Maxi Spindrift 2, the largest trimaran ever built

Maxi Spindrift 2 is none other than the former maxi Banque Populaire V, bought in 2013 by the Spindrift racing team, founded by Yann Guichard and his partner Dona Bertarelli. In 2012, he won the Jules Verne Trophy after 45 days, 13 hours, 42 minutes and 53 seconds.

Chloé Torterat

A boat with giant dimensions

This giant trimaran and the largest maxi multihull ever built. Designed by Pascal Bidégorry , designed by VPLP Architects and built by CDK Technologies and its suppliers, it is 40 meters long, 23 meters wide, has 800 m2 of sail and can reach a top speed of 90 km/h.

It was launched for the first time in August 2008 in Lorient . The objective of the project was to build a crew multihull to achieve records and therefore a very fast trimaran in very light to medium wind conditions at all speeds.

In 2009, he won the record for crossing the North Atlantic under sail in 3 days, 15 hours, 25 minutes and 48 seconds, beating Franck Camas' record by 12 hours. During the journey, he also beat the record for the number of miles covered in 24 hours with 880 miles the first time and 908.2 miles a few hours later. Spindrif 2 belonged to Pascal Bidégorry then Loïck Peyron in 2011.

It will be the first time that the giant of the seas will be led by a single man, Yann Guichard . On board, nothing will be left to chance since each manoeuvre is exhausting, it takes 30 minutes to drop a reef and one hour to change a headsail. " I won't have the right to the slightest problem, the slightest mistake. I approach this challenge with great humility." confides the skipper.

Maxi Spindrift 2
40 meters
37 meters
23 meters
21 tons
5.10 meters
41 meters
365 m2 (450 kg)
440 m2
292 m2
166 m2
72 m2

I let you discover in video this giant of the seas. Fun and playful, she uses metaphors to realize the impressive dimensions of Spindrift 2.

Maxi Spindrift 2, the largest trimaran ever built

Yachting World

  • Digital Edition

Yachting World cover

Spindrift 2 unveiled

  • Helen Dormer
  • July 2, 2013

The largest racing trimaran in the world shows its new colours

Outlining the plans of the Spindrift racing team, Dona Bertarelli and Yann Guichard unveiled the new colours, design and program of the maxi trimaran Spindrift 2 today (Tuesday 2 March) at Lorient. The former Banque Populaire V , the boat is the largest racing trimaran in the world and holder of nine world records, including the Jules Verne trophy. Spindrift 2 will start a summer racing program of records and training to allow Bertarelli and Guichard intimate knowledge and control, with a view to rewrite the big records in sailing.   The boat has a new coat of black, white and gold, styled like its stable mates. All the Spindrift racing team has spent time during Route des Princes working on optimising a boat that was tried and tested, but Bertarelli and Guichard want to apply the latest technology to improve performance wherever possible. A new rig is on the way, with a lighter mast suitable for the record campaign. “We will reduce the sail area and are seeking the perfect balance between weight and power in order to make performance gains,” Guichard explained. The new colours “[The design] was the work of the team with conversations between Yann, Christophe Schmid, our graphic artist and Jean-Baptiste Epron,” Bertarelli told us. “The implementation of the design was carried out largely by Léo Lucet, Antoine Carraz and our technical team, who have been actively involved so the result met with my expectations. It was about finding a harmony between three boats in the team, so that at first glance one can recognise their stable. I also wanted a clean design, that was both elegant and unconventional for such a huge boat. The colours black, white and gold were already decided. These colours define us well ; black: competitiveness, determination, commitment, strength, surpassing yourself; white: purity, wisdom, discipline, team spirit, sharing ; and gold: the elegance, femininity, passion, the exceptional, originality, great feats, the colour of victory.”   The summer racing season As well as his Olympic pedigree, Guichard is also one of the undisputed specialists in oceanic trimarans. He learned his trade on the now defunct ORMA-class trimarans, before becoming one of the leaders of the new MOD70 class, with which he won the championship in 2012. “ Spindrift 2 takes us in a whole new dimension,” Guichard said. “We want to take the time to tame this giant of the seas without any shortcuts.”

The team will make its debut at the Rolex Fastnet race. The trimaran knows the way from Cowes to Plymouth via southern Ireland, since it already holds the record for the event. Then the amount of sailing will steadily increase to prepare for the record campaigns in the  coming years.

“We have given ourselves four years to mature and establish new record times over the most significant courses,” Bertarelli explained. The objective is to optimise a new sail plan for the Jules Verne Trophy. “The current mast is suitable for particular records such as the 24-hour or the North Atlantic. The Route du Rhum in 2014 is an opportunity that we are studying.” 2013 program   Rolex Fastnet Under the colours of its former owner (Banque Populaire V), the boat is the record holder of the event, with a time of 1 day 8 hours and 48 minutes, at an average speed of 18.1 knots.   The Discovery Route – Cadiz (Spain) to San Salvador (Bahamas) The record time belongs to Groupama 3 (Franck Cammas) and was established in May 2007 in 7 days 10 hours 58 minutes and 53 seconds.   Transatlantic return An attempt for the 24-hour distance record (90 miles, 37.8 knots average) set by Banque Populaire V.   The Channel Record between Cowes (England) and Dinard (France) A record held by Maiden 2 (Brian Thompson) since 2000 in 5 hours 23 minutes and 38 seconds, at an average speed of 25.60 knots.

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Record attempt : Update: Maxi-Tri "Spindrift 2" abandons record attempt

 ·  05.12.2019

Record attempt: Update: Maxi-Tri "Spindrift 2" abandons record attempt

Update 5.12.2019:

At 8pm UTC yesterday, Yann Guichard, the skipper of "Spindrift 2", made the decision to end the current record attempt in the Jules Verne Trophy.

A sudden loss of control at the helm required two sailors to operate the wheel. The malfunction damaged the steering system, making the boat unsafe in bad weather conditions. All crew members are safe and sound. However, the condition of the multihull does not allow the crew to continue their record attempt. The trimaran is currently returning to La Trinité-sur-Mer in Brittany, France.

Message from 3.12.

The crew of the maxi-trimaran "Spindrift 2" is preparing for a new attempt at the Jules Verne Trophy, the world record that leads non-stop around the world. The start and finish is on an imaginary line between the lighthouse on Ushant off Brest and Lizard Point (England), the three capes (Good Hope, Leeuwin, Hoorn) must be left on the port side. The reference time is the record of 40 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes and 30 seconds set by Frenchman Francis Joyon and his crew in 2017. With his optimised maxi-trimaran and his eleven-strong French crew, skipper Yann Guichard intends to start the record attempt on the night of Tuesday (3 December) to Wednesday. The crew has around 21,600 nautical miles ahead of them, measured on the great circle.

Yann Guichard and his crew have already attempted to beat the record twice: in 2015 (47:10:59 days) and in 2018, when the team was forced to abort their attempt due to rowing damage near the Kerguelen Islands. Now, however, there is once again a favourable weather window in the North Atlantic that could allow a passage to the equator in around five days.

"We will start on Tuesday morning in La Trinité and cross the start line of the Jules Verne Trophy in Ushant between Tuesday 18:00 and Wednesday 6:00," says Yann Guichard. "We should be able to leave the eastern sector in the Bay of Biscay with a moderate breeze. And then we will benefit from trade winds, but they will be bad in the north of Portugal. We'll have to make a few gybes to get to Madeira before we get into the doldrums."

"The doldrums seem to be more favourable in the east to make good progress into the southern hemisphere," continues Guichard, "as we have seen in recent races such as Transat Jacques Vabre and Brest Atlantiques. We hope to pass the Cape of Good Hope in less than 13 days to be ahead of Francis Joyon's time."

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Spindrift 2 unveiled

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Date de sortie : 26 août 2008

Architecte : VPLP

maxi trimaran spindrift 2

Poids : 21 tonnes

Nombre de navigants à bord : 11

Vitesse maximum : 90 km/h

3e temps de référence autour du monde, en 47j, 10h

Longueur : 37 mètres

Largeur : 23 mètres

Tirant d'air : 40 mètres

Tirant d'eau : 5,5 mètres

Taille Grand-voile : 351 m2

Taille J0 : 461 m2

Taille J1 : 284 m2

Taille J2 : 179 m2

Taille J3 : 80 m2

Dérive centrale : 1

Safrans : 3, dont 2 latéraux avec plans porteurs

maxi trimaran spindrift 2

Son histoire

maxi trimaran spindrift 2

Un Trimaran hors norme

Inauguré en 2008, le plus grand trimaran de course jamais construit rejoint l’équipe Spindrift en 2013, après avoir décroché le record du tour du monde aux mains de Loïck Peyron et son équipage de 13 navigants. Fraîchement rebaptisé, ce géant des mers va rapidement tomber le record de la Route de la découverte entre Cadix – Espagne et San Salvador – Bahamas (2013) et s’illustrer sur plusieurs courses mythiques telles que la Rolex Fastnet Race, la Route du Rhum, ou la Transat Québec – Saint-Malo. Pensé pour naviguer en équipage, le maxi passe en configuration solitaire dès 2014 pour permettre à son skipper Yann Guichard de s’aligner au départ de la Route du Rhum dont il finira deuxième. Ce fut l’un des plus ambitieux challenges sportifs du XXIe siècle, mené par un seul homme à la barre du plus grand trimaran de course océanique au monde, pourtant conçu pour 14 marins. Une prouesse technique et humaine, restée depuis dans les annales de la reine des transatlantiques.

maxi trimaran spindrift 2

Objectif Trophée Jules Verne

En équipage, son objectif majeur se concentre autour du légendaire Trophée Jules Vernes dont il décrocha en 2016 le deuxième meilleur temps (troisième aujourd’hui)*, faisant au passage de Dona Bertarelli la femme la plus rapide autour du monde à la voile. En 2019, le maxi-trimaran signe le nouveau record du tronçon Ouessant – Équateur en 4 jours 19 heures et 57 minutes, à l’occasion d’une troisième tentative du Trophée Jules Verne. Entre juin 2020 et mars 2021, de nombreuses améliorations ont été réalisées au maxi-trimaran dans le chantier Multiplast, afin de maximiser ses futures performances et de revenir plus optimisé que jamais dans sa chasse aux records, près pour une quatrième tentative à l’hiver 2021.

*quatrième meilleur temps absolu, en comptant le record en solitaire de F.Gabart.

maxi trimaran spindrift 2

Yann Guichard

  • Sails of change (Maxi)

portrait de Dona Bertarelli

Dona Bertarelli

Reporter embarquée.

Portrait de Benjamin Schwartz

Benjamin Schwartz

Portrait de Jacques Guichard

Jacques Guichard

portrait de Xavier Revil

Xavier Revil


Duncan Späth

  • Sails of change 10 (TF35)

Portrait de Thierry Chabagny

Thierry Chabagny

portrait de Grégory Gendron

Grégory Gendron

portrait de Julien Villion

Julien Villion

maxi trimaran spindrift 2

Jackson Bouttell

Yann Jauvin

Yann Jauvin

Meilleure performance

maxi trimaran spindrift 2

Published on January 15th, 2018 | by Editor

Spindrift 2 dismasted in record attempt

Published on January 15th, 2018 by Editor -->

(January 15, 2018) – Yann Guichard and his crew on the 40-metre maxi-trimaran Spindrift 2 were dismasted today on their way to the start line to compete for the Jules Verne Trophy, a round the world record set by Francis Joyon and his crew last winter.

The team had been on standby since mid-November for the trophy, which is awarded to the outright fastest time by any type or size of yacht which starts and finishes from between the Le Créac’h Lighthouse off the tip of Brittany and the Lizard Point in Cornwall.

Guichard’s team missed leaving when Francois Gabart (FRA) and his 30m trimaran MACIF departed on November 4, and were left to watch as Gabart shattered the singlehanded around the world.

Guichard thought he’d found a suitable weather system on January 8, but aborted on the way to the start line when the forecast deteriorated. And then today, with it getting late in the cycle of when the weather is safe to transit the Southern Ocean section, the Spindrift 2 team dropped docklines to give it a try.

maxi trimaran spindrift 2

The area of depression sitting off the coast of Brittany had finally looked hopeful with strong conditions forecast for the start with a fast descent to the equator in just over five days (5d 5h – 5d 10h), which would give them a cushion on the reference time set by Francis Joyon and his crew (5d 18h 59′).

The team was then aiming to catch an area of depression off the coast of Brazil to give them a quick crossing of the South Atlantic towards the Cape of Good Hope. But at about 1600h (CET) today, while sailing just off Point St Matthieu and Camaret in Brittany toward the start line, the mast fell down.

At the time the 40m trimaran was sailing at 15-18 knots of boat speed in 30 knot westerly winds and in three metre seas. Spindrfit 2 had two reefs in the main and the J3 (ORC).

“The crew is safe and sound,” reports Guichard. “Everything happened so fast. The mast fell to the leeward of the boat. The conditions were not so extreme. It’s too early to know exactly what happened. We had to drop the rigging to save the boat and prepare it for towing. Operations are currently underway to recover it.”

The team had spent much of the past two years optimizing Spindrift 2 to improve on the current time of 40 days, 23 hours and 30 minutes. Spindrift 2 will now return to Brest and is currently under tow and expected to arrive later this evening.

maxi trimaran spindrift 2

Team details – Tracking – Facebook

Spindrift 2 Crew: Yann Guichard (skipper): watch the portrait Erwan Israël (navigator): watch the portrait Jacques Guichard (watch captain / helm / trimmer): watch the portrait Christophe Espagnon (watch captain / helm / bow): watch the portrait Xavier Revil (watch captain / helm / trimmer): watch the portrait François Morvan (helm / trimmer): watch the portrait Antoine Carraz (helm / trimmer): watch the portrait Thierry Chabagny (helm / bow): watch the portrait Ewen Le Clech (helm / trimmer): watch the portrait Sam Goodchild (helm / bow): watch the portrait Thomas Le Breton (helm / trimmer): watch the portrait Erwan Le Roux (helm / trimmer): watch the portrait Router: Jean-Yves Bernot

Background: The Jules Verne Trophy is not any circumnavigation. It recognizes the fastest time by any type of yacht with no restrictions on the size of the crew, and must start and finish from the exact line between the Le Créac’h Lighthouse off the tip of Brittany and the Lizard Point in Cornwall. All winners have been either catamarans or trimarans.

Record Facts • Start and finish: a line between Créac’h lighthouse (Isle of Ushant) and Lizard Point (England) • Course: non-stop around-the-world tour racing without outside assistance via the three Capes (Good Hope, Leeuwin and Horn) • Minimum distance: 21,600 nautical miles (40,000 kilometres) • Ratification: World Sailing Speed Record Council, • Time to beat: 40 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes and 30 seconds • Average speed: 21.96 knots • Date of current record: January 2017 • Holder: IDEC Sport, Francis Joyon and a 5-man crew

While 18 attempts have failed, here are the nine that have held the trophy:

2017 – Francis Joyon / IDEC-SPORT (31.5m) – 40:23:30:30 2012 – Loïck Peyron / Banque Populaire V (40m) – 45:13:42:53 2010 – Franck Cammas / Groupama 3 (31.5m) – 48:07:44:52 2005 – Bruno Peyron / Orange II (36.8m) – 50:16:20:04 2004 – Olivier De Kersauson / Geronimo (33.8m) – 63:13:59:46 2002 – Bruno Peyron / Orange (32.8m) – 64:08:37:24 1997 – Olivier De Kersauson / Sport-Elec (27.3m) – 71:14:22:08 1994 – Peter Blake, Robin Knox-Johnston / Enza New Zealand (28m) – 74:22:17:22 1993 – Bruno Peyron / Commodore Explorer (28m) – 79:06:15:56

Source: Victoria Low, Scuttlebutt

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Tags: Jules Verne Trophy , records , Spindrift 2 , World Sailing Speed Record Council , Yann Guichard

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