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Reciprocal Clubs

Icoyc affiliate clubs.

The International Council Of Yacht Clubs is a group of the most active yacht clubs in the world, the ICOYC providing a window into their world of yachting, their long histories and fine traditions.

A significant number of these clubs have joined together during recent years to form the International Council, a catalyst for sharing their experience, and learning from the successes achieved and challenges faced.

Clubs that are admitted to membership of the ICOYC are primarily the senior yacht clubs in the various key yachting locations. They share the finest yachting traditions and are of sufficient size, with a sufficient range of activities, to be able to contribute to the deliberations of the Council.

Yacht Club Italiano Genova, Italy WEBSITE

Société Nautique De Marseille Marseille, France WEBSITE

Verein Seglerhaus Am Wansee Berlin, Germany WEBSITE

Royal Malta Yacht Club

Royal Malta Yacht Club Valletta, Malta WEBSITE

Nylandska Jaktklubben

Nylandska Jaktklubben Helsinki, Finland WEBSITE

Norddeutscher Regatta Verein

Norddeutscher Regatta Verein Hamburg, Germany WEBSITE

Kongelig Norsk Seilforening

Kongelig Norsk Seilforening Oslo, Norway WEBSITE

Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron

Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron Kirribilli, NSW, Australia WEBSITE

Royal Perth Yacht Club

Royal Perth Yacht Club Crawley, Western Australia WEBSITE

Republic Of Singapore Yacht Club Singapore WEBSITE

South Africa

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Royal Natal Yacht Club Durban, South Africa WEBSITE

Royal Varuna Yacht Club

Royal Varuna Yacht Club Thailand WEBSITE

Royal Bombay Yacht Club

Royal Bombay Yacht Club Mumbai, India WEBSITE

Royal Cape Yacht Club

Royal Cape Yacht Club Cape Town, South Africa WEBSITE

royal london yacht club reciprocal

St. Francis Yacht Club San Francisco, CA, USA WEBSITE

Southern Yacht Club New Orleans, LA, USA WEBSITE

San Francisco Yacht Club CA, USA WEBSITE

San Diego Yacht Club CA, USA WEBSITE

Newport Harbour Yacht Club

Newport Harbour Yacht Club Newport Beach, CA, USA WEBSITE

Long Beach Yacht Club

Long Beach Yacht Club Long Beach, CA, USA WEBSITE

Eastern Yacht Club

Eastern Yacht Club Marblehead, MA, USA WEBSITE

Chicago Yacht Club

Chicago Yacht Club Chicago, Ill, USA WEBSITE

Annapolis Yacht Club

Annapolis Yacht Club Annapolis, MA, USA WEBSITE

RSrnYC Reciprocal Clubs

The details of each arrangement may vary however we are sure that you will receive the same warm welcome that we at “The Southern” extend to our visitors from reciprocal clubs.

Members are asked not to go directly to our Reciprocal Clubs, instead please contact the club Secretary for the appropriate formal introduction.

New Zealand

Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron

Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron Auckland, New Zealand WEBSITE

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Yacht Club De Monaco Monte Carlo, Principality Of Monaco WEBSITE

Barbados Yacht Club

Barbados Yacht Club St. Michael, Barbados WEBSITE

Royal Bermuda Yacht Club

Royal Bermuda Yacht Club Hamilton, Bermuda WEBSITE

Seattle Yacht Club Seattle, WA, USA WEBSITE

IDA Lewis Yacht Club

IDA Lewis Yacht Club Newport, Rhode Island, USA WEBSITE

United Kingdom

Poole Yacht Club

Poole Yacht Club Poole, Dorset WEBSITE

Parkstone Yacht Club

Parkstone Yacht Club Poole, Dorset WEBSITE

Mudhook Yacht Club

Mudhook Yacht Club Helensburgh, Scotland WEBSITE

House Of Lords Yacht Club

House Of Lords Yacht Club London, England WEBSITE

Dartmouth Yacht Club

Dartmouth Yacht Club Dartmouth, Devon WEBSITE

Brixham Yacht Club

Brixham Yacht Club Brixham, Devon WEBSITE

Royal Western Yacht Club

Royal Western Yacht Club Plymouth, Devon WEBSITE

Royal Ulster Yacht Club

Royal Ulster Yacht Club Bangor, Northern Ireland WEBSITE

Royal Temple Yacht Club

Royal Temple Yacht Club Ramsgate, Kent WEBSITE

Royal Solent Yacht Club

Royal Solent Yacht Club

Yarmouth, Isle Of Wight

Royal Southampton Yacht Club

Royal Southampton Yacht Club

Southampton, Hampshire

Royal Northern & Clyde Yacht Club

Royal Northern & Clyde Yacht Club

Helensburgh, Scotland

Royal Naval Club & Royal Albert Yacht Club

Royal Naval Club & Royal Albert Yacht Club

Portsmouth, Hampshire

Royal Motor Yacht Club

Royal Motor Yacht Club Sandbanks, Dorset WEBSITE

Royal Lymington Yacht Club

Royal Lymington Yacht Club Lymington, Hampshire WEBSITE

Royal London Yacht Club

Royal London Yacht Club Cowes, Isle Of Wight WEBSITE

Royal Highland Yacht Club

Royal Highland Yacht Club Oban, Scotland WEBSITE

Royal Fowey Yacht Club

Royal Fowey Yacht Club Cornwall WEBSITE

Royal Forth Yacht Club

Royal Forth Yacht Club Granton, Edinburgh, Scotland WEBSITE

Royal Dorset Yacht Club

Royal Dorset Yacht Club Weymouth, Dorset WEBSITE

Royal Dart Yacht Club

Royal Dart Yacht Club Kingswear, Devon WEBSITE

Royal Cornwall Yacht Club

Royal Cornwall Yacht Club Falmouth, Cornwall WEBSITE

Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club

Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club St. Brelade, Jersey WEBSITE

Yacht Club De Dinard Dinard, France WEBSITE

Société Des Régates Du Havre Le Havre, France WEBSITE

Kungl Svenska Segel Sällskapet SaltsjöBaden, Sweden WEBSITE

Koninklijke Roei- en Zeilvereeniging ‘de Maas’

Koninklijke Roei- en Zeilvereeniging ‘de Maas’ Rotterdam, Netherlands WEBSITE

Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub

Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub Hellerup, Denmark WEBSITE

Deauville Yacht Club Deauville, France WEBSITE

Bruxelles Royal Yacht Club

Bruxelles Royal Yacht Club Brussels, Belgium WEBSITE

Royal St. George Yacht Club

Royal St. George Yacht Club Dun Laoghaire, Ireland WEBSITE

Royal Irish Yacht Club

Royal Irish Yacht Club Dun Laoghaire, Ireland WEBSITE

Royal Cork Yacht Club

Royal Cork Yacht Club Crosshaven, Ireland WEBSITE

Royal Belgian Yacht Club

Royal Belgian Yacht Club Antwerp, Belgium WEBSITE

Sandringham Yacht Club Melbourne, Victoria, Australia WEBSITE

Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron

Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Manley Harbour, Australia WEBSITE

Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club

Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Sydney, NSW, Australia WEBSITE

Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron

Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron Melbourne, Australia WEBSITE

Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club

Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club Perth, Western Australia WEBSITE

Special Affiliates

The king’s royal hussars.

The King’s Royal Hussars is the successor regiment to the 10th., 11th. and 14th. Light Dragoons, the formation of which was approved by King George I in July 1715 as part of an army tasked to counter the Jacobite rebellion. Known as the light cavalry, later the Light Brigade, they were subsequently amalgamated with the 11th. Hussars.

In July 2011, the KRH trooped its Guidon through Hamble and beat retreat at the Royal Southern Yacht Club, the precursor to a unique Twinning arrangement, engendered by the strong historical connection that they shared in the flamboyant figure of the late Lt.Gen. James Brudenell, 7th. Earl of Cardigan. He commanded the 11th. from 1840-1854 and was concurrently Commodore of the Club from 1847-1868. His Lordship is reputed to have flown the colours of the Club on his yacht Dryad, moored in Balaclava Harbour for the duration of the Crimean War, where he famously commanded the Light Brigade and led it’s famous “Charge”.

This Twinning Arrangement seeks to establish and maintain, in perpetuity, friendly relations between Club and Regiment and, through that friendship, promote sailing, social, educational and youth exchanges, and share a supportive interest in each other’s activities as appropriate.

Most recently, in April 2015 a KRH crew sailed alongside the Royal Southern in Antigua Sailing Week and in July 2015, Members of the Club attended the Regiment’s Tercentenary Parade at their Tidworth garrison, commanded by Lt.Col. Justin Kingsford.

King’s Royal Hussars

King’s Royal Hussars Tidworth, Wiltshire, England WEBSITE

HMS Blazer is a commissioned warship in the Royal Navy and is the seventh ship to carry the name. One of fourteen Archers Class P2000 patrol vessels and part of the 1st. Patrol Boat Squadron, she was laid up in GRP at Watercraft Marine in Shoreham and having been completed by Vosper Thornycroft, went down the ways in 1998 and entered service with the University Royal Naval Unit (URNU) in 1990. At 20 metres LOA, she tips the scales at 50 tonnes, is powered by twin Rolls Royce turbo-diesels and operates with a permanent crew of five.

She is primarily dedicated to URNU training, the objective being to provide high quality sea training experiences to university undergraduates, developing seamanship, teambuilding and leadership skills. Wider tasking includes officer cadet training with the Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, VVIP visits and security patrols and with a modest 1.8 metre draft, often shows the White Ensign in places that larger vessels cannot reach.

Blazer is the URNU at Southampton Solent University, Portsmouth University and Southampton Institute, is currently undergoing a major refit and after her re-commissioning, it is hoped to welcome her and her crew to the Yacht Haven under her current Commanding Officer, Lt. Nick Palmer RN, and his successors.

HMS Blazer

HMS Blazer Based in the Solent WEBSITE

Through the side door: The art of reciprocal club membership

Through the side door: The art of reciprocal club membership

The 'secret tunnels' that will gain you entry into the world's most impenetrable private members' clubs.

Words: Joseph Bullmore

Closed waiting lists, clandestine application processes, exorbitant joining fees — becoming a card-carrying member of the world’s smartest private clubs has never been tougher.

But there is a nifty shortcut — and it involves the legion of reciprocal and affiliate clubs around the globe that allow their members privileges and entry at a whole host of upper echelon establishments.

A membership at the Royal Bachelor’s Club of Sweden, for example, is said to gain you clandestine entry to the impenetrable Boodle’s of St James’. Belonging to the Edinburgh Arts Club (a soft-ish touch when it comes to entry requirements) would happily sneak you in at the altogether more stringent Chelsea Arts Club. And so on, and so forth. This is membership by proxy; acceptance by stealth. And it’s a subterfuge we at Gentleman’s Journal are more than happy to indulge.

There’s a great range of potential configurations to this clever little ploy (many clubs have international affiliates in the dozens). But the following are some of our favourite secret tunnels into the world’s most demanding private institutions. See you on the inside.

To get into the Hurlingham Club...

hurlingham club

The Hurlingham — that grand, sprawling, white-pillared idyll of chinny privilege down in darkest Fulham — used to have a thirty year waiting list. But now, demand is so high (and the elder members clinging on so defiantly to life) that they’ve shut the list completely, to be re-opened at some unknown date in the distant future.

Even then, it’ll still be pretty tricky to climb aboard — the children of existing members will be given priority over new applicants, and you have to have a proposer and a seconder ready and willing to personally vouch for your good character. (Spouses get automatic membership, by the way, so there is something to be said for a green card marriage just to get your foot in the door.)

Hurlingham members are so fiercely protective of their club that when billionaire oligarch Roman Abramovich attempted, apparently, to purchase the place for £1 billion (and pay off each of the existing 13,000 members with £1 million each ) he was swiftly laughed out of town.

...Join the Caledonian Club

The Caledonian Club, a rather smart Belgravia townhouse that sells itself as “a little bit of Scotland in the heart of London”, is worthy of membership in its own right. But it’s also a happy side door into Fortress Hurlingham. Annual subscription rates for the over 30s are £1,345 with no upfront payment — and the application process is significantly more welcoming than its Fulham counterpart.

Caledonian Club members may visit the Hurlingham 14 times in a calendar year — which is about as many Saturdays on the rosé-sprinkled lawn as one should sensibly take.

To get into the New York Yacht Club...

NYC Yacht Club

The shared living room of America’s ultra-preppy East Coast set, the New York Yacht Club, down on Manhattan’s 44th Street, is said to be “more English than the English” in its old world opulence, entrenched classism, and obsession with the done thing.

The Model Room here — a double-height atrium whose powder blue walls are studded with thousands of ornate boat models — is one of the great eccentricities of New York City, and speaks to the boyish, boat-y preoccupations of the club’s oofy membership. The front of house staff here are especially stringent, and the membership process is shrouded in ancient ritual and mystery.

The easiest way to become a member of the New York Yacht Club? Invent a time machine, go back 170 years, and convince your great, great grandfather to set up the New York Yacht Club. Unless…

...Join the Royal Thames Yacht Club

Again, the RTYC is worth joining in its own right, if that sort of thing, well, floats your boat . One of the most prestigious yacht clubs in the world, it nonetheless lacks the established snootiness of, say, the Royal Yacht Squadron down in Cowes (which very rarely admits new members and is quite literally a castle on a spit — a visual metaphor for its wider impenetrability).

By contrast, the Royal Thames says it is “glad to welcome new members”, and is altogether friendlier in its approach (though it does still require the usual proposer/seconder nexus to get you through the door). Members here can expect a warm welcome over at the NYYC, which is very, very selective about its reciprocal clubs.

To get into the Garrick…


The Garrick Club “has lost a great many members”, a source says

The Garrick, one of London’s oldest and most esteemed gentleman’s clubs, has a distinctive artistic and literary lean — previous members include Charles Dickens, Kingsley Amis, John Gielgud, H.G. Wells, J.M. Barrie and Laurence Olivier. It is also incredibly hard to get into.

All new candidates over at Garrick Street must be proposed by an existing member before election in a secret ballot, with the thinking that “it would be better that ten unobjectionable men should be excluded than one terrible bore should be admitted”. Jeremy Paxman was famously blackballed in 1993 (though later admitted), and many other notable people have been left in the cold during the clandestine committee meetings.

...Join the New Club

The New Club, based in Edinburgh, is a significantly easier pitch. Though still a smart and prestigious club in its own right, it suffers from none of the Garrick’s blackball tendencies — and membership can be achieved via a simple proposer/seconder ploy and an annual fee of between £880 and £1100, depending on what you plump for. For that, you are permitted to a month’s entrance annually to the Garrick, which should suffice. Anything more might seem a little louche.

Read next: the most iconic hotels to stay in this summer.

Become a Gentleman’s Journal Member?

Become a Gentleman’s Journal Member?

Like the Gentleman’s Journal? Why not join the Clubhouse, a special kind of private club where members receive offers and experiences from hand-picked, premium brands. You will also receive invites to exclusive events, the quarterly print magazine delivered directly to your door and your own membership card.

Further reading

How to make the perfect Negroni

How to make the perfect Negroni

The greatest style icons of the 20th Century

The greatest style icons of the 20th Century

The stuff of dreams: this may be the greatest mattress you’ll ever sleep on

The stuff of dreams: this may be the greatest mattress you’ll ever sleep on

A free newsletter worth opening.

To receive the latest in style, watches, cars and luxury news, plus receive great offers from the world’s greatest brands every Friday.

A free newsletter worth opening

royal london yacht club reciprocal


royal london yacht club reciprocal


Reciprocal Clubs

Membership path, individual debenture membership.

We have linked to sites where possible - Please let us know if you can provide any of the missing links.

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Tel: 2239 0325 Fax: 2239 0399 Email: [email protected]

Outrigger Canoe Club Special arrangement must be made prior to visit, Members MUST contact the Membership Office to complete the necessary formalities and obtain a letter of introduction.

Africa, Middle East, Indian Ocean

State of Bahrain
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dubai, U A E
Gordon's Bay, South Africa
Madras, India
Mombasa, Kenya
Transvaal, South Africa
Mumbai, India
Capetown, South Africa
Durban, South Africa
Ecuador, South Africa
Mahe, Seychelles
Nishinomiya City, Kobe, Japan
Sabah, Malaysia
Bunker Island, Karachi, Pakistan
Seria, Brunei
Manila, Philippines
Sentosa, Singapore (   )
Perak Yacht Club Perak, Malaysia
Sarawak, Malaysia
Or. Mindoro Island, Philippines
Rabaul Yacht Club Papua New Guinea
Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei (   )
Langkawi, Malaysia
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Port Kelang, Malaysia
South Pattaya, Thailand
Tanah Merah Coast Road, Singapore
Sabah, East Malaysia
Subic Bay, Philippines
Windward Ocean Club Nishinomiya, Japan
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan

Australia & New Zealand

Blairgowrie, Victoria, Australia
Darling Point, NSW, Australia
North Haven, South Australia
Fremantle, Western Australia
Wellington, New Zealand
Mosman, NSW, Australia
Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Peppermint Grove, Perth, W. Australia
Geelong, Australia
Melbourne, Australia
Newport, NSW, Australia
Auckland, NZ
Perth, W. Australia
Newport, NSW, Australia
Wellington, New Zealand
Queensland, Australia
Adelaide, S. Australia
Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia
Williamstown, Victoria, Australia
Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
Applecross, Western Australia
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia 

Europe (Mainland)

Sicily, Italy
Cascais, Portugal 
Gstaad, Switzerland
Istanbul, Turkey
Lubeck, Germany
Helsinki, Finland
Hamburg, Germany
Barcelona, Spain
Valencia, Spain
Napoli, Italy
Gent, Belgium
Copenhagen, Denmark
Rotterdam, Holland
Ta'xbiex, Malta
Muiden, Holland
Oslo, Norway
Stockholm, Sweden (   )
Segreteria, Italy
Paris, France
Piraeus, Greece
Genova, Italy

North/South America & Caribbean

Alameda, California, USA
Annapolis, Maryland, USA
Corona Del Mar, California, USA
Cornoa Del Mar, California, USA
Marina del Ray, California, USA
Westport, Connecticut, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Marina del Rey, California, USA
Discovery Bay, California, USA
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Vancouver, Canada
New York, USA
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Peoria Heights, Ilinois, USA
Kaneohe, Hawaii, USA
Lahaina, Hawaii, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
Brielle, New Jersey, USA
Hagatna (Agana), Guam
Melbourne, Florida USA
Nassau, Bahamas
New York, USA
Virginia, USA
Alameda, California, U S A

Honolulu,Hawaii, U S A

Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Freeport, Grand Bahama, The Bahamas
Hamilton, Bermuda
Toronto, Canada (  )
Paget, Bermuda
Nova Scotia, Canada
Montreal, Canada
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Victoria, Canada
San Diego, California, USA (  )
San Leandro, California, USA
San Rafael, California, USA
Sausalito, San Francisco, California, USA
Seattle, Washington, State, USA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Stonington, Connecticut, USA
San Francisco, California, USA (  )
St Petersburg, Florida, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
Jamaica, British West Indies
Vallejo, California, USA
Ventura, California, USA
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Seattle, Washington, State, USA (  )
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Maldonado, Uruguay

United Kingdom and Ireland

Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom
Co Dubin, Ireland
Itchenor, Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom
Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
Porthmadog, Gwynedd, United Kingdom
Rochester, Kent, United Kingdom
Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
Southampton, United Kingdom
Jersey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom
Guernsey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom
Cowes, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
Crosshaven, Ireland
Falmouth, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Kingswear, Devon, United Kingdom
Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom
Fowey, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Gourock, Scotland, United Kingdom
Co Dublin, Ireland
Cowes, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Birkenhead, Wirral, United Kingdom
Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
Suffolk, United Kingdom
Rhu, Scotland, United Kingdom
South Harbour, Blyth, Northumberland, United Kingdom
Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
Southampton, United Kingdom
Southampton, United Kingdom
Co Dublin, Ireland
Ramsgate, United Kingdom
Knightsbridge, London, United Kingdom
Torquay, Devon, United Kingdom
Co Down, Northern Ireland
Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom
Salcombe, Devon, United Kingdom
St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom

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Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Kellett Island, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong View location map Tel: (852) 2832 2817 Fax: (852) 2572 5399

caring logo

royal varuna yacht club



reciprocal clubs

RVYC members can enjoy the benefits of reciprocal membership with sailing and yacht clubs around the world subject to the conditions of each reciprocal club .  Please contact the clubs directly for information. RVYC members are advised to get a letter of introduction from the RVYC office prior to visiting a reciprocal club and always have their membership card with them

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Royal Cape Yacht Club, South Africa


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Beijing Sailing Center, China


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Seychelles Yacht Club, Seychelles


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Aberdeen Boat Club, Hong Kong


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Hebe Haven Yacht Club, Hong Kong



Bruxelles Royal Yacht Club, Belgium

   > .


Cercle de la Voile de Paris, France



Yacht Club de La Baule, France


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Lantau Boat Club, Hong Kong


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, Hong Kong


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Royal Bombay Yacht Club, India





Royal Cork Yacht club, Ireland


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Bombay Sailing Association, India



Ceylon Motor Yacht Club, Sri Lanka


Fraglia Vela di Malcesine, Italy



Yacht Club Como, Italy



Calcutta Rowing Club, India

   >, middle east asia.


The Royal Netherlands Yacht Club, Netherlands


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Dubai Offshore Sailing Club, United Arab Emirates



Arkas Cesme Yelken Kulubu, Turkey

   >, southeast asia.


B.B. Bodrum Spor Kulubu, Turkey



Istanbul Sailing Club, Turkey



Clube Naval de Cascais, Portugal


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Kinabalu Yacht Club, Malaysia


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Royal Port Dickson Yacht Club, Malaysia


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Royal Selangor Yacht Club, Malaysia


royal london yacht club reciprocal

The West Indies Yacht Club, Jamaica

   >, north america.


False Creek Yacht Club, Vancouver



Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, Vancouver

   >, united states of america.


Hawaii Yacht Club, Honolulu



Lahaina Yacht Club, Hawaii



San Leandro Yacht Club, California



Southern Yacht Club, New Orleans, Louisiana,


Derwent Sailing Squadron, Australia



East Fremantle Yacht Club, Australia



Middle Harbour Yacht Club, Australia



Royal Perth Yacht Club, Australia



Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, Australia

   >, united kingdom.


Army & Navy Club, London, England



Dee Sailing Club, United, Wirral



Royal Dart Yacht Club, Dartmouth, England


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Royal Lymington Yacht Club, United Kingdom



Royal Southern Yacht Club, Southampton, England



Ballyholme Yacht Club, Northern Ireland



Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club, Jersey



Puerto Galera Yacht Club, Philippines


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Taal Lake Yacht Club, Philippines



Changi Sailing Club, Singapore


royal london yacht club reciprocal

ONE°15 Marina Club, Singapore



Republic of Singapore Yacht Club, Singapore



SAF Yacht Club, Singapore


Yangon Sailing Club.jpg

Yangon Sailing Club, Myanmar


The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania, Australia



Southport Yacht Club, Australia



Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, Australia



Bucklands Beach Yacht Club, New Zealand



Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, New Zealand



Royal Papua Yacht Club, Papua New Guinea



  • About the Club
  • Opening Times
  • Club history
  • Club Officers
  • Join the team
  • Volunteering
  • photo gallery
  • Members Handbook
  • About club racing
  • Club Racing
  • Helpful Guides
  • Other Racing Events
  • COGS Racing Events
  • About Club cruising
  • cruising dates
  • Cruising objectives
  • On the water facilities
  • Club Launch
  • slipway and storage
  • Crewing Opportunities
  • duty roster
  • Junior sailing
  • The sailing trust
  • safeguarding young people
  • Food and drink
  • On The Shore
  • Join The RCYC
  • About Membership
  • Membership Fees

Reciprocal Membership

Rcyc benefits.

Chichester Yacht Club City University Club, London London Corinthian Sailing Club Ocean Cruising Club Royal Air Force Yacht Club Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club Royal Dart Yacht Club Royal Dorset Yacht Club Royal Fowey Yacht Club Royal London Yacht Club Royal Lymington Yacht Club Royal Motor Yacht Club Royal Naval Club & Royal Albert Yacht Club Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club Royal Northern and Clyde Yacht Club Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club Royal Solent Yacht Club Royal Southampton Yacht Club Royal Southern Yacht Club Royal Thames Yacht Club Royal Torbay Yacht Club Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Isle of Wight Royal Welsh Yacht Club Royal Western Yacht Club, Plymouth The Winchester House Club, London


Clube Naval de Ponta Delgada, Azores Hebe Haven Yacht Club, Hong Kong Porto Montenegro Yacht Club Republic of Singapore Yacht Club Royal Brunei Yacht Club Royal Canadian Yacht Club Royal Cork Yacht Club Royal Gibraltar Yacht Club Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Royal Malta Yacht Club Royal Melbourne Yacht Club Royal Nassau Sailing Club Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club Royal St George Yacht Club Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Canada



Click here to read about the author

The Royal London Yacht Club, formed in 1838, is one of the oldest and most prestigious yacht clubs in Britain.

The Club was started by a group of gentlemen who sailed on the River Thames and met regularly at the Coal Hole Tavern off the Strand and kept their yachts on the foreshore by the Arundel Steps and thus the Arundel Yacht Club came into being. In 1845 the Members voted to assume the title ‘London Yacht Club’. At the same time, not being entitled to the ensign of HM Fleet, the Club adopted a white ensign with blue cross, with the Union flag in the upper canton and   a gold star in the canton below and in 1846 the Lord Mayor gave permission to use the City Coat of Arms, which replaced the star.  In 1849, HM Adelaide, the Queen Dowager, widow of William IV, became   Patron   of the London Yacht Club and thus became ‘Royal’, and at that time, the seventeenth in seniority of yacht clubs.  A warrant soon followed, dated 17 October 1849, to wear a blue ensign of HM Fleet with the City Arms in the fly. A burgee was adopted which, unlike   many   clubs, actually   corresponded   with   the ensign.  

The Club flourished on the Thames where its activities gained widespread but in 1882 it was decided to move to Cowes where a lease was taken on the two Regency houses on the Parade, which is still the Clubhouse today.

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Only the second yacht club to be formed in Cowes the Royal London was given the first Monday of Cowes Week as its race day and it still is to this day. Royal patronage came again when in 1893 the Duke of York became Admiral until 1911 when he ascended the throne as King George V. The present Admiral is HRH the Princess Anne who succeeded her Father the Duke of Edinburgh in 2012.

The influence of the Royal London on yachting and yacht racing has never waned from the earliest days when the Club fostered innovations and was instrumental in establishing a universal  set of rules and system of measurement.  

The Club has always been associated with Metre Yachts and it is appropriate that the now annual Cowes Classics Week is probably the most successful event that the Royal London has run for many years.

The regatta has been growing year on year and is being referred to as ‘the Goodwood Revival of Yachting’ and ‘one of Europe’s most important classic yacht regattas’.

In 2016 the Club will be running World Championships for the Tempest and Etchells classes.

  • Club History
  • Club Leadership
  • Management Team
  • Hours of Operation
  • Membership Information
  • Membership Inquiry

Reciprocal Clubs

  • Club Programs
  • UClub Concierge
  • Daily Menus
  • Dining Reservations
  • Beverage Program
  • Custom Catering
  • Event Inquiry
  • UClub Squash
  • Athletic Facilities

The UClub offers our members access to a wealth of exclusive reciprocals nationally and internationally for both business and pleasure.

Please note that members seeking a Letter of Introduction must first contact their desired reciprocal club directly to obtain their reservation. Once you have secured your reservation, you may initiate your request for a Letter of Introduction by clicking the button below. Start your Letter of Introduction today and experience the privileges of our reciprocal club network!

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Mountain Oyster Club 6400 E El Dorado Plaza #100 Tucson, AZ  85715 (520) 623-3417

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Los Angeles Athletic Club 431 W. Seventh Street Los Angeles, CA 90014 (213) 630-5200

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Gym / Athletics – Overnight Accommodations – Child Care

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University Club of Pasadena  175 North Oakland Ave. Pasadena, CA  91101 (626) 793-5157

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Weddings / Special Events

Temporarily closed due to fire

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University Club of San Francisco 800 Powell Street San Francisco, CA 94180 (415) 781-0900

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Gym / Athletics – Overnight Accommodations

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Park Club 650 Town Center Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (949) 868-6511

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Workspaces

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University Club of Denver 1670 Sherman Street Denver, CO  80203 (303) 861-4267

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Gym / Athletics

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Denver Athletic Club 1325 Glenarm Place Denver, CO  80204 (303)534-1211

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Workspaces – Gym / Athletics – Child Care


royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Hartford Club 46 Prospect Street Hartford, CT  06103 (860) 522-1271

royal london yacht club reciprocal

New Haven Lawn Club 193 Whitney Ave. New Haven, CT  06511 (203) 777-3494

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University and Whist Club of Wilmington 805 North Broom Street Wilmington, DE 19806 (302) 658-5125

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Private Workspaces

DC, Washington

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University Club of Washington D.C. 1135 Sixteenth Street Northwest Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 862-8800

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Athletics – Overnight Accommodations

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Cosmos Club 2121 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 (202) 387-7783

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Overnight Accommodations

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Tampa Club 101 E Kennedy Blvd, Suite 4200 Tampa, FL  33602 (813) 229-6028

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University Club of Tampa One Tampa City Center 201 No. Franklin St. 38th Floor Tampa, FL  33602 (813) 223-3737

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Epping-Forest Yacht & Country Club 1830 Epping Forest Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 739-7200

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Gym / Athletics – Marina

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Saint Petersburg Yacht Club 11 Central Ave St. Petersburg, FL 33701 (727) 822-3873

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The River Club 1 Independent Dr #3500 Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 354-1111

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Outrigger Canoe Club 2909 Kalakaua Ave Honolulu, HI 96815 (808) 923-1585

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University Club of Chicago 76 East Monroe Street Chicago, IL  60603 (312) 726-2840

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Louisville Boat Club 4200 River Road Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 896-0375

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Cumberland Club 116 High Street Portland, ME  04101 (207) 773-6402

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Maryland Club 1 East Eager Street Baltimore, MD  21202 (410) 727-2323

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Mount Vernon Club 8 West Mount Vernon Place Baltimore, MD  21201 (410) 837-3240


royal london yacht club reciprocal

Union Club of Boston Eight Park Street Boston, MA 02108-4803 (617) 227-0589

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Harvard Club of Boston Main Club House 374 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA. 02215 (617) 536-1260

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Workspaces – Athletics – Overnight Accommodations

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Worcester Club One Oak Street Worcester, MA 01609 (508) 755-8611

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University of Massachusetts Club One Beacon Street, 32nd Floor Boston, MA 02108 (617) 287-3030

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University Club of Boston 426 Stuart Street Boston, Massachusetts 02116 (617) 266-5600

royal london yacht club reciprocal

College Club of Boston 44 Commonwealth Ave Boston, MA  02116 (617) 536-9510 

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Minneapolis Club 729 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 332-2292

royal london yacht club reciprocal

St. Louis Club 7701 Forsyth Blvd. St. Louis, MO  63105 (314) 726-1965

New Hampshire

royal london yacht club reciprocal

One Hundred Club 100 Market Street, Suite 500 Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 766-4100

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Morristown Club 27 Elm Street Morristown, NJ  07960 (973) 539-0116

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Park Avenue Club 184 Park Avenue Florham, NJ  07932 (973) 301-8233

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Special Events

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Montauk Club 25 8th Ave, Brooklyn Brooklyn, NY 11217 (718) 638-0800

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The New York Athletic Club 180 Central Park South New York, NY 10019 (212) 767-7135

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Cornell Club 6 E 44 th  Street New York, NY  10017 (212) 986-0300

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Workspaces – Gym / Athletics – Overnight Accommodations – Laundry Services

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Century Club 480 James Street Syracuse, NY 13203 (315) 422.6161

North Carolina

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Charlotte City Club 121 W Trade St. Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 334-4738

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University Club of Durham 3100 Tower Boulevard, Ste 1700 Durham, NC 27707 (919) 493-8099

South Carolina

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Springdale Hall Club 161 Knights Hill Road Camden, SC 29021

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Harbour Club at WestEdge 22 WestEdge Street, Suite 700 Charleston, SC 29403 (843) 823-0523

royal london yacht club reciprocal

City Club of Greenville 55 Beattie Pl, Floor 17 Greenville, SC 29379 (864) 232-5600

* Temporarily Closed *

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Athletic Club of Columbus 136 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 221-3344

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University Club of Cincinnati Fourth & Broadway Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 721-2600

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Workspaces – Overnight Accommodations

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Union Club of Cleveland  1211 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115-1865 (216) 621-4230

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Workspaces – Gym / Athletics – Overnight Accommodations

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University Club of Portland 1225 S.W. Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 (503) 223-6237

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Multnomah Athletic Club 1849 S.W. Salmon Portland, OR 97205 (503) 223.6251

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Workspaces – Gym / Athletics


royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Racquet Club of Philadelphia 215 South Sixteenth Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 (215) 735-1525

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Westmoreland Club 59 South Franklin Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 (570) 822-6141

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Union League of Philadelphia 146 S Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 (215) 565-6500

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Golf – Overnight Accommodations

Rhode Island

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Agawam Hunt Club 15 Roger Williams Avenue Rumford, RI 02916 (401) 434-0980

Reciprocal Privileges: – Available during our summer shut-down for dining

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Hope Club Available during our summer shut-down for dining 6 Benevolent Street Providence, RI 02906 (401) 421-4960

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Kirkbrae Country Club Available for golf and dining up to 6x annually 197 Old River Road Lincoln, RI 02806 (401) 333-1300

Reciprocal Privileges: – Available for Golf & Dinner up to 6x annually

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Providence Art Club Available during our summer shut-down for dining 11 Thomas Street Providence, RI 02903 (401) 331-1114

Reciprocal Privileges: – Available for Dinner up to 6x annually

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Sakonnet Point Club Available for dining up to 6x annually 11 Bluff Head Avenue Little Compton, RI 02837 (401) 635-2582

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Squantum Association  Available during our summer shut-down for dining 947 Veterans Memorial Parkway Riverside, RI 02915 (401) 434-8377

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Aurora Civic Association 289 Broadway Providence, RI 02903 (401) 861-1111

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Crescent Club 6075 Poplar Ave, Suite 909 Memphis. TN 38119 (901) 684-1010

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Austin Club 110 East 9th St Austin, TX  78701 (512) 477-9496

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Houston Club 910 Louisiana St. Suite 4900 Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 225-3257 

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Alta Club 100 E S Temple Street Salt Lake City, UT  84111 (801) 322-1081

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University Club of Milwaukee 924 East Wells Street Milwaukee, WI  53202 (414) 271-2222

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Gym / Athletics – Golf (Indoor/Outdoor) – Overnight Accommodations

International Clubs

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Kitzbuhel Country Club Kitzbuheler Strabe 53 6370 Reith bei Ketzbuhel Austria 43 (0) 5356-64664

Reciprocal Privileges: * Under Review *

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The British Club of Bangkok 189 Suriwongse Road Bangrak Bangkok 10500 66 2234 0247

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Club Atwater 3505 Avenue Atwater Montreal, QC H3H 1Y2 Canada (514) 935-2431

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Albany Club 91 King Street East Toronto, ON M5C 1G3

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The London Club 177 Queens Avenue London, ON N6A 3M8 Canada (519) 434-6889

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The National Club 303 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5H 2R1 Canada (416) 364-3247

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Quebec Garrison Club 97 St-Louis Quebec, Quebec City G1R3Z6 (418) 692-2475

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Saskatoon Club 417 21st Street East Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K0C (306) 652-1780

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Terminal City Club 837 W Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1B6 Canada (604) 681-4121

royal london yacht club reciprocal

University Club of Montreal 2047 Rue Mansfield Montreal, QC H3A 1Y7 Canada (514) 288-0201

royal london yacht club reciprocal

University Club of Toronto 380 University Avenue Toronto, ON M5G 1R6 Canada (416) 597-1336

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The Faculty Club 41 Willcocks Street Toronto, ON M5S 1C7 (416) 978-6325

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Club de la Union Avda. Lib. Bernardo O’Higgins 1091 Santiago Chile (56-2) 2428 4625

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Saint James Club 43 Avenue Bugeaud 75116 Paris France 33 (0)1 44 05 81 70

Reciprocal Privileges: – Member Dining – Gym / Spa – Overnight Accommodations

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Munchener Herrenclub e.V. Brienner Strasse 13 Munchen Germany 80333 089/290733-0

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Ulster Reform Club 4 Royal Avenue Belfast BT1 1DA

royal london yacht club reciprocal

City University Club 50 Cornhill London EC3V 3PD, UK +44 20 7626 8571

royal london yacht club reciprocal

St. James’s Hotel & Club 7-8 Park Place St. James’s, London, SW1A 1LS, UK +44 20 7316 1600

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The University Club of Mexico Paseo De La Reforma 150 06600 D.F., Mexico +52 55 5566 2266

royal london yacht club reciprocal

The New Club 86 Princess Street Edinburgh Scotland EH2 2BB +44 131 226 4881

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Circulo Ecuestre 169 Balmes Street Barcelona, Spain, 08006 +34 93 415 6000

Reciprocal Process

royal london yacht club reciprocal

royal london yacht club reciprocal

  • FCYC/SPCC visiting guests will be extended privileges to visit the Club a maximum of twice (2) month. Should an FCYC/SPCC member continue to request access to the facilities, they will be asked to join the Club.
  • Access to the downtown clubhouse will be permitted based on space. No access will be permitted to the Pass-a-Grille Clubhouse.
  • FCYC/SPCC are required to make reservations at our downtown location.
  • FCYC/SPCC are permitted to make a dining reservation for a maximum of four (4) people at one table. Larger parties are at the discretion of St Petersburg Yacht Club.
  • FCYC/SPCC members are permitted to use the Central Ave valet entrance if space permits. Self-parking will not be available.
  • All reciprocal clubs will see an additional 5% service charge.
  • Reciprocal members will be extended privileges to visit the Club a maximum of twice (2) annually. Should a reciprocal club member continue to request access to the facilities, they will be asked to join the Club.
  • Dining reservations must be made in advance. We will do our best to accommodate a reciprocal member, however, will be unable to honor reservation requests made within forty-eight (48) hours.
  • The Club will not honor walk-in reciprocal club members.
  • Reciprocal club members are permitted to make a dining reservation for a maximum of four(4) people at one table. Larger parties are at the discretion of St Petersburg Yacht Club.
  • Reciprocal member use for private event rooms in December and February will be determined on a case-by-case basis. We will yield to first accommodating our own member requests.
  • Reciprocal Club members are permitted to use the Central Ave valet entrance if space permits. Self-parking will not be available.

Visiting Clubs

royal london yacht club reciprocal

Reciprocal Clubs-


RMYC Burgee

  • Etchells Fleet
  • Mylne Fleet
  • Squib Fleet
  • Blue Ensign
  • Reciprocal Clubs –
  • RMYC Regatta
  • Sailing Instructions
  • Sailing Programme
  • Menai Strait Regattas
  • Results 2023
  • Results 2024
  • Members’ Login

Reciprocal Clubs

Members of the following Reciprocal Clubs are offered use of the facilities at Royal Mersey Yacht Club, and are invited to contact the  RMYC Hon. Secretary  in advance of their intended visit:

Royal Northern and Clyde Yacht Club

Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club

Royal Malta Yacht Club

Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron

The City University Club, London

Members of Royal Mersey Yacht Club wishing to visit a Reciprocal Club should make arrangements with them.

Information can be found via their websites by clicking on the relevant link above.

Introductory letters may be obtained from the  Hon. Secretary .

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  • ☰ Menu
  • Wining and Dining
  • Accommodation
  • Book online
  • Reciprocal Clubs
  • Cowes Classics Week
  • The Royal London Collection

The Parade
Isle of Wight
PO31 7QS

Phone : 01983 299727
Email :


  1. Reciprocal Clubs : Royal London Yacht Club

    royal london yacht club reciprocal

  2. Reciprocal Clubs : Royal London Yacht Club

    royal london yacht club reciprocal

  3. Reciprocal Clubs : Royal London Yacht Club

    royal london yacht club reciprocal

  4. Reciprocal Clubs : Royal London Yacht Club

    royal london yacht club reciprocal

  5. Reciprocal Clubs : Royal London Yacht Club

    royal london yacht club reciprocal

  6. Reciprocal Clubs : Royal London Yacht Club

    royal london yacht club reciprocal


  1. Reciprocal Clubs : Royal London Yacht Club

    181 Westhaven Drive, Westhaven Marina, Auckland 1011, New Zealand. Date of formation: 1871

  2. Home : Royal London Yacht Club

    Welcome to the Royal London Yacht Club. The Club is one of the most historic and prestigious Yacht Clubs in Great Britain. The elegant Regency Clubhouse with eleven beautiful bedrooms and several function rooms has recently been refurbished and upgraded. The Club is situated on The Parade, Cowes, Isle of Wight with a unique waterfront position ...

  3. Club Information : Royal London Yacht Club

    The Royal London Yacht Club was formed in 1838 and is one of the oldest and most prestigious Yacht Clubs in Britain. The elegant Regency Clubhouse is a private Members Club which welcomes Reciprocal Club Members and other guests. The main features are: * 10 bedrooms, most of which are en suite, have recently been redecorated and upgraded and ...

  4. Reciprocal Clubs

    Full Reciprocal Clubs. Members of THE FOLLOWING CLUBS ARE OFFERED FULL RECIPROCAL FACILITIES (WITHOUT LIMITATIONS) New York Yacht Club ... Royal London Yacht Club : The Parade, Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO31 7QS, UK: Main: 01 983 299 727 [email protected] Website : Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron : 33 Peel Street, Kirribilli, NSW 2061, Australia: Main ...

  5. Reciprocal Clubs

    The King's Royal Hussars is the successor regiment to the 10th., 11th. and 14th. Light Dragoons, the formation of which was approved by King George I in July 1715 as part of an army tasked to counter the Jacobite rebellion. Known as the light cavalry, later the Light Brigade, they were subsequently amalgamated with the 11th.

  6. PDF St. Francis Yacht Club Reciprocal Yacht Club List Domestic US

    St. Francis Yacht Club Reciprocal Yacht Club List Domestic USSt. Fra. mSeattle Yacht*These yacht clubs require a lett. of introduction prior to a St. Francis YC member's visit. Please contact the StFYC front desk to arrange for this letter. request one online at Thank you.Sept. 2022Plea.

  7. Royal London Yacht Club

    The Royal London Yacht Club ( RLYC) is a British yacht club. It is situated on the Parade in Cowes on the Isle of Wight in the United Kingdom. Formed in 1838, it is the sixth oldest Yacht Club in the United Kingdom. Originally formed as The Arundel Yacht Club in the Strand, it became the London Yacht Club in 1845 and moved to Cowes in 1882.

  8. Royal London Yacht Club

    website builder. Create your website today. Start Now. 0. R OYAL L ONDON Y ACHT C LUB

  9. Royal London Yacht Club

    About Royal London Yacht Club. The Club found it's name in London, 1845 and flourished on the Thames until a move to Cowes in 1882. You can now enjoy it's Regency splendour during Cowes Classic week and any other time of the year. The club has 10-bedroom accommodation for members and reciprocal visitors by arrangement.

  10. PDF SYC Approved Reciprocal Clubs

    SYC Approved Reciprocal Clubs Club Name City State Country Day Island Yacht Club University Place WA USA Deep Bay Yacht Club Bowser Canada ... Royal Ocean Racing Club London UK Royal Perth Yacht Club Nedlands Western Australia Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club Wellington New Zealand

  11. Through the side door: The art of reciprocal club membership

    The shared living room of America's ultra-preppy East Coast set, the New York Yacht Club, down on Manhattan's 44th Street, is said to be "more English than the English" in its old world opulence, entrenched classism, and obsession with the done thing.. The Model Room here — a double-height atrium whose powder blue walls are studded with thousands of ornate boat models — is one of ...

  12. Reciprocals

    Members of the following clubs are offered full reciprocal facilities (without limitation): Royal London Yacht Club, Cowes. New York Yacht Club. St. Francis Yacht Club, San Francisco. Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. Please click on the image to the right to view our reciprocal flyer with futher information about our ...

  13. Royal Thames Yacht Club : Royal London Yacht Club

    Royal Thames Yacht Club. 60 Knightbridge, London SW1X 7LF. Date of formation: 1775. Last updated 10:44 on 6 February 2024

  14. RHKYC

    We would remind you to always have your membership card with you during your visit and to contact the respective Club directly for registration and guest policy prior to your visit. Tel: 2239 0325. Fax: 2239 0399. Email: [email protected]. Outrigger Canoe Club.

  15. Reciprocal Clubs

    reciprocal clubs. RVYC members can enjoy the benefits of reciprocal membership with sailing and yacht clubs around the world subject to the conditions of each reciprocal club . Please contact the clubs directly for information. RVYC members are advised to get a letter of introduction from the RVYC office prior to visiting a reciprocal club and ...

  16. Reciprocal Membership

    Royal Nassau Sailing Club. Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron. Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club. Royal St George Yacht Club. Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Canada. MEMBERSHIP. Become a member of RCYC and enjoy fourteen days of Reciprocal Membership (in any one year) at the following clubs.

  17. Royal London Yacht Club

    The Royal London Yacht Club, formed in 1838, is one of the oldest and most prestigious yacht clubs in Britain. The Club was started by a group of gentlemen who sailed on the River Thames and met regularly at the Coal Hole Tavern off the Strand and kept their yachts on the foreshore by the Arundel Steps and thus the Arundel Yacht Club came into being.

  18. Reciprocal Clubs

    Mountain Oyster Club 6400 E El Dorado Plaza #100 Tucson, AZ 85715 (520) 623-3417 Reciprocal Privileges: - Member Dining

  19. Room Rates : Royal London Yacht Club

    Room 10 (2nd floor Twin or Double En Suite with sea view) £140. £170. £190. Room 11 (2nd floor Twin or Double En Suite) £130. £145. £175. *Low season is from 1st March to 31st March 2023 and 1st November to 29th February 2024.

  20. Visiting Clubs

    Please complete the form below to request visiting the St. Petersburg Yacht Club. Please note that completing the form does not guarantee reciprocal privileges. Questions contact: SPYC Front Desk: [email protected] or (727) 822-3873. SPYC Membership: [email protected] or (727) 892-6888. Full Name:*.

  21. Join RLYC : Royal London Yacht Club

    If you don't know a member, just contact the Club Office and they will put you in touch with a Flag Officer or member of the General Committee who can guide you through the process. If you need help, contact the Club Secretary on 01983 299 727 or email [email protected] we look forward to receiving your application form. Last ...

  22. Reciprocal Clubs

    Royal Northern and Clyde Yacht Club. Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club. Royal Malta Yacht Club. Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron. The City University Club, London. Members of Royal Mersey Yacht Club wishing to visit a Reciprocal Club should make arrangements with them. Information can be found via their websites by clicking on the relevant link above.

  23. Booking : Royal London Yacht Club

    The Club. Royal London Club Schedule 2024; Club and House Rules; Club Information; Club's Permanent Staff; Club Officers & Committees; Club Opening Hours ; Royal London Collection; Club Moorings; Club Lockers; Launch Service; Younger Members; The Youth Charitable Trust; Royal London Etchells Youth Academy ; The Club History; Club's Data ...