Plus, the new sailplan includes a Code 0.

But from the outside, the most obvious change is the retractable, curved daggerboards that extend out from the topsides like giant aquatic stabilisers, designed to provide righting moment on the leeward side at speed.


The 50th anniversary marked a step change for the event with a brand new boat, the Beneteau Figaro 3. Photo: Yvan Zedda

The combined effects of these changes, in addition to a more modern, faster hull form, has thrown conventional thinking out of the window. Far less is known about these boats than their predecessors, making it harder for skippers to plan their tactics and routing. Feel has become an important part of identifying the Figaro 3’s sweet spots.

“This is one of the reasons that there are so many top sailors this year,” offshore legend Loïck Peyron tells me. “We are like kids at Christmas with the new toys and we want to know what makes the new boats work. It’s also exciting to be discovering this at the same time as everyone else and it gives those of us who haven’t been in the Figaro for a long time a chance to see if we can beat the Figaro specialists.”

Alain Gautier agrees, and adds that the campaign costs also make this event and the new boat appealing. “Unlike an IMOCA campaign where a new boat is going to cost around €5 million, money doesn’t influence success in the Figaro class,” he said. “If you charter a boat you can do a season’s campaign for around €200,000 and be sailing against the world’s best.”


Tom Dolan on Smurfit Kappa took 2nd place in the rookie division. Photo: Alexis Courcoux

For the current Vendée Globe champion and local poster boy Armel Le Cléac’h , the new boat also means a return to some valuable hands-on training. “On the IMOCA and Ultime boats we rarely steer by hand, so the Figaro gives us the feel once again,” he explains.

“It’s easy to forget the feeling and how to achieve perfect balance aboard the big boats as there is so much else to control. Hand steering also puts you back in touch as you look at the clouds, feel the weather and the current.”

All of which has also helped to level the playing field this year across a fleet in which the skippers’ ages span almost 40 years. In general, there were two different approaches. The young guns were sailing by feel while using AIS to keep an eye on the big names to validate their own thinking. Meanwhile, the old hands were quick to adopt their own tried and tested offshore routines, yet they were also trying to unlearn what they knew made the Figaro 2 go quickly.

Helming for 24 hours

If the new boat was clearly one of the reasons for a big shake up in the results, the weather was another. The 545-mile opening leg from Nantes to Kinsale in Ireland saw Yoann Richomme, the 2018 Route du Rhum winner in the Class 40 fleet, take the first win, but only by one minute and 13 seconds ahead of Figaro rookie Tom Laperche.

Just under 22 minutes behind, Loïck Peyron was 6th. Three minutes further back Desjoyeaux was 8th. Then came Le Cléac’h in 11th. Such a closely packed fleet in an event which is all about aggregate time rather than points, is typical of this race. In previous events, seconds have often been the winning margin. Not this time…

The course for Leg 2 from Kinsale to Roscoff via the Isle of Man was changed at the last minute to avoid a forecast that included winds of up to 35-40 knots in the St George’s Channel. Instead, the fleet went east to Bishop Rock, then up to the Needles Fairway buoy to the west of the Isle of Wight, before then heading to the finish in Roscoff. But sending the fleet up the English Channel didn’t keep them sheltered.

“At one point we had a 40 knot squall that was only forecast to be 25 knots,” said Britain’s Will Harris, racing Hive Energy . “The big kite was up when the breeze hit and I wasn’t able to get it down. I’ve never dropped it in that kind of breeze and it would have been far too risky. So I ended up helming for 24 hours.


Jérémie Beyou took time out from his IMOCA 60 Charal to compete in the Figaro Series. Photo: Charal Sailing Team

“Fortunately, because I thought it would be a windy period, I’d packed my pockets with food and snacks as I knew I wasn’t going to get any hot food. But the worrying thing was that we were all heading straight towards the TSS exclusion zone. Luckily, in the end we just missed it by about a mile.”

The 26 year old from Surrey made a name for himself in his first Figaro in 2016, winning the rookie prize for the highest-placed newcomer. This year, he was frequently punching above his weight once again.

A fast learner, he only took up keelboat sailing five years ago, but after his 2016 performance the French professionals saw his talent and invited him to join Pôle Finisterre in Port-la-Forêt, regarded as one of the best training establishments in offshore race training.


Will Harris on Hive Energy crosses the finish line at Roscoff. Photo: Yvan Zedda

“I’ve spent the last six months living in Brittany, where I’ve been training with the likes of Yann Eliès, Armel Le Cléac’h and Michel Desjoyeaux,” he said. “It’s been incredibly useful. You have to be at a certain level before you can be a part of it, past the basics of navigation and avoiding rocks. You need to be looking at the finer details. It’s very intense training.

“You think that these sailors are untouchable and that they know all the answers, but they don’t, especially with this new boat. They still need to sleep, just like the rest of us, they’re just more efficient. And I learned it’s not simply about fitness. For example, I now have lists for everything so I don’t spend time fiddling around with settings, especially when I’m tired and not thinking as straight.”

Hitting the red zone

Sleep is a major topic in the Figaro. No one sleeps for more than 20 minutes at a time – they simply daren’t. The racing is so close and the difference between the performance of the boats so noticeable between the autopilot and hand steering that going for a kip costs places.


Loïck Peyron was drawn back to the event by the new boat, which he says is teaching him new tricks about trimming small boat. Photo: Yvan Zedda

“You’ve got to know your limits, when you’re in the red and, more importantly, when you’re about to hit the red,” says British sailor Alan Roberts. “The red zone is where you’re hallucinating, you’re talking to yourself, you’re imagining things are going on and you’re seeing things in the water.

“You’re so tired that when something comes over the radio you can’t string the words together to understand it and write it down. But you need to have been there to understand what you need to avoid because it’s hard to simulate.”

In a previous race it is said that one skipper woke up when his boat went aground on the sand. As he rushed up on deck he was convinced that he was doing a delivery with his girlfriend and panicked when he discovered that she wasn’t there.

Fearing that she had gone overboard, he dropped the sails, broke the seal on the engine and motored around and around to try and find her. The penny only dropped when he saw the dodger in the guardwires with the Figaro logo and his name on it.


Current Vendée Globe champion and Ultime skipper Armel Le Cléac’h was among the offshore rock stars to be back in an 11m monohull. Photo: Alexis Courcoux

By the time the fleet had arrived back in Roscoff, this time at the end of Leg 3, the cumulative effects of sleep deprivation meant that the effects of the red zone were starting to show through.

As skippers arrived at the dock, even the pros struggled to answer questions and left long pauses as they stared into the distance. If this had been any other major racing event you would put their behaviour down to team politics, diplomacy or mind games. But here, they were simply so tired, so mentally exhausted that thinking before speaking was a big effort.

Slowed by weed

Leg 3 had been long and, for many, frustrating with some major tidal gates. In particular, one at Alderney, where the infamous tidal race and a light breeze that was insufficient for the fleet to overcome the current, shut the door and only a handful made it through.

Weed was a big problem too. Carbon weed-flossing sticks were often insufficient to remove the clumps that wrapped around each yacht’s five foils. “At one point I had to stop the boat and go over the side to remove it as it had wrapped itself around the keel,” recalls Alain Gautier.

After a relentless and often windless Leg 3, the rankings were bad for many of the big names, now several hours off the pace. Overall race leader Yoann Richomme had lost 10 hours on this leg and saw his enormous lead hacked back to just 1hr 26 mins for the fourth and final leg. This would have been a decent margin by normal standards, but 2019 was turning out to be anything but normal.

For newcomers, a position on the podium was unlikely, but winning the rookie prize is a big first step in the Figaro. Even then, as an indication of just how different and difficult this event is, rookies aren’t always what you might think.

“On the face of it, with three round-the-world races under my belt including a Vendée Globe, it makes no sense to say that I’m a rookie. Yet for me the learning curve has been vertical,” said New Zealander Conrad Colman, who was racing Ethical Power .

“The reality is that, no matter where you have come from, be it the Vendée Globe, the Olympics or any other discipline within the sport, when you come to the Figaro for the first time you’re a rookie because you need to combine so many different types of racing. This year there were 11 rookie sailors.

The event is dominated by the French and while international sailors do take part, learning the language and the culture make the challenge of competing even tougher.

The 2019 Figaro Series in numbers 4 legs 2,130 miles 47 entrants 6 nationalities 11 rookies

Big commitment

“The hard fact is that if you want to be even remotely competitive in the Figaro you have to come to France, you have to live here, you have to get involved with one of the training centres and you have to change your phone number to +33,” says former Figaro sailor and professional project manager Marcus Hutchinson of Vivi Resources.

“It requires a big commitment; you’ve got to be here full-time. To reflect this challenge and to encourage those who do make the commitment we have provided a new perpetual trophy this season, the Vivi trophy, which is for the first international skipper.”

As Leg 4 played out, there was continual intensity in a 500-mile needlematch across the Channel from Roscoff to the finish in Dieppe. The tactical challenges of working along the UK’s south coast with its notorious tidal gates and tricky headlands were made even tougher by a mixture of light winds, squalls, thunder, lightning, rain and fog.

Within the 47-boat fleet, the battles between the newcomers and some of the world’s most accomplished sailors continued to rage. La Solitaire Urgo Le Figaro is like a one-design dinghy race, played out on a coastal course. Everyone knows it’s tough. There is no shame in being at the back; everyone has been there.


Yoann Richomme sailing HelloWork-Telegram Group pulled out an 11-hour lead only to see it hacked back to just over one hour after Leg 3. Photo: Alexis Courcoux

And be they rookies or rock stars, Desjoyeaux speaks for them all when he sums up the Figaro: “This is the best offshore school in the world. The one who wins will be the one who makes the least mistakes.”

And the winner is…

By the end of the final leg, the Figaro had at last played to form, with the bulk of the fleet finishing within one hour. But no one was able to eat into Yoann Richomme’s leading margin, giving the French skipper, also the 2016 overall winner, another Figaro victory.

“I am really moved. I never thought I’d win two. This was a really tough event,” he said. Meanwhile, British sailor Alan Roberts took the Vivi Trophy for the first international skipper, and Benjamin Schwartz earned the top rookie prize.

This article was first published in the August 2019 edition of Yachting World. The delayed 2020 Figaro Series is due to run from August 27 – September 20.

FIGARO II (BENETEAU) Detailed Review

If you are a boat enthusiast looking to get more information on specs, built, make, etc. of different boats, then here is a complete review of FIGARO II (BENETEAU). Built by Beneteau and designed by Marc Lombard, the boat was first built in 2003. It has a hull type of Fin w/bulb & dual rudders and LOA is 9.81. Its sail area/displacement ratio 26.76. Its auxiliary power tank, manufactured by Volvo, runs on Diesel.

FIGARO II (BENETEAU) has retained its value as a result of superior building, a solid reputation, and a devoted owner base. Read on to find out more about FIGARO II (BENETEAU) and decide if it is a fit for your boating needs.

Boat Information

Boat specifications, sail boat calculation, rig and sail specs, auxillary power tank, contributions, who designed the figaro ii (beneteau).

FIGARO II (BENETEAU) was designed by Marc Lombard.


FIGARO II (BENETEAU) is built by Beneteau.

When was FIGARO II (BENETEAU) first built?

FIGARO II (BENETEAU) was first built in 2003.


FIGARO II (BENETEAU) is 9.75 m in length.

What is mast height on FIGARO II (BENETEAU)?

FIGARO II (BENETEAU) has a mast height of 13.01 m.

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figaro 2 sailboat

Beneteau Figaro 2

The Beneteau Figaro 2, designed by Marc Lombard (whose latest Class 40 won the Route du Rhum among 53 Class 40s), has proven offshore capability and has been the fundamental building block boat for the great French shorthanded sailors, such as Michel Desjoyeaux, Armel LeCleac’h, Jean Le Cam, Jeremie Beyou, Yann Elies, Francois Gabart and many more. 7 of 8 Vendee Globe winners have come from this Figaro class. Their iconic race, the annual Solitaire du Figaro, is in four stages (500 miles each), singlehanded, with a different course every year. With ~50 one-design boats on the starting line, it is likely the hardest sailboat race in the world to win. As an example, their 2015 course included the Fastnet course simply as Stage 3.

  • Category “A” offshore rated
  • 33′ LOA, 11′ Beam, 6.5′ draft, 3.1 ton displacement
  • Fiberglass hull, carbon mast, aluminum boom, steel keelfin, lead bulb
  • Fixed keel, twin rudders, traditional spinnaker rig
  • Sailed shorthanded or with 4-5 crew (COSC goal: 4 students plus 1 Safety Officer)

figaro 2 sailboat

Review of Figaro 2

Basic specs..

The hull is made of fibreglass. Generally, a hull made of fibreglass requires only a minimum of maintenance during the sailing season.

Sailing characteristics

This section covers widely used rules of thumb to describe the sailing characteristics. Please note that even though the calculations are correct, the interpretation of the results might not be valid for extreme boats.

The immersion rate is defined as the weight required to sink the boat a certain level. The immersion rate for Figaro 2 is about 232 kg/cm, alternatively 1301 lbs/inch. Meaning: if you load 232 kg cargo on the boat then it will sink 1 cm. Alternatively, if you load 1301 lbs cargo on the boat it will sink 1 inch.

Sailing statistics

This section is statistical comparison with similar boats of the same category. The basis of the following statistical computations is our unique database with more than 26,000 different boat types and 350,000 data points.

What is L/B (Length Beam Ratio)?


If you need to renew parts of your running rig and is not quite sure of the dimensions, you may find the estimates computed below useful.

Jib sheet 10.1 m(33.2 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Genoa sheet 10.1 m(33.2 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Mainsheet 25.3 m(82.9 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Spinnaker sheet22.2 m(73.0 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)

This section is reserved boat owner's modifications, improvements, etc. Here you might find (or contribute with) inspiration for your boat.

Do you have changes/improvements you would like to share? Upload a photo and describe what you have done.

We are always looking for new photos. If you can contribute with photos for Figaro 2 it would be a great help.

If you have any comments to the review, improvement suggestions, or the like, feel free to contact us . Criticism helps us to improve.

2003 Beneteau Figaro 2

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2003 Beneteau Figaro 2

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2003 Beneteau Figaro 2

Boat Overview

Hull material, boat length (loa), see all details, boat description.

The Figaro II is the fuit of the synergy between the best sailors from the Figaro Bénéteau Class, Chantiers Bénéteau and the designer Marc LOMBARD. Here is "THE" international single handed and crew handed on design.

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Maker website
ModelFigaro 2
First built hull2003
Last built hull15
Price54,500 $
Boat type
Hull type
Hull material
Top speed12.25
Mast height15.7
Length overall10.18
Length at waterline9.81
Beam overall3.47
Draft maximum2.16
Ballast weight1,099.96
Ballast typeCast iron fin with lead bulb
Helm1 tiller
Rudder2 spade rudders
CockpitOpen aft cockpit
Naval architect
Name/StudioMarc Lombard Yacht Design Group
SparsMast in Carbon fiber and boom in Aluminum
Standing riggingSingle-strand (ROD)
Number of spreaders2
Spreaders angle20 °
Upwind sail area68.01
Downwind sail area123
Mainsail A409
Headsail A323
Spinnaker A915
Engine A
MakerVolvo Penta
Power20 HP

Performance & Ratios

Sail Area to Displacement (SA/D) 0.06
Upwind SA to Displacement29.44
Downwind SA to Displacement53.26
Hull Displacement Speed 0.06
Displacement to Length (D/L) 7.6
Ballast to Displacement (B/D) 0.31
Capsize Screening Formula (CSF) 2.29


Beneteau Figaro 2 ** NOW SOLD **

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2021 Beneteau Figaro 2

  • Description

Seller's Description

Turnkey Beneteau Figaro 2 maintained to the highest offshore racing standards by a professional team, and now being prepared to race across the Atlantic in April 2021

ALI will be available and ready to race with its next owner in May 2021

Formerly GEDIMAT, she won the 2016 AG2R race, skipped by Thierry Chabagny and Erwan Tabarly

She is fully compliant to both 2021 ISAF Offshore Category 1 & Figaro 2 International Class.

A S4 kite and a Code 0 have been added to bridge some of the Figaro Class gaps in terms of sail range.

The Figaro 2 is designed for solo and double handed races. She is easy to handle, very forgiving (double rudder) and fun!

Yacht Information

Boat Name: ALI

Builder: Beneteau

Designer: Marc Lombard

Hull Material: Fibreglass

Location in May 2021 : Fort de France

LOA: 33 ft / 10.1m

LWL: 32 ft / 9.80m

Beam: 11ft 3 in / 3.43m

Draft: 6 ft 5 in / 2.1m

Max Bridge Clearance: 51 ft 5 in / 15.68m

Water Ballast: 240 liters/ 63 Gallons

Displacement: 3050 kg / 3725 Lbs

All ALI’s sails are made of the most competitive materials and have been cut for Thierry Chabagny, excepted for the 2020 sails.

Main: x3 incl. Incidences 2018 optimized for IRC and North 2017 in very good condition

Genoa: x5 incl. North 2017 optimized for IRC and North 2016 in very good condition

Solent: North 2017 and Technique Voile 2018, both in very good condition

S2: x5 incl. Quantum 2018, North 2017 and Quantum 2016 in very good condition

S4: x1 North 2020 like new

S5: x2 incl. North 2017 like new

Code 0: x1 Technique Voile like new

Volvo MD2020

Total Power: 20hp

Engine serviced annually, extensive check up during in January 2021

Fuel Tank: Single 40 Liters/88 Gallons plastic fuel tank

Additional 2016 heavy duty alternator (1160Amp) for service battery charging

2020 Engine battery

Service batteries – 2* Gel 130Amp – 2021

All led lights

Deck Equipment

Standard rigging replaced in 2020

All new running rigging, sheets and halyards in 2020

Full mast dismantle and check January 2021

Tiller steering

Hull & appendices

keel profile and wedging: 2018

Hull Paint: White tspeed 2018

Hull covering: plastic film 2021

Navigation equipment

NKE Navigation center

PC connectors ready

Furuno GPS32 cockpit GPS

2 Gyro/autopilot controls by the helm:

Raymarine electric pilot cylinder – revised in January 2021

NKE hydraulic pilot cylinder – revised in January 2021

1 Route compass

Anemometer / vane / Windex

NKE electromagnetic Loch

NKE Gyropilot graphic display/controller at the chart table

NKE Performance display on companionway

Twin NKE Gyropilots in the cockpit

Dual TL25 mast-mounted displays (6 x screens)

New LED PC display

Audio HIFI amplificatory with minijack connector

Cockpit power speakers (2*30W)

VHF <> Audio ampli switch


Wi-Fi module for remote and control of computer screen in cockpit

AIS Icom transponder with standalone aerial&GPS output to comput. and tiller plotter

Fixed VHF/AIS + Hand-mike and extension cables for VHF radio for cockpit operation

Icom icm71 portable VHF + charger

In mast VHF antenna

Weather infobox (meteofax)

2021 Sarsat Cospas beacon

2018 > 2021 Main refit & acquisitions (±30K€ invested)

2021 – Complete engine overhaul

2020 – New dual blade foldable propeller

2018 – Hollow forestay

2018 – Dyform forestay

2020 – New spinnaker pole ring for rigging code 0

2021 – Mast dismantled and revised

2021 – All sheets and halyards replaced

2021 – All defective deck hardware replaced

2020 – 1 Main + 1 Genoa recut for IRC optimization

2020 – Medium North Spinnaker (S4)

2020 – Techniques voiles Code 0

2020 – All other sails and bags revised in by North

2018 – Keel profile and wedging

2021 – Twin rudders dismantled and revised


2020 – New engine battery

2021 – New service batteries

Safety / communication

2020 – New fire extinguishers

2021 – New Sarsat Cospas beacon

2021 – New gaz distribution circuit

2021 – new ballasts valve

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

Carbon fiber mast and alu. boom . Water ballast.

This listing is presented by . Visit their website for more information or to contact the seller.

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figaro 2 sailboat

Legendary. The Figaro is an ode to excellence in offshore racing. The one-design sailing yacht was initially designed for the Solitaire du Figaro, allowing some of the greatest skippers to compete at sea on equal terms, much to their pleasure. The sailor makes the difference on a Figaro.   


  • Performance

Did you know?

Navigation programmes, the start of an extraordinary adventure.

The highly innovative  Figaro Bénéteau 1 was launched by BENETEAU in 1990 for the Solitaire Le Figaro single-handed race, in collaboration with Groupe Finot, and it blazed a trail for a whole generation of sailors: Yves Parlier, Michel Desjoyeaux, Jean Le Cam, Philippe Poupon, Franck Cammas, Kito de Pavant, etc.  The Figaro was the first production boat with ballasts that was designed from the start with offshore racing in mind and its performances had a huge impact, whatever the weather at sea. With a 9.14-metre (30 ft) GRP hull and a fixed keel, it was a real treat for sailors keen on racing and, with great panache, it met all the challenges of the 1,500 to 2,000 miles of the Solitare single-handed race.  

figaro 2 sailboat

The Iconic Sailing Yacht Levels Up

Designed by Marc Lombard yacht design, the Figaro Bénéteau 2 arrived in 2003. Now 10 metres long, with twin rudders, a production carbon mast and a broader hull, skippers enjoyed a new much faster and more agile racing experience. Like its predecessor, the Figaro Bénéteau 2 was brilliant for training young skippers who hoped to make offshore racing their profession and excel in some of the large events. Nearly 100 Figaro yachts were built between 2003 and 2017, and the boat was used by the Figaro Bénéteau class up until 2018.

figaro 2 sailboat

Figaro BENETEAU 3, a distillation of innovation

2019 saw a new development with the launch of the first production one design with foils – the Figaro BENETEAU 3 designed with the architects Van Peteghem Lauriot-Prévost (VPLP). Since every detail counts in racing, everything is designed to improve stability, speed and accuracy under sail. It has a foam sandwich, fibreglass and GRP hull free of ballast and performing event better, a deep draught keel with a straight sail for minimum drag, its mast is positioned further aft, and its sail area is increased. The Figaro Bénéteau 3 offers a distillation of technology and excellence that improves speeds and provides a wide choice of navigation options during a race, and, of course, the suspense at sea lasts longer.       

figaro 2 sailboat

Remarkable performance

Contrary to the Imoca 60 foils, the Figaro Bénéteau 3 has foils that turn inwards and the operate differently. They are versatile reducing drift and improving the boat’s righting moment without increasing the displacement. This results in outstanding performances for a 32-foot monohull.

figaro 2 sailboat

In preparation for the 50th Solitaire du Figaro in 2019, BENETEAU delivered fifty or so Figaro Bénéteau 3 yachts inside a month to as many eager skippers, so that each contender would receive their boat at the same time to ensure there were no disadvantages in relation to the other contenders. This done, they were each able to familiarise themselves with their one design and begin training. 

figaro 2 sailboat

The Figaro yachts are real racing machines and they compete with each other in highly competitive regattas.

The Solitaire du Figaro is the best known race, with a few dozen of the best-known skippers taking part every year and enjoying this challenge off the French coast, with a course of 2,000 nautical miles that can take them as far as Spain or Ireland. The other big eagerly awaited meeting is the Transat Paprec.

The ex-Transat AG2R is a race with crew that takes place every two years. Its course takes it from Concarneau to St Barts in the West Indies. The 3890 nautical miles are generally raced inside 3 weeks. Other open Figaro Bénéteau events are part of the French Offshore Racing Championship, such as the Solo Maitre CoQ, the Sardinha Cup, the Tour de Bretagne à la voile and the Solo Guy Cotten.  

figaro 2 sailboat

All Figaro news

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2021 Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour

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Start of the 50th Solitaire URGO Le Figaro

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BENETEAU renews its partnership with the Solitaire Urgo Le Figaro

Models of the range.

figaro 2 sailboat

Length Overall

10.89 m / 35’9’’

Beam overall

3.48 m / 11’5’’

figaro 2 sailboat

Former Figaro

"The Figaro race - formerly the Course de l’Aurore – traditionally raced on prototypes was to convert to one-designs. We could not be absent from this race [...]. The project presented by Beneteau and Jean-Marie Finot would win the competition. We would thus have the privilege of building these one-designs, but also of participating with the Figaro in the birth of a wonderful incubator of young sailors, who would then move on to offshore sailing, securing the reputation of French sailors in competition sailing."

Annette Roux -  130 years of commitment to the sea  (1989)

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  1. Beneteau Figaro 2

    Beneteau Figaro 2. The Beneteau Figaro 2 or Beneteau Figaro II, officially designated as the Figaro Beneteau II, is a French sailboat that was designed by Marc Lombard as a one design, single-handed, off-shore racer for the Solitaire du Figaro race and first built in 2003. The boat and the race are named for the race's sponsor, the French ...


    A boat with a BN of 1.6 or greater is a boat that will be reefed often in offshore cruising. Derek Harvey, "Multihulls for Cruising and Racing", International Marine, Camden, Maine, 1991, states that a BN of 1 is generally accepted as the dividing line between so-called slow and fast multihulls.

  3. Beneteau Figaro 2 boats for sale

    Find Beneteau Figaro 2 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Beneteau boats to choose from. ... Iconic Marine Boat Sales & Service | Washington, North Carolina. 2023 Sea Hunt Escape 250. US$99,950. Bluewater Yacht Sales | West Point, Virginia. 2016 Formula 240 Bowrider. US$99,000.

  4. Figaro 2 (Bénéteau)

    Sailboat specifications. Last update: 17th March 2020. The Figaro 2 is a 33'2" (10.11m) single handed racing sailboat designed by Marc Lombard Yacht Design Group (France). She was built between 2003 and 2015 by Bénéteau (France).

  5. Figaro BENETEAU II

    Beneteau services. With teams for sea trials, financing, customization, events, an after-sales service, and a network of dealers worldwide, BENETEAU delivers the help and expertise every boat owner needs throughout his boating life maintaining an enduring customer relationship. All services. The Figaro II is the fuit of the synergy between the ...

  6. Figaro BENETEAU II

    The Figaro II is the fuit of the synergy between the best sailors from the Figaro Bénéteau Class, Chantiers Bénéteau and the designer Marc LOMBARD. Here is "THE" international single handed and crew handed on design. ... The former BENETEAU sailing yachts. Monotypes. Figaro BENETEAU II. Figaro BENETEAU II. Fast and innovate. Description;

  7. Figaro

    Like its predecessor, the Figaro Bénéteau 2 was brilliant for training young skippers who hoped to make offshore racing their profession and excel in some of the large events. Nearly 100 Figaro yachts were built between 2003 and 2017, and the boat was used by the Figaro Bénéteau class up until 2018. Figaro BENETEAU 3, a distillation of ...

  8. Figaro Series: The hardest sailing race in the world ...

    The 50th anniversary marked a step change for the event with a brand new boat, the Beneteau Figaro 3. At 10.85m ... yet they were also trying to unlearn what they knew made the Figaro 2 go quickly.

  9. Beneteau Figaro II

    Beneteau Figaro II is a 32′ 2″ / 9.8 m monohull sailboat designed by Marc Lombard and built by Beneteau between 2003 and 2018. ... The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more. Formula. D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³ D: Displacement of the boat in pounds. LWL ...

  10. FIGARO II (BENETEAU) Detailed Review

    Built by Beneteau and designed by Marc Lombard, the boat was first built in 2003. It has a hull type of Fin w/bulb & dual rudders and LOA is 9.81. Its sail area/displacement ratio 26.76. Its auxiliary power tank, manufactured by Volvo, runs on Diesel. FIGARO II (BENETEAU) has retained its value as a result of superior building, a solid ...

  11. Beneteau Figaro 2

    The Beneteau Figaro 2, designed by Marc Lombard (whose latest Class 40 won the Route du Rhum among 53 Class 40s), has proven offshore capability and has been the fundamental building block boat for the great French shorthanded sailors, such as Michel Desjoyeaux, Armel LeCleac'h, Jean Le Cam, Jeremie Beyou, Yann Elies, Francois Gabart and many more. 7 of 8 Vendee Globe winners have come from ...

  12. Beneteau Figaro 2 boats for sale in United States

    Find Beneteau Figaro 2 boats for sale in United States. Offering the best selection of Beneteau boats to choose from.

  13. Review of Figaro 2

    The l/b ratio for Figaro 2 is 2.95. Slim Wide 73% 0 50 100. Compared with other similar sailboats it is more spacy than 73% of all other designs. It seems that the designer has chosen a slightly more spacy hull design.

  14. Beneteau Figaro 2 boats for sale

    Find Beneteau Figaro 2 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Beneteau boats to choose from. ... Iconic Marine Boat Sales & Service | Washington, North Carolina. 2023 Sea Hunt Escape 250. £74,484. Bluewater Yacht Sales | West Point, Virginia. 2025 NauticStar 252 Legacy. Request price.

  15. 2003 Beneteau Figaro 2

    The Figaro II is the fuit of the synergy between the best sailors from the Figaro Bénéteau Class, Chantiers Bénéteau and the designer Marc LOMBARD. Here is "THE" international single handed and crew handed on design. Home / ... Boat length (LOA) 10.18; m. See all details.

  16. Used Beneteau Figaro 2 for Sale

    The Beneteau Figaro 2 is a French sailboat that was designed by Marc Lombard as a one-design, single-handed, off-shore racer for the Solitaire du Figaro race and was first built in 2003. The boat and the race are named for the race's sponsor, the French newspaper Le Figaro. This Figaro 2 is unmodified, built in 2003 and is hull number 54 of 96 ...

  17. 2021 Beneteau Figaro 2

    A S4 kite and a Code 0 have been added to bridge some of the Figaro Class gaps in terms of sail range. The Figaro 2 is designed for solo and double handed races. She is easy to handle, very forgiving (double rudder) and fun! Yacht Information. Boat Name: ALI. Hull #2. Year: 2003. Builder: Beneteau. Designer: Marc Lombard. Hull Material: Fibreglass

  18. Beneteau Figaro 2 boats for sale

    Find 28 Beneteau Figaro 2 boats for sale near you, including boat prices, photos, and more. Locate Beneteau boat dealers and find your boat at Boat Trader!

  19. Beneteau figaro 2 for sale

    Buy Beneteau figaro 2. Beneteau figaro 2 for sale on are listed for a range of prices, valued from $66,052 on the more basic models to $81,294 for the most expensive. The boats can differ in size from 10.1 m to 10.15 m. The oldest one built in 2003 year. This page features Beneteau boats located in countries: France and Belgium.

  20. Beneteau Figaro 2 boats for sale

    15. Contact. 401-324-1378. 1. Sort By. Filter Search. View a wide selection of Beneteau Figaro 2 boats for sale in your area, explore detailed information & find your next boat on #everythingboats.


    Designed to determine if a boat has blue water capability. The CSF compares beam with displacement since excess beam contributes to capsize and heavy displacement reduces capsize vulnerability. The boat is better suited for ocean passages (vs coastal cruising) if the result of the calculation is 2.0 or less. The lower the better.

  22. Figaro

    The highly innovative Figaro Bénéteau 1 was launched by BENETEAU in 1990 for the Solitaire Le Figaro single-handed race, in collaboration with Groupe Finot, and it blazed a trail for a whole generation of sailors: Yves Parlier, Michel Desjoyeaux, Jean Le Cam, Philippe Poupon, Franck Cammas, Kito de Pavant, etc. The Figaro was the first production boat with ballasts that was designed from the ...

  23. Beneteau Figaro 2: Sailing Boats

    The Beneteau Figaro 2 is a French sailboat that was designed by Marc Lombard as a one-design, single-handed, off-shore racer for the Solitaire du Figaro race and was first built in 2003. The boat and the race are named for the race's sponsor, the French newspaper Le Figaro. This Figaro 2 is unmodified, built in 2003 and is hull number 54 of 96 ...