How To Determine The Year Of Your Sunfish Sailboat

  • Last updated Dec 09, 2023
  • Difficulty Beginner

Austin Stephens

  • Category Sunfish

what year is my sunfish

Ah, the classic Sunfish sailboat. A vessel that has stood the test of time and captivated the hearts of sailors for decades. But do you ever find yourself wondering, What year is my Sunfish? It's a question that many owners have pondered as they admire their trusty craft. Well, fear not, dear sailor, for today we embark on a quest to uncover the hidden secrets of your beloved Sunfish's birth year. So grab your spyglass and join me as we unravel the mystery and dive into the world of Sunfish sailboats.

Characteristics Values
Length overall 13 feet 9 inches
Beam 4 feet 1 inch
Draft 2 feet 11 inches
Sail area 75 square feet
Hull weight 130 pounds
Mast height 21 feet 2 inches
Boom length 9 feet 1 inch
Daggerboard length 3 feet 6 inches
Cockpit length 7 feet 5 inches
Cockpit width 3 feet 11 inches
Number of crew 1-2
Designed by Alcort, Inc.
Year designed 1952
Manufacturer Alcort, Inc.
Country of origin United States
Hull material Fiberglass

What You'll Learn

How can i determine the year of my sunfish sailboat, are there any specific features or characteristics that can help identify the year of a sunfish, are there any serial numbers or markings on a sunfish that can indicate its year of manufacture, are there any online resources or databases that can help determine the year of a sunfish based on specific details or features, if i cannot determine the year of my sunfish through traditional methods, are there any boat experts or restoration specialists who may be able to assist me.


If you own a Sunfish sailboat and are wondering what year it was manufactured, there are several ways you can determine its age. Sunfish sailboats have been in production since the 1960s, and each year has specific differences in the design and features. By examining the various components and checking for specific visual cues, you can narrow down the production year of your Sunfish sailboat.

  • Hull Identification Number (HIN): The first step to determine the year of your Sunfish sailboat is to locate the Hull Identification Number (HIN). This unique serial number is typically located on the transom, near the boat's stern. It consists of a combination of letters and numbers that indicate the manufacturer, model, and production year of the boat. Using the HIN, you can contact the manufacturer or consult online databases to decode the information and find the exact year of production.
  • Sail color: Another clue to determine the year of a Sunfish sailboat is to examine the colors of the sails. In the early years of production, Sunfish sailboats were equipped with white sails. However, changes in the design and demand led to the introduction of different sail colors over the years, including red, blue, green, yellow, and multicolored variations. By identifying the original sail color, you can narrow down the possible production years.
  • Deck and hull design: The design of the deck and hull can also provide valuable information about the age of a Sunfish sailboat. Over time, subtle changes were made to the shape, mold, and overall construction of the boat. For example, older models may have a flatter deck while newer ones have a more rounded shape. Additionally, changes in the location of the inspection ports, deck fittings, and rigging can help identify the production year more accurately.
  • Logo and branding: The logo and branding on a Sunfish sailboat can also offer insight into its age. Sunfish sailboats have gone through various iterations of logos and graphics throughout the years. By comparing the logo on your boat with historical images and documentation, you can determine the most likely production year. Pay attention to the size, font, and layout of the logo, as these details often changed over time.
  • Rigging and hardware: The rigging and hardware on a Sunfish sailboat can provide additional clues about its age. Over the years, hardware suppliers and design improvements have changed the components used in the construction of the boat. By determining the manufacturer and model of the hardware, you can cross-reference it with historical records to narrow down the production year.

It's important to note that these methods provide an estimate of the production year and may not be 100% accurate. Factors such as repairs, modifications, and replacement parts can affect the original characteristics of a Sunfish sailboat. Consulting with experts, collectors, and enthusiasts in the Sunfish community can provide valuable insights and help determine the year with more certainty.

In conclusion, determining the year of your Sunfish sailboat can be an exciting detective work that involves examining various visual cues and characteristics. By using the Hull Identification Number, sail color, deck and hull design, logo and branding, and rigging and hardware, you can narrow down the production year and gain a better understanding of the history behind your Sunfish sailboat.

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Sunfish sailboats are a popular choice among sailing enthusiasts due to their simplicity, versatility, and affordability. With their long history, dating back to the 1950s, each year brings new models and designs. Collectors and enthusiasts often find themselves wondering how to identify the year of their Sunfish, especially when looking at older or vintage boats. Fortunately, there are specific features and characteristics that can help determine the year of a Sunfish.

  • Hull Serial Number: One of the most reliable ways to identify the year of a Sunfish is through the hull serial number. The hull serial number is typically located on the stern of the boat, near the transom. The number is a combination of letters and numbers that usually provides information about the manufacturer, year, and sometimes even the month of production. By decoding the hull serial number, you can determine the year of your Sunfish.
  • Color Scheme: Sunfish sailboats have undergone various color scheme changes throughout the years. The color of the deck, hull, and graphics can provide clues about the boat's age. By researching the historical color schemes of Sunfish sailboats, you can compare the colors on your boat to determine the approximate year of production. Keep in mind that repainting or modifications made over the years may affect the original color scheme.
  • Hardware and Rigging: The hardware and rigging used on Sunfish sailboats have also evolved over time. Different years may feature unique hardware designs, materials, or attachment methods. By comparing the hardware on your boat to historical catalogs or documentation, you may be able to narrow down the year of production.
  • Sail Design: The design of the sail can also provide hints about the boat's year. Sunfish sail designs have changed over the years, with different graphics, logos, or color patterns. Comparing your sail to historical references can help identify its age.
  • Design Changes: Sunfish sailboats have undergone several design changes over the years. These changes can range from minor tweaks to major modifications. By familiarizing yourself with the various design changes made throughout the production history, you can identify specific features or characteristics unique to certain years.
  • Documentation and Catalogs: Researching historical documentation, catalogs, or brochures can provide valuable information about the year of your Sunfish. Manufacturers often release catalogs or brochures showcasing new models or features for each year. These documents may contain descriptions, specifications, and images that can help you pinpoint the year of your boat.

It's important to note that Sunfish sailboats can have variations within the same year, and modifications or repairs made over time may affect the original features. Additionally, some older boats may lack identifiable features due to wear and tear or previous modifications. In these cases, consulting with experienced Sunfish enthusiasts, collectors, or professionals may be helpful in determining the boat's year.

In conclusion, while identifying the year of a Sunfish sailboat can be challenging, specific features and characteristics can provide valuable information. By examining the hull serial number, color scheme, hardware, rigging, sail design, and design changes, you can narrow down the production year of your Sunfish. Researching historical documentation and consulting with experts can also aid in determining the boat's year. With a bit of detective work and knowledge of Sunfish sailboats' history, you can uncover the age of your beloved boat.

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If you're in the market for a used Sunfish sailboat, it can be helpful to know the year of manufacture. This information can give you an idea of the condition and potential value of the boat. While there aren't any specific serial numbers or markings on a Sunfish that can directly indicate its year of manufacture, there are a few ways to determine this information.

One method is to look for the "HIN" or Hull Identification Number. This is a unique 12 or 14-digit code that is permanently affixed to the hull of the boat. It can typically be found on the transom or on a plate near the bow. The HIN contains information about the manufacturer, model year, and serial number. However, on older Sunfish sailboats, the HIN may not include the model year. In this case, you'll have to look for other indicators.

Another way to determine the year of manufacture is to examine the sail number. This is a three or four-digit number that is typically located on the mainsail. The sail number is assigned by the class association and can give you a general idea of the boat's age. However, it's important to note that the sail number can be changed if the sail has been replaced, so it may not always accurately reflect the year of manufacture.

If the boat has a manufacturer's plate or sticker, this can also provide information about the year of manufacture. Look for a plate or sticker on the transom or inside the cockpit. The plate may contain the manufacturer's name, model year, and possibly even the serial number. However, not all Sunfish sailboats have a manufacturer's plate, especially older models.

If you're still unable to determine the year of manufacture, you can try contacting the manufacturer or class association for assistance. They may have records or other resources that can help you identify the age of the boat. Additionally, online forums and communities dedicated to Sunfish sailboats can be a helpful resource. Experienced owners and enthusiasts may be able to provide insights or point you in the right direction.

In conclusion, while there may not be specific serial numbers or markings on a Sunfish sailboat that directly indicate its year of manufacture, there are several methods you can use to determine this information. These include looking for the HIN, examining the sail number, checking for a manufacturer's plate or sticker, and reaching out to the manufacturer or class association for assistance. By using these methods in combination, you should be able to identify the year of manufacture for a used Sunfish sailboat.

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If you own a Sunfish sailboat or are in the market for one, you may be interested in determining the year of the boat. Knowing the year can help you assess the value, condition, and potential modifications of the boat. While there are no specific online databases dedicated solely to determining the year of a Sunfish, there are several resources and techniques you can use to make an educated guess.

One of the first steps in determining the year of a Sunfish is to examine the sailboat's hull identification number (HIN). The HIN is a unique 12-digit code assigned to each boat, similar to a vehicle identification number (VIN) for cars. The HIN can typically be found on the transom of the boat, usually on the starboard (right) side. The HIN contains vital information, including the manufacturer's identification, the hull serial number, and the date of certification.

By decoding the HIN, you can often determine the approximate year of the boat. The first three characters of the HIN represent the manufacturer's identification code. If the boat is a genuine Sunfish, these characters would be "INT" or "ISF." The next two characters indicate the hull type and materials used. For a Sunfish, these would be "015" or "FS" for fiberglass construction. The following two characters represent the hull length, which is typically "14" for a Sunfish. The ninth character in the HIN is the single letter code that designates the model year. This letter follows a specific sequence, starting with "A" for 1984 and going through the alphabet until "Y" for 2039.

If you're unable to find or decipher the HIN, another option is to examine specific features or details of the Sunfish to help determine the year. Over the years, different design changes and modifications have been made to Sunfish sailboats, providing some clues as to their age. For example, early versions of the Sunfish had a wooden daggerboard and kick-up rudder, while later models switched to a fiberglass daggerboard and fixed rudder. The type of fittings and hardware, such as cleats, blocks, and rigging, can also provide hints about the boat's age.

Another valuable resource for determining the year of a Sunfish is online forums and communities dedicated to Sunfish sailboats. There are several active online forums where enthusiasts and owners share their knowledge and experiences. By posting detailed photos and descriptions of your Sunfish, you can often receive input and insights from experienced Sunfish owners who can help determine the year of your boat.

In conclusion, while there are no specific online databases or resources solely dedicated to determining the year of a Sunfish based on specific details or features, there are several steps you can take. Examining the hull identification number, decoding it, and analyzing specific features and details can provide valuable clues about your Sunfish's age. Additionally, reaching out to online communities and forums can connect you with experienced owners who can offer their expertise. By combining these resources and techniques, you can make an educated guess about the year of your Sunfish sailboat.

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If you are unable to determine the year of your Sunfish sailboat through traditional methods, such as looking for a plate or serial number on the boat, there are experts and restoration specialists who may be able to assist you in identifying its age.

Many boat experts and restoration specialists have extensive knowledge and experience with different types of boats, including Sunfish sailboats. They may have encountered similar situations in the past and can use their expertise to help you determine the year of your Sunfish.

Here are some steps that you can take to find boat experts or restoration specialists who may be able to help you:

  • Online Forums and Communities: There are several online forums and communities dedicated to boats and sailing. These forums are a great place to connect with boat enthusiasts who may have knowledge about Sunfish sailboats. You can post your query and ask for assistance in identifying the year of your Sunfish. Many experienced boat owners and restoration specialists are active on these platforms and are likely to respond to your post with helpful information.
  • Local Boat Clubs: Check if there are any local boat clubs or sailing associations in your area. These organizations often have members who are experienced boat owners and experts in different types of boats. Connecting with these individuals can be a valuable resource in your search for determining the year of your Sunfish.
  • Boat Shows and Exhibitions: Attend boat shows and exhibitions in your area. These events attract boat enthusiasts and professionals from the industry. You can talk to different exhibitors and experts present at the show, and they might be able to provide you with information about your Sunfish sailboat's age or direct you to someone who can help.
  • Boat Dealers and Repair Shops: Visit boat dealerships and repair shops that specialize in sailboats. They often have knowledgeable staff who can assist you in identifying the year of your Sunfish. These experts may have access to databases or resources that can help determine the age of your boat based on its design, construction, and historical information.
  • Manufacturer or Class Association: Contact the Sunfish sailboat manufacturer or the class association. They may have records or documentation that can help identify the year of your boat. Provide them with any relevant information or photographs of the boat to aid in the identification process.

When reaching out to these experts or specialists, it is essential to provide them with as much information about your Sunfish sailboat as possible. This might include photographs of the boat, any unique features or markings, measurements, or any other identifying details. The more information you can provide, the better chance they have of assisting you in determining the year of your Sunfish.

While it can be challenging to determine the year of a Sunfish sailboat without traditional methods, the expertise and experience of boat experts and restoration specialists can be invaluable in identifying its age. By taking the above steps and reaching out to these professionals, you can increase your chances of finding the information you need to determine the year of your Sunfish.

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Frequently asked questions.

To determine the year of your Sunfish, you can look for the hull identification number (HIN) on the back of the boat. The HIN typically includes the manufacturer's identification code and a unique serial number. You can use this information to research the manufacturing dates of Sunfish boats.

Yes, in some cases you can determine the year of your Sunfish based on its features. Sunfish boats have undergone design changes and improvements over the years, so by comparing the features of your boat to known information about different model years, you may be able to narrow down the year of your Sunfish.

Yes, there are a few resources you can consult to find the year of your Sunfish. The International Sunfish Class Association (ISCA) maintains a database of boat registration numbers, which can help determine the year of your Sunfish if you have the registration number. Additionally, there are online forums and communities dedicated to Sunfish sailing, where you can ask for help in identifying the year of your boat based on pictures or descriptions.

Austin Stephens

  • Austin Stephens Author Veterinarian

Mark Terry

  • Mark Terry Author Editor Reviewer

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Sometimes the tag with the number is gone, but you can still narrow it down with the information about the changes in the hull and hardware with the information on

If all this fails, you might get lucky by looking through this Sailing Texas Sunfish photo gallery. Some color schemes were only offered one year. And if your gelcoat is original, you may be able to narrow the year of your boat to just a few years, if not one.

Go to
, Lake LBJ, Marble Falls, Texas, $1,200

8/30/24, , Houston, Texas, $1,600
7/23/17, , Frisco, Texas, $2,347
11/11/08, , Atlanta, Georgia, $2,060
, Sunrise Beach, central Texas, $175
2/16/19, , Canyon Lake, Texas, $550
3/8/12, , Katy, Texas, $600
8/11/08, , 1964, Boerne, Texas, $150
7/20/06, , Baton Rouge, Louisiana, $325
2/11/23, , Houston, Texas, $980
2/22/06, , Belton, Texas, $600
5/24/04 , San Antonio, Texas, $525
10/16/06, , Austin, Texas
6/1/11, , Huntington, New York, $999
7/2/06, , Oxnard, California, asking $950
3/12/04, , Austin, Texas, $450
3/24/18, , New Jersey, $850
4/22/08, , Houston, Texas, $450
5/14/07, , Sugarland, Texas, $500
11/5/04 , Kemah, Texas, $450
3/4/13 , College Station, Texas, $775
10/12/11, , Dallas Fort Worth, Texas, $700
3/20/12, , Newport News, Virginia, $400
4/3/22, , Abilene, Texas, $1,200
9/30/09, , West Palm Beach, Florida, $1,000
3/27/07, , Toledo, Ohio, $700
3/22/05, , Granbury, Texas, $250
8/9/11, , Greenville, South Carolina, $1,900
9/21/09, , Dallas, Texas, $1,100
11/3/10, , Houston, Texas, $675
5/31/11, , Storm Lake, Iowa, $405
9/10/09, , Sugar Land, Texas, $700
1/20/07, , Corpus Christi, Texas, $850
7/22/06, , Ennis, Texas, $895
5/11/10 , Galveston, Texas, $800
8/28/04 , Sunrise Beach, Texas, $400
8/14/10, , Chicago, Illinois, $500
4/3/06, , Houston, Texas, $650
, Sunrise Beach, Texas, $500
8/20/09, , Lincoln, Rhode Island, $550
11/28/08, , Chesterfield, Missouri, $400
5/15/06, , San Antonio, Texas, $785
5/12/09, , Lexington, South Carolina, $600
6/8/08, , Irving, Texas, $650
12/15/07, , Ft. Worth, Texas, $1,000
, Houston, Texas, $595
7/10/05, , Austin, Texas, $600
1/31/15, , Longview, Texas, $800
4/26/14, , Lewisville, Texas, $2,250
12/9/06, , Marble Falls, Texas, $1,150
6/13/06, , Chandlers Landing In Rockwall, Texas, asking $700
7/25/05, , Spring, Texas, $1,000
6/13/05, , Tomball, Texas, $600
8/13/15, , Mccamey, Texas, $300
12/17/13, , New Orleans, Louisiana, $1,600
3/3/12, , Rankin/Mccamey, Texas, $500
4/28/09, , Burlington, Wisconsin, $600
7/16/07, , Fort Worth, Texas, $750
12/21/06, , Caldwell, Texas, $750
6/15/05, , Lancaster, Pennsylvania, $1,395
, Tyler, Texas, $1200
with trailer, Tulsa, Oklahoma, $2,000
6/21/17, , Lake Conroe, Texas, $950
7/24/06, , Wichita, Kansas, $1,200
, near Austin, Texas, $400
6/6/20, , Kaplan, Louisiana, $800
5/21/19, , Tyler, Texas, $975
9/30/17, , Cypress, Texas, $950
10/29/14, , Houston (Clear Lake), Texas, $1,850
7/13/13, , Lindsay, Ontario, Canada, $450
3/5/13, , Wilmington, North Carolina, $995
5/28/11, , Dallas, Texas, $1,800
10/31/06, , St. Charles, Missouri, $650
, Brighton, Michigan, $1000

12/5/17, , Saint Augustine, Florida, $500

4/20/08, , Houston Texas, $1,050

10/6/10, , San Antonio, Texas, $700 firm

1/15/08, , Minnetonka, Minnesota, $1,595

, $1050 for both, $750 for one, North Carolina

5/26/10, , Sugar Land, Texas, $450

6/8/09, , Tampa, Florida, $1,950

8/20/14, , Panama City, Florida, $1,500
11/23/07, , The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, $1,000
11/5/10, , North East Maryland, (upper Chesapeake Bay), $600
5/30/06, , Tulsa, Oklahoma, $1,200
11/5/05, , Sunrise Beach, central Texas, $35
4/20/04 , Clearwater, Florida, $950
10/23/11, , Wichita, Kansas, $775
6/10/11, , Convington, Louisiana, $650
4/2/09, , Dallas, Texas, $2,000
9/24/07, , Frisco, Texas, $1,450
9/26/07, , Bellaire, Texas, $1,500
11/14/04, , Maitland, Florida, $1225
6/8/24, , Slatington, Pennsylvania, $2,200
4/18/17, , Onalaska, Texas, $1,400
5/27/15, , Belton, Texas, $1,500
1/19/09, , Dallas, Texas, $1,600
2/27/13, , The Woodlands, Texas, $2,100
11/5/05, , Sunrise Beach, central Texas, $40
6/16/04 , Cranbury, New Jersey, asking $1595
7/18/07, , Frisco, Texas, $1,300
3/17/14, , Wellington, Florida, $1,250
4/9/09, , Bartlett Sails, Lake Travis, Texas, $1,795
5/13/17, , Ocala, Florida, $1,800
3/20/10, , Tulsa, Oklahoma, $1,300
3/19/12, , Tulsa, Oklahoma, $1,200
1/31/07, , Lincoln, Nebraska, $500
6/7/05, , Biloxi, Mississippi, $500
4/23/17, , New Jersey, $2,000 obo
7/23/13, , Weeki Wachee, Florida, $2,000
1/16/07, , Houston, Texas, $1,500
5/1/16, , Spring, Texas, $2,000
3/14/14, , St Petersburg, Florida, $1,100
10/2/06, , Ft. Worth, Texas, $1,150
10/28/07, , Forney, Texas, $2,000
6/19/07, , College Station, Texas, $1,800
1/18/11, , Bridgeport, Ohio, $1,500
11/5/22, , San Antonio, Texas, $1,695
1/7/19, , Louisville, Kentucky, $1,450
7/8/15, , Fredericksburg, Virginia, $1,995
9/5/12, , Spring, Texas, $2500
5/10/06, , Lake Livingston near Huntsville, Texas, asking $1,995
1/31/09, , La Vida, Starships, Lewisville, Texas, $2,250
with trailer, Asheville, North Carolina, $2000
4/15/21, , Mesa, Arizona, $2,300
11/24/17, , Sloatsburg, New York, $2,900
2/6/08, , Austin Yacht Club, Austin, Texas, $2,000
7/18/12, , Lewisville, Texas, $2,595
3/31/11, , Denton/Frisco, Texas, $3,500
5/29/10, , Lewisville, Texas, $2,750
4/10/09, , Bartlett Sails, Austin, Texas, $2,195
1/24/09, , La Vida Starships, Lewisville, Texas, $2,250
7/15/08, , Dallas, Texas, $2,400
1/12/06, , Austin, Texas, asking $2,400
6/6/09, , Colleyville, Texas, $2,500
11/29/18, , Galveston, Texas, $1,200
8/6/16, , Lake Grapevine, Texas, $2,250
4/1/09, , Salado, Texas, $2,500
5/10/12, , Houston, Texas, $3,000
12/30/13, , Dayton, Ohio, $4,950
7/12/12, , Denton, (near Dallas-Fort Worth), Texas, $3,200
3/5/24, , Lake Travis, Texas, $3,200
8/17/18, , Mt Pleasant, South Carolina, $2,800
4/14/11, , Fort Worth, Texas, $2,500
12/8/10, , Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas, $3,700
5/14/10, , Sugar Land, Texas, $3,500
8/13/07, , Arlington, Texas, $3,000
9/5/06, , Austin (or Horseshoe Bay), Texas, $3,900
8/28/09, , Corpus Christi, Texas, $2,400
4/5/19, , Dallas, Texas, $3500
4/9/13, , Mobile, Alabama, $2,800
7/3/10, , South Carolina, $2,500
8/26/09, , Austin, Texas, $3,500
1/22/09, , La Vida Starships, Lewisville, Texas, $3,250
11/21/08, , San Antonio, Texas, $3,600
10/18/17, , Fort Worth, Texas, $2,800
7/7/16, , Arlington, Texas, $2,850
2/4/16, , Columbia, South Carolina, $3,500
8/23/15, , Fort Worth, Texas, $2,750
8/8/10, , San Diego, California, $600
8/15/18, , Gulf Breeze, Florida, $2,850
5/14/13, , Austin, Texas, $6,384
9/8/22, , Long Beach Twsp, New Jersey, $5,400
6/17/19, , Fulshear, Texas, $3,800
8/14/17, , Rockland County, New York, $3,500
4/3/18, , Fort Worth, Texas, $4,850


sunfish sailboat serial number

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  • Sailboat Guide

Sunfish is a 13 ′ 10 ″ / 4.2 m monohull sailboat designed by Alexander Bryan/Cortland Heyniger/Carl Meinart and built by AMF Corp., Alcort, Pearson Yachts, and LaserPerformance starting in 1952.

Drawing of Sunfish

  • 1 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 2 / 23 Manhattan Beach, CA, US Sunfish $650 USD View
  • 3 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 4 / 23 Slatington, PA, US 1985 Sunfish $2,200 USD View
  • 5 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 6 / 23 Manhattan Beach, CA, US Sunfish $650 USD View
  • 7 / 23 Slatington, PA, US 1985 Sunfish $2,200 USD View
  • 8 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 9 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 10 / 23 Slatington, PA, US 1985 Sunfish $2,200 USD View
  • 11 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 12 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 13 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 14 / 23 Slatington, PA, US 1985 Sunfish $2,200 USD View
  • 15 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 16 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 17 / 23 Slatington, PA, US 1985 Sunfish $2,200 USD View
  • 18 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 19 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 20 / 23 Slatington, PA, US 1985 Sunfish $2,200 USD View
  • 21 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 22 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 23 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View

sunfish sailboat serial number

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

Although the earliest models were built of wood and offered as kits, the fiberglass version, first introduced in 1960, became the most popular recreational sailboat in history. As a result, there were many imitators.

Sunfish Builder Chronology 1952 - 1969 Alcort, Inc. (founded 1945) 1969 - 1986 AMF 1986 - 1988 Loveless & DeGarmo, dba, Alcort Sailboats Inc. 1988 - 1991 Pearson Yacht Co. 1991 - 1997 Sunfish/Laser, Inc. 1997 - 2007 Vanguard 2007 - Laser Performance Change in class rules permitted a new, slightly deeper daggerboard in the mid-1990’s.

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Alcort Sunfish cover photo

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If the links at the top right do not provide the information you need, call us . If we can't answer your question, we'll try to point you in a right direction.

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Is there anything on the sail, sail insignia, sail insignias.

Email [email protected] to request it. Thanks!

Is there a serial number on the boat?

If the boat was manufactured after 1972, it should, by law, have a twelve digit Hull Identification Number (HIN) engraved/embedded on the transom (the back/rear-end of the boat). The first three letters identify the manufacturer. Visit the U.S. Coast Guard's Boating Safety Resource Center , look under "Recalls and Safety Defects," then choose "Manufacturers Identification." Enter what info you know into their searchable database, or browse.

The last two digits are usually the year the boat was built.

If there is no HIN number

Look for a plate or sticker on the boat which might indicate a builder's name, state, or anything about the boat.

There may be a state licensing number on the bow: in Michigan, this number starts with MC and is usually displayed in stick-on letters on both sides of the bow (front) of the boat. If the boat is/was licensed, there was a registration (like a car registration) issued to the owner. That registration paper may hold some info about the boat.

Browse photos

There are many board boats which look similar to a Sunfish. Browse a list of small board boats with links to photos

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Copyright © 2008 Avon Sailboats • SMALL SAILBOATS & KAYAKS, METRO DETROIT, SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN • 1033 East Auburn, Rochester Hills • r10.11.29


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looking to date my Alcort Sailfish

  • Thread starter aregbert
  • Start date Aug 17, 2011
  • Aug 17, 2011

sunfish sailboat serial number

Shrimpy Boat

  • Jan 5, 2012
aregbert said: View attachment 108743 i Am looking for a date on an older sailfish, the serial number is 24860. any help is greatly appreciated Click to expand...
  • Apr 10, 2012

Re: looking to date my Alcort Sailfish my medallion is right on the top next to the mast hole  


Petty Officer 2nd Class

  • May 1, 2012

Re: looking to date my Alcort Sailfish This won't help you, but for owners of "newer" Sunfish... they have the S/N cast into the transom of the fiberglas. Last two digits are the year of manufacture, with a letter following that indicates month: AMF = Manufacturer 12345 = mfg number ( coding unknown ) M = USCG id style identifier 73 = Model Year A = Month built My S/N = AMFXXXXXM81D = April 1981.  

sunfish sailboat serial number

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A sailor who buys a new boat may retain their original sail number if the old sail is not sold with the number on it. Replacement or newly assigned numbers are to be in accordance with ISCA Class Rules .  When you join USSCA you will be assigned a sail number. Sail numbers in countries other than the US are assigned by that Country's NICA (National ISCA Class Association). Further information is below. 

If you are new to the class and need a number or forgot your number, please contact the Class Administrator directly - [email protected]   

Sail Number Requirements

If you will be competing in any World Championship qualifying event, please be sure your sail numbers are compliant with our current class rule 3.6.5. To be fair for all competitors, provisions in the rule pertaining to size, shape, color and placement will be enforced. 


Here are the highlights for compliance:

  • For sails purchased  after  January 1, 2015:  sail numbers must comply with RRS Appendix G.1 as modified by our class rules. This means that minimum height of numbers is 300mm (11-13/16”), minimum space between numbers is 50mm and numbers must still be positioned as indicated in the class diagram centered beneath the Sunfish emblem.
  • For “older” sails purchased  prior  to January 1, 2015:  numbers may comply with RRS G.1 as described above or as previously allowed in our rules prior to the latest change in January 1, 2015. This allows for “older” sails to use 10-inch numbers. Details are in our class rule 3.6.5 which should be referred to for placement, spacing and other details.
  • Numbers must be of the same color.
  • On white colored sails, numbers must be dark and dense, preferably black. Dark blue is acceptable.
  • On dark colored sails, numbers must be white.
  • Numbers must be of uniform size and shape.
  • Numbers must be placed as shown on the measurement diagram, centered beneath the Sunfish emblem (not biased out toward the leech), with numbers on the starboard side placed above the seam, numbers on the port side below the seam and numbers parallel to the seam.
  • Numbers provided on World Championship sails are considered compliant.
  • Digital numbers:  as per a World Council vote in October, 2015,  digital cut numbers are currently permitted .

sunfish sailboat serial number

If further information is needed, contact the class office for assistance.

[email protected]  

International Sunfish Class Association

8070 Willow Tree Way, Alpharetta, Georgia 30005

[email protected]   +1 404-451-7743

Powered by Membership Toolkit


  1. 1974 (?) Sunfish Serial Number

    sunfish sailboat serial number

  2. Sunfish identification number

    sunfish sailboat serial number

  3. 1974 (?) Sunfish Serial Number

    sunfish sailboat serial number

  4. Alcort Sunfish Serial Number INSTALL

    sunfish sailboat serial number

  5. Alcort Sunfish Serial Number

    sunfish sailboat serial number

  6. Alcort Sunfish Serial Number

    sunfish sailboat serial number


  1. Get ready to Sunfish Sailboat Sail!

  2. 40 YEAR OLD SUNFISH SAILBOAT WINS, Skipper is HALF its age!!

  3. Sunfish sailboat sailing

  4. Sunfish sailboat ⛵️ edit

  5. How the Masters Champion Rigs his Sunfish Sailboat

  6. Sunfish Sailboat Parts


  1. Sunfish Age and Hull Identification

    Learn how to identify the year and manufacturer of your Sunfish sailboat by decoding the serial number molded into the transom. Find out the history and features of different Sunfish models, from pre-1971 to 1987.

  2. Sunfish year model table

    If there is a serial number molded into the hull, it will be in the upper right corner of the transom. It can be deciphered to give you the manufacturer and model year. Examples: - AMFxxxxxM73x : this boat was manufactured by AMF in 1973. - SLIxxxxxG793 : this boat was manufactured by Sunfish-Laser Inc. in 1993. AMF = AMF Alcort.

  3. sunfish serial number/age

    wondering if anyone here can help me determine the age of my sunfish and/or locate the serial number. The title says it is a 1973 AMF Alcort Sunfish. unfortunately, the number on the title seems to be a state tax commision number, (OTCF259840 - on the title, not actually anywhere on the boat) not a number like anything listed in the FAQ section. I did a title search and that number is listed ...

  4. How To Determine The Year Of Your Sunfish Sailboat

    Hull Identification Number (HIN): The first step to determine the year of your Sunfish sailboat is to locate the Hull Identification Number (HIN). This unique serial number is typically located on the transom, near the boat's stern. It consists of a combination of letters and numbers that indicate the manufacturer, model, and production year of ...


    Learn about the Sunfish, a popular recreational sailboat designed by Alexander Bryan and built by Alcort since 1952. Find out the dimensions, calculations, builders, associations and forum topics of this daggerboard lateen sailboat.

  6. Sunfish serial number / age help

    Sunfish serial number / age help. Thread starter Dresq99; Start date Jun 16, 2024; Jun 16, 2024 #1 D. Dresq99 New Member. I had looked up my Alcort Sunfish serial number years ago. As I recall, it's a 1967, but would like to confirm. It has the pre-1971 rudder hardware. The number stamped in the plate at the apex of the splash rail reads 1E872.

  7. Sunfish Sailor Reveals| How to find Year of a Sunfish and ...

    Lee Montes shows the inside of his 2005 Sunfish Hull. See the Inside of a Sunfish Sailboat and learn how to determine the year of a Sunfish Sailboat. If you...

  8. When was your Sunfish Sailboat Made?

    In this video, Lee Montes, Sunfish Sailor will show you at least three ways and more to tell when you r Sunfish Sailboat was manufactured. Lee is not sponso...

  9. PDF Evolution of the Sunfish

    Learn about the history and changes of the Sunfish sailboat model from 1945 to 2000. See the serial numbers, sail area, hull design, and other features of each year's Sunfish production.


    the Sunfish sailboat. 2.2 Jurisdiction of the Class Rules is defined in the Constitution of the ISCA. 2.3 Identification Marks. Sunfish sailboats built prior to 1970 have an identifying serial number on a metal plate attached just forward of the daggerboard trunk. Sunfish sailboats built after 1970 are identified by the serial number on the ...

  11. Found the serial number painted over on the Super Sailfish I ...

    The original hull identification system for the Sunfish worked purely based on how many boat had been produced before yours. If you had a Sunfish numbered 800-1200, it was produced in 1956. If for example you had number 856, you should have the 856th sunfish produced (minus small initial inaccuracies due to bad recording in the first few hundred).

  12. Sunfish Sailboat Photo Gallery

    Sunfish Specifications. LOA 4200mm, 13'9". Beam 1200mm, 4'1". Hull weight (with fittings) 59 kg, 130 lb. Sail Area 7 sq meters, 75 sq ft. To determine the year of your Sunfish, first look for the serial number on the outside of the transom, usually on the right just below the rubrail, and just embossed into the gelcoat.

  13. Sunfish (sailboat)

    Learn about the Sunfish, a popular beach-launched sailing dinghy with a lateen sail and a flat hull. Find out how it was developed by Alcort, Inc. in 1953, and how it evolved from wood to fiberglass and became a global brand.

  14. No Hull ID #, What Year Alcort Sunfish?

    In 1969 AMF bought Alcort and the AMF logo now appeared on the hull decals and number plate. One longshot, check the starboard ear of the rudder deck plate. Some first production fiberglass Sunfish had a serial number hand stamped into the face of the ear. Not to be confused with the cast-in patent number, 2675775.

  15. Trying to date an AMF Sunfish with only hull number

    Just picked up a Sunfish and was hoping to nail down (or at least narrow down) the year. AMF boat sporting the red/blue stripes down the bow and aft rear storage barrington daggerboard hull 09443 (s/n panel removed, only stamped hull #) ... followed by the 5 digit serial number you provided, then a letter, two numbers, and another letter. ...

  16. Looking for info on this sunfish. : r/SunfishSailing

    Any serial number anywhere? Maybe on the back of the hull? Reply reply ... The Sunfish did start out as a wooden boat like it's predecessor the Sailfish but by 1960 it was switched to fiberglass. You won't have a HIN or plaque on the boat for those years sadly. HINs weren't required until 1972 and none of the Sailfish that have gone through my ...

  17. Sunfish

    Sunfish is a classic lateen-rigged monohull sailboat that was first built by AMF Corp. in 1952. Learn about its design, dimensions, rig and sails, auxiliary power, accommodations, and calculations for speed, stability, and comfort.

  18. Identify a Sailboat by Sail Insignia, HIN Number, or Other Clues

    If the boat was manufactured after 1972, it should, by law, have a twelve digit Hull Identification Number (HIN) engraved/embedded on the transom (the back/rear-end of the boat). The first three letters identify the manufacturer. Visit the U.S. Coast Guard's Boating Safety Resource Center, look under "Recalls and Safety Defects," then choose ...

  19. Identifying age of a Sunfish?

    I also have the molded in srtips on the floor of the pit. I think the placing of year models on the transom was in the early 70's. I believe the first fiberglass Sunfish was around 1960. My Serial Number Plate is close to the "V" of the splash guard, and is fastened with what looks like 2 small pins, not rivits.

  20. looking to date my Alcort Sailfish

    161. May 1, 2012. #5. Re: looking to date my Alcort Sailfish. This won't help you, but for owners of "newer" Sunfish... they have the S/N cast into the transom of the fiberglas. Last two digits are the year of manufacture, with a letter following that indicates month: AMF = Manufacturer.

  21. Trying to date my new/old Sunfish

    As an aside, it is interesting that the old style rudders were only used from the "invention" of the Sunfish/Sailfish in 1955 or so up to 1971, but there are still seemingly countless boats around with the old style rudder. These boats sure were popular!!!! Oct 14, 2020. #12.


    SAIL NUMBER DIAGRAM 2024. Here are the highlights for compliance: For sails purchased after January 1, 2015: sail numbers must comply with RRS Appendix G.1 as modified by our class rules. This means that minimum height of numbers is 300mm (11-13/16"), minimum space between numbers is 50mm and numbers must still be positioned as indicated in ...

  23. What year is my Sailfish?

    I.e. that the serial number ranges for each year of Sunfish manufacture as listed in the 'Evolution of the Sunfish' pdf under 'Resources' include all serial numbers for all the different Alcort boats, not just Sunfishes? Reactions: signal charlie. ... Low 4-digit sail number -- so there's no chance of finding out who bought and registered it in ...