Letho of Gulet: A Deep Dive into the Cunning Viper Witcher

letho in witcher 2 and 3

Unlike most of the characters in the Witcher universe, Letho of Gulet only appears in the Witcher games. A witcher from the School of the Viper, he’s the main antagonist of Witcher 2 and a minor character in Witcher 3. Letho is an underrated character liked by many for his complex motivations, formidable skills, and unique look.

In this article, we’ll delve deep into the complex character of Letho, exploring his rich lore and multifaceted significance as the Kingslayer. Tracing Letho’s journey through the Witcher games, we will unravel his motivations, alliances, and the intricate web of events that tie him to Geralt of Rivia.

Disclaimer : as always, be wary that there are spoilers ahead.

Table of Contents

Who is Letho of Gulet?

Letho in witcher 2, letho in witcher 3, why we want to see more of letho.

Letho: I have to kill you. Geralt: Try it. But I’m no king. Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Letho is a Witcher from the School of the Viper that only appears in the Witcher games. Despite his muscular appearance, Letho is highly cunning and intelligent. Like many Witchers, he was taken as a child, learned the art of monster slaying, and survived the Trial of the Grasses.

He is known as Letho of Gulet, with Gulet being the name of a town near Vengenberg in Aedirn, one of the Northern Kingdoms . So the assumption is that he’s from there, even though it’s never confirmed.

Letho is considered one of the most powerful Witchers in the games and one of the rare few to have defeated Geralt. From childhood until his training as a monster slayer, Letho resided in Gorthur Gvaed , a keep similar to Kaer Morhen. The place housed the School of the Viper and its disciples. When the Usurper ruled Nilfgaard, he demanded that the Witchers of Gorthur Gvaed bend to his will.

The Witchers refused, and the Nilfgaardian Army seized the keep, forcing the remaining few survivors from the School of the Viper to hide. Letho and two fellow Vipers, Serrit and Auckes, were among them.

A Witcher’s Debt

In the year 1270, in a forest in Angren, Letho was facing a Slyzard when the monster hit him with its tail, poisoning the Witcher. Letho was on the brink of death when Geralt appeared, saving his fellow Witcher and earning Letho’s favor in return. At the time, Geralt was chasing the Wild Hunt for the whereabouts of Yennefer. Letho, Serrit, and Auckes share the Wild Hunt’s location and ride with Geralt to face the wraiths.

gulet wiki

The party finds the Wild Hunt in Nilfgaard, at the Hanged Man’s Tree. The Witchers stand their ground against the Wild Hunt but reach a stalemate. Finally, Geralt offers a trade, himself for Yennefer, and the Wild Hunt leader, Eredin , accepts.

Determined to repay his debt to Geralt, Letho takes Yennefer under his care. The sorceress, however, is bewildered, amnesic, and causing all sorts of problems for the Vipers. Her lack of discretion attracts the Nilfgardiaan secret police, and Letho’s group is caught and thrown into jail. However, Emhyr van Emreis makes an irresistible offer to Letho: kill Northern kings, and he will restore the Viper School. Letho accepts, setting up the events of the second Witcher game.

Kill as many rulers as we could. Lay the blame on the sorceresses. Breed chaos. Prepare the North, soften it before the invasion. And you know what’s incredible? We could not have imagined more fertile soil. No matter what the war’s outcome, the Northern Monarchs’ll accuse one another, pursue their god-given rights and be at each other’s throats for years to come. Letho, Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Letho is the central antagonist in Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. The game’s spectacular opening cinematic shows a ship under attack by the burly assassin. The Witcher freezes most of the crew with a Northen Wind bomb and takes advantage of the racket to behead King Demavend III of Aedirn, his first target.

Originally Letho was supposed to kill King Esterad Thyssen of Poviss and Kovir. But after a serendipitous encounter with Síle de Tansarville , one of the founding members of the Lodge of Sorceresses, he decided to alter his plans.

Using the sorceress as a smokescreen to hide his actual employer and motives, Letho agrees to her request to assassinate King Demavend III of Aedirn.

As Letho himself claims: “Initially, she watched my every move. But sooner or later, everyone starts treating me like a big oaf. I mean, I can’t change how I look.” This allowed Letho to continue with his deception.

After killing Demavend, Letho claims he’s trying to hide from the Aedirnian manhunt, and Síle points him to Iorveth , a leader of the Scoia’tael. With the head of the king as a trophy, Letho introduces himself to Iorveth and discloses his king-slaying mission. They form a temporary alliance.

Second Encounter with Geralt

The Kingslayer’s next target was King Foltest of Temeria. However, the monarch had hired Geralt as his bodyguard, who opposed Letho’s first attempt. Aware that Temeria would suffer a siege, Letho infiltrated the castle as a wounded monk and operated in the commotion to assassinate Foltest.

Geralt heard the king and ran to his chambers, only to find the ruler already dead. The White Wolf chases after Letho, and since he’s still suffering from amnesia after the Wild Hunt, he fails to recognize the old acquaintance. Letho manages to escape from Geralt with the help of the Scoia’tael. When the guards find the king, Geralt is the only one in his chambers, becoming the primary suspect and earning himself a prison cell.

After murdering Foltest, Letho tries to convince Ciaran aep Easnillen, one of Iorveth’s lieutenants, to betray his leader. The elf refuses, and Letho kills his entire squadron to hide his traces, leaving Ciaran to be captured by guards from Flotsam. Letho alleges that he betrayed Ioverth because the elf was hard to manipulate, dangerous, and would eventually be able to see through his true intentions.

In the meantime, Geralt is pursuing Letho to clear his name. The White Wolf asks Iorveth for assistance because Letho tried to betray the elf. The Scoia’tael help Geralt, but when they find Letho, the Blue Stripes attack Iorveth. The next scene portrays Letho vs. Geralt, and the Kingslayer becomes one of the only witchers to defeat the White Wolf .

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Letho spares Geralt, paying him back for the time he saved his life. This fight is significant as one of the only times Geralt is defeated and has led many players to speculate whether Letho is stronger than Geralt.

If we’re talking about pure physical strength, the answer is likely yes, given Letho’s bulky, muscular frame. However, Geralt is likely faster and a better swordsman. Another key factor is that Geralt isn’t well-prepared for the fight and still suffers from amnesia, which means he hasn’t fully regained his skills.

In any case, Letho kidnaps Triss and forces the sorceress to teleport them to Aedirn. Once they arrive in Vergen, Letho lets go of Triss and rendezvous with his fellow Vipers Witchers, Serrit and Auckes, in a hideout.

As his attempt to overpower Iorveth fails, Letho assumes that the Scoia’tael know his treachery. In a preemptive attack, the Viper Witchers massacre the elves under Iorveth.

Letho then charges his fellow Viper school Witchers Serrit and Auckes with assassinating King Henselt of Kaedwen. Meanwhile, he attends the Summit at Loc Muinne , a diplomatic gathering of politicians, sorceresses, and other influential individuals from the Northern Kingdoms and the Nilfgaardian Empire.

Saving Triss or Not: Letho Consequences

  • If Geralt decides to rescue Triss at Loc Muinne, Letho doesn’t appear during the A Summit of the Mages cutscene.
  • If Geralt doesn’t rescue Triss and helps Roche save Anais, Letho saves the sorceress but is captured by guards. During the Summit of Mages, Letho was present but restrained and snitched on the Lodge of Sorceresses. He claimed that they had conspired with him to assassinate the kings. When the dragon Saesenthessis attacks, Letho manages to escape.

Letho knew Síle would throw him to the wolves, so he sabotages her megascope, turning it into a deadly trap. The player can save Síle or let her die due to Letho’s trickery.

Finally, Letho visits the Temerian Quarter and has a possible final encounter with Geralt, depending on the player’s decisions.

After chugging some vodka and chit-chatting, Geralt regains the rest of his memories. Finally, Letho lays all his cards on the table, divulging his days of caring for Yennefer, his capture by the Imperial secret police, and the mission assigned to him by the Nilfgaardian Emperor.

gulet wiki

Spare or Kill Letho

To conclude the dialog, the player must choose to confront Letho or let him go:

  • If the player decides to fight Letho, you will ultimately kill him.
  • If the player decides to spare Letho, he leaves, and the game ends.

Should you kill Letho in Witcher 2? While the decision is yours, we prefer to keep him alive. This allows you to meet Letho again in Witcher 3 if you start the game by importing your Witcher 2 save or simulate a save and say that you spared him. We also like his character because he fought to protect his school and helped Geralt, Yennefer, and Triss, showing that he does adhere to some code of honor.

Letho has a minor role in Witcher 3, but will only appear based on your choices. If you load a save from Witcher 2 where you killed Letho, the man will not appear.

If you choose to simulate a Witcher 2 save, you will be asked several questions at the start of the game. The most important one is whether you killed or spared Letho. You can only do Letho’s sidequest if you spare him, which is our suggestion.

We don’t recommend skipping the save simulation, as the game will automatically make some decisions, including assuming that you killed Letho.

In case Letho does not appear in Witcher 3, albeit with the right choices, you may have to restart the game.

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Letho Witcher 3 Quest: Ghosts of the Past

The most natural way to find Letho is during the sidequest The Fall of the House of Reardon, which takes you to a monster-infested manor. However, you can also stumble upon the location without taking the side quest . Letho’s location in Witcher 3 is in Reardon Manor in central Velen, to the north of the Orphans of Crookback Bog travel post.

Geralt notices that the environment is infested with traps and triggers the sidequest Ghosts of the Past. Geralt encounters Letho on a barn’s second floor, where the latter has already dealt with the monsters.

During their conversation, Letho informs Geralt that after escaping from Loc Muinne, Emhyr betrayed him and sent assassins and mercenaries after Letho. After dispatching some of the said mercenaries with the player’s help, Letho says he will hunt for Louis, who disclosed his location. The game will prompt the player with two choices:

  • Love to see that: this one allows us to continue Letho’s sidequest, which we recommend.
  • Good luck : you bid farewell to the Viper, and he’s never seen again. You can’t retake the sidequest if you pick this one.

Geralt follows Letho to Louis, who leads them to a bounty hunter called Vester. Next, Letho asks to go alone into the barn where Vester is and orders Geralt not to interfere. Letho attracts Vester and his pals but ends up losing the fight. Geralt runs towards him, and two more choices pop up:

  • You’re good as dead: you fight the remaining survivors and kill them, but Letho isn’t too happy about it.
  • Don’t want trouble: Geralt doesn’t fight the men but persuades them to take Letho’s medallion to prove his death rather than the head. That’s the best, narratively speaking, choice.

Both alternatives lead to the same outcome. Geralt notices that Letho isn’t dead but forged his death with Zanguebarian venom. However, he needed witnesses to back up his end and finally be rid of his pursuers. If Geralt kills everyone, Letho’s plan goes down in shambles. Still, this doesn’t make a difference, as you will still have two additional options:

  • You could go to Kaer Morhen: Geralt invites Letho to the fortress. At first, the Viper is hesitant, but he accepts. Later on, he helps fight the Wild Hunt in the invasion.
  • You’ll find a place to hide: and so Letho does. He goes away, never to be seen again.

If Letho goes to Kaer Morhen , there will be a few different dialogues just before the battle against the Wild Hunt. Most Witchers are unhappy with your decision to bring Letho there but brush it aside.

gulet wiki

Like many Witcher fans, we appreciate Letho for his depth and complexity. For one, he’s a formidable opponent to Geralt. However, not only his prowess in combat draws players in, but also his captivating backstory and conflicted motivations.

Letho’s loyalty to his fellow witchers and his desire to restore the Viper School gives him a sympathetic angle that encourages players to view him as more than a simple villain.

Throughout the game, Letho challenges Geralt’s perceptions and forces players to confront moral ambiguities. This blend of intrigue, complexity, and combat skill makes Letho an unforgettable character that continues to captivate Witcher fans. We sincerely hope CDPR brings him back somehow, ideally with a game from his perspective.

Who is Eredin? Wild Hunt’s Leader Explained

Letho doesn’t appear in the Witcher books or Netflix show. That’s high praise for the writers at CD Projekt Red, as they managed to create an entirely new character beloved by many. Many players have expressed interest in playing a Witcher game from Letho’s perspective or at least having him appear in future games.

If you want Letho to help during the Battle of Kaer Morhen, you must complete his side quest “Ghosts of the Past” and invite him to the keep.

Letho, the Kingslayer, kills kings as part of his deal with Emhyr var Emreis, the Emperor of Nilfgaard. In return for his services, Emhyr promises to rebuild the School of the Viper, where Letho trained as a witcher. Letho’s primary goal is to secure a future for his fellow Viper witchers by restoring their school.

A fan theory suggests Letho’s muscular build might be due to a genetic mutation affecting myostatin, a protein that inhibits muscle growth. The witcher mutations could have impacted his myostatin levels, causing increased muscle mass. However, this is purely speculative without evidence from the Witcher games or their creators.

Not everyone hates Letho, although some characters, including Eskel and Lambert , have fair reasons to dislike him, like his manipulative actions, role in destabilizing the North and helping Nilfgaard, and regicide.

Letho’s moral alignment is not clear-cut. As a complex character, he can be seen as both a villain and an anti-hero. For example, even though he kills kings and inadvertently frames Geralt, he also has a noble goal (restoring his Witcher school) and helps Geralt and other characters. Players’ opinions on Letho may also vary based on their in-game choices and interpretations of his motivations.

Murillo Zerbinatto

Murillo loves three things: RPG games, fantasy books, and Henry Cavill. So it doesn’t come as a surprise why he immersed himself in the Witcher universe. After bulldozing the novels and getting a platinum trophy in the Witcher 3, he eagerly awaits the next game installment to further expand the saga.

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What is Gulet and How to Charter One

Gulet is a traditional wooden motor-sailing vessel meant for comfortable cruising. The history of gulets is somewhat veiled in secrecy. It remains uncertain how gulets got their name - whether it comes from the Italian word "guletta" or the French word "goullette". This schooner type of vessel is used as a sweeping net, trawl net or sponging vessel in Turkey in the Aegean and Mediterranean.   

Gulets we know today are known as the Bodrum type of schooners. They date back to the beginning of the 1970s when they were created as a result of the need to carry tourists who began visiting the Aegean region and especially Bodrum and Marmaris at the end of the 1960s, to nearby bays. These gulets had chambers and seating on the back of the deck as opposed to gulets used in fishing or sponging till those years.  

Although charter gulets do sail when the winds allow, they are most of the time propelled by engine power . They are configured as motorsailers, with diesel engines to provide primary power, while sails offer additional strength.   

Gulets have a raised bow, a broad, flat stern, the main foremast and a secondary mast aft. Their broad beam provides plenty of deck space and spacious cabins below decks. 

Gulet Charter

Gulet Charter Types and Services

Gulets come in many sizes , ranging from small 15-meter-long craft to luxurious 33-meter air-conditioned vessels with every convenience and luxury imaginable. Charter gulets offer hotel-like accommodation in comfortable air-conditioned cabins with bathrooms and enough storage for all your luggage. Charter gulets also have plenty of communal space - a large salon with a bar, lots of deck space for sunbathing and other activities, as well as an outside dining and lounge area at the stern. Gulet's stern deck is broad with a wide cushioned bench perfect for lounging , and a large table for games, drinks and meals. The salon is spacious and high enough for somewhat taller guests, with enough table space to seat all travellers for meals, meetings or evening entertainment.

Charter gulets have an experienced and professional crew that comprises a captain, sailors, and a chef. Their job is to take care of your safety and provide you with comfort during your cruise, while the chef will prepare you fresh meals with high-quality local ingredients.

There are two gulet charter types - a private gulet charter and a cabin charter.

A private gulet charter offers you ultimate comfort and privacy , as well as high flexibility regarding the menu, itinerary, and provisioning. A charter gulet's crew is wholly dedicated to you and your party.   

A cabin charter is a more economical and more convenient alternative to chartering the entire boat since you do not have to have company to charter a cabin . This is a pleasurable way of vacationing that allows you to meet different people . However, you do not have complete freedom since the itineraries and ports of embarkation and disembarkation are fixed and cannot be altered.   

Find a gulet in your dream destination

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Discover gulets in Croatia

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Discover gulets in Greece

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B&B Gulet is ideal to charter for you and your partner. If you think the whole sailboat would be too big for you but you still want to enjoy that unique feeling only sailing can bring, opt for Bed & Breakfast Gulet . You get a bedroom and breakfast. Hence the name. We can promise that on a gulet, it's never boring. You will meet new people and it is always dynamic. That's the list of B&B Gulets.

Gulet Sunbathing Area

The all-inclusive gulet charter is a whole different story. You will also be provided with a bed but the difference between a B&B Gulet charter and an All Inclusive is that an All Inclusive gulet charter gives you the full package for the biggest enjoyment. You wouldn't have to worry about a thing. All meals are being prepared for you and the same goes for the drinks too. Of course, one always can choose their package which can be tailored to your specific taste . For example, you can drink only soft drinks without alcoholic beverages, or you can decide to skip dinner and eat in a restaurant. The choice is yours to make and with an all-inclusive gulet charter, you have many of them.  

Gulet Charter Holidays

By chartering a gulet , you get a different kind of sailing holiday. It is a very comfortable and carefree cruise on a boat that offers quality accommodation, as well as privacy and the best service possible . Another benefit of a charter gulet is the possibility to make the itinerary according to your wishes. 

Gulet Food Friends Eating

Gulet charters vary in size, boat quality, service, and equipment. The higher the price, the more you get for your money. Charter gulets usually have three to eight cabins providing accommodation for up to sixteen guests. A typical gulet charter agreement includes the gulet , crew , insurance , and fuel for 4-5 hours of sailing per day without port taxes and fees. Half board is in many cases included in the price.

Typical Day on a Gulet Charter

A typical day on a gulet ship is not as different from a day on board a sailboat . Except there is less sailing done. The first day on board a gulet looks like this.   

Upon the arrival of the gulet, you are assisted into your cabin. Once you settle, there will be a welcome meeting held on deck. This meeting will also include the briefing regarding the route, as well as the security briefing about life on board.   

The cruise starts right after the meeting, or the following day, depending on the weather conditions and guests’ arrival times. The usual duration of cruising is 3 to 4 hours per day . Charter gulets usually visit a bay or two every day. The best part of the day is spent sunbathing , swimming in some lovely bay, using the boat's fishing equipment, water-skiing, snorkelling or something else, depending on what the gulet is equipped with. You can also spend time reading or playing games. If you moor in a port, you can spend the day sightseeing and exploring the shore around the port. Dining is normally outdoors, on the aft deck, in a port or anchored in some secluded bay, depending on the guests’ wishes.   

Evenings are spent moored in a port or anchored outside the harbour, depending on the availability of places in the port and the preferences of the guests. Guests can also spend the evening outside the charter gulet, exploring the port town, having dinner in a restaurant or enjoying the local nightlife.

Gulet Private Crewed Charter

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Letho of Gulet

the Kingslayer
this row only stops the spoiler from collapsing everything below it and nothing more
, assassin
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Letho of Gulet , also known as the Kingslayer , is a witcher from the School of the Viper . His closest associates are Auckes and Serrit , also Kingslayers from the same witcher school. For reasons which were initially unknown, he enlisted the help of Iorveth and his Scoia'tael guerrillas to aid him in his plan to kill the kings of the Northern Kingdoms. To back his claim, the man showed Iorveth a head he claims belonged to Demavend , King of Aedirn and Sovereign of the Pontar valley .

  • 1.1 Journal entry
  • 2.1 Associated quests
  • 2.2 Journal entry

In The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings [ | ]

Letho is first seen in the Prologue, where he is revealed to be King Foltest's killer. In a later cutscene, he appears to have just killed King Demavend of Aedirn and comes to Iorveth's hideout seeking Scoia'tael assistance in killing Foltest.

In Chapter I, Letho attempts to betray Iorveth by trying to turn one of his lieutenants against him. However, the elf refuses and Letho kills his entire group, leaving the elf to be captured by Flotsam's guards. Geralt later brings Iorveth to Letho as a ruse to expose the latter's treachery. However, Iorveth and his Scoia'tael are attacked by the Blue Stripes, leaving Geralt and Letho to battle each other. Letho prevails in the battle with Geralt but once the witcher is down, he does not kill him. Letho explains that Geralt once saved his life, so with this small mercy they are now 'even' and leaves to kidnap Triss and force her to teleport them to Aedirn.

Geralt later learns that Letho is a Witcher of the Viper School . Geralt had first encountered him in the forests of Angren on July 25, 1270, while chasing the Wild Hunt in search of Yennefer. He had rescued Letho from death after the latter had been struck by a slyzard 's tail. Letho works with two other witchers of the Viper School, Auckes and Serrit , who are the ones who attempt to assassinate King Henselt in Chapter II.

Geralt meets Letho for the final time in the Epilogue, right after the fight with Saesenthessis. The kingslayer waits for Geralt in the centre of the ruins by the Temerian Quarter. Geralt may ask about his intentions, the Wild Hunt, Yennefer and/or other major events. Geralt must then choose to either let Letho go or fight him to the death. Depending on the outcome of that choice, Letho will ultimately either leave or be killed by Geralt in their duel.

Journal entry [ | ]

Video [ | ].

In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt [ | ]

If Letho was not killed at Loc Muinne in the previous game, he can be found in No Man's Land in Velen , hiding at the Reardon Manor . When Geralt talks to him, he will reveal that after Loc Muine, Emperor Emhyr has decided to clean up loose ends - including himself. Despite his work for Nilfgaard, hired assassins have been hounding the Viper witcher ever since his last meeting with Geralt. Reardon family holdings were supposed to be a fool-proof hideout - until Louis , an associate who provided him with the hideout, betrayed Letho.

Geralt can choose to aid Letho in dealing with the bounty hunters and interrogating Louis. This inevitably leads to a showdown with the latter (and his men), though they are hardly a challenge for two veteran witchers. After the slaughter ends, Louis reveals that he sold Letho out to Nilfgaard's bounty hunter, Arnout Vester , in return for half the bounty and immunity from prosecution.

Confronting the Nilfgaardian, Letho asks Geralt not to intervene while he deals with them. He comes up, intimidates them, and gets shot in the arm for his trouble. The giant doesn't let that slow him down - he slaughters the bounty hunter's band until only he and two others are left. Then, he collapses due to the poison's effects. At this juncture, Geralt can intervene.

  • If Geralt intervenes , Arnout winds up chopped into pieces. He drags Letho away and waits for him to come to. When he does, Letho reveals that it was all a gambit: He paid off the crossbowman to shoot him with a poisoned bolt, so that he would enter a lethargic state and appear dead. That would cause news that Letho of Guleta is dead to spread, giving him peace. Letho decides that he has to disappear, but Geralt can invite him to Kaer Morhen , making him appear in the end game.
  • If Geralt doesn't , Letho's plan succeeds. Letho is dead - long live Letho!

Associated quests [ | ]

  • The Fall of the House of Reardon (proximity)
  • Ghosts of the Past
  • The Battle of Kaer Morhen (determinant)
  • Blood on the Battlefield

If Geralt kills Letho's pursuers:

If Geralt goes along with Letho's plan:

Gallery [ | ]


Iorveth and the Kingslayer

Still from a cutscene

Still from a cutscene


Kingslayer concept art

Letho concept art

Letho concept art

Letho presenting crowned head to Auckes.

Letho presenting crowned head to Auckes.

Journal image in The Witcher 2

Journal image in The Witcher 2

Journal image in The Witcher 3

Journal image in The Witcher 3

Letho in The Witcher Battle Arena

Letho in The Witcher Battle Arena

  • 1 Triss Merigold

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Letho of Gulet , also known as the Kingslayer , is the main antagonist of the video game The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and, if spared, a supporting character in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt . He is a Witcher from the School of the Viper. His closest associates are Auckes and Serrit, also Kingslayers and Witchers from the School of the Viper. For reasons which were initially unknown, he enlisted the help of Iorveth and the Scoia'tael to aid him in his plan to kill the kings of the Northern Kingdoms. To back his claim, this man showed Iorveth a head he claims belonged to Demavend, King of Aedirn and Sovereign of the Pontar valley.

He was voiced by Mark Lewis Jones.

  • 1.1 Early life
  • 1.2 Killing kings
  • 2 In Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • 6 Navigation

Biography [ ]

Early life [ ].

As a young man, Letho was trained at the witcher school of the Wyrm located in the unknown territory of the Nilgaardian Empire . During the Grass Trial, he eventually underwent mutations, making him another witcher. During his witcher training, Letho learned a lot about the Wild Hunt and wondered if his witcher school was founded only to find the Wild Hunt and to unravel their mystery. After the Witcher School of the Viper ceased to exist, Letho and the rest of the remaining witchers from the school of the Viper who managed to survive began traveling around the world to hunt down monsters, like most witchers of other schools.

In 1270 on July 25, Letho fought the Dracolizard in the Angren forest where he was seriously injured by the Dracolizard's barbed tail. Letho would have been killed by the beast if not for the witcher Geralt who accidentally saw their fight, saving Letho while killing the Dracolizard. After Geralt saved his life, Letho thanked Geralt for his help and told him where the Wild Hunt was. After Geralt revealed that he was chasing the Wild Hunt because they had kidnapped his beloved Yennefer, for this reason Letho and Geralt along with three witchers from the school of the viper join forces to set off on a journey and support Geralt. Due to his skills trained in the Witcher Viper School, Letho believes that by knowing the correct location he will finally destroy the Wild Hunt once and for all.

When winter fell, a group of witchers searching for the Wild Hunt managed to find the place on the tree of the hanged man in Nilfgaard where Letho had designated and in fact the Wild Hunt finds the truth. When the Witchers and the Wild Hunt meet, a fight breaks out between the Witchers and the wraiths, of which there are a lot. Despite their skills, the witchers were unable to defeat the army of the Wild Hunt and because of this Geralt was forced to a stalemate with the King of the Wild Hunt , offering him his soul in exchange for Yennefer. The King of the Wild Hunt agrees to this, leaving with Geralt and his soldiers, but as promised, he leaves Yennefer with Letho and the other witchers from the school of the vipers.

Feeling that leaving the sorceress somewhere would be disrespectful to Geralt, Letho and the witchers took care of Yennefer. However, she suffered from amnesia and caused endless trouble for the group, which in the Nilfgaardian Empire meant she could be caught and killed. While the group traveled constantly to avoid drawing attention to themselves, they were eventually apprehended and thrown into prison. However, later Emperor Emhyr var Emreis himself approached Letho and offered him a deal he couldn't refuse: wreak havoc in the North by killing some of its rulers, blame the Lodge of Sorceresses, and the Viper School would be restored.

Killing kings [ ]

King Esterad Thyssen of Kovir and Poviss was initially Letho's first target, but his assassination did not occur as the regicides stumbled upon Sheala de Tansarville , who had Letho assassinate King Demavend. So in 1271, Letho boarded Demavend's ship on Pontar and, using a pod based on the north wind, froze most of the ship and almost everyone on board, except for a handful that were protected by Abelard's magic. However, it wasn't enough and all the guards fell to Letho's blade before he pounced on the king and killed him, then beheaded him as proof. At de Tansarville's suggestion, Letho then sought out Iorveth; however, rather than simply using the Scoia'tael to lay low after the kill as Sheala had predicted, Letho also ensured an alliance between the regicides and the Scoia'tael, whereby the latter helped Letho and his companions kill the kings of the North in any way they could.

Since the regicides' first attempt on King Foltest failed due to Geralt's presence at the time of the attack and the would-be assassin's death, Letho planned a second attempt on the life of the Temerian monarch with Iorveth, out of Sheala's influence or within the reach of anyone else. Aware of the imminent siege of La Valette Castle, Letho decided to pose as a monk guarding the king's children - a disguise he acted out as a defenseless monk who is tortured and then kills the person who took him to Solitude to keep the secret. Foltest, having successfully taken over the castle, appeared with Geralt, now acting as a bodyguard, and then asked the witcher to give him and the children some space. With his back turned, Geralt heard the attack too late as Letho revealed himself right after he killed Foltest and escaped through a window to escape with the help of the Scoia'tael, leaving Geralt wrongly accused of regicide. Shortly after this assassination, Letho tried to betray Iorveth by turning one of his commandos against him. However, his leader refused, so Letho killed his entire unit to cover his tracks and left Ciaran to be captured by the Flotsam guards.

In an attempt to catch Letho, Geralt, who now knew that the Viper School witcher was trying to get rid of Iorweth, staged Iorweth's kidnapping as a ruse to expose his treachery. However, Iorveth and his Scoia'tael were attacked by the Blue Belts, leaving Geralt and Letho alone, and a fight ensued between them. Letho won, but spared Geralt. Letho revealed that Geralt once saved his life, so they were "even" now, and he escaped to kidnap Triss and force her to teleport to Aedirn. He managed to capture the sorceress, but fought back and killed Cedric when he tried to defend her.

Upon arriving in Vergen, Letho abandoned Triss and regrouped with Serrit and Egan at their hideout. Knowing that the Scoia'tael in the area would soon realize his betrayal, Letho and his two companions massacred them, leaving only one survivor. Hearing of the upcoming summit at Loc Muinne, Letho went there, entrusting Serrit and Egan with the murder of Henselt .

Knowing that Sheala had become a burden to him, Letho sabotaged her megascope, replacing one of the crystals with a defective one to get rid of her. Unless Geralt intervenes, Letho succeeds and Sheala explodes. The regicide then waits in the center of the Temerian Quarter in Loc Muinne to talk to his former comrade. Letho offered Geralt vodka, explaining that he had never had anything personal against him and proceeded to tell him about the deal with the emperor, the fate of Yennefer and everything he knew about the Wild Hunt.

In Witcher 3: Wild Hunt [ ]

Letho returns in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, as a supporting character this time if he was spared in Assassins of Kings . He will be at the Reardon Manor in Velen and have a related quest Geralt can do to enlist him to fight the Wild Hunt in Kaer Morhen. Geralt has to interfere with his "death" and then later choose to let him go to Kaer Morhen. If Letho is sent Kaer Morhen, he aids in the battle against the Wild Hunt. If Vernon Roche and Ves are recruited, they will be less than happy with Geralt's decision regarding having Letho around and question him about it.

Letho joins Geralt and Lambert's hunting party against the Hunt's advanced scouting parties. When the trio are surrounded by the Hunt and Triss launched a fireball to save them, while Geralt and Lambert take cover with Quen, Letho picked himself up from underneath a dead Hunt warrior. Upon spotting Hunt general, Imlerith , Geralt advised against confronting him, prompting Letho to call him a "pansy".

After Vesemir's funeral, unless Geralt asks Letho to remain at Kaer Morhen, he resolves to travel east over the mountains.

Go, Boussy.
That's no my father.
But it is your king, boy.
Sire, let us prey...
They must luke like the royal children they are.
Hmmm.... They have your eyes, Sire.
Took you a while...
Is that bauble from Sile's megascope?
Mhm. My final prank... I switched the diamonds. The one in the megascope has a flaw-minute, but just large enough to warp the teleport. The emperor's magic theorists assured me the effect would be spectacular.
Oh, it was.
Good. Has she lived, she would've suffer more intensely and much longer. She helped me quite a bit, through naivete and pride. I would not have gotten far without her.
Hm. So, ready to lay your cards out on the table.
No matter th game, there comes a point when all the players need to show their cards. I love that moment. But first.. Vodka?

Gallery [ ]

Letho close up

  • Along with Vilgefortz Letho is the only character who defeated Geralt of Rivia in combat.
  • Letho is the most muscular witcher and the most muscular character in the entire series. Geralt himself admitted that he had never seen such a huge mountain of meat.
  • If Letho arrives at Kaer Morhen and is not near Roche and Ves, Letho will start arguing with Eskel and Lambert and should not join the defense of Kaer Morhen. Although it is not known where the witchers from the wolf school have aversion to Letho, but it is assumed that he has to do with the events of the second part of the witcher game.

Navigation [ ]


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  • 1 Sentinel Prime (Transformers One)
  • 2 Megatron (Transformers One)
  • 3 The Boiled One

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Letho of Gulet

Tw2 full Letho 1

  • 2 Powers and Stats
  • 3 Notable Matchups
  • 4 Discussions

Letho of Gulet is a witcher from the School of the Viper and the main antagonist of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings . A one-time friend of Geralt of Rivia , Letho has become a personal assassin in service of Emhyr var Emreis, emperor of Nilfgaard. Along with his fellow witchers, Serrit and Auckes, he managed to cause the death of several monarchs of the Northern Kingdoms, plunging them into chaos just before the beginning of the third Nilfgaardian invasion. Unfortunately for him, during the assassination of Foltest of Temeria, he unintentionally framed Geralt (who was serving as Foltest's bodyguard) in the regicide.

Some say that Letho was killed by Geralt in the ruins of Loc Muinne. Other claims that he survived and has been recently seen in the land of Velen. His fate remains unknown...

Powers and Stats

Tier : 8-C , higher with Aard, even higher with potions

Name: Letho of Gulet, The Kingslayer

Origin:   The Witcher

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Mutated Human, Witcher

Powers and Abilities:

  • Resistances
  • Base: Superhuman Physical Characteristics , Longevity , Regeneration (Low-Mid, is comparable to Geralt who can regenerate a big hole in his neck in a few months . healed from getting brutally bitten in the neck by Dettlaff . Eskel explains that witcher's wounds heal much faster than normal humans' ), Strong Will, Master Swordsman (Is an equal to Geralt who is one of, if not the greatest swordsman in the entire series, with skill matched only by a limited few . He also gained the reputation of "the best swordsman the North has ever seen" ), Very proficient in unarmed combat and boxing , Enhanced Senses (Has night vision, can detect magic with his pendant, enhanced senses of smell and hearing, and can see through walls with certain potions. Should scale to Geralt who could casually notice that Scoia'tael members are aiming arrows at him and Zoltan without even seeing them, and hear them breathing . His Medallion also can sense Places of Power and nearby items . Scales to Geralt, who can even see, hear and interact with ghosts, as seen when he talks with the von Everec ghosts in Hearts of Stone , and normal humans like Shani couldn't see or even hear them), Non-Physical Interaction (Scales to Geralt, who can harm the ghosts of the von Everecs, which are now mere souls and also intangible . Can also attack spirits while they are intangible with certain oils/materials), Acrobatics (Comparable to Geralt, who is incredibly agile , and can jump off castle walls with taking no damage . As a witcher of the Viper School, he should be even more agile than him), Limited Body Control (As written in The Witcher 3 Universe Compendium, Witchers are able to regulate the speed of their pulse and the flow of adrenaline, giving them unparalleled reflexes and strength ), Analytical Prediction (Scaling to Geralt), Information Analysis and Preparation (Every witcher prepares to their fights by creating potions/sword oils and analyzing opponent's weaknesses and powers), Self-Sustenance (Type 2. Kiyan witcher who was subjected to mage experiments didn't eat anything for years and could still fight, and "eat and drink by himself"), Stealth Mastery (Comparable to Geralt in stealth abilities), Magic (Can perform rudimentary magic with his signs), Pseudo- Time Slow (with Heliotrope, can slow down time in a bubble shaped area ), Forcefield Creation , Purification and Attack Reflection with Quen (Reflects 50% of the damage it takes back at the attacker. Letho can cast Quen as a body shield and bubble forcefield as described below, and can remove status effects like burning, poison or acid from him), Fire Manipulation (With Igni), Mind Manipulation (With Axii), Telekinesis (With Aard), Statistics Reduction , Poison Manipulation and Electricity Manipulation with Yrden (Yrden significantly slows down enemies. Yrden can poison and shoot lightning, as well as force spirits to become tangible ), Sleep Manipulation and possibly Limited Memory Manipulation with Somne (Somne is a sign that puts enemies under sleep and can possibly erase memories of that. After Geralt used it on Nimue, she couldn't remember meeting and talking to him), Sound Manipulation (With Supirre).
  • With bombs: Explosion Manipulation (With Grapeshot ), Light Manipulation and Status Effect Inducement (With Zerrikanian Sun ), Fear Manipulation (With King and Queen ), Madness Manipulation (With Red haze ), possibly Power Nullification (With Moon Dust and Dimeritium bomb , he can stop opponent's transformation and negate magic around him), Poison Manipulation (With Devil's Puffball ). Fire Manipulation (With Dancing Star ), Ice Manipulation (With Northern Wind that can deal additional damage to his foes )
  • Resistance to Disease Manipulation , Mind Manipulation (It is stated that witchers cannot be bewitched, and are resistant to magical mind control), Poison Manipulation (Witchers are stated to be immune to poison. His mutated body quickly managed to neutralize the harmful alkaloids) and Acid Manipulation , Extremely high pain tolerance ( Witchers overall are stated to have abnormal pain resistance . Can become immune to pain with his potions ), Limited Resistance to Magic (Should scale to Geralt, who is stated by Yen to have some resistance to magic, though it's unknown what kind of magic she was talking about), Ice Manipulation , Heat Manipulation and Fire Manipulation (As said in Kiyan questline in the Laboratory Notebook, the Kiyan witcher was subjected to inhumane experiments "The subject has been tortured, poisoned, burnt, frozen, starved and dehydrated, and despite it all his body continues to function" , which Letho scales to)

Attack Potency : Building level+  (Defeated Geralt in their first fight and gave him a very hard time during their second battle), higher with Aard (Aard can stun enemies that witchers can't physically, like Earth Elementals and Golems), even higher with Potions (Potions makes witchers far stronger than their base form)

Speed :   Subsonic movement speed with Massively Hypersonic+  combat speed and reactions (Comparable to Geralt. Can blitz Triss Merigold , a casual arrow-timer), higher with potions

Lifting Strength :  At least  Class 5 , possibly Class 25  (Comparable to Geralt, or even stronger physically than him. He grabbed Geralt with one hand and threw him into a wall, which broke it )

Striking Strength : Building level+ (Comparable to Geralt)

Durability : Building level+ (Can take hits from Geralt), higher with Quen (Able to tank what would otherwise be lethal attacks and magical attacks from the likes of Triss )

Stamina : Superhuman (As a witcher, Letho should have comparable reserves of stamina to Geralt and Eskel. Along with Geralt and his fellow two witchers from the Viper School has fought against hundreds to thousands Wild Hunt warriors at once for a long time, and have stalemated them )

Range :   Extended Melee Range with his swords. Several Meters with Igni, Yrden and Aard. Tens of Meters with Axii.

Standard Equipment :

  • Other Witcher Items


  • Grapeshot: Inflicts shrapnel damage to foes within its explosion radius. Deals a small amount of fire damage.
  • Moon Dust: Contains silver splinters that temporarily prevent monsters from or regenerating and nullifies intangibility of some monsters
  • Northern Wind: Freezes foes and the surrounding area. Blows landed on frozen foes deal additional damage.
  • Dimeritium bomb: Releases a cloud of dimeritium cloud that blocks magic and monsters' magic abilities.
  • Dancing Star: Produces a fiery explosion that ignites the surrounding area.
  • Red haze: The reddish haze emitted by this bomb upon detonation causes hallucinations and aggression, leading foes which inhale the gas to fight each other.
  • Stenchbulb: Upon detonation, it releases a cloud of gas with an odor so bad that not even necrophages can resist it
  • Samum: Blinds opponents within its explosion radius.
  • Devil's Puffball: Releases a cloud of poison when detonated.
  • Dragon's Dream: Releases a cloud of gas that explodes when ignited.
  • King and Queen: Upon detonation, this bomb magically evokes fear in the heart of opponents.
  • Standard Potions
  • Optional Potions


  • Swallow: Swallow significantly increases the regeneration of the witcher, It additionally has no side effect to it
  • Thunderbolt: The Thunderbolt potion augments muscle power and thus damage dealt using a sword. As simple as it is effective, the brew is a more powerful version of the Rook potion. Unfortunately, Thunderbolt may cause weaker muscle fibers to rupture, decreasing both Vitality and its regeneration. These side effects can be alleviated by taking the Swallow potion.
  • Tawny Owl: Tawny Owl speeds up the regeneration of Stamina. After consuming it, the witcher can parry monsters' blows and cast Signs more often. The potion is weaker than Lapwing, but generates no side effects.
  • Blizzard: Blizzard is one of the most powerful witchers' potions; it improves reflexes and reaction time, allowing a witcher to better parry and evade attacks. It slows down the perception of time, making everything else slower. It is most helpful against groups of enemies and monsters that move fast or teleport, such as wraiths and various types of vampires.
  • Black Blood: Black Blood turns imbiber's blood into poison; blood becomes lethal to monsters which drink it.
  • Petri's Philter: Increases Signs Effectiveness and Damage
  • Golden Oriole: Golden Oriole, one of the best-known witcher potions, increases resistance to special attacks, such as Poisoning, Incineration, and Bleeding. The brew also negates the side effects of the Lapwing and Brock potions, while producing no side effects of its own. Additionally, it turns poisons into a healing brew which regenerates damage taken by the witcher
  • Cat: Cat is one of the potions witchers use most often. After imbibing it, the witcher is able to see in total darkness and will avoid being surprised by any nocturnal creatures. The potion allows its user to see both living creatures and those made of inanimate matter, even through walls.


  • Jkr.PNG Virga


  • Gadwall: Gadwall helps a witcher's mutated body regenerate much faster than usual. Gadwall is a stronger version of the Swallow potion. As Gadwall courses through the veins, however, it burdens a witcher's body, causing him to deal less damage and lose Durability at an accelerated rate. These side effects can be reduced by drinking the Rook potion.
  • Wolf: Witchers who drink the Wolf potion are more agile during fights. Their special attacks, like those causing poisoning or heavy bleeding, are more accurate and effective. The potion has no known side effects. When imbibed, the brew can cancel the side effects of the Virga potion.
  • Rook: Rook is especially popular among witchers who believe that killing monsters quickly is their best defense. This potion increases muscular power, and thus damage dealt to foes in close combat. It is inferior to Thunderbolt in terms of power amplification but it offers less intoxication
  • Tiara: This singular potion affects the witcher's skeleton, hardening bones and strengthening tendons. Each time the witcher parries an opponent's blow while under the potion's influence, he loses less Vigor than he would had he not consumed a dose of Tiara. The catch, however, is that stronger bones and joints denote stiffer limbs and weaker soft tissue. The witcher strikes with less confidence, so the sword damage he deals is reduced. His Durability also declines.
  • Stammelford's philtre: This brew is readily used by witchers who rely on magic since it augments the intensity of Signs, the damage done by the Igni, the impact of the Aard, the defenses of the Quen, and so on. Unfortunately, the potion taps the witcher's Vitality for its power, thus reducing it. Witchers compensate for this loss by consuming the Swallow potion.
  • Lapwing: Just as Gadwall regenerates Vitality slowly but consistently, Lapwing restores Stamina more easily. The potion's effect is stronger than that of Tawny Owl, but it produces some side effects. Lapwing intensely weakens the body, reducing the witcher's Vitality and resistances. To strengthen themselves, witchers take Golden Oriole and Swallow together with Lapwing.
  • Virga: Virga is favored by witchers who assign greater importance to safety than to mounting bold attacks. The brew increases the witcher's resistances, rendering him less vulnerable to the special attacks of monsters, including Poisoning, Incineration, and Bleeding. Virga is stronger than Golden Oriole, but it has some side effects. When focusing on defense, the witcher is limited in his ability to execute subtle attacks. The witcher thus cannot employ tactics to which he himself has become more resistant, be it Poisoning, Incineration, or oils that increase Bleeding. The Wolf potion can be used to limit this side effect.
  • Bindweed: Bindweed was created specifically to counter monsters which employ acid as a weapon. Witchers also call it 'swamp potion', because monsters which spit acid or have caustic blood are most often found in swamps.
  • Kiss: This potion affects witchers' mutated bodies by forcing their blood to congeal almost instantaneously. It is often consumed before taking on monsters known to inflict hemorrhaging wounds.

Chort decoction

  • Chort decoction: Provides complete resistance to the Stagger effect and reduces the Knock-down effects to Stagger.
  • Doppler decoction: Increases base damage by 50%, also increases attack power from behind
  • Earth elemental decoction: Increases the witcher's resistance to Vitality-depleting critical effects applied during combat. The resistance level rises the longer the critical effects is applied.
  • Fiend decoction: Increases the amount of weight the witcher can carry without being overburdened.
  • Foglet decoction: Increases Sign Intensity during cloudy weather.
  • Griffin decoction: Taking damage raises damage resistance from physical and elemental damage
  • Noonwraith decoction: Significantly limits the duration of Knockdown, Hypnosis, Stun, and Blindness.
  • Reliever's decoction: Increases damage dealt and decreases damage taken against intangible beings like wraiths.
  • Succubus decoction: Attack Power grows over the course of a fight until reaching a maximum threshold.
  • Troll decoction: Regenerates Damage during and outside of combat.

Steel and Silver Sword

  • Witcher Armour: Witcher armors are really light and durable which perfectly coincides with witcher's combat style and movement. Each witcher school possesses a unique type of witcher armor
  • Witcher Medallions: A witcher medallion is a silver symbol of the witchers' profession. Each one is shaped to represent the school a witcher comes from. It is sensitive to magic, vibrating, and tugging on its chain when spells are being cast or magical beings, like genies, are present. This magic medallion is given to every young witcher candidate who has passed the Trial of the Grasses.
  • Dagger: Used by witcher's to clear out fodders or decapitate heads of dead monsters and take them as trophies

Intelligence :  Gifted. Letho is a skilled alchemist and monster hunter, just like other witchers, and he's comparable in both fighting and world knowledge to the likes of Geralt and Eskel . Trained and carefully developed from birth for combat. Master manipulator, capable of outsmarting political masterminds such as  Philippa Eilhart and Sheala de Tancarville. Letho's especially skilled at his main profession - regicide, from which he got his nickname, "The Kingslayer". Letho is astonishingly cunning, clever and is nearly always few steps ahead of everyone at his craft, for example when he has easily assassinated King Demavend in a short time by creating an ice bomb that has frozen the ship they were on and quickly slaughtered his intense guard, including an experienced mage Abelard. Not so long after that, Letho assassinated King Foltest, the leader of Temeria, by acting as a helpless monk and killing Foltest right before Geralt could react and escaped quickly enough to frame Geralt for the murder. He's noted for his immense self-control and a talent for acting, and he will not hesitate for steps like kidnapping sorceresses to help him in his quest. Letho's most frightening ability, aside from his intellect, is his combat ability. He is one of the only two (the other being Vilgefortz of Roggeveen) to defeat Geralt in a duel, not only by good use of his tremendous physical strength but also sword skill.

Weaknesses:  Can only use a small number of signs consecutively, taking too many potions can poison and kill him. 

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Aard is a simple magical sign used by witchers. It is comprised of a telekinetic thrust that can stun, repel, knockdown, or disarm opponents and remove barriers and other objects.

It is the sign that the witcher uses the most. Outside of combat, Aard is most often used to clear a path, either by blowing down a wall or blowing apart a pile of debris. During combat, it can stun, knockdown, or disarm an opponent.


Igni is a simple magical sign used by witchers. It is comprised of a pyrokinetic burst that can repel and ignite opponents and start fires.

Igni is incredibly effective against foes that are weak to fire. There is also an alternative form of Igni that allows witchers to release a steady flow of fire instead of one quick burst. It can be beneficial for continuously burning enemies even after they've been ignited. Igni is hot enough to melt thick steel armors.


Yrden is a simple magical sign used by witchers. When inscribed on a solid surface, it blocks the monsters from getting closer, scaring them off. If a hostile being enters the area affected by Sign, it is visibly slowed down/paralyzed, and non-corporeal forces become corporeal.

Most foes that wander into the ring are significantly slowed or even paralyzed. Yrden is best for controlling multiple enemies in the melee range. It's also particularly effective against supernatural beings who mostly remain intangible unless caught within a Yrden circle. Yrden can poison and drain the vitality of the foes within the ring.

This sign has an alternative mode, which is a floating rune of Yrden. This mode shoots lightning bolts that damage and stun enemies at a long range and can even nullify projectiles.


Quen is a simple magical sign used by witchers. When the first form is cast, it forms a protective forcefield around the body of the casting witcher but disappears after one hit/few hits when upgraded enough. It can also be used to create a bubble-shaped field that absorbs damage and converts it into regeneration (and can also reflect 50% of physical damage back at the enemy), which is the second form of Quen. However, it's impossible to attack while keeping it still.

Witchers use it mainly to protect themselves from attacks that cover great range/omnidirectional attacks and is not necessarily using it in direct close-quarter combat.


Axii is a simple magical sign used by witchers. It is a mental wave that triggers a hex that causes an enemy to obey witchers' commands. The effect can wear off over time or be broken via damage from the casting witcher. It can also be used to disable opponents temporarily. Witchers use it rarely. And if they do, it's mainly against folks like peasants or guards to make them go away if he doesn't want to kill them or when it fits the situation, like to not get spotted by someone. However, if a witcher has no choice and Axii is one of the only ways to beat his enemy, he will go for it in a fight, like in cases when he fights a foe with far too troublesome abilities.

Some examples of lore Axii are shown here .


Heliotrope is considered the ultimate magical sign used by witchers. When cast, it forms a protective aura-like forcefield that slows down everything within its range.

However it should be noted that this sign is completely different in the books as it is more akin to Quen as it is a protective barrier sign against physical attacks while Quen is a magical one.

Heliotrope in the Witcher Books

Somne is a simple magical sign used by witchers. It was shown in the book Season of Storms. It can put targets to sleep by drawing a sign in the air and possibly erase memories of that happening.


Supirre is a simple magical sign used by the Witchers to hear sounds or conversations that would otherwise be inaudible or undetectable to even a Witcher's enhanced senses.

This sign is most often used in crowded areas to eavesdrop some important conversation and sometimes to detect sounds that wouldn't be normally be heard otherwise. It is also a great sign for echolocation

Supirre used to eavesdrop on some conversation

Notable Matchups



  • 1 Tiering System
  • 2 Attack Potency
  • 3 Son Goku (DBS Anime)

Witcher Wiki

Letho of Gulet (gwent card)

Letho of Gulet is a close combat gwent hero card in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and part of the Nilfgaardian Empire deck .

See also [ ]

  • Letho of Gulet

External links [ ]

Gwent icon


· · · ·
  • The Witcher
  • 1.1 Etymology
  • 1.2 Pronunciation
  • 1.3.1 Synonyms
  • 1.3.2 Derived terms
  • 1.3.3 Related terms
  • 1.3.4 Translations
  • 1.4 See also
  • 2.1.1 Pronunciation
  • Inflection
  • Further reading
  • 2.2.1 Pronunciation

From Middle English golet , borrowed from Old French goulet , from Latin gula , from Proto-Indo-European *gʷel- ( “ throat ” ) .


  • ( UK , US ) IPA ( key ) : /ˈɡʌl.ɪt/ , /ˈɡʌl.ət/
Audio ( ): ( )
  • Rhymes: -ʌlɪt
  • Rhymes: -ʌlət

gullet ( plural gullets )

  • 2020 May 26, Charles Bramesco, “Corona-sploitation: is it too soon for Hollywood to make Covid-19 movies?”, in The Guardian ‎ [1] , →ISSN : Turning a national tragedy into something a person can pay $12 to watch while shoveling popcorn down their gullet struck detractors as perverse, though critics spilled a goodly amount of e-ink debating the actual merits of the work itself.
  • ( cytology ) The cytopharynx of a ciliate , through which food is ingested .
  • The space between the teeth of a saw blade .
  • A channel for water .
  • A preparatory cut or channel in excavations , of sufficient width for the passage of earth wagons.
  • The wide space under the pommel of a saddle ; the hollow over the withers of a saddled animal.
  • ( throat or esophagus ) : gorge
  • ( cytopharynx ) : cytopharynx

Derived terms

  • stick in someone's gullet

Related terms


      (marīʔ)   (kerakrapʻoġ) (üñəs)   (stravavód) (ōlokom)     (hranoprovód)     (naralī)   (shídào),   (shíguǎn)                 ,   ,       ,         ,   ,     (saq̇laṗavi mili)         (oisofágos)   (oisophágos)     (véshet)   (grāsanlī),     (gheghā)   ,               (しょくどう, shokudō) (öñeş), (özek)   (sikdo),   (bapgil) (North Korea),   (sikgwan)   (öŋgöc), (kızıl öŋgöc)   ,   ,   ,         (hranopróvod),   (gŕlo)   (xooloj),   (bagalzuur)   (boğaz)   (meri)                 (piščevód)   ,     ,       ,           ,         ,   ,         (surxrüda)   (üñäç) (mhmrt)   (stravoxíd) (qizil'önggech)     ( )  

Northern Sami

Etymology 1.

  • ( Kautokeino ) IPA ( key ) : /ˈkuːlːleh(t)/
  • to ( catch ) fish
Contracted -stem, no gradation
1st sing. present
1st sing. past
infinitive action noun
present participle action inessive
past participle action elative
agent participle action comitative
present indicative past indicative imperative
1st singular
2nd singular
3rd singular
1st dual
2nd dual
3rd dual
1st plural

2nd plural
3rd plural
conditional 1 conditional 2 potential
1st singular

2nd singular

3rd singular
1st dual
2nd dual
3rd dual
1st plural
2nd plural
3rd plural


Further reading

  • Koponen, Eino, Ruppel, Klaas, Aapala, Kirsti, editors ( 2002–2008 ), Álgu database: Etymological database of the Saami languages ‎ [2] , Helsinki: Research Institute for the Languages of Finland

Etymology 2

See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.

  • ( Kautokeino ) IPA ( key ) : /ˈkulleh(t)/
  • third-person plural present indicative
  • second-person singular past indicative
  • second-person plural imperative

Norwegian Bokmål

gullet   n

  • definite singular of gull

Norwegian Nynorsk

gulet wiki

  • English terms inherited from Middle English
  • English terms derived from Middle English
  • English terms derived from Old French
  • English terms derived from Latin
  • English terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
  • English 2-syllable words
  • English terms with IPA pronunciation
  • English terms with audio links
  • Rhymes:English/ʌlɪt
  • Rhymes:English/ʌlɪt/2 syllables
  • Rhymes:English/ʌlət
  • Rhymes:English/ʌlət/2 syllables
  • English lemmas
  • English nouns
  • English countable nouns
  • English terms with quotations
  • en:Cytology
  • Northern Sami terms with IPA pronunciation
  • Northern Sami 2-syllable words
  • Northern Sami lemmas
  • Northern Sami verbs
  • Northern Sami contracted verbs
  • Northern Sami contracted e-stem verbs
  • Northern Sami non-lemma forms
  • Northern Sami verb forms
  • Norwegian Bokmål non-lemma forms
  • Norwegian Bokmål noun forms
  • Norwegian Nynorsk non-lemma forms
  • Norwegian Nynorsk noun forms
  • Swedish non-lemma forms
  • Swedish noun forms
  • Word of the day archive
  • Pages with 5 entries
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  • Terms with Chakma translations
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  • Terms with Ancient Greek translations
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  • Terms with Navajo translations
  • Terms with Norwegian Bokmål translations
  • Terms with Ottoman Turkish translations
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  • Requests for etymologies in Northern Sami entries

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  1. The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Letho Of

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  2. What is Gulet or Gullet

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  3. Gulet

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  4. Everything You Need to Know about Gulet Cruises in The Mediterranean

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  5. Gulet: historical information and current meaning

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  6. Turkey Gulet Cruise Review (& Everything You Need to Know!)

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  2. Göcek Gulet Yat Turu

  3. Gulet workout #workout #short

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  5. Gelut gulet



  1. Gulet

    A gulet (Turkish pronunciation:) is a traditional design of a two-masted or three-masted wooden sailing vessel (the most common design has two masts) in Turkey, particularly built in the coastal towns of Bodrum and Marmaris, and may have originated in ancient Ionia with similar vessels found around the eastern Mediterranean. Today, this type of ...

  2. Gulet

    Gulet (Polish: Guleta) is a smaller city which is located northeast of Vengerberg, in Aedirn.[1] In the mid-to-late 1240s, the poet Dandelion was in hiding in the city, after knocking up a girl under his musician podium, resulting in her four angry brothers chasing him down. While at a fête, he ran into the witcher Geralt of Rivia, beginning their life-long friendship.[2] In late July 1267 ...

  3. Letho

    Letho of Gulet was one of the playable heroes in the now defunct MOBA and had a lot of interesting weapons, skills, and skins. He was a warrior class hero. Hero Presentation [] Letho of Gulet - a witcher, a mighty warrior also known as The Kingslayer. Letho is a fantastic tank (i.e. a warrior whose main occupation is to keep enemies busy) and ...

  4. Robert Goulet

    Robert Gérard Goulet (November 26, 1933 - October 30, 2007) was an American and Canadian singer and actor of French-Canadian ancestry. Goulet was born and raised in Lawrence, Massachusetts, until age 13, and then spent his formative years in Canada.Cast as Sir Lancelot and originating the role in the 1960 Broadway musical Camelot starring opposite established Broadway stars Richard Burton ...

  5. Gulet

    Gulet is a smaller city which is located north-east of Vengerberg, in Aedirn. Geralt and Dandelion met at the fair there. Although Gulet does not appear in The Witcher 2, Letho the kingslayer and Seltkirk, the commander of Aedirnian forces during the battles with Kaedwen, both hail from the city.

  6. Letho

    Letho is a Character/NPC in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Known as Letho of Gulet or his more infamous moniker, the Kingslayer, he is a Witcher of the School of the Viper, and an associate of Geralt.In the prequel, he is the main antagonist. Some friends you see after many years apart and you immediately develop a headache. Not out of antipathy, but as a somatic premonition of the hangover sure to ...

  7. Gulet

    Gulet vor Bodrum Gulets im Winterlager. Ein Gulet [ɡuˈlet] ist ein aus Holz gefertigter, dickbauchiger, meist zweimastiger Motor-Segler der türkischen Küste.. Streng genommen, beschränkt sich der Begriff auf jene Zweimaster, bei denen die Kommandobrücke zwischen den beiden Masten steht. Im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch wird jedoch meist jeder Passagiermotorsegler für Touristen als Gulet ...

  8. Letho of Gulet: A Deep Dive into the Cunning Viper Witcher

    Letho is a Witcher from the School of the Viper that only appears in the Witcher games. Despite his muscular appearance, Letho is highly cunning and intelligent. Like many Witchers, he was taken as a child, learned the art of monster slaying, and survived the Trial of the Grasses. He is known as Letho of Gulet, with Gulet being the name of a ...

  9. Understanding the Essence of Gulet

    A gulet is like the superstar of the sea, a traditional Turkish wooden sailing vessel that's been modernized for luxury and comfort, making it the perfect choice for those looking to explore the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas.

  10. What is Gulet and How to Charter One

    Gulet is a traditional wooden motor-sailing vessel meant for comfortable cruising. The history of gulets is somewhat veiled in secrecy. It remains uncertain how gulets got their name - whether it comes from the Italian word "guletta" or the French word "goullette". This schooner type of vessel is used as a sweeping net, trawl net or sponging ...

  11. Letho

    Letho of Gulet, also known as the Kingslayer, is a witcher from the School of the Viper. His closest associates are Auckes and Serrit, also Kingslayers from the same witcher school. For reasons which were initially unknown, he enlisted the help of Iorveth and his Scoia'tael guerrillas to aid him in his plan to kill the kings of the Northern Kingdoms. To back his claim, the man showed Iorveth a ...

  12. Gulet Mohamed

    Gulet Mohamed (born 1991) is a naturalized United States citizen who was detained in Kuwait and placed on the no-fly list maintained by the Terrorist Screening Center. [2] Mohamed was born in Somalia and immigrated in 1995. [3] [4] He was raised in Alexandria, Virginia, by his immigrant parents. In March 2009, Mohamed travelled to Yemen where ...

  13. Letho

    Letho of Gulet, also known as the Kingslayer, is the main antagonist of the video game The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and, if spared, a supporting character in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. He is a Witcher from the School of the Viper. His closest associates are Auckes and Serrit, also Kingslayers and Witchers from the School of the Viper. For reasons which were initially unknown, he enlisted ...

  14. gulet

    This page was last edited on 10 October 2019, at 13:39. Definitions and other text are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional ...

  15. Gullet (disambiguation)

    Gullet, or esophagus, is an organ in vertebrates through which food passes.. Gullet may also refer to: . Gulet, a Turkish sailboat; Ruud Gullit (born 1962), Dutch football player and manager; The valley between the teeth of a saw (Saw#Terminology)Gullet, opening hole or orifice of a mining gullet, see also the German mining term Rösche; The Gullet, a narrow channel in Antarctica

  16. Battle of the Gullet

    Viserys Targaryen (POW) Vermax †. Stormcloud †. 33% of the Velaryon fleet lost. 62 warships lost. The Battle of the Gullet, [1] [2] also called the Battle in the Gullet, [1] was a battle that took place in the Gullet in 130 AC [N 1] during the Dance of the Dragons. It remains among the bloodiest sea battles in all of history.

  17. Letho of Gulet

    Letho of Gulet is a witcher from the School of the Viper and the main antagonist of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. A one-time friend of Geralt of Rivia, Letho has become a personal assassin in service of Emhyr var Emreis, emperor of Nilfgaard. Along with his fellow witchers, Serrit and Auckes, he managed to cause the death of several monarchs of the Northern Kingdoms, plunging them into ...

  18. Letho of Gulet (gwent card)

    Horror. Sci-fi. The Witcher. Letho of Gulet is a close combat gwent hero card in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and part of the Nilfgaardian Empire deck. Letho of Gulet See the GWENT standalone game version card: Letho of Gulet.

  19. Arda Güler

    Arda Güler. Arda Güler (Turkish pronunciation: [aɾˈda ˈɟylæɾ] ⓘ; born 25 February 2005) is a Turkish professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder or winger [3] for La Liga club Real Madrid and the Turkey national team. He is widely regarded as one of the best young footballers in the world. [4][5][6]

  20. gullet

    gullet (plural gullets) The throat or esophagus. Turning a national tragedy into something a person can pay $12 to watch while shoveling popcorn down their gullet struck detractors as perverse, though critics spilled a goodly amount of e-ink debating the actual merits of the work itself. (cytology) The cytopharynx of a ciliate, through which ...

  21. Ruud Gullit

    Ruud Gullit (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈryt ˈxʏlɪt] ⓘ; [note 1] born Rudi Dil; 1 September 1962) is a Dutch former footballer and subsequent manager who played professionally in the 1980s and 1990s as a forward, midfielder or defender.In 2004, he was named one of the Top 125 greatest living footballers as part of FIFA's 100th anniversary celebration. ...

  22. Michel Goulet

    Michel Bernard Goulet (born April 21, 1960) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey forward who played for the Birmingham Bulls in the World Hockey Association and the Quebec Nordiques and Chicago Blackhawks in the National Hockey League.He was also a two-time Canada Cup champion with Team Canada. He was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1998.