foto cattamaran beach club bali

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali, Daftar Menu, Foto & Fasilitas

Cattamaran Beach Club – Kita semua sama sama tahu, Bali adalah surganya pantai. Tak hanya pasir putihnya saja yang menggoda namun kamu juga bisa menemukan keindahan lainya. Seperti infinity pool yang menghadap ke pantai, scuba diving dan juga sejumlah tempat nongkrong instagramable seperti bar ataupun beach club.

Ada sederet beach club di bali yang bisa kamu kunjungi untuk nongkrong santai baik siang hari maupun malam hari. Bagi wisatawan mancanegara umumnya mereka akan sunbathing alias berjemur saat siang harinya. Sementara kamu bisa nongkrong dan menikmati menu menu tropis food yang menyegarkan. Sorenya bisa menikmati sunset sedangkan malamnya bisa party.

Jika kalian mau cari rekomendasi beach club terbaik di Bali, Cattamaran Beach club adalah salah satunya yang lagi happening akhir akhir ini. Berada di pantai melasti yang terkenal akan pasir putihnya tentunya kamu akan disajikan keindahan pantai yang memukau. Belum lagi sejumlah fasilitas yang bakal memanjakanmu.

Review Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Pantai melasti merupakan salah satu pantai terindah di Bali Selatan. Hadirnya Cattamaran Beach Club tentunya menjadi perpaduan yang sempurna. Keindahan pantai pasir putihnya bisa kalian nikmati disebuah tempat yang instagramable dan memiliki beragam fasilitas mewah.

beach club terbaik di bali

Beach club terbaru di Bali ini memiliki lebih dari 500 tempat duduk dengan berbagai style. Di lantai pertama misalnya, kamu bisa menjumpai hamock dan juga sejumlah sofa. Dari sini kita juga bisa menikmati pantai melati secara 180 derajat. Lantai pertama merupakan bar lounge yang menjajikan sejumlah varian cocktail dan mocktail.

cattamaran bali

Sementara itu di sisi barat terdapat tiga area yang bernama lagoon, plantation dan sand daybed. Disini kamu bisa menemukan sebuah kolam renang bergaya infinity lagoon  dan juga kolam renang bergaya lagunayang menghadirkan pengalaman luar biasa. Selain itu para tamu juga bisa melihat live cooking yang mempertontonkan proses pembuatan menu makanan yang akan disajikan.

Masih di lantai dasar di sisi timur, menawarkan experience yang lebih spektakuler. Disana terdapat glass infinity pool yang dilengkapi dengan jacuzzi. Aktivitasmu makin seru dengan adanya poker and beer pong floating. Fasilitasnya juga lebih mewah dengan dua pilihan tempat duduk eksklusif. Salah satunya adalah bernama Cabana yang berkapasitas 12 orang.

menu cattamaran beach club bali

Cattamara beach club bali juga dilengkapi dengan lantunan musik dari DJ kelas satu. Bahkan tersedia stan DJ khusus dibawah patung yang ikonik. Kamu bisa memesan berbagai pilihan wine, champagne, spirits, dan liquor premium untuk menemani waktu liburanmu.

Daftar Harga Menu Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Berikut ini sejumlah menu yang bisa kamu coba saat berada disana

Menu Minuman

  • soft drink 60k
  • milkshake 85k
  • juice & coconut 85k
  • beer bintang 85k
  • beer heineken 85k
  • kura kura lager 95k
  • espresso/machiatto/ long black 70k
  • cappucino/ latte 70k
  • frappe hazelnut cappucino 70k
  • flavored tea 70k
  • cattamaran sunset 99k
  • the sunshine day 99k
  • lychee gringer cooler 99k
  • tropical blue 99k
  • melasti ocean 99k
  • mango aple mint 99k
  • candy blast 150k
  • vegan bourbon 150k
  • classic cocktail 150k
  • sparkling cocktail 150k

Menu Makanan

  • Beef wagyu nachos 150k
  • pork krapow 120k
  • calamari fritter 120k
  • tacoshi beef 110k
  • prawn taco 110k
  • melasti chicken slider 110k
  • quatro cheese croquettes 110k
  • chicken popcorn 110k
  • loaded fries 110k
  • caesar salad 110k
  • chicken wings 110k
  • handcut potato chips 85k
  • margherita pizza 150k
  • fruiti dimare pizza 170k
  • diablo pizza 170k
  • bebek betutu balinese duck confit 170k
  • beef chimchuarri 295k
  • bifuteki wagyu 295k
  • salmon teriyaki 235k
  • wagyu beef burger 155k
  • nasi goreng 135k
  • mie goreng 135k
  • chicken teriyaki 135k
  • fish finger 85k
  • beef corndog 85k
  • the clucky fried rice 85k
  • harry potter chicken nugget 85k
  • fruit platter 85k

Selain menu yang tercantum diatas masih tersedia minuman seperti wine, whiskey, tequila dan lainya dengan harga ratusan ribu hingga jutaan rupiah.

Jam Buka Cattamaran Bali

Kalian bisa kesini dengan menyesuaikan jam bukanya. Berikut jadwalnya

  • senin – kamis 11.00 – 21.00 WITA
  • jumat – minggu 11.00 – 22.00 WITA

Lokasi Cattamaran Beach Club

Alamatnya berada di pantai melasti, Desa Ungasan, Kecamatan Kuta Selatan, Kabupaten Bandung, Bali. Jika dari pusat kota denpasar jaraknya 25 km yang bisa ditempuh dalam waktu 50 menitan. Untuk menuju kesana kamu bisa gunakan panduan google maps dibawah ini.

Sebagai beach club eksklusif, tentunya kamu akan dimanjakan dengan beragam fasilitas mewah. Berikut diantaranya:

  • infinity pool
  • Sun lounger
  • DJ performs
  • changin rooms
  • parking area
  • live bar station
  • pizza station
  • floating tray

Akhir kata demikian tadilah review mengenai cattamaran beach club di Bandung Bali. Terima kasih telah mampir di web ini dan kami mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan informasi yang kami sampaikan. Untuk info lebih lanjut kamu bisa kepoin akun IGnya @cattamaranbali.

Beri Tanggapan:

1 / 5. dari 1 pembaca

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Navia Azzahra

Blogger, Writer dan Travel Enthusiast. Lulusan Sarjana Teknik namun lebih tertarik dengan dunia online. Makan dan jalan jalan adalah kegemaranya


Cattamaran Beach Club Bali, daftar menu, foto dan fasilitas

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali, daftar menu, foto dan fasilitas

Cattamaran Beach Club – Kita semua tahu Bali adalah surga pantai. Tak hanya pasir putihnya yang memikat, Anda juga bisa menemukan keindahan lainnya. Seperti infinity pool yang menghadap ke pantai, scuba diving dan juga berbagai tempat nongkrong yang instagrammable seperti bar atau beach club.

Ada beberapa beach club di Bali yang bisa kamu kunjungi untuk nongkrong santai baik siang maupun malam. Wisatawan asing umumnya akan berjemur di siang hari. Sementara itu, Anda bisa nongkrong dan menikmati menu tropis yang menyegarkan. Sore hari Anda bisa menikmati sunset sambil berpesta di malam hari.

Jika Anda ingin mencari rekomendasi beach club terbaik di Bali, Cattamaran Beach Club salah satunya yang sedang marak belakangan ini. Ketika Anda berada di Pantai Melasti yang terkenal dengan pasir putihnya, Anda secara alami dihadapkan pada keindahan pantai yang mempesona. Belum lagi berbagai fasilitas yang akan memanjakan Anda.

Ulasan Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Pantai Melasti adalah salah satu pantai terindah di Bali Selatan. Kehadiran Cattamaran Beach Club tentu menjadi kombinasi yang pas. Anda bisa menikmati keindahan pantai berpasir putih di lokasi yang instagramable dengan berbagai fasilitas yang mewah.

klub pantai terbaik di bali

Klub pantai terbaru di Bali ini memiliki lebih dari 500 kursi dengan gaya yang berbeda. Misalnya, di lantai satu Anda akan menemukan tempat tidur gantung dan juga beberapa sofa. Dari sini kita juga bisa menikmati pantai melati 180 derajat. Lantai pertama adalah bar lounge yang menawarkan pilihan koktail dan mocktail.

cattamaran bali

Sedangkan di sisi barat terdapat tiga kawasan yang disebut Lagoon, Plantation, dan Sandbed. Di sini Anda akan menemukan kolam renang tanpa batas bergaya laguna dan kolam renang bergaya laguna yang menawarkan pengalaman luar biasa. Selain itu, para tamu juga dapat menyaksikan live cooking yang memperlihatkan proses penyusunan menu makanan yang akan disajikan.

Masih di lantai dasar di sisi timur dan menawarkan pengalaman yang lebih spektakuler. Ada kolam renang kaca tanpa batas dengan jacuzzi. Aktivitas Anda akan lebih seru dengan floating poker dan beer pong. Perlengkapannya juga lebih mewah dengan dua pilihan tempat duduk eksklusif. Salah satunya bernama Cabana berkapasitas 12 orang.

menu cattamaran beach club bali

Cattamara Beach Club Bali juga dilengkapi dengan musik dari DJ papan atas. Bahkan ada stan DJ khusus di bawah patung ikonik. Anda dapat memesan berbagai macam anggur, sampanye, minuman beralkohol, dan minuman beralkohol premium untuk menemani musim liburan Anda.

Daftar Harga Menu Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Berikut adalah berbagai menu untuk dicoba saat Anda di sana

menu minuman

  • Minuman ringan 60k
  • Milkshake 85rb
  • Jus & Kelapa 85rb
  • Bir bintang 85k
  • Bir heineken 85k
  • Kamp Penyu 95k
  • espresso/machiato/hitam panjang 70rb
  • Cappucino/ Latte 70rb
  • Frappe Hazelnut Cappuccino 70rb
  • teh rasa 70k
  • Cattamaran Sunset 99k
  • hari yang cerah 99k
  • Pendingin Lychee Gringer 99k
  • Biru tropis 99k
  • melasti laut 99k
  • mangga apel mint 99k
  • Permen Ledakan 150rb
  • bourbon vegan 150rb
  • Koktail klasik 150rb
  • Koktail sampanye 150rb
  • Nacho daging sapi wagyu 150.000
  • Krapow babi 120k
  • donat cumi 120k
  • Daging sapi Tacoshi 110rb
  • Taco Udang 110rb
  • Slider Ayam Melasti 110k
  • Kroket keju Quatro 110rb
  • Popcorn ayam 110k
  • kentang goreng isi 110k
  • Salad Caesar 110rb
  • Sayap ayam 110k
  • keripik kentang potong tangan 85k
  • Pizza Margherita 150rb
  • Fruiti Dimare Pizza 170rb
  • Diablo Pizza 170rb
  • Bebek Betutu Bebek Bali Confit 170k
  • Daging Sapi Chichuarri 295k
  • Bifuteki Wagyu 295k
  • Salmon teriyaki 235rb
  • Burger daging sapi wagyu 155rb
  • nasi goreng 135k
  • mie goreng 135k
  • Teriyaki ayam 135k
  • Jari ikan 85k
  • Daging sapi jagung anjing 85k
  • nasi goreng bahagia 85k
  • Nugget Ayam Harry Potter 85rb
  • Piring buah 85k

Selain menu yang tertera di atas, minuman seperti wine, whiskey, tequila dan lainnya masih tersedia dengan harga mulai dari ratusan ribu hingga jutaan rupiah.

Jam buka Cattamaran Bali

Anda bisa datang ke sini dengan menyesuaikan jam buka. Berikut jadwalnya

  • Senin – Kamis 11.00 – 21.00 WITA
  • Jumat – Minggu 11.00 – 22.00 WITA

Lokasi Klub Pantai Cattamaran

Alamatnya adalah Pantai Melasti, Desa Ungasan, Kecamatan Kuta Selatan, Kabupaten Bandung, Bali. Jika dari pusat kota Denpasar jaraknya 25 km yang dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 50 menit. Untuk menuju kesana Anda bisa menggunakan panduan Google Maps di bawah ini.

Sebagai beach club yang eksklusif, tentunya Anda akan dimanjakan dengan berbagai fasilitas mewah. Berikut adalah beberapa di antaranya:

  • kolam renang tanpa batas
  • kursi berjemur
  • penampilan DJ
  • Akses Internet nirkabel
  • ruang ganti
  • area parkir
  • Stasiun bar langsung
  • stasiun pizza
  • nampan mengambang
  • tempat tidur gantung
  • tempat tidur kolam renang

Itulah akhirnya rating Cattamaran Beach Club di Bandung Bali. Terima kasih telah mengunjungi website ini dan kami mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan pada informasi yang telah kami sampaikan. Kunjungi akun IG @cattamaranbali untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

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Cattamaran Beach Club

catamaran beach club bali menu

Cattamaran Bali

“A Treasure on a Sandy Beach” An immersive bamboo structure was created by local artists who are proud of their Balinese heritage. Uninterrupted views of Melasti’s magnificent coastline provide a stunning backdrop for Cattamaran Beach Club. As the sun sets and the moon rises, settle into the coziness of a daybed or sofa with an aperitif or a Cattamaran trademark cocktail, served with locally inspired food, while a live daily DJ creates the mood for partying.

catamaran beach club bali menu

The Balichili | Tropical Island Idea | Travel at Paradise

catamaran beach club bali menu

Dilo Space, Animation Building, Bali Creative Industry Centre (BCIC), Jln. WR. Supratman No. 302, Denpasar – Bali

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catamaran beach club bali menu

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali Harga Menu, Daya Tarik & Lokasi

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali – Kali ini kami akan menginformasikan mengenai tempat seru yang cocok untuk Anda bersantai dan menikmati keindahan pantai, Berada di kawasan Melasti Beach yang merupakan salah satu objek wisata pantai di Bali yang sangat indah sekali, hingga saat ini juga pantai tersebut masih ramai dikunjungi oleh wisatawan mulai dari domestik maupun mancanegara tentunya sangat ingin berkunjung ke pantai tersebut.

Terdapat tempat menarik yang tentunya wajib banget untuk Anda kunjungi di kawasan pantai tersebut yaitu bernama Cattamaran Beach Club Bali yaitu merupakan Club di kawasan pantai terbaik terdapat banyak tempat foto instagramable tentunya akan membuat foto Anda semakin terlihat lebih keren tersedia juga menu – menu minuman dan juga makanan yang siap menemani waktu bersantai Anda di tempat tersebut. Anda dapat melihat gambar – gambar di artikel kami yang merupakan desain atau konsep yang nyaman untuk melihat pemandangan mempesona.

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Karena Cattamaran Beach Club Bali ini mempunyai informasi yang menarik kami akan informasikan ke Anda yaitu mulai dari daya tarik yang dimilikinya, harga menu yang ditawarkan, jam buka, fasilitas hingga lokasi tempat tersebut yang kami lengkapi juga dengan link lokasi tempat tersebut sehingga Anda lebih mudah untuk menemukan tempat tersebut. Untuk informasi yang terlebih dahulu kami informasikan ke Anda mengenai daya tarik yang membuat tempat tersebut ramai dikunjungi, berikut ini informasinya.

Daya Tarik Cattamaran Beach Club

Daya tarik yang dimiliki Cattamaran Beach Club Bali yang pertama tempat tersebut memiliki tempat yang sangat indah, terlihat dari beberapa foto yang terdapat di artikel ini tentunya Anda dapat membayangkan betapa indahnya pemandangan yang ditawarkan saat bersantai di beach club tersebut. Mempunyai pemandangan Pantai Melasti Bali yang sangat indah, keindahan pasir putih yang menambah keindahaan di kawasan tersebut sangat terlihat tempat ini menjadi incaran para wisatawan yang datang ke Bali.

Dengan berbagai fasilitas yang dimiliki seperti terdapat Infinity Pool, DJ Performs, Live bar station dan masih banyak lagi fasilitas lainnya yang terdapat di Cattamaran Beach Club tersebut, pelayanan yang baik dan juga tempat yang nyaman tentunya membuat siapa saja yang datang ke tempat tersebut akan merasa betah berlama – lama di tempat tersebut.

Cattamaran Beach Club Kuta

Informasinya yang kami ketahui pada saat artikel ini dibuat Masuknya free dan tidak ada spend minimum  tentunya menjadi daya tarik yang menarik untuk wisatawan yang ingin berkunjung ke Beach Club Pantai Melasti Bali tersebut. Untuk informasi selanjutnya kami akan informasikan ke Anda mengenai daftar harga menu yang ditawarkan beach club di bali tersebut, tentunya harga yang ditawarkan cukup terjangkau sehingga menjadi daya tarik yang menarik untuk para pengujung tempat tersebut.

Harga Menu Cattamaran Beach Club

Daftar Menu yang ditawarkan Cattamaran Beach Club Bali ini tentunya enak dan memiliki rasa menu yang wajib untuk Anda mencoba ketika Anda sedang berada di kawasan Bali. Menu yang ditawarkan juga beragam dan beranekaragam menu serta tidak lupa juga dengan konsep tempat dan memiliki suasana yang menarik semakin menambah betah berlama – lama di tempat nongkrong kekinian atau Beach Club Terbaik di Bali tersebut, berikut daftar menunya:

Panang Seafood 190K
Rendang Nangka 85K
Mee Goreng 80K
Pulled Pork 90K
Black Angus Sandwich 120K
Beef Burger 115K
Slipper Tail Roll 115K
Green Chiili Fried Rice 120K
Chicken Burger 100K
Churros Pops 55K
STMJ Crème Brulee 55K
Chocolate Mousse 55K
Leachy, Peach, Passion Fruit 55K
Lemon 50K
Espresso / Macchiato / Long Black 45K
Cappuccino / Latte 50K
Frappe Hazelnut Cappuccino 55K
Softdrink 45K
Red Bull 55K
Detoxs 65K
Booster 65K
Radiance 65K
Fresh Young Coconut 65K
Cattameran Sunset 75K
The Sunshine Day 75K
Mango Apple Mint 75K
Lychee Ginger Cooler 75K
Tropical Blue 75K
Berry Island 75K

Dan masih banyak lagi daftar menu yang ditawarkan di Cattamaran Beach Club Bali yang tentunya siap menemani waktu bersantai dan berlama – lama di beach club instagramable bali tersebut. Selanjutnya pada artikel tempat nongkrong hits Bali ini kami akan informasikan mengenai fasilitas umum, jam buka & lokasi tempat nongkrong populer di kawasan Bali tersebut yang membuat para pengujung betah berlama – lama berada di beach club bali  tersebut, berikut penjelasannya.

Jam Buka Cattamaran Beach Club

Jika Anda berkunjung ke Cattamaran Beach Club   yang ada di Bali ini sebaiknya mengetahui jam operasionalnya agar Anda ketempat ini diwaktu yang tepat. Untuk jam buka atau jam operasional Cattamaran Beach Club Bali ini buka pada pukul 12.00 WITA dan tutup pada pukul 20.00 WITA.

Untuk Anda yang berkunjung ke tempat tersebut sebaiknya Anda reservasi terlebih dahulu , Anda dapat mengujungi akun instagram @cattamaranbali terdapat kontak yang dapat Anda hubungi pada bagian profil akun tersebut. Atau jika Anda ingin mengetahui informasi lebih detail Anda dapat berkunjung ke websitenya yaitu  tentunya banyak informasi lebih detail tentang beach club bali tersebut.

Melasti Beach Club Bali

Fasilitas Cattamaran Beach Club

Tentunya tempat nongkrong atau Beach Club seperti ini mempunyai fasilitas yang cukup lengkap, Cattamaran Beach Club Bali  Sudah mempersiapakan fasilitas yang terbilang cukup lengkap sehingga Anda akan nyaman berada di sini. Mulai dari kolam renang yang cukup luas hingga terdapat berbagai fasilitas lainnya. Berikut ini deretan Fasilitas yang tersedia:

  • Infinity Pool Jaccuzi
  • Live bar station
  • Pizza Station
  • Sun Lounger
  • DJ Performs
  • Guest Locker
  • Floating Tray
  • Live Vocalists
  • Changin Rooms
  • Parking Area
  • Spacious Swimming Pool
  • Indoor & Outdoor Shower
  • Fasilitas Protokol Kesehatan
  • dan masih banyak lagi lainnya.

Cattamaran Beach Club

Lokasi Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Untuk lokasi tempat penginapan Cattamaran Beach Club Bali ini berlokasi di Melasti Beach 88, Ungasan, Kec. Kuta Sel., Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361. Jika Anda dari arah pusat Kota Denpasar Anda berjarak sekitar 25,1 km dan membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih sekitar 51 menit saja untuk sampai di tempat tersebut. Mengingat juga lokasi tempat tersebut ini berada tidak jauh dari pusat kota tentunya sangat mudah untuk menemukannya.

Jika Anda masih bingung untuk  rute menuju lokasi Cattamaran Beach Club tersebut silahkan gunakan link ini  GoogleMaps , link tersebut merupakan lokasi tempat club bali tersebut.

Cattamaran Melasti Beach

Jika Anda berkunjung ke Cattamaran Beach Club Bali Sebaiknya Anda tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan dengan cara tetap memakai masker, tidak lupa menjaga jarak dan juga mencuci tangan Anda pada saat Anda berkunjung ke beach club yang ada di pantai melasti, Bali tersebut. Jangan lupa untuk mencari artikel menarik lainnya tentang kawasan wisata terbaru Bali yang pastinya Anda akan mendapatkan informasi menarik dari artikel lainnya tersebut.

Cattamaran Beach Club Kuta Bali

Terimakasih Anda sudah bersedia meluangkan waktu untuk membaca artikel kami tentang Cattamaran Beach Club Bali  semoga informasi yang Anda butuhkan terdapat pada artikel tersebut. Kami mohon maaf jika terjadi kesalahan dalam penulisan artikel ini, jika terjadi kami akan berusaha memperbaikinya, Terimakasih.

  • COMO Beach Club Bali Harga Menu, Daya Tarik & Lokasi
  • MARI BEACH Club Bali: Harga Menu, Jam Buka & Review
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  • Nusa Ceningan Bali Review Harga Tiket Masuk, Daya Tarik,…
  • MANARAI BEACH House Bali: Harga Menu & Review
  • Bali Beach Glamping Review Harga Hotel, Daya Tarik, Fasilitas & Lokasi
  • Times Beach Warung Bali Harga Menu, Daya Tarik & Lokasi

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Cattamaran Beach Club Photos, Location, and Price

  • October 26, 2023

Cattamaran Beach Club photos

Cattamaran Beach Club Photos, Location, and Price – English . Bali is known for its beautiful beaches, lush jungles, and vibrant culture. One of the best ways to experience all that Bali has to offer is to visit a beach club. Cattamaran Beach Club is one of the most popular beach clubs in Bali, and it’s easy to see why through Cattamaran Beach Club photos.

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali is a popular beach club located in Ungasan, on the Bukit Peninsula of Bali, Indonesia. This article will provide an overview of the Cattamaran Beach Club photos, including its facilities, services, and unique features.

Cattamaran Beach Club

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali is located at Jalan Melasti Beach 88, Ungasan, Bali 80361, Indonesia. The club is approximately 25 kilometers from the center of Denpasar. You can see Cattamaran Beach Club photos the beauty of this place.

Catamaran Beach Club Bali has officially changed its name to Tropical Temptation (TT) Beach Club. The entrance fee for Cattamaran Beach Club Bali varies depending on the package and the time of year. Here are some details about the entrance fees:

  • Sofa Lounge / Hammock / Sand Day Bed: US$ 91.05
  • Lagoon Day Bed: US$ 129.55
  • VVIP Cabana / VVIP Deck / VVIP Indoor: US$ 346.55
  • IDR 500,000
  • High season: IDR 1,000,000
  • Low season: IDR 500,000
  • According to a source, there is currently no entrance fee or minimum spend as the beach club has just opened. However, it is advisable to check the latest information directly with the beach club.
  • Karma Beach, Uluwatu: Approx US$ 30, including US$ 15 credit on food and beverage.
  • Ibiza in Bali, Jimbaran: None – Minimum spend on day beds IDR 1,000,000 in high season or IDR 500,000 in low season
  • Cocoon Beach Club, Seminyak: No entrance fee and reasonably priced drinks with happy hours every day

When planning a visit to Cattamaran Beach Club Bali or any other beach club in Bali, it is recommended to check for any special events or private functions that may affect the entrance fee or availability.

What Sets Cattamaran Beach Club Bali Apart?

With so many beach clubs to choose from in Bali, what sets Cattamaran Beach Club Bali apart from the rest? Here are a few reasons why this club is worth a visit:

  • Unique Design : The Cattamaran-inspired design of the club is unlike anything else you’ll find in Bali. This unique feature provides guests with a memorable and Instagram-worthy experience.
  • Luxurious Amenities : Cattamaran Beach Club Bali offers a range of luxurious amenities, including a spa, a restaurant, and a bar. Guests can enjoy a five-star experience while soaking up the sun and enjoying the club’s facilities.
  • Breathtaking Views : The club’s beachfront location provides guests with stunning views of the ocean. Whether you’re relaxing by the pool or enjoying a meal at the restaurant, you’ll be able to take in the beauty of Bali’s coastline.

Cattamaran Beach Club Photos

Here are some of the Cattamaran Beach Club photos:

Tropical Temptation

Cattamaran Beach New Name

Cattamaran Beach Club has been renamed as Tropical Temptation Beach Club. The name change was announced on July 2, 2022. The new name is a reflection of the club’s commitment to providing a tropical temptation for its guests.

The club’s tagline is also new: “Simpler Life, Better Experience, Stronger identity, With The Same Love.” This tagline reflects the club’s focus on providing a simple and enjoyable experience for its guests. The club’s website and social media accounts have been updated to reflect the new name and tagline.

Besides Cattamaran Beach Club photos, they also offers a variety of facilities, including:

  • A private beach
  • A swimming pool
  • A variety of restaurants and bars
  • A fitness center
  • A yoga studio
  • A kids’ club

Through Cattamaran Beach Club photos, they has a vibrant nightlife scene. The club hosts a variety of events throughout the week, including live music, DJs, and pool parties.

In addition to sunbathing and swimming, the Cattamaran Beach Club offers a variety of activities for guests to enjoy. There is a swimming pool, a sundeck, and a bar. The club also offers water sports, such as jet skiing and parasailing.

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali is a Bali experience like no other. Whether you’re looking for relaxation on the beach, adventurous water sports, or a stunning wedding venue, this club has it all. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore this hidden gem on your next Bali vacation. Your unforgettable adventure awaits at Catamaran Beach Club Bali.

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali is an incredible destination, and to make the most of your Cattamaran Beach Club photos experience, it’s a great idea to combine your journey with Get&Ride Car Rental Bali . With this reliable car rental service, you can explore the beauty of Bali with more freedom and comfort.

  • Cattamaran Beach Club , Tropical Temptation Beach Club

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12 Best Beach Clubs in Bali

Indonesia Bali Beach Club Karma Beach Club

While the astrologically inclined defer to Bali’s Scorpio star sign to describe the island’s harmony of hedonism and spirituality, more grounded minds might consider the continual raising of the bar between its beach clubs as a way of explaining the good vibes all around. From the gravity-defying infinity pools of Uluwatu’s cliffscapes to the bleeding-edge designs of Potato Head in Seminyak, and the bamboo surf-side lounges in nearby Canggu—even a ‘jungle club’ up in Ubud—Bali has more than enough variety to satisfy all tastes, ages, and occasions. Our editors have handpicked the 12 best beach clubs in Bali, whether you’re looking to party the day away, settle in for a long lunch with the family, or sip on happy hour cocktails while the sun sets over the Indian Ocean.

The Lawn Beach Club Bali

The Lawn Arrow

The Lawn is a small but perfectly formed—and spotless—beach club on the shores of the Batu Bolong surf spot. You're guaranteed to hear a soundtrack of skillfully chilled Afrobeat and yacht rock as you sip cocktails that utilize local ingredients and arak infusions dreamt up in house. 

Indonesia Bali Bar Potato Head Beach Club

Desa Potato Head Beach Club Arrow

A giant amphitheater built from brushed concrete and reclaimed wood, Potato Head bills itself as Bali’s home of tropical modernism. With daybeds positioned around the infinity pool, a swim-up bar, and three restaurants, Potato Head serves as the center of the island's creative scene, regularly hosting film screenings, cultural conventions, and world-famous DJs on its outdoor dance floors. The club and its surrounding complex of boutiques and coffee bars will drop the jaws of even the most jaded of travelers. You’ll want to clear your schedule to make the most of an afternoon and evening here.

Image may contain Indoors Interior Design Furniture Building Housing Tent Hotel Resort and Cushion

Sundays Beach Club Arrow

The magic begins before you reach the beach: Entrance to Sundays is through the Ungasan resort, where you take a spectacular funicular ride down jungle-covered cliffs backdropped by the turquoise of the lagoon. A trio of thatched rooftops then peek out from the coconut palms before you finally set foot on what might just be Bali’s most beautiful white sand beach. Exchange $25 entrance ticket for a drinks credit, then sit back on a sun lounger, sip, swim—and repeat.

Indonesia Bali Beach Club Karma Beach Club

Karma Beach Club Arrow

Karma’s wow factor begins on a cable car that runs from cliffs overlooking a stunning lagoon down to the white sands of Bali’s most beautiful beach. Because the club is in a jungle-covered cove, its ambience feels intimate and romantic, making it the perfect choice for a date. Get there early to snag a cabana, kayak around the corals at low tide, pose for pictures in the nearby cave, and then settle down on a beanbag to take in a movie on the beach after sunset.

Indonesia Bali Beach Club Ulu Cliff House

Ulu Cliffhouse Arrow

Modernist lines frame a stunning cliff-side setting at ULU Cliffhouse, a grown-up—but not buttoned-up—Uluwatu hotspot. At 100 feet up, most guests are more than happy soaking up the views while lounging around the pool, which is backdropped by palms swaying and thatched guest bungalows. If you'd prefer another vantage point, a newly opened deck, set hundreds of steps below on a rocky promontory, puts you within prime toe-dipping position in the Indian Ocean.

Single Fin Bali Beach Club Bali

Single Fin Arrow

Single Fin has mushroomed since its humble beginnings, in 2007, into more than 20,000 square feet of party space. The bilevel club has a pool deck cantilevered over a cliff above one of surfing’s spiritual homes: Uluwatu beach. You can’t say you’ve seen Bali until you’ve surfed—or at least swum—by Uluwatu’s tidal cove. Afterwards, watch the sun sink into the Indian Ocean from the island’s biggest balcony.

Indonesia Bali Beach Club Omnia Dayclub Bali

Omnia Dayclub Bali Arrow

Bali’s first adults-only dayclub transports the decadence of the famed Las Vegas nightspot to Uluwatu’s cliffs, with VIP cabanas and private plunge and infinity pools galore. This is a one-of-a-kind, day-into-night party experience straight out of your Instagram’s Explore feed. The jewel in the crown is the Cube, an iridescent, geometric bar perched 200 feet atop the Bukit Peninsula, crystal beads sparkling in the sun. Pomelo mojitos and vodka, guava, and lemongrass sparklers top the drinks list.

Image may contain Building Human Person People and Water

Tropicola Arrow

Brought into being by the crew behind nearby Motel Mexicola and De Maria, Canggu’s pizza and party spot, Tropicola basks in primary colors and a lively soundtrack. Pool-side classics take familiar names: Copacabana, Hemingway, Tulum Bliss, Pink Flamingo. The frozen Margarita Verde is blended with celery, cucumber, and elderflower; a michelada is brought to life with passionfruit. Generous deals on bottle service will turn any daytime hang into an all-night affair. The menu pairs Bali with Mexico; dishes include Baja fish tacos, scallop aguachile, grilled shrimp with pickles, and a flawless ceviche tostada. Come to live la vida loca with the squad—you're in for a great time.

Indonesia Bali Beach Club Old Man's

Old Man's Arrow

An informal beer garden just off the Batu Bolong surf break, Old Man’s has been a Canggu institution for more than two decades. So although it can be a bit scruffy around the edges when compared to its newer peers, the club still attracts a strong crowd, especially during its daily happy hour (5–6 p.m.), when all drinks are buy one get one free. And there's always something going on here: soccer finals on the big screen, live music, DJs, barbecues, and more.


Ku De Ta Arrow

Founded in 2000, back when the off-gold sands of Seminyak were surrounded by nothing but rice fields and fishing paraws, Ku De Ta, which bills itself as “Bali’s original sunset destination,” has seen it all. An open-plan restaurant with daybeds, a plunge pool, and a mellow soundtrack—you can still hear the breeze and waves out front—Ku De Ta offers a upmarket, unpretentious ambience cast in a sleek silhouette.

Indonesia Bali Beach Club La Brisa Bali

La Brisa Arrow

La Brisa is a breathtakingly beautiful beach club that's built entirely from reclaimed wood and set around a curved pool on the shores of Echo Beach. With repurposed fishing boats, nautical knick knacks, coconut palms popping through floorboards, and rattan beanbags, the place is proof that shipwrecked can indeed be chic. The drinks are decent; standouts include the watermelon-and-rum Bali Sunset and the Herb & Spice, with gin, lemongrass, and chili.

Indonesia Bali Bar Jungle Fish

Jungle Fish Bali Arrow

With EDM and a large infinity pool overlooking the towering teak and mahogany trees of Ubud’s misty Campuhan Ridge, Jungle Fish offers a party-like respite from kombucha and kundalini yoga. The club's surprisingly extensive and experimental drinks make good use of local ingredients like snakefruit-infused arak, kaffir lime, and chili. (Heck, the tequila- and turmeric-based Kunyit Mama Rita might even be good for you.) The menu has Asian mezze platters, wood-fired pizzas, burgers, grills, and chili crab tacos. Come to cool off after hiking Ubud’s Campuhan Ridge—right when you're really missing the buzz of the beach.

catamaran beach club bali menu


Umana Bali, LXR Hotels & Resorts

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39 best beach clubs in bali you need to visit in 2024 – all the best places to swim, sun, drink, eat, repeat..

by Louise • 21 Jun 2024

39 best beach clubs in Bali you need to visit in 2024 – all the best places to swim, sun, drink, eat, repeat.

Creative cocktails, glittering infinity pools & superstar DJs spinning by the beach - we tested out Bali's best beach clubs for your 2024 bucket list. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it...

If you haven’t sprawled out beside a white sand beach with a designer cocktail in hand and your toes touching a glittering infinity pool – did you even holiday in Bali? We think not. Whiling away a sunshiney day (and night) at one of Bali’s best beach clubs is high priority on every Bali bucket list , so we’ve cherry-picked 39 of the very best from every happening neighbourhood for your 2024 island adventure. All you need to do is turn up, tune out and lounge on… just don’t forget your bikini !


1. sundays beach club – uluwatu.

Sundays Beach Club - Uluwatu

A heady mixture of powder-white sand and azure ocean, Sundays Beach Club is tucked away at the edge of the world with a heavenly combo of sun, sea and sand. In fact, this bucket list staple is one of Bali’s few beach clubs that actually sits directly on the beach, letting you spend the entire day with your toes in the sand. Take the cliff-side escalator down to this hidden oasis for the ultimate beach experience, fuelled by top-notch drinks and an expert menu from celeb Aussie chef James Viles. Graze on seaside-inspired bites (like calamari yakitori, barbecued prawns and wood-fired pizza), and lose track of time in between snorkelling, kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding. Oh, and if you stick around until after sunset , it’s beanbags, beach bonfires and gooey marshmallows ’til late… Sundays Beach Club , Jl Pantai Selatan Gau, Banjar Wijaya Kusuma, Ungasan, p. +62 821 4405 7406, e. [email protected] ; Open daily 9am – 9pm.

2. Potato Head Beach Club – Seminyak

Potato Head Beach Club - Seminyak

With its Bali-inspired aesthetics and delish lineup of food and cocktails, Potato Head Beach Club is always top of the list for Bali’s beachgoers – and deservedly so. Get there early so you can bag yourself the best seat in the house for a day of luxe lounging before the sunset show kicks in. We lurrrve the cocktail list, the nibbles and smooth tunes curated by both local and international DJs, not to mention the sustainable, zero-waste initiatives in place across the entire grounds of Desa Potato Head . And don’t forget to keep your eye on the events calendar for some of Bali’s biggest live shows taking place right here. Potato Head Beach Club , Jl Petitenget No. 51B, Seminyak; Open daily from 9am.

3. Tropical Temptation Beach Club – Ungasan

Tropical Temptation Beach Club - Ungasan

One of Bali’s hottest beach clubs, Tropical Temptation Beach Club sits right on Melasti Beach, with white sands, soaring cliffs and glittering waves as the daily backdrop. At the heart of this paradisal picture is the immersive bamboo structure, specifically designed by locals to preserve Balinese artisanship. Step inside and it’s a panorama of breezy cabanas, shaded daybeds, oversized sofas and two sparkling infinity pools, one of which is made from glass with its very own jacuzzi. There’s even private air-conditioned rooms for VIPs and families, perfect for hosting and celebrating with friends. By day, dip in the ocean-edge pools and graze on delish food to the sounds of island-style house music. By night, the ambiance ramps up a notch, with live DJs and special cultural events. Settle in for a sensational sunset, exclusive bottle service and one of the best beachfront views in town… Tropical Temptation Beach Club , Jl Melasti, Melasti Beach, Ungasan, p. +62 813 3875 4047, e. [email protected] ; Open daily from 10am.

4. Atlas Beach Fest – Berawa

catamaran beach club bali menu

As the biggest beach club in the world with the longest beach bar in Asia, you can expect very big things from Atlas Beach Fest . A sensational beachfront venue, Atlas Beach Fest combines entertainment with culture. Think glow-in-the-dark Balinese dances, traditional kecak fire performances and even a waterfall, paramotorists, jugglers, magicians, and the biggest night club in Bali (Atlas Super Club) with its dancers and top-tier international DJs. For the ultimate night out, arrive early in time for sunset cocktails by the beachfront pool, then stick around for the post-sundown after party. Lavish, contemporary and surrounded by state-of-the-art facilities (plus VIP packages with helicopter transfers!), there ain’t no party like an Atlas Beach Fest party. Atlas Beach Fest , Jl Pantai Berawa No. 88, Berawa, Canggu, p. +62 361 3007 222 / WA: +62 8111 9082 168, e. [email protected] ; Open daily from 10am for Atlas Beach Club, and from 9pm for Atlas Super Club.

5. La Brisa – Canggu

Best beach clubs in Bali - La Brisa Canggu

If beachfront cocktails and shabby-chic tropical vibes sounds like your kinda jam, then turn up and chill out at La Brisa – Canggu’s boho-beanbag beach club on Echo Beach with multiple pools overlooking the ocean. From the same family as La Favela and La Plancha, La Brisa brings more of the same ramshackle-cool that helped make all the others such roaring successes. Gorgeously casual with a chic edge (we love those reclaimed wooden deck chairs!), none of the castaway island charm has been lost at La Brisa. Think rustic Spanish cooking, delish cocktails, swaying palm trees and a hot soundtrack to complement a lazy day in paradise. La Brisa , Jl Pantai Batu Mejan Gg. La Brisa, Canggu, p. +62 811 394 6666, e. [email protected] ; Open daily 10am – 11pm.

6. The Lawn – Canggu

The Lawn - Canggu

Stylish cocktails , gourmet bites and a nod to local culture makes this happening spot on Batu Bolong Beach a firm favourite when it comes to Canggu ’s ever-growing beach club scene. With its commanding views overlooking the waves and one of the best sunset seats in town, the grass really is greener at The Lawn. And to top it all off, there’s an oceanfront pool, beach-chic daybeds and beautiful people lapping up the sunshine and good island vibes. Pro tip: head upstairs for dinner at Skool Kitchen once the sun goes down… The Lawn , Jl Pura Dalem, Canggu, p. +62 811 3800 4951; Open daily from 10am.

7. Mari Beach Club – Batu Belig

Mari Beach Club - Batu Belig

Immersed in local culture, Mari Beach Club is where luxury living meets Bali bohemia; where boundary pushing designs meet Balinese hospitality. The magic of Bali and its captivating traditions are cleverly weaved into the beach club’s architecture, with sustainable, natural elements paying tribute to Bali’s purest elements. A magnificent bamboo dome represents Mount Agung, iconic wooden swings replicate those found in the village of Tenganan, and a flowing pool symbolises Bali’s sacred Ayung river, which leads to the infinity pool, sun deck, sunken bar and cosy cabanas. It’s a place to lounge and linger ’til late, grazing on Mediterranean-inspired plates that use local, homemade ingredients. Order countless cocktails from the straw-roof bar, raise a glass beneath your woven sunshade, and get a true taste of Bali. Mari Beach Club , Jl Batu Belig No. 66, Seminyak, p. +62 819 5916 6645, e. [email protected] ; Open daily from 12pm.

8. Sundara Beach Club – Jimbaran

Sundara Beach Club - Jimbaran

Sitting on the golden-sand sweep of Jimbaran Bay, this elegant beachside destination really nails the luxe oceanside vibe. Offload the offspring at the kid’s club and lounge the afternoon away on one of the double day beds while getting your bronze-on beside the 57-metre infinity pool . Snack and graze through the casual all-day menu, and linger ’til late for daily 2-for-1 sundowners with Bali’s classiest cocktail list. By night, pull up a sofa by the fire pit and soak up the dreamy ambiance, or if you’re feeling romantic, the restaurant is a date-night-hit thanks to the sizzling high-end BBQ concept. Think bold smokey flavours that perfectly match the fiery sunset and deep purple skies… Sundara at Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay, Jl Bukit Permai, Jimbaran, p. +62 361 708 333 / +62 361 701 012, e. [email protected] ; Open daily from 11am.

9. Café del Mar – Canggu

Café del Mar - Canggu

This so-hot-right-now beach club has brought Ibizan vibes to Bali, and our sun-kissed bods are forever grateful. You’ll want to flaunt your finest designer bikini here, because Café del Mar Bali is a breathtaking 10,000 square-metre, two-level beachfront pool club, perched on the sands of Berawa Beach in Canggu. It features a 1,000 square-metre infinity pool with views over the ocean, as well as private luxury cabanas that look more like oceanfront villas, a premium coastal-Mediterranean restaurant, multiple swim-up bars and cocktail lounges, as well as world-class staging for large, outdoor music events. Armed with a team of international talent and alllll the white-and-blue interiors you’d expect from this Ibiza-born brand, Café del Mar is a must on every Bali beach club hit-list. Café del Mar , Jl Subak Sari, Canggu, p. +62 811 3811 8181 / +62 811 3811 7171; Open daily from 11am.

10. Savaya – Uluwatu

Bali's best beach clubs - Omnia Dayclub Uluwatu

It’s chic, exciting and unlike anything else on the island – Savaya is Uluwatu’s sky-high destination that’s shining an international light on Bali’s luxury lifestyle scene. This luxe playground is chock full of celeb-like lounging spots, jaw-dropping designs, fabulous cocktails, and of course, million-dollar views. And, with some big hospitality names behind it, you can also expect good vibrations from superstar DJs and VIP events. Savaya , Jl Belimbing Sari, Banjar Tambiyak Desa, Uluwatu, p. +62 811 3099 0900; Open daily.

11. White Rock Beach Club – Ungasan

White Rock Beach Club - a party spot by Melasti Beach, South Bali

So, you’ve found yourself on Bali’s southernmost point, in search of sand, sunshine and all-day beach club vibes? You’ve come to the right place. White Rock Beach Club is the epitome of paradise, given the luxe touch in true beach clubbing style. Step inside and you’re greeted with the spectacular ocean views, cutting-edge architecture and a hopping soundtrack from the all-day DJs. Nab a seat on a comfy sofa or sun lounger that lines the shoreline and the glittering infinity pool, and get comfy as you graze on the Mediterranean-inspired menu and sip on a chilled sparkling wine. Stick around for the stunning sunset and cocktails, and come nightfall, it’s all about vibrant light shows to keep the beachside party vibes alive. White Rock Beach Club , Melasti Beach, Ungasan, p. +62 812 3000 3001, e. [email protected] ; Open daily 10am – 10pm.

12. Locca Sea House – Jimbaran

catamaran beach club bali menu

A hidden gem tucked away on the pristine coastline of Jimbaran Bay, Locca Sea House is a breezy, boho-luxe beach club with coastal gastronomy and loungey, laid back vibes. Wander through the giant macrame entranceway and you’ll find a sun-soaked terrace and ocean-facing deck peppered with sleek daybeds, bright white umbrellas and a spacious indoor area, perfect for grazing on the restaurant’s local and international cuisines. Nab a daybed by the cliff-front infinity pool, then swap and share heritage Indonesian recipes, best enjoyed with a locally-inspired signature cocktail (hello Wedang Negroni!). As sunset beckons, prop up on the theatre-style terrace to score front-row seats to the golden spectacle and the glittering ocean below. And psst – if you’re coming with your entourage, reserve the sky-high private penthouse for you and your VVIPs! Locca Sea House , Jl Jimbaran Hijau Segara, Tegalwangi, Jimbaran, p. +62 812 68888 681; Open daily from 12pm.

13. Canna Bali – Nusa Dua

Canna Bali - Nusa Dua (NEW!)

A one-stop lifestyle destination home to a stylish beach club, multiple restaurants, a live music venue, late-night club and VIP areas trickling down the cliff’s edge, Canna Bali is the most exclusive venue on the pristine shoreline of Nusa Dua . There are so many sun-soaked nooks to choose from here (we love the oceanfront Canna Deck & Pool with its chic daybeds and al fresco bar), but for when you need to beat the heat, head indoors to the fully air-conditioned Canna Sky with its contemporary interiors and sweeping views of the ocean. There’s also the semi-indoor Canna Lodge, and the gorgeous Canna Sand right on the beach, with private bohemian teepees around a bonfire, perfect for a sundown picnic. Canna Bali , Jl Raya Nusa Dua Selatan, Benoa, p. +62 811 341 8777, e. [email protected] ; Open daily 10am – 10pm.

14. KU DE TA – Seminyak

Best beach clubs in Bali - Ku De Ta Seminyak

One of the true Bali originals, KU DE TA continues to wow the crowds by always staying one step ahead of the pack. Simple, tasteful and elegant, this famous beach club and restaurant is quite simply unmissable. Eat brekkie or brunch by the beach, graze away the arvo by the oceanfront infinity pool, or settle in for a romantic dinner at the swish downstairs decking restaurant. For one of the hottest tables in town, head upstairs to their restaurant, for a next-level dining experience. KU DE TA , Jl Kayu Aya No. 9, Seminyak, p. +62 361 736 969, e. [email protected] ; Open daily from 8am.

15. Ulu Cliffhouse – Uluwatu

Best beach clubs in Bali - Ulu Cliffhouse Uluwatu

Hovering high up on Bali’s Bukit peninsula, Ulu Cliffhouse has (quite literally) elevated the island’s beach club scene to giddy new heights. The unreal views across the deep blue Indian Ocean are pretty darn breathtaking, enhanced perfectly by a magnificent menu of seaside-inspired bites. Throw in a 25-metre pool, a music recording studio, restaurant, bar and art space, and you’ve got one seriously cool hangout spot. Head down for sundown to check out the regular DJ lineup – a rotating cache of local and international dudes who know just how to serenade that sunset. Ulu Cliffhouse , Jl Labuan Sait No. 315, Padang-Padang, p. +62 811 3941 7899; Open daily from 8am.

16. Finns Beach Club – Canggu

Bali's best beach clubs - Finn's Canggu

Ahhh Finns Beach Club – Canggu’s iconic bamboo powerhouse of tropical island hedonism. This toes-in-the-sand venue on Berawa beach has long had the hearts of sun-worshippers, partygoers and luxury lovers alike, famous for its front-row seaside location, its oh-so scrummy gourmet bites and cocktails, and don’t even get us started on the fabulous parties beneath the stars (on hold for the moment, obvs). It’s oh-so easy to spend an entire, blissful day here – lounging on your own sun bed, swimming to the pool bar for a Mojito or two, and by nighttime, getting stuck into a floodlit surfing session right out front while the vibes ramp up inside. It’s one of the most comprehensive (and utterly breathtaking) beach clubs around… Finns Beach Club , Jl Pantai Berawa, Canggu, p. +62 361 844 6327 / +62 851 8269 1713, e. [email protected] ; Open daily from 10am.

17. Finns VIP Beach Club – Canggu

Bali's best beach clubs - Finn's VIP

If you want to add even more glam to your day at the beach, Finns Beach Club (above) has its very own VIP destination for superstar sun-soaking.Sitting right next door to the main beach club, Finns VIP Beach Club is a superlative experience lavished in five-star facilities and celeb-style services, wrapped up in island-chic aesthetics that sprawl across acres of manicured estate. Like a tropical Utopia that blends the glitz and glam of St Tropez or Santorini, Finns VIP Beach Club is in a class all of its own, complete with a dedicated Champagne Bar, sunglasses-cleaning service, a world-class spa, gourmet picnic area and even a wholly private Penthouse to up the elite stakes even further. This is the bee’s knees of Bali’s beach clubbing scene. Finns VIP Beach Club , Jl Pantai Berawa, Canggu, p. +62 361 844 6327/ +62 8518 269 1713, e. [email protected] ; Open daily from 10am.

18. Oneeighty – Uluwatu

Bali's best beach clubs - The Edge Uluwatu

Home to one of the world’s most jaw-dropping infinity pools, Oneeighty cliff club at The Edge has to be seen to be believed. Not for the faint-hearted, swim out to the end and look down through the glass to the crashing Indian Ocean hundreds of feet below while sipping on your carefully crafted cocktail from the all-star mixologist team. Relax on the cliff-side VIP deck, recline on a sunbed in the sand, or take a table at the enclosed bar, where you can sample upmarket beachside fare . By night, the mood changes and Oneeighty transforms into a tranquil oasis, complete with a chilled soundtrack, fire pits and uplit coconut palms. Oneeighty at The Edge , Jl Pura Goa Lempeh, Banjar Dinas Kangin, Pecatu, p. +62 821 4463 2077, e. [email protected] ; Open daily 10am – 9pm.

19. Ohana’s – Nusa Lembongan

catamaran beach club bali menu

Thanks to Ohana’s, island getaways to Nusa Lembongan have luxed up a notch. Ohana’s is “Lembo’s” beachfront destination that’s raised the bar for beach clubbing on Bali’s little sister island. A beachfront pool teeters on the edge of crystal clear waters, while small bites, seafood and salads are served up under breezy umbrellas and bright-white daybeds. Come early for the daytime vibes, stay for the sunset sessions, and stick around until after dark for dinner beneath the stars. Ohana’s , Jungut Batu Beach, Gg. Nusa Indah, Nusa Lembongan, p. +62 811 3960 0787, e. [email protected] ; Open daily from 6.30am.

Best beaches in Bali: Where to swim, surf, soak up the sun and live the island dream

Sun, sand & sea: It's Bali's best beaches!

20. karma beach – uluwatu.

Le Club 22 at Karma Kandara resort, open for guests and the public

Break out the superlatives for this hidden paradise nestled at the bottom of south Bali’s dramatic sea cliffs. A boutique beach club with the whitest sand, bluest water and tropical-est of vibes (yeah we just made that word up), Karma Beach is quite simply stunning. It’s hope to two oceanfront venues: Le Club 22 restaurant and the Tiki Bar, adding to Karma Kandara’s never-ending list of outstanding and tropi-cool drinking dens. The restaurant dishes up Mediterranean-style grilled seafood and bites, while the bar is all about high-end cocktails, carefully crafted by the resident mixologist using local ingredients and quality European spirits. Sip on a bespoke cocktail, splash in the lagoon, then take a walk on the pristine beach before washing off the sand at the Karma Spa for a divine treatment or two. Pure bliss. Karma Beach at Karma Kandara , Jl Villa Kandara, Banjar Wijaya Kusuma, Ungasan, p. +62 361 848 2205 / +62 811 3830 5944, e. [email protected] ; Open daily.

21. Sandy Bay Beach Club – Nusa Lembongan

Sandy Bay Beach Club - Nusa Lembongan

Worth the trip over to Nusa Lembongan solely to hang out at this secluded beach club (they have their own private bay for goodness sake!) Sandy Bay is an absolute must visit. Sandy toes, sea breezes and the crashing blue ocean all add up to a setting that borders on dreamlike. Kick back by the infinity pool or find yourself a casual table to nibble on some of their fantastic beachy fare (the stacked Veggie Burger with a Bloody Mary is our fave!). Then, come sundown, there’s no better spot on the island to catch the nighttime display with an Islander Pimms in hand. Sandy Bay Beach Club , Jl Sandy Bay, Nusa Lembongan, p. +62 877 4329 1700, e. [email protected] ; Open daily 11am – 11pm.

22. Komune Beach Club – Keramas

Bali's best beach clubs - Komune in Keramas

Perched smack bang in front of one of Bali’s best right-handers, Komune is the go-to spot for the wave riding crew who love a bit of five star après-surf. Pitch up by the pool and kick it on a beanbag or hammock whilst watching all the action going down out front. Meanwhile, the delish menu has got something for everyone, stuffed full of healthy juices, colourful cocktails, delicious seafood, authentic pizzas, fresh salads and plenty more to nibble on between surf and/or chill sessions. Don’t wanna go home? Check into one of the resort’s über cool rooms or villas so you can do it all again tomorrow… Komune Beach Club , Jl Pantai Keramas, Keramas, p. +62 821 4642 5908, e. [email protected]

23. Le Pirate Beach Club – Nusa Ceningan

Best beach clubs in Bali - Le Pirate Nusa Ceningan

Located on the tiny island of Nusa Ceningan – just across the famous yellow bridge from Lembongan – Le Pirate is one of Bali’s best-kept secrets. Whether it’s daytime lounging by the pool surrounded by turquoise ocean and swaying coconut trees, or settling in for another spectacular sunset across the lagoon, no adventure around the island is complete without stopping at Le Pirate. Island hoppers should also check out Le Pirate’s other locations on the famous Gili T, and in the castaway hotspot of Labuan Bajo in Flores. Le Pirate , Nusa Ceningan, Lembongan, Bali, p. +62 813 3838 9360, e. [email protected]

24. Reef Beach Club – Nusa Dua

reef beach club at The Apurva Kempinski Bali in Nusa Dua

Sitting on a pristine stretch of white sandy beach is Reef Beach Club in Nusa Dua . True to its location, AKA within the luxurious The Apurva Kempinski Bali, this iconic beach club combines laid-back beach life with elegant Indonesian heritage. Taking centre stage is the 42-metre infinity pool overlooking the ocean, surrounded by luxe sun-loungers, daybeds and cabanas. Spend the day lounging and grazing on the charcoal-grilled premium meats and seafood, and wash it all down with a craft cocktail, or countless glasses from the selection of 30 different rosés! Then, as the sun sinks into the ocean, Reef Beach Club comes to life with its romantic ambiance, spectacular bonfire and live music beneath the stars… Reef Beach Club at The Apurva Kempinski Bali , Jl Raya Nusa Dua Selatan, Nusa Dua, p. +62 361 209 2288, e. [email protected] ; Open daily 7am – 11pm.

25. Suku Beach Club – Nusa Ceningan

SUKU beach club - best in Nusa Ceningan, East Bali

Take a trip across the yellow bridge from Nusa Lembongan, and you’ll find yourself on its little sister island, Nusa Ceningan. Here, an even quieter paradise awaits. Perched above pristine white sands and Ceningan’s legendary surf break, Suku Beach Club offers all of those beach club must-haves, but with added tranquillity. Enjoy slow days by the pool with a cold coconut in hand, or nab a seat on a plush daybed as you graze on easy bites, like the chilli fried squid, pizzas and charred broccoli salad. And while we love a good ol’ icy beer, you’ll want to try Suku’s signature concoctions. Our fave is the Aga, with chilli-infused tequila, cointreau, watermelon and agave syrup… We’ll take three, please! Suku Beach Club , Jl Sarang Burung, Nusa Ceningan, p. +62 822 1013 0077, e. [email protected] ; Open daily 8am – 9pm.

26. El Kabron Cliff Club – Bingin

El Kabron Cliff Club - Bingin

Overlooking Dreamland Beach and with jaw-dropping views all the way to Uluwatu, El Kabron is a pilgrimage for savvy sunset worshippers who know that this is one of the best spots to watch the end-of-day show. The emphasis here really is on afternoon poolside grazing, sunset tipples and smart-casual dinners that roll on towards midnight. Make your friends green with envy with a cheeky Insta snap in their iconic infinity pool, with the Indian Ocean as a backdrop and a mandatory glass of Sangria, naturally. El Kabron , Jl Pantai Cemongkak, Bingin, p. +62 813 3723 5750.

27. Minoo Beach Club – Ungasan

Minoo Beach Club - Ungasan

Meaning ‘heaven’ in Persian, Minoo Beach Club is exactly that: a heavenly, paradisal perch on the bright white sands of Melasti Beach. It’s a chic and chilled-out beach club with a 12-metre infinity pool, framed by a traditional ‘Jukung’ boat that doubles up as a lookout spot. Spend the day lazing by the pool, soaking up the sun on the loungers, day beds or cabanas, or head indoors to graze on beachside favourites, like calamari, pizzas, salads, burgers and cold fresh coconuts. Smooth tunes from local DJs top it all off… Minoo Beach Club , Jl Pengayutan, Melasti Beach, Ungasan, p. +62 812 4674 9381; Open daily 10am – 8pm.

28. COMO Beach Club – Canggu

Bali's best beach clubs - COMO Uma Canggu

This one’s for the A-listers and eco-conscious luxury lovers. COMO Beach Club is an exclusive destination from one of Bali’s most progressive resort brands, set amongst the stylish grounds of COMO Uma Canggu . This five-star Nirvana is just built for wining, dining and sunshine soaking in style, with everything we love about COMO locations Asia-wide: the fabulously sustainable designs, impeccable service, fresh local ingredients, and of course, feel-good vibes all around. COMO Beach Club at COMO Uma Canggu, Jl Pantai Batu Mejan, Echo Beach, Canggu; Open daily 7am – 10pm.

29. Manarai Beach House – Nusa Dua

Best beach clubs in Bali - Manarai Beach House

Just one step inside Manarai Beach House and it’s a panoramic palette of paradise in fifty shades of blue: a crystal-clear azure ocean, sleek violet daybeds and an aquamarine glow from two dazzling swimming pools (yes there’s more than one!).This daytime destination in Nusa Dua is the only beach club, restaurant and wine shop combo on the island, brought to us by the unstoppable ISMAYA Group. It’s a fully-fledged beachfront experience that breaks the Bali beach club mould – not only a place to knock back cocktails and dance the night away, but a place to kick back while the sun sails from east to west, as breakfast smoothie bowls blur into lunchtime sushi spreads, and afternoon snacks are washed down with Piña Coladas. It’s a place to settle in, soak it all up, and lose track of time… Manarai Beach House , Lot N5 Kawasan Pariwisata – ITDC Nusa Dua, p. +62 361 4772 727; Open daily 10am -10pm.

30. Azul Beach Club – Legian

Azul Beach Club - Legian

Overlooking the sands of Padma Beach in Legian, this sprawling bamboo tree-house has cosy, breezy nooks all over the place to eat, drink and be merry across its three floors. The mid-level al fresco bar is the epitome of tropical cool, with its balcony seating bays, eye-catching bar motifs and comfy furnishings. For daytime hangs, head out the back to grab a lounger and soak up the sun around the pool, while down on the ground floor sits the crown jewel: Azul’s casually chic restaurant with Bali’s first Tiki Bar. Cheers! Azul Beach Club , Jl Padma No. 2, Legian, Kuta, p. +62 361 765 759 / +62 811 3883 9333, e. [email protected] ; Open daily 7am – 11pm.

31. Palmilla Beach Club – Ungasan

Palmilla Beach Club - Ungasan

A boho beach club on the white sands of Melasti Beach, Palmilla Beach Club is where you’ll find bamboo cabanas, shabby-chic swings (instead of bar stools!), and a plethora of daybeds, hammocks and sun loungers to laze your sunny days away. The food here is designed to swap and share, as are the jugs of cocktails and buckets of cold beer. Hang beneath a palm, dip in the oceanfront pool, or simply fill your Instagram feed with a horizon of sand, sea and candy-coloured sunsets. Palmilla Beach Club , Melasti Beach, Ungasan, p. +62 812 8809 0919; Open daily from 10am.

32. SugarSand – Seminyak

Best beach clubs in Bali - SugarSand Seminyak

A little bit beachy, a little bit boozy, big on the music and even bigger on the food – SugarSand is the perfect mishmash of everything we love: superb cuisine, expert cocktails, a killer bill of live music, and plenty of nods to local art, design and culture. Set across two-levels with unobstructed ocean views, SugarSand is kitted out with poolside daybeds, a toes-in-the-sand beach bar and a seaside terrace serving coastal bites and cocktails. By day, graze on the Japanese Nikkei-inspired menu (try the zesty ceviche and tiraditos) and by night, head to the open-air rooftop lounge that just begs for nightly sundowners beneath candy-coloured skies. SugarSand at Hotel Indigo Bali Seminyak Beach , Jl Camplung Tanduk No. 10, Seminyak Beach, p. +62 813 5369 5640; Open daily 7am – 11pm.

33. Roosterfish Beach Club – Pandawa

Roosterfish Beach Club in Pandawa, South Bali

Quirky, fun and playful, Roosterfish was the first beach club to make a home on Bali’s famous Pandawa Beach – a shimmering stretch of white sand at the base of a dramatically-carved cliff. It’s the house beach club of Renaissance Bali Uluwatu , situated 10 minutes from the resort with a free shuttle bus for in-house guests. Once you’re down on the sand, it’s a fabulous fusion of both land and sea (hence the name, Roosterfish) in its ocean-inspired menu with 80% seafood-based dishes, like the wood-fired seafood pizzas, Lombok oyster platters and grilled prawns and squids, alongside oversized icy cocktails from the swim-up pool bar. Settle in for a day of smokey barbecues and signature Bloody Mary’s, or just soak it all up from one of the floating bean bags. Roosterfish Beach Club , Jl Pantai Pandawa, p. +62 811 3940 3588, e. [email protected] ; Open daily 8am – 10pm.

34. Kubu at AYANA – Jimbaran

Kubu at AYANA - Jimbaran

Accessible via a private cliff-inclinator, AYANA Resort Bali’s very own castaway beach club is a hidden paradise of powder white sand, calm turquoise waters and cocktails to die for. Bamboo-boho chic with a vintage Bali vibe, our hot tip here is to check out the retro arak cocktails and settle in for a sublime massage under a coconut tree. Or check out some of the fab local style food like oxtail soup and grilled satay. *Note, the beach club is only open to in-house guests of AYANA Resort Bali, so you’ll have to check-in before you can check it out! Kubu at AYANA Resort Bali , Jl Karang Mas Sejahtera, Jimbaran, p. +62 811 3820 2288; Open daily 9am – 6pm.

35. Mazu Beach Bali – Uluwatu

catamaran beach club bali menu

Just footsteps from Balangan beach’s famous waves, Mazu Beach Club is a casual spot for laid-back grazing and refuelling between surfs without leaving the beach. Pop in for brekkie, a quick lunch or just a cold Bintang and some bar bites by the pool – all while taking in the stunning views of the ocean. Mazu Beach Bali , Jl Pantai Balangan, Balangan, p. +62 817 7017 7077; Open daily from 9am.

36. LUNA Beach Club – Tabanan

Luna Beach Club - best in west Bali, Tabanan

LUNA is an immersive beach club of indulgence, innovation and artistry. Sprawling across acres of Tabanan’s verdant landscapes, this hidden paradise is set to impress, with its avant garde designs and architecture, and plenty of nooks (including a beach-side playground!) for all-day entertainment. Splash into the slate infinity pool from twirling the pool slide (with a few trips to the gelato bar) or explore the sustainable playground and spot the large-scale sculptures and the Tree Pods perched high atop a canopy of greenery. Settle in for golden hour by the oceanfront beer garden, and as the night rolls in, be sure to swing by the Utopia VIP Cave Club where epic tunes and theatrical performances elevate Bali’s nightlife experience. LUNA Beach Club , Jl Kayangan, Beraban, Tabanan, p. +62 819 3600 5511, e. [email protected] ; Open daily from 12pm.

37. Flamingo Beach Club – Gianyar

catamaran beach club bali menu

Want to party with the kids in tow? You’ll want to check out Flamingo Beach Club. Strategically located in the East just a short drive from Bali’s residential areas, this tropical destination welcomes you and the family for a fun day out on Saba Beach. The club is decked out in splashes of pink and blue, sunbeds beneath giant umbrellas, and a stunning infinity pool complete with, yep you guessed it, flamingo floaties. Relax by the bar or float away on the pool as the kids get busy with face painting, horse riding and foam parties too! Flamingo Beach Club , Jl Pantai Saba, Pering, p. +62 878 8070 0700, e. [email protected] ; Open daily 10am – 7pm.

38. Azure Beach Restaurant – Jimbaran

Azure Beach Restaurant - best new 2023 in Jimbaran

The island’s first French Riviera-style beach club, Azure Beach Restaurant brings Mediterranean vibes, ocean-fresh cuisine and a whole lotta style to Jimbaran’s beachfront. Set on a beautiful white sand bay, Azure Beach Restaurant is centred by a gorgeous glass aquarium pool, fringed by plush daybeds and an elegant setting that focuses on luxe ocean front dining rather than beachfront partying. Bring your bikini, a big appetite and say “bonjour” to island heaven! Azure Beach Restaurant , Jl Segara Madu, Kelan Beach, Jimbaran, p. +62 8123 9812 549, e. [email protected] ; Open daily 11am – 10pm.

39. VUE Beach Club – Canggu

VUE Beach Club in Canggu, with infinity pool

Home to one of Canggu’s most iconic infinity pools, VUE Beach Club is where the Canggu crowds go for a laid-back pool party by the beach. Sit back and relax in the poolside gazebos or on the floating daybeds, as you swap and share VUE’s cheese platters and pizzas, best enjoyed with a cocktail by the pitcher. And when you’re all fuelled up, take a dip in the pool or the ocean, or boogie on the dance floor to live tunes from the resident DJs every weekend. VUE Beach Club at Lv8 Resort Hotel , Jl Pantai Berawa No. 100xx, Canggu, p. +62 361 894 8888 / +62 819 3370 0888, e. [email protected]

Looking for more oceanfront action away from Bali’s beach clubs? Check out Bali’s best beaches !

Louise Newsham | Honeycombers Bali

Salty hair, sandy toes and red wine lips, Louise is a die-hard island addict and committed vino-phile. When she’s not writing, she can usually be found beachfront with a slightly chilled, full-bodied Merlot in hand, her Bali dog at her feet and the Spice Girls playing on repeat.

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  • Fri. Sep 20th, 2024


Catamaran Beach Club Bali Seaside Bliss and Elegance

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Sailing into Luxury: Catamaran Beach Club Bali

Bali, known for its stunning beaches and vibrant culture, takes the concept of seaside bliss to new heights with the Catamaran Beach Club. Nestled on the shores of the Indian Ocean, this beach club transcends the ordinary, offering an exquisite blend of elegance, relaxation, and tropical indulgence.

Seaside Oasis: A Sanctuary of Tranquility

The Catamaran Beach Club unfolds as a seaside oasis, inviting guests into a sanctuary of tranquility. Located in the serene Nusa Dua area, the club boasts a pristine beachfront that serves as the backdrop to an unforgettable experience. The gentle lull of the waves and the caress of the ocean breeze create an atmosphere of pure relaxation.

Elegance Redefined: Architecture and Design

Step into a world where elegance is redefined through thoughtful architecture and design. The Catamaran Beach Club presents a harmonious blend of modern aesthetics and Balinese influences. From the open-air lounge areas to the stylish poolside cabanas, every corner exudes sophistication. The architecture seamlessly connects with the natural beauty that surrounds it.

Infinity Pool Bliss: Lounging with a View

The infinity pool at Catamaran Beach Club is a centerpiece of bliss. Lounging by the poolside, guests are treated to panoramic views of the azure waters stretching to the horizon. The design allows for a seamless transition between the pool and the beach, offering a choice between refreshing swims and the soft sands of the private beach.

Culinary Delights: A Gastronomic Journey

Embark on a gastronomic journey at the Catamaran Beach Club’s culinary haven. The club’s restaurant serves a delectable array of dishes that showcase both international and Indonesian flavors. From fresh seafood to artisanal cocktails, every bite and sip is a celebration of culinary excellence. The beachside setting elevates the dining experience, creating moments of pure indulgence.

Beachfront Cabanas: Exclusivity by the Shore

For those seeking exclusive moments by the shore, the beachfront cabanas at Catamaran Beach Club provide the perfect haven. These private retreats offer a front-row seat to the ocean’s beauty. Lounge in comfort, sip on tropical drinks, and let the attentive staff cater to your every need as you bask in the exclusive ambiance of your beachfront cabana.

Experience the seaside elegance of Catamaran Beach Club Bali with . Plan your visit to this coastal haven and ensure a seamless journey to indulgence.

Wellness and Relaxation: Spa by the Sea

To enhance the experience of seaside relaxation, Catamaran Beach Club features a Spa by the Sea. Imagine indulging in rejuvenating treatments with the rhythmic sounds of the waves as your soundtrack. The spa offers a range of therapies inspired by traditional Balinese techniques, providing a holistic approach to wellness against the backdrop of the ocean.

Sunset Soirees: Unforgettable Evenings

As the day transitions into evening, Catamaran Beach Club transforms into a venue for unforgettable sunset soirees. The vibrant hues of the Balinese sunset become the backdrop for lively events and live performances. Whether enjoying a romantic dinner or dancing under the stars, the beach club’s evenings are as enchanting as the daytime is serene.

Water Adventures: Seafaring Excursions

For those with an adventurous spirit, Catamaran Beach Club offers seafaring excursions to explore the surrounding waters. Embark on a catamaran journey, snorkel in crystal-clear lagoons, or simply cruise along the coastline. The club provides a gateway to marine adventures that complement the laid-back luxury of the beachside retreat.

Seaside Events: Celebrations in Style

Beyond leisurely afternoons and romantic sunsets, Catamaran Beach Club is a venue for celebrations in style. The beachfront setting and elegant facilities make it an ideal location for weddings, private events, and corporate gatherings. The club’s experienced event planners ensure that every occasion is tailored to perfection against the backdrop of the Indian Ocean.

Catamaran Beach Club Bali: A Coastal Haven

In the realm of Bali’s beachfront retreats, Catamaran Beach Club stands out as a coastal haven that seamlessly combines elegance with tropical allure. From the moment you step into this seaside sanctuary until the sun sets over the Indian Ocean, every experience is crafted for indulgence.

Seize the moment at Catamaran Beach Club Bali with and embark on a journey to seaside luxury. Plan your visit and let the allure of this coastal haven captivate your senses.

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Our 15 Favorite Beach Clubs in Bali (2024)

Article last updated on Sep 05, 2024. Written by Olivia & Dirk , based on our 5 years in Bali ( let us plan your honeymoon ).

Our 15 Favorite Beach Clubs in Bali (2024)

Bali boasts some of the best Beach Clubs in the world. Most of them can be found facing the Indian Ocean just north of Bali’s airport, near the towns of Seminyak and Canggu . Another region with fancy ocean-front Day Clubs is Uluwatu , however often they are on a cliff, so while you can view the ocean, its hard to reach the actual beach!

We believe a visit to a Beach Club is a must-do during any Bali honeymoon or vacation as a couple. We have been living in Bali for over 6 years and have visited many, sometimes together as a couple and sometimes with friends. Below are our favorites.

Couples visiting Bali might also be interested in our list of best wellness , fine dining , most luxury hotels or private pool villas in Bali.

1. Tropical Temptation (Melasti Beach)

catamaran beach club bali menu

Tropical Temptation is a luxury bohemian-styled Beach Club on one of the best beaches in South Bali. We have visited this beach club twice, read our full review here . What we like: its artsy, with classy vibes, stunning views over the ocean and cliffs of Melasti Beach, offers great food and is relatively affordable for a beach club. Melasti Beach is close to Uluwatu and Nusa Dua . You'll reach the beach by following a spectacular road down the cliffs. In our view Tropical Temptation is the best beach club in the area, with multiple pools, lots of options for healthy food. If you book a daybed here, you will have to pay a minimum spend starting at around 1 million IDR (65 USD) for a couple, but we would recommend going for the first row of beds which have a slightly higher minimum spend.

2. El Kabron (Uluwatu)

catamaran beach club bali menu

Its on a cliff, so technically not a beach club, but otherwise El Kabron checks all the boxes. It overlooks the Indian Ocean on a spot with great sunset views, has a large infinity pool and relaxed seating surrounded by beautiful palm trees. All in all, the atmosphere here is really amazing and perfect for couples.

Food at El Kabron is Spanish-inspired. If you love authentic tapas and seafood, you'll have a great time here. To enjoy a day bed here you will need to spend at least 1 million rupia (around 65$).

3. KU DE TA (Seminyak)

catamaran beach club bali menu

Kudeta is the Indonesian word for coup d'état , an attempt to overthrow a government. The Ku De Ta beach club in Seminyak is very peaceful however. It is one of the most well known beach clubs in Bali, right in front of Seminyak beach. A large daybed, good for 2-3 people, can be booked in advance on their website for 2.4 million rupia, a large part of which is returned in credits which you can use to order cocktails or food.

In some beach clubs, food is not so great: people will come anyway for the views. Ku De Ta is different, here the food is of excellent quality. You can have a full dinner here, including wood-fired steak, but also order small dishes to enjoy while watching the sun set into the Indian Ocean (Ku De Ta is greatly positioned to watch sunset). We recommend trying the octopus or the tuna tartar.

4. La Brisa (Canggu)

catamaran beach club bali menu

La Brisa in Canggu is hard to describe as its a very unique place. Its a bunch of simple wooden buildings surrounded by palm trees and with a pool in between. But somehow it all fits perfectly together, making it our favorite spot to hang out in Canggu , especially as the sun is setting. Food here is excellent as well, we love their poke bowl. The amount of sunbeds and relaxed seating options here is limited compared to some of the other beach clubs. They have a lot of bean bags on the beach but they fill up fast. In any case, it is a very nice place to escape from the bustle of Canggu for a few hours - especially during sunset times.

5. Palmilla (Uluwatu)

catamaran beach club bali menu

Melasti Beach in South Bali is one of our favorite beaches, as it has beautiful white sand bordering a crystal blue ocean that is great fun to swim and play in due to the playful size of the waves. Palmilla Beach Club can be found right on this beach.

Palmilla features a large pool and luxury sunbeds. Food and drinks here are simple but decent. Entrance fee is around 10$ for general seating, but a higher minimum spend is required to enjoy the nicer options like the gazebo's. Do note you won't catch sunset here as it is facing south.

6. Potatohead (Seminyak)

catamaran beach club bali menu

Potato Head is more than a beachclub: it is a creative village by the ocean where music, art, design, food and wellness come together. It is located in Petitenget, the area on the north side of Seminyak where many fancy beach clubs are. The beach club features an infinity pool and often has a DJ playing in the late afternoon. Many restaurants are available at Potato Head, but you can also order food right to your daybed.

While its possible to reserve a daybed at the beach club, most spots are first-come first-serve. The beach club opens at 9AM and fills up fast, so its worth showing up early. No entrance fee is charged, however in order to claim a bed at the beach club a minimum spend of 500.000 Rupia is required.

We love Potato Head because its very artistic. The facade of the main building is designed from thousands of recycled wooded windows, creating a colorful vibe. Upon entrance you will walk past the 5000 Lost Soles piece of art, a colorful arrangement of flipflops found on Bali's beaches. Couples love taking selfies between all the art that can be found at Potato Head.

7. Single Fin (Uluwatu)

catamaran beach club bali menu

Not exactly a beach club, Single Fin is right on top of the cliff of Uluwatu. However we like to visit Single Fin for their cocktails, especially during sunset. Uluwatu is known as one of the most challenging surf spots in the world, and from Single Fin you have an excellent view over the waves and experienced surfers during the day. At night there are often parties.

Recently Single Fin opened a pool area, making it an even more desirable place to hang out for a couple of hours during the day. Do note that around sunset the place usually gets very crowded. Tip if the crowds get too much for you: for sunset you could walk down into the cave below the cliff if its high tide.

8. Sundays Beach Club (Uluwatu)

catamaran beach club bali menu

On a beautiful secluded white sand beach down from the South Bali cliffs you'll find the Sundays beach club. To get down to the beach, expect to take a breathtaking elevator down. While Sundays does accept walk in guests, we recommend booking one of the VIP Day Beds well in advance, which is pricey but most of the fee can be used to order food and drinks. Visitors can enjoy the crystal-clear blue waters by swimming, but depending on the tides can also borrow one of the kayaks or stand-up-paddle boards.

9. The Lawn (Canggu)

catamaran beach club bali menu

We love The Lawn. Very relaxing beach club right at the end of Batu Bolong, overlooking Canggu's black sand beach. During the day The Lawn is a calm beach club, but at night its one of the most popular places for nightlife. The Lawn offers views of the ocean with quite large waves - you can often watch surfers from here.

The extensive menu caters to diverse preferences with high quality food. We can confidently recommend this spot not just for its stunning ambiance but for the culinary escapade it offers.

10. Woobar (Seminyak)

catamaran beach club bali menu

The Woobar is part of W Bali, a luxury hotel with a futuristic entrance that will impress any visitor (we felt like we walked into a James Bond movie). The beach bar area features a pool inspired by Indonesian rice layered rice terraces overlooking the Petitenget beach in Seminyak with the Indian Ocean in the distance. You can book a daybed (which fits up to 4 people) in advance via their website. This requires a minimum spend of 2 million rupia (roughly 130$) for the group as a whole. While food at the Woobar is decent, we believe the drinks are at another level. Definitely try some of their cocktails. Adventurous couples might want to give their zero-waste cocktails a try: its where Woobar aims to reduce leftover ingredients as garnishes and ingredients to create some unique drinks.

11. Azul (Seminyak)

catamaran beach club bali menu

A bit of a hidden gem. Azul Beach Club can be found on the second floor of a bamboo building right across the street from Legian's beach, between Seminyak and Kuta. This might not classify Azul as a beachclub in the most literal sense, as it is separated from the beach by a set of stairs and a road. However we think it still is a great option to spend a couple of hours relaxing, so we have included it in this overview anyway.

From the bamboo building you can overlook the Indian Ocean. Azul features a large pool and several cozy seating options, which unfortunately cannot be booked in advance, except for the premium cabana. A minimum spend of 250k rupia (around 18$) per person is expected. A nice feature of Azul is the relaxing whirpool.

12. Infinity Beach Club (Seminyak)

catamaran beach club bali menu

The Infinity Beach Club is a serene place with a large pool facing the Indian Ocean. Don't expect loud music here, this place stays pretty calm all day. But it is a great spot to take picturesque photos. Kids are not allowed at this infinity pool area, making it a great choice for couples on a honeymoon.

While it is part of the luxury Seminyak Hotel, non-guests can book a sunbed online. A day pass costs 500k rupia per person (roughly 33$), a large part of which can be used as credit for food and drinks.

13. One Eighty (Uluwatu)

catamaran beach club bali menu

One Eighty is a clifftop day club with a scary glass-bottom sky pool stretching 6 meters over the cliff, allowing couples to get an amazing view of the Indian Ocean and green cliffs of South Bali. Great relaxing vibes and beautiful sceneries.

Admission is roughly 35$ per person, of which most can be spend on food and drinks. If you are up for a fun combination: part of the same complex is fine dining restaurant The Cave, a romantic underground tasting experience.

14. Cafe del Mar (Canggu)

catamaran beach club bali menu

Made famous in Ibiza, now in Bali too. Cafe del Mar is a modern ocean-front beach club between Canggu and Seminyak . This is one of the more higher end beach clubs in the Canggu area. Daybeds (good for up to 6 people according to the website, but we believe that would be tight, they're better for couples) start at 1.5 million rupia (around 100$) minimum spend.

Service here is really top-notch, and the food is first-class too. They have great oysters as well as many cocktails to choose from. Cafe del Mar is, due to its steaper pricing, often a little less crowded than some of the other beach clubs in Seminyak and Canggu. One thing to note is that there is a river floating between the beach club and the actual beach, making it hard to enjoy the beach itself.

15. Atlas (Canggu)

catamaran beach club bali menu

Atlas Beach Fest claims to be the largest beach club in the world, and we would not be surprised if this is actually true. This massive new development can be found on the Berawa side of Canggu . The big facade of the building through which you enter the premise is an adventure in itself. Once inside, many shops, restaurants and pools can be found. The club is well positioned to enjoy the Bali sunset.

We'll be honest, as we don't think this is the most romantic place. But if you would like to experience the largest beach club in the world: go for it! Most people book a daybed in advance. A nice feature is that when you book these in advance on the website, you can choose the exact spot where you'll be seated. All rupia spend towards your reservation can be used for food and drinks. But even without a daybed you can enter Atlas Beach Club, you will just be charged roughly 15$ each for entrance. After dark, you can enjoy another record-breaker: the Atlas Super Club is the largest nightclub in Bali.

catamaran beach club bali menu

Written by Olivia & Dirk

Hi! We have put together this guide with a lot of care, based on our own experiences. As a couple, we have lived in Bali for the past 5 years, and we fell in love with the island. We have visited every corner of Bali, especially the romantic places ;-). While our articles do contain affiliate links, you can trust us to recommend only the experiences that we love.

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39 Best Beach Clubs in Bali - You must visit in 2024

  • 882,910 times
  • 23 min read

blog written by The Bali Guideline

It is always a great day in Bali and we’re dreaming of long, lost cocktail-sipping afternoons at the very best beach bars on the island. With picture-perfect sands and boundless panoramas, these unbeatable hotspots are sure to inspire wanderlust for future travels.

Here are a few of our recommendations to get some of the much-needed Vitamin D in true Balinese style!

1   Tropical Temptation

Tropical Temptation - Photo by @tropicaltemptation

Tropical Temptation Bali offers exotic 180-degree views of Melasti Beach’s white sand, featuring their signature glass infinity pool, a stunning jacuzzi as well as games such as pool-based poker and beer pong.

With a capacity up to 500 people, this newly-opened space is available for rent for your private events with beloved ones and voila! Escape from the hustle with a day that really gives you everything under Bali’s sun; access to the pool and gorgeous beach, artisan beachside bites with premium bottle service and more, while the resident DJ’s play tunes to delight a vibrant crowd.

Tropical Temptation - Photo by @tropicaltemptation

2   Locca Sea House

Locca Sea House - Photo by @locca_bali

A hidden gem in Jimbaran Hijau area, Locca Sea House is one of the latest additions to Bali’s beach club scene that is created for the traveller to experience the Island’s local culture and art.

Whether you want to indulge in a tasty lunch, listen to dance to the music while sipping on a sundowner cocktail, or get close and feel connected, taste the remarkable Nusantara heritage, Locca Sea house is the perfect spot to go with your loved ones. As you step into the beach club, you’ll be welcomed with an incredible infinity pool overlooking the Indian ocean and beautifully-designed open space with a relaxing atmosphere.

Locca Sea House - Photo by @locca_bali

3   Savaya

Savaya - Photo by @savayabali

Uluwatu is a gorgeous setting to host a beach club. The pristine white beaches that first attracted surfers to the area are as beautiful as ever, the limestone cliffs and their perfect sunsets that never fail to inspire with natural beauty.

Located in the heart of Uluwatu Beach, it’s easy to spend the whole day at this elegant beach club, which juts out into the bay like a small peninsula. Make sure to arrive early and reserve a lounge chair, then have a leisurely poolside cocktail session. Sounds like heaven!

4   Rock Bar

Rock Bar - Photo by @rockbarbali

One of Bali’s Best Cliff Beach Clubs, Rock Bar, is situated at the edge of paradise, within meters of the Indian ocean’s sapphire waters. Widely known as one of the globe's most popular sunset, cocktail and entertainment venues, Rock Bar at AYANA Resort & Spa offers a glamorous sunset and after-dark experience.

Soak up the ambience of paradise as the sound of the waves merges with the beats vibing from the DJ above the bar. Try their signature cocktails “Rockatonic”, served in chic glasses as the sun goes down.

5   Sundara Beach Club

Sundara Beach Club - Photo by @mangotwin

Relax surrounded by natural beauty at the Sundara Beach Club. Nestled in Four Seasons Resort at Jimbaran Bay, this upscale destination turns from a sultry beach-club by day to one of the best restaurants in Bali by night.

Sundara offers a mix of good vibe, world-class food and beverages against the backdrop of Bali’s magical sunset. If you don’t want to leave after the sunset cocktail-sipping, you can simply stay and party into the night.

6   White Rock Beach Club

White Rock Beach Club - Photo by @whiterockbeachclub

At White Rock Beach Club, located at the southernmost tip of Bali Island, you can relax and unwind surrounded by stunning natural beauty. With its glittering infinity pools and excellent food and drink options, White Rock is the perfect destination for a sultry beach-club experience during the day, and a vibrant nightlife destination after the sun goes down. As one of the most beautiful sunset beaches in Bali, White Rock Beach Club offers a truly awe-inspiring experience that you won't want to miss.

7   Manarai Beach House

Manarai Beach House - Photo by @jktshootandgram

Part of Ismaya Group, one of Indonesia’s most exciting hospitality companies, the blissful premise of Manarai Beach Club epitomizes the island’s luxury vibe. Located on Bali's most pristine beachfront in Nusa Dua, Manarai Beach House is an exciting addition to Bali's social scene that is the perfect blend of Balinese tradition and modernity. This destination provides a vibrant spot to soak up the dreamy backdrop of Nusa Dua’s coastline and delivers a delectable menu to indulge in, including regional seafood delicacies.

8   Canna Bali

Canna Bali - Photo by @canna.bali

This new Nusa Dua’s hidden gem tailored for the sweetest escape — a one-stop lifestyle destination with venues that are each specifically designed to cater to whatever mood you have to escape from reality. With sustainable architecture and design, enjoy the sun, sand and ocean with friends and family.

9   Finns Beach Club

Finns Beach Club - Photo by @finnsbeachclub

One of Bali’s most prominent hot spots, Finns has a strong beach club culture, and it’s impossible to see just one when visiting. Located just about 10 minutes from Seminyak’s hustle and bustle, Finns Beach Club is a magnet for beautiful people seeking sun, sea and sand, plus delicious food.

With the choice of 2 pools, 5 bars (including 2 swim-up pool bars), 2 restaurants, sushi bar, daily DJs, live vocalists and stunning sunsets, Finns Beach Club offers it all across 170m of absolute oceanfront at the famous Berawa surf break.

10   Mari Beach Club

Mari Beach Club - Photo by @maribeachclubbali

The laid-back Island vibes make Mari Beach Club the perfect place to unwind with a choice of relaxing on the golden sand beach or by the pool. Located at Batu Belig Beach, this chic tropical Bohemian-style venue and infinity pool overlooking the Indian Ocean is nothing short of relaxing. From Mediterranean poolside bites to tacos and sushi rolls find yourself willing away your worries while basking under the Bali sun.

11   Potato Head

Potato Head - Photo by @potatoheadbali

Situated in the heart of bustling Seminyak, Potato Head is always a favorite amongst many visitors. Look around and you’ll see most people are busy snapping selfies, or instagramming their surroundings from different angles.

You can choose to lounge by the infinity pool, or perched in the water by the pool bar, while others swim, or tuck into locally inspired drink, earth-conscious eats and amazing sunsets.

12   La Brisa

La Brisa - Photo by @labrisabali

Open everyday from 10am to 10pm, La Brisa is home to breathtaking décor, sustainably sourced food and genuine Balinese hospitality, nestled on the foreshore of the iconic Echo Beach Relax in beanbags, facing the sea, with nets, all of those casual fun environments, making this a popular place for soaking up some rays!

13   Cafe Del Mar Bali

Cafe Del Mar Bali - Photo by @cafedelmarbali

One of Ibiza’s most iconic venues, Café del Mar, has now opened its doors in Bali. It’s perfect for everyone who doesn't want to travel that far to experience a little bit of Ibiza. Guests can enjoy panoramic views of the Indian Ocean in Cafe Del Mar which consists of 2 bar areas, 60 outdoor benches, 58 sun loungers for sunbathing, 37 day beds, 13 cabanas, a giant luxury pool and 4 sunset booths close to the bar.

For those who want cocktails and nibbles, the sunny beachside destination offers a Mediterranean-inspired menu – with the addition of a sushi selection.

Our tip: try one of our favorites, crispy rice salmon sushi. It has chic vibes and a chilled yet playful atmosphere with an upbeat soundtrack. We can certainly expect cool things from a venue like this, like international DJs!

14   The Lawn

The Lawn - Photo by @thelawncanggu

Sitting on top of Bali's most notable longboard wave, right in the heart of Canggu Beach, the Lawn has been known by locals as the one place to catch up, relax and celebrate for the better part of the last decade.

It’s cool, it’s laid-back, it’s perfect for those who want to laze away the day in the sun overlooking the beachgoers and passersby. Or let us give you a pro tip, if you can keep your eyes off the food itself: try their scrumptious Tiger Prawn Farfalle, with garlic butter, parsley, and white wine (IDR 180k++)! They also have killer spritz, like Blood Orange Paloma, perfect to quench thirst in this warm tropical paradise.

15   Reef Beach Club

Reef Beach Club - Photo by @thehoneydreamers

Reef Beach Club is part of the Apurva Kempinski Bali. It’s one of the coolest beach clubs in Nusa Dua, with its iconic 42-m infinity pool, cabanas, sun-loungers, sunbathing spots on the golden–exclusive beachfront, watersport activities, and indoor-restaurant setting.

The club offers 30 selections of Rosé, a refreshing line of elevated cocktails, premium – succulent meat as well as sizzling seafood. If you’re looking for a vibrant venue suited for individuals, couples, communities, and families alike, Reef Beach Club is the place to be.

16   Como Beach Club

Como Beach Club - Photo by @meinarmagdalena

Make the most of the Bali weather by soaking up the sun at COMO Beach Club. What to expect: a modern take on the traditional surf shack, setting itself apart from the other bustling beachside venues in Canggu. It is at once refined and laid-back, designed to appeal to surfers and sophisticated travelers alike.

This destination has recently elevated its luxury offering with the panoramic sea views, poolside seating and a stand-out bar list, featuring barrel-aged cocktails, original mocktails, local wines and a selection of infused gins. Who’s in?

17   Oneeighty

Oneeighty - Photo by @tiffanyjuvenal

Uluwatu has long been famous for its magical panoramic views, reef and white sand. But a far more recent but sure-to-be-a-hit addition to the beach on this area is Oneeighty. This stunning destination is a clifftop day club celebrating sophisticated beach culture 162 meters above the Indian Ocean.

Built alongside a series of cascading ponds, spilling into a jaw-dropping glass-bottom sky pool extending 6 meters over the cliff edge, Oneeighty features an extensive VIP deck, sky lounge, sand lounge and enclosed bar & restaurant, all overlooking the most breathtaking panorama imaginable.

18   El Kabron

El Kabron - Photo by @elkabronbali

ElKabron Spanish Restaurant has the most Secluded Sunset on the Island of the Gods or Bali Island. If you are looking for Spanish tapas and Paella, this is the place for you! With picture perfect scenery, beanbags, infinity pool, El Kabron is one of the best hangout spots in Bali.

19   Komune

Komune - Photo by @komunebali

Komune Beach Club at the famous Keramas surf beach is designed as your all day place to hang, recharge and party. Kick back & listen to tunes, scope the net, check the waves and mix good times with good people.

20   Atlas Beach Club

Atlas Beach Club - Photo by @atlasbeachclub

Atlas Beach Fest is more than just another Beach Club in Bali. Situated at the most happening and vibrant Canggu, this new and biggest one-stop lifestyle center offers culinary delights, beach club, department store, and soon a nightclub. With non-stop entertainment, leisure and parties throughout the year, this place is not to be missed if you love to party, eat and shop.

21   Klyf Club Blue Lagoon Ceningan Island

Klyf Club Blue Lagoon Ceningan Island - Photo by @klyfclub

Nestled on a stunning cliff at the tip of Nusa Ceningan island, represents a level of laid-back sophistication and style matched only by its unique location. For those looking for somewhere relaxed with fewer party vibes, Klyf Beach Club serves unparalleled sea views from its picturesque perch, featuring a stunning infinity pool, daybeds, yoga deck, lookout points, and a world-class bar and restaurant.

The venue is highly experienced in catering events and weddings, making them truly memorable. Klyf is the perfect place to take in an incredible sunset over a crafted cocktail as the beats slowly take you into the night.

22   Palmilla Beach Club

Palmilla Beach Club - Photo by @ashleyandreina

Palmilla Beach Club, nestled at Melasti Beach, is a new lifestyle experience in Bali. The beachfront club has a massive infinity pool with uninterrupted views of the ocean. Dine on classic dishes – think about avocado and mushroom toast – to a soundtrack of tropical soul. With plenty of Instagram-worthy spots, Palmilla Beach Club was created to welcome guests seeking a distinctive lifestyle.

23   Ku De Ta

Ku De Ta - Photo by @kudetabali

Ku De Ta Bali is one of Bali's most prominent hotspots, often considered the trendsetter for upscale nightlife and beach dining venues in Seminyak, which eventually inspired other similar enterprises all over the island.

24   Azul Beach Club

Azul Beach Club - Photo by @syellahedwig

While most clubs around the bay of Bali – veer towards a particular sort of day beds and sofa, Azul Beach Club offers something different, picking up a more boho vibe by bringing bamboo treehouse as its theme.

The beach club is also home to a restaurant and bar showcasing an innovative take on its own signature craft cocktails. These Tiki cocktails are served in custom-made glassware designed to complement each sipping experience. Crafted for the Island of Gods with handpicked local ingredients and premium Rum, Azul has added its own spin and twist to your traditional Mai Tais and Mojitos.

Nothing is ordinary when their passionate mixologist adds unique Balinese infusions into world famous Tiki Cocktails!

25   Le Pirate Beach Club, Ceningan Island

Le Pirate Beach Club, Ceningan Island - Photo by @krisnantarawp

'Simplicity at its best, blended with barefoot travel for an unforgettable escape' , that is their motto. Well, we kind of agree with that! While Seminyak and Canggu may be the livelier party island, but for chic bars on beautiful beaches, Nusa Ceningan is another magnificent hotspot that should be on your radar.

And there’s no better way to unwind than at one of their prominent clubs. Le Pirates is set on a prime position on a low cliff with direct beach access, overlooking turquoise waters and puts you in 'the box seat' to catch spectacular sunrises and incredible sunsets over the Bali volcanoes. Sounds wonderful, eh?

26   Minoo Beach Club

Minoo Beach Club - Photo by @ellchintya

Ungasan is where some of the island’s most elegant tucked-away villas and resorts are found, and now there’s a daytime hangout to match. Commanding jaw-dropping views of the ocean, Minoo Beach Club sits on the celebrated Ungasan shoreline with front row seats to Bali’s famed sunsets.

Facing directly to the best angle of the Indian Ocean, this is the newest sundowner destination in Ungasan, which also sets to rise from the island’s most famous beachfront in a riot of movement and color by providing partygoers long lazy days and fun nights.

27   Sundays Beach Club

Sundays Beach Club - Photo by @sundaysbeachclub

With its white sandy beach and beach front location, Sundays beach club provides its guests with complimentary water sports such as kayak, snorkeling gear, and stand up paddle boards. Also, you can relax by the bonfires to the cool tines, as the sun sets. Cliffside

28   Karma Beach Bali

Karma Beach Bali - Photo by @cocobellacollective

Karma Beach Bali is Karma Kandara's internationally renowned beachfront venue, elevating laid-back, jet-set style to new heights. This upscale place features a laid-back tropical beach setting and 5-star services for those who wish to sip signature cocktails and indulge in a Mediterranean-inspired menu. Come sunset and immerse in sensual evenings enhanced by DJs, live music, cocktails and seafood feasts. When it comes to chilled-out luxe Karma Beach sets a new high-vibe standard.

29   Sugarsand

Sugarsand - Photo by @thebaliguideline

Absolute beachfront in front of the famous Seminyak, this stylish restaurant is a prestigious place to relax from early morning until late at night and even early in the morning (yay for you, early-risers!). During the day, you can make it an oasis of relaxation with a refreshing drink in the lounge and bar by the pool, or in the lounge corner surrounded by water.

When the sun sets on the horizon, you can enjoy the beautiful panorama directly from the pool or terrace without having to leave your chair. Craving for nibbles? Delicious tapas served with a touch of Japanese style and created using fresh local ingredients. Spend the night listening to the upbeat soundtrack accompanied by their resident DJs.

30   Kubu Beach Club At Ayana

Kubu Beach Club At Ayana - Photo by @lissieek

For a more laid back day at the beach, look no further than Kubu Beach Club. Bali's most beautiful and secluded white sand beach is conveniently located within Ayana Resort &Spa. Relax at Kubu Beach Club with delicious local dishes and refreshing beverages. This exclusive destination is accessible via an innovative inclinator to maximize dramatic ocean views.

31   Mano Beach House

Mano Beach House - Photo by @manobeachhouse

Find yourself a lovely hidden corner in Petitenget’s prominent beach club, Mano, which is the ultimate place to chill. Rest under a shady canopy by the pool, or soak up the ocean views and sparkling sunsets. Enjoy the contemporary cuisine, sip island-inspired cocktails, drift off to the laid-back tunes, and say yes to the slow life!

32   Ulu Cliff House

Ulu Cliff House - Photo by @ulucliffhouse

Ulu Cliffhouse embraces the raw natural beauty of the Bukit Peninsula with its stunning Uluwatu location and a design that combines intimate spaces and tantalizing experiences in a cliff top playground.

33   Ibiza In Bali Beach Club

Ibiza In Bali Beach Club - Photo by @travelwbe

It’s the irrepressible spirit of Ibiza that’s been woven into Kelan Beach, which sits in Jimbaran, Badung Regency. This elegant destination has a spacious view of the Jimbaran strait as well as a beautiful horizon and sunset because it faces directly west.

With its iconic aquarium-style swimming pool, Ibiza in Bali is ready to pamper you in a pool that stretches and faces directly to the ocean. You have all the options to dip in or just relax in the pool while enjoying your favorite tunes with the sunset background.

34   Sandy Bay Lembongan Island

Sandy Bay Lembongan Island - Photo by @littlesherpatravels

A little quieter and less flashy than Seminyak and Canggu beach clubs, this beach club located in Lembongan island already has savvy locals out of the island for its superb views and relaxed vibe. It is here that you will find Sandy Bay Beach Club – a restaurant designed with a rustic beach-chic elegance, set against the backdrop of nature’s raw beauty.

35   Virgin Beach Club, Penida Island

Virgin Beach Club, Penida Island - Photo by @storiadimarcy

This rustic hangout is, unsurprisingly, one of a few beach clubs in Nusa Penida, and there’s no better way to unwind than at this newly-launched destination! Open from early morning till late night, Virgin Beach Club offers you impeccable landscape facing Bali and Mount Agung volcano and the sound of the ocean.

You can either enjoy your sunny day swimming in the sea and sipping cocktails, snacks and lunch in the beach club, or indulging dinner in a mellow atmosphere. Ummm…or maybe both?

36   Roosterfish Beach Club

Roosterfish Beach Club - Photo by @eryabltc

Located in pristine Pandawa Beach, Roosterfish Beach Club is part of the Renaissance Bali Uluwatu Resort, but located just a few miles apart. While the hotel is perched on top of a hill with an amazing panoramic view, the stunning place is located by the sea a few miles away.

With a large beachside pool flanked by bamboo cabanas and sun loungers, a restaurant and a bar, live DJs and entertainment, Roosterfish Beach Club offers a great beach day out for everyone. Laze away by the beach, savor fresh food from the open kitchen and indulge some inventive cocktails from the bar.

37   Ritual Bali

Ritual Bali - Photo by @A

At Ritual Bali, celebrate music, food, art, friendship and simple joys worth to be shared located at the peaceful Uluwatu. This new beach club venue is pretty impressive, packed with offers a fire restaurant, pool garden, night club and art space so make sure you visit this place on your next visit.

38   Oo Beach Club (Temporarily Closed)

Oo Beach Club (Temporarily Closed) - Photo by @victorwijayakusuma

Temporary closed as per latest update February 2022 - Located in the heart of bustling Seminyak, a vibrant yet relaxing destination for all is created inside a utopia called The OO Beach Club Bali. You are free to indulge with a poolside lunch or settle in for a romantic dinner under the stars.

For one of the hottest party spots in town, head upstairs to Jungle Space for great tunes by local and international DJs, performing the hottest tunes in town. Laze away the day and enjoy the chill tropical vibes with one of OO Beach Club Bali’s signature cocktails in hand. Insiders’ favorite: Ginger Daiquiri!

39   Artotel Beach Club (Temporarily Closed)

Artotel Beach Club (Temporarily Closed) - Photo by @abcsanur

Temporary closed as per latest update February 2022 - Who’s up for a fun family time? Located in Sanur, Artotel Beach Club is a friendly and laid back space for guests of all generations. With comforting quality food and drinks that come in great value for money and an infinite view of the sea, Artotel Beach Club offers nothing but good times. Featuring a lagoon pool, a multi-purpose lawn and playground, bars, restaurant and lounge, ABC provides an unparalleled beach club experience.


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8 Best Family-Friendly Beach Clubs in Bali

Karma - Family-friendly Beach Clubs

The summertime calls for fun family times under the sun and one of the most popular pastimes during a holiday in Bali is spending leisurely days at one of the island’s top beach clubs. But not all beach clubs are made the same! To make sure you don’t accidentally end up at one of Bali’s bumping day clubs, we’ve curated a list of family-friendly beach clubs, where great food, drinks and games can be enjoyed by both parents and children alike.

Karma Beach Bali

catamaran beach club bali menu

Nestling under the cliffs of Uluwatu, entered from the luxurious five-star Karma Kandara resort, is the world-renowned Karma Beach Bali. A secluded, white sandy beach with crystal clear waters and million-dollar views of the Indian Ocean, Karma Beach Bali is the epitome of tropical heaven.

Daybeds and sun loungers are spread across the soft sand beach, providing guests with a serene beach hotspot to unwind and bask under the Bali sun. A great place to bring the family, Karma Beach Bali offers a series of fun activities and programmes, including watersports like stand-up paddle, sea kayaking. Plus, there’s plenty of entertainment both parents and kids can enjoy, including movie screenings on the beach, live bands and fire dance performances. If that isn’t enough to keep the young ones busy, the resort’s Three Monkeys Kids Club offers a program of fun crafts, games and educational workshops for children, making Karma Beach Bali an extra kids-friendly destination.

Of course, parents have plenty to enjoy here as well. For one they can fully relax with the treatments offered by Karma Spa, with beachfront massages and beauty treatments available by the sea. Then there’s the super food and beverage offerings available across the beach club’s different areas, including: Le Club 22, a cool and casual beachfront clubhouse tucked away around the cliffside; Tiki Bar, a casual venue that pays homage to Bali’s famed beach barbecues, with all-day dining prepared using the handcrafted Komodo Kamado Grill.

The beach clubs has a roster of exciting weekly events and activities, whether its a new dining or entertainment program, making each visit to Karma Beach Bali a little different every time.

+62 811 3829 3360 [email protected] @karmabeachclubs

Sundays Beach Club

Sundays - Family-friendly Beach Cubs

Found on Bali’s southernmost tip is a stunning destination that sprawls down a beautiful private bay in Uluwatu. Sundays Beach Club’s breathtaking location presents unlimited pleasure for both adults and kids, a cosy and laidback venue with delectable dining offerings, family activities and additional VIP services.

Making your way down from the Ungasan Clifftop Resort on a private funicular, you’ll be welcomed to Sundays’ boho-chic, bamboo and thatched rooftop venue, enclosed by coconut palms that opens to the dazzling vista of the Indian Ocean. Surrounded by white sands, you’re invited to take a seat at the restaurant, sink into a beach beanbag or settle onto a sun bed.

What makes Sundays Beach Club particularly family-friendly is its open beachfront where kids are welcome to make use of the complimentary watersports equipment, including kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding and snorkelling. A particularly special moment at the beach club is the daily Sunset Bonfires, complemented by live music to set the scene and mushrooms to toast in the flames, is there a better way to end the day?

For an extra luxurious experience, families can settle into one of the VIP Bungalows, which include F&B credit, a bottle of premium bubbly, a complimentary welcome drink, a fruit platter and marshmallows by the bonfire, a private bathroom and shower, dedicated space on the beach with sun beds, and VIP butler service.

+62 821 4405 7406 [email protected] @sundaysbeachclub

Sundara Bali

Sundara - Family-friendly Beach Clubs

Derived from the Sanskrit word for “beautiful”, Sundara certainly lives up to its name. Tucked into a cosy corner of famous Jimbaran Bay, it enjoys spanning views of the beach and magical sunset moments. Offering a refined and elegant seaside atmosphere, families are invited to enjoy fabulous dining experiences as they relax beside the 57-metre, infinity-edged, beachfront swimming pool.

Sundara Bali is a destination where families can come to eat, drink, swim and play all day long. Its sprawling swimming pool presents guests with daybeds perfect for all-day lounging, relaxed grazing and people-watching. Curtain-clad gazebos are also available choice for those wanting a little more privacy, while the oversized daybeds by the Kids Club are a great spot for families.

The culinary offerings at Sundara transition throughout the day, offering something different from morning to night. You’ll find tantalising beach club fare for lunch, with sharing-style, nutritionist guided menu of light bites and casual bites. Savour shared plates of fresh seafood, creative sushi rolls, refreshing salads, and crisp wood-fired pizzas. Later, enjoy sweet treats with their Afternoon Tea menu, before transitioning smoothly into a menu of Sundowners, featuring sustainable cocktails by Head Bartender, Jan Jurecka.

The best way to experience Sundara is during their famous Bali’s Longest Sunday Brunch, a 5 ½-hour feast of leisurely grazing. Enjoy an unlimited array of small plates featuring international flavours and smoky barbecue options, highlighting the freshest seafood from Jimbaran Fish Markets. The lobster-crowned seafood-on-ice platter is a must-try. A Kids Brunch menu is also on offer, making this Sunday brunch a perfect family day out.

+62 857 9265 0897 [email protected] @ sundarabali

Roosterfish Beach Club

Roosterfish - Family-friendly Beach Clubs

Located on the beautiful Pandawa Beach is Roosterfish Beach Club. Featuring an expansive beachside pool flanked by bamboo cabanas and sun loungers, a restaurant and bar, live DJ performances and entertainment, this beach club provides an exquisite choice for a fun beach day out with the family.

What makes Roosterfish Beach Club particularly great for families is that it features a verdant, open lawn for children to play on, as well as a kids play area under the venue’s upper deck. Also, the expansive swimming pool features a separate section for children.

When it comes to food, Roosterfish Beach Club serves up a seafood-dominated menu, available all day long, featuring an array of bites, salads, fresh and grilled seafood and meats, wood-fired pizzas, local favourites and enticing desserts. As the little ones enjoy fun times under the sun, the adults can try the handcrafted cocktails, freshly squeezed juices, a wide range of local and imported wines, icy cold beers and more.

Taking into consideration that the weekends are typically dedicated to family time, the venue hosts their weekly Saturday Saxobeat, a unique collaboration between a DJ and saxophonist, as well as their thrilling Sunday Fun Day with Foam Party, welcoming guests of all ages to play in the sea of foam.

+62 811 3940 3588 [email protected] @roosterfishbeachclub

Desa Potato Head

Potato Head - Family-friendly Beach Clubs

The iconic Potato Head Beach Club welcomes visitors of all ages to enjoy their many offerings enclosed within its majestic colosseum on Seminyak Beach. Of course, the beach club is now only one part of a larger complex, a creative village known as Desa Potato Head, wherein Potato Head Family’s eclectic presentation of music, art, sustainability, design and hospitality come together to create one unique destination.

At the beach club, families can find the perfect place to nest for the day. The poolside daybeds overlooking the beachfront and waves are a favourite, but for something a little more grounded, Potato Head Beach Club offers picnic-style lounging on their open lawn. Great for those with young ones, who can stretch their legs and enjoy the rare opportunity to be in contact with Earth. What’s more, ‘family’ extends extend to furry members too, as this is a dog-friendly beach club! Potato Head Beach Club has its own food and drinks menu, offering friendly, international fare from easy-to-eat platters, pizzas and burgers to delectable seafood options of octopus, prawns and fresh oysters. There are several restaurants around the beach club, including Ijen serving fresh seafood and Kaum specialising in Indonesian cuisine. Every restaurant in Desa Potato Head has a kids menu.

A visit to the beach club is in fact a great opportunity to bring the kids on the creative village’s ‘Follow the Waste’ tour. At ‘The Waste Centre’, found in the bamboo entranceway of the Desa, is the complex’s in-house recycling facility, where you can watch as they transform waste into beautiful and functional objects. Their tour takes you behind the curtain at Potato Head to see discover their innovative sustainability practices. This is an eye-opening experience for young participants, teaching them new ways to think about the world around them and the possibilities that design, innovation and resourcefulness open up. These tours are available daily from 11am to 12.30pm and are free to join, registrations online are necessary.

Adding to this, Every Sunday, Desa Potato Head holds a 1-hour Sustainable Workshop for kids, where they’ll experience new ways of creating and building, from drawing with seeds to building boats out of coconuts or learning traditional kite making. This is catered for children aged 4-12 years of age, younger children must be accompanied by their parents.

+62 361 6207979 @potatoheadbali

COMO Beach Club

catamaran beach club bali menu

Found within the refined COMO Uma Canggu rests a captivating beachfront oasis of luxury and immersive experiences: COMO Beach Club. This chic venue boasts several highlight features including its exceptional beachfront location that grants guests stunning views of the Indian Ocean.

Revel in the volcanic sand beach, bask in the tropical sunshine, surf the waves or take a dip in the beach club’s swimming pool. Lined with cosy poolside daybeds, the space presents guests with an escape to relax under the sun, sip on signature cocktails, and take advantage of the personalised services.

A social hub, the venue hosts regular events and entertainment including live music performances, themed parties and dining events. If you’re visiting with kids, in-house and beach club guests can enjoy complimentary access to Play by COMO, a kids’ space designed to inspire purposeful and creative child-focused play for children aged 4 to 12 with carefully curated toys, books, games, and art materials.

+62 811 3820 9418 [email protected] @comobeachclub.canggu

catamaran beach club bali menu

Nestled on Seminyak’s golden coastline is a destination that has long been regarded as the original sunset destination in Bali: KU DE TA. , KU DE TA has maintained its legacy as one of Asia’s go-to lifestyle destinations, an iconic destination hot spot for local and foreign travellers alike.

The beach club is certainly best known for its tropical elegance, refined dining experiences, superb sundowner cocktails and big, international DJ events. However, this famous Seminyak beach club changes its atmosphere every Sunday, with their weekly ‘Family Sunday’ experience.

That’s right, every Sunday the beach club extends extra-special service for the kids, organising activities to keep the young ones entertained. There’s arts, crafts and games and they’ve even featured a petting zoo, bouncy castle and magician on this special family days. This means the parents and kids can enjoy the facilities of KU DE TA together, whether that’s swimming in the pool or relaxing under the palm trees on the beach club’s central lawn area.

+62 361 736 989 [email protected] @kudetabali  

Azul Beach Club

catamaran beach club bali menu

Situated along the serene Legian coastline, AZUL Beach Club is an oceanfront destination that is a favourite amongst residents and vacationing families. AZUL’s eco-friendly design incorporates locally-sourced bamboo throughout its three-level establishment. This chic, bohemian venue invites guests to indulge in an all-encompassing beach experience from day to night, boasting excellent dining, craft cocktails and cosy beach club ambience.

The bamboo tree house is embellished with local art and tasteful turquoise interiors, referencing its name, meaning “A Shade of Blue”. Witness the talented team of chefs working behind the open display kitchen, be spoiled with its savvy service and enjoy the chill island tunes by live bands and DJs.

Savour the tantalising culinary offerings that have been meticulously curated in a perfect fusion of international coastal cuisine with the rich flavours, spices and fresh ingredients of Asia. The menu also offers a range of vegetarian and vegan options.

Welcoming guests to indulge in the idyllic summer destination, AZUL Beach Club provides free entry and complimentary access to its infinity pool with the purchase of food and beverages. The beach club is also a highly popular family destination during special occasions and holidays including Easter, Halloween, Christmas and New Year’s, where they host special events with plenty of fun and exciting offers and activities for the entire family.

+62 361 765 759 [email protected]  @azulbeachclub

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Travels With Missy

The 11 Best Beach Clubs in Bali in 2024 (+ Map)

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Welcome to the island of the Gods, Bali . Known for its pristine rice terraces, volcanoes, and waterfalls, Bali is one of the world’s most beautiful and iconic islands. Spend your way scooting around the island, visiting temples, or relaxing in the many beach clubs in Bali.

catamaran beach club bali menu

I’ve whittled down the best beach clubs in Bali that are perfect for partying, relaxing, and visiting with friends and family. You can expect luxury settings, plush lounge chairs, and fantastic Balinese hospitality. 

Explore the beach clubs in Uluwatu, Canggu, and beyond for the ultimate beach club in Bali experience and make sure to add it to your Bali itinerary.

catamaran beach club bali menu

The Best Beach Clubs in Bali

  • Finns Beach Club – high octane energy, pool parties, and world-class DJs.
  • Sundays Beach Club – bonfires, sunsets, and relaxed vibes.
  • Palmilla Bali Beach Club – family-friendly, stunning, and influencer favorite.
  • Potato Head Beach Club – inner creative is released.
  • Roosterfish Beach Club – family-friendly Bali beach club.

1. Sundays Beach Club

There are not many beach clubs in Bali in which you need to access it by a small inclinator (a type of cable car), but Sundays Beach Club happens to be one of them. Which is a blessing as it’s a steep descent down to the beach.

catamaran beach club bali menu

As you ride down the inclinator you are greeted by one of the most fantastic beach clubs in Bali – a wide empty beach, lush green vegetation, and soaring cliffs make Sundays Beach Club feel private and miles away from the hustle and bustle of Canggu or Seminyak. (And maybe a sneaky monkey or two.)

catamaran beach club bali menu

Spend your afternoon in one of the bean bags in Sundays Beach Club, or reserve your own private VIP Bungalow that enjoys uninterrupted views and butler service . Throughout the day dine on woodfired pizzas, chilled watermelon salads, rotisserie chicken, and the scrumptious Sunday’s Sundae. 

catamaran beach club bali menu

Depending on the tide, the level of ability either increases in the afternoon or you’ll find limited seating in Sundays Beach Club. During my visit, I started off the day in row 1 and by the end of the day, an additional 3 rows had been placed in front of me as the tide rolled out.

Don’t skip on their Tangerine and Passion Mojito , a thirst quencher in the hot Bali sun. When you’ve had your fill of food and drinks, head out to the crystal clear water, grab a stand-up paddle board, snorkel, or kayak, and explore the waters of Bali. 

catamaran beach club bali menu

As evening descends, grab a beanbag and head to the daily sunset bonfire , toast some marshmallows and enjoy the live music — an unbeatable Bali beach club experience. 

Read More…

For a more detailed report, read my full review of Sundays Beach Club here .

Entrance fee: 650K IDR per person (can be used as credit towards beverages and food).

Website: Sundays Beach Club 

Location: Jl. Pantai Sel. Gau Banjar Wijaya Kusuma, Ungasan, Kec. Kuta Sel., Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80362, Indonesia

catamaran beach club bali menu

2. Finns Beach Club

Arguably the most famous beach club in Bali, Finns Beach Club is where anyone looking for epic parties and world-famous DJs needs to go to when visiting Bali. 

The parties and events held in Finn’s Beach Club are so legendary that you can expect to see world-class musicians such as Diplo and Jason Derulo headline events throughout the year. With 4 pools and 9 bars to choose from, this is the best day-to-night beach club in Bali. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by FINNS BEACH CLUB (@finnsbeachclub)

Bookings are recommended for sun loungers, and for ticketed events such as New Year’s Eve, you will need to book months in advance. 

With a Happy Hour between 7-9 PM , watch the sunset from the sunset lounge and indulge in their buy-1-get-1-free offer. Its location is perfect for those based in Seminyak, Canggu, and Kuta, it’s easy to hop onto a Grab bike and get there. 

Finns Beach Club self-proclaims that it’s the best beach club in the world, and it definitely gives beach clubs in Mykonos and Ibiza a run for their money. 

Party animals and those looking for the ultimate social experience will adore Finns Beach Club. Whether you’re alone or with friends, you’ll finish the night with new acquaintances. 

Location: Jl. Pantai Berawa No.99, Canggu, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia Website: Finns Beach Club

3. Azul Beach Club Bali

One reason alone to head to Azul Beach Club Bali is to sample some of their incredible cocktails. Each cocktail has hand-crafted and custom glassware from which to drink. The Tiki cocktails alone are worthy of a visit – make sure to sample the Vacation in a Glass . 

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The Tiki Bar in Azul Beach Club is one of the reasons to visit, but you’ll also find a stunning infinity pool with outrageous views and an open-air restaurant. 

Expect to find themed events throughout the year including foam parties, New Years’ Eve celebrations, and chilled sunset sessions. Spend your afternoon by the long infinity pool, or dip your toes in the waters of Legian Beach. 

The open-air restaurant offers a cooling respite from the humid Bali weather. Cool off with the sea breeze, watch a storm roll in and order some fresh crab dishes and local Balinese specialties. 

Location: Jl. Padma No.2, Legian, Kec. Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia Website: Azul Beach Club Bali

4. Palmilla Bali Beach Club

There is a reason why all the influencers in Canggu gravitate towards Palmilla Bali Beach Club . The stunning backdrop of the dramatic rock face that looms over the beach club creates an incredible background. Coupled with one of the sexiest pools that we’ve seen in quite some time, Palmilla Bali Beach Club is the real deal. 

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Perch on a swing at the bar , order a cocktail, and watch the world go by. This is the ultimate Bali beach club to relax and zen out. Work on your tan, catch up on social media, and post some of the most perfect Bali scenery to your Instagram. 

Location: Ungasan, South Kuta, Badung Regency, Bali, Indonesia

5. Potato Head Beach Club

Potato Head Beach Club is another iconic beach club in Bali where you’ll find the creatives that made Bali their home. You don’t need to be a budding artist or nomad to appreciate the splendor of Potato Head. All are welcome. 

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Join a yoga session as the sunrises or as the moon sets. Browse the library. Indulge in a feast or imbibe a frozen cocktail. Lounge by the pool and soak up the atmosphere. This is Bali at its most ambitious, energetic, and unapologetic . A must for those in Seminyak.  

Location: Petitenget St No.51B, Seminyak, Kuta Utara, Badung Regency, Bali 80361, Indonesia

Website: Potato Head Beach Club

6. Karma Beach Club

On Bukit Pennisula in order to access the beaches below, you’ll either have to walk down many flights of stairs, or you can take Karma Beach Club ’s inclinator which deposits you at the base of the cliff and on a private beach. 

Karma Beach is the perfect place to chill out and relax in, with fantastic views, white sands and chilled out vibes. The bungalows that overlook the beach club and open sea are breathtaking as you make your way down to the beach club. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Karma Beach Bali (@karmabeachclubs)

Spend the afternoon topping up your tan, or enjoying kayaking around the beach and cliffs of Bukit. Spend the afternoon enjoying delicious cocktails and freshly caught fish dishes. 

In the evenings, savor the sunset and relax on the beach as Karma Beach Club sets up Monday Night Movies on the beach. With an enormous screen, the sounds of the waves, and an excellent movie, what better place to spend a Monday night than Karma Beach Club. 

Location: Karma Kandara Bali, Jalan Villa Kandara, Ungasan, Kec. Kuta Sel., Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80362, Indonesia

Website: Karma Beach Club

7. Mari Beach Club

  • Pool Parties. Check. 
  • World-class stage & DJ booth. Check.
  • Epic Sunsets. Check.

Mari Beach Club may not have the best section of the beach, but what it lacks in white sand, it makes up for in stiff competition from other beach clubs in Bali. 

Featuring an enormous river-shaped infinity pool , ample space for sun loungers, and seating. You can spend your day by the pool and vibing to the sets played by the DJ. It also happens to be another great choice for anyone looking for a day-to-night beach club experience. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mari Beach Club Bali (@maribeachclubbali)

Mari Beach Club gives us Tulum vibes and we are here for it. The kitchen blends Japanese techniques with Mediterranean dishes and flavors. The food tastes as good as it sounds. It may not have the eclectic manic-ness of Finns, but it does have a certain aura about it that we just love. 

Location: Jl. Batu Belig No.66, Kerobokan Kelod, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia

Website:   Mari Beach Club

8. Roosterfish Beach Club

Roosterfish Beach Club is one of the more family-friendly beach clubs in Bali. It doesn’t mean that its all kid’s clubs and Barney, but it does mean that Roosterfish are welcoming to families. 

Roosterfish Beach Club is one of the Bali beach clubs that makes us feel like we can wear our hair down and let it all hang out. In a metaphorical sense. What we really mean is that we can relax at Roosterfish. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Roosterfish Beach Club (@roosterfishbeachclub)

Enjoy a sunset DJ session each day, after swimming in one of the loveliest beaches in South Bali, Pandawa Beach. Featuring a large swimming pool, lounge chairs, and bean bags, it’s easy to spend the day here bopping to the music and catching up with friends. 

Enjoy poolside snacks and a great selection of wine, beers, and of course cocktails. 

Location: Jl. Pantai Pandawa, Kutuh, Kec. Kuta Sel., Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia

Website: Roosterfish Beach Club

9. Tropical Temptation Beach Club

Probably one of the most striking things about Tropical Temptation Beach Club is its terrible name. Ok, the second most striking thing about TT Beach Club is its incredible infinity pool. 

The infinity pool is one of the most breathtakingly designed pools in Bali. With two intersecting pools, you can admire the superb views from its edge. That is if you’re not covered in foam from one of their legendary pool parties. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tropical Temptation Beach Club®️ (@ttbeachclub)

There are several places to reserve seating (which we recommend doing in advance), but our favorite spots are the hammock and the lagoon day bed . Make sure to order the Melasti Ocean mocktail – a perfect thirst quencher. The Bubble Gum Club is an alcoholic delight and far too drinkable. 

With its location on Melasti Beach, make sure to check its calendar for events of foam parties, DJ sets, and much more. 

Location: Melasti Beach 88, Ungasan, Kec. Kuta Sel., Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia

Website: TT Beach Club 

Whatsapp: +62 813-3875-4047

catamaran beach club bali menu

10. La Brisa Bali

The OG Instagrammer hangout for sunset watching and meeting up with new friends, La Brisa Bali has long been a firm favorite.

catamaran beach club bali menu

It has all the makings of a perfect beach bar. Reclaimed wood, fishing boats, lanterns, and a jungle-like feel encapsulate all the things that we love about Bali. Its location on Echo Beach in Canggu has cemented the community of Digital Nomads that have made this part of Bali their home. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by La Brisa Bali (@labrisabali)

With events throughout the week, La Brisa is a great place to pop down to on a Sunday when an organic Farmers Market sets up selling local produce and goods from foreigners and Balinese growers and producers. 

I’ve included it in the list of places to visit because it’s one of those places to experience a fantastic Bali sunset and the magic of this incredible island in a single place. 

For a full review of La Brisa Bali make sure to check out my post.

Location: Jl. Pantai Batu Mejan, Canggu, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia Website: La Brisa Bali

catamaran beach club bali menu

Whether you’ve made Bali your home and need a break from the coworking spaces , or you’ve just arrived for a surfing class , there are so many excellent reasons to visit Bali’s amazing beach clubs.

catamaran beach club bali menu

Meet Missy…

Missy spent the first 2 decades of her life living in her native Dublin, Ireland. Before a life living overseas called to her, and she spent the next decade living in China, Laos & Belgium. She now splits her time in Antwerp, Belgium, and wherever the sun is currently shining. You can follow Missy’s real-time travels on her Instagram .

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just curious which one you would class as more kid friendly. we will have 2x 5 years old with our group

A lot of the beach clubs in Bali, especially on the weekends (Sundays) usually have some sort of family day. I would check out Potato Head or La Brisa, as they both have shallow pools and lots of areas to run around and let off steam.

We love Potato Head and have been visiting since 2012! It has definitely got busier but still a favourite for us. Next month we are finally visiting La Brisa, can’t wait

Good to know Kate! Thanks for the update! I hear La Brisa can be quite busy these days too…

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10 Best Beach Clubs in Uluwatu Bali To Die For!

Tucked away on the very south of the island, Uluwatu is the perfect combination of breathtaking views, secret beaches, and the most serene of cliffside temples. It’s also a surfer’s paradise, home to some of the biggest and best waves on the planet.

If your idea of paradise is a little more relaxed, chilling on a daybed with a cocktail in hand, gazing into the endless blue Indian Ocean, then look no further than the pristine popular beach clubs in Uluwatu.

There’s quite a variety to choose from which can be a tad overwhelming. Luckily, after having been to a few ourselves and doing a ton of research, we’ve come up with a list of the 10 most epic Uluwatu beach clubs.

Planning A Trip To Bali Last Minute?

Make sure you book your tours, places to stay, and airport transfers ahead of time to ensure availability!

Absolute necessities in Bali:

  • Private Airport Transfer from Bali Airport To City (Super affordable!)
  • 4G Sim Card Delivery to YOUR Hotel (Must have)
  • Private Car Charter (Design your own itinerary!)
  • Scooter Rental In Bali (Delivered to your hotel!)
  • Our Favorite Travel Insurance (5% Off w/ our link!)

Our recommended tours in Bali:

  • Bali: Full-Day Instagram Highlights Tour (Perfect for social media!)
  • Bali: Mount Batur Sunrise Hike and Natural Hot Spring (Must-have experience!)

Our recommended places to stay in Bali:

  • Kastara Resort (Hotel w/ beautiful view in Ubud!)
  • Blossom Eco Luxe Villas by Ekosistem (STUNNING pool villa in Canggu!)

What Are The Best Beach Clubs In Uluwatu?

1. ulu cliffhouse.


Now, we’ve already briefly touched on the stunning views that the southern Bukit peninsula of Uluwatu offers, and for those lucky enough to be visiting Ulu Cliffhouse , I think the views here might just be the best of the lot.

Perched 100 ft up, on top of a typically rocky Balinese clifftop, guests can admire the jaw-dropping views while lounging in the pool. This famous beach club specializes in performances from world-famous DJs , delicious drinks and even better food.

It has a chilled-out vibe with its swaying palm trees and thatched bungalows , perfect for a day to enjoy the nice weather and scenery. Compared to some of the other beach clubs in Bali, Ulu Cliffhouse feels less pretentious.

That’s not to say you can rock up straight off of the beach in a tank top and flip-flops though, a tidy yet casual dress code is enforced at all times, so do make a little effort if you decide to visit Ulu Cliffhouse.

Swimwear is, of course, permitted because of the stunning 25-meter infinity pool available to all visitors of the resort.

2. Sundays Beach Club

With an incredible reputation, the chilled-out family-friendly Sundays Beach Club is certainly one of the best on the island.

Hidden from sight, guests have to meander through the luxury resort of Ungasan Clifftop before traveling down the cliff face on a funicular to reach the beach club. Immaculate white sand awaits, with what must be the clearest strip of the Indian Ocean, just waiting for you to dive in.

As it’s part of the six-star Ungasan Clifftop Resort, Sundays Beach Club have world-class cuisine. Grilled over a woodfire, freshly caught Barramundi, Snapper, and Lobster are all on offer as are salads and poke bowls for those counting the calories.

Sit by the beach bonfires with a creative cocktail, or there are even milkshakes and mocktails for non-drinkers and children, while you listen to live music and DJs. Guests also get complimentary use of a variety of water equipment like kayaks, snorkels, and paddleboards.

Now, this does come at a cost, however, and entrance fees are on the pricey side. For a day pass, it’ll cost you 650k IDR per adult to enter, though this does include 400k IDR worth of food and drink credit for you to use.

3. Roosterfish Beach Club


Continuing with the theme of ‘hidden’ beaches, the white sands of Pandawa Beach are absolutely stunning and certainly one of Bali’s most picturesque. Nestled in front of a magnificent limestone cliff, this strip of coastline is home to the Roosterfish Beach Club .

Boasting a colossal pool overlooking the ocean, a live DJ performance at sunset, bamboo cabanas, and plenty of comfy sun loungers and bean bags, the atmosphere of this Uluwatu beach club is very inviting.

Head down to the pool club early, and feast on some of the delightful breakfast options including Uluwatu breakfast burritos, duck waffles, and for those a little more adventurous, local delicacies like seafood porridge and Bali’s famous Nasi Goreng.

Kids are more than welcome at Roosterfish Beach Club. They pride themselves on its ‘Sunday Funday’ where every Sunday from 10 AM – 7 PM a huge foam party happens, complete with games and picture opportunities for the kids.

There are no entrance fees at Roosterfish Beach Club which is great. However, there is a minimum spend if you would like to use certain facilities such as bean bags, sun loungers, and daybeds.

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4. Palmilla Bali Beach Club

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Newly opened, this is one boutique beach club that certainly has that exclusive feel to it. Smaller than some of the others on the list, we think this actually adds to the overall vibe of Palmilla .

Gorgeous wooden exteriors make way for one of the most beautiful infinity pools in Bali perched just above the beach, sun lounger, and daybeds.

For those wanting to relax on the charming, golden sands of Melasti Beach, it’s incredibly easy to access. Scenic swings and hammocks have been placed throughout the beach club too, meaning you’ve got an incredibly Instagrammable location for the day.

The friendly staff at Palmilla Bali Beach Club is another highlight. There’s always a smile on their faces and nothing is ever too much trouble. You’ll notice them hard at work throughout the day, constantly cleaning tables, surfaces and serving you food and drinks (which, by the way, is magnificent).

There’s an entrance fee of 150k IDR at Palmilla, though it comes with a complimentary drink or popcorn. There is also minimum spending when it comes to using their facilities, which means your bill can add up!

But for the laid-back atmosphere on one of the best beaches in Uluwatu, it is a reasonable price to pay! Oh, and did we mention, the sunsets here are also some of the best on the island? A must for your Bali itinerary .

5. Savaya Bali

Chances are if you’ve been in Bali for any period of time, you’ll have heard people talking about Savaya . It is one of the beach clubs I’ve been to Bali that I’ll never forget.

Think Ibiza superclub , mixed with unparalleled views of the Indian Ocean amongst the thick Indonesian jungle, and the elegance and grandeur that comes with being one of the leading beach clubs in Uluwatu.

The atmosphere is nothing short of electric, created by world-renowned DJs and musicians playing regular slots, and also the stunning scenery and first-class facilities guests have access to.

A gorgeous infinity pool wraps around the outer edge of the club like a snake, complete with a swim-up pool bar.

Now, who doesn’t love a swim-up bar?

Savaya Bali also offers its guests some of the finest cuisines on the island, from fresh calamari, toasted sourdough sandwiches, sets of delectable beef sliders, and even a sharing platter of quality seafood. The drinks are superb too, with well-known favorites on offer as well as some intriguing tiki-style cocktails.

Prices are about average considering Savaya’s status as one of the best beach clubs in Bali and early bird tickets cost 150k IDR. The minimum spending for daybeds though is an eyewatering 5 million IDR. Also, if there are events at Savaya, which they often do, expect to pay a lot more

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6. Karma Beach Club Bali

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If supremely chilled beach vibes are what is needed after a night out, then Karma Beach Club Bali could be just what the doctor ordered.

With its entrance high up on top of the cliff, guests take the funicular down to reach the beach – a superb start to your Karma experience.

This slowly makes way for uninterrupted views of Bali’s most spectacular private beach cove , where the plushest of bean bags, day beds, and sun loungers are exclusively for guests.

As a family-friendly resort, there are plenty of activities to keep busy, with water sports equipment free to use.

Karma Beach Club Bali’s island-famed Suckling Pig BBQ is also one of the highlights, as is the appetizing Mediterranean-inspired food that dominates its menu.

Fresh mezze platters, Greek salads, and a host of other mouth-watering dishes all come at reasonable prices.

Drinks are a little more expensive in comparison, with fantastic cocktails all set at 200,000 IDR ($13) and similar for single shots of spirits.

This will be on top of the beach club’s entrance fee, which reflects its private nature at 850,000 IDR . But visitors can use 350k as credit towards the use of their facility, towels, and water sports activities.

On the weekend, Karma Beach Club has events. There are live bands on Fridays, fire dancers on Saturdays, and something they call Savage Sundays (it comes with a cabaret show)!

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7. Single Fins Bali

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Opened in 20018, Single Fins is one of the oldest beach clubs in Bali. This is a slightly different option on our list, as it’s more of a sunset bar as opposed to the typical day clubs in Bali.

It is one of my favorite places to watch the sunset in Bali with a few friends, as admission is free and you only pay for your drinks.

Watch the sun dip below the Indian Ocean horizon from their infinity pool with an ice-cold cocktail in hand while listening to live musicians and international DJs! It is an experience in Bali you won’t forget!

If you’re feeling a little peckish, whether it’s lunch or dinner, the chefs at Single Fins have crafted a sizeable menu featuring Western favorites like tacos, quesadillas, and fresh woodfired pizza alongside Asian delicacies like Nasi Goreng, Tempe Thai salad, and satay.

There’s no entrance fee which means you can enjoy the Single Fin atmosphere even if you’re traveling Bali on a budget ! If you are looking for a lively day club to dance and party, then come to Single Fins on Sundays when they have international DJs and live acts!

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8. El Kabron Bali


If you’re longing for a splash of Spanish cuisine on the island of Bali, there’s no place more worthy than El Kabron .

Freshly caught seafood, tapas dishes rivaling those found on the streets of Andalusia, and deep orange sunsets to die for, all come together to create a one-of-a-kind Mediterranean restaurant-cum-beach club experience.

If El Kabron couldn’t be luxurious enough, for those wanting something extra special the Hedonism Lounge boasts a wondrous infinity pool complete with lush day bed s, and best of all, several sofas on the specially built sunset decking.

Entrance to the day club itself is completely free, as long as you comply with the relevant minimum spend rules depending on where you sit.

📚 Read More: Best Beach Clubs In Canggu

9. Tropical Temptation

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Managed by the renowned Inivie Hospitality Group, Tropical Temptation Beach Club is one of the highest-quality beach day clubs in Uluwatu.

Its beautiful Mediterranean decor harmonizes with the surrounding natural environment, creating a venue that is both elegant, visually stunning, and comfortable.

Situated on Melasti Beach, guests can have breathtaking cliffs and scenic ocean views while they sip on some of their signature cocktails . When you are ready to get wet, you can jump one of their two infinity pools, or go straight into the sea, which is no more than 100 meters away!

If you want to have a good time, Tropical Temptation has a daily DJ which always gets everyone loose and the party started!

Entry is free for Tropical Temptation Beach Club, but there is required minimum spending depending on what type of table you’ve selected. The cheapest is a barstool, which costs around 350k IDR, and the most expensive is VVIP DECK, which costs 6 million IDR!

10. White Rock Beach Club

View this post on Instagram A post shared by White Rock Beach Club Bali (@whiterockbeachclub)

White Rock Beach Club is one of the largest beachfront clubs in the South of Bali. Situated on Melasti Beach, the club features sweeping views of the Indian Ocean from every angle.

Like most beach clubs in Bali, there is no entrance fee. But depending on your seat selection, you’ll have to pay anywhere from 1 million IDR to 8 million IDR.

It might seem like a hefty price to pay, but for a multi-story beach club with incredible food and drinks and some of the best views in Bali, it’s totally worth it.

If you are sure you are going to visit White Rock Beach Club, I would recommend you reserve your seat online. The place offers a hefty discount (~50%) for those that book online in advance.

Best Uluwatu Beach Clubs Map

Uluwatu Beach Clubs FAQs

What is the best beach club for families in uluwatu, what is the best beach club in uluwatu for sunset.


Final Thoughts: Best Uluwatu Beach Clubs

With so many beach clubs in Uluwatu to choose from, selecting the perfect one isn’t so easy. We hope our guide on the best ones has helped you make your decision a little easier.

From the Spanish-inspired beach lounge in El Kabron, to one of Bali’s ultimate nightlife destinations at Savaya, all the way through to the family-friendly fun of Roosterfish, there’s something for everyone in the family!

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World Traveler, Travel Blogger, Photographer


Sean is the founder of the travel blog, LivingOutLau. He has been to over 30 countries in over 5 years of travel. Every day, he is traveling and sharing his discoveries of the world through exceptional travel guides on his blog!

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    Atlas Beach Fest, Jl Pantai Berawa No. 88, Berawa, Canggu, p. +62 361 3007 222 / WA: +62 8111 9082 168, e. [email protected]; Open daily from 10am for Atlas Beach Club, and from 9pm for Atlas Super Club. 5. La Brisa - Canggu. La Brisa brings boho beach vibes to every Bali Sunset™.

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