
Quay Crew Releases 2023 Captains Salary Survey

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Quay Crew has announced the release of its latest and largest HoD salary survey to date. Almost 300 captains responded across a range of yacht sizes from under 30 meters to over 100 meters.

In addition to average pay and leave, pay rises and bonus activities, the report also compares the experience of being a captain and a chief officer, ticket levels and longevity on board. It also compares the results to previous survey findings in 2020 and 2022.  

“ In our most detailed salary report to date, we have gained an insight into the real-time compensation captains receive, broken down by yacht size and with several other comparables too,” said Simon Ladbrooke, Captain Consultant at Quay Crew .

“A key takeaway this year is that, despite a slight decline in salaries between 2020 and 2022, the average monthly pay is now higher across all size brackets, representing a median 6.75% increase.

“Time for time rotation has also grown in popularity on all sized yachts, with the exception of yachts  under 39m which are all full time at the moment.

“By gathering chief officer experience as well as longevity on their current yacht, we can surmise that onboard promotion is on the rise. The average age that someone becomes captain is now older and the number of years of experience as chief officer is higher, suggesting the transition is also taking longer.

“This is undoubtedly down to there being more competition amongst candidates and it being more difficult to make that initial step up.

“However, almost three quarters say it took them less than six months to get their first captain role. Along with the extensive chief officer experience demonstrated in this survey, this could be largely down to onboard promotion.

Having said that, we were very surprised at this statistic as it doesn’t match at all with our experience. Often, chief officers are looking for several years before they finally get their opportunity. It’s something we definitely want to explore further in another survey.”

Top-level statistics include:   

Every yacht bracket has seen a salary rise since 2020 and 2022.

Full rotation is increasing and becoming more prevalent on sub-50m yachts, with an 11% decline overall in captains having under 59 days of leave.

40% of captains receive an annual pay rise, although this is not part of their contract.

38% receive a 13th-month bonus, but random and unpredictable bonuses are more common.

70% of captains have Master 3000.

50% of the captains who responded have over 10 years’ experience in the role and 32% were chief officers for three to years prior.

A third of captains have been on their current yacht for over three years.

Flight allowance improves with yacht size, with 49% of captains receiving business class flights as part of their package.

The average age at which respondents first became captain is 32.5 years old. 

The full report contains a comprehensive analysis of salaries and leave in each yacht size bracket and also compares full-time and rotational role. It also explores any correlation between experience and the type of ticket held. 

To obtain access to this salary report or QuayCrew’s previous reports for chief officers, chief stews or chief engineers please get in touch via [email protected] .

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Yacht Crew Agency / Candidates / Yacht Salaries Guide

Yacht Salaries Guide

Many of our candidates are asking us for advice on what their salary should be on a yacht.

We have prepared a table of approximate wages in the yachting industry. Even though these salaries may give you a reference point, we would like to inform you that all yachts are different, equally as their owners.

These salary rates are based on the current state of the employment market in yachting in 2024. Real wages always vary depending on the candidate’s experience, training, certificates and additional skills.

yacht captain salary uk

Different Salaries of Yacht Crew Jobs

People working on a yacht can earn extras.

Tips are another big financial reward for the team of the superyacht to be rewarded. Specially operating on a charter yacht gives crew a great chance to earn extra money, but how much is expected? It is up to it. Common tips vary from 5% to 20% of the charter cost, sharing about 10% and split by all crewmembers.

Living on a private yacht cannot provide all such advice, but it has its own crew benefits, including greater rest, longer vacations, rewards and also the prospect of the owner’s unexpected donations. Such proprietors are often considered to tip.

Different Position in a Yacht Crew, Different Salary

Without a doubt, each position has a different monthly income. So the higher position you will get the higher salary you will get. Here are an overview about some positions on a yacht.

The Captain must be skilled and trained in maritime affairs, outstanding navigational knowledge, exceptional administration, coordination, strategy and diplomacy. A Superyacht Captain will have outstanding nautical expertise, repairs, electronics, professional procedures and accounting, Finance and administrative records knowledge. A captain must have a cool, charismatic demeanor and must be exceptionally competent to work with men, staff and visitors. Average monthly salary : 60ft (18m) à 2,200€ – 3,700€

During the captain’s absence, the Chief Officer / First Mate will have the captain’s good management and interpersonal abilities and outstanding experience and procedures in ISM and ISPS. The CEO will be someone with a solid history in deck work from prior practice with Deckhand or Boson. Average monthly salary : 60ft < 75ft (23m) à 2,200€ – 3,000€

Under the command and control of the commander, the chief steward must perform his or her duties. The head chef may therefore train and prescribe some lower level stews under his command, as the sole responsible for the interior of the vessel and for offering a satisfactory hospitality service to fulfill the holidaymakers ‘needs. Excellent support, networking and management are a must, as is an innovative environment. Average monthly salary : 100ft (33m) – 140ft (43m) à 2,200€ – 3,000€ +

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What is the salary of a Captain on a superyacht? 4 May 2021

What should you be paying your Captain?

What salary can I expect as a Captain on a superyacht?

These are questions we often get asked at Quay Crew headquarters.

In this blog, the superyacht Captain salaries are revealed in our exclusive Captain recruitment survey by Quay Crew.

Captain Recruitment Specialist, Tim Clarke , reveals some very interesting findings…

The subject of what a Captain should be paid often comes up in conversation, normally with Captains, but recently I was working with the yacht owner on a large new build project and had to recruit everyone from the Captain down. I was asked “What should I pay my Captain?”. I had to advise on salary levels for the Captain position and this made me realise that there isn’t a lot of accurate information out there in the public domain.

So how much should a Captain on a superyacht get paid?

Recently I did a salary survey of Captains which went into significant detail regarding yacht size, program, leave, pay reviews, bonuses, flights and additional perks. 186 Captains responded so we had an excellent spread of data to work with. The full report is actually 41 pages long so this is just a brief summary of the most pertinent information.

Have a Captain recruitment requirement coming up or just want to see all the additional info? To receive a copy in your inbox, email  [email protected]

The breakdown of qualifications across the 186 respondents was as follows:

26% Master Unlimited

68% Master 3000gt

6% Master 500gt

Private or Charter?

58% of Captains surveyed said they work on a purely private yacht. 34% on yachts which are a mix of owner use and charter so run commercially. Only 8% work on yachts which are purely commercial / charter programs.

Monthly salary averages for Captains on a superyacht

Average monthly salary for Captains with full rotation:

Under 39m n/a

40m to 49m €12.4k approx.

50m to 59m €11.4k approx.

60m to 69m €13.3k approx.

70m to 79m €14.5k approx.

80m to 89m €16.2k approx.

90m to 99m €18.4k approx.

Over 100m €19.3k approx.

Average monthly salary for Captains who are full time:

Under 39m €10.2k Euros approx.

40m to 49m €11.9k Euros approx.

50m to 59m €15.3k Euros approx.

60m to 69m €16k Euros approx.

70m to 79m €19.2k Euros approx.

80m to 89m €22k Euros approx.

90m to 99m €25k euros approx.

Over 100m €14.5k Euros approx.

Additional Captain salary facts…

When you compare rotational and full time salaries on yachts over 60m, the full time positions average over 2k a month more. Some yachts’ Captain packages are hugely removed from the norm. For example, one 60m to 69m is found to be paying over 25k to a full rotation Captain. No yacht that responded under 39m offers rotation. 36 Captains are earning over 20k a month, the vast majority of which are on purely private yachts.

Captain Rotation

23% of Captains on yachts 40m-49m have a full rotation. This takes a big jump to 53% of yachts 50m -59m. Full rotation peaks at 83% on yachts over 100m.

The average is 63% of Captains on yachts above 50m have full rotation so 92 out of the 147 who worked on yachts from 50m to 100m up.

Captain Recruitment for Superyachts

If you are looking to recruit a Captain for your yacht and want to make sure you are accessing the best talent in the market, then give me a call on +44 7760 202610. Recently I have recruited a variety of Captains for various yachts including a 100m plus new build, a very prestigious 90m, a 60m plus new build just launched and lots more between 50m and 70m. Alternatively if you just want a chat about the Captain market and your current Captain’s compensation package, then just get in touch via phone or via my direct email .

If you are a Captain reading this then here are a couple of links to other blogs I have written which may interest you.

How to secure your dream Captain job on a superyacht

How many Captains are there?

What is the salary of a Captain on a superyacht?

About the author

How much does length of service matter in Superyacht Recruitment?

Oow unlimited: is it for me.

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By Conor Feasey 12 Jan 2024

Captain salaries on the rise

Quay crew’s most detailed salary report to date reveals a rise in captains’ wages following a slight decline in recent years, amongst other findings….

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After a slight decline in recent years, Captain salaries are back on the rise according to findings in Quay Crew ’s Captain Salary Report 2023 . The detailed report also highlights how the growth of the industry is affecting Captaincy appointments, an increase in competition for placements, and a need for a more structured pay rise structure to foster longevity.

Around 300 Captains responded to the survey across a range of yacht sizes from sub-30 metres to 100 metres plus. In addition to average pay and leave, pay rise and bonus activity, the 21-page report also compares Captain and Chief Officer experience, ticket level, longevity onboard, and comparisons to Quay Crew’s 2020 and 2022 survey findings.

“In our most detailed salary report to date, we have gained an insight into the real-time compensation Captains receive, broken down by yacht size and with several other comparables too,” says Simon Ladbrooke, Captain Consultant at Quay Crew. “A key takeaway this year is that, despite a slight decline in salaries between 2020 and 2022, the average monthly pay is now higher across all size brackets, representing a median 6.75% increase.”

The exact figures, as per the survey findings, illustrate an average monthly salary of €16,243, with €17,105 and €15,518 accounting for the salary of private and charter Captains respectively. In the 100-metre-plus segment, salaries stand at around €20,000 for both private and charter, a €3,500 jump from the 90-99 metre category. At the other end of the scale, wages range between €14,251 to €12,399, which is around €3,000 more than on board sub-39 metre yachts

Time for time rotation has also grown in popularity on all-sized yachts, with the exception of yachts under 39 metres, which are all full-time at present. Full rotation is also increasing and becoming more prevalent on sub-50 metres yachts, with an 11% decline overall in Captains with less than 59 days leave.

In terms of raises, Two-fifths of Captains receive an annual pay rise, although this is not part of their contract. A further 38% receive a 13th-month bonus, but random and unpredictable bonuses appear to be more commonplace across all segments.

Around 70% of Captains have a Master 3000 ticket but are operating on much smaller yachts. “We are increasingly seeing Captains with their Master 3000 taking time out to get their Marshall Islands Unlimited ticket,” adds Ladbrooke. “The most common reason for this is likely to be able to remain with their current employer who is going bigger.”

The survey data reveals the rapid growth of the superyacht sector as one of its primary observations. The average age at which individuals attain Captaincy for the first time has also increased to 32.5 years old and Chief Officers now accumulate more years of experience, indicating a prolonged transition.

“By gathering Chief Officer experience as well as longevity on their current yacht, we can surmise that onboard promotion is on the rise. The average age that someone becomes Captain is now older and the number of years of experience as Chief Officer is higher, suggesting the transition is also taking longer,” says Ladbrooke. This delay is likely influenced by heightened competition in the industry and increased difficulty in making the initial advancement.

Despite these challenges, nearly three-quarters (72%) of respondents claim it took them less than six months to secure their first Captain role, which is possibly attributed to onboard promotions and the substantial Chief Officer experience showcased in the survey. “We were very surprised at this statistic as it doesn’t match at all with our experience. Often, Chief Officers are looking for several years before they finally get their opportunity. It’s something we definitely want to explore further in another survey,” says Ladbrooke.

Additionally, more than half of respondents now receive business or first-class flights, dependent on flight duration, indicating a notable increase in this aspect. Flight allowance improves with yacht size, with 49% of Captains receiving Business Class flights as part of their package.

Looking at the overall average salary, Ladbrooke determines that they appear to be reasonable, though a smaller gap between private and private/charter incomes is anticipated. Being a charter Captain is acknowledged as very demanding, with the added complexity of handling various responsibilities, and fostering creativity and adaptability, all while maintaining crew motivation, despite the benefit of tips.

While positive, the frequency of pay raises and bonuses could benefit from a less arbitrary and discretionary approach to enhance Captain longevity. Exactly half of the Captains who responded have more than 10 years’ experience in the role and 32% were Chief Officers for three to five years prior. A third have been Captains on their current yacht for more than three years.

“The key takeaway for us is that, despite many of the respondents being experienced Captains, longevity does need to improve,” says Ladbrooke. “I’d expect at least three years on 60 metres plus yachts, while slightly less is acceptable on 40-59 metre boats as they are usually stepping stones to larger yachts.”

Ladbrooke adds that whilst every size bracket has great things going for it, more often than not, there is some kind of trade-off required. “This is not always a bad thing, and the fact that the market is moving in the right direction in almost every area, from leave and salary to bonuses and retention, sets a good precedent for the future of the sector.”

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Yacht Crew Positions and Salaries

The organisational structure onboard a superyacht follows a strong hierarchy based upon a military model. Exact job duties and lines of authority are set and strictly adhered to. This hierarchy is followed on the vast majority of yachts; however, responsibilities of the crew on smaller yachts are often merged.

There are four departments on yachts with clear organisational structure:

  • Deck (including Bridge) – Safety, passage delivery, maintenance of the yacht's exterior, guest outdoor activities
  • Engineering – Safety and smooth operational running of the yacht
  • Interior – Housekeeping, guest wellbeing, activities, accounting
  • Galley – Food preparation, stock control, hygiene, galley maintenance

The top of the hierarchy on each yacht is the Captain , who reports to the yacht owner either directly, or through a representative or a yacht management company.

Salaries vary and depend on the yacht size, use, type and location, as well as the experience and qualification of the crew member. We included typical salaries of crew based on the data available from reputable industry sources, as well as our research of over 60,000 crew registered with us.

Deck Positions

The primary duty of the Captain is the overall safe manning and operation of the yacht. Yacht Captain is responsible for the vessel, yacht crew, owner and guests, including personnel management, shipyard/project management, legal and regulatory compliance, accounting, achieving owners' objectives, and answers to the owner regarding all decisions.

Captain €4,000 - €15,000

First Mate / Chief Officer

The First Mate or Chief Officer is the right hand of the Captain. Takes command of the yacht from Captain when required. Shares Captain's responsibilities as required.

Chief Officer €3,000 - €13,500
2nd Officer €3,000 - €8,000
3rd Officer €2,500 - €6,000
Security Officer €3,000 - €5,000

Bosun / Lead Deckhand

Bosuns are usually experienced Deckhands with additional responsibilities. They are in charge of Deckhands onboard the yacht and often spend a lot of time with guests during outdoor activities. The Bosun is normally the main tender driver.

Mate €2,500 - €6,000
Bosun €2,500 - €5,500
Lead Deckhand €2,500 - €5,000

Responsible for the maintenance of the exterior of the yacht and keeping it in pristine condition at all times. Deckhands also assist in maintaining, cleaning and operating yacht's tenders.

Junior Deckhand €2,000 - €3,000
Carpenter €3,000 - €4,000

Engineering Positions

Chief engineer.

Responsible for the Engineering Department and for all technical aspects of the boat and its equipment. The Chief Engineer's duties include overseeing all mechanical and electrical operations, ensuring all planned maintenance takes place and liaising with subcontractors.

Chief Engineer €5,000 - €15,000

Second / Third Engineer

The Second and Third Engineers report directly to the Chief Engineer. They assist in maintaining all mechanical and electrical operations of the yacht.

2nd Engineer €3,000 - €10,000
3rd Engineer €2,500 - €6,500
Sole Engineer €3,500 - €12,000
Motorman €2,500 - €4,000

ETO / AV/IT Officer

Electro-Technical Officer (ETO) and AV/IT Officer are in charge of daily maintenance of all electronic, computer, audio/visual and communications equipment and their efficient operation. This includes the radio, radar, telephones, satellite communications, navigation systems, computers, Internet connection, interior equipment (TVs, sound systems), etc.

ETO €4,000 - €8,000
AV/IT Officer €4,000 - €7,000


The Electrician is responsible for maintenance of all electrical circuits onboard the vessel, circuit breakers, switches, lighting, batteries, etc.

Electrician €4,000 - €6,500

This is an administrative position on large yachts. The Purser is responsible for all operations in the interior department, including inventory, purchasing, provisioning, accounting, organising guest activities, and assisting the Captain with the yachts paperwork.

Purser €5,000 - €9,000

Chief Steward(ess)

Duties are similar to those of other Steward(ess)es onboard the boat, but on a more senior level, including managing the interior department and training. Small yachts with less crew do not have a Purser. The Chief Steward(ess) is in charge of all the responsibilities normally carried out by the Purser on large yachts.

Chief Steward(ess) €4,500 - €8,500
Interior Manager €4,000 - €8,000
Head of Servicer €4,000 - €7,000
Head Housekeeper €3,000 - €5,500
Spa Manager €3,500 - €5,500


Steward's or Stewardess's main responsibility is to maintain the interior of the yacht and provide the highest standard of care to the owner and guests. They serve food and drinks, prepare guest activities, pack and unpack luggage and are on call for anything that the guests want anytime day or night. On some yachts, they help the deck crew moor the yacht.

2nd Steward(ess) €3,000 - €6,500
3rd Steward(ess) €2,500 - €4,000
Spa Steward(ess) €3,000 - €4,000
Service Steward(ess) €2,500 - €5,000
Housekeeping Steward(ess) €2,500 - €4,000
Laundry Steward(ess) €2,500 - €4,000
Sole Steward(ess) €3,000 - €6,000
Junior Steward(ess) €2,000 - €3,500
Butler €3,500 - €6,000
Stew/Deck €2,500 - €4,000

The Head/Executive Chef onboard a luxury superyacht is a culinary trained professional responsible for the overall management of the galley department on larger yachts, including guest and crew meals, provisioning, food safety, maintaining strict hygiene standards and financial/budgetary administration.

Head Chef €6,000 - €10,000

Assists the Head Chef in all aspects of galley duties. The Sous Chef may be required to independently provide crew meals or guest meals at the direction of the Head Chef.

Sous Chef €3,500 - €8,000

Crew Chef / Cook

Large yachts employ a separate crew and guest chef. The Crew chef provides meals for the crew.

Crew Chef / Cook €3,000 - €5,000
Sole Chef €3,500 - €9,000
Stew / Cook €2,000 - €4,500

Other Positions

Many yachts, especially the large ones, have several additional positions. These are often combined with primary roles, e.g. Stewardess / Masseuse or Deckhand / Dive Instructor . The most common are:

Beautician €3,000 - €4,000
Hairdresser €3,000 - €4,000
Massage Therapist €2,000 - €4,500
Nurse €3,000 - €4,500
Dive Instructor €3,000 - €6,000

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YPI Crew's 2022 salary report is out - See all the data about yacht crew earnings

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How to use the data presented here

The table has been drawn up with the information collated with figures from the past year within various yacht departments. Please note that they an indication only of starting salaries and the actual salary will vary depending on multiple factors.

Many elements need to be taken into consideration with regards to yacht crew salaries and not just the size of the yacht. The type of yacht (motor or sail), its usage (private, charter or both) and cruising schedule will influence the salary offered. Additionally, key elements of the candidate’s profile must also be reviewed, what is their previous experience, how long have they been in a particular role, have they recently acquired a new qualification, and do they have a specialised skill set that will influence the salary negotiation?

The highlighted section corresponds to yachts who offer a scheduled leave or rotational package.

Salaries here need to be modulated in accordance with the type of rotation offered, 5:1; 3:1 or 2:2 for example. There may be several different rotational schemes on a particular yacht, 5:1 for the junior crew, 3:1 for the intermediary position and full rotation for positions of responsibility.

The rotational salary is generally only a reduced monthly reduction (between 10 and 20%) and allows for a larger pool of candidates who are fully committed to the yacht, its programme and owner.

For many key roles, professional qualifications are the basis to establishing a guideline salary, notably in the Engineering  and Officer’s Department.

Following the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the yachting industry in 2020, the past 2021 was considered the year of revival for yacht crew placement.

With regards to salaries, the market saw a return to stability and no major new trends were recorded. There is always increased pressure to offer a scheduled leave or rotational scheme that now starts with yachts in the 40 to 50 metre range.


Yacht crew salary guide.

The yachting industry is more appealing than ever, but it comes with its own set of challenges. With so many candidates available, the task is to match the right talent with the right yacht efficiently.

In this evolving market, crew members are prioritising a balanced work-life dynamic. While salaries and leave packages in yachting are usually competitive, flexibility is now crucial for attracting top-notch crew. Offering more flexibility in leave allows for a broader selection of candidates who are dedicated to the yacht, its schedule and its owner.

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Key trends in superyacht crew recruitment

Offering Competitive Compensation Packages

Salaries and leave packages remain a crucial factor in attracting skilled crew members. Highly qualified crew are seeking packages that accurately reflect their expertise, certifications and the value they bring to their roles onboard.

Preference for Work-Life Balance

The desire for a better work-life balance continues to be prevalent among superyacht crew. This includes preferences for rotational positions that allow for scheduled time off, as well as yachts with itineraries that offer a good mix of guest-on and guest-off periods. Employers are responding by adjusting leave schedules and offering more flexible contracts to attract and retain top talent.

Emphasis on Soft Skills

While technical prowess remains crucial, there's a growing recognition of the importance of soft skills. Attributes such as teamwork, communication, and adaptability are increasingly emphasised during the recruitment process, reflecting the collaborative nature of yacht crew work and the premium placed on guest experience.

Underscoring Sustainability and Environmental Awareness

With increasing awareness of environmental issues, conversations are developing around sustainable practices. This includes expertise in managing waste, reducing emissions and operating advanced environmental technology on board.

Deck Department

 All the Captain and Officer salaries will depend on experience and maritime qualifications.

* On smaller yachts the First Officer is generally referred to as the Mate or First Mate. On yachts over 100m / 3000GT there are often two distinct roles for a First Officer and a Chief Officer.

** Specialised Deckhand positions will englobe a Deckhand Tender Driver, Kite Surfer, Carpenter, Diver etc.

Sole/Chief Engineer:

For 30m — 40m the salary is based on the candidates holding an AEC/Y4

For 40m — 50m the salary is based on the candidates holding a Y3 / SV Chief 3000kw

For 50m — 70m the salary is based on the candidates holding a Y2 / SV Chief 9000kw

For 70m — 80m the salary is based on the candidates holding a Y1 / SV Chief 9000kw

For 80m — 100m the salary is based on the candidates holding a Y1/Class I

For 100m+ the salary is based on the candidates holding a Class I

Second Engineer:

For 40m — 50m the salary is based on the candidates holding an AEC

For 50m — 70m the salary is based on the candidates holding a Y3 / SV Chief 3000kw and on rotation. If the role is permanent then an EOOW qualification is required and the salary would be 5 000—6 500€

For 70m — 80m the salary is based on the candidates holding a Y3 / SV Chief 3000kw

For 80m — 100m the salary is based on the candidates holding a Y2/Class II

For 100m+ the salary is based on the candidates holding a Class I/Class II

Third Engineer:

For 70m — 80m the salary is based on the candidates holding a AEC

For 80m — 100m the salary is based on the candidates holding an EOOW - equal rotation or 4:2 for example

For 100m+ the salary is based on the candidates holding an EOOW - equal rotation or 4:2 for example

For 80m — 100m the salary is based on the candidates holding a STCW III/4

For 100m+ the salary is based on the candidates holding a STCW III/4

Please note that the salaries below are an indication only of starting salaries and that the actual salary will vary depending on multiple factors; job specific skills, professional qualifications and experience. ​

YPI CREW now offers a bespoke service for our yacht clients to assist with salary reviews and comparative analysis. Contact  [email protected]  for any further information.

Download the full YPI CREW recruitment market report

Download the YPI CREW Recruitment Market Report for an in-depth analysis of current trends in superyacht crew recruitment. Gain valuable insights into the market dynamics and trends specific to each department, providing a comprehensive overview of the industry landscape.

Are you looking for yacht crew for your yacht?

Contact our recruiters who will strive to find the perfect fit to your existing crew by presenting suitable, available and interested candidates, who will be pre-interviewed and credentials checked.​

You can get in touch with us today by clicking here .

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Engineering Department

Chef department.

* No yachting experience

** Rotational positions start at 6 000€ while non-rotational positions start at 7 000€ *** Combined Cook/Stew or Cook/Deck role **** Lower end refers to crew with no yachting experience

***** Rotational positions start at 4 500€ while non-rotational positions start at 5 000€

More and more yachts, from 30m+, are offering rotation at all levels in the galley in order to secure the best candidate on the market. 

Interior Department

Specialist Positions

30m — 40m

40m — 50m

50m — 70m

70m — 80m

80m — 100m

Chief Officer

First Officer*

Second Officer

Third Officer

Specialised Deckhand**

Deckhand Junior

4 500—6 000

45–60 days

3 500—4 500

2 800—3 000

45 days

6 000—9 000

3 500—5 500

8 000—13 000

45–60 days or equal rotation

5 500—7 000

50–60 days

3 800—4 000

9 000—18 000

60-90 days or equal rotation

6 000—7 500

5 000—6 500

5 000—5 500

60–90 days

14 000—20 000

7 000—9 500

5 500—6 500

61-90 days or equal rotation

4 000—5 000

3:1 rotation

90 days or 3:1 rotation

15 000—23 000

8 500—11 000

62-90 days or equal rotation


Equal rotation

9 500 + discretionary

7 500—10 000

6 500—7 500

4 500—5 500

3:1 rotation or equal rotation

Salary (€)

Chief Engineer

1st Engineer

Second Engineer

Third Engineer


4 000—6 000


5 000—8 000

Non-rotational or equal rotation

7 500—10 000+

6 500—7 000

Non rotation or rotation

6 000—7 000

11 000—15 000+

7 000 — 8 000

Non-rotation or rotation

3 200—4 000

7 000—8 000+

13 000—15 000+

8 500—10 000

8 000—10 000

Head Chef/Sole Chef

4 500*—5 500

5 000—6 000

2:2 rotation or non-rotational

6 000—8 500

4 000—5 000***

6 000**—9 000

4 000****—6 000

4 500*****—6 000

2:2 rotation

Head of Service

Head of Housekeeping

Experienced Stew 1–3 years experience

Junior Stew 0–1 years experience 

3 500—4 000

2 800—3 300

4 000—5 500

3 000—4 500

3 000—4 500

4 500—6 000

3 800—4 250

6 500—8 000

90 days+ or equal rotation

5 500—8 000

60 days+, 90 days+ or equal rotation

4 250—5 500

60 days+ or 90 days+

7 000—8 000

equal rotation

90 days+ or equal rotation

4500—5 500

8 000—9 500

7 000—8 500

5 000—6 000

Spa Manager (with yachting experience)

Spa Therapist (with advanced level training)

Masseuse / Beautician (with basic training courses)

Personal Trainer

Laundry Master

3 300—4 500

4 000—4 500

4 000—5 000

90 days + or equal rotation

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Superyacht Crew Salary Guide – 2024

  • Superyacht Crew Salary Guide – 202...

Working as a crew member on a Superyacht has some incredible perks…

… from being on the ocean and seeing new countries to brushing shoulders with the rich and famous and, of course, earning an amazing salary.

As we begin 2024, we thought it a good opportunity to look back at 2023 to see how the industry faired and whether there have been any changes to salary, tips, and working conditions.

The good news is that things have got better! Since the pandemic, the Superyacht industry has seen significant growth the industry has grown significantly over the last couple of years .

As the number of Superyachts being built increases, so does the demand for crew; there has never been a better time to enter the industry.

Typically, the entry-level salary for a Deckhand and Steward/ess ranges between €2,000 and €3,500, rising to €4,000+ for more senior roles. A Captain can make €10,000+ per month, depending on the size of the Superyacht!

Moreover, as you’ll be living onboard the yacht, there are no living expenses to worry about. Your meals are prepared by the Chef onboard, too, and you rarely need to buy groceries or toiletries.

We can’t talk about Superyacht Salary without mentioning tips. The majority of Superyacht owners charter their yachts as the ultimate holiday experience! A Superyacht does not come cheap, with some chartering for One Million per week! Guests normally leave a tip and around 10% of the charter fee, which is shared equally among the crew. It is not unheard of for a Deckhand or Steward/ess to receive a €5,000 tip after a week’s trip!

Another huge benefit contributing to the amazing Superyacht salary is the potential for tax-free earnings (typically paid in Euros)!

Read on for our complete guide to the Superyacht crew salary for 2023…

How much do you make working on a Superyacht?

In short, your salary will depend on the role you work in on the Superyacht, in conjunction with its size; however, the average salary is €2,500 per month (most boats pay in Euros rather than pounds).

Several other factors will determine Superyacht crew salary, too, including previous experience, qualifications, and extra skills (such as Dinghy Instructor, Carpenter, and Divemaster, to name a few).

Whether the yacht is chartered or privately owned will all contribute to your monthly pay packet; your basic salary will be the same whether you work on a charter yacht or a private boat, though on a charter, you will generally receive tips; this usually around 10% of your monthly salary, or it can range between €1,500 to €5,000+ .

We’ve shared current Superyacht salary approximations for 2023 in the table below:

How much do you make working on a yacht?

Captain €4,000-€7,000 €7,000-€14,000 €14,000+ €16,000+
First Officer €3,000-€5,000 €4,300-€5,700 €6,000+ €7,000+
Bosun €3,200-€4,500 €4,000 €5,000
Chief Stewardess €3,000-€4,500 €4,000-€6,000 €6,000+ €7,000+
Experienced Stewardess €2,800-€3,000 €2,800-€3,500 €3,500+€4,500+
Experienced Deckhand €2,800-€3,500 €2,800-€4,000 €3,500+€4,500+
Junior Stewardess €2,000-€3,000 €2,000-€3,000 €3,000+ €3,000+
Junior Deckhand €2,000-€3,000 €2,000-€3,000 €3,000+€3,000+
Chef €3,000-€4,500 €4,000-€7,000 €6,000+

Here’s a breakdown of Superyacht crew salaries in more detail by role:

Superyacht captain salary – €4,000 to €16,000+.

A Superyacht Captain is responsible for all activity onboard, crew safety and well-being, and the experience offered to guests.

The Captain is the owner’s main point of contact on the yachts; whether things are going right or wrong, it can be a highly pressured and stressful job.

The salary reflects the responsibility in this high-pressure environment, and the range in salary normally depends on experience and the boat’s length.

Generally, larger boats will carry more guests and staff; therefore, the Captain will have higher responsibilities, a bigger budget, and more challenges to cope with.

First Officer salary – €3,200 to €8,000+

The First Officer, also known as Chief Officer or Chief Mate, is always second in command to the Captain.

They will assist the Captain in a wide range of duties and tends to be responsible for the safety of the Superyacht and everyone on board. Furthermore, the role of the First Officer also includes bridge watches and navigation.

Due to needing a firm understanding of working on deck, the First Officer normally starts their career as a Deckhand and progresses from there.

If you are an experienced First Officer and have moved onto larger yachts, then your next step will be to become a Captain.

Superyacht Bosun salary – €3,200 to €5,000+

Otherwise known as the Senior Deckhand, the Bosun is the ‘line manager’ of all Deckhands on the boat. The responsibilities of the Bosun are to manage and maintain the exterior of the yacht to the highest order.

This role also includes spending time with the guests, making sure they are having fun and are safe on all the toys the Superyacht has, such as jet skis and dinghy sailing boats.

Chief Stewardess salary – €2,800 to €7,000+

The Chief Stewardess is responsible for the interior of the Superyacht. Attention to detail, elegance, and cleanliness is paramount for this role.

Moreover, you will be required to perform duties discreetly and anticipate the requests and demands of guests, as well as manage your team of Stewardesses. A managerial background in hospitality will, therefore, help for this role.

Generally, the Chief Stewardess will have gained previous experience in an entry-level Stewardess role and fully understands the functions of a working Superyacht.

Superyacht Stewardess salary – €2,000 to €3,500+

This is an entry-level position working on board a Superyacht.

Open to Male and Female

Being a Superyacht Stewardess is a wide-reaching role covering three main areas: Service, Housekeeping, and laundry. Your actual day-to-day activities can vary depending on the type of yacht (private or charter), owner, and Itinerary. You will be the host, cleaner, florist, and housekeeper, and collectively responsible for looking after the guests 24/7.

If you are looking at not going to uni , and want a career with real progression and a very good salary, becoming a Superyacht Stewardess could be for you! If you would like to start a career as a Stewardess, then consider joining our Superyacht Steward/ess course.

Superyacht Deckhand salary – €2,000 to €3,500+

This is another entry-level role to work on a Superyacht.

Open to male and female

A very hands-on role, the Deckhand is responsible for the exterior of the yacht, and tasks will typically involve cleaning, painting, sanding, varnishing, and all general maintenance of the boat.

As with all Superyacht roles, working as a Deckhand requires some skills and qualifications before you start looking for work. The good news is that you don’t have to go to Uni to get whats required. You will be able to get qualified in a few weeks.

How to become a Superyacht Steward/ess or Deckhand.

If you want a career in the Superyacht Industry, we are here to help. Contact us by phone, email, or live chat. Alternatively, book a meeting with one of our career advisors.

Looking for more information on working in the Superyacht industry?

Download our free guide and learn all there is to know about working on a superyacht as a deckhand or steward/ess., related articles.

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Ship Captain Salary Information

Ship Captain salary information, income percentile, mortgage affordability and more.

How much does a ship captain earn?

Annual salaries range from £44,388 to £102,408. Below is the full range of pay both before and after tax:

Pre-tax £44,388
Pre-tax Income Percentile 84th 92nd 97th
Post-tax £33,720
Post-tax Income Percentile 78th 90th 96th
Percentage Tax Deduction 24% 28% 34%

The master is the person responsible for everything that happens on a commercial ship. Whether the vessel is involved in commercial freight, passenger transport or pleasure craft for tourism or fishing. In commercial-scale vessels, the master generally supervises the crew and helps to ensure the seaworthiness of the vessel until it reaches its destination.

Compare the average salary of a ship captain to your salary:

Below are the range of mortgages typically affordable for a single applicant ship captain:

average gross salary£44,385£62,043£102,403
max mortgage£199,733£279,194£460,814
deposit paid£22,193£31,022£51,202
max purchase price£221,926£310,216£512,016
mortgage repayment p.mth (2.5%|25yr)£906£1,267£2,091

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calculate the salary for a different job?

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Seaworthy Secrets

Yacht Crew Salaries: Complete Guide to What Yacht Crew Earn

It’s no secret that the impressive yacht crew salaries attract most people into the exclusive yachting world.

Junior deckhands or stewardesses can earn starting salaries of $3000 per month. With a few years of experience and some courses to back you up, this amount moves up towards $4000-$4500 per month!

In order to compile this superyacht crew salary guideline, I have taken 10 of the top yachting platforms and used all of their data, combined with my personal experience, to reach an average salary expectation for each position.

Table of Contents

How Much do you Make Working on a Yacht?

table showing yacht crew salaries by position and vessel size

Yacht Captain Salary

  • 20m-30m: $4000-$7500
  • 30m-40m: $5500-$9500
  • 40m-50m: $8000-$15000
  • 50m-70m: $13000-$19000
  • 70m+: $16500+

Requirements of a Yacht Captain

  • Years of experience needed: 3-5 years of experience as Chief Officer/Mate and more than 5 years of experience as a Captain for larger yachts
  • Minimum level of Qualification: 200ton licence which allows you to drive vessels below 200tons

The Captain has the highest level of responsibility onboard the yacht and hence they earn the most out of all the yacht crew salaries.

Captains are accountable for the overall safety of the yacht, crew members and guests.

They also handle daily operations of the yacht, guests, and owner liaison. They deal with management companies, port control, budgets, human resources, and many more tasks and logistics that make the job demanding and stressful.

On top of this, Captains are required to hold high levels of certifications depending on the size of the yacht they are driving.

Yacht Captain salaries can sky rocket with higher levels of qualifications.

If you are looking to become a Yacht Captain one day I recommend looking into the courses required so you can get started with licenses and sea time. It takes time to get there, but when you do it will be worth it.

Looking at the helm station on the bridge of the yacht. There is a chart as well as all the monitor screens and through the windows you can see views of a large mountain

Chief Officer Yacht Salary

  • 30m-40m: $4000-$6000
  • 40m-50m: $4500-$7500
  • 50m-70m: $5500-$9000
  • 70m+: $8000+

Requirements of a Chief Officer

  • Years of experience needed: 3-5 Years
  • Minimum level of qualification: Officer of the Watch

The Chief Officer is second in command to the Captain and is responsible for carrying out the Captain’s standing orders.

On smaller yachts, the Chief Officer is referred to as the Mate.

The Chief Officer is responsible for carrying out the safety duties onboard and assisting in the bridge with paperwork and navigational planning.

The Chief Officer is also responsible for leading and managing their deck team, ensuring crew are following their duties as well as managing the water sports and guest activities.

The salary of a Chief Officer depends heavily on the license held.

man driving a tender. the chief officer earns a high yacht crew salary

Bosun Yacht Salary

  • Years of experience needed: 2-3 years
  • Minimum level of qualification: Yacht Master Offshore
  • A yacht Bosun salary can vary between $4000 and $6000.

Responsibilities of a Bosun

The Bosun is essentially the Lead Deckhand onboard. A lead deckhand salary on a larger vessel will be similar to that of a bosun salary on a smaller vessel.

This is an opportunity to step up from being a deckhand and gain some experience in a leadership role. This position is in place for larger yachts so that when the Officer is busy with bridge duties, someone is in charge on deck.

a man holding ropes walking outside the yacht

Yacht Deckhand Salary

Years of experience needed: 0

  • Minimum level of qualification: None needed, however Power Boat Level 2 and Yacht Master offshore will put you at a great advantage
  • Entry-level yacht crew salaries start at $3000 and can go as high as $4000/$4500.

Responsibilities of a Deckhand

A Deckhand is an entry-level role on a yacht.

You need to spend a few years (or less) as a Deckhand in order to learn and gain experience so that you can step up in the ranks and obtain your licenses.

This role will be very hands-on in maintaining the exterior of the yacht. Duties will include cleaning, polishing, varnishing, sanding, caulking, and any other maintenance work required.

Chief Steward / Chief Stewardess Salary

  • 30m-40m :$4500-$5500
  • 40m-50m :$5000-$7000
  • 50m-70m- $5500-$8000
  • 70m+: $7500+

Responsibilities of a Chief Stewardess/Steward

  • Years of experience needed: 3-5 years
  • Minimum level of qualification: Depending on the size of the vessel you may need courses such as Food Hygiene and Safety, Silver Service, WSET, or a Purser course

The Chief Stewardess or Steward is responsible for all the interior operations of the yacht .

They are responsible for managing the interior team, and ensuring the interior of the yacht is maintained to the highest standards. Besides cleaning and laundry schedules , this also includes provisioning for crew and guests, budgeting, accounting, and training of junior crew.

yacht captain salary uk

Steward or Stewardess Yacht Salary

  • Minimum level of qualification: Depending on the size of the vessel you may need courses such as Food Hygiene and Safety and Silver Service
  • Salaries start at $3000 and go up to $6000

Responsibilities of a Steward or Stewardess

A Stewardess/Steward is an entry-level position working within the interior of the yacht.

There are rankings within the interior (2nd, 3rd, 4th Steward/Stewardesses). As you spend more time in the industry, you will be promoted to higher ranks, and with that will come a better salary and more responsibility.

This role covers a range of tasks, including but not limited to housekeeping, laundry, bartending, table scaping, floral arrangements, serving, and hosting guests.

The engine room inside the yacht showing the main engine

Engineer Yacht Salary

  • 20m-30m: $4000-$5000
  • 30m-40m: $4500-$6500
  • 40m-50m: $6000-$8000
  • 50m-70m: $7500-$11000
  • 70m+: $9000+

Requirements of an Engineer

  • Years of experience needed: 2-4 years in an engineering role onboard as Deck/Engineer or relevant land-based experience
  • Minimum level of qualification: AEC

The Engineer onboard is responsible for all mechanical functioning and maintenance of the vessel. This is a very technical role that can pay well as you gain experience and obtain your licensing.

Yacht Chef Salary

  • 20m-30m: $4000 – $5000
  • 40m-50m: $5500 – $75000
  • 50m-70m: $6500-$9500

Requirements of a Yacht Chef

  • Years of experience needed: 3-5 years depending on previous experience
  • Minimum level of qualification: Food Hygiene and Safety Level 2

The Chef is responsible for feeding the crew 2 to 3 healthy and sustainable meals a day. They are of course required to prepare meals for guests when onboard to the highest of standards.

In their day-to-day tasks, they will be responsible for their own provisioning of the galley, maintaining stocks, cleanliness, and hygiene of the galley.

The salary of the Yacht Chef varies depending on qualifications and experience.

a man cooking food with 2 colourful salads and a platter of meat

Yacht Crew Salaries for Private vs Charter Yachts

There are two types of super yachts that require crew: Private and Charter yachts. The salaries for yacht crew differ slightly between the two.

Private Yacht

A private boat is owned by a single person or family who uses the yacht for their own purposes. They don’t charter it out and you can expect to have the same guests onboard for the duration of your contract.

The benefit of these programs is that you get to know your guests well so you may find it easier to manage their wants and needs.

You may also benefit from traveling to off-the-beaten-track locations as I have!

For yacht crew working on these private boats, you will usually not receive charter tips.

Charter Yacht

A charter boat is one that gets chartered out by guests. This operates as a business and also means you will have different guests for every trip. 

If you work on a charter boat you can expect to receive charter tips at the end of each charter. These are usually 10%-20% of the charter fee!

Considering these tips can be anywhere from $2000-$5000 per week depending on the size of the yacht, charter boats offer great earning potential and can skyrocket your salary as a yachtie.

woman standing on a perfect white sand beach with crystal clear blue water in the Bahamas

Hi, my name is Lisa, a Chief Stewardess in the yachting industry with 10 years of experience, as well as 8 years of hospitality experience prior to that. Being in the yachting industry has been a whirlwind of adventure, growth, challenges and some of the best experiences of my life, and I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with all of you.

How to Write the Perfect Yacht CV [With Template]

A day in the life of a yacht stewardess.

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How Much Does a Yacht Captain Make?

The salary of a yacht captain is based on tenure, experience and licensing

Captains of luxury yachts command a base salary well into six figures. Dependent on the length of the vessel, tenure of experience, and level of licensing yacht captain salaries range from $48,000 to over $300,000.

As the length of yachts increases, the complexity of the position of captain escalates. Although the job of yacht captain is often portrayed as one of luxury and leisure, it is a career choice of vast responsibility. While the exact details of a job description vary from program to program, the captain is the CEO of a small corporation. He/she reports to the Chairman of the Board - the yacht owner.

The Luxury Yacht Group webpage presents salary guidelines. Variation within the ranges reflect license level, experience and longevity of the captain 1 .

Senior Master 170 ft – 200 ft + $144,000 - $300,000
Captain 100 ft – 170 ft $84,000 - $180,000
Junior Captain 60 ft – 100 ft $48,000 - $98,000

Additional parts of the salary package include bonuses, health insurance, flight expenses, paid vacation, training and certification cost reimbursement, and uniforms. Because the position requires residency aboard the vessel 24/7 all food and sundries are routinely supplied to crew. If the yacht is available for charter, the captain will also earn tips from charter guests. The industry is unique and each vessel in it has individual programs.

An average mega yacht with 12 crew has operating expenses between four and ten million dollars. The budget is based on where the yacht is moored, whether it is available for charter, and its travel destinations. On some yachts, a management company or a part of the owner’s business network handles accounting and makes financial decisions. On other yachts, the captain manages all aspects of the budget, chooses what charters to take and where to station the boat between charters, when and where to have yard work, and all personnel decisions.

A basic list of captain job responsibilities includes:

  • Ultimate safety for passengers, crew, environment & vessel
  • Achieving owner’s objectives?
  • Crew hiring and dismissal?
  • Personnel management?
  • Shipyard/project management?
  • Legal and regulatory compliance?
  • Navigation?

Ultimate safety

The Captain holds the life of all aboard in his hands. He is also held accountable for the yacht itself and the environment. He must understand the mechanics of the boat, all electronic tools aboard, international regulatory requirements, and rules of the flag state.

Achieving owner’s objectives

Owner objectives are broad ranging. The captain is the mouthpiece for the interests of the owner. He holds the responsibility to reach outcomes which benefit the owner. The owner may simply require the captain to provide luxury service when he (she) is aboard. Some owners regularly use the vessel with family and guests, others may be aboard only occasionally. Charter periods for the vessel also factor into the objectives of the owner.

Crew hiring and dismissal

The requirements of the Marine Labor Convention (MLC) for contracting, dismissing, and managing are explicit and require strict adherence. Throughout any hiring or dismissal, the safety of the vessel and owner as well as issues of confidentiality must be assured by the captain. Identifying the best employees for the program involve a balance of certification, experience and personality.

Personnel management

Managing between 12 and 40 regular crew members aboard a mega/superyacht, day workers and seasonal hires is routine. From dive master, to stewardess, chef, and ETO, the captain must have a working knowledge of the positions and set expectations for performance. In a multi-cultural environment (both guests and crew), the example the captain sets for work ethic, responsibility, and communication optimizes yacht operations. The challenge is complicated by the close quarters of crew accommodations and the group working/living together 24/7.

Shipyard/project management

The Captain oversees issues of time and costs for routine maintenance and vessel upgrades. Knowledge of register and flag requirements are tools the captain uses to define the project, obtain quotes, and supervise the work.

Legal and regulatory

The maritime industry is dynamic. In addition to the flag state and regulatory requirements mentioned above, the captain must remain current with all Maritime Guidance Notices (MGN), Maritime Information Notes (MIN), amendments to all international marine safety codes, and product notices. A knowledge of the global differences in regulations, enforcement agencies and regional mores is critical.

Each vessel has a different business model. At a minimum, the captain is responsible for budget oversight and financial record keeping. If the owner engages a management company, the captain is the interface between the yacht and that organization.

The classic definition of a captain’s job is that of a navigator. Safely plotting a course, following the course, docking and departing from berths are all fundamental vessel handling skills. A seasoned captain has personal familiarity of cruising geographies. Despite the importance and skills required, a small percentage of a captain’s time is dedicated to task.

How does that list of responsibilities distill into the profile of a captain? It takes decades of training, hours logged, certification, and experience to reach the level of performance required to captain a mega/super yacht. In addition to each of those quantifiable requirements, elements of character and temperament differentiate captains.

  • Calm and charismatic personality?
  • Superior leadership, communication, management and diplomacy skills?
  • Excellent boat handling and navigational skills?
  • Excellent ISM and ISPS knowledge and practices?
  • Excellent maintenance, engineering and technical / troubleshooting experience?
  • Ability to remain calm and give directions in an emergency situation?
  • Organized and methodical?
  • Financial management, business acumen, management skills?
  • Languages and cultural sensitivity
  • Extensive maritime licensing

Leadership of the crew involves training, coaching and refereeing. When a captain steps into the position of leadership on a large vessel, it is understood that he has ten years (minimum) of increasing responsibility. Training and education were used during that decade to resolve situations without damage to vessel, harm of the environment, or human injury.

As manager and protector of the owner’s investment, the captain negotiates for goods and services. When issues arise, it is the captain who develops options and makes recommendations. Using the comparison to a traditional business, the CEO (captain) and the President of the Board (owner) interface on strategic decisions.

The mega yacht captain is more than just an asset manager. The captain implements owner preferences in order to assure him the best yachting experience. Once an owner has determined the style of yacht he wants to own - how, when, where they want to use vessel - costs of operating and budget generalities are defined. The ultimate goal of captain and crew is the happiness of the owner(s) and their guests. Crew is the primary factor in the owner/guest experience and in a successful program. The captain fully understands and manages the limitations of vessel and crew.

As vessels increased in length, machinery and electronics increased in complexity. In parallel with those changes, regulatory agencies and flag states requirements escalated. The requirements of International Safety Management Code (ISM) and International Ship and Port Security Code (ISPS) reflect the challenges of operating a mega yacht. The captain holds responsibility for implementing all requirements aboard and remaining current with the changes made to respond to new issues within the industry.

During the last decade, the number of superyacht hulls nearly doubled. Based on the 2010 Global Order Book, the superyacht industry managed to grow even during the financial crisis of 2008. The Knight Frank Wealth Report (2016) for the decade concluded that the wealth required to maintain a yacht appears impervious to economic cycles. It does project a slight worldwide slowing of the number of ultra-high-networth individuals during the upcoming decade.

How does that economic data translate into job opportunity for yacht captains who have followed the established career path? How resilient is the opportunity during periods like the global downturn experienced in 2008?

Marcy Laturno, Director of Crew Placement & Charter Specialist at Luxury Yacht Group answered:

A long-term mega yacht captain added:

Securing a position as captain aboard mega and super yachts is competitive. Although new builds are released every year, each year there are additional individuals who have established professional credentialing and adequate experience aboard. Professional captains seek positions where they can assemble a stable crew, build longevity and establish a relationship with the yacht owner.

The position of mega/super yacht captain commands a salary which reflects the level of responsibility and the years of personal and professional development. A relatively small number of positions creates a competitive job market where longevity and experience are rewarded.

  • Luxury Yacht Group website

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Engineering License Changes

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How Much Does a Yacht Captain Earn?

captain epaulette

Lauren Beck is the former editor of Dockwalk and was with the publication from 2006 to 2023. At 13, she left South Africa aboard a 34-foot sailing boat with her family and ended up in St. Maarten for six years. Before college, she worked as crew for a year, and then cut her journalistic teeth at Better Homes and Gardens and Ladies’ Home Journal online. She loves traveling, reading, tennis, and rooting for the Boston Red Sox.

Whether you are a captain on the lookout for new opportunities or a deckhand working your way up the career ladder, the Dockwalk Salary Survey is a helpful tool for knowing where you stand on pay. With the 2021 results now in, we find out how much yacht captains are earning around the world…

The Dockwalk Salary Survey

Our annual survey usually attracts the most responses from captains, and this year was no different with a total of 476 responses. Out of those, 336 shared their salary information. The average length of time those 476 captains have worked as captains was 14 years, with an average of 19 years spent in the industry. Most of the respondents — 89.3 percent to be precise — work on motor yachts and the vast majority — 76 percent — were based on private yachts.

It used to be that captains could count on approximately $1,000 per foot per year. But in reality, it's not so straightforward. As larger boats grow increasingly more complex, the requirements for a captain are generally much higher in terms of experience and licenses, and so captains on bigger vessels will naturally yield higher salaries. 

But, as they say, size isn’t everything and the same applies when it comes to compensation. Other factors such as time in the industry, whether the boat is chartered, and if the position is rotational, are also considered. Longevity, for example, is another important factor that is likely to determine pay; some experienced captains on relatively small vessels can earn excellent money. Plus, captains are often entitled to added extras such as bonuses, health insurance, travel expenses, paid vacation, training and certification, uniform, and tips.

Yachts Between 60ft and 99ft

According to data from the 2021 Salary Survey, captains working on vessels between 60- and 99-feet were earning an average of $8,002.01 per month, with a range of $3,105 to $20,000 per month. The average monthly tips earned by captains on yachts available for charter in this range was $1,374.

Yachts Between 100ft and 139ft

Captains working aboard vessels from 100- to 139-feet may expect to earn an average of $10,108.18 per month, with a range of $$1,725 to $20,000 per month, according to Salary Survey data. The average monthly tips earned by captains on yachts available for charter in this range was $1,612. 

Yachts Between 140ft and 179ft

Numbers from this year's salary survey reported that captains on yachts 140- to 179-feet could expect to earn an average of $14,166.31 per month, with a range of $5,750 to $34,500 per month. The average monthly tips earned by captains on charter yachts in this range was $2,988.

Yachts Between 180ft and 239ft

Captains on yachts in the 180- to 239-foot size category may expect to earn $16,147.26 on average per month, with a range of $9,200 to $23,250 per month. The average monthly tips earned by captains on charter yachts within this range was $3,653.

Yachts Between 240ft and 279ft

Captains working in the 240- to 279-foot size category might expect to receive an average of $15,473.58, with a range of $7,475 to $20,125 per month. The average monthly tips earned by captains on charter yachts in this range was $1,718.

Yachts Above 280ft

In our largest size category, captains on vessels 280 feet and larger could expect to earn an average of $20,540.91 per month, with a range of $9,200 to $32,000 per month. As there are not as many large vessels of this size, these jobs are usually reserved for highly skilled and experienced captains — and their pay reflects that. The average monthly tips earned by captains on charter yachts in this range was $5,600.

Captains on Rotation

Within our survey, out of all 476 captains who responded, 20.59 percent were on rotation. Rotation schedules ran the gamut from 1:1 to 4:4, and various other arrangements. Of those captains on rotation, 70 said that they were paid monthly, regardless of their rotation schedule, while 12 said they were paid for the months they worked.

Freelance Captains

Out of all the captains who responded, 58 (or 12.61 percent) were freelance when they took the survey. When we asked them to include their rates, some provided their data while others preferred not to.

According to our survey, hourly, daily, and monthly freelance rates were provided. Just one hourly rate was provided — $38 per hour. Day rates ranged from $350 to $1,680. One captain included a monthly rate of $14,560, while another specified $8,960 per month plus tax. Others included holiday day rates of $800; hourly charter rates of $75 to $100, or holiday charter rates of $100 to $150 per hour, plus gratuity.

The Female Perspective

Out of all 336 captain’s responses on vessels ranging from 10 to 150 meters, just three female respondents shared their salary figures. It shouldn’t be a surprise as female captains are a minority but are growing in number. Out of those who responded, none were freelance or on rotation.

The female captain who earns the most has been a captain for three years and has been in the industry for nine. She works on a 148-foot private motor yacht and takes home $14,000 each month.

The second female captain has held the position for 10 years and has been in the industry for 19. She works on a 17-meter private sailing yacht and takes home $3,360 each month.

The third female captain has held the position for 20 years and has been in the industry for 24. She works on a 24-meter private motor yacht and takes home $5,600 each month.

While people may look askance at talk of money and pay, it’s an important discussion to have when you’re looking to find a new job or to see how your compensation stacks up to the industry norm. In 2021, our data is surveyed from both crew and yacht agents for their salaries or their recent placement figures. In total, we had 1,060 respondents share their salary figures, plus figures from 10 crew agencies.

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  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1, AEC1
  • Experience: basic mechanical knowledge
  • Salary: TBC day rate


  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1
  • Experience: Open
  • Salary: TBD
  • Qualifications: OOW 3000GT (Chief Mate Endorsement)
  • Experience: 5 Years +
  • Salary: DOE
  • Rotational (10 Weeks On : 10 Weeks Off)
  • Qualifications: Y3 (Minimum)
  • Experience: 3 Years +
  • Salary: 7000EUR (DOE)
  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1, Food Hygiene Level 2
  • Salary: 5000EUR (DOE)
  • Rotational 2:2
  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1, FHL2
  • Experience: 18 months as chief stew
  • Salary: $7000
  • Qualifications: Yachtmaster Offshore
  • Experience: 1 Year +
  • Salary: 3200EUR
  • Rotational (3 Months On : 1 Month Off)
  • Salary: 4000EUR
  • Salary: 3500EUR
  • Temporary (TBC)
  • Qualifications: Yachtmaster Offshore or Yacht Rating
  • Salary: TBC
  • Superyachts
  • Private Households

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